Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 03, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 11, Image 11

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Exact Amount Is Not Glvon Out,
but Is Thought to Bo About
The Phllndclphln.nnpld Transit Co.
tai completed the valuation of Kn'proj1
srtv, according to announcement made
odar by company officials.
Although the specific amount wag not
riven, those conversant with tranolt af
fairs say that tho system, including roll
'ng stock, power plants, and all other
nropcrty, Is worth about $200,000,000.
VAluatlon of the property was made
it the request of the Public Service
flmmlsxlon during Its recent hearings
n this city 'of the city's protest against
ie proposed Increase In rare. This ac
Ion whs taken by the commission so
hat the city might have some definite
tasls upon which to tnako its fight
igalnst higher fares. Since the nctlon
f the commission was inaugurated the
r. n. T. Co. has withdrawn its sched
ilr. nnnouncing a fare increase, but it
vill bo compelled, nevertheless, to pro
ent the valuation to the commission.
The figures presented by tho company
vlll be gone over by pxperta who will
e retained by the city. The Public
Service Commission plans to hold n
icarlnc hero within the next two weeks.
Vhllo there is now no fare increase
mestlon to he argued, tho city has
leemed It a wise precaution to take ad.
antnce of the onnortiinity to be nro-
.pnted by the hearing to get n line on
he value of tho company's plant for
isc In anv future controversy. Incl
Icntally tho examination of the com
lanv's nnnraisal of its holdings will
iiitomatically throw tho searchlight
lpon too affairs or the underlying com
panies, and Nerve to show just how
nuch of a burden these concerns arc to
he P. R. T. Co.
After these hearings arc completed the
ranslt question will bo brought beforo
he Superior Court, which will pass on
he right of the Public Service Commis
Inn to Investigate the underlying com
mnlcs directly. Some time ago tho
'uited Business Men's Association,
hrough its counsel, 0. Oscar UohbIpv,
iskfd the commission to investigate the
inderlying companies, which the com
ilalnants declared charged excessive
entals. Counsel for these companies
ontended that tho commission had no
mrifdlctlon in the case, and petitioned
he Superior Court to pass on the right
if the commission to investigate them.
Tudge Lynn granted n writ of super
sedeas, which stayed tho proceedings be
'ore the commission until thp Superior
Court decides tho question of jurisdic
Stonewall Jackson, n negro, Is being
sought by tho police, who have a war--ant
charging him with the abduction
jf his three-year-old stepson, William
Moore. The warrant was obtained by
Mrs. Jackson, 230 North Croskey street,
whojuid Stonewall lured the child nwav
last Wednesday. She told police o'f
the Fifteenth and Vine streets station
that Stonewall "ha been on a ram
page" for several weeks.
Ladle' Diamond Engagement nintr.
iandsomely carved green gold with
latlnura prongs, with fine blue whlto
irllllant diamond set high, nhowlng
t to good advantage. jen nn
a carat OU.UU
Al Store of
If you have not visited
our new store at Cor. 8th
and Chestnut Sts. since its
completion, we suggest
that you do so tho flrst
time you are in this vicin
ity. You will see here one
of the finest stores of its
kind in tho United States,
if not in the whole world.
In our Diamond Section,
for instance, you will see
the largest collection of
gems under ono roof any
where. Every grade, every
size and every cut is repre
sented, from tho most in
expensive to the rarest
and costliest gems we
have them in abundance.
The same applies to
mountings. And the
values we offer are as un
matchable today as they
always have been. Note
tho following:
14 fine pare white diamond. IT r. S-g A
'ct rut and of rood brilllancr --v
iJS diamond rlntr or cmt pin. Fine $- ft
Ine white color. lut orrfert . , . "
8S tert nine dlnm'd of exceptional QK
rlllinnoT. I'erfect cut. Fplrndld yulue
t lrht perfect white diamond. MA
UidiMf the richest brlllloiicr . "
6 encasement quality blue white IRQ
lomoml of huperb ounlltr .. t'
110 nelecfed jmJ iteel blue Hob- too
fti Victor rtlnmonil. lUire nlue ... OO
l0 flnwt qunllty Dine Weuelton fit A
amond. Abnolntelv perfect cut. . AJLtk
IM encaeniettt nnallly .Tnier - QQ
'"'r '! blue diamond em Otf
.60 eitra U'emelton bine dla. f-i QK
'ond. lSre.perfMt. Very brilliant WO ,
118 Dutollepan uhlte illumonri 0Q
!X of. "l'"onl brilllancr '0
IM HneU qualltT oteel blue IQUrT
Itera illan.nnd. Kitrn value WW
'.5, ltrtt and fUwlene pure MQ?
hlte jUamond. Intenuty brilliant tJ i
00 absolutely perfect nn.l flaw- ftrjK
7iw.blae w""Hon diamond cm O
1000 envraement quality rare IQCA
,' Vlol't. Mrel bine dlimond OOU
itM absolutely pcrf. tt flavrlex i AAA ,
ne Vc;1oii ,n. Ilflre trade XUUl,
1000 perfect and flanlee flnrM - Qr7K
r violet kteel blue diamond JLSiO
L Press & Sons
Orgari Programs nt 0,41, 4:50
Brief Selection at lllfiB, with Chlmei
nnu cirone or the Hour at Noon
k, .
WlX Sh.9
7Tf J
Glowing Autumn Fashions and Low Prices Make Wanamaker sij
Down Stairs Store a Fine September Shopping Place
White Tub Silk Blouses
Blouses of this typo are wonderfully Hntlnfactory in every par
ticular. Thcy'ro comfortable to wear, look well, are easily waahed and
ironed and wear a remarkably long time.
Four now modols in medium-weight white tub silk have arrived
for Fall. Ono haa box pleats, another showB fine tucking and there oro
examples of thrco kinds of collars the two-in-one, tho collar with tho
long points or tho square neck. $4.90.
Jolly Plaid Skirts
Are An Autumn Inspiration
Who could help walking with a brisker stop or playing a better
game of golf in a skirt liko ono of these?
They're gay ond delightful and softly pleasant to the touch. A
knife-pleated skirt of velour in brown ond bluo plaids is topped with
a leather belt. $15.
A gathered skirt in block plaids of French blue, brown or green,
combined with a darker tono is $12.75.
Quito inexpensive is a skirt of checked velour in ton-and-black
or bluc-and-black at $4.75.
A Serge Skirt With New Pleats
is in navy blue. A wide pleat alternates with a group of six tiny
pleats all tho way round. Fino French sergo is used in tho making
and tho serge belt is fastened with a buckle. $12.75.
Black Baronet Skirts
have been much asked for of late. This model is quite simple, with
slip pockets, and is marked $12.75. ,
In extra sizes this skirt is $15.
Now for a New Frock !
The brisk air of September
has set women thinking of
now dresses and they'ro a
very pleasant subject this
year. Pleasant because they
are so pretty and their prices
so moderate.
Wool jersey frocks are
among those oftenest asked
for. A number of different
models have arrived during
the past week in soft shades
of brown and tan and bo
coming blues. They are gen
erally braided or embroidered
in wool or silk. $19.25,
$22.50 and $23.50.
Satin dresses, gleaming
and lovely, are $15, $16.60,
$22.50 to $55.
Tricotine and serge dresses
are smartly tailored and
marked at $10, $13.25, $16.50
to $55.
Special at $39.25
Sample dresses of satin
crepe embroidered in beads
or trimmed with Georgette
bands; tricotine frocks,
braided or embroidered in
silk or beads; dresses of embroidered mignonette or of Poiret twill
embroidered or beaded. These are handsome gowns and there are
but few of a kind.
Georgette Dresses, Special at $39
All are of excellent quality, in navy blue, embroidered with beads
in several designs.
Of the many thousand voile dresses of the Summer, there
are now left but four racks, and prices are $1, $2 and $3.
At $6.50 small sizes in a few odd dresses of crepe de chine,
taffeta, Georgette and tricolettc some of them mussed.
At $15 about 40 dance frocks of tulle in pastel tints and beaded
Georgette dresses in light bluo or Copenhagen.
(Murket) ,
UOOL-AND-FIBER rugs, 9x12 feet, are special at
$12.50. They are figured and are in tones of tan,
red, blue or green. (Chestnut)
Women's Long Gloves
of Chamois-Lisle
Appropriate for street and everyday wear, the chamois-lisle gloves
of tho better quality look much liko leather, yet are easily freshened
with good soap and water. They aro cut to fit as snugly and smoothly
as leather gloves.
A twelve-button-length glove with plain stitching on tho back is
in white, mastic or modo. $2 a ppir.
A twelve-button-length glove that is half-pique sown is made with
an English thumb. It is in white or pongee with spear-point stitching
on the back. $2.25 a pair.
Sixtcen-button-length gloves in white, or cafe au lait aro
half-pique sewn and have English thumbs nnd spear-point stitching.
$2.60f a pair.
Strap-Wrist Gloves
of chamois-lisle are in mastic or modo at $1.50 a pair.
Excellent New Autumn
Suits at $25
Two new suita at this price oro of goldtono or silvertono in navy,
brown or Pekin. Tho jackets aro trimmed with buttons and have narrow
belts; they also have flowered linings. One stylo is sketched.
Jersey Sporta Suits at $25
Heather jersoy in brown, tan, green and bluo tones is used and
tho suits aro well tailored, showing variety in the pockets and belts.
Two New Silvertone
One is skotched, at $39. It
is in Pekin blue and has a
sealcno collar nnd is trimmed
with bands of scalene.
Tho other, in navy or
brown, has a rucked Jacket
with a large sealcno collar.
Both are Hnod with pretty
Fur-Trimmed Suits
of duvet do laino, llama cloth,
flne velour and silvertono nro
beautifully tailored nnd lined
nnd are trimmetVwith bcavor.
nutria, squirrel, Australian
opossum nnd near seal. Prices
range, $35, $39 to $110.
Tailored Suits
2K nro oi mannisn serge, trico-
tine, silvortono, goldtono and
iirninvr jcrjiey oi CieanCUt
lines that are very smart.
$29. $32 to $75.
WIJBJII sp"' 7
v 1
$39 urnpr9 vwii
Opening a New Room of
$5 Hats
In the Down Stairs Store
This season ono of the largest of the Down Stairs Millinery Salons will be
given over to hats which will be marked five dollars. Conditions have made it pos
sible to get really charming hats to sell at this price; prettier and smarter than we
have had for a long time. All through the season these assortments' will be kept up,
so that you may be sure of finding at any time wearable, fashionable hats for this
small sum.
Hundreds of New Hats
are ready for tomorrow, and you will be pleasantly surprised by their becomingness
and their quality:
soft hats of colored velvets, with brims that can be bent the way you like
them best;
hats of duvetyne combined with hatters' plush ;
hats with wings or a bit of tinsel;
hats with panne velvet crovvns and upturned brims which are faced with
glossy feathers.
In a word, hats of every type that is fashionable this season. And every one
is markid $5.
Hair Nets at $1
a Dozen
Both cap and fringe nets are in
black and various shades of
' (Cheitnnt)
Women's Fine Silk
Black, navy, white and cor
dovan stockings of excellent qual
ity silk are full fashioned, well re
enforced and have mercerized
tops. $2.25 a pair.
Fresh Gingham
House Dresses, $3.85
In clear checks of light bluo,
navy, pink or tan or in multi
colored plaids there nro pretty
houso frocks mado with bodices
that end in sashes. Some aro
trimmed with rlcrac braid and all
of. them have pockets.
Crepe Kimonos, $2
Printed Japanese crepe kimonos
nro special at this price. They
are in white grounds with small
Erintcd figures of blue and are
ound with plain white crepe
Fragrant Talcum, 10c
Refreshing and soothing whlto
violet talcum is worth buying in
quantities 'at 10c a can.
Pound cans of good talcum
powder In rose, trailing arbutus
or corylopsis aro 20c a can.
Children's Sturdy
Stockings, 40c a Pair
Serviceable school stockings aro
of ribbod cotton in black in sizes
6 to 11; whito in sizes 6 to 10;
cordovan in sizes 0 to 10.
800 Corsets at $1.85
Pink coutil corsets with elastic inserts at the tops are low in
front and a little, higher in back. They are for slight to medium-stout
400 Corsets at $3.50
Good models for medium and stout figures are made of white or
pink coutil and aro well boned, yet not too heavily.
600 Bandeaux at 75c
Both plain and fancy weaves of pink material are used, and the
bandeaux, which fasten in back and have tape shoulder straps, are
deep enough to be comfortable.
Velour at $3.75 a Yard
A handsome quality for draperies and upholstering uses, it is
60 inches wide and in shades of blue, rose, green, mulberry, brown
and red.
Women's Winter Coats
Are Lower Priced This Year
and that is good news to every
body. Materials oro better, too,
and values aro thoroughly sound.
At $19 to $25, thero aro sturdy
Winter coats that aro half lined.
At $29, $32.50, $35 to $45, thero
is excellent choosing among coats
of many kinds, some of them
trimmed with fur and all of them
lined with silk.
Between $45 ond $125 you will
find tho finer coats of softer ma
terials, often trimmed handsomely
with fur.
Tho two coats that ore sketched
are $45. Tho ono on the right is
of Bolivia, either plain or in
crystal effect. Tho deep, gathered
collar is a becoming feature and
tho coat is to be nad in navy,
Pekin or tan.
Tho othor coat is of Winter
weight volour, pleated across the
back, ond topped with a wide col
lar of oealene fur. It is in black,
musketeer bluo or reindeer.
$45 4S I $45
4000 Pair of Women 's Pumps
Reduced to $2.60 a Pair
Many of These Were at Least Twice This Much)
Women who look ahead will buy two or three pair of these pumps, for not
until ntSctsairi Wrn Winter with spats, but they can be put away
i Ti1lr-ei!ire vM2 P11"8,' one-eyelet ties and instep ties with turned or welted
soles and high or medium heels. They are of
Patent Leather j
Black Calfskin White Canvas
Of course, thero are not all sizes in every style.
Women's New High Shoes, $4.80
Unusually good value, as these shoes regularly sell for more than this in the
wholesale murket. They are of black calfskin, or of patent leather with dull tops!
The lines aro slender and graceful, soles are welted and heels are high and curved
and of leather.
Little Girls' School Shoes
Dark tan leather shoes, of sturdy character, lace high and have wpltrH nnin
and comfortably wide toes. Sizes 7 to 2 at $4.25 to $5.25lpS according L si e
Dull black leather Iaco shoes, in sizes 7 to 2, are $3.50 to $4.75
Bta V WfcS to $0batthC'' r f P"tont 'enlhCr Wlth di" " " '"
A Clearaway of 100
Men's All-Wool Suits at $20
d and '
These ore odds nnd ends of lines unlrl rlnu-n to l.wn or
but every suit is a eood Wanamaker suit, all-wool, well tnllored
of jrood fit. Thev aro all mixed cheviots nnd most nf them nm. half.
lined with mohair.
A1J sizes from 34 to 42 $n tho lot, but not in every kind.
All-Wool Overcoats at Savings
$29 and $36.50
Of heavy overcoatings in mixtures and plaidc, they aro double
breasted ulstcrettes of Bound value quarter linings, all scama piped,
etc. Sizes from 34 to 38, inclusive.
(Gallery. Market)
Flannel Shirts for Sportsmen
Part-wool shirts in shades of gray aro $3.75 and $4.25. A heavier
weight with more wool is in navy bluo or gray at $5.
White Madras Shirts, $3
The material is of a good, firm quality and tho shirts have soft
(Oallfry, Market)
I AST call for men's straw hats. Some good ones are
now marked $1 ; leghorns and panamas are now $2.
(Gallery, Market)
Boys' (Corduroy School Suits
to lb Years, $lZ.7t M
Mothers know that thoro Is nothincr liko cordurov for war. TTiu ',L
suits are in the natural drab shade which Is tho best and aro md''A
with single-breasted coats which have box-pleated backs and wlaln! -
Tho knickers aro lined throughout.
(Gallery, Market)
Shoes for the School Boy
Must Be Sturdy and Sound
and that's the kind of shoes you will find in the Juvenile Shop on tho i
Market Street Gallery, Down Stairs Store. Everybody who knows
boyB knows that they can wear out shoes in a minimum length of
time, but these shoes were built with that in mind and they will last
as lone as can be reasonably expected nerhaDs a little loneer. i"
Good school shoes of tan or black leather are Blucher cut and V
have round toes for comiort. in sizes 10 to 13 at 54.75 and $5.50.
Another good black shoo in the same sizes can bo had for S5. ?,
A dark tan leather shoe that is somewhat better is $5.90.
Special at $3.50 tan leather blucher shoes with round toes and'
low heels nre in sizes 10 to 13. tt
(OoUerr, Market) J''
Pink or White
, Envelope
Chemises, $1.50
Half a dozen styles in these
pretty chemises of sheer batiste
ond all with ribbon shoulder
straps. Most of them have a
spray or garland of embroidery
done in pastel-tinted threads.
Bloomers, $1.25
They aro open at the knees and
oro finished with a lace-edged
scallop. Elastic gathers the
Corset Covers, 65c
Sheer and dainty, these aro
trimmed with laces or with good
embroidery. Plenty of other
styles at 75c to $1.60.
New French
SI to SI. 75 a Yard
"They're fascinatinci" So onat
woman exclaimed, looking thejn$?,'
uvur una iryjng 10 cnoose. itvl
Tho exquisitely fine meshes and "l?
me cnenuie aots in various sizes
make the veilings interesting, in
deed. There aro white, flesh, '
taupe and brown veilings with
black dots and castor with brown:
also plain black, brown, navy and ")
Chiffon Veils
Special at $1
In block, novy, brown, taupe,
gray, green, rose, plum, sand,
emerald or purple, most of them '
aro bordered and havo hem
stitched ends.
School Clothes for the
Daughter of the House
Middles! New white jean middy blouses, with generous black
tips, have smart turned-up hems and are trimmed with pearl buttons.
Sizes 12 to 18 years. $3.
New Regulation Dresses
Two-pieco regulations of fine cadet bluo gingham, trimmed with
white braid ond black ties, are in sizes 12 to 16 years at $6.76. Ono
is sketched.
Other cadet blue regulations, in side-pleated and box-pleated
models, Bizes 8 to 14 years, are $5 to $6.50.
New Plaid Skirts
Yes, almost everything is new! Theso separate skirts for Junior
girls ore of plaids and of navy serge in various models. $8. $8.75
and $9.50.
A cadet blue gingham
skirt is pleated and there
is a white middy blouse to
go over it, trimmed with
collars and cuflfs to match
tho skirt. Sizes 6 to 14
years, $6.75.
Navy Serge Frocks
at $13.25
The stylo is sketched and
you will see that tho bodice,
the pockets and the cuffs are
embroidered with wool.
Sizes 10 to 16 years.
Hundreds of School
Gingham in a great vari
ety of models $3 to $0.75.
Middy blouses in many
styles $1.75 to $3.25.
Serge, taffeta and crepe
do chine frocks for juniors
$17.25, $23.50 to $33.50.
l $6,7S
$13.25 V j
v mm
Navy Taffeta
At $2.75 a Yard
It is 86 inches wido and a good
At $3.50 a Yard
Taffeta, 35 inches wide, is in
gray, old rose, dark Belgian,
shades of brown.
Striped Taffeta for Skirts
$2.65 a Yard
Tho various stripes, manv
Uicm aro satin stripes, are on gaj
net, gray, tan, rose, green, blj
purple or wistaria taffeta,
inches wide.
Special at 50c
New white pique collars and
sets, sheer white organdio collars
and sets, collars of imitation
Veniso and Van Dyck point col
lars aro included.
New Autumn Neckwear
at $1
Tho dark dresses and suits need'
just such fresh whiteness to give
them tho correct touch of crisp
finish. There aro collars of lmi
tntion Veniso, roll collars of lace,
pique collars and sets, net collars
w sets, ana collars, vehtcea nnd
' A-
or. 8th and Chestnut Sts.
o2ilS!,Het ni 1017 Mrket Bt.
ouui vi urgnnaie.
(Central) .
j' iii -n. ;, i
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aT'...H!v.v, ' hfj&UtL&rt iiMSSi
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