1 ' itpwppji i Pfsf 7: ty wppwTw Jwytf t-'' "' v wiprwmr&ff ljpm glLMLilMWw; M, ?' mpt.4 . -. .'vi A h iKtkim! .t- o u ' M 4 it i" :. six?,, ,i jIaV .w; " T ; tW, X-1 lii-ejiuft TT .-! X. ' n"w jV , Vi 'i." i VJ iuilli.. J. Ul J - - J ' 111 I in TiKHTA. ;&y, 1(- L - "r )n r- I- r 1 s-y.rj. u.) il 'J'l . imyr u9 r J ,j.t r - JBACK FIELD DAY IT 1 t .i. " (. at to Every Unit In County Mako History of Evont 1 1 September 18 art ITE MANY CLUBS E?$fjNMt,t Of ViHv K.W LSartJemtjr tost of the American Lglon 'iSiiwf Urged lftst night at an enthusiastic the I'hliadeinnta county committee In the, Cham ber of Commerce aescro bljr room. Wldcnor Building, to give Itn earnest support to tne Field Dar on rrftnkiln Field, September 18, no that this event mar bo t'of the mllcbosU In the Mntorr of the SV ,V World war veternns' organization. unfa Edward J. Kocllsted, chairman of the ' MM i tnen and public-spirited cltltcm t arv pacKinK uic prujcvi. wiiuivhcuucv- Tho marathon prize, challenge cuos. other cum nnd medals, valued nt S? nearly 34000. arc being contributed I'M $' largely by persons nnd business eitab- Kf 1ishinonta Interested In tho Legion. K . "I really think." explained Chairman Xotllsted, "from what I havn heard throughout the city, that this event will kelp more than nn thing that ha bceu done to put the Legion on the map. It If advertising the Philadelphia posts In new Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware nnd many other states. In- LY .Titatlons to participate have been sent eventy-elKht athletic clubs Between i lUils city nnd Heading, as well as to 140 1 lubs In New York nnd other cities." 1' William J. Murdock, tho state adju tant.1 representing tho Department of ' Penniylyanla. has Indorsed the project and has Impressed upon all posts the ii , Bortance of retting bhlnd the more- liOY TIED.TO BED fOR YEAft Mother ,pf Mute Attlo Vlotlm Com mltted to Jail In Reading Heading, !., Bept. 2. An eleven year old boy tied to a bed in an attic for a year haa been discovered by the Berks County Humane Society, and his mother, Mrs. Story Jones, has been committed to Jail on a charge of cru elty. The child has seen daylight only through chinks In rough boards nallrd across a window. Ho was tied to an Iron bed with a heavy rope, which al lowed him to get Into bed and near the window. He is unable to speak, but is capable of understanding. The mother rents out rooms in tho house. The boy will be sent to an Institution, ns his father Is unknown. "OULD SOD" YIELD8 QOLD London, Sept. 2. (By A, 1'.) Ac cording to an Athlone dispatch in this morning's newspapers American mining engineers have discovered gold deposits in the hills near Horselenp, County Westtncath, Ireland. DANNUNZIO D ECISO A IMRFIIIMF 7 I Human! Avrebboro Acoolto Froddamonto II Proclama della Costituzione dol Nuovo Stato Publish. nn1 DMrllnited Under lTlMtT MO. 341. Authofli.il by the act of OctoW, 0, ins roMonic oi l'nua- I SIT, on hi at llpht. r. A fi, IltmLKBrtN. Postmaster General. Lnndrn, 1 settembre. Un dlspacclo nU'ttxcnanitc Telearapn d noma nn nunzla chc II alornale "II Popolo Itomano" mibbllca la notlsln che Uabrlcle D'AnnunzIo nvrebbo dectso ell abbandonaro la cuta' di tiumo nerche disappuntato dalla fredda nccogljenza neat. Seven hundred posters hrve been ? placed throughout the city nnd 700 more will bo put up before the meet. I ' ?aul J. McOahan. of Harry II. In I (MtoU Post, No. 174. reported that 2M ' it the C02 posts in the statn have rati t fed the new state constitution. It Is 5i antielpatod that the requisite two-thirds saf the posts will hovo approved tho docu went by September HI. Immediately after, the ratification Dnvld J. Davis, the department commander, ulll an nounce the twenty-four district depu ties; thfsc deputies will comprise the Tsew state executive committee. The eommander 111 call n meeting of this committee shortly thereafter to outline Ae work of the Legion lenders In the state. No hint has been received as to t fat name of the lcglonnlre who will be chosen to" preside over the city of Phil adelphia. Post commanders nnd adjutants of the Legion posts attended the county meeting last night for the first time. They showed a keen concern in the wel fare of the organization. Among the commanders were John J. Foran. of the Thomas T. Emery Post, No. 220. Manayunk; Isidore BayUon. Prince yorbes. No. 7 : John F. Clayton, Wil Ham P. Roche Post. No. 21 ; Miss Mar- Kwt C. Thomas. Yeomen (F) Post No. , and William H. Creamer. Jr.. of Joseph Fawcett Delink Post, No. 105. Miss Anna V. Edmonds, adjutant of Yeomen (F) Post, stated that the post i wilt llaely receive the distinction of being the eighteenth or nineteenth in the United States to havo adopted a French orphan. It already stands at the top of the list of Pennsylvania posts in this respect. Walter M. Gearty Post, No. 315. of which David B. Simpson Is commander, will meet tonight in the First Itegi tnent Armory, Broad nnd Callowhill itreets. It will consider the feasibility (Of adopting the, new rititnl. Like many other posts, it is in n quandary as to whether or not present quarters nrc adequate for the carrying out of the t ritual. SAVES PHILADELPHIA GIRL Matilda Schoenert Almost Lost In Niagara Falls'Whlrlpool Miss Matilda Schoenert. of this city, was rescued from almost certain death In the whirlpool rapids below Niagara Falls yesterday by George W. Dunn, f Montreal. Miss Schoenert, who formerly lived at 1910 East Wlshart street, was n- pas- v?fnger on n gorge trolley, which was blocked by n nuge rocic. wnu otucr E'l . fnr along the edge of tho rapids when ' f she fell. it,w She clung to n rock nt the stream s ai;e, kdoui iiiiccii xcci. uciuw wit' iruchN. ( but tho strong current forced her to yield ber hold and she was just being rtwept away when Dunn sprang to her assistance and grnbbed her arms. j His hands were badly cut where he fell after bis jump, but hi held on un til other passengers clambered down and aided him to draw Miss Schoenert back to snfetj. She Is suffering from shock. t V CORNS & CALLUSES f HmiOTMl In l J5? FIVE DAYS ABBOTT'S PLASTER ciuhi no lnconvenlnc. No trnublo to wr uhrt while ualnir. Onlr 3 4rt n.!Kjl. Very thin medicated plneter. I'rlee 10a A Z3r All Drur Storri nr by Mall. AIHOTT KEMKOIKH CO. QOth "J Olranl Att.. I'hlliMlHnhla .4 OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EQUAL TO KEW reconstructed upholtrrci nnd polished $15 5 Finrt -class work xuaranteed. Slip covers mode to order. W carry a large stock of upholstery y materials, selltne at wholesals Diicea. K AMERICAN UPHOLSTERY CO. I .OUi "d I.iU'i'eet Heaie "f lis Kln4 At- A.L Ci a Writ or Phon )Uf vrcu ourei Market I A OVO XCU oucci Market 1608. p I10ISTAIIATI0N ahd ReSr''V0RK r , I COVtMINS THS (NTIRt rtRLoor I' fe I MCCHAHicAkWUieMtNTroaauiuxHas j OUR 41 YEARS' "If 1 EXPERIENCE ,3( I tn Bclectlnc and instolllnft I flr I fl00 P'nnt hax taunht ua HL ' i I raany thlngrn we did not K pU know at the start. Thla HK,' ti.M valuable Iraowledge la in inn pfi tho "SerTlc?" We 8el1 to wm Full of Food Value Nourishing, ready-cooked, economical. A sugar saver, because GrapeNuts contains its own sugar "VbiiU enjoy the convenience and the sweet, appealing fla vor of this wheat and bar ley food. Kl.9imiMViMVViWJA.ujA.Kin.i.vjm.mMiKv,im,,A!vjM9mi da parte, dl tiuelia clttadfrifthxft nt suo proclnma per In costltoalono della "lleg- Senxd Itallana del Quarncro," un nooto tatd che aVrebbe compreso- la citta' dl Flume ed.nlcuno Isole dell'Adriatlco. (La hofitln dl cut sopra o In aperta contradislono con quelta giunta lerl e doe' cbo la pfoclnmaalono della coitl ttitlone del ntlovo Stato, che doyrebbe deciders le sortl dl Flume e laeelare ftdlto alia futurna annesilone al Regno d'ltalla, era atatn nccolta con gronde enttlslasmo dal flumanl, N. d. Il) TtAmn. 1 sfttcmbro. II Olornalc d'ltnlln nhnuntln che I mcmbrl del Uabinetta nOn sarebbero d'necordo ul la soltiilone dclln questlono Adriatica. Sccondo II detto glornnle nlciltil tnlnUtrl anrebbero favorevoll alia pro clamatlono dell'lndlpendcnrj dl Flume, splegaddo tuttn la Inlluensa dlplomfltlca dell'Italln per far si che lo nitre Natlonl riconoscano 1L nuovo Stnto dl Flume. Altrl Mlolstrl sArebbcro Inveco propcnsl . lilMuilklJ AnNMa1ttJk nl I FlbmcnirilnllA o ft fan lu camblo la l)almaia ana jtiKosiavia. Lpr0poU della cesslonftdelly ,Dal; tnaaia. sempro bcvuiiuu y-"-.-r d'lulia, sarebbo atata respinU o miggloranta del Gablnetto h flducl che la Francla o ringhlltcrra dlano 11 loro nppoggio per un auovo accordo aul .uklm.. ilnlrAdrlatlco. . , Oorrc voce ehc, per Information! da fonte notoreTOle, II Qorerno Itallano, vtsto U ImpossibllltA dl trattatlje fruttuose con la Jugoslavia, arrebbc 11 masslnma declso. dopo 11 Mnj Luccrna. dl anpllcare nteKr",lnc.nrtl " l'atto dl Londra, proclamando Imme dlatamcnte l'autonomln della Dal maIa. .. , In. nuanio nno , som u lascerebbc the la cltla' proclaml la sua SSncn.leiiM. L'anuunrio ufflc ale pet Una declslone, nel ieosl dl cul eopra, ntrerreooe "" a M ' 4 ii I hm H BPI II II rginiB,! vPHBaaaK PiW LaflBiafeaJ LBlBa, BiaHatSaLataflHHHkaiA rrtvwwrnn I fll flaaraflafflTvlHaV B AftSM HmfmiWm9W9'W'9mWmim JASCO A5CO AvJj ITfwri Ba ift3 v aO IMIBIIKaiWP k t ., v: One -Day Outings From Philadelphia . $1.50 Seashore - - ATLANTIC CITY. OCKAN CTTT, WIMWOOD. CAVK MAY . EVERY DAY Until flrotembCT U. InclSalre. Krerr fiundr ThMfter, War Tx ! Iut Cheflnut and Houth Bl. FerrVft 7.00 A. M, n sn k, m. fur Onan city. wlldwnM and car ." (or Atlantlo City; innrrinvit. raint.v h.tt.u and flouth Bt. Perries 7.J0 A.M. stw.'..w.. ...,. !,'-: j----- . -.,i., ii. ciiyi raturninv en 8undr. Atlantic City Labor Day, Sept alia Labor Day, 0 onlr. 8.1s r, Sept.. tlantlc City 0.1B T. t. La. ocean ! 4. r Atunilj-w. rn l.lir. ,, .lnw .... -.. lear ape May, New York - - - - $3.00 WBVT STTWnAY. SEPT. 5TII "War Ta A.J. fcW.-.--f rf -- 8r-lal Train leave nadln Te; Ave.. Huntingdon St., Warns iunotl A.t..l IM i. M. Ion. Lotan and Jen' toppl ikln(o Ins at Columbia own. neturnlna? lv. N' w York. W.t23d Bl.. T.B0 r. &!&,JS"?r,flV ISi R illar Eiourilona September it and October 8. IT and ai. Mauch Chunk - - $3.00 EVERY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY War Tax i September 12. to Sunday. October (Commencln" Sunday, Al. Ineluflve.) tiMl1 train 1aava iteadlna' pins at Columbia Ave.. ItuntTncdon Ixtran and jenaintown. O 00 r. M. Philadelphia & Rcadlnfr Railway eaves Iteadln Terminal 5 00 A. neturnlng- leaves Mauch Chunk M.. lop- Junrtlon bunuiu 3 JaajLJ'.' ": " kvJRMXk$tr-ft5' m tri "11 It We know manufacturing as well as factory building It requires a thorough knowledge of manufacturing to produce a modern industrial plant of utmost efficiency. Factories are too often planned and constructed by men who know BUILDINGS but do not know MANUFACTURING. But factories are buildings only secondarily. They are primarily super-machines whose first and most important function is the efficient production of goods with greatest profit to the owner. These are the kinds of factories we build, BECAUSE WE ARE SKILLED IN THE MOST MODERN METHODS OF PLANT OPERA TION AS WELL AS PLANT CONSTRUCTION. During the 56 years of our career as industrial constructors, we have planned, built and equipped many factories in a hundred different lines of industry. Our experience in solving the building problems of so extensive and varied a manufacturing clientele is the foundation of our present service to the manufacturers of Philadelphia. We have proven time and again our ability to decrease production tost and increase production capacity by our improved methods of rout ing materials, laying out machinery, co-ordinating departments, selecting and installing power and planning every detail of the great super-machine which converts raw materials into the finished product. If you are a manufneturerthinking of building, rebuilding or adding to your plant, consult us. We shall be glad to prove to you the value of our services without obligating you in any way. A phone call or a letter is sufficient introduction for an interview. Here are the names of a few firms for whom Wm. Steele & Sons Co. is at present planning, designing or building industrial plants: ( fi'i i' $ Folwell Bros. Drueding Bros. Collins & Aikman Co. Bofjer & Crawford Co. Commercial Truck Co. Link Belt Co. Steel Heddle Mfg. Co. "Glllender & Sons, Inc. Friedberger Aaron Mfg. Co. Electric Storage Battery Co. u r WM. STEELE & SONS CO. Architects : Engineers : Constructors PHILADELPHIA TORONTO 11 jj EsTfl -JS '$. l.v ''" l.r 3&2.U EKU& mz& A 3 C O A S 2 O A S c o A S C K ! O A S o A S s A S c s c o A S c 0 U c o A s c o I o A s c o A s ,c -. A It's like Living in the Country nrn.. .ii..... j- r im1 Ufa Kan nAOM rtn rlnnn uatice. Out there in tho open apace, a man's soul can expand as he drinks In God'a pure air and feasts on nature bounties direct from her vast storehouse. We are not all fortunate. enough to live in tho country, but through tho American 'Stores Company's Producer-to-Consumer Plan, everyone can emoy almost the same benefits as the farmer derives from being near the source of sup ply of his table needs. We bring tho farm products direct from tho farm to your tabloJ-which means fresh foods at lower prices. The only thing the mid dleman" usually succeeds in accomplishing is to make the goods mort expensive when they reach your table because of the unnecessary profit, he has added on. Our Producer-to-Consumer Plan works equally well In all other lines of groc eries. We are the connecting link between your table and the actual producer the farmer, the miller, tho caniter, the packer. . That we are saving the public money by this Plan is reflected In the lower prices at which groceries are selling in all the "Asco" StoreB, in the four States covered by bur System. Give this a thought What wouM groceries be costing today were It not for the American Stores Co.7 . I -. They Couldn't Understand It ! Many imi. who are itrr p.rucoiB irtMd and drflfhted wben thcr drank t rhty had not bcllertd It poulblu for io good. "Asco" Blend Many folk, wbo are ytrr particular abont their coffee irero enr. prtaca and dollttated when they drank tneir nrei cup or -amo- w. They had not bellerrd It poielblo for ,a coffM 0 low la price to b COFFEE lb. "Tho Dlrat Oop CenTlncet "Asco" Blend Teas'"-45' Potir aellchtful blende Fltln Black, Mixed. India Ceylon and Old Country ttyle. AJSargainI Pat-A-Cake Flour A popular labor aarer at a bargain price! Juit add water and bake. 25' Sursrlte the folki with a dellctoui cake, topped ofl with tbli dellcloua Icing Zatek Cake Icing, pkg, 20c . U.S. Govt. ' Bacon ib 24c ( (12-lb can $2.50) Take adrantaae of thli bargain price nnd are youreflf aomf money. Govt. Corned Beef can 22c It will pay yon to buy your full TVlnUr re 's, qulrementa at thla bargain prleal . Best NeVv-White Potatoes 14 bus. (30 lbs) 90c Vinrrrrrrrr.nr'irrnr,rnm'y,1 lrrr1V'ryVrVnlnnffr,rVrV'Y' Like the Nuggets of '49 "LouMla" la nil bnttr. a pure and golden ai the nnggrla mat matie men toaa away tneir Anyone who haa ertr tinted any otner butter. vby7 H Urn bn6k In the dAra of '19. Louella" Is oarer satlifled with 2fa? lb Butter RICHLAND BUTTER ib 4' A pure crramery print butter, eerond only to our famoua "Louelia." o!d Seal" Eggs canon 6Sp Selected Eggs Dozen Twelre good egga in every aoxen. Finer egga were nertr laid. 62c Ca, - I Hcan 8C Shad f (Regular prico 12c) uire ine The flneat fleh yon erer tasted, S. folks a treat. Get a can today. Onrregnlar c0im Af1 reduced lo 4 Q aJuimuil canJLVJ r,irvvrvnnrr,r'vnryvy,i r " 19c Pink aJuiuavu can OIto the folks a treat to Salmon Croquettes made with our Best Head nice. Vnncy Head Jllce, lb., 18 ) A Few Suggestions for Your Labor Day Outing Waxed Lunch Paper 6 rolls, 25c Calif. Tuna Fish Vi-lb. can, 20c Choice Sardines can, 5c Potted Meats can,6c-10c Rich Creamy Cheese lb., 33c Franco-American Potted Beef,canl4c Prepared Mustard glass, 7c American Maid Catsup . . .bot., 17c Mammoth Queen Olives, .big bot. 33c Stuffed Olives big bot., 35c Sour Pickles big bot., 18c Chow Chow big bot, 18c Sweet India Relish bot., 17c I atoWM!! A A A Almond Macaroons lb, 32c "Asco" Beverages bot, 12 Vic Aristocrat Apple Cider . .bot, 122c Pure Grape Juke bot, 29c Maillard's Sweet Choc, 'i -lb. cake, 14c Hcrshey's Choc. Almond Bars, ea. 6c Butterfly Mints pkg, 15c Big Juicy Lemons . . f doz, 16c Del Monte Peach Jam can 23c "Asco" Peanut Butter . . . .glass, 13c Goodrich Tomato Soup can, 6c Pure Salad Oil bot, 12c-17c "Asco" Sliced Dried Beef . .pkg, 16c . Sardinesbclg22cy,atterTaffV"28' big aarfllnea that are making such TTctlcr ' -ii7 TT Nekco Calif. t.. n.or hlcf aarrilnea that are maktnir such . hit. Similar to Kippered Herring but of nr ouMUt and taste. Try theml rialn, soused or tomato sauce, Ourprlse the family with a pound of this f "OTer-popular confection, "ii-r -,j.i yWUUWWUwa; arNffrVlrrvrvvnnrrvvvvvr,vYrrvyvvvvvvvv Quality Always Tells! The question of merit always rests with the public. The fact that our large baUerlee are kept busy baking thousands nnd thousands of loaves of Victor llread every week certainly means something. ' r. Uictor Bread Ofr Children Thrlra an It. -JiJ--t-tttA ......... 'i'h'lVAAjLAAAAAA i-riirt"irr "i'.' rri"rri'rrnni-rrrri'rrvv-ivv-v-v-v-iTr-v- These Prices in All Our 170 Sanitary Meat Markets Small, Lean Regular Hams 37c Fancy selected sugar-cured Hams, very little waste, buy one today for Labor Day. Genuine Wether Mutton Legs, lb.. Shoulders, lb. ,32c .20c Neck, lb 16c Breast, lb 12c Rack Chops, lb 25c Loin Chops, lb 38c Rib Chops, lb...... 32c Lean Smoked Picnics 25c Cooked lb Corned QKr Picnic Specialties Ready to Serve &-lb Sliced U-Ib Tongue q Roll rUC Sliced lm) Luncheon i o Roll ISC Tasty ib i-.t-uanon q Bologna OOC Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6 Our Stores Will Close at 12 o'clock Noon Sliced Meat Loaf Stores conveniently located all over Philadelphia and in the principal cities nnii Inwnu nf Pnnnn.. Niv .Tprnpv Tlnlnnrnrit nn.l iv ii t .... ,w.... ... r "-J1 """'v ITlUIiUIlU p vi 91 ii i "-ay"iWi m"H- i- HPf W 1W" HP wn 8 A s c 0 A s c 04 A rS C O A S, rc 0 A rs c 0 r2 A S c 01 A s c O A s KM Q A C 0 , ' A ,S . u S c O a c O ' A c 1 A S c 0 A s c rO A S, n O A S tc rO A S C O u c O A s c O kASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO T ASCO ASCO ASCO a, i. ja. a ----.- - -- - - -- P JM,,v... MMiiJ.Ml