' Uuentng Jhiblic ffieftfler .ir C PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1920 '; r - ' 11 i . i i .. ' I u v- 1 tR"''. '' ' ' jk SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi)VfY i BBBBBBBBB&BBBBBBEflBBBBvl'JKxMflnvJBlBBBBBBBBBwV ?v BhBBBJEiKB! BBaP jKafc anBMT Bb v p ? fly iIbIbIbIby I BBd x" iiIbIbB ? BKk " Ev ill St CBbby , iHbIbIbW bIh R i UbIbIB'bIbV -' , iiMfcaP if an iM I - ;' BBaSgisBB8l Y ,'? y HBKwVH k "L '? J.shafffj ? fif Qxf v s il K siS u H klP' j3 j," 9T JSHBBmuUP- Mi' - W fv r jx mtf''i ' 9nF y" r r i j? MKH w P' V A ii'W' i&' x H I- f BSBSi iB-WBBfc ii I; p. fifESPIw. HL-r 4, 0i;J'i NARBERTH'S WOMEN ASSESSORS AT WORK. Mrs. W. J. Mulholland is taking facts from Mrs. Barbara Martin, eighty years qld, 420 Rockland avenue (top) Mrs. Mnrtin said she liked Mr. Harding. (Below) Mrs. E. S. Haws Is the assessor. She is assessing Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson. The daughter, Elfzabeth Ann, wanted her name down, too !!rr Photo Srtc ' III ------------------------- I -!!!-.. I - ;. - -vw .A n.-. , v ;" ,: . ' r' itwlf ifffiWil ikmUcjAs!w v iir JLw4 ff4lMpHPv Vi4V y1 1r''',t gW,fi'' if m 'ffftfoto Trnr rrilil -J -I II If I xTHE DAYTON-WRIGHT ENTRY m the Gordon Bennett trophy race to be held in Frame In its final test twehe men .stood on the wings of the machine !-ilK t I'h ' s. r ' H'HRjK Jfky' BuBMmB JH.-' i B Bk''j&l ,s M wj& ' y' it & t;' , . ', Ffw? ' tit"'' W$ tf'i -" l ' tdcjjnK' 4rVPfjjHEHMtok lVIjIII,,'' 1 '' . ' ' i;? P7KSr A KISS KOR DAD. Governor Cox is greeted by his "son, John WITH HER PET DOG. Mrs. C. Derr Gerhart, W. Cox, as he arrives at the Grand Central Station in New Yoik of Philadelphia, on the sands atWildwood. Both international aro icndy for the mQrnlng dip ledger Photo Service , THE PRETTIEST BABY. Betty Cae- PROUD OP HER DYING HUSBAND. Mrs. Murlal sor, of 2103 North Twelfth street, was MncSwinoy'. wifo of Terence MacSwiney, the lord mayor awarded first prize at the belated of Cork, who daily visits her husband in the Brixton Wildwood baby show Jail, London, where he is" starving himself to death. uaoy Aiaura is aiso snown internation.i ItvW 7v isvtV -Bl' ' , fww: Bv " i -" -i MHVt ; ? -Js , T wC7 dAi- 'f ' '9-y' "it " & ijSfc " v 5 1 tftf- " v I BBNIJiM MB -;H BMi-lB HBBHBHBljII -liiBf '1 ; :Er :- ilfiHrljifliIBB BflBFPi BpiiElHn 9Bffifflk::iPWVNP RECREATION ON il'HE ROOF. Soellenburg &. Co. employes during a noon hour. The dancing pair in the foreground are Miss Virginia Buckley P. R, T. DOINGS.' One of the conductors volunteered to and Albert Angelastro. The quintet are the Misses Frances Cott, Flora Dreibellis, Gertrude Fitzgerald, Dorothy Wilt and Pauline Zunkerman travel the streets yesterday in this "get-up" to advertise Ledger Photo servic the P. R. T. employes' picnic at Willow Grove today and tomorrow Lodger Thoto Service wsftfKFsf'j i " iBBfev '4 jphmJBBBIhBBl' i5' CONSTANTIN VON STERN BERG, a Philadelphia music writer, who discusses jazz in an interview appearing on the Editorial Page DOINGS AT SHOT TOWER PLAYGROUND. At the left, and Carpenter streets. At the right is a sand Joseph Kane is ducking George Dallas in the pool of the playground at Front CHARGE D'AFFAIRES IN LON party in which Lelco Thomas and Edward Leary are the principals ' DON. J. Butler Wright, counselor Ledger Thoto' service 0f the American embassy in the English city, who will have charge during the absence of Amoncan Ambassador Davis Central New Phot OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO BBBtwii'f fef1BnBBPBPTBP"BrT IE i y HbBBd W'S ifiriKr iirtii)i Wl ' ni'W ' IH ' I ! J 1 .'C. f - - - "i -s. '!!, B sJilaiHBKagWaa a . ' .-' T lAjmrl THE BEAUTX CORNER THIS MACHINE PLACES THE INNERAND OUTER WRAPPER ,ON CAKES OF SOAP at the CADD Charles W. Young & Co., soap manufacturers, 1247 North Twenty-sixth street. It haB a capacity of at the i i ' ' ;i i ' ' ' i "; " ; ; tiMO enkca a day. The oporators aro Miss Emma Brenner, 2428 Seybert, street (left), and MIss CADDIES' GALA .DAY, The boys of the Morion Golf Club had clubhouse. Jiqward Mcuoy (left) and ms brother, Leonard s t Robert Stroud and Joo McNally, at the right, aro thpip nnniinl trn McCoy, were tij cleaning. rtainod yon. . ,,.nn MISS HELEN T. HOWtu' w , 2624 West Somerset Blrcet, Phlladelpl" l - ' iPiianiiAiii unMimi vhK futA 'I'anatr UTMflr - ... t.. a.. . v J7-. (bluauVUi iitBjr utfw.uiuivu iivjf ov.vuv i ur uyv wiu' """r ,r.-. T'i . 4, bu , x ..VH- " V ' A . iAilni ..,...., .. -W.'&tAi1? - , .Vsf.-.ii-, .', &. JT"