WMmfi T i 4 fl V'A, A I' 1 . . VU - i v B ST1 GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE ' K Nancy Wynne. Chats 'About Miss Paclcartfs Dcbiit. She sees miss wcy in Attractive Hat. Frankic's Words Floor the Family - gEEMS to me when I think them I .,.. then- nre nomr- mighty nttrac- ti. elrln to cnmc !,,t """ "en0" ThV. Ruth. I'acknrd ,01, know, the -Mnir rimiK liter ol "' '""' ' Toangfr "h . . vl.innvn u,. !.eSrlter nf Betty Packard nnd Jlnrj l. ... 4nfFnliMr ntiint flit-Art r"Ir Vfnrr mitrrltd Dp. Arthur Kninrs about two yenm nso nml tliey ff.t 103 Lut mrcct. Tl.ey Imve a darling w """ '" '." "' Sine months old. 1 think. friends ''"; l8 1 'VT1' ot ? ,? Jf ' firt She n lH l ,iini' ,,"M' "i iii.ir 1 . .- -. mt nrmlnil Vlllntlnvn. nliir liccnmr- n M-out eaptnln nhortly tlThM one of the mot floiirlxhltiK &p in thf IMillotlelphia branch of the Girl Scouts. t. the debutnnte nnd therefon- will r... ho mot to do Noelallv (n Hint fimllr thlH rnr. The Earknrcls mve Ml"11' ' I.! .U. 4.1l.n.i.ln.,tu on, I l.non WT"'!." "V..i;"n X Aimni ilhrni. nuth and BlUabf th have had n number mmmcr nnd the wcek-emltt hnve beert 5? affair- with the various other! .it Inere, too. it .'n m ""i f.rfron?.heNewbo,dH.;n,JThyen.. Ruth 18 extremely jwm.i. " ; mean'.'wlthout snyin It. thnt Mie -' ; i belle. The year RHanbeth nnil tfirr came out Mr. nnd Mr. Pnekard we in mourninK nnd they cro In Seed nt ten whldl. Mr.. Charles Wheeler S:ip. nu v mu' '"':. " daecd alxo her crnnddnuBhter. Hiimiiiip Elliot, who afterward married Robert pinner, nnd Hnnnnh Hobnrt. ho la Mr" Charles Wheeler. .Ir'H. dnughtcr U her former marriage. "mm. Pnckonl N n lelnflve of Mis. Wheeler, but 1 cannot just now nlncc the act lelatlonshiii. Mr. and MrH. ltufth at the Mcndowrf, their Villanovn Sot changed since 1 heard of them last week. THOt'GH thetJcorjre Widcners spend . -t iLaIh tlmn In Vlu York X n(IM m iiii-m -. now, we are interested to hear of tuein r. 0 are of all former Philndclnhlnns. The are in Newport now nnd Mrs. TVidencr pave n lovely children's party t their place Midcllff on Wednesdny .. - Tk.r vrm n Punch nnd Judy bow, and you know If you nrc a rhilrl vou never Ret iircn oi hcciiir umi tldlruious pantomime- or whatever you euiht to call U. l guess It I'uuuet rtow. Then there woh music and dell- flo eatu nnd of course tnni rnnno tnc jatty. If you ever were n cnim, you t.in. t nrvnr wns a narty till tho "eats" were brought in. DID you know that Miny orey nas bobbed her hair? I saw her jester- . nn tho .tr.pt nnd tliero it waH cut short and it looked very well. She. wore i small dark blue nat wmi nn upiurnca lJ. .-1.1 mK atittnfl lint rin fr tfi irf ftP- tlon. She has rnther light reddish hair IBd the uarK Blue wns jusi rigiu. one MA. n Inhc Anrlt him. plnnlf nrer hfr KHT U IVHft .. . ..-..-..,- frock. Lucy la the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Urey, of 18110 Pine street. She made her debut last year. Louise Grey Is a sister nnd Normu is a younger utter. FiANKIE is three nnd often gets. Into mischief; and he ns often tries to ret out of it by blaming some one else. Among other acquired things he Its mastered somo very laige words, Well, tile other day he went Into the isrden and proceeded to pick some of xrandmn's ery best dahlias. She'd been musing them all summer and wai waiting to use them for njspccinl lunch eon she was giving for her garden club. And then- Frankie picked them. Well. jrandron decided that nfter nil he was pretty small, bo she'd give him n chnneo to explain before punishing. "Well, xrtndma," said he "Rffel told mo to do it " Ethel, who i five, happened to be in tie next room, fortunately for her repu tation and she called out in a loud voice, "I did not." it, you did," said Frankie. By this time Ethel grew angry and icreamed, "I DID NOT!" "nffel," remarked Frankie. "I not deaf, jou needn't squcaro, I " nud ho rolped- "It Its rato you DID tell me. And even Ethel wna speechless. NANOY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Knoll Home. Devon, and Mr. Wllllnm Hopkins and Miss Hopkins, ot Devon, lll erond tho week-end nt Day Ilead. J J, as th (jue.stH of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry McKean. Mr. McMlchael and hl 60T1. Mr llaM-lanM f.rint.n.il t.nu lllal rjturned from a trip of six weeks to tncouer, Seattle nnd Canadian rockles. Colonel John R. Muckle, of 202B Wnl jwt street, who has beon Hpendlnu somo tn entertained at dinner In honor of -.o.a.ior jiiex Aiarinni. nrst seoreinry r tht royal Italian embassy at Wash "irton, D r, on WedncRday. tn, Ttl.n.l xtn.., ...U- I.. .1-. ", summer at Cape May, entertained nvl 1 TiwJJ loay ' nonor or sirs. -- J1 Bpre"ct, of tho Corners, De- 0n. Whn I.. nl. f. ., at V. . '" ir,j rciiuini; fiQUlfl iimo to '"i1 Mrn Dnedlct will return i.. ... '""" " MTjeBuay. er aaugn J'.i ,s," llcs " Benedict, who is Eni.JFJn lha Ctsltllls, will return en -r'viiiwi OU, MIm Mary I,loyd Norrls. ilnughtor .,.'. '.I?"0 orrtn, of Fnlrhlll. Drj'n be ... 'v? ner au,lt Ml8 Kiddle, has en spending a few days at Hay Head, iaat t 7il0y Ilro exoeotod to roturn the driiiii.. .." MlfH Narr s will no n outante of tho season. haB.M".li r.H- Hllrry Mayblu Hart Vl!!?r.d thel.r homo' Woodloy Houae. nt M"; ami are now In Kurope They late i ?abJJ' retur" to thlH country nig itlll I)u11k'r?na,',.,.:.l.lff, Robertn, of Oreen th ...'": yj'innova. who lum been Bar i?0i ' ,Mr- Kobcrts's mother at a Monday,' expecteu to return fhei'r t,. Mrw. neglnald H Moirls nnd who kZ'i' ot wn, Kohln, Villanovn, 6liHww..'f.'nendlnB' ,h( summer at t ,;;,;;." ."?&. ..s?aPenKa --M i" iiirii iiumn. Thaverholni;,,0J Mr an1 Mrs Harry C wcm,ujuf, K'har'B road, Bryn ATawr. Is Mr? dJor iJ'0 summer by Mr. nnd ath a5PierY.R,M "rlnton. of Nino. Thayer ,nd ,Wu'nut streets. Mrs. Harry "Wr h in Europo for tho bummer Cheat.? .-'V9, J- B- Heacock, of North lag rr,J ?dJ Swarthmoro, are recsly Ion i??.?fftii,ftlo on thi blrtli of n ,t(). -, roweu Heacock, a few dajs mLUM Mr"; Walter C. Browning, of ..''neenth nnd Hnnir.r. MtrntB nr.. nl Thlrteenii M1 waiter C. Browning, of ML PneVV ""d Spruco streets, are at Until !no whero they will remain --- -ncr i.unor Day WbeeW.ai,er11w Watson, of this Wood. "V?I"dlnK. a few days at Br eltv. Bretton !y nf JJi'.',eJ!D ?"? with Mrs. "linear, f : r'""1- inciunen tS"J'r"n, of New York Mrs. Eoner, of Fort Worth, Tex.; Guy Mr. AU ealads aro enriched and improved by imported Pompeian 2m!! J!"1 A-. i. ."rbwn, of Plttaburgh, C&eiand.0" Mr" A' J' '"-onof J1""!1, Thompson Tirynn, of this city, HH.-jiMJ?9 Lo"lso Kosa Todd, ot nich m. iil'. o ,,iwn0 nre ""ending somo weeks "i. "pt Bprlngji, entertained there at din ner a few evenings ago. ..fMiriBaS? .Mr?;, JnmM M flymlngton. ''J.! Soib Sixteenth street, nro re h?lh,'K "Krati'l'itfonM on the birth of il,r?,!r MrJ. Svmlnjcton was. before her 22r"ft' M,"f ,9ccllr. Mcllm. daugh-eimrJILi.Kn.(,.M,1:"- William J. A. Sto Klmt of Short Hills, N J. .''". My.er Soils-Cohen, of 2JU Chest. Vii Bt,J','1 accompanied by his shters, uii! r?1 rlnm .?olls-Cohen. SIlss Kllnor "0,;Cltn. Miss , Dorthn Holls-Cohen. ? nillfiS cSf- m nl"me nernstein, mntrI,iU?'1, ,?,re- wno ,s visiting bore, motored to AVci ncrsvlllo on Sunday w,jr'o Ihej visited their aunt. Dr. Cor- iii.-lnhr,- wh0 ,a at " Grand View Hotel for;h. summer. nnMr.JIld N,'',- UarrF " Snellenburg .nTt ch'Lrtre"' ni nM 'York road, are spending the sumniDr nt Deal Beach, J nnd will return in .September, ..Mr.nn(!, JItfl- Kdwnid P. Colehaugh . L ivf thoenunBemcnt of their daugh- iS'utu'oSa.'0"0" Colflbaunh' ,0 Mr- mtlrr3,1d Mr! '.Jobert McCurdy havo White, Sulphur Hprlngs. whero they will temetn untllerly In September. ALONG THE READING nIr"nl! '!? 'Vn,lrw Long and their n.MMr,c.r P.011,1 X'm- of li007 North i .- nt " Mtrcel' Logan, aro spending tho late summer in Wildwood, N. J. Mr nnd Mrs. Walter Parsons nnd of ,JlnnURhJ,er', Ml8!; frothy A'mJn" ?im.: R? wm10 l,IV0 heen spondlng some lime Ir. wildwood. .V .1, have ns their guest Mlsr Wilt, al-o of that suljurb , Mr and Mrs W x. Townsend nnd nnd'M?.UB,,i"a !'8N MlrlamTownseSd nnd Miss Katharine Townsend, of Kl- omI.?'.1''.''6 SPJ10 ,0 Montreal nnd quebeo and the Thousand islands for a stay of several weeks. (wMn.,nml M Herbert Ntlson Read, of Ogt.ntz. are being congratulated on tho birth of a son. Herbert Nelson Head, Jr. GERMANTOWN Mr and Mrs. Lawrence C Jost of 246 West Seymour street will gpond the week-end nt Highland Inn Stroudsburg, Pa. Sirs Oeorf-c Cnwthrop nnd her hnbv, of 11.1 West Ml. Airy nvenue, have re turned to tholr home from a wook's visit as the guests of Mrs M. C. Hltt tnann, at her cottnge nt Cape May, M'ss Winifred V Detrlch, daughter of Mr and Mrs. A .Vcvln Detrlch. of 112 West Mt. Airy nvenuo, will return to morrow after spending u month In Marttnsburg, West Va and Chambers burg, Pa. Miss Margaret I Joyce, of 807 East Washington lano. and Miss Mary N. Murray of 8210 Chew street, arn spend lug somo time nn Uio rTucsts of Mr. nnd Mrs Itohert Savin, formerly of German town, on their farm nt Mechanlcsvllle, Bucks county. Pa. Miss Edna Trupp. of 901 East Chel ten nvenue. and Miss Minnie Laun, of Limekiln pike, nro on n. trip through the New England states, stopping at Port land. Mo., for nome time. Mrs. II. P. Closman will leave early In Septomber for Chicago to spend two months visiting relatives Mrs E. C. Mullen and her daughter. Mine Dorothy Mullen, of 4612 3roene street, aro spending som time In Camp Bothel, TylervIlK Conn., as the guests of Mr nnd Mrs .1 Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welener and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Welsnor, of 621 East Tulpehocken streot, who spent the early summer nt their place nt Skippack, have gone to Cnnnda for an extended visit Mrs. William A. Wnymann and her daughter. Mlis Helen Weymann. of 4612 firevv1 street, will bo the guests of J-r and n. William J Pechln, at Center Squary, .(., over the weelt-end Annov -ement Is made of the ni.ir rlage of ."Iss Marian Parsons, of 6021 North Twenty-first street, to Mr .1. I Angle, of Mount Plcnsant nvenue, on Monday In this city. Miss Dorothy Welts hns returned to her homo after spending the tummer nt her cottage at Pino Beach, K J Miss Miriam Ferris, of 6600 Nolson avenue, has returned from a short visit In Wlldwood, N. J. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Dr and Mrs W. BurrlU Odenatt, of 1239 West Lehigh nvenue. have re turned homo from Atlantic City. They wero nccompanled by their nephew, Mas ter Burrlll Odenatt Mr and Mrs. Samuel Abrams, of 618 North Eighteenth street, will remain In Atlantic City through tho early autumn, Mr nnd Mrs T. J. Mollvnlne. of West Lehigh nvenue, have returned home from Asbury Park, N. J. Announcement Is mnde of the mnr rlago of Mies Cnthnrlno M. Curry, daugh ter of Mr. and Mm. Sumuel D. Currj, of 1909 West Dauphin streot, and Mr. Frank L Pylo on Saturday evening. August 21 The bride was attended by Miss J Maude Curry, hor sister, nnd Mr. Pyle had for best man Mr, Carl Wluogurtner, of Bucyrus, O Tha bridegroom and bride, upon their le turn from their wedding trip, will bo nt homo nt 20!!6 mtner street. Mr. Pylo was In tho merchant marine Bervlce during the world war and served In Cuba and later In France Tho young people of th Cooknwn Methodist Church, Lehigh avenuo nnd Twelfth street, will give a boating party this evening on the Delaware. Mrs Mary Straub, of 2620 North Twelfth street, will be tho guest during the early autumn of hor sister-in-law, Mrs. A. H Gscllor In East Orange, N J Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Oldnch have, returned from their wedding trip nna aro at homo at 2131 North Eighteenth street. Tho bride was Miss Ethel U Stevenson l Miss Emilia Coylo, of 1041 Jefferson ! street, will spend tho late summer ns ' mo guest or nirs. .nine imcon nt tier cottago in Wlldwood, N J Dr. and Mrs. Percy Ealer, of 20 2 T Spring Onrdon stroet, nro spending a month In the Whtto mountains Mr and Mrs H H Hyman, of 161J xtaTra-TO Te distinctive corn flavor o JERSEY ComFlake takes thein out of the break fast cerealcfesa KtikyourqTOCev Tlw JERSET CEREALF00D C CISRAliPA. V EVENING PUBLIC i, s.sf v i.; .; '-? s t i &$wMmxt Vs. lip 13 c-vx tsmmF''mmmmt' k Photo by riioto-Crnfters .MISS .IANE B. Y1SATMAN Dnunhter of Mr. and .Mrs. Popo Ycntmnn, of 1118 Spruce street nnd Chestnut Hill. Miss Yentman was one of last season's debutantes Erie nvohue. wno aro spending some tlmo at 19 South New Hnmpshlro nve. nue, have heen entertaining this week as guests, Mr. Morris Adler and Mr. Jack Brat, of Atlanta, Ga SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Thn Epiphany naval battalion s spending Its first annual encampment at Camp Fenly, Garden Lake, N. .1. Tho hoya nre under the dliectlon of Captntn Robert 8. Hopklna, nsMstrd by n com petent nnd efficient staff of ex-service men. The battnllon left Its hendquartei.. Thirteenth nnd Jackson streets, on Au gust 16 They wilt remain until next Monday Mr. nnd Mrs. M Miller, of 50 2 More stroct nre spending the season nt their auni'Tior homo In Chcltea Their daughter. Miss Marian Miller, who has been spending; somo time nt Stnto Col lerro. Pn. Joined her nnrents last week. Mi nnd Mrs. Miller nnd their daughter win remain until nner Lnbor ua, when they will close their cottago ana return to tho city. Tho Captain Walter Gearty Post No. 116, American Legion, who are entet. t.unlng nt nn informal danco to lie given at the Fox Chase Country Club, Fov Chase. Pa., tomorrow ovenlnc. havo ex tended nn Invitation to tho members of Post No. r.o. Mlsi Catherine West, of 1425 Whar ton street, hns returned to her homo after a fortnight's stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos West, at their country homo In Greenwich, N. J) Miss Catherlno Mclntyre and her sis. tor, Miss Margaret Mclntyre, of Twenty third and Christian streets, aro spending a fortnight In Capo May. N. J. Miss Mlrian Stoln, of 617 East PasJ vunlt nvenue, who Is spending tho season with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stein, nt tholr summer homo In Atlantlo City, will be tho gunst of Mr. and Mrs. f,oulH Cohen, of M332 Norfolk street, for tho wlptor. Mr. Robert Work, Jr. of 1413 Ells worth street, who hns been visiting friends In Springfield, N. J., left on Wed nesday for n cruise to Cuba, where he will remain Indefinitely. Lieutenant and Mrs W Hartup. of 1414 Itltuer street entertained Mlna Jano Porter, of Atlantic City, for some tlmo last week Mr Richard Clenrv, formerly of 1237 Tnrkf-on streot. linn returned rtonio nfter a few days' vlsl'. In Wlldwood, N J. Mr.i JaiTicii Gulligan and her family, of 172S Morris street, nre spencMng tho ueason In Wlldwood, N. J. Miss Inez MnaNeal, of 3429 South Furniture Sale 3-PIECE LEATHER SUITE 6-ft, Sofn. 3-boek illftdixl. Genuine YlulesUIn IAthn. Ulna and Tu. uiue ioo. An Mm SNOW WHITE BED ' horn t b wona-arful tvlnr Largest Selection in City 5 Floors Packed to the Doors , S. E. Cor. FESNS STORAGE (ID. r I , LEDtelPHlUABELPHIA, FRIDAY, &.?5'r" , V , f ? Uf r '". m - a yww Seventeenth street, hnr. returned homo after spending several days In Sea Islj City Miss Mary Hogan, of 1637 RUner street, spent eomi. time In Avalon, N, J., as the guest of friends Miss Regtnn. Smytho hns (tone to At Inntlc City, where she will remain for a few weeks Mrs. Catherlno McCabo and her daugh ter. Miss Theresa McCabe, of 1711 South Eighteenth street. 3pent last week-ond In Sen Islo City. Miss Margaret Durnlng. formerly of South Nineteenth streot. nan returned hom nfter spending several days In Wlldvinod, N. .T , as the guest of he?. aunt Mrs. Andrew Gallagher Mr. Howard Currle. if J131 South 1 t JiS3h m&.: fmmkl: I iHPiH CANE SUGA wmimKmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmimmm v - "V Eleventh ntreet, haa gone to Atlantic City for a fortnight. Wlillo there Mr. Currle will bo the guest of his cousin, Mr, Richard Samuel, n.t his apartment k Miss Catherlno Callahnn will leave this week for r trip to Boston, Maine and Canada. Miss Callahan cxpecto to roturn earlv In the fall. Mr. A Cnntnr. nf 1027 South Gallo way street, has Just returned from a two wceKs vacation spent at jMorma, n. a, WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. unit Mrs. DdVId Cram, of this rltv nnnminr.A tho mnrrlaire of their daughter. Miss Jane Cram, to Mr, Wil liam locum, also ot tnis city, ai meir summer home In Atlantlo City on Tues day, August 17. Post Joseph Vnsclla. No. 277. will start Its fall activities by giving a. Ladles' Night In September Anange monts nre also being mndo for the first annual masquerade, which will be held somo tlmo In November. The committee In chargo includes Mr. Joseph A. Lom bard!, Dr Slgmund Oreenbnum, Mr. Frank Vnselln, Mr. J. O. Gotdon Fors ter, Mr. Jules A. Scalelln, Mr, Ralph do Marco, Mr. Nicholas d'EsplnosI and Mr. Nicholas Li Fniln. TIOGA . Mr and Mrs. William H doll of 1417 West Allegheny nvenuo, who havo been stopping at the Traymoro in Atlantic City during tho season, have returned to their home. .,..- ..... ,-. riA.l, 4tee M.v. Bread street, accompanied by Mis 'Mar imret Cosgrove. hns gone to Atlantlo City for an Indefinite stay Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Smith, of Darlen street, aro spondlng the closing weeks of summer In wimwooii, .. j Mr nnd Mrs. Grant Shields, of West Ontario street.-are spending somo time In Ocean Grove, T. .1. Mrs Robert Barker, who hns been touring through the West, has returned to her home, the Towers, Nineteenth and Venango streets. Mrs. Frank Hacker, of North Eigh teenth street, Is spendnlg several weeks at Somervlllo, N. J. WISSAHICKON Mlsr Helen Carr. of Rochelle avenue. nnd Miss Ada Wlnterbottom, of Kales street, are spending the rloslntr weeks of summor at Lake George. N T. Miss Lavlnla. Bass, of Sumac street, Is spending some time In Wl'dwood. N .1, MIbs Mnnmret Stafford Is spending tho Into summer In Eafilcsmere HOLMESBURG Mr nnd Mrs. Frank D S'mmons. of Endrlch street, have gone to Belmar N J., where thoy v. Ill be the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Walton Mrs. Laura Boal and her eon Mr Wil liam Hoal, of Frankford avenue, are spending n week at Atlantic Clt Mr and Mrs. Ralph M Seaman, of 4716 Frankford nvonue. nro on an ex tended nutomobllo trip thiough the New Englnnd states Miss Ruth Berger of Charles street. Is spending n fortnight at Atlantlo City Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heard, of 261 5 Rhawn street, are spending a week .it Saratogn. Arte. TTlnm fptvtfnl. nf Vnnklrk street, accompanied by he- slsterln-law. Mrs aamuel aiciteciv. win ieae mis woek for Capo May. where they will rc- manl several weeks Miss Marlon Ashton. of Crlspen street Is spending a fortnight nt Atlantic City Miss Ixiulso Lawrence, of Walker street, has returned from Ses. Girt, N. J , where she was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Joseph K. Wiley YARDLEY Mrs Ralph Bayley nnd her son Mas ter George Bayley, havo returned from Johnstown, whero they spent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs Frederick Eebhlngton and Master Frederick Bebblngton. Jr , will spend next woek at Ocean Grove, .V. .7. Mr. Comly Clayton, ot NorHatown, was a recent visitor at tho home of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs Richard Clnjton. Mr. and Mrs. John Abrams are spend ing n few weeks at their bungalow at Beach Arlington, N" J. Mr. nad Mrs, R, W. Welch, Mr and Mrs E. Y Barnes and Mr and Mrs E B Malono. of Colllngwood. motored on Wednesday fo the seashore. Every jar of preserves you put up saves buying expen sive winter foods. Preserves are high in nutritive value so cut your table costs by preserving all the fruit you can. The importance of the right sugar is great order "Franklin Granulated," which comes in sturdy cartons and strong cotton bags, free from the contaminating touch of flies, ants and dust SAVE'THE FRUIT CROP The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use" Granulated, Dainty Lumpi, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown, Golden Syrup. 'AUGUST 27, 1920 DELAWARE COUNTY Mr, and Mrs. X Renwlck Kerr and their family or Moylan, aro spending ft month nt the Baltimore Inn, Capo Maj. ,Mr ojid Mrs. Justice M. Thompson, of fedlo, aro at Manchester, Vt, when? they motored two weeks ago, nnd will not return until after Labor Xay. Mr. and Mrs. William H'. Kasby and their daughter, Miss Mary Easby, who ara spending- tho summer In Vermont, will not return to their home In Media until September. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reeso Flelschman and their family, who havo been spending revoral weeks In Chelsea, will return to their homo In Moylan soon nfter Labor Day. Mr. Frederick M Schwnlm, of Chester, has returned from a short visit with his family at Atlnntlo City. Mr Rfhwalm Is presldont of tho Chester KUw-nnl Club. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Fitch, of Ger mantown, will spend several weeks In Media, whero thoy have taken npart ments Mr. and Mrs E. Shirley Borden, who havo been traveling In Canada, havo re turned to their home near Med n Tho Rev. nnd Mrs. . Harper Leeper, of Media, nre occupying their cottago at Capo May, whero they will remain until aftor Labor Day. Mr nnd Mrs. Jamea R. Bagshaw. Jr. havo been entertaining Mr Bagshaw sister, Mis Mary Bagahnw, of Chester, at their cottago nt nehoboth Beach, Dei. I)r and Mrs Samuel A Brown, o.' Rldlev Park, nro spending a few days at Atlantic City Mr nnd Mrs L Stauffor Oliver of Rose Volley, who, accompanied by Mrs Constnnco Hepburn Robinson, havii been motoring through the New England states, have returned to their home. Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall. of Swarth more, who has been spending a month near Boston, and at Lalto Wlnnepcsau kee, N. H., has returned to her home Mr and Mrs. Carrol T Thayer, of Swarthmore. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Sawyer nnd tholr sons, nro motoring through New Englind Thev will not return until after Labor Day Dr. and Mrs John R. Miller have re turned to their home In Swarthmoro from a stay of sovcral weeks In Canada. NORRISTOWN Tho marriage of Miss Elisabeth Anna Clark Roehm. daughter of Mr and Mrs William H Roehm, of Hamilton street, and Mr Oliver Howard Wolfe of Rad nor, will take placo on Saturday. Sep tember 4. In Old St. Davids Chutch Mrs. William Sans, Miss Mav Sands nd Miss Frances Sands, Miss nllziboth Clair and Mr and Mrs. Albert Ratihood, iavo returned from nn automobile trip 'o Cnpc May and Wlldwood. N J The Vnllev Forgo Chapter, Daughters of tho American Revolution, through their regent, Mrs X Howlnnd Brown, has been nwarded tho Washington medal of tho Valley Forgu Historical Socletj. In recognition of Its gieni work ror the Vnllev Forge Museum of American History Miss Lvdla Myers, of Chain street chnperoned the members of her Sundny school class ot the Grace Lutheran Church on a plailo to Snnatogn Park There were thirty gii'sts In the party Mrs. Henry C Weiuz. of West Main street, who recently returned after spending the hint five weeks In Massa chusetts, has gone to Atlantic City to remain until after Labor Day MOORESTOWN Miss Miriam Rogers, of Main street, will spend several weeks in Ocean City. N J. Mr William Busby Is spending his vacation In .the Bluo Mountains of Vir ginia. Mr Matlnck Stackhouse. Mr. Georgs Htllman nnd Mr Russell Ferd motored to Cornell Collego over last week-end. Mr Irlc Hopklps spent tho week-end with his parents. Mr nnd Mrs. Clement Hopkins, on Main street. Miss Mildred Janke gave nn Informal luncheon for several of hor friends from Camden last week iDTittUovt vet ;jor Asmiooee. Msdrrate Prlem mtnti Write or Phone for Entrarnl r Printed HmDl(w. ! ROYAL ENGRAVING CO.. 814 W.Iant St. SUGARS I MANAYUNK Dr. and Mrs. David D. Custer, of Green lano, havo left for n. three-weeks' tour through tho West. They will visit tho Yellowstone t'nrk unit othtr placet of Interest. The Ashland Methodist Mission, of tho Ebeneznr Methnillat Church, will give a lawn fete tomorrow afternoon and evening on the lawn adjoining the flro nouno in west Aianayunk. 'mere win bo useful and fancy articles for salo, outdoor sports and amusements, nnd re freshments Mr. Henrv Ancutndl Is superintendent of tho mission. ROXDOROUGH Mrs Llovd Henrv Cnnteii. of St Louis, Mo.. Is visiting her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Sykes, of Green lane Mis. Coates -tvlll be remembered ns Miss r-urin Myites, Mrs Wllllnm T.ttnh nnd her trfltld. children. Master Daniel Llewellyn nnd Miss Ethel Llewellyn, ot 426 Green lane, havo been spending some tlmo In Wild wood, N j Miss Ethoi Lush, daughter of Mm Lush, who has been visiting Mrs. J. Charles Todd. In Wlldwood. has re turned to her home Mrs Robert Uey and her guest, Mrs Elizabeth Hev. of Denver. Col . Mrs. Hey's son-lnw-Iaw and daughter, Mr and Mrs Edmund Kcelv. and Miss Mil dred Hey. have returned to Orand View, meir nomo in iloxborcugn, ntter spend ing tome tlmo as the guests of Mr and Mrs Richard Hey at tholr summer home in ucenn city, N. J. WI88INOMING Mrs Charles Hlckmnn and her son. Master Herman Hickman, of Howell street will leave en Monday for Niagara Falls and a trip through the Great Lake. Miss Mary Whlttalter and Miss Helen Whlttaker. of Vonklrk street, havo re turned homo after a four weeks' trip through New England nnd Canada, Mi and Mrs. Charles Metzsor aro re ceiving congratulations upon the birth of u daughter Mr nnd Mrs. William McCIaskey, of Benner street, are spending the week at Atlantlo City. BA8M SHUBERT Beg. Monday ' SEATS NOW SELLING The Wonder Event of the Year The Mrr. I.e 4 J J. Shuberl Treient A Itevlval of the Most Famous ot All Mualcat riu) With ELEANOR PAINTER AND V CAST Ol' SUPER-EXCELLENCE A I PRETTY' MAIDEN" BEAUTY SEXTET I Direct From the Century Theatre, New York DELPHI Beg. Next Monday SEATS NOW SELLING A JOY' RIDE WITHOUT STOPS D Wilton ColIIon nnd Avry Hopwood With nn All-Star Cast of Farceurs. C HESTNUT ST.ffiE LAST 2 DAYS MAT." 2 30 EVfig .TAP THE GARDEN OF ALLAH J&? I.PRESS SONS JEWELERS 1 One-Half Carat Wesselton Blue Dianiond $119 . Whether you are interest ed in buying a diamond such as the above, or one of any other grade, you can purchase it here at a lower price than . iuwli l'uu tnan anywhere else. And the reason ,, . . ItUbOn JU1 " i uiat we can sen at lower prices because our vol- ume of business is so great. We do not depend on whole-' salers for our supply, but buy direct from Europe, largely in the rough, and do the cutting of them in our own diamond cutting department. In this uiuiuier we are aDie to save our customers anywhere from 20 to 30 on their pur chases. In addition to the above half - carat Wesselton Rln Diamond Ring at $119, wo uuur uie louowing unusual values: lW blftlutalr carrct tnd fllv'i - fjfr t,1ft. .,t"1 ' Juunood $975 fi"" Wjueltoo dUingul uvn S815 TiolAt blu color .iA. fc....7'r-.r " " iwt, itnntt iiva fnturtment nBM,. .11. .-j P ' ' K. rlchett Botorti Victor ImI blqR50 7I0 oxauUlu U(Wt bio. Aljnnd.?OU 7 xr an, bluo wilu porfootDUU oj. nci.Bx nmuncy XrtS I noBd mtnreUmly briUUnt iwper.3(i. 'f 4, l1, Wj?IUn Kvm dlnmond, S295 biolBtlj Derfnot nd lUwltt, ?? I.IS oiiaramont qnoJtur ditmwif tra. "COI n HUVJ afaa-.,si tv.Avr-'siss J,1 bfllnr'.eV W'.i 51001 JUS itocl bln Riven dUmocd xtm RK $85 l1 dll ri rnrr outtlnr 9 ounranejit q IJfJ. blM bit. mend Hlchoo fDJ 170 tit bin white rfont. HnUl vml nay iraoBd, oltht $50 IS noborto Vlctcr tcl bln dl. (in on ot mrTlu brilllaiipr ',U t . PRESS & SONS Boborto Victor tcl bln dU rffilfi A II WOOD3 Present! (lliil Sfftt ; ',, V-;',. . ,, 91 -, ;, Mrket 61, b. llh 11 A. U. to 11 P. U. Norma Talmadge IN A NEW PICTURE "YES OR NO?" Next Week ANITA HTEWATtT ' JJ In ITIIE YELLOW TTri!OON" vil PAI A CU 1214 MARKET STROTST - "A JTA.L.Wt, 10 A. M.. 12, 2, 3i4fc J B.4B, 1 145. 0 ISO YiH., , ,.VI J. TAnKErt nBAO'B SENSATION . t "?$ SEX X'eoturtiUfv LOUISE GLAUM With Irvlnn Cummlnss and MyrtU fltedtnJ , ADfA T"M A CHeitnut St. Bel. lath MK1J1A io a m . 13, :. ;4B. f. 4B. 7 MB, BillO P. M. BILLIE BURKE AWA0r0E rnnDBNOi Next Week M.U1EI, NORUAND In 'IHE HL1M PHINCE3B" XIfTfD I A Msrket Street Ab, IHk V lv I lJTVlZ-V. ii a M toii.isp.a. MAY ALLISON ltiE& Neil Wseli TOJt MIX In "Tlin TEnnOlV PAPITHl '2 Msrket Stret V-Jr 1 J JL MnoE kennbdT, "nollsre and Mum1, Added-Irry fiemon In 'The Ktr nnd" DCTCMT Market 61. tlel 17th ' JKR' CALL JIT! J11T, GLO.BE MARKET STRBET, AT JUNIPER 11 A M Ik 11 f. II) ' .-99i'TiNJtJOU!' VAUDBVII.LB DATTIJNO NELSON A COMPANY; Othsra- CROSS KEYS noTH MARKET TB. -FIXING IT UP" BROADWAY 1,rnd t"1 'n'J', A 2.-n0, 0:4B HP, K Tirn OAHDBN OP LOVE" JACK tiONDON'S "RURNINO DAYLIQHT' ACADEMY of MUSIC RROAD AND LOCUST STnEET3 Limited Engagement 3 SHOWS DAILY' 2:30, 7 AND 9 BEGINNING TOMORROW AFTERNOON THE TALK OP NEW YORK A PHOTOPLAY WHICH WILL APPEAL TO EVERY ONE AN ADAPTATION FROM FANNIE HURSTS nn rvi, ra M uo vlLX A IinAnT-APPrAWNG STORT OP THD GHETTO , CHARACTERS INTEIlPItBTKD RY CABT I OF BXCEPTIONAL. PLAYKRS MORE PATHOS THAN THK ., "MUSIC MASTER" l MORE LAUGHTER THAN "POTASH AND PERLMUTTER" ORCHESTRA OF 20 VOCAL SOLOIST AM) CHORUS CiV TRAINED VOICES " RCNDKRINf; 'ELI. KM' MATINEES 25c, 35c. 50c EVENINGS 25c. 50c, 75c ' 0 (fNCLUDINO TAX) Tt-kts at Thmtre nnd 1118 Chtnut StrtT n ! PHILADELPHIA'S FOREMOST THEATRE .Garrick Next Monday? ! SEATS NOW r the cntiro'. encasement ' Return by Popular Demand ofl GEO. M. COHAN'S" COMUOIANS ISV'T IT A ORAND OLD NAMBT I Si. a l.tfVX es ITaY ill M r v m MIS I 1 -mJ - The GrtiUat MuiIcbI Comely Hit That , Prulnrtelphla Evtr llw t Matinees H'eiinwJsy and Kturdar KXTRA MATIN'EU I.AIIOR DAY Forrest Mon., Aug. 3. c . m o it SeatS NW SeIlmg - VrTnR tin-pnpp-T-c , ...., DlfiCEST MUSICAL COMEDV HIT l "" 1 In C 1 1 Vjln The'PSht WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST1 I'Sl xffiISfflg& i$r MR. HERRERT will conduci tne opp'"g performance RROAD Next MndaV DiUU tNext yionday beats Now belling A NEW COMEDY "BAB" i T,IE "umantvA3 of " Tlth HELEN HAYES AND CAST OK rvi'HPAl. EXCELLENCB. MATIM4I - WKD.SPSDAV ft RATI ISDAr' ENTIl MATINPi: l.APOIt DAY l. I E I T H S CORINNE TILTON t CO. ' JV A CHA.MIJLfcON RQVUR" BERT FITZGIBBON ASSISTED IIV 111.- IJHOTIIER IJEW' McDevitt, Kelly & Quinn" MILI.ER A I.YI.KH. KEriAI, t, MACK wu a urn rr.Aiuiiia 1111,1,1 willow grove park;. TUB ONLY ,t CT IO A 1 I 1 T A Mrs .SOUS A anrl His RAMH TODAY a vnniTAiiLB KEAfn or soloisth . . I itm People 5 Theatre Kn,nton Av. ) , M ayl Cumberland i r rjl Moms-a...... d M urL !'fl 'Tfl hi Mi i 3 t 1 A i M- 3 U i v ?' t !l 1 i rVsl i IIIAMONDH TVATCUES JKWEI.BY Cor. 8th and Chestnut Sts. S09 Markrriiknd 10J7 Market St. r Waluut Ab. sth. Mat. Today. ,f' 'ii V,dMllU DM i V XV Ai!T3i-.W -s m ,9th,rpf '( nfGardWffSts. Mlive Oil -l 4 ?i All XWir. Frco V- -J Ma.rv'L. ilr 'J. ?7 awiKj. ti '' r VkQK, tOfaW R. M.K?S aak. ' r WW 1 T" ' t k,uA ,t T. t lUiLn",-i Wi. 11 tiftmtn ITT Ah, i i I . ,rX . jly"ri'iAiy'y,.M.rfe .p,ft.. hiihith. s!Viv'-' . -.m,