Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 27, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 6, Image 6

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LlO LEDaEBPHIIld)EIJPktX EE&AY, !A,trGUS 27, 1920
IB ' MV" M-,w ""--
' tS(llrTnAA-CrAUA Mm "7 OnM Maui
fCoriduct Funerals in Proper
Military manner
Frincc-Forbcs Post No. 7, tlie sec
ond o have been organized by the
''American 1gtAn in this city, anil the
fourth In point of prewent membership,
announced at Its meeting last night at
the KlngscHflng Uecrcntion (Jcntcr,
Forty-ninth street and Chester nvenue,
that the state of Pennsylvania has pro
Tided rlflei for use at milltaij funerals
and that hereafter comrades will re
ceive this honor.
The rifles were furnished by V. L.
Hicks, Nuperlnteudent of state nr
tenals, Harrliburjc, who also provided
the belts. The arrangement was ,ef-
1 feeted by William A. Klaus, tue post
j adjutant, and Isldor Bayleon, the coin
3 mander. It is a compliment to this post
J that It hat Micceedcd In equipping it
if self for conducting military funcrnls,
Ince the War Department hns failed to
furnish to the Legion posts the rcqul
litn rifles, although it promised to do so.
This post conducted Its first military
funeral Wednesday lncc the receipt f
the rifles. It was tho funeral of George
1j. Harris, Jr., who died in Coblenz,
Oermanv. January 10. 1010. He be-
( longed to the Thirty -second Division,
and resided at 2."10 South Feltnn street.
The comrade was buried at Jit. Jloriau
Cemetery. Ten comrades of the Legiu
were In attendance, and an American
placed upon lus
chaplain of Post
Ihn unrvlnti
iL Yl'tl. nIttm mnniKiiriiTiln rt J9
Jin reported last night, Prince-Forbes
' Poet is one of the leading veterans' or
f ganizations In Philadelphia. One of its
h members, George G. Stranahan, is de
f Voting all of his time to the organiza
f tlon work in connection with the coin-
lag field day on Franklin Field, Sep
tember. It has a women's auxiliary,
headed by Mrs. Robert G. Parrlsh.
i Officers of this post are: Isidore
Uaylson, commander: John Gilchrist,
-vim commander : William A. Klaus.
. ..r -..-. .- , - - - ,
' adjutant; Dr. G. G. Guest, finance oni
J cer; Dr. John I). Becker, historian, and
J A. L. Taxis, chaplain ; E. A. Davles,
J Dr. Robert C. Parrlsh, Eugene V.
if Hawke, Charles II. Baumann, Edwin
(j C. Hunting, George G. Stranahan and
William O. Muench, Jr.. executive com
f; Bittee.
S . In many respects this post is one of
f the best organized among the seventy -
six, there being the following additional
oncers and committees:
Americanization . I. C. Petterson.
chairman, G27 South Forty-ninth
atreet; Louis B. Trout nnd Thomas
J. Morten.
Membership John D. Diesel, chair
Kan. 4921 Chester avenue; R. W.
Lockwoou and W. A. Klaus.
Employment George G. Stranahan,
were in attendance, i
.5 Legion marker was
if crave. A. L. Taxis,
t No. 7, conducted the
chairman, C028 Klngsesslnjt nvenue;
John J. McFectcrs nnd J. R. Kcowcn.
Mimic and dramatic A. It. Eta
wcller. chairman. 2208 South Fifteenth
street; B. A. Dnvics nnd William S.
Mllligan. ,
Entertainment Dr. John B, Becker,
chairman, 5211 Chester nvenue; Jnmca
A. Lockhnrt and Frank II. Muckle.
Athletic William II. Lcavltt, chair
man, r004 Bclmar terrace; Charles II.
Meyer nnd Bernard Roth.
Relief A. L. Taxis, chairman, C815
Alter street; Patrick Meehan and C.
A. ilelmcrs.
Ways and means Dr. Seneca Eg
bert, chairman, 4S11 Sprlngeld nvenue;
George Vernon, and E. K. Brown.
Community service J. It. Patton,
chairman, 4810 Florcnco nvenue; John
J. McFnddcn nnd II. O. Windlsh.
Legal nld Thomas II, Morris, chnlr
mnn, r005 Chester nvenue ; P. II. llnrt
mnn and II. Landes.
Medical aid Dr. Robert C. Parrlsh,
chairman, rH01 Chester nvenue; Dr.
Joseph P. Burns nnd Dr. Joseph Me
Ivor. Grievance M. F. Abel, chairman,
0717 Woodlnnd nvenue, nnd Carl S.
Publicity officer John L. Wcldcn.
House committee Thomas T. McKay,
1CH Summer street
The Oncnr II. Gruber Post. No. 152.
will resume its regular meetings in Sep
tember, the first meeting being held on
Tuesday evening. September 14, nnd tho
next meeting Thursday evening, Sep
tember !50. An active program hns been
outlined for the fall, including a number
of dances, a theatre party nnd n bnzanr.
Several new members have been enrolled
durinc the summer and the post starts
the fall season with every prospect of
a big year ahead.
Political Parties In Cuba Working to
Bring About Coalition
Havana. Cuba. Aus. 27. (Bl A. T.)
Coalition between the Conservative
Nationalist and the Populnr parties sns
the principal subject before the con
vention of the former organization
which met here today.
The conservatives unnnimously nomi
nated General Rafael Montnlvo as their
presidential candidate on May 23, and
after fruitless efforts had been mndc
to Induce Dr. Alfredo Znyas, former
Liberal leader, to nccept tho nomina
tion for the vice presidency and join
forces with tho conservatives, reas
sembled and nominated Senator Rlcnrdo
Dolz for vice president.
Le Truppe Serbe Sarobbero
State Sconfitte o Costretto
a Ritirarsi
rubllh1 nnd Distributed Under
Authorlant by ho net of October 0,
1017. on nie at tho rontoftlce ot l'hlla
lelphla. Pa.
A B. nurtLESON,
Poitmnater General.
Roma, 20 agosto Dlspaccl gluntl nl
ttiornalo "II Tempo" c eon format! nncho
da telegramml perveuuti a Londrn, scm
bra chc violcntl combattlmcntl sleno
avvenuti trn gll nlbcnesl c lo truppo
serbe nelln reglone dl Dcbrn.
Lc truppo scrbo avrebbero rlportato
mm grave sconflttn c sarebbcro state
costrette n ritirarsi sulla llnca dclla
frontlera cho esse avevano varcata nel
mesc dl lugllo.
II govcrno perbo nvrebbe Invlnto unn
vlolenta notn dl protestn nl govemb al
banese. chlcdeudo cho rltlrl le sxie truppe
sulla llnea dl confine Etnblllta durante
la Conferetiza delln l'nce.
Intnnto la Serbia si dice stin prcn
dendn lc misuro opportuno per opporsi n
qunlsinsi ulterlore azlonc da parte degll
L'Iden Nazlonnlc conferma In notlzia
cho l'On. Gioltttl. duruutc la sua con
ferenra in Lucerna con Lloyd George,
nbbia da qucstl ottenuto l'nssicurnziono
cho l'lnghiltcrrn rlconosccra' 11 ntiovo
Libero Stnto del Qunraero. che sara'
formato da Plume e dal terrltorio ndle
centc. secoudo In pmpostn dl Oabrielo
DAnnunlo, 11 quale no lia Rift' prcpa
rato lo stntuto. ...
Scmbrn cho 1 capl del partlto soda
llstn itallano at alano pronunalntl in
fnvore dclla cotltulone del Libero
Stato seebndo la proposta fatto dal
poetA-gucrrlcro. .
Lontlra, 20 ngosto II Governo IIumo
del Soviet ha rlspoato nd una npta in
vlata dal prcsldonto del conslgllo do J
mlnlstrl d'inghllterra, Lord Uajour
rlgunrdo al termini dl pace dou la row
nla. o dlchlarn dl cssere dlspoBto n rlt
Irnre la condlzlono che provvede alia
formazlone dl unn mlllzla del prole
tarlato, composta dl 200.000 uomlnl. 1
govcrno dl Moscn, poro', Insists che. I
negozlatl 1 dl pnee devons esscro dis
cussl Boltanto con la Tolonln c senza
Ingcrenze da part6 dl nitre nazloni,
Ln nota del govcrno Soviet dice cho
la conccsslono dl rltlrnre la condlzlono dl
cul soprn o' fatta alio scopo dl cllmlnaro
lo cccezlonl fntte nU'uopo da Lloyd
Gcorgo per tcntnrc dl nrrlvarc ad unn
complcta intesa con 11 governo dclla
flrnn Bretinmn.
La replica do! govcrno Soviet o stntn
rlcevuta dnlla delegazlono russn nttunl
mento In Londrn. I componentl dl cssa
hanno dlcharato cho la conccsslono del
ioro govcrno BOdtiiaia ni uesiucn ueu -Inghllterrn
a dcll'Itnlla.
Crown Princess to Visit Kaiser
Wlerinswi, Holland, Aug. 20. (By
P.) The former German crown prin
cess, who has, been visiting her husband
here, left today to visit the former Ger
man emperor nnd empress nt Doom. She
wns nc;ompanlcd by two of her sons, the
other two rcmnlnlnc here with her
One Hundred and Flfiy Residents of
Village Near Jerusalem Slain
Cairo, Egypt, Aug. 20. (By A. P.)
One, hundred nnd fifty Christians
lutvo been killed nt Ajlun, n village.
about fifty miles northeast of Jeru
r.alera, by a band of Bedouins, accord
ing to a dispatch received hero from
Hnlfa, Pnlcstlne.
Another dispatch states that in n re
cent Bedouin rnld on a train near
Dnmnscus an Italian naval officer was
among tho hilled.
Lloyd George Felicitates K of C.
Como, Itnly, Aug. 27. David Llovd
George sent n letter of greeting to the
American Knights of Columbus when
they were leaving Lucerne yesterday.
"You ha.ve my best wishes nnd my
sincere hope thnt your tour will con
tinue to be n successful and a happy
one," said the message.
Brigand Who Surrendered Advises
Other to Do Likewise
Mexfco City, Aug. 27. (By A. P.)
Francisco VUlai tho former outlaw, who
ylcldod recently to tho government, has
written to Pedro Zamorn, who raided
Cualo and carried off British nnd Amer
ican subjects, advising him to surren
der. ....
Villa urged Znmorn to "sacrifice his
prldo" and obtain from President Do Ln
lluertn and Sccrotnry of War Calles a
letter "containing guarantees for us
Negro Stabs Man Found In Home
With Butcher Knife
Reading, Pa., Aug, 27. As the re
Bult of n duol with knives, with Ujo
woman In tho enso ns a spectator, Wil
liam Johnson it in a hospital with n
long slash across his faco and another
in his chest, and Richard Jnckson nnd
L. D. Bcrgcr Co., 59 N. 2d St.
Dell, llarhet DM. Kciiitone, Uoln 4000
if " 7? 1
fJJ ws7f M Nf
Bed Bugs,
Water Bugs,
Ants, etc.
Get a Can of
and free your home
of these pests
On suit everywhere
John Lerro.r Hon
Camden, N. J.
Apartments at the St. James
iKZi riiiHgm ! mux
Scvpxal apartments ranging
from 2 rooms and bath to 0
rooms with 6 baths will be
available, on yearly lcaso
from Soptcmber 1st now
open for inspection. Also
several one -room -and -bath
The Hotel St. James Is being
thoroughly renovated mak
ing this always - desirnblo
hotel still more attractivo to
discriminating patrons.
The St. James Hotel
Walnut at 13th Street J. Howard Slocum, Manager
Welsbach "THRIFT'
Gas Lights Iff.
At Cost liJ'
To .replace wasteful open - flame gas
burners. Give more light than open
flame burners and use less than half as
much gas.
Wo will show you how to install thorn.
Complete, ready to fit on any upright fixture.
Broad and Arch
and District Offices
WlWssf- Iff
II .'Mj' m ti
Z2F "Ttttarv
Qas Olott
The United Gas Improvement Co.
his wlfo nro being held until tho outcome
of Johnson's Injuries enn bo learned.
Jackson Is n negro nnd hla wlfo Is
wMln. .Tnrltnnn I ft unlll t6 linvO foUnit
Johnson in his home when he returned
from work last night. Jackson, tuo no-,
llco say, confessed to stabbing tho In
truder with n butcher knlfo ln self-defense.
Johnson is declnrcd by Jnckson
to have used a large knlfo of his own.
After Johnson went down with hla
woutids Jnckson It said to have thrown
him bodily out of n second lloor win-
z? ' J
dow. The police picked him nn iTI
uiu uuuui in m. j years oiu, ,w
"3Z. J"""' ","5- f-r-y a. n.
masters with tho ww!d7hop,ft
will rcccivo npproval of the MeUmV A
Church, tho nntl-danelng edict of A ,
tho convention has dppforcd Me, "jj f
11 nf
Hi A
I An
ll (ft
Ladies' and Misses'
Juniors' and Girls'
Tailored Suits
24.75 29.75
Motor and Street Coats
27.75 32.75
Tyrol Wool is so plainly tai
lored that the styles will be
perfectly good this Fall.
The "Reds" Are On
The Run
The gallant struggle of the Poles to save their capital from capture has at last been
crowned with success, and the Bolshevist reverse bids fair to become a rout, according to an
arresting article in this week's number of THE LITERARY DIGEST, dated August 28th,
on this spectacular turning of the tide of war. The Minneapolis Journal is quoted as saying
that "the Bolshevik menace to western civilization, if any, is now political," while an Eastern
paper is sure that "Bolshevism has shot its bolt." The Newark Evening News asserts that
the "lowering of Bolshevism's prestige will naturally be followed by reaction within Russia,"
and the New York World declares that "it was not merely a battle that Poland won in front
of Warsaw, but the right to assume a position of equality at the peace table." lt
r '; Other articles of more than' usual interest in this number of THE DIGEST are:
The American Woman Voter Arrives
A Summary of Opinions From Friends and Foes of the Suffrage Amendment Called
Forth by the Recent Decisive Action of the Tennessee Legislature
British Labor's War on War
Bursting of the Ponzi Bubble
How Will the Turkish Treaty Work?
Canada's Care for Her Veterans
France's Terrible Black Troops
Sizing Up the American Musical
Invasion of London
The Work of the Junior Red Cross
Canada's Labor Church
Bolshevism, "Aristocratic" and "Militant"
Villa, Subdued Bandit, Devotes Him
self to Ranching
William Marion Reedy's Last Story
Trees as Home-Makers and Memorials
Topics of the Day
Who Will Build Five Million Homes?
Paying More for Expressage ,
France's New Ally
Fishing in the Salton Sea
Health on Tiptoe
The Commercial Value of Sunsh:-
Putting Argon to Work
Recalling the Romantic Drama
Medical Literary Criticism
Wilbur Wright in France
The Church's Duty to the Leper
A Convict's Defense of Prison
Canada's Absent-Minded Premier
Best of the Current Poetry
Maiiu Interesting Illustrations, Including Maps and Humorous Cartoons
August 28th Number on Sale Today News-dealers 10 Cents $4.00 a Year
f DkSncilon I IT 'i-EJfiftlFXP I JTCJIT I
i Th Literary lAVf v Mrm0 1
?V k HJNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Rablishers of the Famous NEW Standard DictioAuy), NEW YORK 1!
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