Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 25, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 4, Image 4

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    L '
f til
ir JflNHhavi&ts Aro Real Reaction-
I'.V Krits, Not Believing: in Gov-
, ernment of tho Pooplo
1 By the Aaaoctaled Prow
St. Louii, Aug-. 25. The Bolihevlkl
irre pictured aa cneinlea of democracy,
of Lincoln's Ideal of government of the
DopI, by the people, in an address by
Jl Bir AUCKiami viut-s, uimj" iw.v
J 'the American Bar Ansoclatlon's annual
fl convention hero today. Toe IJrit h
:j ambaiaador declared that the Bolahcvlkl
S were tho real reactionaries endeavoring
fl to eatabllnh a privileged clan called the
J proletariat ; to force on society a went
Idea regardless or wnouicr kocicw
tvanted It. . . . .
Sir Auckland doclared that Great
-n.it.i ni.i tho TTntted States "aro co
ll ,-,..... fnr humanity that the theory
and practice of democracy shall not suf
fer distortion or dhnunltlon In spite of
it avalanches or aisaait loosni upon iv
& Its enemies." He said that democracy
a should be protected from the attacks
by "all who dwtre to oeneni numiui
1 through some great idea of ncalculablo
3 good, by all who as Individuals beck
Hot themselves privileges i over their fel-
Iowa and denr the equality of men be
fore the law.' ,
Blr Auckland oennea me men ui
-,f that constitutes the prccii
r .nttyiant that consiuuicH me v
"'tage for whllchthewo nations arc
revelation of the divine will is made to
man through the understanding of all
men; second, that this can be expressed
In laws made by the people for the
governance of the executive officers
i. ,, nnnnmt. ns 'wen an lur me
X maintenance of national discipline
1 among themselves. '
j Lincoln's Idea Is Best
5 est. Aurkland wild that Lincoln beat
epitomized the best form of government
the human race had been able to devise
You can hear Sousa's Band any
dav when vou
Victor Talking Machine Co
Camden, N. J.
an "by the people, for the people," but,
he added. "I Wonder how many realUo
what a tremendous revolution this rela
lively new Idea Is producing In alt hu
man relationships, or even how new tho
Idea Itself Is and how little it hai been
tested. Only a trifling minority of the
feoples of the world understand it.
doubt It even In Europe there is a
majority which supports It, certainly
there is not a majority which under
stands it. I would like to bo con
vinced that there whs a majority rcnlly
understanding In favor of it in tho
British Isles.
Eastern Races Oppose
"If the idea is to continue without
a serious setback, wo people who be
lieve in it will hnvo to stand firmly to
gether, for there ore powerful forces
opposed to It. So far as wo know, the
millions of Asia have opposed the idea
throughout all their history, although a
small number of Asiatics are now loud
in its support. Islam necessarily is
opposed to it. The Bolshovlkl ore
naturally violently opposed to it. So,
too, Is every one who has what he re
gards as a big Idea or great principle
of incalculable good which he or she
wishes to force upon tho people whether
they wish it or not.
"Theocracy oud autocracy, forceful
application of the big idea, inevitably
led to inequality before tho law and
so to tyranny, revolution and chaos
or to decadence, conquest and chaos.
That way lies no hope Let the Bol
shevikl and their supporters in all lands
prate as they will ot reactionaries and
Imperialists. They, themselves, arc the
reactionaries. Their admitted doctrino
is to establish a privileged class which
they call the proletarrat, but they mean
by that term a solect body of their
own supporters. Their whole creed is
to force on society a great idea which
h'ns been revealed to them and to them
alono: and, like. It or dislike it, so
ciety Is to swallow it whole and that
Is nothing but pure theocracy
"We have to maintain the heritage of
freedom against assault from within
and without, the priceless heritage of a
great idea now in danger from its
popularity. Even rts enemies try to
conceal their actions behind its phrases.
Hope Lies in Unity
"Whatever difficulties might arise be
tween our nations, I believo nothing
is more important than this, that you
and we stand together to defend tho
hard-won hope of mankind that through
law made by the people for their own
Your home, wherever it may be, is right on the line
of march of Sousa's Band of Pryor's Band, Conway's,
Vessella's, U. S. Marine, Garde Republicaine of France,
Black Diamonds of London, of the greatest bands of all
the world. And every band plays as it goes marching by
on the Victrola. Plays the very music you want to
hear and gives you the same thrill!
Victrolas 25 to 1500. New Victor Records
on sale at all dealers on the 1st of each month.
ma.u, o.pat. orr.
disciplining, man -wilt at last .escape
from the toils that have snared the
feet of bis ancestors and wilt have
taken a great stride, toward solution
ot the problem how he shall live in
communities In peace and ordered free
dom." Comprehensive legislative reforms
were before the association for con
sideration as tho organisation convened
in session here.
Tho proposed changes, covering n
wide range, were presented In reports
submitted by various committees. They
tended In part toward uniformity for
state statutes and modernization of cer
tain federal court procedure.
Discussion of methods for maintain
ing the standard ot the bar on a high
level also promised to hold an Impor
tant place in the convention.
A report prepared by the committee
on professional ethics and grievances
stated a canvass of members of the
judiciary throughout the United States
Indicated that prevailing sentiment fa
vored the Incorporation of the bars of
various communities, with the canon of
ethics as a part of the constitution of
the corporations, which would have full
power to superviso tho conduct of all
practicing attorneys.
Tho convention will end Friday night
with the annual banquet. Hampton L.
Parson, of Philadelphia, is president of
tho Bar Association.
President's Opening Address
Preservation of the constitution of the
United States and staunch adherence
to Its doctrines were demanded by
Hampton L. Carson, of Philadelphia,
president of the association.
The constitution and the form of
government which it represents, he
declared, wero the culmination of the
desire for freedom and liberty in
thought and action.
"Our system, though often spoken
of as democratic, is not and never has
been a pure democracy," President
Carson said. "It is representative, re
sponsible representative government."
Outlining the deliberations from
which the constitution was evolved and
the principles followed out In present
ing the draft to the several states for
ratification, tho speaker declared the
conclusion reached was "both sane and
Tho authors of the constitution,
President Carson sold, "did not enact
political or social economy or mistake
nervous twltchlngs for reform."
have a Victrola
LEDGBBh - PJcnAPmHlA, "mBBJfBSDAT) &TT0UST 25, 4 1&20
,r ;r, v-i, .;, a ' - ,,,' ;: ; ,,. -- -r
Institution Chiof Bars Visitors
From House of Correction
After Dope Exposo
No visitors will be permitted hereafter
at tho House, of Correction, Holmes
burg, as a result of tho discovery that
"dope" had been smuggled into the in
stitution and given to prisoners.
Tho ban on visitors was announced
today, when Charles T. Preston, chief
of tho Bureau of Charities and Correc
tion of tho Department of Public
Welfare, mado public a letter from Dr.
Blair Spencer, physlclan-ln-chlef of
the department.
The letter follows:
"My dear Mr. Preston :
"As a result of the investigation made
by me, with tho assistance of the Detec
tive. Bureau, I feel justified in issuing
the following orders to go into effect
today, August 25. 1020 :
"There shall be no visitors to the
Houso of Correction to sec Inmates
(dopo or otherwise) or to Inspect the
"No packages of any kind are to be
received for inmates.
"AH outgoing mall shall be opened
and censored and any Incoming mall
treated likewise.
."No habitual user of drugs shall be
given independent duty or treated as
trusty j the duties previously performed
by this class of inmates shall in the
future be done by drug-free Inmates.
"Special attention shall be given in
the future to careful examination of all
prisoners on entering the Institution.
"Any employe of the Institution tak
ing mail out for inmates will be re
ported and summarily dismissed.
"All drivers and chauffeurs of com
mercial trucks shall be provided with a
This trademark and the trademarked word
"Victrola" identify all our products, Look
under the lid I Look on the libel I
Ciraden, N. J.)
tmrntdi trhn uktll k. .1.1 Xntfattllt at.
tendance with them Until they leave the
"Sincerely yours,
Doctor Spencer, employes of tho
prison and detectives realized that dope
smuggling' had been going on for some
time. They knew that much of it came
from tho outside, and had planned to
admit visitors tomorrow and search
them before allowing them to see prison
ers, In tho hope that they would And
tho sour:o of the dope supply
Doctor Spencer, ivlth this In mind,
was keeping the matter secret, T'ie
plan had to be abandoned when tha
news that dope was being NluuggieU
into tho prison became public.
Discussing the situation today Doctor
Spencer said: i
"I regret to appear to be inhuman,
1 'i vr!g-iiatygrrv'r , t mim-lnrlrmniMvmvn . mmu. ,......- , ,,.. ,,H mi
E mm-wk 1 uw.
"Back to school" means new clothes
" for the boys
"TX ACK to school" may seem a little
-L-J hard after vacation If s easier oel
the boys if they go back with stylishj
new clothes It's easier on father and
mother if they buy good clothes; they.
won't have to buy so often
Strawbridge & Clothier are the Philadelphia
Distributors for Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing
but .those whbm wo send to tho H6use
ot Correction to bo cured of tho dope
habit must be kept away from drugs,
ft they get drug whatever wedo for
them there Is undone."
Doctor Spencer said two or three
employes of the institution wero under
suspicion of haying brought drugs into
the institution. Most of tho dope, how
ever. Doctor Spencer bclloVe, Is brought
by visitors. Former prisoners who had
been cured often brought the drugs in,
Doctor Spencer believed. Various in
genious measures wore used, ho said,
by 'the "dope runners." Minute por
tions wero put under pottage stamps
and under the flaps of envelopes. Bars
of soap, plugs , of tobacco and fruit
wero used as caches to hide small por
tions of drugs.
Our clothes have the true boy style; and the
quality that saves money; boys9 clothes "as
good as father's" Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back
Hart Schaffher &.. Marx
' "" " r i1
Power Falla on Walnut, Che.tnut
and Broad Streets
Several sections of tho city were In
darkness during tho greater part of last
night duo to a breakdown of tho elec
tric system supplying current. (
Tho accident occurred about 8:80
o'clock. Chestnut street and Walnut
street, In tho center of the city, suf
fered the most, Broad street, from
Qlrard nvcnuo to Spruco street, won
likewise unllghted. ...
In the northwestern section of the
city, the area bounded by Broad, Twenty-second
and Arch streota and Olrard
avenue, was also in darkness, so far as
the electric lights were concerned.
i 1 1 w ' .mi nn
W h "" T
"W-W I ' -r "'J
e PhUadelfcfckIeetrJe C0t iepotiW
tho "llghtlelgbl't eSndUj?S'1
to ihe fact that a, fcM.i C? f t
... . .... -. . .."'" WIWKB J
mo main siauon and tho Ludlow gnh j
station had gone out ot comml.iA- (
During1 the darkness that enL , 1
W..t PhllaHMnhl. 4 ... ?& fl
hours three men were injutefl tnv0ur '
trolley car collided wlthi ,
Forty-sixth and Market streets tn "
m The .wagon, on which wcr iji .
Hamuci urown nnti Arti.... r uwr (
negro, of 8hron HI 1, was golnV '
on Market strcot. On attcSL ?' v
turn from the track tho trSSS'LV l? '
tho wagon. Brown and Lucas in...?0
with John O'Connor, forty.iiv g!tter
old, tho motorman of the il m
taken to tho Presbyterian Hosnlh.'i W(I
ferlng from lacerations &.
Brown and Lucas were arrested JX.0':
with blocking traffic. WMlM argtf
f 1
mxswmmMi.mmM rBmaxsa m
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