,-' J f j(f ' "-V .?; ,7 h lAv ( V V? v Ai ' '' t . , Jv:'. V 1 r , , EVJfitflHG PUBLIC l LEDGBRPHILVDEBlHlA, , tHTJKSljAT, AUGUST , 19 1920 -7 : j , , . 1 . i , t Amencai) Dredging Co. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS 308 Chestnut Street Philadelpliin ! rtr: WIRE YOUR HOME on 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS FIXTURES INCLUDED WHALEN-CROSBY 140 North 11th St. Itnre !n a n. xuuiiiiiiiiii Wat. Soli's SDf.S 3 $9$BSd : I- X. E. Cor. 8th & Filbert Sta I' Shoes Cleaned or Dyed Whole Soles jm ', of Genuine Ncolin ffijskt and Rubber HeelsA . . Women's jM, I 1.50 I .Men's L PARCELS POST GOVERNMENT ?&$?& COATS M'.)i 'KS AT A LOW PKIl f. srt:rti. ptsi'nt-NT t'i 'i: iKAi.i:ns HOnills ANKt.KOd 7)7 Hi s 11-TH ST EAGl!E COAL OIL BURNER For Cook Stoves or Ranges Thl llnrmr "III -iltntirr In S7.HS Sept. I. Now 55fi Ea,e Burner Co. ,PU 720 I) Spring GajdcnSt. REUPHOLSTERING or Tin: iiignkk ;r.uh: n --n.tru. nc ritlnl.hlnff r,u o .J p ); i,.r r ltbr,ir fumitur. Sir. J20 :.i Hank. htf, hd-I ..ffu furniture r- , n . r .) i -h ri tv. 1 1 , l i-.lr inkn for rvv PH-!or furnttur. at rn.inufaftur-K' prlc. Slip ovrs to ,.-dr "ur specialty. Hell Lombard 4350 ! Quaker City Upholstering Co. 2nn-W CIIK.sTMT ST. I in i ii nil I This Beauti ful New 88 Notc Player , $415 New Pianos, $275 to $950 New Players, $415 to $1725 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH 6TH ST. i V Corns and Calluses ' Removed in 5 DAYS with Abbott's Plaster THa nimi nn "nt nt all orn and raUu r?nidl to u Juv a ttijn. m3icAtf ni. hSBw r'aatfi ,ru '"Ut "ff a pli-p und arplv. , JCo tmubV to wr -hrfi while uMng, mi plve. lifjulfJi or nnn1' t both r ou In fivn t day! ou rfii ift v'Tns aiiU callups rlsht off ith vrur finer!" Prlre 1'V VI pruc Jtnr- nr Hv MU. i AlinOTT HKMKDIKS n. ' 00th n nd (tlraril Ae.t rhllHtlflphU. Used Army Tents as Children's Play Tents 'WasSbiSfcfeP Uf hmf brfti abjp (o friirp unntlirr lot of uwl rn hrltrr liulip nt ik prlcp uhlHi ufTnnN tlc -ittHE. hll ttirM art .otd "ii- Is they uri till In pood t-nndltlnti with lot of hard rumn lliff nrrxice In them 'I h lntn are madf nf lie.n, Uliakl u.itritrnnf iltnK In Ihr popular "Ik' hUIi iii In the Arm j, riirt arc madf In tun rui, haUeo, made in tt eminent dm I tic a tlon, Th" ned trnt liuve nreu artual (mrrnment hrrUf and inaUt a uo de. ftlniMt lent for the Imu for lilUlnc. while they afTnrd cotid wlirltrr under all rn I her cnndlllnnv s(f. "i'V lune. 5'n" lde and 3 hlsh. Used Tents S2.ofl Poles 50 I'urifl l'iit '!.1 (riit l.xtni Kn hair it lurct llnr of lunctr tenl nt rnluinl irlf. Keystone Canvas Goods & Klajj Companv 1012 FILBEItT STREET i'iiiui)i:i.iin. i'i:n. PAINT & VARNISH i NO PROFITEERING ! WEEK SPECIAL SALE INSIDE FLAT WHITE t A rrf(.t mow wild trr In '1 m Rnd ruf antod lo ta whi'o 'ii ' a-ruaily ' WoMh IS 00 Ballon Can Bhln IrMn. dlatfly $3.00 Gallon; $1.00 Quart WHITE SHIP ENAMEL A -n 'oAt heautifu' naml finish fo hips, private hometf hotel h and apt Y uies $3.00 Gallon MAHOGANY VARNISH $1.00 Quart; $3.00 Gallon The a bow while and mahogany, mako beautiful Minhlnatlon SPAR VARNISH IliRli' i erailp ontliI irianiifarturml. i lnd in (In. m Imuii'B for lnlil anil outalile Arti.Bl aiu "f $n. Nanif of manufacturer m .f" i an will ii wniit it laam $1.00 Quart; $1.75 Vz Gallon $3.00 Gallon HOUSE PAINT Inilde wlil'te, outslda whit, hronie grttn, hrlvlit crrn. rn iirferi. rhocolato brown. buff, rolonlal yrllow and Uory. Thr in.i.io vwlilie u snow white and cuaran. td to stay white. $1.00 Quart; $3.00 Gallon Save the Surface and You Save All WILLIAM E. HINCH. Gimbel Brothers MARKET CHESTNUT : EIGHTH NINTH FOR FRIDAY Misses' New Fall Dresses Six Particularly Smart' Modjels at $29.75 Three models In satins of nn unusually lustrous feci and look. One like the picture, with its demure long waist and scallop-tiered skirt, and quaint Bliort sleeves. One beaded- both skirt and waist In brilliant cut-steel boaits. And one with corded double - ruffles on tho smart rcdlnRotc-tunic. And all three models come in navy blue, brown and black. Two models in good blue serge. And nn adorable taillcur in blue tricotine with a little silk lining. Girls' Fall Dresses at $19.75 niuo and brown satin nil ruffles. j And a sweet blue serRe n-ltli a pleated skirt anil embroidered bodice. 8- to t6-ycar sizes. All Girls' Tub Dresses Reduced "Ones" and "twos" mid "broken aires" and "odds and ends." New prices begin ns low n ji.bo. -filmbeli, Salon of I)re, Third floor. ;ll $19.73 5 fl )MH' pi $29.75 4 mm $5.95 Duvetyn and Velvet Rcady-to-Wear Hats Spe:rl Some nll-duvctyn. But the majority have velvet crowns when they've duvctj-n brims. Or duvetyn crowns when they've velvet brims. Here and there, arc plumage-brimmed, duvetyn-crbwncd models. Mostly ofT-thc-face models'. i Soft effects. Autumn colors brovrns, blues, blacks, rust-color. Mostly combined with black velvet. Glmbflt. llrt and Third floor. 150 Living-Room Suites In the August Furniture Sale , At Fourth to Half Below Current V allies s Picture shows one of the styles in Living-Room Furniture. The pieces all have all spring backs, spring edges, spring cushions ; outsidd of all pieces covered in same material ; coverings of tapestry, silk velour, short-clipped silk mohair, in gray, blue and gold, mul berry and gold and antique stripe effects. The three-piece suites ranging in price as fol lows: $200, $225, $250, $285, $325, $lJ75, and $425, and are at reductions averaging from 25 to 50. Living-Room Suite, Three Pieces, $425 Saving of Just Onc-Half A. luxurious living-room suite, deep seated davenport, wlmr sides, roll pil low wins, nil sprint: scats, spring pil low backs, loose spring cushions! large luxurious fireside chair, arm cnulr to match. Outside backi are covered In same goods. Coverings of blue and gold silk velour or gray and mulberry short-clipped mohair plush. Three pieces special nt t1Z. Three Hundred Pieces of rapostry-Covercd Living-Room Furniture at Half Price At $25 Arm chair covered in tapestry. Saving of one half. At $30 Arm chair covered in tapestry. Half vriee. At $100 Luxurious ChaiRC Longuc in tapestry. Just one half. Davenport at $112.50 Savittfj of $112.50 Davenport, fi ft. 6 In. long, loose spring cushions, pillow spring backs, covered! In tapestry. Special at HI -.50. Dnvenpnrr, 7 ft. long, I';?.J,1L,:v.,".""s'!?.0.s.e njiiiiiK uugiiiuniT, i.utci- I V Ings of flowered tapestry. I Verjr'enmfnrlnble rn port, 7 ft. long, eoft spring pillow arms, loos spring cushions, qprlng backs, covered In tap estry. Three -piece Tapentry Suite, nil spring seats and backs, loose spring rushlons, sectional matfc, finest wool tapestry cov ering, threo pieces at $400. Savings of f00. At fiR Arm Clialr, covered In heavy wool tapestry, plflow spring hacks, looso spring cushions, coverings of tapestry, - Glmbtlii, Sixth floor. At $150 At $400, Georgette, $3 More of Those Dainty Georgette Waists at $3 Which Is. Just Exactly Half-Price In all four of these exceedingly popular lace trimmed, short-sleeved models. Cool as a breeze! ' Dainty-colored as ice-cream in the sadiie pinks and white. All sizes in each style 36 to 46. (ilinlirN, Sulnns of I)rf!i, Third llnnr. ,fTfl iliff if) $3.93 Silk Petticoats $3.95 All-jersey even the deep flounce. And in just exactly the colors most in demand Navy blue, black and the new Fall colors. And an Extra-Size Silk Petticoat Special at $5.95 Two styles one all-jersey ; the other with the. top of jersey and the flounce of taffeta. Navy blue, Mack and the new Fall colors. GlmlirlK, Second floor. Women's Silk Stockings Full Fashioned Pure Ingrain Silk At $2.75 The least we can say is that they are the kinds to keep on hand for better -wear and in the colors most desired. Black, White, Cordovan, Navy Glrabrl. lint floor. . f? ' i -" Did Any Woman Ever Think That $19.75 or 'C- cor- r ion ie n l J $ld or iLven oo:mo vouia '' - PraCCaKUr Ri nr o H ami. K - v i. i v .jv-ymade Dress rrom fans; H French voile nnd that in itself is "diflcrent." And oh, the colors! The mauves of Paris! The famous French blues! The rose-tones! The pale, exquisite pinks! The soft, bisque-yellows! Tho whites, coral-edged! ' Hand -drawn work and hand -hemmed ruffles. All American-Made Tub Dresses Reduced Ginghams. Printed voiles. Plain voiles. Organdies. 1 New Prices $5 to $14.75 -Olmbrlii, Nulon of Dren. Third floor. A 135) v S it ' .k iS . tl.T IP. A-J A i! i 1 i A& f 1 1 1 Men's Madras Shirts 1 $9 35 price. Save 30 at J Woven madras and printed madras; just the patterns in demand y All-Silk and Silk-and-Fiber Some are slight "seconds," but nothing really to hurt $2.33 is a low Shirts at $4.95 price. $1.95. Broken sizes and a "broken" ninibrln. llrnt floor. Ninth Htrcet. psc'SS'Bfv , w I' 1 w T" U.4- ifc1 Men's High Shoes at $4.95 Because Short Lines Taken From Stock Close ; to Average Half Price. Tan and black leathers. Mighty good picking. Broken sizes. Men's "Perfection" and "Welbred" $7 7C OXFORDS,Reduced to JV Save fourth to third clean-ups. BOYS' Tan Scout Shoes, best grades, at $2.85 and $4.15. Broken sizes. r.imbciH, Second floor. 111 in ii jp iVx 1 Friday the Book Sale Will Feature 10-Volume Sets of Works by Edgar Allan Poe at $5.25 a Set Good paper. Good-size, easily read type. Cloth binding. Gilfstampings. At $5.25 One-Third of the Real Value -- OlnilirU, Hook Mutr. 1'lrnt floor. Boys' Norfolk Suits With Extra Pair of Full-Lined Knickers at$10,$12.50,$15,$17.50and$20 The materials are fine quality tweeds and cassimeres in rich browns, smart-looking grays and fashionable green mixtures of "heights that your boy can wear comfortably on cool summer days and in snappy fall weather. Single- and double-breasted coats, all except a few lined throughout with mohair. Splendidly tailored with rein forced scams and reinforced wherever the "wear and tear" is greatest. Ages 8 to 18 Years Save $5 to $10 (ilnihrlt, Tll.nl floor. ri r:s ? 4P 0-9 $15 Women's and Misses' New Fall Dresses $15 : $19.75 : $22.50 to $32.50 Varied Choosing of Charming Models Gimbels lead in the advance showing of beautiful Fall Dresses for women and misses. ...,, And you can depend on them being the "cream" of fashion. Beautiful, lustrous satins. Tricolettc. Tricotine. Serge. Clearance of Women's and Misses' Summer Tub . Dresses at $2 and $5 m..-.,.. . . n .i noia & .. LSTUKc. urtna ai si, wuwic.i i o CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY (SUMMER HOLIDAY) Men Are Showing Great Appreciation f the Unexpected Good Luck in This Purchase of 1700 Kuppenheimer Suits at $27.50 About a fourth are 2-piecc Suits for wearjiow and for 3 months. Balance arc 3 piece uit8 for all. year jvear. Cancellations ! that's the "w h y." When the makers wanted to get the woolens the railroads held them up; and when, finally, the makers wanted to ship the Suits there was anothef -embargo hold upl Values Double and More All the favored Kuppenheimer models. All the selected Kuppenheimer suit ings and colorings. And at the wonder 'fully low price of S27.50. -Gimbels. Second floor. Ninth Street. i Buy Cupples Tires And Save a "Good" Third Fully Guaranteed Compare these Tiros with others you'll come back and buy Cupples Fabric Tim, 9000 Mile. Cord Tiret, 11,000 Mile Kabrlo Cord Tubes 30x3 $17.45 ....... $2.05 30x3 $20.70 $2.50 32x3Vj $24.80 $2.90 31x4 $29.00 $3.40 32x4 " $33.10 $49.25 $3.75 33x4 $34.50 $50.85 $3.95 34x4 S35.15 $51.75 $4.05 33x4 $45.10 $4.55 34x4 S16.85 $56.60 $4.95 35x4 $48.35 $5.05 36x4..,. $49.10 35x5 $57.30 i -stm. ' '''4 ,$w ftp 'jBflHI MU ItAOM of KuDMBkWAl 500 1-1B. Boxes Gimbels Assorted Chocolates Q C n lb. for Wrapped Choco- 1 Salted Peanuts, lb. Cfir OOC late Caramels. at . JUI (iliiiliols, ChcBtnut, Street Annrt. (irnnil AUlf nl rubwu Morf. Save Zt Vo (ilmlirln. I'ourlli flour. 60c TaiTctasthat fairly "climmer." Smart Georgettes and daintv charmcuse. Sizes 14 to 120 for misses; 34 to 44 for women. Also extra sizes up to C2, $15. $19.75. $29.75 and $32.50. $19.75 $19.75 About 15 styles. Plain and flowered voiles, to 46. Your choice at $2 and $5. L Many of linccn, too. All sizes up GlmbfL. Nnbnar hlore. Skirts That Should Sell at Double $2.90 Lustrous poplin in black, navy and taupe. With or without pockets. Sizes 23 to 30. Special at $2.90. (HmM, Sulmm store. Subway Store SALE OF Men's Suits at $20 Average Half -Price and Less When tho banks called their loans, the makers of these suits took Gimbels offer of ready cash had to have the money "on the nail." Single - Breasted and Doublc-Grcastcd Models. Weights and Col orings for Now. Vcights and Col orings for Fall. Weights and Color in g s for All - Year Wear. Sizes for Stouts, Long h, Shorts and Regulars. $20 Materials Cassimeres, Fancy Worsteds, Velours, fwcctls. Cheviots, Flannels. Colorings Browns, -Blues, Greens, Grays, Mixtures. Special 400 all - wool High School Suitss Single Breasted, Double Breasted nd With Extra Pair of Trou sers, at $20 l Yl tin' fy fJ "I It ftl'i? X t 01 r-4 imssL 1 1, Yi 'm 1 wW&&Ij l" -Ii la Y'ffl vSta Or'iUnxak I nil I m If v 1 m II m 1 H- ' I $ I ' 1 ! IP 1 1 ' lit.' A V ' 1 ... ..'... , 1.. there Will KPfnucn nf rnn vnrv iniv uiiwvi -- bo a slight chareo for flferaUon M, ' ' 6 l '!- ' j p TTT. "t ' ' i'i' " 1 j .. ai'iaes7N