TC 'y ni - ? i, . " 1 I &?.,. I f Say is not equal I 'M Private Shipyards, Excood k'm Tif . cy ugo ocaio, employes Leador Declares ANY SEEK OTHER JOBS Employes in government shipyards Md nvy yards do not receive nu eqtinf wage ifjth tho employes of privately owned yards. . This was the 'statement mndc today by Bert Crowley, president of the Xnvy Tard Development Association, the cm lores' org-anUntlon of the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Denials of recent state lientR made by nn official of the Atlantic Coast Shipbuilding Association that rovernment navy yard employee were better paid than the workmen In prl rate yards were made by Mr. Crowley and John, Lynch, chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the workmen's as sociation. Several weeks ago the Navy Depart ment appointed n wage equalization board to consider the Insistent demands of navy yard employes for higher wages t meet the crowing eot of necessities Wie Jncn declared they were unablo to ItVe on the present wages and would fcf" forced to accept work In private shipyards. Civic Podles Trotcst Since the nnnounccment of the es tablishment of the board protests have been received from shipbuilders throughout the country, nlso from vari ous Industrial and civic organizations, asserting the navy ship workers arc ns well paid as the outside workman and afflrming that if the wages In the gov ernment yard are raised it would im pair the stability of the labor market. lead to the higher cost of ships and maintain the higher cost of living. Now yard employes declare many in dustrial organizations have followed Yl N I ' 'A r MERGER. n.ii. JJ. ' I MMi I JMfetA i V. , r be aM1utWeMVt.1Baiy'ln:Bendlnt fro tests to the decretory bt the navy And have done so without a knowledge of the1 actual fads and figures. A recent advertisement in a local paper of a Delaware river shipyard Is quoted by Mr. Crowley as a comparison of the relative wages received by gov ernment and private labor. The Macey board, appointed to regulate the hours and wages of shlpworkers during the war, placed the carpenters' ate at eighty cents an hour. This, with the government schedule of forty-eight hours a week and Including n bonus of seventy-six cents a day, gives the navy yard carpenter $42.1)0 a week. The shipyard offered carpenters In the ad vertisement up to $811.4.1 a week. Othrr trades nrc correspondingly high, it is t.aid. The private yards get around the Maecy hourly rates by putting their workmen on a piecework bfcls, which practically takes off wage restrictions. Seeking Other Jobs "It will be Impossible to keep our skilled mechanics and shipworkers with these wages," declared Mr. Crowley. "We cannot compete with the private shipyards and our best men, those Im possible to replace nnd who nrc the backbone of our yard organization, both In repair and construction work, drift off to the higher pay of the private ntfl. "All the navy yard employes want Is n square deal." said Mr. I.yneh. I note that small dealers in different lines of work foreign to shipbuilding, and who know nothing about conditions in the Industry, arc sending protests to Washington. This is being done with out u hearing of our side of the con troversy." JERSEY BOY BLUSHED And One-Piece Bathing Suit Caused Family Row "Ifa prcttv girl can't use your divine board you'd better tnkc It down," sold Recorder Hentz to Frank Keck. nt n hearing in National Park, X. J. A clrl in a one-niece bath ne suit u-na about to dive from a board in front of Keek's cottage along the river front. wheu Keck s son objected. John Iilongu. n neighbor, remon. strated with the boy for his alleged sel fishness, whereupon, it was charged, the, hoy's father struck llloueh. Month told Recorder Bcntz what happened, but lefused to press charges against Keck. lVi Important Announcement BEGINNING Augustl7,1920,thePhiladelphia Branch of the Locomobile Company will control the distribution of the Mercer Car in Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and throughout the State of Delaware, This concentration is a step in the policy of Hare'sMotors, Incoperating company for Mercer, Locomobile and Simplex which aims to cen tralize the merchandising of its products and to offer the public a complete transpor tation service through a single channel of distribution. As a further development of the Hare's Motors policy the service facilities of this establishment will be ex tended and improved suffi ciently to accommodate Mercer and Simplex owners, as well as Locomobile owners and operators of Riker trucks. The expansion thus made possible assures every owner of a Hare's Motors vehicle within this territory that his interests will in all respects be better served henceforth than ever heretofore, and that a new standard of service which shall be the same for all will be maintained here. THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY MARKET STREET, NEAR 24th PHILADELPHIA, PA. . mmmimm m .iaaiaaa,a..ff -up 'ay-tji H0 mFvrm 'Sj'ti v LA HOTA DEGLI Si U. LA Como "La Tribuna" o "LMdea Nazionalo" Commontano I'At- teggiamervto dojrAmerica Published and Distributed Vnder rBRMIT NO. 841. Authorised by the act of October 8, 1017. on nta t th Postofflc of Phila delphia, r. A. 8. BURLESON. Postmaster Central. Roma, 10 agosto Oggl sono apparel I priml comment! editorial! del glornall sulla nota all'Italla da parte del Segre tarlo dl Stato Colby, riguardo la sltua zlonc russa. II glornalc "I.a Tribuna" dice che senza riconoscere II Oenerale narone Wrangel, II coinandaute antl-bolacevlco uclla Russia del sud, HAmorlca rlsolu tamento "gravlta verso la Krancla," ed aggrunge non hlsogna dlmcntlcare che nonostantc l'astratta e tcologlca America rappresentntn da Wilson, nc esistc un'altrn piu' realc. plu' naturale ed entuslastica, e di plu' scmpllco plu tocrazia che non ha nulla n che vederc con la politico democratlca per la con clllazlone del mondo. Contlnuando II glornale dtchlara : "I.a mentallta' bellica si e' orn rlvoltn a concrete mire di pace computntc in moncta e questn istinto ha svlluppato una nuova vlrllita' conslstcnte nella Npecle dl polltica ed Istinto flnanzlnrio, tiplcamente amerienno, parzialmentc ploniero, c parzialmente dl spcculazlone. K mon e' estraneo sc questa intollcranza economica, riflettentesi nolle sferc poli tico dall'altra parte dello Alnll, nbbia' trovato un condlscendcnte nllcato, nel riguardl della Russia, nella primltlvn iueducnta plutocrazia dall'altra parte dell'Ooeano." "Ii'Idea Kazionalc," commentando la nota in parola. la trova cnerglcia e preclsa, ed affatto contrarla all'Ipocrlsia A RUSSIA The Hare's Motors manage ment is in the hands of men whose long experience as automobile executives has enabled them to chart their company's course by the Very soundest principles devel oped throughout the twenty odd years' growth of this great industry, and given them thorough knowledge of every rock and shoal along the channel. Therefore in their progress there is no backing, filling lost mo mentum. Every move has behind it( the purpose of far-seeing pilots who know their ob jectives and move upon them with complete assurance. The present announce ment deals with but one in a series of measures which will be taken in their proper time and order for the good of Hare's Motors' customers and of the motoring public at large. m --' w w wy w a fttry 'di.rjiiloro ch'o''nagm$dlVfars' pace, Bicntre rinsanguinata. spaoa cu AiartQ meua ancora tamo, strago mondo. nt Roma, 17 agosto IOn. Labrlola, Mlnlstro del I.avoro, e' riusclto con siicccsso n comporrc I" sclopcro gencralo che era stato proclamato In tutto II Regno dal lavoratorl portuarl. Uno piu' grave calamltft' o' statn cost frustrata per 11 Parse, Ia sltua alone era dlvenuta molto critics, polchc' molt! plroRca1 carlcht dl grano rlmanc vano Inertl nel port I. meutrc IKJoverno nc aveva somma, ncccssita' per dlsporne nolle provlncic che nc nnnnp plu' urgenza. II luvoro state rlprcso In tutti 1 portl e la stampa clogla lnzionc del Mlnlstro Labrlola. EDUCATIONAL Roth Kexew Mis Illman'a School ror Klrderrartners Junior, Senior and draduate Courses. Primary method. Practlcs kindergarten. Valnut Bt'. Philadelphia. Pa. aarees a. t. iiiman. Prln.. llox L. lliiou OHOnOK RCHOOL. PA. GeOTKO School Country Scnool ft , 1 V IJoya and Olrla. Sepa rata, dormitories. Courses broaJ and trior each. Student etudlea under aupervlalon ot nncipai. uraauaiea succeed in COUNT, 'jciai count. Ainieiics, gymnasium, pool. T wooded iprM nt nnn pnnnlrv alnntf Neihamlny Creek. Endowed Rate mod. arate. Catato. Oeorae A. Walton, A. M.i nx SM. Oeorra Boliool. Pa. KmnHTON. PA. WYOMING SEMINARY A oo-educ&ttonal school where bore and (Irl cet a vlelon. Kxcopllonal teachera In every dept. College prep aration. nuMneaa. Music. Art. Ora iory and Domratlo Art and Science. Illltary Tralnlnr, Gymnaelum and Athletlo Held. 7(llh year. Endowed. Cataloc. Addrera T.. T.. Hpraane. Tl. D.,Pr. Klncaton. Pa. nt.LKnsviu.n. pa. anf.T.KRSV1LLK HTATK NOKMAI. SCnoOL Mlllrrarllle. Lancniter Co., Pa. Ileautlful rampa. commod. dorm'e. hlah-arade Initr.i tuition free. Addreea C It. Onrdlnler. Prln. BOHI,VW. V. School for Ipcccptional Children Home for the care and tralnlr.- of chtldrei who are unable to attend other achools. . neetlo Bclenj for older flrl Reah-n. Pai. uooKiei. aioiu A. Wood. rivi near I'niia. Prln,, llox 174. MTJH1CAI, INSTRUCTION ZECKWER-HAHN Philadelphia Mutlcal Academy and brarlchre. Mall School 1(117 Knrnr Ql Hpeclal Couraea. Public School Supervlior. Normal Claste for Piano ami violin Teach. era. Send for proapct. tafifaSb y mr-' m msr7rsK-'rv ' - il ' hi iA ' iiiiiiiiir'i ii i Ti ' n in M..., ..r''' i. '.' Wfa ' ) I rMw ! HI. -W . 'r tl DlKvvlV i) i i I oth Ae Pharmacy taught in very complete course. graduates being fitted for posi tions in both retail and manu facturing lines. Ask for Catalog F-5. I'honr. Dlamoml 681 TEMPLE UNIVERSITV Ilroad fit. below Iltrki I Phllmlolnhln . A liTiiri7 ; K . .J RnsntBaal rH I waiioi & CHOOIAdmini JnUITOH I Experience keeps a dear school. Wise men' learn at Peirce. i Couraea for youn men!, flualnaaa AJmlnlatrnttom Boifamanshlpi New two-year Commercial Tralnlnu eoure. Couraea for younir women: Secre tarial! Shorthand and Typewriting. Seml for 50th year book. Pine Street. West of Broad Philadelphia The Cjowles School Emphanizinp; College Preparatory Courses For clrla from klndrrrnrtrn throtich Mull achooli bora, through srfond Kriidre. Pnrultv of experience?!! women rol leire trained kinases limited to ten All outdoor aporta. Oymnnstlca nnd nthlctlra under direction School bu In chamo of teacher cnlla for atu denta. Dutldlnira on high knoll nur rounaed by alx acrea l-nullftll if rounds oppolto Oak I.une Rtntlon Tuition for day atmlenta, SI 1 2,1 to S325. For full information npply to Emma Milton Cowlet, Head of School Otic Lane, Philadelphia. Pa. FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL SYSTEM For Boys and Girls Tour Philadelphia elementary achoolt ana Cenlrnl Kchool, n 'unlor nnd aenlor hlh ehool Includlni; coiieec preparatory depart ment l)eclop the constructfo .icultl throuah nhyalcnl and moral culture Stu d"nta touKht the practical and skillful us) i.f hnnd ns uell a brnlnn Smnll classes. Constant personal touch with an exception ally ablo faculty Lame plHynround, ym nnnlnm. lunch room: splendidly lighted and Ventilated clapsrooms. 1 Open to other de nomlnntlons Write for ear hook nnd rates C'hirlr llurlon Walh, rrlnrlnal. IStli nnd Knee Bts.. rhllndrlplila. -SrECI.lI. COACtllMI CLASSICS Ptudenta In Shorthnnd tho Pnrke-flchock-Pitman or Gregg Systems desirous ot mak ing headway durlnc the aummer months anouiu lei us expinln our special summer coAchlnc class Dnv rlnttu. IBSf niiLA. nusiNKSs coi.tnon nnd Collece of Commerce 1(117 Chestnut Ht. I'hll.melnhU LANGUAGES 11 E K I II t SCHOOL I 1R11 CHESTNUT BT. (Kntronce on 18th St.) rrrtMB tav nn nBrntN at a nt tw b PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE t;il-i;i.1 Chrxlnilt Street Ilest school for Iloolkc-ep1nK. Hhorthnnd. Snretnrlnl Touch Tpewrltlnir HnBllsh eu lnstruc liny nnd i:tg Seone Friends' Select School Z $; Tlio I'.Tkwny, Cherrv nnd lflth hts' All crades between Kindergarten nnd Cnllese Btatida for thorouxh work and nil-round Christian character Deelns Ninth Month 20th. ."Pen for Inspection nnd enrollment Walter W. llitllnnd. I'rlnelnil TE.Clli:itS WANTED Positions wnlt. Inir;: free reclitrnt Inn for Colleire nml iSJTT.L. "elmnl rraduntea. MUlinitN THArilEns' HPftKAlT. 1002 Market St. wfit rnm.kT.rt irraT ciinsTKn statk noumai. MciinnL j Hoth 12110 Andrew Tnnn Smith. Prln. Youiib SJen nnd Boys BROWN PREP SnJj nd ,Ch'7 .Mtreeta. tenches the student to know nnd to use what hi knows CnlleBe preparation. Iluslness Courses Korty years of continued buo re ttlthout a dollar of public or prltats nratstnnce protes tho value and tho need )t our methods. They are different and they ore right Inveatlxntu and know SWAHTIIMOKK. PA. .SWAKTIIMOIti: PUKPAIIATOUV Prepares bos for cqllece or life-work Kinnii i rlnssea .Tunlnr Dcpaitmtnt Addrrss W V TOMI.INSON, JI A liox n Hw arthmore I'.t CHKSTMIT HILL. PA. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY St. Martin's, Chestnut Hill, Pn. A dsv nnd boardlnc school for hoys pre paring for colleire. sclentlflo school or husl. ness. Ideally Inciited country day srliool. lx)tv rntea for lire-day boardrra. Catalozt on application MK.itrr.usiumn. pa. The Mercersburg Academy FOIl IIOVS Merrrrahure, M.-n.l fo" entnlnrtip tn r.. WV. MW.V IKVINK. Ph. I. I.T.. I), liriimnifr imi l;ll. ItnM.liFONTB. PA. RMIefonte Acndomv "miti to ia i youne mn W and up lUlth vear. Athletlo Held and irvmnaslum Mdeste rates Catnlcr Jiimet I'. Hnrlies. A M. nerdmnster. IWIefonte. V. SAT.Tsnnno. r. KISR1MINF.TAS RCIIOOT. FOR I10YH P,,. pares for collego or technical school: hlnh. healthful location, faculty of enperts; Indi vidual attention through Preceptorial Sys tem, all Indoor nnd outdoor sports under competent Instructors: wmnoaluni with .wlmmlnir pool ddreas I) A W. Wilson. Jr.. President llox 8311 Baltrrnirr. Pa NAZARETH. PA. NA7RF.TH HAM, MILITARY ACADEMY, Hox Oft. Nninretli, Pa. Founded 1748 Preparatory nnd limine Coursei; Senior. Intermediate and Junior Dept., Athletics! Military Life Rev A D Thneler. D.D .Prln Pl'Nni:RO, PA. PERIUOMEN SCHOOL TOR BOTH Music. Oratory, lluslness and Aarloultur. Beholarahlps. Not conducted for proni. Moderate rate Cataloiua. Oscar S. Krlsbtl, b P.. Prlnelnsl Hot HI) Psnnshur-. Pa, NEW IH.OOMFIEjl'. PA. CXRSON I.ONO INSTITUTE R4th yenr CoIleK Preparatory. lluslness, Junior Courses Separata modern Junior bulldlne for bovs under IS. Healthful coun try location, f 400 and un: Junior, IS7S. Dot tnviaht how to leirn and to live Carson Long Institute. Hox L New Hloomneld Pa " ifETHLEHEI. PA. nethlehem Preparatory School Prepares for lead's; collegs. Extensive, ar'd athletlo fields New Md". Junior Hrhnol, John II. Tntirer. M... n'd'r. llethleheio. ptt' WAYNE. PA. f.T. I.UKE'H BCHOOL . Wan (Main Line P n. R ) Pa Chailea Henry Htrout, A M. Headmaster I HBHRaMHH(aHprairn. 7 " -'-v "' ' "' ' I ' ' "III?'. ','' . ,,. ' ' .'"'' W - ii SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Younff Women and fllfU Schools for the Education of Women For the Nursing Profession Believing that many young women would be glad to enter training schools in hos pitals throughout the State of Pennsylvania as pupil nurses if they knew of the great opportunity for service and to qualify in one of the greatest professions open to women, a Committee appointed to serve in the interests of the Nurses Training Schools, whose names appear in these columns, are conducting a campaign for the purpose of securing pnrnllments in t.hia noble nrofession. X A m JS1 fferrnr''i, -il I ll ii iB W JHHHBILS .Avk XIUM. I f : P - Jk -. J rKtzJmj, i mkx.xmv ,iiin; .tUiiMi:.iiir--iNii i ii h ii ii ii i mmum Hi Wmi; : ill i i ri :i . ! ;--ln!. mJ5 t mmm-UCr . , j ! Indian in the Service ot Humanity i i , 1 Message on the Ethics and Practice of Nursing "N'urslnc Is nn nrt. and If It la to bo mntle nn art It requires as exclusive a devotion, na hard a prepa ration as any nalnter'B or sculptor's work, for what ii havlnjr to do with dead canvas or cold marble com pared with hninR to do ttlth tho litlnr; bodv tho temPle of God's spirit? It Is one of tho flno arts, I had almost said the finest of the flno arts." (Florence NlBhtlnRnle) , . . If this Is true, nnd who will doubt It. what an entirely satisfactory work Is nurslnff, and yet how neces. sary that wo remember we nro dcallnrr with nomethlnS that requires not only our energy, our Interest and our skill, but our deep reverence and hlRhest thoughts? ...,.,. , .... A younR poet killed In Frnncc. wrot. "Like tho stntuo In Michael Anpelo's lump of marble, there la a friend In every nasserbv. nnd In one thero may be a new Christ."- nnd so thcro may ba in any human bolns What T)r. S Weir Mitchell ras of tho physician Is. true also of the nurse: "He sells that which men neither welRh nnr measure, and this sets Iiim otcr n'l professions envo one, nnd far abovo all forms of mere business What such a life makes of a man is largely a question of orlRlnnl character, but In no other form of occupation Is there such constnnt food useful to develop all that Is. best and noblest" The highest ttpo onlv of healthy younfr womanhood should tako up this work, for It Is certainly the, hlRhest slven to nny woman to do. What can be Rrctter thnn by skill and knowledge to help fan tho feehla spark of life to the bright flame of health: to make tho stiff arm supple and strong: to tide the Typhoid or thn Pneumonia patient pnpt the danger post; to give back to the children, the mother who almost crossed the dark river: and to snve the baby with al life's road before him. Nothing can adequately pay for tho skill which has brought to tho bedsldo renewed strength, and perhaps even the "sweet boon of lif" en "If she have fought with death nnd dulled his sword; I' she have given back our sick again. Is It a llttlo thing that she has wrought? Then Ilfo nnd Death and Motherhood be nought '" PRESS AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. AniNf.TON Ablnston Memorial Hospltnl u AI.I.r.NTOlVN Allentnttn State Hospltnl Edward Harvev Momnrlnl Nurses College Itomeopithlc State Hospital Sacred llenrt Hospltnl AI.TOONA Alloona Hospital APm-ANI) Ashland State Ocncrnl Hospital nnwr.n rrovld-ncc Hospital uri.i.Kvrr. Suburban Ocneral Hospltnl w.ossm'Kfi lllossburs Stato Hospital 1IF.RW1CK Derttlck Hospltul , llRTIII.nilKM St Luke's Hospltnl iiuAiinnru Tlrnddock Ocneral Hospital DRAIlFOItn Pradford Hospital IIUIIXIKVII.TJ. n. F. Tl. No. 3 Pittsburgh City and Homo Hospitals C1IB.-TKR Chester Hospltnl CLRARIIELn tlearfleld Hospital COATnSVILl.K ("oalestlllo Hospltnl DANV1M.K nnntllle State Hospital DIVMO.ST Dltmont Hospital F.ASTON Raston Hospital F.KIK lUmnt Hospital St Vincent's Hospltnl HAKRISnURO Hnrrlsburu Hospital llAZIJTTON State Hospital IIOAIESTEAn Homestead INDIANA Indiana Hosnllul Address Public Ledger Educational Bureau for Detailed Information, or Communicate Directly With the Hospital in Which You Are Interested The ripeh School. New York City. Hoarding and Day School for Oirls, cmphastzlnit post araduatn work. Josslca O. Corarav. A II.. LL. H . principal Catalorut. bocre tary Box I., tn V. 77th Bt LUTHERYIT.T Tl. MB. MARYLAND COLLIDE FOR WOMEN Coursus: College Preparatory Collcne. Do mestic Science Music l.xurrulon. Advan- I taaes 10 miles from Dul'lmore fireproof tulldlnas stronif raeuuy. in sears' nislory. Cstaloeue. Address llox T . I.'ithfrrllle. Md. Yoiinic Men nnd l!o a WF.NONiI. N. .1. Wenonah MiUtary Academy Ciararter, Manliness, Honor. More than mere y a primarl atory school I'aeultyVaVoiS only to that of ve,t Point tl.aalnl rYA )ttil... "ill. Scpartto Junior nr'mu,n BtBT.if ? tsi or over Acudemlu course, i;to, Junior Department. I?80;,. , CnWooiie aart tew "oofc on I.Vajie n nr. Chnrlrs II. Lorenee. President. ujjg0 u. vfera's?"'- j'KNNINOTON. X. t. THE PENNINGTON SCHOOT Collece nn Toennioji Mllllsry nrill. FRANK SehoAl nKn.... Mienst.-,,J?- IlMdmasley. nox 1'ennlnrton. N.' J. LANCASTER. p,. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL ACXDEUY Lnncaster. Pa. Foundid 1TM Prspare. boy for college technical school and business Moderato term" For catalni addr V. M Hartman. A M Prln.. Dog Si a nOKUENTOWN.' N.j ' IIOKDKNTOWIV MILITARY INSTITIJT Thorough prop for colleKe or buln. T3. flclent '"'",,7.! ;,.""'"" .'".? nd v dual attention inniviaua iruining, Hnr.rl..t n.t.1.1.u nnik laMP t-n ...! "UfVIV "";;"..-'' '..irt.nKue. adflr... col. J i itnutjn, i-rineipal and Com mandant Ilordentnwn N J Drawer r?"i WOODSTOCK. T. The Massnnutten Military Aradrmr (tnr hoys): 100 m from Washington? mspifSI for rolleas and busl . music athletics i new WMO rtlnV h,ll s.,d dorm 1100 Add?." HcAdmastcr, Box 20. Wopdstgtlt. Vu, i - . . aw a ntrtsi Ynitnr Wadimi 'mA ni.i. 1 j mi i in. """' . -" ..---- - , ii- I - "inn i 41 JOHNSTOWN Conemiua-h Valley Memorial Hospltnl The Mercy Hospital KANE Tho Knnc Summit Hnipltal KtXCAKTRR St Joseph's i.atroui: I.ntrobo Hospital i.ewi.stohn I.owistown Hospital LOCK IIAVKN Lock Hat en Hospltnl tir.ADVii.i.i; Meudtllle Cltt Hospltnl MeKKF.8 HOCKS Ohio Valley O' Hospital MeKEI'.Sl'ORT McKeesport Hospital ' MKKCI'.R ' Mercer Sanitarium MONONGAIIKLA Memorial Hospltnl ni:v ituiniiTON Heater Vnlle Ueneral llopltal NKH KIINSINC.TON Cltlicns' General Hospital NOUUISTOWN Montgomery llnsnltil JIOl'.NT I'I.i:.SANT Mount 1'leasant Hnmltal riiiiai)i:i.i'iu American Klnmiich Hospltnl Children's Homeopathic Hospital F-'rlondV Hospital (lermantottn llnpltil (Oermunloitn) Hnhntinunn Hospital Hounrd Hospital .Iesh Maternity Hoplnl Mercv Hospital (Colored) Mt Hlnnl Hospital I'hllidelplila Orth. n dl.- Hospltnl I'riitrMnm Uplscon.l Hospital St tknes s Hnvpltal St. TlmothN's Hospital (HoilKiroush) SI Mnrt's Hospital School of NurslnK. Hospital of draduate School of Medicine. Unlterslty of I innsylvanla Medico. ChlrurKlcal Hosnlul I'olycllnlc Hospital Women's Hospital of Philadelphia School of Nuralnv for Women I'enn- sjlvnnln Hospital Department for Mental nnd Nertoua Diseases (West I'hlla ) I'liu.ii'.Miiiitn Cottaan Stal Htsn'til I'HOFNIXMI.I.I'. rtioenlxvlllo Hoipltal jwiwjmmrinarrai The Stevens School For Girls A school providing tho development which lends to worthy home membership iuiu me niBnest lype or citizenship. Faculty of highly educated women, with experience tthlch spec ally quali fies them to tench their reflpectlvo hranchei Course, of study nlong lines of Horace, Mann School of Teachers Col lege, Columbia University. Pupil nctlv Ity nnd pnrtlclpntinn Hodall.ed rc na tions IvliiderBarten Complete Kle mtntnry .School as well as High School 54th year opens Sept. 21st For rates and all pirtlculars. address J.'W K.l,Vrlne. M' Denworth, Principal 221 W. Cheltcn Av. Germantown. Phlla. The Holman .Srhnnl 2201 Wuinoi Will Open for lln lw.nlu.S,a, 1 c. u ..y'r September i'3d, tfiao. Elliabeth W. jlraley. A II.. Headmistress MMiiP."nt?rd',r.B.l5h001 for a'rl'1' Overbrooa. Phlla., Pa. College prep. Juilor Depart ment. Carriage calla for pupils 1 In lilt", Dnwyd. Merlon and Wynnerteld. W, ' Dpt. L. Miaa Hi JANETSAYWARD. Prln! THE PHE1IE ANNA THOIINB- " Open-Air Model School of Dept. Education, llryn lawr. College. For (llrl. PrlrnaJy through college preparatory. Opens.Beot "T For . catalog address Th Head Mistress! ,i,"Ji,cu,",U. SCHOOL OF DF.SK1N ia.:ii;ia!"Bw on st.r LITITZ. PA. LINDEN HALL SEMINARY A girls' school slnca 1740. Academic. 'oi. lege. Preparatory and Special Cnuises. nec arato Junior Deparlinr nt nymnaslum. H. NORWALK. CONN. lllLI.HIIIEA School for Olrl NOIIWALK, CONNEOTICIIT Mnrsjnret II. Ilrrilllnger. A, II.. Vassari Vld Hunt I'r.nel. HmUU. " l'fl"u,U. iMTrsiirnc.H Alleirhnny Oereral Hospital Homeopathic Medical nnd Surclcal Hoi- pltil nnd Dispensary rhlldrrir Hospital Passu nnt Ho'pltnl Preshjorlan Hospital Alercv Hospltnl St Trnncls's Hospltnl f-t. John's (leneral Hospital rittsburuh Hospltnl Sisters of Cliarltr t. Joseph's Hospital Pouthsliro H.iHp'tnl Western rennsltnnln Hospital riTT.STON rittston Hospltnl rOTTPTOWN Potlatottn Hosp.tnl I'OTTSVlI.I.n rottstlllo Hospital i:i;ai)ino Tteadlnir Hospital St. Joseph's Hospital RIDI.KV I'AllK Taylor Hospital ROrilKMTKR Rochester Oenernl Hospital SCRANTON State Hospital Moses Taylor Hospital Hahnemann Hofpltnl SFAVICKI.F.Y Settlckley Hospital 8IIAH0N Christian H. Iluhl Hospital PPANflLFR Miners' Hospital of Northern Cambria TARF.NTUM AllcRheny Valley Hospital CnN7) Tork Hospital Dispcnsaiy WARRKN Warren State Hospital WASHINGTON t Washington City Hosoltal WIVVT rilKSTI'.R Homeopathic Hosnltnl of Chester County Cheiter County Hospital WIMtlNSHURC. Columbia Hospital WILKKS-nARRK Wjomlng Homeopnthlq Hospital WII.I.IAMSI'OIIT Wllllamsport Hospital WINDIIKK Wlndber Hospital YORK York Hospital and Dlsponssry DEVON. PA. DEVON MANOR Deton Manor haa otoiveu ..",V. its modern .tralnlnc to nt elrls ' ' 'future Colleao-preparntory and J' colleco courses. Social Sen Ice. ""-J taryohlp. Domestlo Science. Musis 1 Art Catnpua of .Ixteeti sere " J horsebacK riding, golf and " Address awriv . thnmuiui. Principal nov 110 WEST CHESTER ;emINARV DARLINGTON A devoloplng School, for nirls. k S: finest CO"""?: estate in Pennsylvania's Bcri Language. Art. Music, Eioreillan. nr,;;hid mb" lariui. IJUO'linn fit.". "- ..n.Avtit. mgnt. Crllea-e Preoaration ""rTi CIITtlSTIVL! F DYE rrf'(D Box 610. West Chester. Pa. Mnry Lyon School. Bwartjrnor. Pfj - Prep.i graduate work! homeh d ar. . ....--.Il cultural eour.r.. ..-., . ,.,. rt-1 A Ct.lnr. .. nnl A.D. I'ra'nre L. Crist, A.H Pros. "ta. .1KNKINTOWN. BEECHWOOpmjnsi' A Cultural ana roencu. ". j " Worntti nti. TAoroiioAii ?" "".nd rf?r TAoroiionli Kitab ,jpoH Props bll Music. Art ,mpuvviriiin,snnR7v:rn.rrr'' t t iinmpitiu bw--- -. .. DOX 0Ui jcn',w"' ' WnJk-1 ni;vilN'. !' -J . VV 4; w u :-. ,!?& tsr- Jft-XvA.SV