l f is EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, . AUGUST 17, 1920 zjfVt 4 i' kr 7Yzm's No Base Like Home Uy,M. c. ivriWER r.. irnrmolt. fllfe' ? ! P''.1' i . i ,Mfl ff hliinev. many poi 1. '"". '2'VrW,. J-r.rrirncr o (he llfcco .-. -- . ... 1.: j... nuc away rum xrrtnn tome or tflmtnttil. Thnra it... niirA irom w& .......-.-..-. -..-.- 'jtfhr'tinothtr Instalment tomorrow. At m" simile chapter- of Urn- X"".' ",".nii..i hln-Uamtc carrtr! mom - ii- - iy.'.rJi.l5 , A ? ,'," ',1 t- Yonke rn. .V. Y. Trimmed -,...h, rch 0 to o. only Rave two nil J,,r.Bii orWnK press aenu for my Will UD HAIIMON. novv?" I 1 the owners thlnkln' of rhakln' n maliciously first niQ .... hnu'l? CHAl'TIMt IV ' Mo Thin 1h rliiclnnntll Fourth Innlnfr On The Hoaril of a Train tn rhpre Scnorlta Joe Won can see I am now tl.? miwicr of heaucotip ton. YMrlaMleUc" follcyeil mo hllher. .nd yon. m wo are wonted to remark at A tod o. and ftn'lv caiiRht up with mo XV lesi Mian St. lioev. the burtt Im? la ninkln' a neck-aml-neck roco of MhUh The Phillies In the National JfiL or the la.t place. The reason id litter had such a tlmo of It runtiln J J0"n ilue to the sensationally I net fht I am nw with Pat Mormi'n rtum fcSndin" ere of mcirv men. knowen as f9un'V" i.. ,.i n.l. wh ch ins stncKcreil ill Euro'e l.y Rrahhln' off the ll..B for ?iV ,. time In fifty yenra. Joe. I i been with theso babies JUBt lorn? inincli to Ret Into nnd proh'ly win the ttrida rlog for 'cm. and tho fact that JhVy was able to Ret mo only mi on IS show the dumb luck they been playln' '1to1ra,nagSSe1s around alday Ion grln; jiiorwii t"- . nn hnr. nnil ffiimiwff'iai Irt a noncliaianuy mmim-i '".""' "if. iH'.r ,,i hnnio for tho Ileus. I will Jirsi h'"" :, ,. ,i, rinr-lnnntl fans nlch would make the one Pcrshlnc But fared when he come back Bound llko he a presenleu wun ine ram b """" ' ifeil Joe, I w 111 loll you how come 1 im nrowi n aiounu win. ma i.ui " .vl: the Ut reliably Information you got I "as Barb In the nobby uncyform of ?w ork It happened llko water off ,c . ,. .- ......I. lr. nnH I wun rnn J!?,? m0S.rt'hi hotel at PHUburgh.- If I had our boob luck," he b.ivs, "I would take a chance and run for umpire In the league or canons i "What lias tame iu imoa u)B "N the owners tninKii me a present of somethln'V "Yeh" ho 8Hh with n lo'c for the moment I am too wild to ttn think of speakln'. Can you Imagine ni Bettln' the raspborrv from anj beres? . ... ....,,. ., ii "Wllll't ou are nuuium mcic . ........ like, a hjstcrlcally ape." I ays in a coWIv and deadly voice, "I am Hereby. to wit berun nonce mm n. iev ui ...j lawjers will call on tho president pf .w.IimV. Innmnnu' utlri M'lll UlldOUbtleSSly hegln suit before nightfall. See If you n Bet a laugh aula that Nil l says !. "'," Z" You're goln' 16 tho Keds. ou big lllt, n'i thai means you'll prob'lv be mnde a irsnt of a slice of that world's series War I tell ou, It Columbus had only r , the bleaks you'ro getlln'. he'd of dl8coered (.luuagu and Hoston tho first day out'" . ,, .. . . ... well, Joe. mat wiui an uiuercin, nrj . nimhin1 nlin:irri the Hods when they ain't no more chance of them losln' tho flluard. is sweet, I'll shriek to old mother's earth I ... ,, , kmii snn nil. lr ani no moiB iiitiii i am entitled after tho way I have worked to make baseball popular wun mo mou itace I first laid hands on a bat. Ilow Ter, Joe, I managed to keep my head u cool as January 10 In Alaska, and I wn. Me. no doubt I may be made tp k my way clear to Jolnln' the Iteds ttft to bolster them up, but first or all at i.t mr. en. Olmme half what tney I dmand halt of my purchase price. I Imiaw th nm I'.it Moran laid down for m must sound like It was the popula tion of China, or "you Ruys would never Jjtd for me In cash, and " Mac looKed at mo lor a minuie uiu then he buBt out Into Borne more ldtotlcal Iwjhter "Fair enough !" he says. "Here's half hat Moran Is wlllln" to pay to git you In a Cincinnati uneyform, so's the fans will hae somethln' to laugh at durln' th world s Herlcs!" With that- he roaches In his pocuct anu hands me a thin dime ! "I been doln' nothln' but dlckerln' with Moran for weeks," he s'vys. "to try and lack him up to a quarter, but they wns nothln' stlrrln". However, you got hnlf your purchase price In money now, and are eettln' two outfielders for vou likewise One of 'ems called Deerlng. hlch comes somewhercs from the coast. I ulll give you him If you want, and jou ran use him for a vntch charm or the like Then you won't hao no moan comln because ou will have got half of en thing we Rot for you I" Joe, 1 flnng tho dime on tho floor and ai on the brinks ot bustln' him In the nose when Just lIKo a flash It come to me mai j am learnm the arts ot nein a ntlemen now In order to delight my 1IcIouhI wife, Jeanne, nnd one of the (rat rules Is that you cannot olout TlnKrtd ir nnhllA ttiA tiknlilaa Vn h I ,...,uw,(t, ,,, ii4llin.( U41U( yDDlUCD) uaA Iir from a clown with his fists. 3o I oranea mself up with the greatest of OlCnltv nml tmfA nivin Mm lltrA Jeanne's French maid gazes upon each nd all of my friends. That Is, J. .. na lz like they was mere buzzards tnder her feet. 'i don t w ish to bring about no blood lied ' I sajs, "so I won't orgy with you M further You'll get what's comm' to you, nnynays. when you get baok to ew Wk Walt till them fans hears tat ou hao nold me to some other eiub ti no doubt seom to you llko It y ralnln nothln' but bottles and t fir8 "10 nrst rtay you walk on tn I'lll take a chance!" says Mao with t "itnnucai grin, "Anyways, I'll nave Mrapany. The day the Cincinnati fans ""'is uut Moran hns wished jou on the feaj, he 11 be papln' the national guard park"' " .So you seo, joe, we parted on the ik,i 1 ,6rm8' and en you can realize t Mac v as only klddfn' like thnt to jwe hi rtal feclln's over me leavln' W CIUD, It mit nt k.n n .awIUI- LI.m M1 T understand the New York newspapers if'" "" vase aucr page to pnnnin' for letthT me go, nnd tho attend ," he Polo Grounds fell away to of 21 a 6x,ent that tno crowd could all tlcycle16 Ut t0 tho Pllrk on lh0 same iV.ellvJoe' ' w'nt around sajln' good Krv,hS.K!' L ' club,.whlU. tould kri'. c"0? wlelr eys w'nen tney "oerluas avln'' nn(i "0B a" br0k8 tffcW' ini Burns had Rl they could taiiM i V. '" 'M me ime a jocitey Hw.v.mv,lB.s ,hll armB- on account of me P" bln' the fe of the. nartv and . Benny ICanir inim. .... .... .... iii hk.?ian?..r?fu.Bo ,o play no ba1 nt i mr..U " 'D Dcaouu ; anu nvcil t li ,man hayH ll'B a outrage for Mao )t taoDMJo0' Wh0n ha C0Uld or d0T,e rm rl V''y.w! b. i? let It r.. u. '"" "rBl "inin , not to ' Vk.?et. my Boat and etc. ' tievii.rt !.?.V."K s.PeakB up nnd says If lhar ., .'",y ur ""own It a little sooner !l ehir,S".,K0J"m P sol 'hey would of ii!ii.,.;i::r''vu I :""'"" a.vur me but toiretlier nnd timifrht tllce In ntpnll liAn K ha n!hs nolll:o 'mrdly gae thorn Uli eo ,S!,V(J oKh. what with the "oe il ,?', uln und tho like. HioM .n y neara that day that I four V low coula Voung of knowed h iri.imSh? "Bo? I guess he was lttroi0e.,.li,e" Snyder tells me that Hat VfotJt. from reliable information lr'irfn,ai1 BaX? SB.OOO and five ltt.1 fin?t R!?1""1.1 J"1 a dlcrtlca simp l?'U. 1 1 thAiii1? ..ut for ha,f the Jack. 1 kB0wVhl t'jey was no use lettln' l'itat f . . .la. nao took the no K1 beciw y,n aV?ut W Durohase fitiuA9 t. would no doubt only Mtht i. tnp gang enraged:, and av .17 or ",'.m ll th9 clubhouse. i?V and tear llmli mil limh di whcnlIluhtn.vln, U.'.6 clu1liouse, Joe. could or n- JVwny. 1"'' hend ! nn' "S.SSw'nTl. c&!8 a Uar 8lca,,n, ..iVo'LB?od.by. Kd, old .scout." he if.' ""M"l hs head. "Mao miiv h but" I nntt ,h thinks Is the raghrt?lng! 'Ut..L" J,.h,"i: J0 have his conscience strong,' young fel Sw 'iK K,.1' S S Inrs0!" Uta hlm for a fcw d,rty Ho1 urniK-hRi!rJ.!if. 4r:.A ".s. h nat. .nenn, a"ho"phcad 7 heyf wnnl d yo "D-v mLh0.ller8. Ilube! Jumpln' away. ..y!imean t0 .tand thore and make the claim you don't know?" men0dne.l.miy head' ;'00' nnd ' com mence to smell soma i-nta TInh n,. nf.li .u Heyl '"oilers Tlubo to tho wi it.h..KanB '.'Ho don't know whnt can jou tle"hntl''n81 W'U1 lh0 nam .iinicin5; t,licome,KaU,fr,n' "round me. shnkln their heads and gazln' upon me HKO 1 WHS nhnllt In trat nni.l.. V. .1.. 7J,b.alT.er? lnB,cad of Cincinnati, which Silii. l',at . I1'1 no matter what the niiui.ngiB UlUlinS. . "JSk1'!' BayT. nube- ",f Mac alnt man nVJh.it0. U" you I will! PI, you know that Pat Moran has been tryln' nil season to buy pretty noar everybody on this club nnd hns offered kings' ran soms and sums that would dumbfound all Asia for us? No hey? Mac Is sup posed to be n personally friend of yours, and yet you ain't oven got a spoonful pf any of this here Insldo stuff 1 D'ye know that wo have all sworo that we would rather Bpcnd the rest of our live playln' semi-pro ball than Join the Iteds? I) ye know " "Walt a minute I" I butts In. "What's all this got to do with me beln' h hop head If I go with 'cm, hey?" ."Ah, ha!" hollers Itube, like a vil lain from the molcs. "It's got e cry thing to do with It! Whnt d'yo sup pose hns made them Cincinnati Hods go crazy this year and win the pennnnt, when for over forty years they thought the world's series died out with Lin coln?" I shook my hend In tho. negatively. "Dope I" yells Ilube, dancin' around. "Dope !" "Dope?" I says, gettln dizzy. "What what? " "Sure dope '." sajs Rube. "That's what them guys is beln' fed on night and day. Why, everybody In the league knows that from the day Moran dropped n bill outa his pocket In St. I.ooey which wns for $300 worth the opium ! Did you ever watch 'em on tho diamond? Them babies ain't pot no more Idea what they're doln' than a gang of mnnlacs! Their eyes Is all glnssy nnd they keep mumblln' all the time to themseles. I tell you Moran has been shootln' 'em fulFof hooch all season, and them guys Is so charged up that half the time they wander all over the streets; and Moran carries a whole slew of detectives to folley them up and lead 'cm out to the park every day! Walt till you get to Cincinnati ! Tho first thing Moran will do Is to Rlvo vou u Jab In thn arm nnd make you pitch a doublehender! Pretty Bonn vou'll he. a done, fiend : and next j ear they wouldn't let you Into u big lenguo game If you had a ticket!" Denny Knuft and two other guys' walks outside coughln'. and I suppose they couldn't stand to listen to my ter ribly fate no longer. Joe, I did com mence to feel a trifle nervously, they's no doubt about that! "Are you sure you ain't got it balled up?" I says", after a minute of the most deadly silence. "It looks to me that instead of Cincinnati betn' doped, some body has gone to work and gavo aleepln' powders to the other seven clubs. When you was In there yesterday yoU rIo me the Idea thnt you had eat a dish of eronal for lunch, especially them two times you was caught off first by ocr four miles nnd " "Kid about it If you like !" says Rube. "I'm only trylnr to do you a favor. In a coupla weeks they will bo moro holes in your arm I than they Is lnyour de liveryand tnnt'g Bayfn' a lotl" . Iol x ?'"' M"iun ain't gonnaJ e charged up to win no games; and If them guyn will only give a imitation se ' team ,n bncl ot me tho ..wFi?r !? vWhlt0 HQX" "ava Denton. "Well, I'll Tie out there the day y6u work, watchln' you." "Wavo and holler to me, nube," I says, sob I'll know where's to look for you." "I'll be away up In tho grandstand," ho Bays. "Tho first pitch you make you notice me without no trouble, as X. VI1, 9 d0.u.bJ. bo tho guy which is duckln' the pill!" Joe, can you imagine tho pnttv Jcnl Hry ,f lhcm Buys? I have tnado less wild pitches to the gnme than any guy which makes wlldipltches every gamo this season I Well, Joe, I went over to tmfiotol, nnd there Is a cable for mo from Moran to report at once In St. Looey, which Is a. terrible Jump from Pittsburgh, nnd slcepln' cars Is poison Ivy to mo; and I'll take the Bhort end of n bet that not even Kip Van's ninkle could pound his car in tho upper birth of no train. I told you In my last. Joe, that Jeanno had come up with mo for tho Pittsburgh scries and seen me lnshoot them babies to death, wlnnln' my first start by the rcmnrkably score of 6 to the thing they build the ring around In a doughnut. Tho clerk give out that Jeanne wns In the main's dfnln' room, so I went, right in to nreaK tne news to her that I was off to the haunts of tho Cincinnati Reds, t didn't get no Immediately chance to spill my" startlln' information, because after ono brief flash nt me Jcnnne sent mo to tho showers. She Is nil dolled up like the nuuen of the New Orleans Marty Grhss with cenln's dress nnd tho like, and if she didn't look like a million dol lars, then neither does two $500,000 bills. Joe, If Jeanne continues to get prettier cciy day, like she has made It a rule to do since wo loftr Fmnce, It an't gonna bo long neroro I won t be nble to stand Itl If Jeanne had lived In Marks & Anthonyls time, this Cleopatra tlame would never of been heard toll of. What I wanted to do nfter one look was to plant a chastely salute on them lips of hers, which Is as red at a thousand dollars' worth the catsup: but, Joo, l done that onco nt tho ball nark, and Jeanne won't speak to me for forty-eight hours on tho grounds thnt a gentlemen don't kiss his wife whilst tho public looks on. Well, I draw tho conclusions thnt a gentlemen no doubt prob'lv kisses some other gentlemen's wife, and thats a thing I never felt called upon to do since I b;on wed. If jou had cake, would jou crave bread? No I And there's mat i "Well, what I got chased this time tor was because Jeanne sajs how many times has sho told me I gotta dress for dinner when I am at chow with her, and nobody but a laber wouldvt walk right Into his dinner without groomln' himself up, whatever that Is, but I think It's got somethln to do with a horse, Joe, ns I know a groom In New York personally nnd ho does the majority oi his groomln' In a livery stable Well, to make a paragraph outa a noel. 1 went upstairs and climbed Into my ban quet overalli nnd etc , and romu down :igafn, and this time Jennne is all smiles When Jear.no n nil smiles. Joe. she coula tell Rockefeller they was no moro mar ket for oil, nnd he'd remark "I should worry! and mean It! I seen peopic looKitr over at our tnoie in openly ad miration, because I nm a knockout in ovenln'H dress, Joe, nnd Jeanno wouln mnko Vonus tnke carbolic, and I guess they was nil nnjln': "There's the world's famous Ed Harmon, the ball player, and his wife, tho notoriously movie star 1" The head waiter takes my order himself and I nln't very hungry, beln' satisfied to simply look at Jeanne, which claims I must take 'eomethln, even If It's only a trifle potnge.i(Potnge, Joo, Is Krunch slang for soup.) ' ''AH right!" I eaya. to this guy, which has got out a buok nnd a pencil nnd Is tnklm downweveryUilntf I sny llko tnoy has, been n accident, nnd It turned out that I was the only wtness. "Wring forth sbme consomme's soupl" "Very good, slrl" ho says, not thnt I anlled him about It "Will you have something with tho soup?" "Yeh," I Bays. "I'd at least like a plate with Itl" At tliln nolnt Jennne. which can't sec Into klddln' waiters, chonned mo oft nnd eent him -on his wny with a coldly nod. Before I can spring mv surprise on her sho leans over and nsys I have got to got It arranged In some wny no's 1 can leavo for New York with her that nlgntl The renson for this Is that tho mbvln'-plcture company which Jeanne Is actln' for wants her right always to finish up k Important scone In "Tho Devil's urlde," nnd every day she, Is away Is costln' 'cm beaucoup pennies on account of nil the rest of the cheaper help standln' around Idle and etc. Well, Joe, you no doubt remember I told jou I had signed a lease with the same com pany to turn Into a actor so'b me and Jcamne could work together nnd mnko 1'nlrbanki and Maty I'lckford cry their eye? out with simple envy. We nru gonna get enough Jack for thtB to pay for a shave for every guy In Russia, nnd the letter Jeanne got savs the guy which Is wrltln' tho pictures for us has cot the foundations sunk for tho first one, nnd nothln' will do but I ihusl come on and read it Well, Joe, I snys It Is Impossibly for me to go to New York with her because I have been sold to tho Cincinnati Reds. "Viola!" she remarks, narrowly mlssln' droppln' her knife. "What do you mean? Sold? How then could mon Edouard be sold?" With thnt, Joe, she looked at me Ilka sno tnougnt tno lucky snopper wnicn had bought me might come along at any minute and snatch mo away, "Well," 1 says. "It's llko this. A ball Slayer Is somethln' like a cattle nnd can e put on the market at any time and auctioned off to the highest bidder. , I think Undo Tom must of been a nltchcr. In this case, Cincinnati grabbed me oft nnd I gotta report there at once, or even sooner If I can get away. This will ease me Into tho world s series nnn, naturally enough, that means a bucket ful of extry Jack for jour llttlo Edward. I should draw down nnvwheres rrotn four to eight thousand fish, and I'll sink th plurality of It Into a present for you I How's that7" "Eight thousand fecsh?" she says, her eyes openin- and sparuiin' tin if you could of set 'em In a bracelet you could hock tho same for whnt German v owes. "What, then. Rdouard, would Jennno do with soon of the reesh?" " "Well," 1 sajs, with a sarcabtlcnlly grin, "call up 3. P. Morgan and ask him. That baby's got ,800 times 8000 fish and they ain't gtvln htm no trouble !" From merely lookln at her, Joe, J seen she didn't get me, so I explained that fish Is slmuly a alias for money, whlcl In turn Is slang for dough, kale, dlnero, Jack, sugar, Iron men, gelt, long green rocks, berries nnd the etc. Jennno fnlli to stnge a faint when she realizes -what I am talkin" nbout, "Poof!" sho snys. "What then Is 8000 and nilet de sole ah feesh to Jeanne and Edouard? We do not need thnt Insignificant amount now non, non, non 1 I nm Inform I will have 450,000 from this ono picture alone nnd U'lmti tlie mnkn thn nlcture of vou. mon Kdouard oo la la f Then we will have beaucoup francs for Jeanno and flttlo Wcelson, n'est-ce pas?" (CONTINUE! TOMonilOW) Copyright, J010, Doubledav, Page Jt Co. l We have coal -but fpJr i iv a. f . VAP0RHEATING KU A ! ytr Lic ;. vk a?jsk .vt " iw .. j-r:fck - .V4 Kum ars-uwr.., .. ". uni.E. nl nrti.sr' , W TheHaySellkrae da"nfffflfr;o now there's bound to be a scarcity of nnthfncke next Winter. Production this year is below last year's figures. It's only because of the West's and New England's embargo thnt Philadelphia got coal in April and May. Get next Winter's supply now nnd receive 80c reduction on every ton bought for cash Amur privilege to charge tamers who pan toffhln S tlays Kunkel i Phone -Brlmont 7S0TI 63d & Market 5 1st & Grays 5 Bona-fide Reductions Your opportunity to save from $3 to $25 on gas ranges, refrig erators and kitchen cabinets all high-grade, standard kitchen ap pliances. Wo Invite comparison of our merchandise, for price nnd qual ity, with that offered elsewhere. Gns Ranges Connected Frco Adelphta Cab I n e t II a n k e. Handsome, well mnde. Knnmel pans, panel and splasher. Hear, 160. Rpeclal, fSH.80. "Triangle P o r e e I it I n Ilefrlxerntor. Double trull con struction. Ilest fiunl Ity porrelnln lining. Iter. SftO. Special, 144.00. nellnlile," large double oxen with finm'l pitnt, panels and bnek splnnh plate. Iten. 55. Sperlal, S47.R0. I.lrt-lld style, white enum,el. Double wall con struction. Iteg. 17. Spe clnl. 13.7 8. Heavy contract ed double oren range, semi-cloned top. ner. Sit. Hpe clnl, S3fl. Nnpnnrn Kitchen Cab Inet. White enamel. Ileg. tM. Special, MO.OO. Onk finish, Ileg. $70.00. Sue clal, $50.50. Ixst us estimate on an "All-GaT Kitchen" with coal tank heater and holler In cellar and hot water radia tion In kitchen to provide, nmplc hot water always and a. warm kitchen In winter. Wo will very gladly take your old rango In exchange and make you an allowance. I " H p3 vPHILADELPHl 13UjASRANttRCH AND KSTREETS West Philadelphia Store 263 So. 52nd St. lfcst rhita. Store Open lion, and Jrt Evt. EVEREADY Vf '.' Tlasbh'ght 'Battery ' Week 7 o23ni fff&L August 16th Wake up that Idle Baditighti GIVE your old flashlight a fresh powerful. Eve ready Battery today. Fill it with new life. Put it back "orTthe" job f prepare it for emergencies; keep it. handy tor your comrort and convenience. v Safety razors need new blades; cameras require films; sewing machines must have thread-filled bobbins; flashlights need new batteries occasionally. This is Evercady "Flashlight Battery" week,- August 16 to 23. Authorized Eveready dealers certify quality and service. Bring. in your flashlight or order by the. number on the battery now in your flashlight. These Dealers Have Fresh Eveready Flashlight Batteries BURLINGTON, N. J. A "This it the Way to Shampoo Your Hair" To fir. your hair and actlp a rMldttnlngthfr.'a nothing ao nod u ch. Star." Reman btr, th. "Stir" it for tnuttg ins u welt J for giving you a dtTiahtful nedl spray. Don't ruflKt yout hair. Kcp it at lubtt i "Dtrtet the Wattrjtut Whnt Ton Went It" Don't grt your hair vrtt every timayoutaka a ihower. Don't chatter from an Iry nluh. Rtulau th. ntt Jujt th. wayyouwtnt It. No more ill vr drwichfng. No mora ill ring in dirty watw. This Is the modem way! mm If V PmUDEtiHlANSh-Htre il a real life layer for you poor, ptnptring, stm-bakeJ fitis. It's a handtomcly-boxtd, beauti fully made, tiUktl-finithed portable Shampoo, Shower Bah, Massage, Rub Dotmttll in one. Ught, Efficient. Thoroughly guantnteed. Fits any suit case, great for week-ends. And now on . sale in your Philadelphia drug, depart ment and hardware stores. Get one and laugh at Old Soil &tr& cssa ?.&tim i B5 fcffl v.'&J ,v r "jJeMer'n the Svtmmn' Holt" Sayi Bobbit Tuch tba IddcUee thii ne, tualthfUrmyof klnf thilr g towing bodl.a clean and ruday. Keep trwlr porea open tlUi hot weather. Keep their heir end scelpe free from duet and dirt. In Summer children ihould "ehowtr" rrry diyl iSK "f!rTS;i"5i Tirccf JSutintii Man A lonjt, hor, etlcky day et the office. Home at night all fegaej out, don, wee with periplre. tlon. Then Into the tub, get the "Star" out, turn en the water and oh, boy I whet a thrill of comfort 1. Hup big tooling o5 . CompUttThM ofUI Not a (Ingle "eitre" to buy. You can attach it liutendy. Geeat IJea, tint It? You Sweltering Folks Will Welcome This Home Luxury! Whew! Hot, isn't it? But why groan and fuss. We can't all be Summering at Atlantic City or up in the mountains. No, but we can bring the beach to our bathrooms. How? Do as I did. S-s-h! here's the secret: Go to your favorite dealer and say, "I want one of those Star Massage Shower Sprays 1'ye been hearing so much about!" Don't take any substitute. Get a "Star". It attaches instantlv to ttny faucet. It is for all lovers of real shower baths men, women and children. It gives you a constant stream of fine, fresh, friendly, absolutely-clean water. Any temperature of water you want in ttjiffy! Cooling! Refreshing! Delightful! Gives you a new lease on life. Fact! Get one today! Fitzgerald Mfg. Co., Torrington, Conn. Makers of the famous Star Electric Massage Vibrator. ' as STAR SHOWER SPRAY assaqe -l, "Brings the Beach to Your Bathroom St PHILADELPHIA R. W. Auer Elec. To. 217 S. 00th 81. Chas. Backins 214 GrminntOHn Axe. Bells Hdwe. Store ftOlO York nnnd Belmont Elec. Co. 803 Ilelmont Arr. James Brown & Son 1410 B. fiKtb Ht. Central Elec. & Lock Co. 12 K. 18th St. Cooper & Fitton 6tt01 Chew St. Eugene Currier S310 Brrroantow-n Axr. Dakota Garage ROth Ht. nboTO Pprncr St. JoserJh F. Devine . 2020 8. erh Ht: Diamond Autcr 'Supply- 1031 Diamond St. Ralph A. Dickinson 8487" Grrmantovrn Avp. Elec. Shop of Germantown 2C N. Chrltrn Arr. Elliott Lewis Electrical Co. Falls Hdwe. Co. 4200 Mdca Arc. James C. Ferguson, Jr. 0-8-lOH. lSth St. WalterE: Fullerton SS3S Baltimore Are. Chas. P. Gable 6830 (irrmantovin Atr. Frank G. Garrett 4318 Germantown Are. James Gray, Jr. 810 W. Mojnmenilne ATe. Wm, Haines 5400 HnTerforrl Are. A. W. Harkins 023S Woodland Are. F. W. Heine 1601 Wolf St. Herman Henssler 024 N. 13th St. Wm. J. Heydrick MS S. R2d St. H. R. Hidell 8100 Woodland Are. James Hllferty 2218 Market St. N. M. Holden & Bros. 432S Frankford Ato. Wm. Hoyles 482 '. 6Wh St. John L. Johnson 8040 Ilaltlmore Are. Pa. Cycle & Auto Sup. Co. 831 .Marl.fl St. N. Peterson 4817 Woodland Are. A. Pressor S82Q Market St. Frank J. Quigley 4M0 Ilaltlmore Are. Philip Reed S10 W. nirnrd 'Are. S. S. Rice 010 (llrnrd Are. I. M. Rothenberfjer 7180 Germnntonn Are. Schwemmer's Hdwe Co. 822 W. Glrnrd ATe. Sees & Faber Co. 2008 N. Front ht. Steltzer's Drug Store llth & l.eh!ih Ave. Superior Gas & Elec. Light Co. 1108 folumbln Ave. Harry Togg 872 K. Chrltrn Are. E. R. Tourisori 20 K. rhII-KIIena St. United Auto Stores S3d nnd ChrMnnt Sta. United Auto Stores 1411 Walnut St. WallaccMills Co. 2514 flrrmantorn Are. ' N. Kamen 4830 Market St. Samuel Kass 1828 Market Ht. J. P. Keck 8016 Torreadale At. Kensington Gas & Elec. Sun. Co. 80 W. Krnalniton Are. Frank C. Kenyon 1838 Columbia ATe. Wm. A. Killian Hdwe. Co. 8441 Germantovrn Are. The K. M. Auto Supply Co. 8088 Germantown Are. Louis Kober 8243 Market St. Geo. D. Kunz 8347 Ijiinadoirne Are. Elec' Lee 110 S. 17th St. Edw. E. Marsden v 2013 S. 3d St. Martin's Auto Supply 2822 N. Drond St. J. Franklin Miller, Inc. 105(1 Cheetnut St. Naumann Hdwe. & Sup. Co. 4321 Germaototrn ATe. Max Neuman 704 XV. Glrard Are. Oak Lane Hdwe. Co. Oak I.nne & 13th St. John Wanamaker 13th A. Cheatnut Sta. E. Wanger 802 Mnrket St. Wm. Weisman 1218 South St. L. Weiss 4825 Woodland Ate. Walter Scott Wood , 8003 Wayne Ave. Grant Wylie 6508 Cheater ATe. Auto-Motive Service Co., Inc. 8223 Olrurd Ave. Murta Appleton & Co. 12th A Nmnom St. Edward A. Coxe 812 Lehigh Are. W. S. Gibson 4828 Frankford Ave. Keim Supply Co. 1227 Market St. , Lewis & Lamont 3073 Kensington Ai. A. Pomerantz & Co. 1525 Cheatnut St. Adolph Saakes 50 N 8th M. Berlin Bros. 7272 Woodland lir. N. J. Dilworth 1804 Mnrket t. Gimbel Bros. 8th & Market Pl. Herman Eckstein 1741 Snnnom St. Chas. Lentz & Son 31-33 s. 17th St. Lit Bros. 8lh ,V Murkrt Sta. Snellenburg & Co. 11th & Market Sta. Model Tewelry Co. HI Mnrket St. Service Elec. Supply Co. 5305 Ilaltlmore Are. Needle & Boonin 22d A fnliimMa Ate. W. H. Ashmore 3118 Murkrt St. T. Balasny 5323 Market st. 1. E. Esmond 8015 Market M, S. G. Hamilton 3011 Market St. W. W. McCausland & Son 3017 Market St. Mauen Hdwe. Co. 5210 Market St. S. E. Winer 808 Market St. C. L. Presser 3002 Murkrt St. Schwartz & Berman 7018 F.lmuood Ae. Victor Hdwe. Co. 8820 Murket St. J. A. Dwyer 1808 Sanom Sta. Albert Gentel. Inc. 1503 Columbia Aye. Israel Wolkin 2807 Grrmantovrn Are. Seville Elec. Co. 220 S. 52d St. BETHLEHEM Bethlehem Auto Supply Co. Bethlehem Auto Tire Sup. Co. Bethlehem Elec. Sup Co. 4S0 Main St. C. Elliott Hill 0 S. Main St. Jacob Elec. Co. 417-10 Wyandotte St. United Auto Stores 88 XV. llrnad St. BRISTOL Louis J. Rubin ... 827 Mill St. Wm. P. Wright, Est. 11V Mill SI. CHESTER Chester Hdwe. Co. 13 XV. 3d ht. Herman J. Kextner 2401 XV. 3d St. Jos. C. McMaster 2710 XV. 3d St. Benj. F. Riley COS Kdcemont ATe. Spencer Stationery Co. 823 Maxket St. United Auto Stores . 310 Edaemont Are. COATESV1LLE Coatesville Hdwe Co. 244 K. Main St. Wm. H. Fairlamb 338 E. Mnrn St. Pownall Hdwe. Co. Carl B. Sherer 10 S. lat St. E. S. Thorne 110-112 N. 3d St. United Auto Stores 210 C. Lincoln Illalnray . Webster Co. DARBY B. F. Carr 812 Main St. Walter L. Hewes 8704 Main St. P. H. Seipler 883 Main St. DOWNINGTOWN Theo. M. Griffith & Sons. Main St. H. B. Sides (inn. r. nj-. DOYLESTOWN H. R. Gehman 0 N". Court St. Chas. H. Shive 1-3 N. Main St. HONEY BROOK Honey Brook Hdwe. Co. NORRISTOWN W. S. Woodland 817 XV. Morahall St. Victor B. Arkless 40 i:. Main SI. Newman & Frey Hdwe.Co. 801-503 XV. Marshall Smith & Yocum Hdwe.Co 108 XV. Main St. OXFORD Kirk & Fredd PHOENIXVILLE Keinard Bros. 218 nrldae St. Acker & Frey 237 llrldce Ht. Benjamin Hdwe. Co. 203 Ilrldge St. R. Shaffer 203 llrldeo St. POTTSTOWN The Baily Hdwe. Co. 210-218 Illsh St. Krause & Hartenstino 481 Illah St. Wm. H. Roeller & Co. 257 Illah St. United Auto Stores 307 Illah si. Van Buskirk & Bros. 218 Hlfh St. QUAKERTOWN Hillegass Elec. Co. 211 Ilranch St. Sheetz & Price 210 XV tlrond St. WAYNE Cox & Lynam Wayne Theatre) nid. Geo. R. Park & Son 103 K. 1.a Ave. Geo. R. Park & Son Main St. WEST CHESTER A. Henry " IS N. Church St. ,H. A. Jones 82 N. Gar St. Geo. J. Palmer U N, Market St. J. B. Simon & Bros. ucar and Walnut Sta. (Cameron Drug Store 314 Main St. Benjamin Goldy 27 K. nroad St. S. E. Lippincott 10 K. l!road St. Sure Tire Shop 400 nUh St. CLAYTON, N. J. John F. Mackay ELMER, N. J. C. & A. Drug Co. No Main St. UAMMnNTDN M M . v ...:. "ksm irvin i. nearing -i Anthony Rice ' MOORESTOWN, N. J. F. A. Measey, Est. 138 W. Main St. B. Gray 77 T.. Main St. MT. HOLLY, N. J. Crcedon Hdwe. Co. 134 Main St. L. B. Kumpp 20 Main St. RIVERTON, N. J. J. S. Collins & Son Main St. SALEM, N. J. B. E. Ayares G. A. Davis Smith-Lewis & Powell Hdwe. Co. SEA ISLE CITY, N. J. A. G. Rice & Co. SWEDESBORO, N. J. W. B. Estilow W.'B. Horner TRENTON, N. J. E. S. Applegate & Co. 17 s, IJrond St. L. G. Brooks & Co. 814 V., State St. Cramer & Allen llroad 4. Center Ste. S. P. Dunham & Co. 35 K. State St. Dwyer Bros. 121 .V. llroad St. Elec. Supply Shop r. Slate St. M. M. Fleron & Son 18 S. Ilrond SI. I. Lenzner 800 s. Hrouil St. M. Levy 702 S. State St. Papiers Auto Sup. Co. f 103 K. Hanover St. ' E. A. Sayd 220 N. llroBjrTst. United Automotive Service 125'4 HonoTrr St. Miller's Drug Store ' K. llanoter at Warm A. Schultz Ifanorer at llroad J. F. Towman Son 118 N. Warren St. VINELAND, N. J. R. C. Davis 020 I.undU ATe. WENONAH, N. J. Stephen A. Weill WOODBURY, N. J. A. S. Wilson 28 Cooper St. Hutchinson Motor Co. llroad Nt. Alfred S. Marshall ISi R. llroad Ht. W. H. Sutton So. Broad St. WOODSTOWN, N. J. Farmera Supply Co James H. Toulson rt AJ a American Ever Ready Works 0 .National Carbon Company Inc. LONG ISLAND CITY, NEW YORK V,l .A i" I'A t'ji i 'M 4 na 1 K ' M :i' 4 m i:i iii 1 " hM4lcfmiHotU favors ? lr ., l'f-w.. L-r!AS:''2 ' .... ...-tW f, TZ- o XJ H , .fib.- r .tUtffrft& iitM fift,: -&&. M-l I r AmM'l'V' :f- 'mA LAlLfti Kfif&vt.tw