Es3 NEW YORK Sf OCK EKcTrMNGE :fMSACftbNS -7 "i ?' v;- i"y '-j ' 'KSWF?1 $Xf , V saaaRW Eh' m I,- i it! ' i,, rfii. ft :yt fU Wv I :- ii i .ft 'ytariita. R. K. General Hmorcgage 'iyay0 Bonds Jif Dae June 1st, 1965 1 " fi felFrt at Ptnntylvanla Slate Tax, Pries it the market boot to yield 6 TWtationalCity Company Phlln. 121 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chullonte Block 1225 Boardwalk M Millions in United States Money ia inrented in Canada. Why? Conditions are stable. Principal is safe. In terest rates are high and exchange rates arc Tery favourable to United States investors. If, you would like to know the named and Income-yields of good Canadian securities, write now for a copy of our American Edition of Investment Recom mendations. Address: S3. AGKI4CY Or Rovaf Securities H N'rnnonoiTinM 165 Broai HBHEEK CORPORATION (CANADA) I M IT E D Broadway New York S 3QQCS55SX2S3a MORE RESISTANCE Hopoful Aspect of Polish Situ ation Intimated Shorts to Cover Early The Long Life of A Good Investment Bond the way it is pro tected by valuable property, the wide margin of earnings over interest charges, and the yield which is 50 7o better than was obtainable from such a security a few years ago, are all reasons why the bond described in our circular No. E 25 should attract inves tors. A copy of the circular will be sent on request. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Members New York Stock Nxchanpe Franklin Bank Bldg., Phila. New York Boston Scranton New Yorli. Aug. 11. odny'n stock market lllcc the Polish sltunrlon, took on n more hopeful aspect. While there was still more or less Irregularity thn least resistance was encountered on the upward swings. Measured, from tech nical conditions alone the recovery movement from Monday's low level un der ordinary rules should go further. It was evident, in all events, as the day progressed that the reactionary party were encountering stlffer resist ance, while the list, taken as a whole, displayed an increasing degree of re siliency. Developments, however, fav ored the constructive side, and with the short Interest still unquestionably greatly extended the market was vir tually carried forward by conditions within Itself. Further weak spots were uncovered, but these vulnerable points were few and far between, and in fluenced by what may be considered local conditions, rather than because of the same causes which upset the market apple cart on Monday. he. outlook of the Husso-Polish situa tion was regarded more favorably, and was directly reflected In n further re covery in Sterling of over 2 points, making a net gain of six cents since Monday. Then, for some occult rea son, there seemed to bu n feeling there was likely to be an early improvement in the credit conditions. This was not borne out by any concrete facts, but still the feeling was there, and possibly had its inception of tin? offering of mod erate amounts of time money nt 0 per cent. Steps taken to provide further tlnanciug for the Maxwell Motor Co. also exerted a good influence. After all the apparent change ot i market sentiment could be ascribed to the natural llareback from Monday s rather extravagant pessimism, and over drawn deductions of the Knropean sit uation. Then, ugaln, for the time be ing, at least, there was conclusive tes timony given to indicate thnt the purg ing of the weaker pool holdings was about completed. ToMlbly ull the dan ger spots have not been entirely elimi nated, but those who were able to weather the storm have been apparently able to mend their fenceo sufficiently to play safe for a. little white. Initial prices were higher, with the advance reaching four points In SIull Transport. Htiyins of fair acounts su perceded tl.e recent drastic liquidation of various isues, and the bears were intimidated into covering by the rapid advance In the usual leaders. Many of the equipments, steels, oils and sugars I were quoted 1 to '2 points higher, as were Centrul Leather, Industrial Al- j cohol. Heading and Rock Island. A few- shares opened lowed. Including Ameri can Sumatra Tobacco, which fell 1, and Gudf Staus Steel 4 poluts. The trading broadened as prices ad vanced, with the inquiry embracing many of those shares which'had recent ly been extensively sold. On the other hand, the mnrkel became dull on the reactions which followed the opening improvement. A pause in the demand caused sone profit-taking, but subse quent active buying started the general list rising again, carrying the active leaders nbove the morning level. LITTLE INTEREST IN LOCAL SHARES Dealings Were Extremely Lim ited, but Prices Generally Were Steadier $400 Will Buy (I litn tteh ot ) ight thoroughly seasoned listed dividend paying stocks, making a compara tively secure diversified list that is particularly inviting In point of probable en hancement in marketvalue. Return on the inveitment Is equivalent to 9.2 percent annually Purchase may be made with an Initial deposit of 80 and ten subsequent monthly payments of ap proximately $32 each. Complete data sent gratis upon request to Dept PL-It AJ STOCKS-BONDS Q eoBroodwktx McvuVjtK Ttltptnntt Rtclet 4663-4 It was again n case of marking time In the local market. There was a pro nounced falling off in dealings, hut the market ns a whole showed a much stronger tone and steadier prices ruled all through the list. Thi- standstill character of the mar ket is not regarded, however, ns a had sign, rather is looked upon ns a favorable omen. In the first place In dicating u thoroughly liquidated con dition, and, secondly, thut prices hud reoched it hnsi where they had become attractive to the bargain hunter. This process of nbsorptlon may bo slow, but sooner or Inter it W certain to exert a material influence in shaping the course of the market. The operations lacked initiative and there were no special features. As a matter of fact price movement with few (exceptions were strikingly unttorm re flecting further adjustments, rather than a widening of market Interest. In the majority of cases the transactions were in small idd lots. About the only exceptions being furnished in Pennsyl vania Kallroad and Electric Storage lint tery warrants. Pennsylvania moved withln'n range of Va point between '10 and 4flTs. The Stornge Hattcry war rants after dipping to 13VL, rallied to 11. In most all the other local shares the trading was perfunctory. Philadelphia Clectric? ond 1'nitcd (las Improvement were fractionally better at 22 and 40 VI respectively. Philadelphia Hapid Tran sit on limited sales shaded under 15 to HV Selling movement in Lake Superior appeared to have run its course again, the stock holding nt 11. Philadelphia Traction was Vfc higher at 51. Cambria Iron made the same gain at 38 as did American Stores at -13 Mj. Sal 400 00 20A 200 700 400 100 100 100 400 too 1000 400 ton 700 con 100 loo too 1500 A00 3700 400 700 000 2000 000 too 1700 100 too too 700 100 1300 100 200 .100 300 1000 100 10100 1100 300 200 000 200 S200 .100 100 100 100 100 500 100 400 1000 800 100 000 200 300 200 000 2200 100 00 300 1000 100 38'i 1100 10U 300 200 200 100 300 5000 100 2800 2000 100 2100 100 oOO 1400 7v 200 300 100 100 200 200 1400 000 800 103 300 100 100 300 0230 100 400 100 700 1500 300 400 100 300 400 300 300 200 1500 430U 1400 0200 8200 100 100 200 1700 Dlv. In I Ittah . . -Advanco rtumely . . . . 28$ B Advance Itumtly pt . . t 6 A jax Ilubber 42 .. Alnska Oold Mines ,, li .. Alaska. Juneau O M . . IH 1 Allls-Chalmers 28K 7 Allls-Chnlmern pf .... 71 8 Am Agrlo Chem 7014 4 Am Bank Koto 42H s Am Boet Sugar 70H 10 Am Bosch Magneto .. 85 ,. Am Can 3?3( 7 Am Can nf 87 12 Am Car A Fd 130 4 Am Cotton Oil 2H 80 Am Drug Syn OJi fl Am Hxpress 130 . . Am Hide & Leather . . 14 4 Am Tee 3714 0 Am Internat Corp . . . 70& 3 Am Unseed 03 0 Am Locomotive ..... 95 f J . . Am Safety Razor' ... 13 .. Am Ship & Com .... 21 4 Am Smelt & Kef .... 84 H 3 Am Steel Foundries .. 34 H 7 Am Sugar lief 1IAIV 7 Am Sugar Itcf pf . . . .10714 10 Am Sumatra Tob .... 80 8 Am Tel & Tel 98H 20 Am Tobacco 100 20 Am Tobacco B 102J4 7 Am Woolen 75 .. Am Zlno Lead & Smlt 1114 4 Anaconda Copper .... 51 . . Assets Realization ... 24 4 Asso Dry Goods 28 6 Atch Top & Santa Fe 81 . . Atlanta Blr & Atlnntlo Ts 10 Atl Gulf & W I S S . .13094 .. Auto Sales Corp .... 4J4 3.50 Baldwin Locomotive. .10514 .. Bait & Ohio 3'i 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf.. 40 8 Barrett 132J4 . . Bethlchom Motors . . . 15H 5 Bethlehem Steel ..... 00 B Bethlehem Steel B ... 71)4 . . Booth Fisheries 7 .. Butte Copper ft Zlne. . OH .. Duttcrlck VA .. Caddo Central O & R 13)4 0 Tallfronla Tacking ... Cl .. California retrolcuin.. 24JJ 7 California Tctrol pf . . 05 10 Canadian Pacific ....117 n Central Leather 52?j 10 Chnndlcr Motors 84 y2 .. Chicago & Gt West ..108 2 Chicago & Ot West pf 22 .. Chicago Mil & St P .. 33 J .. Chlcngo Mil & St V pf 50 H 5 Chicago Northwestern 00 8 Chi Pneumatic Tool . . 80 .. Chi n U Ac 33 7 Chi 11 1 & Pao 7 pf 71 -X Chile Copper 134 1.00 Chlno Conner 20 4 Coca-Cola 30 1 Col & So 2d pf 35 5 Columb Gas & Eleo. . 5114 B Col Graphophono .... 21 A 7 Col Grnphophone pf . . 78JJ 7 Consolidated Gas .... 70J4 2 Con Interstate Cal M. 10H S Consolidated Textiles. 27& 7 Continental Can 78 1 Continental Candy . ,. 10! 4 Corn Products Itef ... 88 2.B0 Cosden ft Co 33 8 Cruclblo Steel 13M .. Cuban Cane Sugar ... 3714 7 Cuban Cane Sugar pf 77 7 Cuban Amcr Sugar . . 40 7 Deero & Co pf 04 0 Delawaro & Hudson .. 98 10 Del Lack & Western.. 250 . . Denver & Rio Grande 5 . . Denver & R G pf . . . . 04 1 Domo Mines 10K 5 ICndlcotl-Johnson .... C5J4 .. Klec Storage Bat rut.. 2H .. Elk Horn Coal 10 .. Erie 1254 8 Famous Players L . . . 70 3 Flak Rubber 27J .. Frccport Texas 21J4 .. Gaston Wms & Wig.. 8 General Cigar CO General Cigar def pf. 80 General Electric 143 General Motors 20 Gen Motors deb 7.. 80 Goodrich B F 52 4 Gt Nor Ore ctfs 3114 . Gulf State Steel 4314 4 Haskell & Barker Car 0W . Hendce ctfs 24 1 Hupp Motor Car .... 14 7 Illinois Central 82 J 4 Inspiration Con Cop . . 45 . Inter Con Cop 7 3 7 Intt Harvester new ..122 . Int Mer Marino 2i& 0 Int Mer Marine pf ... 70 . Internat Motortruck.. 43 , . International Nickel.. 1814 , . International Paper .. 7554 ,. Invincible Oil Corp .. 31 ,, Island Oil 5?o . Iron Products 41 . Jewel Tea 9 . Kan City Southern .. 17 4 Kelly-Spg Tiro 70K 2:30 Nt T.ow (NTtmlChr.' 2814 28W4- K Ot 61 4- IH 43 1 114 2814 71 70!' 4214 7&14 85 31 87 13514 25 014 130 14 3714 00 n 2 3H 2 31 SSIi 33 H 115 105H 77 00H 100 102J4 74 1114 6014 214 28 8014 ni4 132 414 103JJ 34 43 ft 13214 1314 0SJ4 cort OJi 8 1214 13 61 21 05 11514 52 82 M 10S 22 33 i 40 68 77 3314 71 Ji 1314 25 35 J4 35 51 20J 78K 79H 10 2714 70 1014 83 33 12014 30 77 3814 04 07 Ji 244 5 y 10 0314 2 19 1214 no 27 21! 8 GO 80 140 204 80 51 1114 4114 0714 23' 13 JJ 82 44 3 121 24 75 42 17 7314 C3 6 41 0 17 74 42-14 1 114 .. 28144- 71 70144- 14 4314- 14 7014 4- 14 85 1 . 31144- 14 872 138 4- 214 25 4- T4 m-h 130 4- 2 14 3714 4- 14 69 4- 63 4- 0414 1 13 21 - 59J44- 14 34 14 116 314 105 J4- ft 78 014 14 108 10214 . . 7414 1 1114 14 60 14 214 14 283 81 JJ 7 1 "4 4- 1 414 14 10514 4- 214 3414 40 14 32 1 1514 14 691 70J4 1 7 e 14 1214- 14 13 64 2414 65 "7 1J4 5314 114 8414 2 108 14 22 33 50 GO 803 3314 14 71 1314- 14 0 114 30 14 35 - 414 CI 2114 Va 78- 114 70- 1J4 10 2714 14 701 1014- 14 R614 114 33 4- 1 130 2 3714 1 77 - 40 ? 04 - 08 250 6 6 14 14 lo .. G514- 1 t-2 .. 19-1 12 14 70 114 27 2114 14 8 oo i' 80-1 141 314 20 14 80 621 3114 15 45J44- 14 G814 114 2.114 114 1 ' 82 - 1 44 14 3 122 214 24 VA 70 314 43 1814 1 7514 214 31J4 lj'i 6J4 41 4- 1 4- IS 17 14 0 2 Sale 300 1000 100 200 , 300 100 500 300 100 100 3200 2500 100 too 3000 8000 1000 100 000 500 100 too 7300 100 100 400 000 200 100 400 609 1200 100 100 6100 100 200 200 600 3300 100 100 200 8700 1600 200 1100 100 100 200 300 500 2200 600 100 200 300 100 200 100 1400 1100 1400 12200 1000 1200 3700 lfiflO 1300 890 200 200 100 100 3200 06Q0 3300 4200 35 200 1400 1600 5000 100 800 5203 2300 300 200 1100 2100 100 400 AA0 BOO 400 200 700 4000 100 2000 0100 200 4000 400 23400 300 700 100 12000 400 100 100 200 too 000 230 000 100 400 1000 100 100 100 Dlv. in t llltsh 2 Kennecott Copper . ... 2314 . 1.20 Keystone T & R 1614 5 KresrsS S 120 6 Lackawanna Steel ... 64 8.50 Lehigh Valley 4414 7 Liggett ft Myers pt . . 99 . . Lowes Co Ino 20 .. Loft Corp 13 10 Manatl Sugar .......101 1.75 Manhattan Shirt .... 23 .. Maxwell Motor 1314 .. Maxwell Motor 1st pf 3214 .. Maxwell Motor 2d pf 8 . . Max Mot 1st pf ctfs. . 20 10 Mexican Petroleum ..137 1.00 Middle States Corp .. 18(4 4 Mldvalo Steel & Ord . . 3814 .. Minn & St Louis .... 13 . . Missouri Pacific 25 .. Missouri Pacific, pf .. 43 8 Montana Power 61 . . Montgomery Ward . . . 29 .. Nat Aniline A Chem.. 6914 7 Nat An & Chem pf . . 84 7 National Biscuit 106 .. National Con & Cable 0 6 Nat Ennm & Stamp ..64J4 7 Nat Ennm & Stamp pf 90 6 National Lead 7114 . . Nat R R of Mex 2d pf 6 10 New York Air Brako. 02 5 New York Central ... 71 . . New York C & St L . . 31 2.50 New York Dock 23 1 New York N H & II . . 33 1 N Y Ont & West.... 18 7 Northern Pnclflo .... 74 7 Norfolk ft Western .. 8814 B Nova Scotia S & C .. 4414 40 Okla Prod & Rcf .... 3 . 2i80 Net Low iNTtm) Chs. 3 8 Otis Elevator HO .. Otis Steel 2014 4 Paclflo Devcl Corp . . 37 a Pan-Amer Petrol .... 82!4 7 Pan-Amer Petrol pf.. 7514 .. Penn Seaboard Steel,.. 1714 8 Pennsylvania R R ... 40 . . Peoria & Eastern .... 11 .. Peoples Ons Chicago. . 27 .. Pcro Marquetto 23 8 Philadelphia Co 81 .. Phillips Tot 30 . . Plerce-Arrow Motor . . 38 .. Plerco Oil 11J4 8 Pierce Oil pf 80 8 Pitts Coal 60 .. Pittsburgh & W Va. . 20 1 Pond Creclt Coal 13 8 Pressed Steel Car . . . 0514 8 Pullman Ill 5 Punta Alegro Sugar . . 77 4 Puro Oil Co 38 1 Ray Con Copper .... 14 4 Reading 88 . Remington Typewriter 53 .. Replo Steel 0714 0 Republic Iron & Steel 81 B.20 Royal Dutch Amer ... 74 .. St Louis San Fran ... 24 .. St Louis Southwest .. 20 .. St Louis Southwest pf 30 .. Saxon Motor 0 8 Scars-Roebuck 130 7 Sears-Roebuck pf ....105 .74 Shell Transport 67 .. Sinclair Oil 20 0 Southern Paclflo 01. . . Southern Rail 27 20 Standard Oil of N J.. 005 7 Stand OH of N J pf.. 10514 4 Stewart Warner Sp .. 32 4 Stromberg Carb 68 7 Studebaker 02 4 Tcmtor Corn & F "A" 40 .. Tenn Cop & Chem ... 0'4 3 Texas Co 3 .. Texas & Paclflo 33 .60 Texas & Pao C & O .. 30 . . Times Square Supply . 20 0 Tobacco Products . . . 39 .. Transcontinental OH.. 10 5 Transuo & Wms Steel 42 8 Union Bag & Paper . . 80 .. Union OH 2fl 10 Union Paclflo 117 12 United Fruit 189 .. United Rwy Invest .. 7 .. Unl Rwy Invest pf ... 16 3 United Retail Stores.. 61 .. U S C I P & Fdy 13 U S Food Products .. 57 8 U S Ind Alcohol .... 81 ..US Realty & Imp .. 47 8 U 3 Rubber 84 6 U S Smelt & Rcf .... 51 BUS Steel 87 7 U S Steel pt 105 0 Utah Copper 69 .. Utah Seo 7 0 Vanadium Corp 63 4 Va-Carollna Chem ... G4 2 Vlvadou Ino 13 .. Wabash 7 . . Western Maryland ... 0 . . West Maryland 2d pf 13 . . Western Paclflo 20 7 Western Union Tel .. N2J4 4 Westlnghouse E & M 40 .. Wheeling & L E 10 4 White Motor 47 1 Willys-Overland 16 8 Woolworth F W 105 6 Worthlngton Pump .. iiS 6 Worth Pump pf U.... G3 Ex-dividend, 23 1 120 03 It 30 13 101 23 10 17 20 184 11 S 13 22 43 61 29 64 84 105 6 53 00 71 6 00 71 33 23 33 18 74 88 42 3 116 20 37 80 74 17 40 11 27 23 31 .15 36 11 80 65 25 13 05 111 70 37 13 80 40 04 70 73 23 10 30 0 130 105 04 25 ,90 27 603 105 30 07 00 40 0 43 33 30 25 58 8 42 80 20 116 18S 7 IS 00 13 55 80 47 82 61 85 105 60 7 02 03 13 7 9 13 30 8314 46 10 o 10 105 58 63 23 15 130 64 43 . 99 -20 n CM 101 .. 23 - 1 13 3 31 4 9- 7 20 4- 6 157 3 13 1 38 13 .. 25 4J 1 61 20- 67- 84 - 105 .. 6- 54 2 00-1 71- 4 90- 71 1 33 - 232 33 - 18 74 88 .. 44 1 3 .. , 110 20 37 - 81 1 75 1 17 . . 40 II .. 2f - 1 23 31 36 1 381 11 .. 80 .. 50 20 13 05 111 77 2 381 14 88 1 61 3 67 1 80 2 73 1 24 1 20 1 30 0- 130 105 07 5 25 91 1!4 27 603 1 105 32 2 68 1 01 1 10 0 43 1 33 1 39 20 68 0 42 - 1 80 - 20 .. 117 180 4 7 .. 10 1 01- 1 13 57 2 81 1 47 83 1 31 80 105 . . 5 4- 7 0 3 4 1 13 1tt 9 13 20 . 82 - 40 14 10 4 7 2 10 105 58 I- 1 03 AFTERFAIR START Swoots Company Toucho3 LoW Record Oils Strongest on List Nov Yorli, Aug. 11. The Curb mar ket showed pronounced strength dur ing the early trading, when many is sues were In vigorous demand, and mode substantial advances. Later, however, trading became quieter and moderate recessions occurred. General Asphalt showed a change in its trading conditions and, instead of being pressed on the market 'at a de cline, was in good demand and rose from 43Vi to 45Vi. International Pe troleum was another strong feature, advancing to 33, and Tropical Oil moved up to JDVj. Carib Syndicate wns nlso active and strong, ranging from OVi to 10Vs on a large volume of business. Slmms fctrol cum, nfter selling nt the low record of V, ndvonc&I to 10. Maracaibo moved up from l"Vi to lSVi. Aetna Kxploslves ranged from 10 to 10Vi. und Iletall Candy was steady nt 10 to lOVi.. Sweets Co. dropped to the low record of . l.NDUHTIUALS 1 10 tl'A .45, '?' IH v:va High Acino coal l Aetna kximos Car Ui-hc Uenfrul Aaphull ... Indian I'ueulnff ... .MfB "A" . I'erlectlou Tiro .... ltadlo Com JtKillo Cum nr Kainler .Motors 3lft MUind Uutf I'.leo nt ii.oa Hweets Co IH ! II a High tipeed Tool ... 3uV . 30hi U S Meum 2 2 United I'luiii Hnurlnu .... t I'i United Ret Candy lu'.i 10 , MTANDA11D OILS Ohio Oil JJU 377 INIIUI'UNDUNT OILS lfc' IS Low i 10 1 iai nil 43 id as 'Mitt O.I H Allan oil AllitU uu tiik' Jlert Uuonu Ull uualun Mexico . iObluii-v,umiiiK Carlo an curiu Bn TrilK cities Service "it Cusmni: 1'flH ... i'.ik Iwtln ret .... l-'edeml Ull cjlemuck UM Utility Ullleuplo .... liili'i IVnw .Manhattan Ull .Merrill Ull .Sunn Amur ull ... omni uil l'eiinuk Ull 1'ioducers & Keiuivrs lOan Ull ., Salt Cnek 1'iod .. Mnims 1'tt Mkeiiy Ull superior Oil irupuul Ull Ull 'Iuxbh Ull V leturiu Ull, new .. Ull W'ultu Ull sni'il Trim rla lv de ! laliLc flilteu Tlud CtfH. 21 Si 'm't loii 13 V 31 ',3 t. 7'4 20 2 it M A.I 1SU r-'! -4 IV zm ltlTt ur l'j iu!4 l 1"4 lit ,u IS '4 .14 111 -H 1- a 61 7 iW JV. 2j Urn 17'. lls i'n -u 6? .). Ill M )h II V 1SH IV 1 111 is',i 14 t'J Lust 45 i 3S T 30 Vn 2 loli 37U 1?4 20 Hb K 10H 31Vj 4 7M 2H 1. 2U lS'i H!S i a 21 lift lu Mib 1US4 II ! lhi ltf?. 4 1 1 MM. 1S4 (.'4 1 To the Holders National Properties Company 4-6 Bonds Acceptance of the modified plan for the afc and acquisition of tho stock of the American Railways Co. Must Be Made on or Before Aug. 16th, 1920 A copy of the plan has been mailed to every bond holder of record. While a majority of the National Properties Company A-dfo bonds have been deposited with the Protective Committee, no plan will be declared operative by the Committee unless approved by a large proportion of the bondholders. In the opinion of the Committee, all bondholders who have not yet deposited their bonds should do so at once. Dated August 11, 1920. 1 J. CTAniC. Oeentry. 817 Chrtmit Htret. Philadelphia, Penna. CLAUDE A. 8IMPi,nR Commute.. .rniCHATtD, 8AUI BATATtD 4k EVANS Counsel. .MINIMI Culumuu . . . AldBka llr .U.IMllU .. I'UUtll luuuunla .Minlim . cuimua cnppi.1 . . . , Cundeiaria .Mining lung V11 .'111 ia .... cieirfun udu Divide Kxl r.drtKa O'ucmuh eureka liollj . . . . uuid Conn Uoid Lievtl Uomneid I'luiencu uoiu 1VUWHIII. Hold Y.ono CJreut lleiid Emma Sllvei ,. .. liec-la .ViuliiK . . . Iron Uiudtium . . . jumbo Kxleiinlun 5 Knux Diudu . 0 Louisiana Co 1 . . . ,', ML'.Numuia 14 Dundee As 1 rt .Mamh .Mmlmt in .umtur Lodo fill Mother l.odii, now u1. H 11 1 Is (: r 1 . JJ U It. y u 1 14 1 0 70 Philadelphia Stocks 1 :30 Net V m. chge. 43 ',3 '.i !)0Vj Vi Xi . . 38 Va 14 27 Va Va 11 .. -1441 40 .. 40 '22 14 Va fil 40V4 1 .30 Not p m chce. 71 .. B. GEO. A. HUHN & SONS HTOrnH ANT) IlONpa Member, ot the Fhlladelnhla. New York and Clucnco Htoelc Exchange Ntv York Cotton Kirnnnie Commlailon Orders Executed All the Principal Markoti nEtxrvriK corriT iildo. lain ttmnui rT. In NEW TOItK lit Jlro.dwny. OFFIfB Ne'e York rropoaala xr.Txrra PRDPONALN WILL, HK Ttl E-Y Widat Jloom 310. City Hall, until I 12 FIl- 'stock noon on Tuewlar. Anximt 34. 19?n. 8.J Sno OP.HIH1 ai loai lima 111 iwmn u. .iir Rf Rail, tor eonttruetlna- aewora and Inlets j' in u.ii-v w. ... ....... .v. ..v .tartar at. Contractor will be to comply Wltil.lh. set ot Ai.embly of July 18. 1017. r.lattvo to tho workmen a compensation in urnes. and proof must b. furnl.hed th t. aparR)Om Pr comrsmur. inn mey uavo Ei? Kce.9t4 tht provisions of said at and In- ' 't aurrd thalr llabllltl.s thereunder or secured aucjnpiipnB iii.iivi,. pJ.n.lnoulr.BoomH742dAC,tH.ll. Director. Fair Sugar Crop Promised Louisiana Nw Orleans. Aug. 11 Tho federal Department of Agriculture places tho I condition of the sugar cano In Louisiana at 74, compared with 74 on July 1, last, 64 a year ago and 86 two years ago. Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, Aug. 11 There was only a moderate request for spot cotton today with prices steady on the basis of an advance of 33 points for middling at 27 32d The sales wern 7000 bales Tho receipts were 8300 bales, all American. Futures were steady In the early deal Infjs. Spot prices were. American, mid dllnir fair, 32 57d: pood middling 29 82d; fully middling. 28 B7d ; mid dling. 27 32d: low middling:. 23.G2d; Rood ordinary, 20 07d, and ordinary, lD.07d LIVE8TOCK QUOTATIONS rhlcMco, Auk 11. HOOS Hutlmated re. relpts, 17,000 head, left over 12.193 hend. Opentntr slow and weak at yenterdny-. aver age 118.00 paid. Average cost yesterday, i.82 ..., C A 1 1 l-iE. r.muililieu rfil'iB, iiw.h, ucau. SHKKr Estimated receipts, 25.000 head. Pittsburgh. Aug. 11 HOOS Hecelpj;, 1200 head Steady Heavies, 13 50 In 7.1 heavy yorkers J1717 10. light yorkers, lis nnein.75. pigs, iinin:.i SWEEP AND LAMIIH Tterelpti. SOO head. Steady. Top sheep. SO: top lambs JH. CALVEB Receipts, 100 bead Steady. Top. 118. ,fJa American Subscriptions Wanted Llrvtvi. Aug n.-yvineiiciiiv win p. Itad from aubscrlblng to tht public : m4iIc)i A. C. Hoes, of Montreal, is rals. la balls a Canadian cnaueng.r tor ma Mri' Cup. Mr. llota h announrnd at 'V- aubacripuon. receiv.u wi isw , ms-paa uiiuimu. GOVERNMENT BONDS Panama coupon 2 1S8S Panama registered 2s. 198, Panama coupon 2s. 10(18 . Panama registered 2s IMS Panama coupon 3, 1MJ Panama registered Ss. 19H1 Phjljpplna 4, 12J . Philippn 4s, IMJ ... Philippine 4. 13 , T7 B Oovt roupnn 2s, l8n . II Oovt registered !i IJW IT S Oovt coupon 4. 12J tl S Oovt registered 4. IMB Dlit of ColumbU 3-Wt. U2i, Hid 101) t loot, I on i, lootf TT . 77 . 78 7S . 7 101), lnnaj inn li" . 15 Ask 80 80 85 81 83 105 102 10ft 10 HlKh 1AW 211 Am Sirs 4ini 4IS 7 do pref. !IO-j HJ,a K5 Am ius. ;?." JI-" r. Cum Iron !h as 4-1!) Klcc Stor wur ... 14V Wj 14 I Co X A 27 'J7i 111 I.k S Cor 11 11 1 Vol. 44 Va 44 lfl Miuehill. 40 40 tin.") l'a It It. 40 40 14 Phil Klec W '-'2 15H P H T. . 14 14-T 45 Ph Tract SI "il 15 U G I... 40Vi 40V1 Saloe in BONDS $1000 High Lirw 1 Am (Jas & Klec 5s.. . 71 71 1 1-fl Mb Itoud 2d 4Vs.. . S4.51 84.50 S4.r.G .01 5 1-10 4th 4'4s Wi.00 M.DII Wi.OO.Ofl IV. Victory 4'Us D.i.70 Uj.T- u;.u-r-.U4 1 Xut Prop 4-t!.s .... 4 4 4 .. :i Pu It U ti-m etfs 102V.. 102 Vt 102V2 Va 2Ph Eleo 5s h0 M)',M 80.. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yorlt. AUK 11. The market for coffee futures opened 10 to 17 points lower thlB morninit. me '"" cables were a llttlo lower Jut without special slsnlllcancc, although they may have Influenza sentiment, causing the initial declines. Tho buyers at the close yesterday were not in evidence this mornlnc and without this support, prices developed a saBRlng tendency For some days past, there hns been talk In trade circles, In some way or other. Brazil was planning; to lend sup port to the Santos market, whether DJ protecting the planters by establishlns a fixed price or by tal-.lnB care of the heavy early receipts, wan not made known. But the principal supporters of tho market late yesterdav were llrmn closely connected with Brazilian in terests. This mornlnc, however, this charac ter of buying was less In evidence on the call, but, at the end of the first hour, selllni? pressure had ceased and a few supporting orders from trade houses sent March to 10.14 and May to 10.24, or S to 10 polnta abovo tho low point of tho morning. There were rumors that local Import ers had received private advices report Intr steadier conditions In Brazil, but no olllolaj advices had been received up to 11:30 a. m Kept . Der. .. March May . . nid. DIVIDENDS DECLARED American Tower nnd Light Co . duarterly of 1 per rent on common, psyshle Septem ber 1 to stock of record August 14. Atlas ToWder Co, slock dividend of B per cent on common and quarterly of S per cent In cash, both payable Heplember 10 to stock or record Augun 01 (N T time) est cl" Oivnll'r 11 K "i 0 40A41 80 W3R 9.80 9 OOiSJNl OKOflSd I.T7 in snca:!i iii nafinr. 10.0s 10 30031 ln.lSWlB 10 18 MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW YOIIK Money on call, both classes of collateral, opened today at 7 per cent for lending and renewing. Call money was In (rood supply at the 7 per cent renewal t'iRure, but there was no time money In tho murket up to the early afternoon, some brokers reporting that they had not made a loan. The hid wa tlrni at 9 4 per cent. So far, the prediction of at least a moderate ca ment In fixed ilato collateral loans has not been borne out. The scarcity of prime New York bank acceptances was even more of a feature than of late. Inquiries from savings banks for about J350.000 prlmo New York ninety-day bills could not be sup plied. The bills held by the savings banks are approaching maturity and tho Institutions deslro to secure renewals to employ their fun,ds. There Is a free offering of prime out-of-town bills, but these are not as well absorbed The New York saving banks, In particular, are, under the New York state banking laws, debarred from pur chasing other than prime New York bills, ltates are unchanged with prime New York member ninety-day bills. 6'i bid. C9. asked. Tho minimum discount figure for prime mercantile paper Is 8 per cent. Only country banks are buying. PHILADELPHIA Call, 0 per cent; time, 6 per cent ; commercial paper, three to six months, 6 per cent. (Note These are merely nominal quotations, as the legal rate of Interest In the state of Pennsylvania Is fixed at ii per cent. Plus premium and commis sion time money for thirty" to ninety days Is loaning at 8 to 8Vi per cent, while commercial paper from threo to six months Is being offered at 8 to 8 V4 per cent ) LONDON Money Is quoted al 5 per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 6il G 11-lfi per cent: three months' bills, 6 11-166 per cent German Bank Statement Berlin, Aug. 11. The statement of th Imperial Bank of Ormuny for tho period ending July 31 shows the follow ing chiingoer Total coin and bullion, Increased 206,000 mnrks ; gold Increased 40,000 marks; treasury notes Increased, 619,266,000 marks; notes of other banks Increased, 703.000 marks; bills discount ed. Increased 6,640 003.000 marks; ad vances, Increased C.60K.0O0 marks; In vestments, Increased 29. 592,000 marks; other securities, Increased 314,769,000 marks; notes In circulation, Increased 1,786,449,000 marks, deposits, Increased 4.983,380 000 marks; other liabilities. Increased 148,177,000 marks; total gold holdings, 1,091,692,000 marks. Copper Production Smaller Production of the porphyry copper companies In July was reduced greatly In comparison with their production In other months of this year, Utah pro duced 8, SOO, ooo pounds against 10.000.. 000 In June; Ray Consolidated 4,600.000 against 4,620 000 In June, Nevada Con solidated 4 660 000 against 4,650,000 In fime, while China, the onlv one to estab lish a gain, produced 4,360.932 against 4,010.069 In June. Oroene-Cananea pro duced 3,600.000 pounds of copper, 130, 760 ounces of silver and 770 ounces of gold In July, while United Verde In tension produced 3,304 878 pounds of copper In July against 2,228,030 In June. FOREIGN EXCHANGE -New York, Aug. 11. Trading In sterl ng was active and strong nt the opening of the foreign exchange market this morning, with demand being 3.04'; bid nnd cables 3.66, up li. Franc, cables were up 6 points, lite 1 point nun marks 8 points Stockholm and Chrie tlanla were off each 10 points. Quotations were: Franc cables 7.26, checks 7.24 , llr. cables 6.05, chocks 5.04 ; Swiss calilci 6.01 checks 6.03; guilder cobles 33H chocks 33'4; peoetua cables 16.02 checks 15; Stockholm cables 20 or. checks 20.60; Chrlstlanla cables 15.30. checks 16.26; Copenhagen entiles 15.30 checks 15.25; Belgian cables 12.95, checks 12.97; marks 2.16. Sterling was exceptionally active throughout the morning dealings De mand advanced at olio time to 3.67 ',4, cahles 3,68 4, but was off again to J.06 for demand and 3.C7H for cables shortly before noon The market held firm. Franc cables wero 6.06, chcks 6.05 A; marks. 2 17 ArcentlnR nilil.-n were stronger, at 115,50, as were Cana- uiau uuuurs Ul ss.liD. YEHTEllDAVH FINAL QUOTATIONS . "'"fl1.""' Franc Lire aulMvrn remand .1.113'-, 7.18 1.98 3.123 Cables .. 3.A' 7.20 3.00 113 87 TODAY'S OPBNINfJ QUOTATIONS Sterling Francs Lire Oullilem I'tiiiniui ,1 Hi', ,,- f, 1)4 aii.l cauies .. 9 01 ,,as 3.03 33.L'3 Delaware t Hudson Loan Approved Washington, Aug 11. A lonn of Jl 125,000 to tho Delaware and Hudson Co. has been npproved by the Interstate commerce c. ommission to aid the cur rler In making additions and better. ments to promote movement of freight cars, .Murray Mug Ophlr Silver 1'rincu Con Hex Cuna II Itochester .Mines s llupo llroup fy San '1 oy 4 Seneca Copper 14k sliver King Dlvldu J S Silver Luid i. .-Miit n Ailiitn .. .. lonupah-lii Imunt 1'unupah L'usn Hoy Tomipah Dlvidi Tumipah l.xterulon . lunoiMh-Jiin ltutler Tiinnpuh Mlilu.o . . . Tonupah Mining . . . lunuiuii .Mupati 'liinouah M'jiiIu.iu .. Tnnupah KeM'Ue Uula united u.titei n . . . . VICtlil Ii 1' 4 Is 1. llT U 3 12 , 13 1 t liV U4 1ft l'j DO fl4 70 4 Is 1 , 23 U c 12 14 1 U ir. i 4 h i 12 7 10 8 IS '-"a West Und C Whlto Cupi White Caps Wllbert Vurrliigluii Uxt li". s I' 4 IIOND.S On .Mllo.l Pack A mil Tel It.- of llerlln Is .. Hrcmen lu .. Duss..ldorr 4 Uuodrlcli T 7s Hatnburir 4M, a Nun in burg Is Pan-Amn Pet Sinclair 7'4 a . Texas Co 7s L' H Hub 714 s Union Tank 7s Wayne Coal 0i ii in1. 104 'M'i 20 UJW M. 20 1I4J. 97. 08 Vh 70 4 14 .A lh 12 7 1 HI 8 IS 8 I ',4 I 07 ',k 04 lUlu 211 20 U2M, 20la 211 114 U7 IIS urn imvii 70 r,u ' 70 ,v i I S t I4'4 I "u 1 1A 7 18 12 i 7 , IX ; 10 8 I is ; 2h ' ?' 8 07. IH ilia. 20",. 20 204. 211 04 07 08 U74 UIIU, 7U Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Olllrlal tedlscount rates nt tho twelve Federal Ilcservf banks are as follows: Lib. Cnm'l nkrs. Bonds Paper Accpt. Tn-as. rlfH Hnatwi riL4 N,. York . T I'liiladelphia . til c 'lex eland ."H llH-hmond . .til Atlanta til I'hltllKO til t Iuls ... . AV, Of. Minneapolis . . . 3 Kansas City . to IMIIas . til Sun lrranclbco. til it 0 3 Si 3'.' il 3W I 3V. ll Vi 3V II II aw nti ii .-Va n !. 0 tDli-count rale corresponds with Interest rati borne by certificate pledged as collat ' J"'.."!! mnlmum of 6 per emit In the case of Philadelphia. Atlanta ond Kansas City and 3Va per cent ln tho ca of 8an Fran-cl&co. Prices Steady on Paris Bourse Paris, Aug 11 Prices were steady on tho Bourse today. Threo per cent rentes were quoted at 65 francs: ex change on London, 60 francs 16 cen- francs 50 -rn carrier u rennirot ,. fl. ,,... i.n..n c ... -. , r. ,- v .il -,.. .u .,,,,,vc- inner,, u 11 1 uri,i ujiin, a, iranc.i 30 Itself for the same purpose nn amount centimes The dollar was quoted at 13 equal to tho loan of the government. ' francs 76 centimes or recorn aup i n.iir, nn . ralumei ana Arizona produced 3.5Z8,- atocit ci rccora aususi ... .,..,... .- .-..- Broadway and Fifth Avenue at Madison Square New York THE FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING is managed with a degree of efficiency equal to that of the most famous hostel ries of America. Every reasonable re quest of our tenants is quickly gratified and every need provided for. LL, - , -Jj National Properties Co. American Railways Company 4---6 The undersigned bondholders, for themselves and also representing large amounts of the National Properties American Railways 4-6's, being dissatisfied with the modified plan of reorganization and being convinced that no action should be taken pending an investigation, hereby give notice that a meeting of the bond holders will be held at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Red Room, on Thursday, August 12, 1 920, at 3 P. M., to consider what action should be taken to conserve the rights of the bond holders and prevent impairment of their security. Information of interest to the bondholders will be discussed. All bondholders are urged to attend. James E. Gorman V. Gilpin Robinson Charles E. Grange Oliver C. Lippincott Walton Gibb 1634-35 Land Title Building. Profits from Manufacturing Shareholders 5n well-established manufacturing com panies have received large dividends and profits from their industrial investments. We offer to investors an 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock with the right to purchase Common shares, issued by a large and old established manufacturing company, whose products have a world demand. Ask for Folder No. P. P. L.-J8S HollisteiWhite & Go. fcCO.PORATSO. BOSTON SPRINflPIELD North American Building PHILADELPHIA rROVIOKNCE rlTTSPlELD NEW YORK PORTLAND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiul . It requires decision to grasp opportunities Bond prices show tendency to improve. Technically and statistically the bond market appears to be at bottom prices. A representative croup of listed bonds record the same average price on July 31st as on May 1st In spite of all the Foreign and new bonds sold during that period. Wo will be glad to assist investors in making a selec tion from the exceptional investment opportunities now available. Call or uiri'fe for suggeations. West & Co. E 1417 CHESTNUT STREET Membera New York StocU Kirhsnre E ' Philadelphia Stock Kxthans Wa Always Have on Hand List of Hl.h.Orada Bond. Corrstpotidsnco Invltad 5HI11111111111111111111111111111U11111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"Mniiii!iiiiiir,j fl 1 kv V -ti 'tz i A lAI'V-