XT-a jty- ?.u ttf h r u i .'' !JLML N RATTATO TURCO 0 F SIAffl HRMATQ Un Protocollo Italo-Greco Sulla ' ' f ' b m J a I aai Ti im & aa v I a I; CUIIO. Ul IIIHUUM4U III Asia Minore rubllthil nn) DIMrlbutrd Undr . t pnnMiT no. .hi. Autnorlsnl liy the net of OetoW . ll'., on Ale nt the Pontoftlce of Phila delphia. Pa. . a f nunt.rioN. Pnstmiifter General. Setrn, Frnncla, 10 nRiixto. II trnt tnlo ill pnep con In Ttirrliln i ntnto firmnto nel pomeriKRin di orr! II One Tnlc llninlil IMslin p' Mnto 11 prlmo n firmarr- u,or In Tnrrhln. I.n rcrlmonln per In Mrmu tlol trat tiito p' statu prcxlrrfutit ihll Priino Mill Istro di Kruncia Millcraiitl. Dopp i lip I trp rnpprpMPiitaiiti drlln Turcliin rbbpru firmnto, gll nllpntl nppoprn lit Torn firmn. I rnpprpputiuiU floH'Itnliu e delta Orerla firinnrnno per ultiiiil. La Sorbin non i-rn rapprescntutu. Ln rrrinionln comprise lit (onscgna dl trc tlocumpnti. II trnttnto dl puce per t-c Ktos"o, un protnrollo Itulo-Grmi fd mi pintnt'olln riKiinrdante la zon di uufliicnza in Aia Miuore. Roma, 0 ngn-to. I'nn iiitrrpcllnnz i M i rerenti dioidini nnti-Italian! n iJ West rYankfort. 111., v' tntn prcentata J airiiidlrlzd del Coiiti- Kfoi. Ministro per S" Allan j;.tcri. dal Dcputnto RiiiKpppe Ofiitllf. durante ln seduta di CRSij t I.'Ou. (Joiitile. priinn dclla sua noininn nl Pnilnmento. fu Console in Philadelphia rd n enpo del Consolato Oenernlc dl Denver. Colorado. Anehc ii Dcputnto eoolnlixta Cnroti. die per circn nnve nun I fu noull Sfnti 1T..1H ha prespntnto nnaloga intorpelianza. II Conte Sforn. rispondendn npli Intcrpellanti. Iin ditliiarnto die nttende ttn rnnnni.(n .ltln 1 :.. .!.- . .... 1 I 1 " ""nil Ifct'iu lllu;iM'l(lli il Italinnn iu Wellington e non appecu H lo ricevcra' ne darn' nnnunzlo e , prendern i neeessnri provvciliiucuti por J$ una cnerRicn iizlnnc. !2 Ln wnrsitn' del dettnRli informatM S- ml fatti dl West Frankfort fnnuo si , die i Riornali inuo nsenatl nut loio commeuti e si lunitnno ad esprimere la rertpzza die il (!ierno Itnlinuo uon maneliera' di ilnmnndnrp al goertio Ameriuino iiiena viddlyfnzlone. Londni, 0 nso-to I.a C'nincra Jta llnua del Deputati Iin orr! lutllic.ito il trattnto ill paee tra ie im.imil Alleate e l'Austria. ou oti 170 faorevoli 4S-contrnrl. t'n rniendaiiiputo pruposto dat MH'ialisti fu resplnto. Dopo l'approvnzione del trattato la Camprn i e' nRRioruiitn lino nl -0 uo Tcmbre prahno. vecondo mi dtapacclo flunto nlln Kxrhance Telegraph Coi larvrcnW Wuhtf. hbif'lliie hiedlcnl in BtKJCtorsr Dr. William Francis, Coatc.s Ville, for Valley township, Chester county; Dr. S. M. Hazlctt, Allennvllle, Mifflin c Jluntinkd nker, Wl county, for llmdr townshln. :don county; Dr. It. II. Whit I'illlnmnburir. for lluxton town. ship nnd Patterson district, Blair pmlntvt n- TTfTf4 T1 V Ylr..t DownlnRtown," for Coin, East Coin nntl East Brandywine townships, Chester coumy, nnu jLr. j. a jumcr, urara rL, ?tBi8r.i State Medical Inspectors Named ?1 llarrlsliuri'. Am? 11 Dr I!ilnnl IS Martin, coiniiusiniier of health has nn- i pointed W. It. Thompson. New Wil tniuRton. repistrar for New Wilmington boroiiRh and WilmiiiRton township. a success Capt. X's idea A round cigarette, loosely rolled, made from the famous Pall Mall blend of 4a different kinds of Turkish tobacco. 1 A big volume of cool, mild smoke from the beginning. READ THE STORY OF CAPT. X. -aHB-C-gHB-BHB-n-a-Q-n-I1r-ZE plan, for Greenwood f ownshlp, Clear- pointed health officer for "Liverpool nctu county, x. m. uisn lias been ap- i towusnip, 1'erry county. mrs r . to reoL lukens Co. . Stationers ForLoose LeaF Ledders PALLMLIi FAMOUS CIGARETTES ounds R 20 Pall Mall Rounds (plain ends) m the f-rv new foil package c PLAIN OR CORK (REGULAR) IN BOXES CF 10, 50, 100 AS USUAL W& f! i LIfk . V v .. 1 h as "W v t 'ttr""M ' """s ,; HULMli l M3SKb'W&. 18-20 miles to the gallon of I !1MH0 gasoline. ! fNflfT Better than 10.000 milea to ZfJS. Jl iM5rSI5s!j T the act of tlrea. aj. Coolbaagh-Macklin Motor Co. 1(TRg Broad & Tioga SU. Tioga 4965 Phila. iT How to reduce Packaging Costs - Re-pUce up to 40 operator!. Cet from 1 5,000 to 1 8,000 better packages per machine ddUy. Safevunrd the quality of the material aare too of it Produce coodmaorury dependably economically. "How)" b Follovr the profitable example of the packer! of 90 of the worhTa machine-packaged good. Install Pneumatic Machinery. Every Pneumatic aystem ia a proven one not an experiment. With your product in your plant your initial installation ia made to prove its efficiency, depeodAhUity and economy. Write our nearest office. Have on expert on packaging calL Borto PNEUMATIC SCALE CORPORATION. LTD. Norfolk Dawns, Mim. NswYotk Chicno Pneumatic automatic Packaging Machinehy j A Chance I to Save J HLANK BOOKS Hound ami IjOOko T'Pnf r.TTiimntAiiiiNa rillNTINQ KNOHAVlNO OFFICE Stationery and Supplies Loose-leaf Binders at below-cost prices JUST to clear our shelves of a w Quantity of odd or discontinued hIi", of loose-leaf binders and sheot holders u havo marked prices on them at below actual cost I 'ow Dy making early eolectlon, you con h assured of finding Just exactly what vo requlro and at a mighty exceptional saving. al Canvas-covered binders, corduroy-bae)tA holders otondord nnd odd slzca a'S unusual buying opportunity. " WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Offices: 861 Broadway. Founded in 1810 Illllill!Hlllll!H!!!MSI HS ANN Bethlehem Engineers and Bethlehem Workmen have balanced and combined Power, Strength and Long Life in the new Bethlehem Motor Trucks. Made in 1 ton, 2 ton, 3 ton and 4 ton chassis. Stop in and examine the new Bethlehem today. MANYPENNY MOTORS COMPANY 137-39-41 North 22nd Street Philadelphia, Pa. "- 2ftBIGNEW I LpHf 1 JnLAjtjrlr!M.ll i ii jat a Mii i ritin ri i nr aMniis anasaasa- imnwia. rii ai si -mjj t tnri t lavi. . kkkj ItiiiiiiHiBLLkw iCaLQaV 'Thank goodness for rnat fan," Mother whimpers to Dad as aio closes the door m Its Refreshing Breezes Cool the Home When the thermometer is in the nineties and there is not even the faintest whisper of a breeze out side turn on a Robbins & Myers Fan and be re freshed by cooling cur rents of air. Every room in the house including kitchen will be comfortable in the hottest weather if you have an R&M Fan to use. Greet Dad and the chil dren, after a long, hot day of work and play, with a cool house, made cool by. this faithful R&M Fan. It's the splendid Robbins & Myers Motor which makes these fans the choice of people who know. Look for the R&M flag the sign of a breeze on the guard of the fan you buy. It is all you need know about a fan. The Robbins & Myers Co., Springfield, Ohio Tor JVsnf.firee V.sr. Ms., of Quality Fans and Motors Address Office Nearest You 1418 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Room 420 E, 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Rob bins Si Hvcts Fans V(GXvtriL.,ji ru j$MtJ3fte'& if ffciiN