Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 06, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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tri r1tciie)e VnrimiS Pnnnln mJ T?,,s,b
flaiicy , i r., "'' n r-,
in Newport
nJ tJ..1n In Intvn
s . j - qhc n ways looks o
ytorday. She 1C B0 nttrac.
(,Mb and neat, nn ,Mllra t HPp
tire tooWj!". u to,vn whni you feel
k'f,Jn ! Inoko I nil lot and flyaway
t VmL rniirwlf St'o Imd on a very
dd0 ofTflw and white, checked
Pfttir Uh a hlte cash, with black
.ng'" - , wi,te h ioch inm "
fctOTS: BIDfe ftTJGtJST '6, 1920
rtocklnr i an'1 , rv.pinrc-ln-RUinmjr"
w. a n, ? little tan mllor hat, with a
look, and a lime hc )s ,0
W "' Mr" "Vllllntn WooilbnuKO
'Wh tnii kmv. and her inarrlnije to
Sobi'i luwlcv took Place In Ma)', If
Kffifffi. Some time early In
Rummer, anyhow.
HmV In the world does Newport
L.the even with the exhllnratlnR
br fi i? Mow throiiKh It nml nrrmncl
w'ifc. time Kvery few minutes
" flUr l MtW up something, for
mmebotly 1' K1".1,1.? ti.f thlnip la n
home .rfawn. '",.. on Au.U!tt n
FT V.f Vilneday. Do you renllit
khtrxt..;n ... nimnt the middle of
?n.lt' I ' Wlr ridiculous the
Anfl"' .... rMa nnns when lfn
"f .ml 1 io wnv It drngs and poke
f1olrit" l.o K Hut. anyhow, thin bridge
!?Er the Hnbcs' Clinic of Newport.
11 1 it will bo Riven at the Country
Xb Tabes Tare tote put out on the
".a. mill In the tea room and Mm.
ffi c W. Dolan b .M-JC the jpr ,,.
nd rinht here is wimrc mc tuiiiniinjc
ime congratulations, according to
'"..., T cv invc nr.
nnv iil iniin' r .
' 7' . ...in nrrance, whatever me
'tcnVl m I'lns to be. a golf tour-
ffi on the Mine day. so that people
Kn't want to spend a yhplc pet-
tX Too 1 afternoon play lnK brldRe cJu
Wf' and still be In on the affair
I' that your own personal Ides
i hrlilcc party, or are you one of
liW W seashore or the
tunta ' for the healthful nlr-and
Pd all of every afternoon in
h hmw or on the porch playing
ffita? Well. then, of course, -jou feel
It the solf 1-. unnewwary. , Personally,
think It's an awfully good stunt.
Mrs Nathaniel Thayer Mr. T.Suf-
ton taller and Mr. Clarence Dolan
form the house committee.
Well, that's on the seventh. Then
tie tennis tournament beglus on Mon
J tho ninth, you know, and nfter
hat, on the twenty-flmt isn't It the
felihotr. and still later the horse ..how.
J aside from all these things to do
inpIc are cutertainiug right and left.
iS there's enough to do, anyhow, just
Un.un there in the swim, so to speak,
lie Robert Kelso C'assatts entorth.ncd
Mr aeht. the C.adfly. the other
St. and Mis. .Tohn II. Drexel gnve
funeheon on Tuesday or cduesday,
I'm not sure which, and there uro any
number of other luncheons and dinners
mil things all the time.
THEAH that the Harrisons arc leav
ilns tery mon for Mr. Hurt's rnnch
la Arbona. Mr. Charles Custis Hnrri
ud. Jr.. J on know, of Chuckswood,
Villanoia, is taking his children, Au
rjsta W. Hnriison, Kllen XV. Harrison
tad Charles Custis. 3d, out there to
tpecil some time, it prooapiy will ue
''t.n1ft,, tlmn Inn.
SHR had had a terrible dream and It
was m rrnl to her thnt she had to
fob it all nut to mother the next morn
Inj at breakfast. It was nbout Jock,
the precious pot who stood beside her
chair and licked nor hand sympatheti
ca! v as she talked. She had dreamed
that something killed .lock. She had
corpe walking out of the house to take,
t pair rith hi m nnu there lie was lying
In the street, dead. She hadn't unntpil
Mm to die; she loved him too much.
And the worst of it all wan that in
the dream hc wouldn't have anything to
do with her. "And then, mother," she
described it. mashing a tear flat against
her cheek, "when he pot through with
the die lip just got up nnd walked righ't
ay from me!"
(J.Vm,!.nd Mrs W- S'andley Stokes, of
uermantoun, entertained at a dlnner-
H?Mr!?i! cVfnlnB nt ,no Whltenuirsh
"7, lub. Among tho nuests wro Mr.
v.. i- . los,'.nh X. DuRarry. Mr. and
Bf!,,'luD"lsi!! Mr nnd Mrs. William
V,rH,tCMTn',?Ir .',n1 Mrs' Rodney
Merrick. Miss Harrlnt n. II Geyelln.
Harr." f. t . -"""'nuii s nemon, sir.
Jr Mr IParc,n& Mr James -N'- Carter.
w'"fnr;.G' nlock and Mr. Har
ttm ihlcx. Mr, St0kc3 M lown
h.p IVu "Vu. WIU roiurn next week.
ntr mother. Mro Tr0.. n.i.a 7.
u5?r.Vir -V."! ierlne Coxe. left fop
the Glades flub on Wednosday.
iS !...p,r.0-v8t..ernne ad her
5S?S 3P ."wlifVcon?
the BuVt n? ft r nl Blcsmero ns
w guests of Mrs Lawrcnco H. Wilbur.
Brvn S'rfinSLtpn Townsend. of
at Law. i... ",."ul K..' l,,eir camp
WK9 Kcrar. Me , until September 1.
Radli5ran,,niAIirs- T' Truxton Hare, of
ii?l. ff v "LLPa . od.y for a Meek'a
rueiti Ve sii h . V.1 ' ,r' ll- ' . ns tho
V of Mr nd Mrs. Denjamln Chew.
gpW $J.tSrS?l,.7 Jn'o0ni?fSt ?n
t.'ffinr;,vCallforla' W rema.'n"
tmLmJ JhlP'S noss nnd their
nnnhTtV at ihe.r."..""i' ?F Pa?8i"5 the
and uiu .. ", ""B", i opnnB L,ae
September rn Unt" tho mlddl ot
aJ5fti.rV&m.TH,eJ.nr. ?.Ia.u her
nia, nr i.V Vi,i. M' v :"rtul,?. r villa
Hrnom'h'of AugustHUl"hUr Sprlus3 for
JIIss (Jertrude Klv. nf Wvh
iMMiirof hh ,ls. ' yter Bay As
not e'xneV, ,h'r ll0' M"-. T'"Bny. Is
tember ,"1 unul 'aio in Hep
.... nno Mrs nuRtavim T) ,,,!, ...,
Bhrt,wln,,eyi,Inlnruor.PS?cS.,n'f tt 'W
St M..?,"'i .. William F. nend. nf
Cailforn on 1 lcrt some weeks ago for
1 sSmn8, nSrhS5e paB!,,ln tho "ummer
their hom un.Mri"'. 'nl c"ot retu-n to
M. . nt" lnt-9 In September.
today , "; ,rn ?'w, are le.ivlntt
bfore BtiM?na weck ,lt Camden. Me?,
' Ctftt nB th0 KUest of
'"'a'thdr1 fumiiv"0nrsrnW' "uttwworth
Paeslne th ".,- of "crmantown. aro
AJZZ.ai HUBar H". '"
' paMta? r?i,.W,lllum A- Godfrey, who
Harbor Z t?Tntr ,Rt rtheast
hon"- hi Tri'iiI. not. return to their
September ,mora "m" tho middle of
i?nneThfJ?yC1Zlper ,pw?"n. of
"""t fin n JI Place. hnB boon tho
ln ih. "l.uoCn,1tUuB1f,nn1L5,rancon,a Notch
oiii nf. .,. " c: I'lPPlncott, of Lin
Kroner it .rlH"' Ls R?i."K the
L'"eKB. hro h i. .f '" "10 Aairon
Murray ait,HOn nt '?, " e eU0Ht ' Mrs.
"BaBe,iie ,"," ""VR? ,..:I1B8 MPPlncotrt
ft.rr n- -hV'aTo"-Jr-
SWaiSSj J,!!;"' I,"en,rr Mulford. Jr..
?r1s p rVn tSrrhn? of Mrs. 'MuU
J1 Shaffer "t Wir.nan11 ?,rB- C'harlea
,tnce In Maine unne' (?TinK telr ab.
ekB Hgo, ' whe' lhey wc"t some
SVconte11, A11?;n- of Wynne
aht.r3?mpi""lcdwb' her nona and
V. .TWi Vnd Ml- Mrr' nAn, "" "Ichard
T"' tomorrow t'n plde Tlrtt- w'
Will remnln,0,r.oco.n.? ?'. where
and Mrs. nichnni Tirei t,n,. r.nti
moved Into their new home nt Nnrberth,
uiu mi, uiiu airs. Aiacn Tint nro occu
pying their bungalow nt Pocono Pines
rnd will not return until tho middle of
Mra. (leorge 13, nean, of Cynwyd, has
returned from Hot Springs, Vn where
;ho was tho guest for a fortnight of
Mrs. George H. McXccly, of Haverford.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Patrick Fnllon
have returnpfl fmm n r,,inih nAri
nt Iake Placid. N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Bauer, of
Merchantvllle, N, J nnnouncn the bo,.
trothat of their daughter, Miss Edna
Anna Paticr. to Mr. Horace Patterson
Dllllngs, of Camden, N. J.
.M&.5n,i.Ml?- "a'vey U. Cressman,
Of 672E North Plflnanll, .lnl rtnr
Knno. havo koiiu to Iong Island f"or the
rpmmnupr oi me season,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Collins, of Ten
llyn. havo icturncd frnm nr. ,iii. x.
J., where they were the guests of Sirs.
ColilnVs brother-in-law nnd sister. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Harry Ba.-ry, at their cottage.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harrv .Tnnklna. of Klin
Nsrth nieventli streot, Logan, are pass-
iiib mo Benson in wnuwoou, IV, J.
Mr. npd Mrs. Mnrk Wechsler, of
Logan, are nt Westvlllc, N. J and will
remain until autumn.
A reception and garden party will be
given today In honor of Miss Annu C.
Byrne, who has 1unt returner! frnm nn
extended trip to California, whoro alio
passcu six montns. stopping nt Yellosv
atono Park and other places of Interest
pnbor return home. Tho following
ladles will receive : Mlsi A. Hannaa,
Miss Katherlne V. Kennexly. Miss Betty
M. Strain and Mra M. Thomas McFad
den. Among tho guests will be Mr. nnd
Mrs. James Dalley, Mr. Thomas McFed
den, Mr. James Maloney, Mr. John Han
naa, Miss Margaret Carroll, Mls-t Ger
trude Calnhan. Miss Anastnsla Conlan,
Mr. Thomas Conlan, Mr. Joseph Ken
nedy, Mr. Kdward P. Strain, Mr. James
F. Strain. Mr. John Kennedy, Mr. Harry
Jcwls. Miss Klity V. Strain nnd Mr.
Joseph Hannas.
Miss Margaret Kern, of 352 Went
Duvnl street, left yesterday for Camp
Mlnnetonka, near Lcwlston, Me., for the
remainder of tho summer.
Mrs. Howard Kctqham and her son,
Mr. Walker Ketcham, have returned to
their home on Harvey street from a
motor trip to Mndlson Beach, Conn., and
Briar Cllffe. N. Y. Mr. Edward Ketcham
Is remalnlnir nt Madlnon Bench for xnmn
Mrs. Sophia Goetz, of 1007 East Chel
tn avenue, Is the guest for boitu time
of her son nnd daughtcr-ln-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Schwalbe, of North Wales.
Mrs. Percy C. Ncel, of 124 West Mt.
Airy uenue, will havo as her guest over
tho week-end Mlsa Elearior S. Watts, of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tophan. of 6128
Greene street, aro occupying their cot
tage at Ocean City. N. J., for the re
mainder of tho summer. Miss Helen
Tophan has bean at tho cottage since tho
early summer.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wilson and
their daughter. Miss Nellie Wilson, of
(erm.intoun HVJnuc nnd Tulpehocken
street, motored to Shawnee-on-the-Del-nware
and Mt. Pocono. and are now at
Otspgo. N Y for August. Mrs. WIN
son s parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ale
Cube, will pass lato August In Ocean
City, N. J.
Mra. J. Augustus Boers, of tho
Creshclm Vnllpy. has gone to the Fra-
linger Apartments, Atlantic uuy, ior tno
remainder of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cloud, Jr.,
of Sydney street, who nro passing tho
summer nt Bala, havo gone to Spruce
Grove", Pa., for a few weeks.
Miss Florcnco Hoeselman, of 1909
East Chelten avenue. Is passing August
In Sea Isle City, N, J. Miss Helen
Hoeselman has returned to her home
from Ocean City, N, J.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Godcrro have
returned from their wedding trip to the
Delaware Water Gap nnd nrn on their
way by motor to San Francisco, Calif.,
where they will make their home. Mrs.
Goderre will be remembered as Miss
Mary Zlta Fitzgerald.
Mrs. John Hasner, of 802 EaRt Chel
ten avenue, Is passing somo time at
Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Foote and
their family are passing z. fortnight In
Ocean Clt, N. J.
Mr, anj Mrs. George H. McConnoll.
of 232 East Johnson street, will leave
for Niagara Falls and Toronto, Canada,
on August 21.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Herman Schwalbe, of
North Wales, but fornierlv of Gorman
town, entertained at a children's party
In honor of their daughter. Miss Adele
Schwalbe. Tho guests Included Mlsd
Eva Dalo, Mlsa Mary Sklrvlng. Miss
Mario Schuck, Miss Jean Neel, Miss
Martha Bawn, all of Germantown : Miss
Kathryn Hoffman, Miss Buth Hoffman,
Miss DotIs Keyser. Miss Grace Wclr
bach, Miss Anita Schwalbe and Miss
Elizabeth Schwalbe.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gano and their
daughter, Miss Alice Gano, havo gone to
tho Normandle, Ocean City, N. J., for
five weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gano's son-in-law
nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Smith, and their family are
also stopping at tho Normandle.
Miss Margaret Fitzgerald and Mr.
Thomas Fitzgerald, of 804 East Chelten
nvenue, are passing a fortnight at
Niagara Falls nnd Toronto, Canada.
Mr. ltobert Goetz. of 1907 East -Chelten
avenue, has gone to Atlantic High
lands for a fortnight.
Miss Marlon H. Kroll and her slstor.
MIbs Eda J. Kroll, daughters of Mr. and
Mib. Edward Kroll, ot New Yoik, aro
passing tho summer at the homo of their
grandfather, Mr. David K, Davidson, 241
West Wyoming avenuo.
Miss Leona Polln, daughter of Mr. and
Mis Moirls Polln, of BOS West L'psal
street. Is passing the. summor months
at Highland Nature Camp, In Malno.
Mra. B. Kahn, of Delmar Apartments,
has been visiting her son-l:i-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Huchberger,
362 Ulveisldo drive. Now York, betoru
they s-illed for Europe.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles It. Miller, of
431 Hansberry street, have had nB their
guest for a fortnight at their cottngo
nt Spring Lake, N. J.. Mra. Miller's
mother, Mrs. Joseph P. Lavell.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Koder. of
2468 North Sixteenth street, have gono
to their summer home, Pino Best, Ber
Kuy, Pa.
Mrs. Harper E. Drlpps. of this city,
celebrated her tenth wedding anniver
sary nt her summer tottngo at Ocean
City by entertnlnlng at brldgo tho fol
lowing guests: Miss Anrta Hare. Miss
Elizabeth Bambo. Miss Martha Jackson
and Mrs. John F. Kurtz, of this city;
MrB. Elizabeth McLaughlin, Mrs. Ray
mond Jenkins, Mrs John H. Drlppi,
Mrs. Thomas Campbell, Miss Carolyn
McCoach, Mrs. William llowell and Mrs.
John W. Bush, of Ocean City.
Mr. Wnlter Powell, of 1848 North
Camao street, will pass the week-end In
Atlantic City.
Mr, and Mrs Charles F Fredericks
havo returned from their wedding tour
nnd are nt home In Conover. N. r, Mrs.
Fredericks was MIsb Caroline W Hen
ney, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Henncy, of 4104 North Sixth Btrcet
MlB3 Mary O'Hara, of 1222 West Col
umbia nvenue, will pass the lato sum
mer In Vermont.
Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson nro
passing tho season In Ocean tlt. N J
Mr. and MrB. Eugeno Hutton and their
daughter. MIbs Ruth Hutton, nro stay
ing in Atlantic City until the early part
of September.
Miss Ida SSImmermnn, of North
Eighteenth street, has gono to Detteitem,
Md., for the remainder of tho se.ibon.
Miss Rno Fox. of 1839 West Tlogu
street, was tho guest at a house party
gUen by Mr nnd Mrs Louis H Moffet.
of Ocean avenue. Ocean City, N J. no
fore leaving with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel T. Fox, for tho Traymoro
Hotel, Atlantlo City, tllsa Fax will visit
Mlsa Margaret Blum, of ChoUoa, some
time In September.
t&ta, PlUp H&rjrollca and-Wr. Herbert
Thoto bv Phllllpii k Phillips.
Daughter of Mr. nntl Mrs. John O.
Terry, of Ashbourne, who Is spend
ing the summer with her parents
at the Somerset, Ilochlatid, Mo.
Margollcs, 1322 Glrard nvenue, have
been touring through Now York stato.
The graduates of the Hcbrow Sunday
School Society, of this city, havo re
cently otguulgcd Into nn alumni, electing
tho folowing officers: President. Mr. A.
Plwnsky; vice president, Mr. S. Lloli
tensteln ; secretary, Mr. I. C. Schwarz
man; treasurer. JIIss M. I). Glassner.
Many social events havo been planned
for the following season Tho next
meeting will bo held nt tho Y. M. H. A
1616 Master street, on Tuesday, August
10, at 8 o'clock In tho evening. Definlto
policies to guide the nlumnl will be de
cided upon.
Mrs. John C. Sulllvnn, ot 1714 Morris
Btieet, has gone to Auilon, N. J whoro
she will remain for tho rest of the
Mrs. Ida Ryan, of 1712 South Eight
eenth street, and her two daughters,
Miss Dorothy Ryan and Miss Rosalie
Ryan, are passing tho season at Ocean
City, N. J. Mrs. Ryan will close her
cOttago In October.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John O'Rourko
and their family, of 1710 Morris street,
are passing tho summer at Sea Isle
City. N. J.
Mrs. William J. Baxter, of 2222 Cath
arine street. Is visiting her sister, Mrs.
William Gottlieb, cf New York.
Miss Miriam Stern, of 617 East Pass
yunk avenue. Is passing tho season at
Chelsea N. J.
Miss Anna Devlne, of 2242 Montrose
street, has gono to Wlldwood, N. J.,
whero she will renin In for a fortnight
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. McMullen, of 2324
South Carlisle street, have returned to
their home from Wlldwood, N. J., whero
they wero the guests of Mrs. McMullen's
sister, Mrs, Joseph Smerdon.
Mrs. Matthew Artwrlght, of 1511
Spruce strtret, passed last week-end In
Atlantic City.
Mr. James Caffery, of 2448 South Ban
croft street, has returned to his home
after having spent soveral days In At
lantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Kenny, of 2234
South Twenty-third street, entertained
nl a dinner nt their home last week In
honor of Miss Lena Mendosa, whoso en
gagement to Mr. James Anderson litis
recently been nnnounccd. Among those
present wero Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F.
O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly,
Mr. Ed.ward O'Brien, Miss Helena Mc
Caffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold O'Hara
and Mlsa L. C. Mctsingcr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKaln. 6808
Cedar avenue, announce the engagement
of their daughter, M'fcs Martha J Mc
Kaln, to Mr. Charles S. Francen, also of
this city. No date has been set for tho
Mrs. E. Rnsborough Is entertaining
Doctor Rasborough's Bister. Miss Fran
ces Rasborough, of Marshall, Tex., who
Is a student at the summer school of
Columbia University, New York. Mrs.
Rasborough nnd her children aro mass
ing a few months with her parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. S. Beetem, of 4518 Pino
Word has been received by the friends
of Miss Grace Garner, formerly of 4620
Klngsesslng avenue, of her safe nrrlval
In England. Miss Gnrner will travel
through England beforo touring Franco.
Mr Lcroy J. Ardell and his brother,
Mr Harold V. Ardoll. of 6810 Walton
avenue, will nabs tho last week of Aug
ust In Brooklyn with friends. Their
sister, Miss Marlon 13. Ardell, who Is
now passing her vacation at the same
place, will return homo about August 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward B. Smith and their
baby daughter, 632 Wynnewood road,
Overbrook. havo been tho guests for sev
eral week-, of Mrs. Smith's parents In
the Catsklll mountains.
Mrs. Edward" Harmon and hor young
daughter, Miss Dordthy Corley Harman,
of 423.1 Regent square, have gono to
Atlantic City, whero they will pass the
remainder of the summer, returning
lato In September.
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Hurst and their
family, or Nortn t'arK avenue, are pass
ing tho Lite summer In Occnn City, N, J.
Mr. William Clark, of North Eight
eenth streot, nnu air. uenncm warner,
of Fifteenth and Diamond streets, hae
gono to White Haven, whero they are
the guestB of Mr. Clark's undo, Mr. Ed
ward Crusen.
Mr. and Mrs, John Holrhes, of 1529
West Erie avenue, are staying In Atlan
tic City through tho heated term.
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Krlbbs and
their daughter. Miss Jean Krlbbs. aro
passing tho season at their summor homo
UII ViaUUtJI .vj... vvu... v.tj, .. w.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Hudson, of 1744
West Erie avenue, and their family nre
at tholr cottaso In Wlldwood, N. J., and
havo as tholr guests Mrs. Hudson's
mother. brothcr-Tn-law and sister, Mrs.
M. Knlpo nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Carupz,
of North Gratz Btreet. and the young
son of the latter. Master Ray Carupz.
Miss Elizabeth C. Dunn, of 3861 North
Sixteenth street, Is paaslnjr several days
as the guest of Mr, nnd Mrs. Joseph Ohl
at tholr cottago In Bayslde, L. 1.
Dr. nnd Mrs, William Nlcholl nnd their
family, of Urlscom nnd Dyro 'streets,
aro spending the month nt Ocean City,
N. J,
Mr, Charlea Summers, of 1354 Ortho
dox street, who Is spending tho summer
nt his bungalow In Maine, Is entertain
ing his sisters, Miss Anna Summers and
Miss Linda Summers.
The Rev nnd Mrs. Howard B. Hand
nnd their family, of 1618 Foulkrod
street, havo left for a vlelt In the
Poconos. ,
Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Conn, of 1637
Dyro street, have returned from a short
stay In Lltltz, Pa,, where they were tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Brobst.
Mrs. William Dudley, of 4456 Frank
ford nvenue, and her mother, Mrs. Uu-
uii. uiu npenain? ino montu or AUgusi
at their cottage at Beach Haven Terrace.
Miss Evelyn Taylor, of Orthodox
street, Is entertaining for a week Miss
Roso Stenton, of Pittsburgh Miss Sten
ton will later leave for Atlantlo City,
where she will spend a month.
Mr. and Mrs. David Lovett nnd their
fnmllv. of 1322 Orthodox street, nro
spending the month nt Pocono Pines.
.Mr- nnd Mrs. Robert McKec. of 5022
Duffield street, havo left for a trip to
Quebec, Canada,
r.Mr1-..- Entwlstle and her daughtcrn.
Miss Lillian Entwlstle and Miss Mildred
Entwlstle. of 4901 Frnnkford avenuo,
are nt Atlantlo City for the summer.
Mrs J. Williamson and her family
havo left for Wlldwood, N. J., where
they will remain until tho fall. Mrs.
Patterson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., will bo
their guest for a few weeks during thl
r.?Ir1r A' Ir- Rogers nnd ber son. of
2, . .? "treet, hnvo loft for a three
months' trip abroad.
The community picnic will be held
on Saturday. August 14. nt Crystal
Springs. Pennvpack Park, by the Mystic
Lodge No. 270. I. o. O. F. A program
or all sorts of games has been arranged
and theru will be nn entertainment by
the minstrel troupe of Mystic Lodge.
Miss Helen Kramer nnd Miss Edna
Smith are visiting Miss Kramer's uncle,
Mr, II. D. Mover in Charleston, Vn..
for several weeks.
Mr and Mrs, E. H. Borbcll, of 8028
J-rankford avenue, havo motored to
Wlldwood Crest. N J , whero they will
remain for a fortnight.
Mrs. P. Oorgoson and her son. of
Hickory street are tho guests of Mrs.
H. Adams at her cottage In Vcntnor,
N. J,
Mrs John Dick with her mother and
daughaer, of 2924 Rhawn street Is
spending the week nt Atlantic City.
MP. and Mrs. C. Weston and their
family, of Decatur street aro at their
cottago at Bradley Beach, N. J., for
tho summer.
Mr. William P. Gray. Mr. John Porter,
Mr. John Groves and Mr. Edward Hour,
have been spending th week camping
at College Lake near Neshaminy.
Miss Mary McCallen, of 3637 Alnsllo
street, is spending some tlmo In Wild
wood. N. J.
Miss Eva Plerson, of Calumet street,
left early In the week to spend part
of tho month In Wlldwood, N. J.
Mr. John Flanagan nnd his son. Mr.
Arthur Flanagan, of Main street, have
gone to Asbury Park, N. J. for the
closing weeks of August.
Mrs Augusta Welsh nnd her daughter,
Miss Dorothy Welsh, of Main street.
hnvo returned from a fortnight's stay
In Wlldwood, N. J.
Miss Helen Welsh, of 4409 Mnln
street; Miss Anna Cosgrove, of 4121
Mnln street, and Miss Veronica Loftus, of
216 Davis street, will spend tho early
part of tho month In Wlldwood, N. J.
ho Rev. Francis Klrwan. Mrs. Klrwan
and their family, of 391.1 Terrace street,
have gone to eastern New York to re
main until the early autumn.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Farrand,
of 640 Rlghter street, will leave shortly
for several weeks' stay In Asbury Park,
N. J.
Mrs Henry J Dobson and her dnugh
ter, of Kalos street, are paeslng some
time In Cape May. N. Jj
Mr. David Kecnan has gone to Wild-
wood. N. J. for part of tho closing
summer month.
Under Her Quiet Direction Mints' of Philadelphia, Denver and
San Francisco Turn Out Seven Hundred Million
Coins Annually
Bu a Staff Corretvondent
Washington, Aug. 0, Year In and
year out 700.000,000 coins pass through
her hands. Year In nnd year out her
salary is $2400. But her eyes nro blue
nnd her name is Mary, so you know the
money Is safe.
Miss Mary O'Reilly, one of the un
seen army of experta who keen the
wheels' of government going smoothly In
spite of changes among the higher ups,
li acting director of the United Rtntcs
Mint, Yhcn Director Raymond Raker
Is away, which Is much of tho time,
she assumes full charge of tho manufac
tured gold and silver coins for 110,000.
000 of her fellow countrymen to spend.
Under her quiet, efficient direction the
great mints In Philadelphia, Denver nnd
an Francisco nnd eight nssay offices at
various points throughout the country
turn out millions in metal to keep tho
country's pocketbook filled. Hy sign
ing nn order she can hnve nno mint
produce n million new dimes nnd an
other a million new dollars.
During the fiscal year ending .Tune 30
Inst the output of the mints was
7114.000,000 coins. Treasurer John
Burke, from his desk in another rnrt
of the huge Treasury Building, built
of granite and guarded by steel bars and
sawed -off shotguns, will send to Miss
O'Hcllly n memorandum of tho amount
of monev the government needs. It is
Miss O'ltellly's Job to sec thnt it is
supplied. And she does it nsk your
banker. To describe her work is very
Blmplev But, ns Miss O'Relllv snya :
"It'a n very deep subject."
Miss O'ltellly ranks na assistant di
rector, nn appointment gained through
mrlt nlone nfter flvo cqrs ns n mem
ber of tho director's staff. She can walk
Into the vaults any day and wander
among stacks of gold nnd silver bars lu
quantities to make the eyes of nny real
bandit bulge. With Mary O'lloilly, It's
all part of the game. The shining metal
Is less. to her than the green reaches of
the Virginia hills.
She is the first woman to be in
trusted with the authority and respon
sibility that go with her position. She
does not claim to be pretty. She docs
not claim to be anything but plain Mary
O'Reilly, servant of her government.
Jewels Worth $40,000 Found In
Chicago When Thief Is Identified
Chicago, Aug. fl. (By A. IM Lcroy
Green, n negro burglar, held In the
county Jail, was Identified today by
David Ij. Luke, West Virginia wood
pulp and paper manufacturer, his wife
and dnughter ns the man who forced
his way Into the manufacturer's home
nt Tarfytown, X. Y nn July 17. lock
ed him In his room, wounded his daugh
ter, terrorized hla wife and forced her
to unlock the family vault, containing
$40,000 worth of Jewels.
Orecn was arrested on July 20 when
a pawnshop proprietor to whom no had
sold a diamond became suspicious and
called the police. Jewels worth 510.000
nnd ?400 In currency were found in his
pocket. A key to a bank safety deposit
vault led to the discovery of the rest
of the jewels.
British Officers' Club Gives Dinner
for Gerald Campbell
Gerald Campbell, new British con
sul general In Philadelphia, was the
guest of the British Officers' Club at a
dinner at the Gcrmnntown Cricket Club
last night.
The consul general paid a high trib
ute to the Americans who joined the
British armies before this country en
tered the war. Hc also spoke feelingly
of America's part In the wnr.
The British Officers' Club is com
posed of men who held British com
missions during the war and American
officers w'ho wero attached to British
regiments. Its membership includes
many prominent Phlladelphlans.
Camden Board of Education Appro
priates $1,174,310
An appropriation of $1,174,310 for
public schools was made last night by
the Bonrd of Education of Camden.
The funds were allotted ns follows:
Teachers' salaries, $774,170; officers'
salaries, $77,000; janitors, $.14,720;
supplies, $05,000; property, 530,000;
high schools. $128,130; manunl train
ing. $15,000; contingent. $3000; in
terest nnd discount, $3500: insurance,
$400: evening schools, $4500; printing,
Marchesa Del Barco to Be Bride of
Spanish Grendee
Madrid, Aug. 0. Announcement of
the betrothal of the Duke of Alba aud
the Mnrchesn San Vicente del Barro,
daughter of the Duke of Allnga, Is ex
pected soon, according to a report from
Bantnndcr. The marriage, it Is said,
probably will occur lato in September
at the Spanish embassy in London. Ow
lug to the fact that the Spanish court
is In mourning ns the result of the
death of former Empress JCugenle. the
ceremony will be witnessed by only a
few nenr friends of the contracting
Tho Duke ot Airia holds six ducal
titles, is n grandee of Spain and a con
stable of Navarre, while the marchesa's
family was ennobled in 1482.
Mrs. Elmer E. Melick Reports
Enthusiasm for Ticket In
Western Pennsylvania
Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, organizer of
the Republican women's committee of
Pennsylvania, Is in Somerset county to
day organizing tho Republican women
Mrs. Melick already has toured the
twelve western counties, nnd when she
returns hero expects to report a Re
publican women's committee In each
prtyr 1
lV 1
taaft t , 1
Yesterday she conferred trilii
Bedford county lenders and nlaa
activities of the committee there.'
...- .... r ...f..i ...j im M ma..i
was lit ljUWIMluwil, i.lliuiu wub.
Tuesday and in Huntingdon coua
Wednesday. $-'(?
Reports from Mrs Melick recelVM"
here last night nt the headquarters otv-T
tho womcn'H committee nt the Repub
lican stnte committee Indicated sho 1'
meeting with great success in arousing
tho Republican women to complete their
Tomorrow sho will be at Unlontown,
Fayette cotrfity, the homo of both ,tho
Republican and Democratic state chair'
Mrs. Mcllck's Itinerary next week
Is: Monday, Washington, Washing
ton county; Tuesday, Beaver, Beaver
county ; W cdnesdny, Mercer, Mercer
county; Thursday, Warren, Wnrren
county; Friday, Clarion. Clarion
county; Saturday, Kittannlng, Arm
strong county. On the following Mon
day she will carry her organization
work into Indiana county.
Will Be Burled at Arlington With
Military Honors
Washington, Aug. 0. (By A. P.)
Arrnngemcnts for the funernl of the
Into Major General Gorgon, former sur
geon general of the army, who died
recently lu London, were announced to
day by tho War Department.
Upon its arrival at Hoboken, on the
army transport Pocahontas on August
11, tho body will be received with mili
tary honors nnd brought to Washington
on n special car. A military escort will
conduct the body to the Church of tho
Epiphany, where It will lie in state un
til the afternoon of August 1(1, when
funeral services will be held. Burial
will bo in Arlington Kntional Ceme
tery with full military honors.
Mother Refused to Name Price for
Daughter at Work
IlAzleton, Pa., Aug. 0. How much
Is a husky, flfteen-ycnr-old girl worth?
That is the question n farmer in one
of the nearby valleys put up to a
mother who is widowed and who
placed the child to work on the man's
property two years ago in order that
sbc could take better care of her younger
offspring. Instead of setting a price,
the mother came to tho offices of the
United Chnrftlca and nsked that re
covery proceedings be started. The
names of the parties concerned were
The stnte gives $205,000 of tho total, withheld pending an investigation.
Tho following group of friends from
this suburb will form a houso party
at Ocean Gate, N. J, at the Port Royal
House from August 14 to 21: Mr. and
Mrs. William Culp. Miss Ella Paulus,
Mr. and Mrs Samuel H. Paulus, Miss
Betfy McMoran, Miss Clara Werkley,
Mlsa Marian Dixon, Miss Mildred Culp,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Wanklln. Miss
Laura Wanklln, Mr and Mrs. William
McManus, Rev. Frank B. Bossert, Miss
Edith Hendren. Miss Mary Miles nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dixon; nnd Mr.
Edward Baker, of New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Splese and thctr
family, of Lyceum avenue, aro spending
the season In Ocean City, N. J.
Miss Edith Katzenbach and her sister,
Miss Anna Katzenbach. of Manayunli
avenue, have gone to Wlldwood. N. J.
for the remaining weeks of summer.
An Interesting wedding took place
Wednesday evening when Miss Ruth
M. Baldwin, of Medio, became the bride
of Mr Francis n Davidson, of Norwood,
Pa. The ceremony took place at seven
o'clock and after a dinner given at the
homo of the bride Mr. and Mrs. David
son left for an extended wedding trip
to Canada.
Mlsa Eleanod Damon, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert F. Damon, of Lnns
downe, has returned from Cape May
whero Bhe was tho guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph M. Pugh, at their cottage.
Her brother, Mr. Gllroy Damon, has
gono to Ithact, N. V., where ho has
entered tho summer school of Cornell
Mrs. Walter K. Mitchell, of Moylan,
is tho truest of friends In Ocean City,
N. J.
Mrs. Howard Blaklston has been en-
tentnmmg airs, iioocrta Ashburner at
her home In Media for a few days. Mrs.
Ashburner lived formerly In Media for
a number of yearB.
miles an hour in the National
Sextet, you are tempted to question
the truthfulness of the speedometer.
For the car seems to be rolling along
at a leisurely twenty.
675 North Brond Street
Poplar 1991 Philadelphia, Pa.
Successful Year
Shedder aid Soil Shell Crabs
Shoulder Veal i V "KumD-Steak
Chuck Roast hif Sirloin Steak
ssa lbs. Real Sharp Cheese, 95c
Beef Brisket, 10c
l Fbona Lombard BllOj Stain 3209. This li Our Only 8tor J
Welsbach "THRIFT"
Gas Lights 1 C
At Cost
To replace wasteful opcn-flamorgas burners.
Give more licht than open-flame burners and
uso less than half os much gas.
Complete, ready to fit on any upright fixture.
Wo will show you how to install thcm.
Broad and,? Arch
and District' Offices
XL V"" tiy J
Utht in
On Globs
Furniture Sale
Colonial Extension Tabic
Mado of genuine oak; G foot
wide; 3 leafs. This is a pre-war
fir wl "Ml II 11 II il
II Bill
Mimr Ofhrr Tine Hprtialu Throughout Our Plore
? inch iiotta anil 10 one Inch filler
Kverrthln to furnish n beautiful
homo, nt n wonderful Bavins
Open Kii. & fat. All Dor
Free Aoto Dellrerr
S. E. Cor. 9th & Spring Garden S
Serve It In The Home
Orange " Squeeze is just
as popular .with the fam
ily as milk:!5 And every-
body in the house, from
grandparents to the chil
dren, can drink it freely
and enjoy to the full
every delicious drop.
By the bottle or by the
case from all soft drink
dispensersand dealers.
Try it yourself and or
der a case for the family.
You Taste the ORANGE in
Oratige If I
Sill If il -liII w fcilliiSS
S H SKBP-IBb p H If R (KSHtSmi
S I!'! 'feiM&SilB 11 III li I Hi
412-414 North Orianna St.
National Fruit Flavor Co., Now Orlean, Manufacturers
Girls! Ghls! Girls!
If you will read the Help Wanted ads in
today's paper you're- sure to 'find some one
who is advertising directly to "you."
There are many vacancies in homes, offices
and factories vacancies that you know you
can fill satisfactorily.
Mr. Employer
you want efficient help real "helpers' not
You can get them by phoning Walnut or
Main 3000' and running an ad in the morning
and evening editions of
. i hi
f i
" v ." ee ait,
.V Ji$iiSte'f 'tesvjvi A- J