P-rify H f i . " i u--- A a T THhnKcouqhlin ... .1 I Ralle Studied long ..ill" and tiwyer lu M,ehae j. Ryan s Under Michael - y p m mini "--. - . . FollowinB ,-:-- died, yestcruny im. Mi hat, nt iw 8 1e college, find SSfflc "b nssoclnted with Judge V .....An . i m.m ah n n e"tcr,a!.To'f Jasrcr Jn Dickens's unttn oortt'0.,ir nf 'Edwin Drood." , Ul ?',,, irtd by bis widow, airs. He Is 80fT, .iniiehtcr of the late An" t?X8 a 'r ll"d Phla merchant. .?C 'rmber of the San Domingo gS,J3l and I the Knls or wu.u-. Simon R. Kamp ir.nn nrpflldcnt of the "flrmora mon It. Kamp & Co., .Mcitatit Btrccts, died yes- SBT in the Lnnkcnnu Hospital 101 uritJ in t"C ' A' .1,1, Mines. TI f'-?mmWXBSSS!JTi' Ittrdiy three nv onths' Illness. He IftoP-r? 'TMrhotsVlUc. Pa. He Is rt, Doru .. two daughters BIT Paul Ilermon, of Chester, and P"' w ace Forbes, of Ios Angeles, lUrt. UKloc,.,' The funernl ? son.' il "' H.V ir lav afternoon fc'VoW from his home,' 5040 Bal- timorc aveu.. , Mntiam Michael Byrne ... i-n., TiM Auk. 0. William ,SSlS?"e. riy8UnItl States S1 VA'.V.VrnVv for Delaware and more KnSutnnt, TTnlted States , ll.. I'M MeI.,i WlowlM a hcmor- " l. ;;. ' ,':. Mr. Byrne was SS n politics In Delaware until he ICtlve 1" I' -nnn . nernnt thl 1CW l here ffw,'bv tho late C do" 1 oo, veit. During the Ad- iK';, tneir ""- William V. Couchman rMMiro. Aug. 5. Wlljlam V. Couch CliicaKo, "' h . . Tntorntional mill. ire ii- . , ,,,. nf i. 13,1- iH"l-6tLt,,eV died suddenly yestcr- opcuu , Tiillm. necordlnc to , Mblenram received at the company's Eficcs here. . Mr. touciimnn mm ";." " '"", w C.i imnimnpnt htisincss thirty- ften AarstfrtlnBa. on office bo, (or the JUClvOrmiun ";" Co. In 1002i when the Harvester Co-, was organised, ho was placed In chargo of tho European territory and was elected Vlco president shortly nftor the nrmistlco was signed. Mr. Couchman Is survived by his widow nnd two sons, "William V., Jr., nnd Carl, hoth contir-ptr-il with Euro pean branches of tho company. His family was with him In Europe nt tho umo ot ms ucatu. Colonel E. Q. Buckner Hot Snrlncs. Vn... Ane. 15. Colonel Edmund O. Iluckhcr, vice president of one of tho Du Pont compnnles of Wil mington, Del., died Inst night nt a hotel hero where ho had been under treatment since July 1. Ho lind been ordered to take n rest cure, following n general breakdown, and collapsed suddenly while nf dinner with Mrs. Buckner In tho hotel dining room, dying shortly after. It was said that the body Would be taken to Louisville, Ky., formerly tho family residence, for interment. Rev. Christian Wengert Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 5. Tho Rev. Christian Wengert, soventy-ono years old, Union 5Cion Children minister In northern Lebanon county, died suddenly yesterdny of hemorrhoges while return ing from n cnll to his Ono home. The Rev. Wengert had been active Irr the ministry for half n entury. Thomas D. Nasco Lansdnlo, Pft., Aug. (5. Thomas D. Nasco. sixty-seven years old. manv j cars a North Penn stortKecpcr, died nt his homo nt Lansdnlo Tuesday. He retired several years ago. Twrnty-fivo years ago he conducted n village storo nt West Point nnd later had n storo nt Telford, Pa. Ho is survived by two sons. fironrkn nwwbuTB NiAfiAnA fatxh. w. Y. T etTMJTKK KBfcOKTfl yiAOARA FAT.T.B. N. T. r NIAGARA FALLS -1 u & flcintKn iiKnHT . A1XANT10 CITY, V. 3, TEMPERANCE HOUSE Quint, homellkni eentrnlly located, opposite Union depot! IS.BO nnd up per ilny. Amer- W. T. 1'llISL.l'H. 1TOP, lean plan. IMPERIAL HOTEL Opposite depot, three bloeke from the Falle. Write for rates. 8. A. ailHENWOOI), Mgr. Till! INN Hest residential section: homelike surroundlnKRl hot and cold water all rma, tl.BO up. J. H. AKIIOTT. 1'rop. T1TK EnWAIlDS, SI2 Prospect St.l near Tails! tea room and restaurant In connec tloni rooms reasonable. Ifti, D, C, Edwards. l7AYKH COTTAOK. 872 First st. First-class rooms, ll.f'O Amer. plan. Mrs. C. Russ. , TORONTO. CAN. TOfONTO. CAN. TORONTO'S TWO FAMOUS HOTELS Walker House "The House of Plenty" Where the management pay particular attention to iadlea and children traveling alone. American and European plans. Hotel Carls-Rite "The House of Comfort" Whero the management pay particular attention to ladles and children traveling alone. , American and European plans. NOTED FOR' ITS TABLE Hcrupulously clean, electric lighted through out, Whlto service. Hot and cold water baths. $,00 up dally! 118 up weekly, Established 40 years. ..,., ,, . EMEUHON CnOUTHAMFti. Mgr. DEATltH THE WILTSHIRE Virginia av. nnd Ileach, Capacity. 850. Trlvate hatha, running water, efovator. etc. Amer, plan, flneclal season rates, nooklet. BAMUKr. nr.T.IH. Oner. N.J.COl.MNB.Mgr, DAVENPORT South Carolina ave.. near beach. Every con veniences homo cook., bath, from hotel. Amer t Enron . t2 up. fipec. wkly. C.V. Mortimer, TRAYMORE ATumcari 10RLD5 GREATEST HOTEL SUCCESS Westminster Ky- Av- n" uc"- ' wesuninsicr to ft. prvat, baths t run. water! IIS wkly. i ra.tiO up dally. C. tlUHKB. Hnrol Rnscnbcl Kentucky ave. iJathln noici ooicooei ,Iot1 rerurni,,he(j. u,. cedent table. Phone 117 A. E. MAIUON. St-JMMF.R ItKS 0 RTH wii.pwuon rnr.sT. n. ,i. PARCELS POST niL-MMA records dcllvored post paid to tnrpart of U. 8. a. aanzman, -iu rair- UmX ave., rnna.. i-a. MT. VERNON !" beach, prlv.t. . .. , . . baths, exrellent table, bathing from house. E. JOHNSTON. WKKNEltSVILLE, PA. Hillside DettU"u' Views. Terms Mod. erate. Oarage, electrlo llehts OEnHAItT ft AULENHAC1I. rro PS. nniATtCMFF MANBIt. N. Y. BRIARCLIFF LODGE Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. prf.J.!SB&r 184-mlu motor run '" Booklet and route cant ootntnnMe at rni"iv j-tvvyvi jiwci unu ncaon XiUrCaU A TniP TO CANADA IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT A VISIT TO THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO A0. 2BTH THE ANNUAL WORLD'S FAIR SEPT. 11TII An Institution unique In the exposition, world combining International Industrial eVhlbll' manufacturers! and agricultural jxhlblts wl h nmusements. 42nd Consecullvo Year 1,301,000 visitors In 1U1U, TT.m. for (( mmerUtlvo nagcanla on world'a largest stnge 100 buildings 204 aw? iot beautiful woundi wiFli perrkanent pavements and walks-1 mllo of waterfront. "THE GREATEST ANNUAL EVENT ON EAIITH" eatfj BCKI-p WANTKD KAtE ocn,N city. N. J. CAPACITY 000 open until September 16. New appolntmentj and equipment! strictly nrrt-class cuisine and eervlcei rooms slnglu or in suite, with or W,,h0ULwRENCE MAnESC M Formerly of the nellevue-Btratford, Phlla. TrFnT.F.'N' th & Central! all outside AlUliOli rooms; table unsurpoaiad. HI'RINO LAKE. N. J. nv THE OCEAN SPRING LAKE, N. J, A Ttntpl of Distinctive Charm rounded by Onrtlena and Lawns. At ' tho Edyi of the Sea. W. H. Stubhs. Sur- i.aki: OKonnB. n. y. BSaiBIBrinSflBJBffllSI! iJJBMHJBiMlHnflSa NARKAOANSETT TIER. R. I. HOTEL MARION LAKt GEORGE. N. Y. 76 milea from Albany. Directly on tho Lake Front, also State Road from Lako Ceorge Villngo to Bolton Landing. Capacity 300 Gueata White Service. With or without private baths. Open Juno to October Adjoining New Country and Yacht Club Fire proof Garage. Booklet Free. JOSEPH H. MRVEL. BOTfflsinisarcOTra 1IRADLEY Aug 3, BERNARD huabarm of lato Mary llradley. Relatives and friends also Ban Domingo Council, No. 230, K. of C and Holy Name Boclety. Invited to fu- nvnl cfn. T a n, lain rMince. lDlo rl Newklrk st. Solemn mass St. Gabriel a Church 0 a. m Int Lebanon. Pa .. I1RADLEY. On Aug. 8. FRANK BRAD LEY, aged US years Service on Friday aft,, at 2-30 o'clock, at tho Oliver H Hair nidg.. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment Fernwood Ceme- "iniRN. Aug. 4. JAMES D.. beloved hus band of Ella P. Hum. aged 01. Funeral services Frl.. 8 p. m.. at his late residence, niO 12th ave., Moore, Pa. Int. Oxford. Pa.. SaCAUR? Aus. 3. MARION V . daughter of the late John nnd Bridget Carr. Relatives and friends, nlso St. Anthony- II. V. M Ho dallty. and employee of du Pon"s Chemlcnl Co.. '35th at nnd Grays Terry nve .Invited .- ..... n-.t Q.-tn n m frnm her Intu residence. 2'i27 "bak'forit st. Solemn requiem mass ti -mnony a vnurcu in . . SCHENTZ. On August 8, 1920, MAROA RETTA C. wlfo of Henry', Hchenta. Funeral Friday, at 2 p. m., from her lato residence, 250S Kern st. Interment private, North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains may b viewed Thursday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock, flCHINDELDECKER. , Aug 3. CARO LINE MARY, wife of lata J Jj1Jnii decker (nee Butecher) aged 00. nelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral ""vlrea. Sal : , 2 p. m.. at her late residence. 20 Vf. Wlster St., Qermantown Int. Mt ?'ntC'm',01 HCIIWEITZF.il. Wiea aubuiii o, -" Ml". ADELElcFuneral eervlre. Fr day 8 p m , at eio o, uin " -" "- C'BItAS;En.-At his home In We; PhUa delphln. on August 4. 1020, n;v, WILLIAM II. SHAFFER Service;; on Fr'day nflernoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver It. Hair "M;' 1S20 Chestnut st. Interment private. Please 0mSLOMAN"-On Aug. 4, 1020. CHARLOTTE V.7 wife of the Kte Henry Sloman. Service on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late re.lnenre, 1J5 8. fist et Interment private. BMITIL Aug 4. LILLIAN E.. daughtor of Same, W. and Katherlno Smith, aged 24. Funeral Sat.. 8:30 a. m , residence, 1885 S. 48th at. Solemn high mass St. Trends de Bales'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross C8TEVENBON. Aug. 4, CHARLES, hus band of Emmnllne Stevenson. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funrnl services, Hat , 2 p m., late residence 2834 E. Norrls et. Int private North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends "TORMOnTu" R3 "CAROLINE VS.. wife of the late Edward II, Storm. Service on Trl. aft., at 2 o'clock, at the rcsldenr of her eon. Edgar W. Storm. 120 N. Brosd St.. Woodbury. N. J. Interment nt Harlelgh C'7n.rp,MBv'll.A.ie A 1020. BESSIE A.. daughter of Kate B. and the lato. James Sweeney, aged 40 Relatives ana rrienai, also employes of Western Electrlo Co.. In vited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m., at residence of her mother. 32 E. State at.. Media, Pa. Int. Private. , ,. . TAYLOR. Aug 2 Dr. CIIAS. St.. hus band of Nanle E and eon of Kmrni M. Tay lor. Friends mnv view remains Frl., 11 a. m. o 2 n. m., 1044 N 20th st. Int. private. TREOO. At Newtown. Ta., Aug. 3, SARAH It., widow of W Wallace Trego Funeral services Frl , 2:30 p, m.. at the resi dence of her son-in-law. Horace II. Hece land. S. Chancellor ot. Newtown, Pa, UNRUJL Aug 8. FLORENCE E.. wife of the Into Louis C. Unruh and daughter of John F and the lato Emma SI. Wehmeyer Funeral eervlces at her late residence, 711B Rising Sun ave , Trl . 2 p. m. Int. private. '. XKLV WANT1BD-Ki!& n $ .S?JJ.rM( VwXtv w,,b er without. ei' perlence to hardle new line never ttfif"1 Z . i!BlUn'ln'n", ""anrement, Be ,! ' -" u-,uli ..'mm mnf nm i;nesmut at, t DOAKEMEN WANTBD OUT OF THE CITY PENNSYLVANIA ItAILIlOAD 182S FILBERT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. SALESMEN Oood. experleneed truck ealee meni must furnish referenoeat good op rpjtunUv for right party. Address Unllt4 ..,,.,, wu,;, v.o., canton, u. CLOTH EXAMINER, wages; steady work. Ledger Office, experienced; Address P good 1110. DRAFTSMAN Touna graduate to assist Ir. mechanical department na draftsman and assistant to master mechanic. Apply or ail- dress i'asam iTint woi-kb, i-wwaaic, n. j. Iftor. RTnitnifT,'Mi,oa Thoroughly experienced In stralahteujnsi reamers, and arho-a after they have been hardened! state full particulars In first let, ler ana lor aeiaiiea inrormatinn reaarainv transportation and gneral motnra' houslnn plan. Write Rulck nMtor Co.. Flint. Mich. . - I TYPEFOUNDERS for Jersey City, N. J. A few, casters, rubbers and polishers. For particular tee Mr. Como, care Keystone Type Foundrv Sunnly House, 8th- and to cust sta Philadelphia. WARPER Ingrain carpet warper and gen ernl utility man Thomas L, Iyedom Co.. Bristol Pa DRAFTSMAN wanted, structural steal. Ap ply Process Engr. Co.. 819 Penn nidg Holy Cross Cem, :il DRAFTSMEN, thoroughly experienced, me chanical or lay-out and detailing Philadel phia Drying Machine Co., Stockley and Westmoreland ats. TOURS KDUOATIONAL Both Sexes lEAGLE COAL OIL BURNER For Cook Stoves or itanges IHaiit fi Eagle Burner Co. l0W tV 720 D Sprinrr GardeR St. REUPHOLSTERING Or THE HIOIIER (IRAnH Reconstructing, reflnlshlng iour old parlor or library furniture, Sin, ST0, 82S. Bank, hotel and oince turt Iture re rnlred at short notice. Orders taken for new parlor furniture at manufacturers' prices. Blip covers to order oir specialty, llrll. Lombard 48CQ. Quaker City Uphohteringr Co. too-zuz uiuJ.ui nx. Corns and Calluses Removed in 5 DAYS with Abbott's Plaster The niont cnnenlcnt of all corn and callus hmedlts to ue Just a thin, meuicaieu au- irshe piaster, you cui on u inry ...... "'-' Ija i.Ai.hin tn u,.ir fthnee whllo using, no lUe. lliutd or rings to bother you. In flvo lnyiMiu con lift eorni and calluses right H nun jour imgere. ,,.,, Frlce !Sc All Drug mores or ujr .uun. AlttlOTT ItEMEDIEH CO. IMh and filmrd Ave.. Philadelphia. S" B:kr iWf firttftawte II EtUblithed 1860 This Beauti ful New 88- Nolo Player $415 New Pianos, $275 to $950 New Players, $415 to $1725 H3U-838-840.842-844-84t NORTH 6TH ST. Manual Arts Teachers Crollege TwO-VCar course linsorl en riln school graduation and preparing teacners 01 manual arts in elcmen tary and hiirh schools. Lrnrla tn .Tn nior College diploma generally recognized. Drawing, constructive THE IMPERIAL HSS-i BOSTON. MASS. f HOTEL PURITMl WW 330Commonwca1lhAve Uoiton The Distinctive Boston House One i uoston iiousc i af the most liomollka notcia intno worm. i Our BooWct has Guide to i Historic Boston. Send for 1L J 3 SB 4t B IP.LCostClloHqr. jjliHi am ii ti ' LAKE TUINMOrtE. TT. DTTN1MOIXE1 JjaxyjCEU n Uasx JJinnnorc, vwnwm, u work, woodwork nnd carving. Good iacmuos lor ooservation and prac tice. Registration September 16 and 17, 1920. Term opens Septem ber 20, 1920. Ask for Catalog F-1S. Phone, Diamond 031 T EMPLE UNIVERSITY JL Broad Rt. below Berks I Philadelphia "" III 9K course in ornci: M.ix.r.EitEST We do mora than simply teach Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Wo enocl i 7 I i -, v our students Intensive training In Office Man agement. This Is very Important to nnv one accepting a first position. Call or vrrlte for detailed Inform.. nn .hn, MtliZ our summer day and night classes. mm i'hila. nrsiNEss c(ii,i,i:(,r, ana i oiirge or Commerce 1017 riietnnt St. l'hllailelnhl-i JJfT KUtXIVEI) ritOM V. S. (lOV'xl oUUU Navy Hammocks i 4j-i i . i..( WWrfUi 7SBVESS' IOLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL It's the School for You. 1200 Walnut St., Philadelphia IVmnle 1rMrf mmrnfimfrAit"!. MOmitM fiom iWifcrls. Eaie'3W oed upward B BOSCOtiAJ.AlVIi.MuSueator U oonn.M. n. n. Mt. Madison House Corhnm. N. II. "The Gateway to the White Mtt." Now open. Homellko atmosphere. Outdoor eports. Kino Juno and July trout fishing. Well-cqulppcd garage. Wrlta for booklet anil terms to O. O. CHANDLER. Pro. ROUND WORLD RAYMOND - WHTTCOMB Touts of Luxury offer discriminating travelers the ideal way of Journey! nn round the world with comfort and enjoyment. 90 per cent of the Americans who last year traveled round the world tor pleasure went with Ravmond whltcomh. Our new Booklet for 1920-1921 will be sent on request. Other Touts Everywhere Raymond StWhitcomb Co, 1333 Walnut Street Philadelphia Telephone: Filbert 3864 DAO Lost, traveling bag, marked S. n. card Angel forte, early Sunday morning on 13th at. bet. Washington ac. and Cath- erlne at ; liberal reward. MOO S 13th at. t'lTri iiiwri Lost, brown fisher fur piece. Wanamskcr'a tearoom Tuesday noon: lib eral reward. Address "Fur Piece" C 201. Ledger Office MONEY Lost, Saturday night, J2nn, be tween nth nd 8th sts., north sldei reward. Iimlmrd aoiu. 1'OI.fCY lost, fire nollcv No. 73310. name Choe FJndrese. Return to Flro Associ ation nf rhlladlpnia Sl'ITCASB Lost, brown aultcase IYIdav eve . on Lincoln Jlignway net. Hosemont and Thlta reward. B. Nielsen, Wal BOOo. PEKSONAXS aAtl!RT. r.Of.DSMITH. Otenoldere nv. nn,1 Chester pike, sold his grocery store to Markowltx nros . creonors. uan 334 W. Olrord ave. until Aug H. HELP WANTED FEMALE AN IDEAL OCCUPATION FOR TOUNO WOMEN HELL TELEPHONE OPEHATINO Manv advantogca are attached to tele phono operating that can better bo ex plained nnd shown In a personal visit, and such a visit mav mean the beginning ot a successful career. Sco MISS STEVENSON. 1031 ARCH ST. DELL TELEPHONE CO. Or PENNA. STr.MsntP NQTirrw STEAMSHIP NOTICES The Taylor School 1002 MARKET ST. Summer Session Grege Shorthand Dnok-ko-plng. Touch Typing. Day and Night. Straycr's Business College Philadelphia's Greatest Ilnslne School HOT Chestnut St. Phone Walnut 381 nEADINO. PA. SCHI'VI.KIIX SEMINARY, Reading's Junior College, Rending, Pn. Preparatory and Junior Collero courses. New nth. field. Chrli. tlan Influences predominate. Tuition. J4(10 per year. Warren F. Teel. A.M.. D.D . Pres ANNVILLE. PA. LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE Co-educatlonal! college and academlo courses: muelo. art, oratory: prepares for medical schools: moderate. Consult Ledger Iiureau. Rev. O. P. Oossard. P. P.. President. WASHINOTON. P. C. ST-STU-T-T-TERING nu,,fuaTTomn,, Instructive booklet free. Refer to Ledger Borvlce Uureau. Walter McDonnell. 20 Poto mac llanlc nidg.. Washlnton, D C. Young Women nnd Girls GARRISON. MP. Garrison Forest School A routitru School for OlrM, less than an hour from Baltimore. Intermediate and Col lege Preparatory. Box L. OARRISON. MP. . yvu.u.;. -T U& I f, .mo". Praitical hammock mill' IK r.mp" unathousoM, bungalows or. B in tact unu ,.,.. .(...,. - v , .... IS''0 r"PV. hlch can bo scrubbed .... .,,,, nu ,Uu over wear out. I'rlce, Complete, $2.00 Each lAIirEI, post im rTi)i DREIFUS & CO., INC. iz-M S. SKCOND fun m007 P"ANKF0RD AVE' tull I-lne of Tents. Cot.. Cumplng Goods I 'AINT & VARNISH NO PROFITEERING WEEK SPECIAL SALE INSIDE FLAT white- tw7eT t"cno,T.v'hi!s..for ln,"M6 U" nn 1 ncv r "" """icaiaieiy. Gallon; $1.00 Quart WHITE SHIP CMAKin 11n."S, l"!i beautlfut enam-l finish for ". noieis ana apt. houses ?3.00 Gallon MAHOHANv vadmicm $1.00 Dnnvl. tO nn. r. n . . -.-ui., .po.ui! UHiinn (''tlturcomblnat'lol!'"1 mah""ny. make a ipAR VARNISH I',",? 'n nne.t homes fi','1?0 .ln,nufBri ll nlue of $T NrJn,,3 nnd "'italde I" ry can ii ??.". of manufacturer fi.UO Quan. $1.75 I, C.nllo $3.00 Gallon HOI TCP DA1MT I IniM. ,v... "11 1 r'iht griin Vru,',,a white, bronzo green. I'-n.'".'.'.? "I"! "ow whK-and guaran. 51.00 Quart; $3.00 Gallon aove the Surface and You Snv All WILLIAM E. HINCH '" AKKET 8TUEET-I706 WASHINGTON, D. O. HOLY CROSS ACADEMY WASHINGTON. P. 0. , Unsurpassed llonrdlng Sehool for Girls, Coi.sult l'nlillo Ledger Serilrn Iiureau. L LUCKENBACH LINE ' Philadelphia to Rotterdam Amsterdam S. S. HOMESTEAD (U. S. S. Board) Auff. 14 Rotterdam Philadelphia S. S. KATRINA LUCKENBACH August 18 S. S. K. I. LUCKENBACH September 4 Philadelphia San Diego Los Angeles San Francisco S. S. FRED'K LUCKENBACH August 8 San Francisco Philadelphia via Los Angeles and San Diego S. S. EASTERN GLADE (U. S. S. Board) August IS S. S. HATTIE LUCKENBACH . , September 1 GAILEY, DAVIS & CO., Agents ' 403 Bourse llldg. Phone Lombard 2003 or LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. 44 Whttfhi.ll St., New York City. N. Y. iKfMJUOMtUUJ.Tll.ljm sUBKfHmigajl T " ii.il! WfA K k. ' law uj safA H iff Xyvr ud a I-Mtti- J pj fciS fai " A T.OST AND FOUND pipw a,,,, a itrr.p.M AriNna. dautn- tf nt Mnrl.lla' T.. nnrt If.tn I)f. llenry F. Chow, runeral services Prl.. 2 p m at apartments of W. I). M. Burrell. 427 Market at,. Camden. N J. Int. private. Harlelgh Cem. K-lends may cnll Thure eje. CIIRISTY. Aug. 3, 1H20, MARY J., widow of James If. Christy. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Frl . 1! p. m.. late reil dence. 1202 M. 4th St. ,.. CLllBMAN. Aug. 3, 1020. HOT! JtABY CLKUMAN. Relatives and friends nro In vited to funeral. Trl. 8.30 a m. Into resi dence, 131 Blchmond St. High mass 8t Peter'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Om. COUCHLI.V Aug. 4, JOHN P., husband of Anna M Coughlln (neo Kelly). Relatives and frlende. San Domingo Council, No. 230 K of C : Dlcl;eno' Fellowship. Invited to luneral, Hat., 8:30 a. m.. 0100 1'airhall ave. Solemn high mass bt. Clement's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. COX Aug, 3. MATILDA, wlfo of Wil liam Cox. Services Frl.. 2 p. m . at resi dence of brother-in-law. Jacob Cox. 2053 8 Juniper st. View remains Thurs eve DOUOLAS Suddenly, at Capo May. Au gust 4. THANK M. DOUOLAS. Duo notice of funernl will be given. DWTnn. Aug. 2. HELEN A. DWTEH (formerly of 182.'i 9. Tavlor st.). daughter of Mary nnd late Jimes Dwycr, aged 22 Ilela tlvcB and frlenda invited to funeral. Frl., 8 SO a. in., from her mother's residence, 2013 3 Opal et. Solemn mans of reo.ulcm St. Monica's Church 10 a. in. Int. Holy Cross Cera. FAUM". Aug 3, at tho Presbyterlin Home, MARY FAUST Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Frl , 2 p. in., at R34 Diamond st. Int. private. FOOO, Suddenlv. Aug. 2. EMMA J., widow of William Fogg. Funeral services Frl., 2 p. m . residence of brother-in-law, Isaac Ford. 1211 N. RCth at. Int. private. Weit I.nurcl Hill Cem. HARVEY Aug. 4, ut her summer im donee, 015 PnclOc ave.. Atlantic Cltv. N. J.. ELIZABETH JANE SPENCE. widow ot lllnncy Harvey. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services. Sat, 2 p m , nt her lato residence, 717 S. 22d St., Philadel phia Int private. HOUSEMAN Aug 4, ELSIE VIOLA (neo Nltterauer). wife of Trunk U. House man, uged 83 Funeral perv'cea Sat , 1 p. m, residence, 1(141 N l!2d at Int. private. Itmulni may be vlecwd Frl eve. HOWELL Suddenly on Aug 3, OLIVER HOWELL Relatives nnd friends are Invlvd to view the remains at tho Oliver H i'.nlr i ltullillnr. lR2rt Chestnut Ft. nn ThursJiv evinlng, from 7 to 10 o'c!clc Funernl erv lco on Fildn;'. at !l o'clock, nt the reel t'enco of .Mrs William Huberts, 188 Penning ton live . Trenton. N. J. Interment private. JAMES At Ihishltlll, Pa . on Aug 4, 1020 COMI'TON JAMES, of 4141 Westmtn Btrr ave., Phlln,, ag.'d R" ears Servlc on Friday ifti'rnoon. nt 3 o'clock, at the Oliver II. 1 In t r Hide . 18J0 Chestnut at., Phlla. Intormont nt Westminster Cem. KAMP Aug 4. SIMON R . husband nf Frances Bradley Kamp I'.ulatlves and friends invited to funeral bervlces. Sat, 2 p. m , lute risldrnct-, KHIO Ilnltlmoro avo Int. pri vet Frlinua may view lemalns Fil,, 8 to KEARNEY. Aug. 4. STEPHEN J . Sr . huMinml of Agnes Kearnev nelatlvis frlrndH and all Hoc'etes of which he was a member Invlttd to funeral. Sat.. 8am lato n eldence 11" Oreen lane, Mnnajunk t-oMnn rc'iulrm mass St John the Baptist Chun h n a m Int private. KIIIKM N At Atlantic Cltv. N J . Aug 4 JAMl'S F . husband of Mary A. Klrk mun Funeral services Frl., 8 p. m . at his lnt risldenie, 2'l N Florida ave At Innil'' City Int Fernwood Cem., Phlla- Kt.i., T Aug 3 HENRY, huihand of 'ate Ciithi-i Ine Kost. ngpd 87 venrs Relatives enn friends nlo Hnlv Fnmllv nnd Rosarv So clelv of St IJiinlf-vclus's Church nnd St Michael's Beneficial Society, Invited o fu mrnl. Trl . 7 30 - m late residence 2110 N 3d fct Requiem mess nt St. Ilonlfnclui'i Church n u. m. Int St Peter's Cem. Omit (lowers LAVERTY Suddenly. Aug. 3 TOANCI9 A , eon of S-vmuel M and Catherine Lavertv, aged 23 Relatives and friends, nlso Holy v.mn Society. Holy Snlrlt Church are In- lv lied to attend fnnerul. Sat. 8 30 a. m, I from pjrentV residence 207 Chester pike h iron Hill. Pa Solemn renulem m.iti STENOOltAniEIt Wanted, experienced t '.j Holy Spirit 10 n m Int Holv C'rnsi tapiblu rlrl for general offce vvorK i-r- Cem. ..,..- , . manent position unusuallv nice working ,,i:E Auc 3 I-RAM'I.-, II, husband of condtIoni Apply Qeorge W Smith S. Co. Hem S I,ec, 4721 Windsor ave. 1 unerHl 40th nnd riravj ave. 3l.h''nnd1LloeuP.t.mint l.?lvarte" I STnURAI'HER. quick and accurate, con-- I ONfJSHOm" On Aug. 87 THERESA nd;.ce to do some correspondence without 'f)HVI. ulr of Willlnm A. I.onualiore nictumrr i-imitni "vv iij lor nnvnnce EXPERIENCED BRAKEMEN (YARD) APPLY TERMINAL TRAIN JIASTEP. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD 38TH AND JACKSON RTS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. YOUNO MAN for central real estate and business brokerage office; muet understand detail work and Im a hustler and godd sales mani steady nosltlon salary and commission. Addrena P 133 ledger Orflce. Hi Oenemt OREENEWALD'fl " A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT BERVICB No enrollment charges APPLICATIONS FROM I.OCAL RKSI DENTS ONLY SPECIALS ACCT Dept store exp. ; good salary, ACCTO. Handle payroll audits; $2300. AfCTO. Take charge mfg. cost system, ' BICPH. Take charge, textile exp. HEAD ORDER CLERK Textile exp. ASST. Emplojment Mgr. Young man (Prot.l CLERK (I'rot Rapid typist, offico details. APPLICATIONS SOLICITED from oftlci and fnctory executives, men and wnmont Accts Comptrollers. Dkprs., Sectys . Plant nno r.nicirncj' engineers, uupts., Foremra (no eonstruetlon onenlnga) 280 Sjllth. No enrollmtnt charges. BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1114 ljnd""Tlth ACCOUNTANT (C. P. A ) Qen'l, cost an auditing experience, install systems, $8000. BKPRP AND OFF MOR. Several to 145. CLERKS Ledger: tvplets, gn'l, 120-130, DIVStONKRS DRAFTS' Meed . to $3000. ENGINEER Production lc time study, 2000! KALESMEN Onportunltles for good men. STENO. A PRIVATE 8ECY I23-I3S, SUPERINTENDENT Mfg . Installation. bnaenger and freight elevators. 14000. TEACHERS Tnrela-n trnde, proofreading. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT office manager, credit mant 12 years' experience, available at oncat will gn anywhere c 111. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 1NC1RAIN carpet warper and general utility man wanted. Thomas L. Leedom Co., Bristol j-a I,TTIIOaRAPI!ISR Offset pressman for fine coir work; steady work, highest scale paid Apply by letter or tn pereon. Robert Oalr Co , foot of Wash In gtonst!Bropklyn1N:Y. MACHINISTS Mill machine, engine lathe, Jones & Lanson double-spindle turret lathu operators, day nnd night work. Apply Smith & Furbush Machine Co.. Hancock nt. ubovo Lehigh av. MEN. women, colored day. week, part time Hursey. i;3t g 10th Dickinson 8843. BOATS,MOTORB0ATS,LATJNCHE8 FORTY-FOOT cruiser, fully equipped. In commission, first-class connection. 20 horsepower standnrd engine, u-foot beam, 3-foot brass ellver. linen and cooking uten sils; 4 Bleeping berths, gnlley and toilet: large nspect, full set of wicker furniture: a, bargain; located at Esslngton. For price and appointment phone Ch-ster 1000. 3 MAN Refined, middle-aged man. tactful. clipiomaiir, 10 rrcpive visiioru nnn super vlie distribution of mall; salary 120 per week. Apply Penn Steel Export Co.. 040 N. Front st CLERK THE ACCOUNTINO DEPART MENT OF THE PUBLIC LEDOER CO DESIRES THE SERVICES OF A YOUNfi WOMAN ACCURATE AT FIOURES AND WITH A KNOWLEDGE OF IIOOKKEEP INO SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST TWO YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING OR ITS EQUIVALENT. ASK FOR MR. PRICE I'URLIC LEDOER CO.. UTH AND CHEST NUT STS. CLERK A bright young Indy with knowl cde of bookkeeping and stenography for Camden Office. P lllil Ledger Office GIRL for large office, must be experienced In general office work, preferably with knowledge of invoicing, aood salary, hours 8.30 to 3 and no Saturd ly afternoon work Apply Mr. Partington, American Stores Co., 4lh and Noble sts FILE CLERK EXPERIENCED BRADLEY HAMMERMEN BALL FORGING PIECEWORK GOOD RATE. r,0 TER CENT EXTRA FOR PRODUCTION ABOVE THE DAILY TASK UAX AMU .X1UIJT AUTOMATIC OPEKATORS ORIDLEY. CLEVELAND AND POTTER & JOHNSON MACHINES PIECEWORK. GOOD RATE DAY AND NIGHT STANDARD STEEL AND BEARINGS. INC. 40TH AND MERION AVE. BUSINES3 OPPOaTUNITIEa TOR SALE A good, clean stock of men's) and women s shoes and clothing In a grow ing town, up-to-dato fixtures; a great oppor tunity for the right man, can get a Ion lease with an option; the store Is modern In every respect nnd in center of town. 17 S. Market st . Sellnsgrove. Pa. SEASIDE PARK. N J Hiawatha Hotel. with established trade clears over $3000 summer mot ths can be bought one-half lta value, terms to suit purchaser: great bar gnln, run J.nvn and see for yourself. IlETAIL storks of clothing, shoes, dry good nnd furnishing bought In bulk for cash; city or country Rosenberg. 3026 Olrarti ave Pretnn B38! SECL'ltlTIh.'S SALES-MAN is ready to flnanca high-grade Industrial proposition. C 110. Ledger Office. SI. ',00 SECURES substantial Interest and Perm, pos in profitable mfg. business: me- chnnleal exp preferred C 208. Ledger Orflce cigars, clg ousinesg PARKWAY Ice cream parlor. ,..b..a -iiu vn.ni, , uua tui nn, uuBIIieav good reason for selling 2300 CnllovvhUI st. MECHANICS capablo of repairing and re c arjlng electric mirk. Applv AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. 18th and Market sts MEN Large corporation has opening for several competent men relilng nnd execu tive exnerlenre eeeentlHl, must hi men nf h'ghest Integrity, and mus bear cloxc Invcn tlgatlon. thU corporation will pay you from J.'i per week up depending upon our nhllltv Write or call, between 1 nrd "i p m H K Kopp district manager, Room 307-308, 2."() South I'.rond street ORDERLY Receiving ward: experienced: live In Apply PennrjHnnia Hospital nth nnd Spruce TAKE OVER 3 states agency or any portion: auto sufety devlee unlimited possibilities right party Box r.nri. Scranton. Pa , CORNER grocery store tor sale, with prop erty or without goodwill 2348 Carpenter. FOB SALE BUNGALOWS Take ndvantngn of this opportunity and purchase .Trough material to build yourself s home Raving 'i of the cost on new material. Demolishing hotels at Hog Island The big gest silvage proposition In the East. Acres upon acre of buildings, enough lumber, mill work, plasterboard, pipe, plumbing and elec trical material to hullfl a new town. fn us n call and we will figure out your requlra men's Penn Salvage Co Woodland 4103. Applv OtO N Front st.' INSPECTOR and receiving clerk, experi enced, nn women's suits coats and dresses, permanent position Apply second floor. Wanamaker ur."d Brown, nth and Market sts. GIRL to Hnavver telephone In Inw office- ntate milnrv expcrlcd P lr.'.l, ledger Office STENOGRAPHER EXPERIENCED TOR SALES DEPART MENT OF STEEL CORPORATION CENTRALLY LOCATED SALARY $100 PER MONTH "A-41." P. O. BOX 3443 PACKER white, in shipping detnrtment manufacturing plant strnni- mirf .m... goon nuira naiiri iTcirr iinin f xpuritnced Crullll mill H.vniii. iiin strndi joo wiin overiime work 1 tli Vine st PAPER HONE'S Strippers wanted, exnerl enced in pulling tho loo-e pieces from eheetB of boxes Brown & Ballej Co.. 410 N EVsnklln s. 0ficePartition, Railing, Furniture Clnra TTI vf tt oao IV. ..I1 V..... J k. hlnneryMorr'trnC,lr,,,'n I Ml" WALNlT 8T W,' ' 4l35 J l"ST App, ready for PENNA QrFICE FURNITURE CO. MEN MEN MEN for Certral Railroad Co. of New Jersey beft waceH. straight time rain or shine' time nnd half tiim for overtime nml Sunday work: f!r!t-clis boardlnr accommodations, no mone required free shipment. Apply all day at company's Tree Employment Bureau office pims'iTimn Large lot of desks safes flies cahlnets and general office furniture, store fixtures W huv ell nnd exchango PATTEN FURNITURE CO LOCUST 4070 1 1 27 AR CH ST RACE 3000; THREE STEAM TUGS suitable for towln In barge cannl and for contractors' worlt: row- In stornge In lumber district Albany, N Y ran be bought cheap please Inspect and make offer James Stewart & Co.. Inc? lumber district. Albany N Y fc. Air Pnmn madn hv tne General Utility rtir 1 ump Co . 14 n p mtor 2e0.voIt A C , vvl'h air suuge reiidHvr up to 200 lbs J S Ivlns's Ion. Inc. 027 N. Broad. fv? lft lP ""g' trunks nnd suit cases. 4 .vnl7n Bra(;,, bff values Wardrob trunks 2'i d0 un. larro assortment. WALTER'S I.ON OFFICE 11th and Arch. FINE room romnl'te office furniture. In- PI.U.MIIERS v inted first clisi for Job bing, etemlv for right nu.n inni -; Plumbing ond ILattng Co Nth und Locust FOR SAI.F Vu -t bueln. e doing rl ii.ing - i'e ,omp-inv miking nlt-ra- ini .vpiilv v iu rs St Co , 13J2 Arch at . p ,.'d 'i hi 1 !; II rassenser and rreliht Service F. Dewees 1122 Chestnut st. experienced, one .Aur. 12 Vcnnonia Philtdelphia to Bristol and Liverpool Aug. 12 Imptrator ' J'"i " Jouiaampioa K. A. Victoria New York Liverpool Calabria New York " Hambur; and Danzig Anglo-Egyptian Philadelphia " Rotterdam and Antwerp Caronia New York " Liverpool Aquitania New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Pannonia New York " Naplei, Dubrovnik and Trieite Mauritania New York " Cherbourg and Southampton K. A. Victoria New York " Liverpool Tor I.nter Sailings Apply to Passenger Office, 1300 Walnut Street, Philadelphia nnlu rhlld rf It. Frank nnd Clara C ltettew ment I'un.rnl in Prlrliv nfl.rnnnn nt 5.10 n'elnr M'rP.S'OORAPIIER Irom her lu'e residence. Cedar road, F.ll.lni I In Frankford or vicinity Park Interment Alilngton Friends' Burial nge experience ana salary Ground Conveyances nt EIKIne Park Station , I-cJger jmiicc m meet train lenvlne Rending Terminal Sta- An. 1 ti"" at 1 3 p m . .AUJ. 14 LOUCKS Aug. 3, 1020, ESTELLA. wife . AUJ. 17 of Samuel i.ouckcs, jr. (nee vvnsuni item i ml7lng und auto supply a good bus a good ch.inc men lenHon for xelllng poor preferred, atute ueiired living P 1121, Freight Office, Bourse Building, Philadelphia Young Men nnd Boys The William Penn Charter School No. 8 South 12th St.. Philadelphia FOUNDED 1080 Tho academlo year 1020-21 begins Tues. day, September 21, 1020, and the Pros pectus may be obtained on application. Buildings will bo open for Inspection nnd for classification of pupils September 7th. Hlclmrd M, (Jummere, Ph. I)., Ilradinlr. MEAPOWniKlOK. PA. iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuuiii YOUR BOY I WILL FIND AT g Mcatlowbrook School (Country Day School for Boys) n I nil tho hest features of lending I B boanllnK bcIiooIb nnrt college pre. g h pnrntory schools without tho s 1 necessity of tiolnar nwuy from B I homo durliiB Ills most Jmprcs- e Blonablo yeniH Mcnt.tl, snliltuul g manual nnd physical tralninp; oro If B Klven under Christian Influence B S that are aimed to develop full p 3 manhood and efficiency, Autobus g g service. g g For proHpectus, ternn, etc., ad- a H drees the head master. g P Rev. John White Walker, M. A. k 3 BIKADOWimOOK. TA. 1 g I lllllllllllllltlllllllllllllDIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllillllllltl'IIIIIIIU The Globe Line Regular Sailings Philadelphia to Stockholm-r-Gothcnburg Malmo Helsingfors Steel Steamer EASTERN TEMPEST Aug. 20th Tor Bates nnd Spnce Apply to S. L. BURGESS & CO. Agents 909 LAFAYETTK HLDG. Thones: Lombard 2072 73, Jluln 1123 PEF.HSKILL. N. Y. IVESrCHEhTKIt JHLITAKY ACADEMY Military training In a Homelike .School. Unsurpassed location on Hudson. Individual attention. Write for catalogue. James Nel ion McLure. Consult Public Ledger Sorv llu. MITHIO HYPERION HciiooL op Violin, Piano. Organ. Franklin E, Cresson, Dlr 1711 Chestnut at., 07 E. Penn St,. Qln, JIUHIC Vocal Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service V. 8. Shipping lluuril Mltcl Steamers SS "Oronoko" I.oadlnij A Steamer -Aus. 10 (From Pier 78, South Wharves) The CharleTT. Mcgee Co. Agenta for U. S. Shipping Board Drexel Building PHILADIT .PHIA Bell Lombard 5100 1 live" frlnaa anil all societies ot wnicn sne - was a memner, invuea to itmerai services ..Auz, 21 l'rl , J P tn . nt her parents' r sMeiice. A,,. 91 2nmi Kmerald at. Int nrlvnte Bimalns . .nu;, a mnJ )n xipwii Thurs. nfter 7pm ..Aur. 28 LUCKU August a, nun oaiihik st. c . , ' wife of Wllll-im Lucke (nre Halt) It'lativea . .ocpt. lin,i friendj a'o Invited to attend funeral, ..Sent. 11 1 Krldav 1 v m . residence 2411 Stewart st ' Ini Hlllsldi C.-meterj via funeral car Frtrnni may c.ui inurscnv evening MADAHA Aug 2, LAlItD J husband of I IMni nnd eon of Jinnl- I and lute Mlllei i Mid.ira l'"uncral aervlrca Pat 2 P m 30.' t I IMrrlnh st. Int. pilvutn, West I.uuicl Hill i I , n " .CIKCT Auc I WILLIAM, lius- 1T A TT TV 7 V liTTa. TrU""! bund of I.oulie Mei'loikej Itehitivra nnd IM A nJ) lil R B li I L ''''' Invltud to fun.-nil, H.it 2 p. m. sP-A.IT IJsaM H 3 M sT from late residence. 2120 R 2n-h st. lilt lUTLltt.1 -W-f H t N3 B i.rlvate. Pernvvood Cem. Kilendi may call "" i", nfl- 7pm mcurpcrairu ibii U. S. Shipping Board Steel Sleameri General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Dei Moines Bridse". Loading Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera" Sailed SS "Coquina" Loading For ratei and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. SiTENiiOKAPlinn Rapid and accurate; rnunt possess initiative and tact; opportu nity to advance Apply emplovment d-parim-nt II K Mulford Co 420 3 13th st .yrrcVOrsnAPHER anil typist wanted must bo good at figures nnd assist with general office worlt state experience and alary. P HIS Ledger Office PLUMHEnS-Wanted. 4 rir.t-cla.s plumbers; health i'.'l nt "..'J K.ilghn ave rarnd?n S" .lre,s':hw7thk'Vnn't.''fpayce?a'WT!SSy.V Ai- .UjrkTrirm-.chne. sold "bought - '-rogern:. ,,,) p;,, hanged iMiullt UKo new and fully rii,viui.i.isi, in. o una witn experience , Kunrnnieeii m ivi":"1!!,10"1 iticis, i.iotriy in the manufacture of pills preferred itato T' "vvrlter Ca ln.'O Chestnut at S?ct'ed"Ppr'ir-'' ldrnor?inina "a,a ex-, ,1 rilTUIIS toll'-ts vvftshstnnds sinks, laui T'"r.1 1 !'- Imager Office I ,rv tub, iiruln boariln pmlestah lnvatores. fienernl JIUSINKSS fHUlVIi'i: CO Hill Land Tltlr FU ir. st nns tn!li (.nrk". 111-1,10, McCuNNELL Died Auc 3 it her rest deuce Wutch Hill, H I . Mrs ANN V KLItM McCONNISLL. Tuncral Trlday Aug 0. at 6 o'clock M. DONOUOII. Suddenlv Aug 4. JO f I'll 13 on of Joseph II and Murv A Mi-Donough. aged 21 Relatives and frlnda lnvltd to funeral. Sit. 7 .' I) u m. frmi, imti nlM residence. (Ilil N 7th t Camd'n. N J High muss Church of the Holv Namo ii n m Int Cnlvurv Om Auto funtral McII.VAlNH Aug 3. tn.Mi, fit her rrn. deuce H2'i N 12(1 at , ANNIi: McIl.VAlNIi Relatives and friends are Invl'nl to srrv Icch at Darker H. Smith's 5413 Chester ave , Thnra N p ni Int private. I'rl MONTC.U.MI:rY Aug 3 KiiniER. daugh ter of the Into .lames und L'llziibeth Mont gomery of County Ant! Im Ireland Re la ttves and frkrida 11. V. M Hodnllty and Altar Society Invited to funeral, lrrl . 8 10 a m residence of slsti-r. Mrs Ullzu Dv eiirt (1013 Stenton ave aermnntovvn Solemn ii'iulem mass at Church t Iniiniiculate Con ception 10 a m Int Holy hepulchr Cem. MOYHH At Lonsdale. Aug 3. 1020. Dr AMI'I3I. C husband of Ilmmn Tvsom Movr Relatives nnd friends nre invited to i tend funeril. S.iturdnv AugUHt 7 from hi- late riid -nee. North Lunndale at I p n, I'lirihei 0,'rvlcrs and Int. rnunt nt tho Lino 1 1 vlngtun rnnonite Church nt 2 p m Convvance will miet trains and trolley at LanMlule from 11 30 loir in NTl'MANN Aug 3 PLOUKS'TINA 13 v'l'.l'M VNN Relatives friends. Second Oer I in.ui Ilnpllst Church and the rieiirhman M morlul U.iptlet Church Invltnl to funernl Pn 2 i m, resldtnce of son in-law Miiohell Schneider, aJ4 N 8th at, Int. nilvnte I'rlenda may i all Thurs eve I ItlDDLU Aug 3 PR WORRILOW wife of J Whltford Riddle. In her 41st ,F Relatives and friends 'nvited tn fu. Via Plymoulh and Boulogne-Sur-Mer . IVXF I ldm. . ,J?e?l,r"rta'nc,In,, phrV. Noordsm Aur. 41Sept. 8 vute Prlcnds may call Thurs.. 7 to 0 New Amiterdsm Aug. 10 Sept. U , p la'STRNRACH Aug 3 i.oriti: d R..4.m An. IRC... ' RVHTrSnACH (nee Vnyel) nldiw i.f Autiist Rindsm AD ISSept. Z2 i iH.vnl)R,h, aged US Pun-ral services Fnt Roltcrdtm Aat. 28,0ct. 2 2 p, m .late resldeiiM .inia N Marshall rs..cu OKIce. Mil Walnut. Hi,. I'UUa. ',- Northvvood v.cm 1 1 lends may call mcrcnants ca miners i rans. co. Kslubllslied 1831 Millions of PnHHrngerH Cnrrlrd NOT A L1FI3 LOST ballings to BOSTON, Tueidsyi, Saturdsri, 5:00 P. M. SAVANNAH, Friday, 6:00 P. M. JACKSONVILLE, Friday, 6:00 P. M. Pier 18, S. Drlnvvure Ave,, Philadelphia Tilrplione Lombard 1000 HOL-LAO-AE NEW YORK lo ROTTERDAM ONDKnTAKEKB HELP WANTED MALE ATTENTION AMlSItlCANb' Americans of guod character and habits, aged 18 to 2.1 ire wanted to train fni the A.M13IUCAN MERCHANT MAR1NI3 I'reviuus service nut n,'cessari , training lusts about 7 weeks PAY J3U V. HII.I3 TRA1NINO HOARD AND L'NIKOIIMS rnUC Consent papers and full Information given upon appM-ntlon men over 21 must bring an age ccrtltlcatu, boys belwien 1" and 21 must have age ecrtltlcute and consent papers v C 13 MAAK Enrolling Officer VN'ITHD STATI3S S1IIPPINO HOARD THIRD ri.OOR 27 3 4TH bT , I'HII.A. AI'TOCAR .MOTOR HUILDKRS must bs tli ft class Apply at the American Rail. way l-3xpresi Oarage. HUM Chi smut st. Al'To MI3CHANUS. must bo nrst class. Apply 1412 Wood st DIOLOOICAL DETAIL MAN Tn tall on physicians, detailing and selling a complete lino of bacterial vaccine und medicated solutions in ampoules und establishing exclusive agencies with druggists Address M BIO, Ledger Office J' DIAMOND nOOKKKrPI3R OR CLERIC TIII3 AC COl'N riNO PKPARTMCNT OP THE Pl'lt L1C LDDOICH DEHIUKS TH13 SI3IIVIC13S OK A YOl'N'O MAN WITH AT I.KAKT 2 YI3ARS OK HlflH SCHOOL TR MNINO OH ITS lWIVAI.KNT ASK TOR MR l'RU'13 IM'RLIC 1.I3DOUR CO . 0TH AND CH13ST NUT bTS. IJOOKKI3I3PEK experienced, familiar with coat system and stock reord etate ng references experience and saliiry desired p 1 1 2fl Ledger Oftlte irOOKKI3l3PER Kxp douhle-cmrj Icrtg r man. teuipumry pu.iuun, h.uiihuih m onc central office large corp. Address 1' u io 10IU inovn handvvr.Uln,ratatlnB exp ial HOOKKlrPnit Must be exp "nnd hnve- icutlve ebll , state nualtncatlons S. salnrv deslredorflre tMit Imated P O Ho llfl IIOYB hk HI tn 17 fur office position U .: ., niVF3TI3R IIIVKTKRI RIVDTERS Complete gangs for all-round work. 100 rjer cent piecework all work ready Tou drive from bulkhead to bulkhead Thre. dajs' wo-k looking at lou NO UIVI3TS Tin D fUCIC TI'RN IN A FI'I I, COiwr TIIK SKY IS 1H13 LIMIT Only good gangs neel npplv Hest conditions on the coast Apply T LI3YDI3V ir.21 Arch st . Thiu. Statu rmployrrtT.t Sirvlce 3M13RCHANT SHIPni'ILDlNO CORP ar. V. 0 3 D.. D 1 C HARUIMAN PA. mcd'pm , nt-lnete ranre- boll, rs etc Cntni iSiltrilii"-?" '- nna "" Oarden Arlrlr.oecnrrrnnri 'r A'H - very I iiuuiwD.-i r-inonable price, auto, inntlp fed pplv it .irfji'" 23.1 N Hroad. CASH REGISTERS P--lfr,vn Ri g Co 1 .'US Vln st Thon Locust doss. riICNi''",.AI'HS arid exclieni'ed Phone. ind r cords tioilzht sold V,Vri huff 005 Walnut st. VICTOR modi I dmililr iprtng motor good as nvv: worth J-'71 sill fo- I10i) cash BIS 1 p flth Second flooj 10 a m to 8 p m. I IIOOKi'ASn m.ihiiRinu other furniture, gas ranai . ht.iter. n-frig, rator, rugs 1S4S N Orntz et swcrlflce for price of i.nu st ROCTI3 CLERK Yjuic man to assist in our roullng department n fine opportunl'v fur tho rlwht mnn, utaie age. xperli.'icr nnd sularj eM'ected Applv or uddruee Passaic Print Wnrki l'aneilc N .1 SAI.r.SMAN We need a live win r preipnliillv i. to travel In tirrltorv lullucrnt In Phlla delphi i we pay silary, bonus and expn-s and vour Incomo will be llnl'.d .nl bv vour re sults, tirevluua experience In the pilnt line d-e'rabin, but not fsielltlal Applv b letter to Arco Co fill W Siith et . New York, giving phone number. si'lTM lal i.r mud iHUiirlnc J lnger UTH -V IM3DDINO an 1 mrpet for sale Patterson .'113 S W itts nt HAItil3ii -lli'l 13'ii, Hi -v Mi s Mary J ihulra uutl t for sals. l.l.O' 1 HAliY COACH . ,.tn N ."'h tt lltiil'-um 80c: ni l.'l7 Market POOL bllllnril tableH rhean Iviirv hi" liersil riirdRi. CASH ri.gister-i 2d hand cheap National n' I - Ji rs ec Kevtiinell-'ilSp Oiird n P00I7TAHLE- 2dlmfrr bought sold rent, ed ixchunged Kenfi r 32'i W Olrnrd ave, 3 MACHINERY SALK-IMEN ADJI'ST YOUR AITAIRS TO M1313T I1IOII r.NI'I3'SI-3S UKPRIIHKS'T A NATIONALLY KNOWN TIOCSK AND DRAW A CIIKCK 1 IM.ITKD ONI Y IIY YOCR OWN i:.N'l3ROY WI3 HAVI3 VA CANCIES TOR 1IIOII OIIADP. COMMIS SION LntMEN or MANAOERIAL CA1.I HKR. CALL SPRUCE 5724 0 I ll'nplnvment Dent 2.'d st I'MilNI-TMAlvl'llS stlrkvi hi Him and. nil around woodworking machine hands skilled men only, 140 32 weekly for 48 hours for Ant-clem mechanics with attendance and production bonus Apply rendy fur work Unit Construction Co . fiMh and Prays ave CHEMIST Young grnduate chemist for laboratory Applv or nddress Passjlo Print Works, Pussatc, N J. SAI.FNMKN I3xcellent ornortunltv for men over 21 enrs .r .. i.. Inln ii fiet crnwlng orgnnlzntlon if vou in,' not e.llsrled where you are If you urn limited us to v iur future If you me m,ik Ine but J40 or $K Ier week, und would like to double vour Income and on furnish good refer, nces write for Interview P U24 l.edel0lt!ci; HM.ESMEN TOR LOCAL 1VVKS1MI3NT PECflllTIE'' Ll'APS riTUNLSHEI) TO RKPI'THLI. APPLICANT1'. 11 003 LEDOER OITICB. SALES.liAN Wanted, un experlencd stock salesmun eable of handling high-grade t.iduxtrlal prefeired stock, best of references renulred llall applications to M SOS. Lodger Office SALESMEN, experienced In calling on drug grocery and general stores; an article of mei it rare opportunity for you, Apply 202 ' Uth tt SURPLUS EQUIPMENT VENEER AND PV.NEI. MACHINERY WOO 1 1 UilKKiV, MVilllNintY METAL WilllKINH M V 'IIIN'IPt Y LATHEIS. I I VN'l.'tt.-.. MILI.lVii MACHINES IIRH.li PRE.lSr..'', Tl'ltlth T LATIIEH S.MAUj TtMi - l.'i'C Premier Plywood Co. I'M.TIMURE. II) DYNAMOS AMI MOTORS A C. and H v in vv and mml-lunA 11.1 Ii n 2 1 d(l . 4IU v 1200 4 h p 110 v 1J1 Ii c uititiutur il c 4-vnlve enKln." YEARHI.l.Y Cil 224 V , M WI3 MAKE, uriv Inn (acting finm 1 pouml to 1 ton If "U want ii.nllncn that can bi disll machined mite us IteeviN Stole and Koundry i . :i '.M it, Phlludelplila. roundly Cind-n N J ELECTRIC MnTuItfi MM'IHNK lOOI.a POWER EQUIPMKNr wu--a o,nrurvMciiiNEiiY 10 no n sdst. MO'DERS' MM'IIINE HIIilP ,Ti ed"for nil kinds f work J10 N n.iit st "" TYrEVHITERS AND SUPPLIES Tvnwriters A" "'""" '-''un 1 year'g' lypCVYIIlciB Kuarnntie r.dajs' trial. nun v nestnut st. SS3 Hundv Tvpcwrlt. r Co STAMPS AND COINS BTAMPti. ALHUM3 AND iTuPPLHSB far stnmn collectors P1IILA STAMP CO 21 0. 17TII HT, VATCHES AND CLOCKS EXPERT BvvIsS wutch repairing, repeaters. split seconds, etc Rogers, wklch Inwpo- tor li. O It II 43 8. 17th. Locust U'lV. : x l n . !a MM 1 w 1 M .I A I i 'i ,.i v1! . d ti 1 a t 1 ll tVI .V 'k A e- - ;,Ai'i''3siJiJsvj'S- tl P&i 'r,Av'M ., v ,v A' ,' v . iT' 3 "i'AS 1 AAS(iK.v veJl r ,;tA'!&,i'&U i nvt-'-l r f. (V