wy .') f. M cat w Kf ii .s p 'Am .1 J , 17" 6CM .' a, j-x w j..). , VIU 11 II LI 1 LE RELAZIONI EVENING PUBLIC ' EiEDGiaR-f-pairA'toEIPHlX; UEI)AY, ' liTOttJSV fyymt) ' ,fjvr " m i. FRANCO ITALIANEiK inta,(ll ostrtir.lonlvnio c per non iiinmlnri oil nrlit i negoxiutt ion In Ueriuniilii. Oircn In vt'itrnzn tin I'ltnl'n v In U recta, lolatlrumi'titc iillii iTHiilin tin puuo iifiritnllii ilelle Hole ilel Dude- tiomi, p in mini in(i iir-i. i ' i it litro ill Orcein, Yculzeloi, nl tllmo Irreinovlbllu n Hon llrniuto 11 Irittiitto ill tllltHI I lilt III Pill, llttl tlllttilllitil til Itimionlrt p In ilnlsiirla tln n! n-tcntino WW id - 'K'"pin i" i twiRnrin t Hi' ni imfiitino tfi v : , ' ilnl tlrniarf II tinttnto ill Nun Crrmnlio c M jlUn? Prossimo ConVegno tra jiiiwiintii Ncuiij. fij l'iA' r a- &J wnrimi Ministrl Ciolitti o Mil- ContnntlnoioU.:ii IurIIo frUnr.into) !& Wi?? i J J! v Xotiulo Biuutf ilit Oilcmn icpuiio dip . r-ccfk ., t ,: ?2Sii 'a-r: lorand, di Francia J C&4 Rfe'T ! "'i T K,- j . S.'-Nv W2U- t K ' Published unrt Dl.trlbntm Under JC v, . I'-in.MlT NO 841. E Atithorlixl by thf el nf Octobir a flOtT. on fUo t the roitoftlc of Thlta . drlphU, r, T 3 nuni.nsoN roatmaster (Irnerat. In onrl 1'oito Mono nriiviitl duo nlro icafi mprcnntlll Hnllntil cnrlihl ill mcrcl, I.'nrrlvo ilcl (Iiip ilropnll !' Ktnto nr- olto con glnlilln dul boNdli'lil, clu j blatt . , , f, . Iianiio sublto comiicrilto II envlro, prln lpiilmeuti coinpusto ill Rcucrl mnnl falturatl. " Uitp Vnporl frntiocfil sono Rlutttl nol Iloifnro poii 1000 prlulonfrrl russl, iiiovoiilriitl clnlln Frniicln, I iptnll (u wiin rntturatl- ill fionlc frnucpic itirppopit tlolln Riicrrn, ipinndo M rlllu tnroiio ill (oiiibnttprp clopo nvor npprrn In liutlin ilpllu llvoltizlonu boltcevii'it III KllK-illl. Radicals Rule Zlttau, Saxony HpiIIii, Aur. :i. Zlttnti, Snxony, LTi.000 )0iiilntlon. where Inbor Irnnbloi iwi'titlj npi'itrtrd. Iiiih brrii ulnpp Sun- dnv In dtp lmuiN of roillml workptw. nc- roiilltiK l n di"pnteli n thp Zwoplfuhr Itotnii. 2 nRosto I glnrnnll nnmin flano clu nella corrptilp Kcttlttuinn nvrn' lnoRO tin ronvcjtno tra 1'On. Ololittl 1 II Primn MluMro di Krnncla. On. Mil Ifrnnd. II poiivpxiio ntrn' Iiioro In Snn Qlovnunl ill Mot Inn J in Snvoiit. A jiropoxHo ili'l (oiurpno nlcuni K'ornn'1 (anim illcnrp clip dn qu'ilchc tompn In inn' 1p ri'luzloni tra la Trail da l'ltiillii liHtino Hiiblto tin ipITipiI ilnmonto plic II ciitirj(iM hit lo sropo di chlntlrc In sittuilinit- p potrebbp ill iflpnrp 1p tuilii clip iiupiirntiu I'liriontp t ilcl, roppotti 'ntPtnnionnli trn I'ltaiiii e lc nltn mi.i(ini T Klorimli tl!pnuo, ntuhc. lip lu polHica frnucpsp riKuanlu l'ltnlin 1 p' vlyelata Kiibilolu p Nlonlc. l.ii'eonfptpniin dl Spn lin co-tlnlto una nnov.i ilclu sIoop per l'ltnlin Itifutti I'ltalia ha ottenuto qnello pIip i-IiIpiIpvii pd nvn dlritto, ma lui dovuto iuclttnartsi alia volontn' del forti iwr non pvpip inrol s?Qatv. Don't Feari i Fortify yourself against it with ' IILTONT. Half a teaspoonful in a glass of tepid water, used regularly in a , nasal spray, will , tend to prevent it and afford quick i comfort to those already suffering. ate Ttauyaca wtm Kills the germ of coughs and colds. Helps keep the eurr.s healthy, the teeth sound. Helpn cuta and abra sions heal promptly. Soothes th stine of insect bites; the soreness of sunburn. MILTON ia a wonderful bleaeh and atnin-remover. Remember, MILTON is just "MILTON" and in all of its many uses ptrftetly tafe. Order a bottle from YOOP. DRUGGIST OR GROCER t ii-so ai.o acli Mali OalUni AUXPlgHgWUCQ 12 Stone St., N.Y. rtWR I easoiiEiiiimi ,1 I r fe."' What the Architect Knows ELI Jones concluded to build a house. He and his wife decided on the j i general style and ma- ' terials or thought they ql had and made a rough 3, plan; but they wisely Wled in an architect just to put their ideas into proper shape. The result of calling in the architect was that by using common brick with face-brick trimmings, in stead of face-brick and cement, Mr. and Mrs. Jones got a beautiful house with two rooms and a sleeping porch worr than they had planned; they got au0 a base ment enrage, savins the ontite cost of u separate building; and they got the whole for a little lean than the totul cost they had figured on. Why? Because their ar chitect knew the possibilities of common brick, which they didn't; and he Knew how to handle the materials so as to get effects of which they had never dreamed. A cood nidiitect knows what can bo done with common brick, and how to handle it. Yem d!oi'. Be wise before you begin, not when you arc through get an aichitect at ; the start. H M l II, SIS'KIt ("hurrli und Taconv JOH T IITrtVi: KST SUth ana riearnl! JOHN H UAIU.KT JJlcalown iJinn mi'! B Ht riiANKroni) nnioi: woiikh Turrrailal Aenu KBT8TONB DnifK CO i ' hjORTH PHII. iiniric woiiks n 1 Klalnr Bui and I.uxernn Ut I1 -i i At Home or Overseas there is one ready cooked cereal food that is always dependable for staunch nourishment combined with pleasing flavor, and in convenient form. Grape Not s is always ready to eat. It is compact There is no waste, for every atom is food And Grape-Nuts in its wax-protected pack age keeps indefinitely in any climate. "There's a Reason" Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan TO FREE REVOLUTIONISTS . Reichstag Passes Bill Granting Am nesty to Participants InKapp Revolt Iterlln. Atie. il. Illv A. i'.l Hup. doni' will be Kuintpil all pprions con cernpil with thp Knpp revolution burp lact Mnreh timli'r the trims of thp gov eminent ninnct.v bill wlilpli wns adopted ny Hip itcirliitHK j-pMtPrrin.v nftcr a long and nlilmhtpil tlrbntp. llxconllnim will 1m ninile. however. In the piikps of lp.lil6r- utid those Rtilltv of oidlnnty criminal oiipimps. mm win lip pineeil on tilal. ?SfRIJt3P RIE-MUR .SHIRT CO. 908 Chcslnutet. TB,frT..r Sampita Srnt Upon Rtautat rrrrrw.-.. V.'-- .-''VM'i.-trTril Mrs'. Hafg io Be Burled Friday liomlon, Ausr. :j. (ilfy . I'.1) The fnuprnl of Mrs. flcorgc Ogllvy Hala;, of London, who dlcd.ln the Atnerlpan IIoh iiltiil nt Neitllly on July IJO, will be held in London next Frldny. lturlal will be nt lliookwood Uetnetefy. Hurtpy. Jlrs. Half; before her marriage wns Miss Charlotte AHtor, tlnushter nt the Inte Wllllnin Axtpr, of New Yolls. BIG BOOK BARGAINS For Vacation Reading They are by popular authors utid have been utieil In our library. Good, clean condition. 30 Cents each, or FOUJR''A DOLLAR Wcmrath's Circulating Library 15 South 13th Street, Philadelphia Hmif'BWi.l BMMmMMlllim MWRMIMIl niMfri!iiiwiTOss npHERE is a romantic side to all business, if a man can only sec it and we do in ours. We turn back the hand of Time a few years and see ourselves receiving, helping and hop ing for the success of all our depositors and some of them now arc numbered among our largest' accounts. That is one reason why we so heartily welcome the small depositors to day. We like to work with them for the bigger tomorrow. Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until 9 o'Clock IENSINGTON K trust co. m B k Kcnsmgton tSAlleervAves jf?. ML m. Priiladelnhia pftime You know "it's toasted." do you know why? But "I UCKY STRIKE is the toasted cigarette. Lucky Strike is the toasted pipe tobacco. And because Lucky Strike is toasted it preserves the Burley flavorr for you until you smoke it. The exact reason for this is interesting. You see, when Lucky Strike is toasted the heat closes the pores in the Burley leaves, and literally seals in the Burley flavor. It stays there for months years until it is released by burning in your pipe or cigarette. Or take the method of the bee. You can put a honey-comb away for months or years and the flavor is always there inside. This is because the bees put a thin coating of wax over the honey and seal it in, so it lasts forever. The same with Lucky Strike. Toasting the tobacco seals in the delicious Burley flavor, to be "called for when wanted." Whether you are a cigarette smoker or a pipe smoker you should get acquainted with the special and unequalled flavor of toasted Burley tobacco to be found only in the Lucky Strike brand. Buy a package and you will notice this improved taste immediately. A Readiustmeiit Sale 7 , of the Entire Stocks of Wanamaker & Brown Thousands of suits reduced for a Clearance, without holdbacks or equivocation. Each suit all-wool, everyone guaranteed with what ever profit there is in them given to the buyer. AS manufacturers of good clothing, Wanamaker & Brown have kept their cutting rooms, trimming and tailoring rooms busy so far this year. i While members of textile industries are closed and are still closing we have kept busy This has brought a certain surplus of new Suits into our Sales rooms, which we offer at much- reduced prices along with regular Seasonable Stocks. 500 ARE GOOD FOR WEAR TILL SNOW FLIES! $ - rn (SEVERAL HUNDRED YOUNG MEN'S SMALL 15.00 1SIZE SINGLE- AND DOUBLE-BREASTED NOV (ELTY SUITS. HERETOFORE SOLD FOR $40. 4K9 O ff 'A BIG GROUP OF YOUNG MEN'S SUITS WHOSE $AJ.VJJ price TICKETS SHOW UP TO $45. f A COLLECTION WHICH OFFERS WIDE SELEC k1K OH JTION OF BOTH MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S WAO.VJV 1 SUITS, ALL OF THEM FINE, FORMERLY SOLD lUP TO .$50. 7 K( THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR SUITS, $55, $60, JPJ . OKJ 65 $70 375 AND $85 VALUES; TAKE YOUR PICK. Upward of two thousand suits heretofore sold all the way from $30 to $75. $23.50 '$35 $44 i$50 A special offer on five hundred new suits cood for Fall wear, which would have been marked $75 to $85 had our tailors timshed them earlier. All are Oak Hall built. $12.50FOR $25-00 THIN TROPICAL SUITS $10.00FOR $20-00 THIN TROPICAL SUITS $7.50FOR $15-00 THIN TROPICAL SUITS $6.00FOR $1200 THIN TROPICAL SUITS $5.00FOR 10M THIN TROPICAL SUITS It needs no remarking that every one of these suits (sizes run up to 50-inch chest measure for big men) is being offered below ' cost price. Wanamaker & BrownMFa0rL5t9afskth ilM EfflMMillM Illl!fllfflIjWIIFM IlinMHIIW llT'S lQklEtiM Lafayette ? Ourirontced by fcJWyteo IN c ofoaTio which means that if you don't like LUCKY STRIKE you can get your raoncylback (ram the dealer How agreeably LaFayette engineer ing translates itself into performance, you will know when first this car moves forward under your control. LAFAYETTE MOTORS COMPANY at ChCars Hill, Indianapolis X' u ! t BElTTKrfH BONB NUatown Iana nd CJ at. Ml WITH BIUCW IT X.ABT3 IWVTWU'' i ) i'JAjii. j , '' . &s&Aiaut'& .!MA&fafeatflfa&, i lAtV.'