.) -. or tiy . ALI Ettenmg J f. v" sxrTT!C7?riCTa;r-iUi le&aer r PHlUADBIiPHf, UEsbAY, JlftY , 29, 1920 JD TarTWMWFf?iTrnmi',,''r; wa;.AvujJMHBw'Mw.twwM W Jh i i i iiiMrTirTrTTTnTfrnrrrTrr-irr i it it mima i,,., . , i v- AMERICAN GIRLS ON WAY TO COMPETE IN OLYMPIC GAMES. Left to right , TWO TICKETS TO WASHINGTON, PLEASE. Miss Clara J. Ward, -A CLOSE GAME OP PARCHEESI. The Camp Fire Girls havo pitched a Helen Wainwright, Aileen Kiggin, Helen Moses, Vonnio Malcomson, Irene Guest, 1800 Arch street, in a moment had tho tickets stamped and sold at tented city on the Illman Farm, near Hatboro. Thclma Payne, Margaret Woodbridgo, Eleanor Uhl, Mrs. F. W. Rubicn, Helen Meancy Broad Street Station, where girls have come to stay as ticket sellers. J"" 1,noto srvl- and Betty Grimes I'aul Thompson. l3l jfr7tjtmm rrcomygsgs3,rjj)WKr M&?Tm$ I.cdKcr Photo Service, 1 i i iiwii i i ji grtL'iiMWTLijwiii m Kya K. I' "" M'l I I --"'----"'Sr- " uwmmamma. sxxssssui t-wsvfjmmiSJUutwssiif!uxvts3iiiXi xi uvr y t g giXiy ' M-iniirnTn immmiimiiTrfY-ffrwrr m 1 i ill linn mi n i mm. n .i i amr nir 1 r r. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE TEMPEST AND GIRARD COLLEGE LEIPERVILLE CHILDREN HAVE OUTING AT WOODSIDE. Mary McGovcrn (left) BOYS. They had a real day yesterday. Boys forced to remain at tho college during the and Rose Kelly did a very interesting three rounds ' j summer were the guests of the polico official I.rdccr rholo Sen Ice r.cditcr Thoto Serlce. ELECTED HEAD OF THE STATE HAY MAKERS' ASSOCIATION. Ho is Harry C. Wilson, of Philadelphia. i. uM!wzxs2?xzvjxsxr,z27Zi?ztzszjvjm UTKJTtf SXK..'.XKZZ.-ZZSLXl' m SJlMKy ..il.ljlll I niiiii..Jiiinl.:i...ii .r Mi $$te!2 life rW Mllimil nn irifi ' ' I'CIf llli rH tr'f ti u v JVi,-n"v,hA--iriivrrraFSiffSl:ffjffrli?iVJ THE CAMP MASCOT. It is under tho care of Kathcrina Adams, of tho Camp J'Jro Girls. .A section of the Illman Farm was set aside for their use by Henry A. Illman. Ledger Photo Scrvlc. ii ny i i in i ii 1 1 hi i ii INSPECTION OF FIRE APPARATUS. Tho committee appointed by the HAPPY ATHLETES. This group of men will represent America in tho Olympic games. They arc exhibiting Department of Public Safety busy testing fire truck No. 7, Fourth street, the kind of "pep" that will help our cause i'aul Thompson above Girard avenue i-iser I'hoto her ice JM ffr (f ErZgZ2S2Zk22BBsi3&3 MB !ltfv'TvtMy?-Sy,f?gwV?-''7M3 j" rvj"it MLflj ...s 'bh .ij vivaEwvJi -ik r.-m'iBrrmmi&w- . -,. . -- -rv , i vttrjmwxaL'swsi . r,. rj-nrr- ." r UKasEaKSKrassassa r'M4 ., Js hZi&e$. tf$r:7&r: Tl.K' r ' ...--- Tv.'.jr. ""a tr K&i.'Ai.oivj,t.7ii'tjuu"vixaii-; ti " v'CvT" l''v'wrt "'v yy ipw'fyt l-yv-''fr;i? ? fyyygA1J(' tta' v v-: : 'i-f s Vt V"-' l;' ' ' VKl ;i?WV'v L i:miC.?.?i!,w.'w?;yi!- - ffHE RAISIN GIRL, Miss Violet Oliver, here NOON HOUR HAPPENINGS. Dancing and quoits arc among the pastimes indulged in by tho cmnloyes of Hcnrv Diss- ROYAL POLO PLAYERS. Kinir Alfonso of Snain Heft) 10 jnvito Uovernor bproul and JMayor Mooro to ton & Sons during tho noon hour. The talking machine helps to mako the dancing on tho grass easy. There arc many and Prince Henry of England, members of rival teams, wcro M11WWU4 luiain it-ak., lu iu uuiu tlb iliauu, Villl- foinia, in April, 1921. Lc'ilffcr I'hoto Sen1' ft friendly arguments over the quoit games. I.cqBcr i'hoto S- rlcc. photographed at Rochnmpton, England. Central Nuh Thoto. PUSHBALL EXPERTS. The Sixth' Field Artillery won the pushball prizo offered to American forces at Coblen Germany. The winners have Ihc ball on their shoulder LcdccrThoto Senle. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO rr-w". ) w''yiy,yMr "W,?Tfl ii'!, THE BEAUTY CORNER w- -s- - . , , wm.. um jw.-i-rrr."r" -gi w i!MiiMt!wwi,mMimximmmamrn r''-riMlPW'FmrT i ' ll v . . ,:r??s if -w(wy m ycftatx :, fc. ' ".ai y.xiAyzay srs 'kx' 'r t ihh yi' t mimirT i .. . I .1 ". a'.HC ... jK -4UAX yi ;?!..-; KEdMOiHi : 1 1.. v MIH V 'jt 't ir? . 4 r . imr.t, , . tA. :hlww . .. .vSiTO'.aJ ,.,....... . . ,, . uuili.iis-u ui'if in lifJiri'it nrativcjs at tin im .Motor n,mi),. ,y, "wenty-thud u id Ma.lut ti .t . J0hn Hrcrnan SS22 Mannyui.K trfet, is taking biackets, oir nftor being drilled; Michael Napali, (ircenway avi-nue, (Idling the holes' and Robert B. Almy, 10 South Thirty-seventh street, loading machine with brackets to be drilled. Ledger I'hoto Sonlco. . OLYMPIC WINNER. Fred PLUM, of Atlantic City, is SON ABRAHAM LINCOLN. WALKING FROM 'SAN FRAN- Robcrt Lincoln, boh of the Emunci- "CISCO TO NEW YORK TO MISS REGINA JACKSON, 1110 McKtan Hired, among tho medal winners in pator, at Manchester, Vermont, where WIN WAGER. Miss Louise photnrnnha , . j,i'u0)Ph- , tho tvnnuhnntlnn- ,it. Antwcrn. ho is a summer visitor. Glenn has arr veil at Chicacro. ,'maaTal)lH frthin feature nhould be aubmUted Leducr I'hoto ticrvUo Underwood & Underwood. InternatlnnM. tnrough UiO mail, uddrriMCd to the HcaUtV Com mcr, V 7 f i.ni.iu I'bUMC Jji:i)UEB t iJ s": Kif"J 'Xa-St.