SISTERS By KATHLEEN NORTHS ,Aut.h?r J, yosiclun'a Wife" (Copyright, 1010, b Kathleen NorrU) T THOUGHT you wsro golngr to walk?" retcr said, nervously. Ho had nauntered up to them with an air of Indifference. ,,,., "Shall 17" faltered Cherry, fiho looked , Aix, who had not yet climbed Into the car, and was pulling on her driving loves All, toward whose faco the doe was making eager springs, did not antviar Interested, so Cherry turned to Martin. "Walk with us, Mart?" sho M,,Nlx." Martin said, comfortably, not "Til be home before you, Pete, and wilt for you," Allx said. Sho looked i him Irresolutely, ns If hhe would have dded more, but evidently decided ralnst It and spoke ngaln only In ref "nee to the dog. "Keep Buck with . iii vou. Poto?" nho said. "Jle's yo?.'inV too laiy. No, sir I" she re KiLclfed the animal, .affectionately. Rvou shall not ride I Well, the dear old L'hov: does ho want to come iju. .'-- Bigim '.n. .1,. tmelt down and put her arms. . .".he animal and laid her brown oldfcoir she said, shaking him nt "tS niS fro. "You've got to stay 'SsrCcr feet and' HCp,.;.aood.b, .1. dear. All rigni. Martin?" T5fhit into gear and vanished. Ieler frheyrry stood looking at each other nrjivp them a good start or Buck will ., S them , "Peter i-ald. his body sway eaten t"'m;.,n' frf.ntlc Jumping of tho tho car slipped llnally 'U.wVen the columns of tho dlaanpeiircd bewm ino Ch reciwoouB. . ",-,,., -him. "And now ""' ' . w m utes, "there ChSiy.'n'oVhlnS to ay. We've said STrne to be nothing to say, 11 .0i';!.Mnr to say!" ftcr echoed. whatever we " . : .-,.. -.-. , .,,..- wrong 1" Cherry eyes. "Whatever we BQ1U Willi m;iif do Is wrong," he nuoveW she said on a fluttering br"We must go!" Peter1 nnswored. And r',,! .h. ominous fall of a heavy :ii.;n.V.. thfl words formed In nib hear :"AIc knows. Allx knows." Ho thought of tho afternoon, only a . " "... .jr. when fJherrv's beauty had SS, .o piiMen and ho reslsUble an appeal to nun. "" "". v dJllghtof their luncheons together, when she had first confided In him, and of tho days of secret an Intense Joy thnt her mere noarneis nnd tho lnowledge that ho would htn her had afforded him. It had nil seemed so fresh, so natural to entirely their own affair, until the. tragic day of Martin's reappearance nnd the hour of ngonlred waiting at the boat for the Cherry who did not come. There had ucen no joyous seu-coiinuenue m that hour, none In the distressed hour at the Orpheum. and tho hour Just past, when Cherry's rarely displayed passion had wrenched from hlm hla last vestige of doubt. But this was the culminating unli.ip rlness, that he should know, from Allx's brave nnd gentle and generousi look as they parted, that Allx know. He had, In the wild rush nnd hurry of his thoughts, no time now to analyze what their loo must mean to her. but It hurt him to see on her happy face those lines of sternness and gravity, to seo her bright and honest eyes shadowed with thai new look of pain. It was too late now to undo It : he and Cherry must carry their desperate plan to a conclusion now, must disappear and forget. They had tried, air, this last dreadful week, they had both tried, to oxtlngulnh the flames, and they had failed. But to Peter there was no com forting thought anywhere. Wrong would bo done to Martin, to Allx, to Cherry and more than even these. wrong to ntmseir, to tno ideal of him self that had been his for so ninny years, to the real Peter Joyce. "If 1 had It all to do over again, 1 should not come here," Cherry began, breathlessly. "Ah, If we had It all to do over again !" looking back half a dozen years, how simple It all seemed 1 How uncom plicated life was. In those old days when the doctor and his girls had teased him, and consulted him. and mado him ono of themselves "What a web. Cherry!" he said, sadly. "If Anno hadn't made her claim, you would not have been kept here all theso wicks; If the financial question hadn't been raised, you must nave, stayed In Ited Creek, simply be cause you couldn't well havo done any thing else." "And If I had been with Martin, this horrible business of that girl's letter wouldn t have happened." she added, bravely. "Oh. yes that's quite true!" she Interrupted him. us ho Interpolated u bitter protest. "Mart has no particular Principle about It. but ho never would nave got In with that crowd If I had "" there. So thut onco more." sho ended, sadly, "I can say that I have i?M-i?..a mes? of things. Listen, that's h. i8? 'n'errupted herself, as the dogs loud and violent barking reached !a tT?.S bVl2n& a tur-n m tl10 twisting road. "He didn't catch them, then." ine next Instant a woman camo uu "VJ. road, rnunlng, and making a queer, torjot "8 that Che""y never n1Y!..wafi tt 8twger to them, but she tan toward them, making the odd, gasp- wihnwlUdyte1s.mUC" dry ySfth 5,1? & ' horror of hr,,0i' ,nat ,ho flrl,t glimpse bf.t Z awaken;,va&uely in their hearts, volcn ?n.e iaw.t.n1cm ho suddenly found rh.?,.for i hideous a scream that nnry.'V ltneC8 'alletl her, and I'c cr Bprang forward with a shout. train JPBd t,le wommi'H at m, nnd her frantic eyes were turned to him. cawlni.mni0(1M,Bll5.crled 1,,a hoarse, thi hLl'- My God! They're, over wak.7"in?y . over tne bank!" fag towL,tw 8h0uled' 'ii8 hcart turn- "Oh, the car the automobile!" th woman mouthed. "Oh. n.y God-I saw J go! I baw U fa If Oh Clod pavn iurtoh";tuwaV,.R'k0 ,he,,dn ' lei t iTH e.Wfre "" funnltw now, running Sid 2bSftr,W" fptfd down 'ho long ward c,,1noa. " and on to- ni!l6.frantiQ noB8 of the dog's bark- agony. olco twlsted and wild with wlMli5.Bnartr6 woma wan crying out wildly; Cherry was sobbing a nraver al'1r,en,Un0W",ff M,a? ? S the wird..Pea.vJ.? X1? U,U 0VCr "B'Hn cannAt K".' u ? .Allx my Clod I It never nai Ix!" a r... :.. "? ' enn , ,k. i. ' "v ny nnew, over descending BJ?arDeat a"d ugliest of tho urscendlng preelp ces. crimhlnir ,in,Z tin :, t.uX'' a"a "1By ".now. Over nd BtrlkinS. Bapl,?gB , and "'idrbrusu fallm. lit,.8 y,.,tl10 hea car had that t . "o. "uVu,aer' A"d Peter saw feeTiur'' Vol.oaweKdU?taH K bed 2 thA" alm08t to t'e dry crcek Wlde th1.' S,3,,0",' A ' on his knees rong, in it l.l-Hf0 tnat' crect a"d ten AUr oni orl59d bLU6 B'nBham. had She naVCl a ,w Bh?rt minutes ago. 4 alfliMrh niJ,un cIear ' the car, oy wanr'L"08,1 every bono in her 'ace. e.ntfk,tn' by Bomo miracle the brown haft met 2"? cM where the b tUrne8Sra"anfan,d bSnt over hpr w'lth th j"wt"ea'Vfft. d.M .".WPS hla. own 4. "... IUU caught a BlImnM . f iiiJ,,n.i!Jre,ld.8 " Peter fnri.mPM " Allx's o d ton le. orwf ' ifSTei a K5r,hi,n e,a8 to the Put Ida falo a'Alnsf j,0.108? to hlm Bn(1 hapa she iilid "?J"! her face, and per own as in im rver 80 ruy been hla h"n the i 2t,nome"t thflr pa"tlSgH " long shafttHafrtOnmnMW0d.d,,aPd' B'"t rnP ith h!afbltter?ncry., B",klnff BUn' wife I" Alljc-not dcadf My wlfc-my rtieri?iwia't no'jrnrn,en, "d w"" WPS?? I"'; " ; ,; EfiiiN& ' PHBldOfft ' t, !aficdy' Aftcr a while sorjio sympa thetic man touched Peter on the arm to fay that Mrs. Moyd had fainted, and that If ho would please tell them what to do about tho other man ho was not yet dead Peter roused himself, and with help from half a dozen hands on all slderf hu enrrred Allx up to the road and laid her upon a motor robo that somo kindly spectator had spread In the deep dust. All about he heard the quick, horrified breathing and muttering of tho shocked and sympathetlo neighbors who had gathered, but to him there was a brnssy light In the world and a hideous tasto pf Inky bitterness In tho very air ho wreathed, and ho recognized nobody. Presently ho wbb conscious that a small, slight woman with disorderly fair nalr and with her faco streaked with dust and tenrH was standing beside him nnd looking down at her, he saw that It was Cherry. "Yes, Cherry?" he said, moistening his dry lips. "Peter," nho said, "they say Martin's living Jio was screaming " She grew deathly pale, and falntnens swept over her, but sho mastered It. "He was CaUffht htf thnt lrna'1 h .lrl IUnJ Ua Is living. Will you tell them tell ono ofJ thenn tnn lhn, l l. ...... fl ?an. d.rivo hlm home- I'ou'H tell hlth that, then I'll get a doctor " ea. I will," Peter snld, not stirring. his eyes had the look of a sleep-walker; ne nodded slowly and gravely nt her. like a very old man. "You " ho said to a man who had stopped hla car near ny and who wa pressing sympathetic ally close. "Will you 7" "If you'll sit In the back seat, dear, and Just rest his poor head," a woman said to Cherry. Peter saw that they wore lifting Martin's big, senseless form 1? .1. . hands and carrying It through tne little group. Thero was a shudder a? Martin moaned deeply. Peter went and at on the low bank by Allx again. 6"? . f ted ono of her limp hands, and nem it. Ah, If in God's mercy nnd good- he might moan, ho thought, that on6 B"8nt ray of hope would flood all iS8wo.rd with llBht for hlm again 1 But she did not stir. vi!?ono?" 8ald herry'n heartrending olce a mere whloper. beside him. " turned upon her lifeless eyes. -,,0i,:A'!jt my darling! My own big ";. Cherry sobbed, falling to hei n?nn-fianfd PftB"""'ately kissing Oie P Thfu.1 facp' 0h' Allxt dcurcstl" ptJ ?. wome" about broko Into tears, nni fL"r'suC,,hln ,mnd close against his cry. CJ'cbals- wishing that ho might vnihe-.d.ri0V0 ,hcrFI" he heard a man's mi wJ '"5 " 'be silence, "and sh mhfntn ,'0f't nirif of her oar for 'a, S Innirt Pfn'J J'ou "7-the wheel fir n ?,1,.tn0.bnnX 0,,Ce 't BOt this far-no power In God's earth " mrVl? J!?iZcr !", ,aoU,B rarth!" another apBii ro.ald '" ""renin conflrmatlon. to ml - Ch(rry said, "will you conn ISL.m. as E00n UB J'ou ca7 I shall need jou. i sen'ny 8 "8 1 ca"''' llc unswcrcd. ah- rJw?car drove iiwny. nnd ho hoard Martin moan ngaln as It moved. , r?yc,'; said a maw kind olcc close beslda hlm Ho recognlz'd tho voice rather llinn the dlstrexbcd face of an old friend nnd neighbor "Jovcc, my dear fellow," he urged, affectionately, tell us what we ma do. nnd we'll Hf e to It. Pull yourself together, my dear old chap Now, shall I telephone for an nil ambulance 7 You must help uh Just n little here, and then we'll wparc you iverythlmr else." "Thank ,ou. I'Ved." Peter answered' iiner a moment, during whleh ho looked seriously and studiously nt his friend, ns If ascertaining through unseen mists nn narners tne identity nf the sp alter. inanK you," he said. "Will you you help me take my w Ifc homo? "ou wish It that way? man said, anxiously. the other 'Please." Peter answered, simply. And instantly there was moving and clearing In the crowd, a murmuring of whispered directions. After a while they were at the moun tain cabin, and Kow. with tears running down his yellow fare, wan lidnlno tlim Then Peter and his friend were walking up over tne familiar trails, he hardlv knew where. In the late twilight, nnd then they went Into the old living room and Allx was lying there, splendid, sweet, untouched, with her brave, brown forehead shadowed softlv by lies. brown hair, nnd her labhes resting upon her cheeks and her lingers clasped about the stems of three great, creamy roses. Thero were other flowers all about, and thero were women In tho room. White draperies fell with bweeplng lines from tho merciful elllng of the crushed figure, arid Allx might havo been only asleep, and dreaming some heroic dream that lent that secret prldo and joy to her mouth and filled thoso closed eves with a triumph they had never known In life. Peter stood and looked down at her, and the men and women drew back. But although tho muscles of his mouth twitched, he did not weep. Ho looked long at her, while an utter Mlenro filled the room, and whllo twilight deepened Into dark over the cabin and over tho mountain abovo It, Something cold touched his hand, and he heard the dog whimper. Without turning his hend or moving hla eyen from Al x'a face, ho pressed his fingers on tho silky head; hlu breast rose on ono agonized breath, but ho controlled It. Buck was as still as his master, sensing In unfailing dog-fashlon, that something was wrong. "So that was your way out, Allx7" Peter said In tho depth of his soul. "That was your solution for us nil? You would go out of life, nwav from tho sunshine and the trees and the hills that you loved, so that Cherry and I should be saved? I was blind not to see It. I havo been blind from tho very begin ning." Silence. Tho room was tilling with shadows. On tho mantel was a deep bowl of roses that ho remembered' watch ing her cut was It yesterday or cen turies ago? "I wns wrong," ho sah.1. , "But I think you would bo sorry to have mo facts what I am facing now. You were al ways so forgiving, Allx; jou would bo the first to be sorry." He put his hand over tho tigerish pain that was beginning to reach his heart. Ills throat felt tlilck and choked, and still he did not cry. "An hour ago," lw Bald, "If It had been that tho least thought of what this meant to you might havo reached me an hour ago., tt would not havo been too late, Allx, ono look Into your eyes an hour ago mlgnt nave saved us nil : Fred." Peter said aloud, with a bitter groan, clinching tight thn handa of tho old friend who had crept In to stand be sldo him, "Fred, sho was hero, In all her health and Joy and strength only today. And now " "I know old man " tho other man muttered. Ho looked anxiously at Peter's terrlblo face. In tho sllonco tho dog whimpered faintly. But when Peter, after an endless flvo minutes, turned iuhlv. It wns to speak to his friend In an almost normal voice. "I must go uown nna sen i i. Fred. 8he took her husband to the old house ; they wcro living there." "Helen will stay here," the man as sured him, quickly. "I'll drive you down and coma back here. Wo thought per naps u. few of us could como here to morrow nfternoou, Peter." ho nddod timidly, -with his reddened eves lining again, "nnd talk of her a little, and pray for her a little, and then take her , " hMM ln old doctor "T hadn't thoueht about that." Peter answered, still with tho nlrof finding It hard to link words to thought. "But that.lH tho way she would like It Thank you and thank Helen for me "Oh. Peter, to do anything the woman faltered. "She came to us, you know when the baby was no 111 day oeM"-my own sister couldn't have be"Dldnsruer Peter asked, staring, at the speaker steadily. "That was like her " lie want out of the house nnd got Into a waiting car, and they drove down the iwuntalnf Al x had driven him over this wfcd day before yesterday-i-yes-terday-no, it was today, he remem- b"Thank God, I don't fee It yet ail shall feel It. Thompson!" h taid. quietly. The man who was driving gave h5? n,sXt'takeBeBch0day as It comes." he answered, simply, (CONTINUED. TOMOIUIOW) THE GUMPS From Andy to Min I : n w To HV SVEETHEAU.T ON HER. BIR.TH0AW A CHECK . V. Fori. 5085 ALL FOR- HER UTTUE SWEET SELF ' to V FR.OM.HEf?. iouiNG ' K j HUSBAHDAHDRE.W ( ' K PJETEYA Man After Our Own Heart ' f SAY That AVPUU life' J j The Young Lady Across the Way The joutig lady ncross tho way t-oys it's always dangerous for n city to he dependent on ono iudubtry for Its prosperity and ulie often wonders v. lint would become of Palm llenoh If nil the meu should take to wear ing llnnncl. SOMEBODY'S STENOG- 5X: . rt.. " VTr- s ' n 'rXrifui.. ?n. 7 'S- i-1- . , , ..,,, 1 1U JL A it m:Mmm:m;mmrr:v . A y V ii a u o .. m - -, vvitf' i . &e' -ii mS -M '. JKifsr- r U 'A 7 " . .1." ! ' tt V "CAP" STUBBSCap Wonders Tlin OU BRING. FANS TOCfl - GO & X THEr-A-, TtifV A TlEftR '. HE GAVE HIS TIMID WIFE A DRINK OF HOOCH SO SHE WOULDN'T BE AFRAID TO 'RY A SWIMMING LESSON : : Du Fontaine Fox """oil "cVnV UARM fo SWlM IF You Wont go .v-' at uastJ i,f"' rVT7 "in COMA DUCK toil UiW RASCAL ' All Alone in the Woods M i "vlLJ SrSiir ,1 '-mM StiS, SquajG ladies J TOU DOT THROW BANANA PEEUS '(?OUND DO YOU JZ: . '"jsa . - ulWiVT. ri i' -wuvwviSS ?Lf C T.'WJ m. L " TH VOELL GET ICE '-wy7r"' PP1 4-rm THUbAp1 JULY 20, W WHV, TW3 check is NOY EWORLD VOVLL HAVE TO EHOORJSE IT BEFORE. WE CAN PAY IT- JVJSY STEP'OVEfc. TO WHAT VOU MEAN-HDORSE THE PESK AMD ENDORSE ' ItoH THE DUCK - wootDw'T p vfyifc. -: : 7, Have 1h at Maw's - Wm, f --Thar s am old "Boat) OB Fop AUVTHIUC tk ' x, M 0LL OF LICKED S)U. J - NO rRRBE J -Sfc SW " 3QWMlWAR- 1 TC HOMC BKCVV tA; V Jvw lri . .lfa 7rm ZiiZ3- ViOT DO t HAFTA Jli 'KtCK POR- I jui j-ine; in&, n r- N - IT-.r VoO 4& comc om our am' i,es PLAY IN TH' SA-ANO f Vw' Hfof' - -.X ,!wh Amy A r.-. j$& -ism lVo'.?? say. There's a A'AVFUL PRETTV PLACE ABOUT A MILE DOWaj THE 5TREAW. HAVEYER SEEJ IT? iii. iii caai sum . l-- o . .... . . i -r: . . - - ui i t i i a w.n ri -r- i in 'AV ) ' JOU&ffrl i&rSwJ ?'iT f AYE BATCHES FREEZE OWL OH TOUR Vjl Vt--TM C Vl"1 TrtERB-lTS PRETTV f?OUJ0? r JfiJOSB ! NOME OF YOUR yOLr O-" f Q PS ' rU? XJ 'V-, ',,w it'd be aiice aiow' mi kTvI'i i Business WHATirFf333? r a f 4 s?v NOW "BE. A GOOB "BCW AND US ( TITCHEROF wrT t &fV. V 11 JUST ( SORT OP R.ECE1PT-AH ACKNOYL.E.D6ME.NT DC TO SHOW THE. PEft&ort WHO DRAWS THE CHECK -THAT THE VR.OPER- PERSON SCHOOL sx '... PEELi VtV 1-11, ? DECEIVES THE A V'&XK C HvONEVr-rrl 1 SIT ipT"1 fTo IMS f?1r- Ii - 2.1 -AUDY&URE CAREFUL ABOUT POTTING THE Fire out When You leave ths cabin AINT SOU ' AHb YOU tOtiT LEAVE AUTCHES OH 'CP?' BRING- L MNEW IT VJOULD BE V GRw nr tupvT - - ; I MUCH NICER 1iGHr HERE I nGA-tNE on' a-, xTTZ t I ' JR WH promt i w .ittin- TAtoorv Ca, AND :BRN6-V 9 I I PORCH, THArf ir WOULD nl MANY THANKS, PEAR, MMi! jl'JjE A I FROM WVR. APPRECIATIVE rJ v xiir-ti iiii-inik sBft DAYS Copjrisht. 192 V" 111 L " 5 -i. kMO S0trt SWWifftS by Tubllc Lcdcer Co. H (1 WHAT ARE YOU A SENSES li j BiBja jWlf T&o'RE RIGHT - Tou'R mk vr r , By Sidney Smith WITH LOVE AND KISSES' ' By C. A. Voight pn 02 -tfet .AW 0otfPEN$XnoN By Hay ward By Edwina si Du DWIG w lift- J," K.5j bAWfflL. Z'liC -H i -4JL 1 "J iLwiwwjaiiiiiim.nimapanvvMBnaHnMMflWMMAaaj " V E? l J ' ' " WMF ff ' vi l '