"if V ft H I i X m ;n A. 20 EVENING PUBLIC JLEDfaEitteLADE:t McqSDX' .rftfffifo . Aggft ,i. HER MAY KEEP WOOD FROM STUMP Politics Seen in Revival of Old Rule by Secretary Baker FILM STARS BACK FROM VISIT TO EUROPE .. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks Report a Royal Welcomo in Each Country Abroad PATENTED ROADS UPHELD BY BOARD r ALL ARMY MEN AFFECTED . 'irilrr pro- pal t in tin' Si'firtnry Vinlilnetnfi. .Inly 20. Hie rule Which would prevent any tT.iiii m the Ijillltnrv mmvIit tnkinjr nn ivtlvi- jmrt in olltlenl enmnnliiis wri revived ye- tcrdny from it -lutnlier of twenty venr and promulRiited offieliilly over the .Ir nnture of Seeretnry Itnker. IlefiiHlnR to eoii'-ider the mutter "Pa cifically n It might nfTect (Jeiiernl Wood, who hns promised to iiimrt Senotor llardtni! in the wimpnlRii. h' rrtnry linker nld it would prevent an officer mnkliii; n peeeh or iiutng n fctntement in beiinlf of nnv political enii dfdate. (ieneral Wood Iiuh publicly pledscd hininelf to insist In eery way nosi-ible in the election of Senator Harding. Oenerul Wood lacks two year when he may be retired at the discre tion of the rre-lilent ami four year- when he uiu-t be retired. "Specllicnlly. would tlii Trnt Oenetal Wood takitic prrftiilrntlnl inmpaiC'i''" Bnker wns aked. "I can't answer that "Would it prevent nn nttin-r makins ajipcech in behalf of a candidate or ! uinsc a statement In his behalf: "Yen." , . "Does the order have any hcnrins on ttie preconventiou activities of (Jen ral Wood''" "Xo." said Secretar.v linker. ' 11 hns long been the iiiili'itiiiiliiiR within the deimrtmeiit that political activities tvere nut tlttliie wilh nitlitiiry rank. This order i merely intended to confirm thnt cwixtiiiK custom. The activities nt General Wood prior to the conventions were of a different character and were Nknown to the department." The last occasion when the order wiw official! v invoked wan in the incumbency of IClih'ti Hoot in the second MeKinley administration. It wns believed Mr. Root's action was iliiected nsninst (Jen rral Nelson A. Mtles. who had shown tdxnx of political activity in New Kns Und. Shore Amusement Co. Sued Atlantic City, duly 211. A suit in the Circuit Court to recover S10.000 dnmas?es for personal injuries is an echo , of a round of the bumps which William O'Connor, a Vliiladelphian. made .on the playful Steeplechase 1'ier on June 28. According to a bill of particulars filed here. Lr O'Connor declare lie wns New York, July 20. Occupying most appropriately the ro.vnl suite, lnr' I'icKtom nml husband, mouriuh ""- , bnnku, willed bnck to town jctcrday on the White Star liner Olympic, after having, as "Doug" expressed it. "gone I through Europe, hitting on nil six. j nml meeting nnlv with the disappoint ment thnt in their month of sightsee ing Douglas couldn't climb nu Alp. , When they lauded n crowd, led b a delegation from the Frlar (.Club, i swanui'd upon them nnd gave them n hearty mobbing, The Friars had a bus exploding with n band that plnvrd. "Hull. Hull, the Onng's All llre, ' u committee of welcome in sixt.v-IHe an trfmoblles, headed by John J (Sleiion. their abbot, nud (leorge llouglierty. their governor. Aided bj half a ihwen motorcycle cops, they mnnaged to plow a way through the cheering multitudes so thnt the dim notables could get to the Uitz-Carlton. "In Paris," said Douglas nt tin hotel, "we visited I,es IIalle. the great market place and, though we had gendarmes to guard us. the butcher there just mowed them down like sheep. In England it even wns worse." : Despite a large police escort, they j said, the crowds continued so thick that they had to lead n double life in order i to enjoy themselves. Their official suite I wns at the Itltz, but they also had room on Albemarle street, where the.v would , try to catch forty winks nud whence they would sally forth to view the town. I the "mWsus" in large spectacle and , "Doug" biding behind a. false mustache. New Highway Commission Or dors Bids Taken on Rahway- Elizabeth Stretch ENGINEER URGES Trenton. July 20, The opening wedge for the substitution of patented pavement. Instead of solid concrete as New .lersev's' system of stnte highways Van Company Sued for Damages Trenton, .Inly 20. Charging that negligence of the defendant resulted in his being injured when a motor moving , van bac-ked into him, Oscar I.. Free burg, of this i-ity. ha begun suit in the Supieme Court against Harry Doug lass, proprietor of the Arcade Storage and l.xpres i .. oi mis city, tor ...- 000. Kreeburg. in his declaration, avei ' advice of lieu that while standing on the porch of a formeil.v t.u dwelling, fiom which llie ilcfcmlnnt was moving household effect, the van was carelessl) backed m ros the sidewalk nud into him II' ns that his left leg was fractured and Ids left foot crushed, and that he 'il ulTered internal in juries. Health Campaign to Open Treiiloii. Jul 20 Physicians here have volunteered their services for a series of talk and demonstrations in a summer health cumpiiisiii. The talks I and demonstrations will he given in In dustrial plants ami puoii' pinccs. unu was driven iicre ti.v ttie new Highway I'omtnissloti confirmed bv the Senate1 Msterdnv. when Thomas J. Wnsser. the1' state hlghwav engineer, was author ized to advertise for bids for ilbout four and a half miles of patented pavement between ltaliwiiv and Elizabeth. Thi authority wns given to Mr. Wa sir at the dose of a prolonged session. during which tne new commission had orgnnUeil bv electing William J. Kith, of Somervlllc. as 'temporar.v ihnlrmaii. nnd re-electing Thomas J. Wnssci, of .terse Clt . as engineer, nud l.ee (inner, of this city, a secre- i tan. Air. Klrbv succeed (leorge I,. Ilurtuii. of Middlesex, whose tippolut incut was not conlirined by the Senate Htcidnv In ndviHiiting the selectlou of n teiu- por.irj luilrmnn onl . iieorgo ruddock, of Newark, infotmed the board that Cioiernor Edwards wns not sntlsfled with tic niisons which hud prompted he Senate to reject Mr. Burton's iinme ind hopul thnt the senntor. would re- oii-ider theii action when the bodv again iniivi-nes in September. The ob lectiipii iirgnl against Mr. iturton wlieu i ill- name was coii-id-red e;terdav wns that he wn solicitor for Warren I Itro.. niaiiiitnitiirer of the pntented t.vpe of pnvimetit known a Warrenite. i It lias in i n per-isteiitl rumored that tli.' -link" 'ip in 'he bighwa.v comnnsslnn w.is due in a tmuoiful movement to sp. cure a I'oi.liold f i the Warren patents . in the construction ot the state s slin.OOll.DiiO hi;hv.iit' systetd. 1'pon the I the use of wnrronite. Mr. VnRscr told tho board yesterdny the stretch of highway between FJIcabeth nnd ltnh wny, forming nn inportant link In the route between Philadelphia nnd New York, if. almost Impassable. He said it would be Impossible to construct a new road entirely of concrete before winter seta in but that this plight be accomplished by substituting a bi tuminous surface1 on n concrete base. Tho board concurred in this view. The commission decided to divide tho state into districts, giving each mem ber supervision over n particular dis trict, comprising ono or more counties, in all matters not rcoulritig action byi the board at large. Thin is similar to ' ,,,., the plan followed by the Civil Scrvlcel uiaqtc IVlUVb Commission, nnd is designed to kccpl""011- the board In closer touch with the do- I tnlls of local work.' The commission finally npproved and accepted the Moore.stown-Catnden pike in llurllngton county, which wn,s Im proved with state aid. The chalrninn was authorized to sign the final papers. Owing to there being no guurnntccs oh tainahlc on shipments of cement, the state highway engineer wns authorized to i eject bids received by I he depart ment recently for stone and gravel to bo used on stute construction work. ERA OF SPENDING CAUSED HUGETAXES Bankers Hero Explain Unpfece dented Sum Paid Into Cof fers of Undo Sam IN GOVERNMENT enormous Income nnd luxury taxes which the" government had levied to gcther with tho surcharge or excess taxes charge, which even though it hud been reduced In rate was still, by virtue of enormous Incomes, vastly increased tn num. ' "There tiefee lina hnen n time In Mo. history of the country when there was such nn era of reckless spending as there has. been through tho period on which the last tax wns levied," said Mr. Passmoro. - "People havo gone simply craayNjvcr amusements, the theatre nnd the movies despite increased prices, from which tho government realized n 10 per cent tnx. Figures show enormous sums ! unmir In theflti wnvH. Alltntnnhllnu atltfu nnd all other commodities which would fall under the lti"' tn lmT0 tttV.K-J1K high tnxe. but tho n--"'Ji T vnmlltiircs of the B9"""1" " lvl sys&rJsrjEHi thnt "number could very . - P?,r,inuCttlr belief that a Itepublican NEW MtrfOR LIGHT URGED I Director Leeds Favors Lens of Uni form Type for National Use Atlantic City, July -U -Samuel P. ' Leeds, director for New Jersey In the National Highway Traffic Association, organized to procure uniform trnflle legi-liition in every stnto of the union, to'hi launched n nation-wide move- , incut for the adoption of a uniform I t.vpe of headlight, or lens, for every motor vehicle lie ensed in the United Stnte. The idea hns been submitted to the national traffic body for sitiiul tnneous promulgation in nil of the forty eight commonwealths. Director Leeds's proposal is for a powerful light so constructed ns to throw its ra.vi. upon the rondwav with out affecting tin- c eight of driven of cars approaching from the opposite direction, or dazing luckless pedestrian. I npreordontcd monev milklnc and spending nud special taxes levied by tue government were given bv banking men as the reason tor the record-breaking tax bill, the greatest In Its history, col lected by the government for the fiscal jenr ending June HO. According to Charles S. Cnlwe II, piesidcnt of tins Com Kxchangc Hank, the tnx levy received by the govern ment for this period, $fJ,4I0.2Si.rti-. which official figures represent ns an increase of 7" per cent in tho taxes paid In either of the wnr vears of 1118 or miO, is not surprising' when it is con sidered' that Uiey represent tnxes on business done for the previous fiscal ear, thnt is July 1, 1018, to July 1, llltll. "This period. " snld Mr. Calwell. i "represents thntpcnk period In the war i linnm Itnultiiwu tl.n lilidtoMt ill the .....'.. um-iiit,.n, ,,,. ....,. . , . country m history and, therefore, it is I nut surprising thnt the tax. income figtircH should be proportionately hig u. j They represent the high point, though, nnd them is no tlouCt in my mind thnt the coming' nnd future .vears will not , nppronch thut mark." , . j B. Pusey Possinore. president of the Hank of North America and former y ( governor of the l-'eilernl Heserve llaiiU. ( nlso nscrlbed the unpreci dented busi ness condltloiis of the lust li'enl year ns u big factor In the government s , enormous tnx income. , ,, Hut in addition he emphasised the ' OLD PARLOR SUITS MADK KQVAl. TO NKW Ho constructed uphotBtered and potlshM tit and 0lO up Flrst-cltUJ work Kuaranteea. Slip cover mtule to oritur. VVn carrv a larirn atoclc of UDhoUtcfJ materials, selling nt wholesale prtoe. AMERICAN UPHOLSTERY CO. Otdeit and Inrct Ilona ot IU Kind 305 Arch Strett E&fagT (lOetl.nls dd com c mill siniul ut'nliist i the Sinn lett U. minptliig tile policv statnl tllllt a thrown lieavu.v irom a coinrivance such subjects will be treatnl as resus known as the "howl" and believes the I citation in cases of Jiowmng. attention Injuries were due to the negligence of, in sunstroke, proper diet mid dress, employes of the Atlantic Amusement Co. I The campaign is being cotnhi' til under 'the auspices of tin Mercer County Deerfleld to Build School Health Lengue. nl Cicorgo XV. mincer, tlie mission took :i patcnieil pineini of contiiictiuv Hi1 state hlgliwa - tun of i on rile Kiom this tiolicy there hove In etofnre been no devia tions, so fur as the Stud Highway Com- iiilsslon wa ditictl concerned, althougl, In two instances. ,me in .Morris and ono in Middlesex uuintv. approval was given to tin coii-truction of short stretches of h.glivva in which pntentO'l materials weie used This work, how ever was done In the Mumties with the understanding thai they would Ic iib-eitientl.v reimbur-ed by the state. In support of hi- leconiinendatiun for Mlllvllle Boy Drowns at Sea Mlllvllle. X. J.. July L'll. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbcit Llo.vd received word e terdii) their .on. Lewis Llo.vd. twenty two vears old. hud been drowned from the I" S. S. Wisconsin shortly after tsostoii. Tile telegram heavy spa wa running i The Reallife of Riley" with u speedy keel "cutting through" beneath you, the fresn- jL t ening1 winu in juj .-. and it i believed thnt the young snilor was washed overiiunril. l.ioyii cnllsteil In the nnvj two years ago. Finest New POTATOES Why pay the high prices? Our price for the finest 60c ik, or 15c '4 pk. The Kraft Cheese coupons will bo redeemed at jfdnscom's 9 1232 Market St. victory at the ml s In Ncvombcr win bring about r better regime iL ff,3 even n Cox ndminlbtrntlon is Votd nS ?LvJovoTon t,mn tho American Dredging Co. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS 308 Chettnut Street PhlladelphU MUSBAM THE MAGNESIA DOCTORS RECOMMEND f. . ConMlpiitlrm? Aclil Ktemncti tnJlw tton Can be ufl m Milk nt Manl. Foul nnly hw In hotl nvrr bv dots Hliiil lirlilceton. N. J.. Jul -Ml. Taxpay ers of Ucerfield township at n meeting at night, with 47!) voters in attend ancc. authorized by a majority of seven an appropriation of SW.llOO for the erection of a new .schoulhousc. It was the s-econd election, the project having been defeated by four votes at the tirst. STRVP. MITK I- NOTICE Adoption Heirul.tr schedule AiiKiist 1st. 1021) nosTON. Tl'KS.. s.T 3 V. Jl. 8AVANNAI1-IAC'KS.0NV1I.UK. Fill.. 0 P.M. Mertlnnti & Miner Trtniportirion Co. " Pier IH. "'n. Ileluvjiire Ave. Tel. l.omlMril 10IM) STK.MHII1P NOTirKS UFUMITBA Onli Dv Am h,m UrA. Cool Av erase SumniM- rfemperature 7V SUMMER VACATION TOURS tncludlnc atenmrr. hotel and id trip 8 Days $87 9 Days $91.50 and upward, according to accommodations Effettlre During the Summer Sraton Safe, Swift, Palatial S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" Sailing from Now Fork 't 10 da . No poMPortu require,! for llermndi. nd for denirlpllve elrcular to Furneit Bermuda Line 34 Whitehall SI. New York Al 11 BtaiB t m BiVvaB (ftsn fill b J wr. "iii!! ill !l" !' ia 1'iunenger and lYelsht Service Philidelpni to London .... . .. Cberbourf and Soutuempton . . Dubrovnik and Tricitc Londonderry and Glasgow Cherbourg and Southampton . . . Briitol and Liverpool Queenitown and Liverpool Hamburg and Danzig . . . . . . Rotterdam and Antwerp Qneemtown and Liverpool . . .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton I or I.uter Sailing Apply to Passenger Office, 1300 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Freight Office, Bourse Building, Philadelphia Vardulia . Aouitania . New York Italia New York Columbia .New York Impcrator New York Vennonia Philadelphia K. A. Victoria New York Calabria New York Anglo Egyptian .... Philadelphia Caronia New York Aquitania . July 27 ...July 31 ...July 31 ...Aug. 2 . . .Aug. . . .Aug. . . .Aug. . . .Aug. . . .Aug. . . .Aug. . . .Aug. General Lighterage & Transportation in HARBOR" of PHILADELPHIA and Vicinity PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE (Our Motto) New York, New England and Pennsylvania LIGHTERAGE COMPANY 617 Lafayette Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Phones : Lombard ooGD .Main 1051 LUCKENBACH LINE Philadelphia to Rotterdam-Amiterdam A HTKAMKB IF- S. H. Hoard). Julj-31 Philadelphia to Rotterdam s. s. wt.nt pom .iuir 3t . t?. t'l-MI.NCM' . Aug. Rotterdam-Philadelphia H. S. KATKIN I.rrKpNIlACII Aug. 18 8. 8. K. I. lA'CKKXnACH . . . Hept. t Philadelphia. San Diego-Loa AnRelea-San Franciaco 8. 8. FRKD'K LCrKKXIIACll .Aur. 9 San Franciico-Philadelphia-via Loa Anirelea and San Diego 8. H. WATOMV W ir. lid.) Julr SO 8. s. HATTiK i.rrKFVncii Aug. sa CA1LEY, DAVIS & CO., Agenta 403 llourao llldg. I'hoae Lombard 2003 or Lnckenbach Steamibip Company, lac. 41 Whitehall 8t.. New Ynrlc CltT. N. Y. EARN-LINE Incorporated 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Stearacri General Cargo Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. FAR EAST SERVICE k FROM PHILADELPHIA ' Yokohama Koba U. S. S. B. SS "Henry Steer." July 15th Yokohama Kobe Shanghai 1 U. S. S. B. S S "Eastern Cloud" July 20th For Bate. Etc.. Apple Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. T battehy place, new tork Gailey, Davis & Co., Philadelphia AGENTS. nOTJBBE PLDq Holland-America LINE NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM Via Plymouth and Boulogne-Sur-Mer Ktordau Adj. 4jSept. 8 'N4W AmiltrJam ......... Anj. 10 Sept. 14 "iftfiWtaa Aar.18lSepi.22 EMi.hi Ao,.28;0cL 2 r,-tMmmmmJvf. un ivaisst Buji-mia. Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Des Moines Bridge". Loadin; Pliiladelphia Ha van a SS "Lake Galera". . .Loading SS "Coquina1; July 31 For rates and particulars apply to iiarn-Urte Steamship Co. ' 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. E nml tho nutter m -'k S 5!.'i. " "," HrU1lSl ' ' ' e-i . . I'll'n im.Tr.w " - ; . tZ J excrpt tlie wnter nml it N li'lii'nl tlmt tlio oim -nllor I pjcs c VanilPrhprC lien S SOUS ,vus aIir.l ovorlnmril. Lloyd fiillstwl " M'i v . J rhil,. 1 In tin' nnv tyn yuurh ngii. I "M i).c " sin" of '. r roil" 0 11. eune a, I V I MICJBUD1. B I ' w- WMfMU I WiREPAIRIN&W 1 1 N. E. Cor. 8th & Filbert Sts H : I Shoes Cleaned or Dyed 1 hi - i aa i i ii i, i ,..,iiiiii...ii,.,i. ii:i.i.i,u.i"!'.i ":Wf& mm lli:iiiiii iiiiiiii!i!i liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji) b wZTTZ . Mi Up' Whole aoies )m ll SI 4, of Genuine Neolin t$&M i A and Rubber Heels AJP $S&x ' t 9 7 I iMW 4 Women s m i if- $1.50 7 K.-.W.rfAl ' ' -t-4r Tl Zrt VVv-MrirvatS - ' . r Art I Ke- "'!,.'' ..ll.H.l'rt ttSfcMraW . . .. i . Ill n ..U I 'I I ( IHH I . ' f Li t M I ' J.fM'?.' - I A,, '',,, ,.it.tS aa--" lIliiWWW'lii'lllllP'iliiMiiaW ; P'M'TtKi i I j BUA15 The Belber Trunk & Bag Co. Designed and Equipped by W. E. S. DYER Mill Engineer s LAND TITLE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA Factories Mills Power Plants Special Processes and Devices HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Why SiifTc Lcnser? Drink Mountain Valley Water The famous curative water from near Hot Springs, Ark. .ENDORSED "V THTSICIANS Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St. I'hnne. Walunt 3107 Sri1 at leading f'u! llo'e'i Cnfps ami 1' 11 It limine cir I'olil dv nrst.c:naf prm er iirucitll t or aireci m wifl I! ill. 'If II CRUISING SEA-GOING MOTOR TO BE SOLD AT FIXED PRICES BY THE UNITED STATES NAVY DESCRIPTION T nntrU lift fnof Vtnum. IS ffff A'-, itii'linu- rlvtiff off ( fopt S incViPS mnvimiim speed, 18 knots; powered with 3 Standard Marine gas engines. They are wooden- 1- IT - I fj.1. 1 - 1- ! 4n . nn n t 1 1'? f 1. -. .1 rt av!- lmllilir l 1 -v vklrivslvav - men anu intu jcuuw ijiuu ijuuuviub. Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service U. S. Hhlpploa- llouril attfl Sttamrra SS "Oronoke" Loading A Steamer Au-. 10 (From Pier 78, South Wharves) The Charles T. Megee Co. Agents for U. S. Shipping Board Drexel Building PHILADBT.PHIA Bell Lombard M00 hull vessels with white oak frames and 1: Submarine chasers make excellent yachts and fishing boats and are suitable with out conversion for a number of commer cial? purposes. Their graceful lines, good speed and long cruising radius make their conversion into yachts entirely successful. Their staunch construction and fine sea going qualities make them very well suited for fishing boats for deep-sea work and for a number of other useful commercial purposes. They can be readily converted into seiners, trawlers and cargo boats. With very slight changes they will render fine service as cannery tenders. These sub-chasers will also make excel lent fire boats, pilot boats, motor tow boats, marine insurance patrol boats, and dispatch boats. A number have already been sold for use as yachts, fishing boats, fire boats and pilot boats. One of the best Naval architects in the country has prepared plans for their con version into yachts and fishing boats, and these plans will be furnished free to all purchasers. .Many of these boats crossed the Atlantic during the war, demonstrating the effi ciency and dependability of their power plants as well as attesting their staunch construction and excellent sea-going qualities. They represent an achievement in marine construction as notable as the development of the Liberty engine. They were built to hunt submarines and for patrol duty during the war. They are no longer required by the NAVY for these purposes and for that reason are to be disposed of immediately. They have been appraised extremely low for quick sale. Prices range from $5,000 to $16,000 for boats that originally cost about $80,000 each. They can be bought for cash at a liberal discount or uu mc ucc-ycar ucrerrea y payment plan. No bids, no delay, no red tane. All boats to be sold i. -.-.A HHi'nnn . 4-lnir fl Vli Vim.l-li.-w ' ( HI VHriUUa INUV xuiuo icau; y r. . ! i.- .i.i:....,.. s- 4? for immediate delivery. I Write or telegraph now for illustrated catalogue of sale giving com irtn lotniWl rlpaprintion and nhototrnmhs of these boats, to gether with prices, location, terms of sale and commercial . purposes for which adapted. Address : s ..sV c-v d if BUREAU.OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS Navy Department, 129 Washington, D. C. c BUY IT FROM THE NAVY- a. How We Built a Plant Around a Product A manufacturer whose products are sold throughout the world came to us not so long ago and put these problems up to us: "Can uou design a plant for a new product so that the cost of production will come to a fixed minimum? . "Can you plan this factory as an adjunct to our present plant, without interfering with the production of the old one? "Can you build this factory so that it can be con verted at little expense and in short order for other purposes?" After thoroughly studying these and other problems con nected with his manufacture, we submitted our analysis together with a plan. We proved to this manufacturer that we could build him a plant around his product so that his cost of production wouM be safeguarded and kept low by the most scientific methods of routing materials, placing of machinery, installation of pqwer, lighting and sprinkling systems. Our exact and intimate knowledge of this manufacturer's product was the result of our 56 years of experience, during which time we had planned and constructed plants for the manufacture of similar products. That's why we were able to serve him so satisfactorily and economically. Consult us before you build, rebuild or add to your factory. Write or phone today for an interview. It does not obligate you in any way. A few of the institutions in Philadelphia for whom we designed and are now building plants: Reyburn Mfg. Co. Folwell Bros. Drueding Bros. Moss Rose Mfg. Co. H. C. Aberle Co. Luithlen Dye Works Commercial Truck Co. Gillender Glass"Works Enterprise Mfg. Co. Link Belt Co. Dill & Collins Electric Storage Battery Co. WM. STEELE & SONS CO Architects : Engineers : Constructors PHILADELPHIA Toronto :i '"VKHri If r ft an rjriifflisyi..