Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 29, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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I f " ,
stMna richiesta
- '' f' . v- ;
L'Ammlraglio Americano Vor-
rebbo il Rtiro Delia Navi
Itallano dal Porto
rubllihMt nn Distributed Undr
PERMIT NO. 841. , t .
Authorize by the ct of October (I,
117. on file at the Postoltic of PhlU-
d,",h,t,P'1 A BUBLBBOW.,
roatmatter General.
't ttuenos Aires, 20 luglio. Un ill
,sjpaeclo nl glomnln "Ln Naclon," da
jRomn, dice cho l'Ainbasciatore Ameri
cano Itobert Underwood .Tohnon lia
prcientato nl Mlnlstro Itnlinnn per gll
-Affnrl Estcrl, Contc Sforra, tin memo
randum del Vice Aminlniglio Philip
Andrews, comandnntc le forze naall
nniericnno nell'Adrlntlco, nel quale l
dice cho perchc' rgli sla abile dl potcf
mantcnorc Tordine a Spalato, Dalma
2in. c' ncceisirlo slnno ritlratc le navi
itallanr nneoratc In quel porto.
II corrlipondento nKRiUiige cho molta
norprena ' stnta causnta dal fatto chc
VAinbasciatore Americano ha presentato
11 memorndum al mlnlstro dcgll csterl.
Roma, 2S IurIIo. Una Incrosciosa
questione, nl dellnca (mll'orizonte tra
la Orecia c 1'Italla a causa del I'lmpc
riallwno del Miniotro dl Orecia Vcni
zclos I junli sembrn (lectio n non
flrmare 11 trattnto dl pace ron la
Tiirclila se 1' Italia non ratifichi In
convenzlnno itnlo-Rrcen del IhrIIo 10W,
seconuo la quale le isolc del DodccnneMi.
otl cecczionc dl Ilodl. venivano ceduto
nlln Orecia in cambio della Valle del
JJcundro In Asia Minorp.
Un dlspaceio dn I'ariRi. al riguardo
tlieo chc In dclrfcazionc grcca ha
imormato gll Allcntl cho si rifiutera' ,
tit apporre la mm firma al truttato dli
pace ron la Turchia se 1'Italla non i
rinunzlcra' formalmentc nl pose.so I
dcllo Isole dl cui sopra.
S'lBiinni quale sara' I'nttCRRianiento
cho 1 Italia prendcra. ma i ritiene .
imnosMblle cue possa nccedere alia '
rlrhtcBtn della Orcein.
ITn flinnni'pln fin T.ntwTrn nn ..!..
I'rlml Mlntstri dl Francla c Injrhilterra
M Bono post! d'accordo. nclla loro
nunlonc a Houlosne. nulla condotta da
tenero di frontc al Govcrno Comunista
Eisl avrebbero deciio dl riconoscerc II
Uoverno del Sotlet o dl nttharc con
e-o le relazionl diplomntiche. La
dcciolonc dei due prim! minlstrl snrn'
Kottopnsta all'Italla per nvero la mm
npprova7lone e la sua pnrtecipazlonp nl
negozlatl on la Russia. Si dice, pero'.'
(lie 1 tre Oovcrni, prima di aprirp I
di'ttl nego7iati. chiedcranno chc II
Ooverno di Mosea coneluda ta paee con
lu Polonia.
'Deputies Put O. K. on Mlllerand's
Work by 205 to 84 Votes
Paris. -Tuli '! m.. a i . t
ulanatioas were demanded in the Senate
mi rrancc'H military policy in Sm-iu
(lnrlnc n diKcusilon .rpsterdav of 'the
Widget granting credits to the high com
mission in Kw-ia. After Premier MIL ,
lernml told the scnatora that France's
polio va not one of domination but of
liberty and Independence and that
Franco preferred diplomacy to war, they
approved the government's Syrian pol
icy, 205 to 84.
In proclaiming tho ote, Leon l"r;
gcols, president of the Sennte, wild it
wan evidence of the unanimity of that
bodv in pnlng tribute to tlic soldiers
of the Orient army and their chief.
Premier Mlllcrnnd then neked the
Scnato to nssocinte itself with him In
sending congratulntldns to (lenernl
Gouraud, commander-in-ehief of the
French army in the Kast, for his tfforts
In Sjrln.
Future Parliament May Give Vote to
Women on Two-thirds Majority
RruMcM. July 2S (1U A P )
Woman suffrnge In IJelglnm made nn
ndvnncc step toduv when the t'linmboi
of Deputies, molding u crl-it otr the
question by Its notion, oted b. an over
whelming innjorlty for the passage of a
bill to revise Article 47 of the coutitu
tlon dealing -with suffrage
The bill nccepts the principle that
any future parliament, b ti two thirds
majority, may vote suffrage to women
without nccchsltnting n new mMon
of the constitution.
Japanese Soldier, Missing 17 Years,
Safe In Petroorad Hospital
Tolilo, July 20. A letter has been
received from n man reported killed In
the Itusso-Japanese war in North Man
churia by his supposed widow, who hns
been married to a second husband for
nearly ten jearn.
A sergeant named Jlnklchl Onlshl has
been missing since tho battle of Llan
Aung. The authorities as well as the
fnmlly of the soldier concluded that he
had been killed in the field, and funeral
ceremonies wcro observed, Ills "widow
subsequently married again, two chll
drcn being born by tho second hua
band. Now, nearly seventeen years
since the "death" of her first husband
was reported, hp writes reporting him
self safe In a hospital in Pctrograd.
According to his letter, nt tho time
of the Kusso-Jnpaneso war, ho was
taken prisoner and hag ever since been
imprisoned in a dungeon, which he was
neer allowed to leave until, after sev
enteen years' confinement, bo fell ill
and wns removed to a hospital in Pctrograd.
Battle With Soldiers and Police In
Revolutionary Outbreak
Itiienos Aires. July 2D. ( A. P
A revolutionary general stiike hi"
been declared in Puntn Arenas. Chile
nccording to information Mnt l tin
governor of Snntn Cruz and receivul b
the minister of interior.
Strikers are reported to have in
trenched themselves In tho labor feder
ation headquarters which later n
taken in nu nsault by police and sol
diers. A number of strikers were killed
In the assault. No reason for the stub
is given.
Electric Washers
Select Yours from the Best
AT the Electric Shop,
Tenth and Chestnut
Street, you will find on
display twelve of the best electric washers
on themarket today.
Choose your electric washer from these. You will
be sure, then, of a first-class standard washer
good for many years' satis
factory service.
Easy payments, too.
Tufts of mathtrsl nclude ettittaimg
eillndtr, vacuum cup, and dolly.
Various prices all on easu ttrms.
rhont Walnut 4700.
The Philadelphia Electric Co.
Man Charged With Assault Found
Guilty and -Sent to Jail
London, July 20. Women Jurors
Hmn0v.mP.an,c,cd l1 ER'nnd for tho first
msic.ridn?' ,vh.cn Rl women formed
P.nf ? Jury ln tho Bristot Quarter
?t teT'cy snt throughout tho day
and heard six cases, but nt tho close of
the proceeding two of them, mothers,
asked to be excused from further service
owing to tho claim upon them by their
children. Tho judge granted their re
quest and two other women immediately
volunteered and were selected.
In one of the cases charged a man
wno was cnargcu wtin assault was sen
fenced to nlno
tho women jurors voting sol
months Imprisonment.
Idly for his
'Heraus les Doches" Movement Is
Galnlno fn Belolan City
Antwerp, Belgium, .July 20. - Bel
gians in this city who suffered in the
war have launpjjcd a radical movement
against the few score Germans who,
slnco tho peace tresty csmft .,miIT
have managed to ro-catab isb. themM!l
in buslncsrf here. iaelttt
Tho movement, known as "n,n.
lc? Bochcs," developed wnUnewS!
with ft big parade recently, and X
then the property of some German m?J
chants i has been attacked. Tho term
a combination of German ami w.I..?i
1h meant to express the sentiment '"n..!
ltl 4h flArmiinii'1 '
with th Germans.
llEjySasT.flyS-""-' . jstiin'p'iiiiii!l " ? -rrrrrsrrrr-rrrrrrT;srrr
m BeSSI 5"" "5 Im (ft El M ' W
! SWTb li iTki !' 1 TJOWER, in the National Sextet, 1
1 feMy IglJslH I m assumes a different quality than I I
1 SUSS f i yu nave lown. The character of I j
I KKJjI Pl'K I ' S this car is just as surely expressed 1
I mU Pl-rffirif I rjjl by its eager and lively performance w
I wMm S I . 1 as by the line and mould of its low h
I nllHrHH 6 I hung body. U
! RlpfaSpSIl l n 675 N. Broad St. Poplar 1991 'Phila., Pa. (K
i ffilflBM i 1
m LffiMWMaSfflsiSffi'HiSJ I Successful Ytar B
Store Opefl VMr " A, JUVand Clotes at B V. M.5
$32.50 Steamer Ward
robe Trunks, $28.95
Vulcanized fiber ooverod.
.$12 Dress Trunks, $9.45
Bolber. Canvas covered. 28-lncli.
$16.50 Steamer
Fiber covered. 32-Inch.
30- and 40
Second Door
:MI1 and Phone Orders Filled:
Market Eighth Filbert Seventh
Ono Yellow Trading Stamp With Every 10c Purchnso All Day
2 to H Dress Flouncings
White net and Point d'Esprlt
rurrtod, plaJted or gathered. Soma
lace-trimmed. While thoy last. No
molt or phone orders,
Lit nrothers-First Floor, South
Men's 25c to 35c
Handkerchiefs, 12c
Canibrlo; whlto or with colored
borders. First Floor, South
The Second Day of the Endof theMonth Sale
Bringfe Golden Opportunities to You
Entirely now lots from wholesales clearing summer holdings join
with a multitude of bargains from our own fine stocks.
You will find economics that are actually ntarvolous. In numerous
instances prices arc less than they havo been for years. Read tho
list carefully your own good judgment will hurry you here.
To Every Purchaser of a Dollar's Worth or More
Series "13XXW" & "13XXX"
Good in any yellow trading stamp book, no matter how many
other "extra" stamps you may already have.
Yellow Trading Stamp are exchangeable for valuable
All goods purchased tomorrow will be charged on' August bill
payable in September.
Men's $18 to $22.50
Tropical - Weight Suits
eUt mil ra Vi
Genuine Palm Beach, Panama cloth, shepherd broken
plnids and neat stripes.
Men's $35 All-Wool BluclSOC
Serge Suits ;
With mohair lining.
Also a limited lot of gray all wool
worsted suits.
Men's Khaki Trousers, $2.79
Boys' $8.50 to $10 Norfolk $C
Shepherd plaid. 11 to 18.
Boys' $10 Washable
Norfolk Suits
Blue linen. Patch pockets;
seams. Sizes 8 to 18.
Boys' $2 to $2.50 Wash iQCc
Pants uu
Plain white duck and white drill.
Knickerbocker5, or bloomers; nlso pome
pants in regulation style. Sizes 3 to
18. I.lt tlrnlliri-h Seinm Floor, Till fit
y$ an easy testand
the only real one
Give a fair test to any lubricant who?e
makers claim high quality, and pay no
attention to the price till after youe
made the test. If the quality is a reality
you will find the lubricants cost less per
running hour in spite of a higher price
For the proof of quality in oil is that its
lasting ability shall make it cheaper per
hour and you cannot consider price
without considering hours.
Test Crew Levick lubricants in your mill
on that basis. Test them at every bear
ing that contributes to your production
in the power plant, the spinning
frames, looms, cards, garnets, spindles,
shafting right on down to the very
motortrucks that carry your product
away. You'll find the answer the same
at every point they go further per
They are refined exclusively from the
very scarce Pennsylvania Crude oil
acknowledged to possess the greatest
natural lubricating qualities of any oil
produced in America.
And if you are a wool spinner, don't
forget Crew Levick Wool Oils'. No
member of the great family of Crew
Levick lubricants covers more ground
per dollar than those same wool oils.
Tots' $2 to $5 Dresses
$1 to $2.85
C.inplt un ch.iinbra, b.iilhtc and
orRitidle inettlly trimmed .Sizes
2 to i In lot
SI to $5 Apparel, 50c to $3
Infnnis lonjr nin tliort dreiWH,
llnijerl. nl tub frorUs lio j'.fuIIb.
prim f lips atvl lompeiH HIzeo
up to i in lot
$2.r0 Swiss Bonnets, $1
Latt rmbiold'O nnU ribbon
Boy.s' $2.50 Suits, $1.69
ni.truhi.u or KliiBluuii. S'zes 1! to
6 .Second Floor
$3.50 to $7 )$Q
White ant plnK Models for nil
ficure In Incline uni? Kirlw No
mall or phnm nrrirrH llllol.
IK Ilnitliors M 1N AIH'ADn
$14.50 CouchlAB
Hammocks 1"
$3 tn $13 Corsets, $2 to $7
LOM dIHl girtjjp llUHt
$12.50 Sterling Silver
Wrist $7 O
WatriiPR ( floO
Sni.il! " it tli exlra Rood nlo'
montti Tun (irrlc of lul.iid enamel,
rtlbbon rl t li.mi
$25 Octagonal Wrist $1C
Watches .. iV
t&-Jffl inniMiietit (.old - tilled
casft) rni;r,id or plain, BUiirnu
Ked foi Jpi an Comrrtlblo cn
teiiHlon linli br.volct.
$18 ISIesh Bags, $12.50
Mhrrlln li Donip t-luipc Wocn
pimp lmi'llf Firm Floor. South
Ay. Jm
Hrown umi ii in no iu,ittrofH,
Rtronc pprlncii idmstnhln lnd
Hhleld mid tM nil7pl clmln eufpen
sloii ' .Stands cvln
$2 Collapsible Table, 98c
rumed oal, LaslK jmt toffothcr
75c All-Over Panels, 49c
Scotch lace brlr M'p Ovcr-loclted
Aeroplane Linen
$1.50 value S2 valtm
36 Ini'hm vldp I In. Iimh vide.
98c $1.48
M.id lor Drni-1 '.nvermmnt
of G5c to
yard, .'19c
Various color
$2.25 to $3
each, "
$1.29 lo
f nlnurl i r O H (
$1.50 Stamped
For children. Whltp plnur Slzps
2 to 4 Thlid Floor
Rogers' Silver Tableware
Tea Spoons, each 10c.
TabloSpoons 1 rx-v
Dessert Spoon.s tfSOC
Dinner Forks I
nrleht nnlsli. ' eaeh
I,lt Brother Flint I'loni South
Crew Levick Company
$2 Envelope Chemise, $1.3f)
Ten styles in pink batiste and white
nainsook trimmed with lace.s, em
broidered medallions and ribbons.
Two sketched.
New York Boston Syracuse Chicago
jWL SutndtNryCiUtt Soxviea ORjk
St. Paul
Omc1h0Wihi?djpcueersandwneisofQil '
U .98
$2.50 White I
Petticoats '
Ten models. Muslin top flounces
trimmed with tine laces and embroid
ery. One pictured,
$2.50 Extra-Size X $1 qq
Night Gowns l -O
Slipover models, trimmed with em
broidery edgings.
I. II llrntlirrH Kli('USI) I'M.OOU
Women's and Misses' 12.50 J" A
Summer Dresses f ff"
Of figured and flowered voiles, ortrandics and checked and plaid
ilts, short blccvcs and quaint or-
trinclinms. Have sash Kirdle3 or be!
candle collars and culls.
Women's & Misses'
$10 Dresses, $5
Very practical models of voile
and gingham in the favorite
summer colors. Some have
attractive vestec, others arc
prettily piped and pocketed.
,, ,. i. ., i.
Women's & Misses'
$15 Dresses, $8.75
Of sheer figured and flowered
voiles, linens, ginghams,
beaded Georgettes antl taf
fcta. The delightful styles
show rufflings, plaitings,
frills hemstitching, soft
i ashes perhaps touches of
lace and distinctive pockets.
, ,, ,, ,.,,., ,. n
Sale! Wash Skirts
$3 Values, $1.50
Of white linene.
$4 Values, $1.95
Gabatdinc, lincne, rep.
$6 to $7 Bathing $4-85
One-piece belted styles with
large patch pockets and con
trasting piping.
Mt Brotheri. Second Floor
Mib X-vtir S "L T-fP'l LTV
sl L 111
)y W
$6 Georgette $ i gg
Thr.p beautiful Ht.vlpa h-nf ehort
plopfs. piptty frill front, collar of
cronin Orlpntnl luoo and Vnlenolen
iiph )-re trlmmlni?
$T"29' VoTlc Waists, 98c
F.mbroldprrd collar cdppd with wide
lace laie-trlmmed cuffs.
$1.50 Voile Waists, $1.29
Corded odo with orcandlo collars
Hiul ciiffR. hpmstltcliPd and trimmed
with Uiro Many oddn and ends also
in me groups
$2.50 Voile Waists, $1.85
Ha orKaiidip rollur, cltnttfr plaltB
and lace ti Immliic
Mt Brnllifri sni'ONP FIOOH
Children's $2
ford loops 1st Floor. Market St.
$8 Indirect($P Qr
Fixtures 3v3
how I
gaa or electricity 16-Inch
$12 Electric Shower, $6.95
Three-light: lomplete with nhnde
Mt Brother.. THIRD FLOOIl
$1.25 Damask,
Yard, 79c
Mercerized f8 Inch
75c Crash, yard, 49c
ruro Irlah linen Barnslc
85c Martex Towels, 69c
He.iy double Terrj jariiH Large
slzo. FlrBt Floor. North
$4.98 to $10 $
Trimmed Hatsj
SAI.K 10 . JI.
Chic dark hatH for trael and
lovely light aporiH & dreHsv aUlen
Of all tho approed Htraun, nlso
of taffeta and Georgette There are
Mimo beautiful while and pink ImtH
for wear with Mimmer coatunies
Mt Brother Third Floor
$3 Tailor Serge $1.95
All-wool. Navy and midnight bluo;
sponged and phrunlsen. 4S Inches
w Ide.
$2 Mohair Sicilian, $1.59
50. inch. Nay, medium gray
crc.im and black.
$2 Imperial All
Wool Serp:e
Meilluni twill 3(5 Inches
Naj and midnight blue
w Ide.
$1.50 Skirtinff Plaids, 9Sc
38-Inch Black-und-whlte. bron-iind-white,
na-and-Hhltc and
na -ami-tan.
Mt Brothers I-'Irat Moor. South
$10 Bungalow Sets
13 p I c c o
Oolo border
d o c oration
Sen Ico for
t-l persona
SI l.!Ti
10n pleies fiold lace border deco
ration Senlco for twehe persons
Mietrhed. Third 1 loor
Women's $1 to $1.50
Silk Gloves, 69c
Majority two-clasp. Limited lot
i mull nr phone orderti.
$1.50 Long Gloves, 98c
i hamola lisle S-hutton !iav and
mode First li'loor. JJlgnth
$2 & $2.50 Wash Silks
98c & $1.25
arrt wide. Genuine .Iapane"
wash fcillts, neueit patterns. Stripes
arc 08 s checka, SI.2S,
Rcmnanto of $2 to $4
Georgette Crepes, yard, 98c
Short lengths; plain or fancy
No mull or phone orilem filled nn
Milan , ,.
Mt Brother FlrHt Floor, bo'""
Women's $5 to $7 j $
Low bhoes j
Patent colt, gun-mclul, black and brown lid, white canvas and
linen. No mail or phone orders,
Women's $3 & $3.50$55
White Low Shoe ...
Sea Island canvas and poplin , i"
plain pumps., Colonials & Oxfordjics.
Mr$8ir$lGMOxfbrd(, $4.63
ri.. -n i ie il .nlf.
Li, .1,1.11 1 . , , " JVUSDlll fail, LTUI -l"L:illl v"".
i!iii!lili,LEatcnt colt- A' ma or Phone orders.
Children's $3.75 to $4.75 Pumps
Sues 8M, to 11, $2.45 Sizes 11 Vj to 2, $2.8."
nlfrL 0iSu,bPS 1a .pBtent J0''", Run-metal, white Nubuck; also
oxrords in black and tan cordo and whito Nubuck.
-"--- ....-...-.....,...,. .
, 11Ch,,drens $3 to $3.50 Pumps, $1.98
I'atent coltskin and Run inttal. Sizes 4 to 8.
'" "rollien. -FIUST FI.OOU, NOnTIl
OufPUr Blurut J. Sr I3rytllo t J.onrf rrlct.Sevcuta floor of O
ur Xtw Bulldlnr, 7th MurUtt UU.SUt Drotb?
rx. ttj j, ' tl