t v W . i Y, ,'i-' ? EVENING PUBLig LEIKSEIt- XI - u' j J . ." . " . ''.;- -' 'f .,? " - PIHjw J i? TOM NOW HAS CONSOLATION OF WAITING UNTIL YEAR OF 1921 TO TRY AGAIN FOR THAT CuP v ftya An v f i i? rc ! fi- I ?- Iff iS . ; 'ii. '' i,l iv : u w 1LA UGHTER fc.. HitML FOR RETURN FROM LONG STA Y IN WEST THE wandering Mills enmc home yesterday, but they wire not placed In front of o fatted rnlf or anything lli that. Instead they were led to the daughter. Earl Jfamllton, who works ns well with the linker bunch as Of co-operates with Ilnrdlng. did the killing, and he made aJBcat and perfect job of It to Kay tnr least, .ine nuccn aecr southpaw had It on our Phllw like Jack Kelly hag k W the American scullers. They could hit him and ciflldnU get hit. They weren't on speaking terms with Ac home disc until the ninth, and then It was only a tftjklng acquaintance. Couldn't get friendly at all. $ On the other glove, bnsehnlllrnlly orating, the Mratcs Kckcd everything J.cc Meadows uncorked from his good light arm, and socked them merrily. They were so familiar with ihc plate thnt they called it by Us maiden name, ftsvetf times they made pals of the rubber, so If your memory la good you can figger tho. score was 7 to 1. Correct!' ..." The Mitts wandered all over the place when they were traveling and capped ten games out of twenty -four starts. This doesn't look very good on pnper and worst in reality 4'iid the percentage tnble, but nevertheless It must be remembered thnt fome of the regulars were crippled and ttenc Paillette wns out of the gnrae for several days due ' to the Illness of his daughter in Mttlc Rock. Lndcr these conditions the showing wasn't bad. They're home abw for a stay of more than two weeks and should pick Up., They're not so far back of the Cardinals thnt they're iu of.slght. and therefore they have a chance of getting wit of; last place. 1 Hut that chance will never come if they continue to itay bo)' the way they did yesterday. Their fielding was lairly gooil With the exception of a weird chuck by S'rfghtstoue, but they could not hit. and a team thnt n't hit can't win very often. Ask Miller Hugglns. For eight Innings the only thing the Phillies got was tired. They were given only three hits, und they were s. far apart as birthdays. Hamilton could do anything he wanted, and In the ninth he wanted to sIpv up. He did Just that, and the jolly tars of the got' ship Cravnth put over a run on a wait to Stengel, iia Infield out and a single by Irish Meuscl. tfAMILTOX hatn't iron many gar.xts for Oi&ion this season, but he is particularly effective against our Phih. It's at tough for the Baler hunch to hit him as it is for the A's to slap Walter Johnson. Lee Meadows Can Hit MEADOW'S wns a puzzle to the Pirates until Hlgbee, the lend-off innn, camr to bat in the first inning. Lee allowed the Hues eight hits and kept them well scat tertd over the batting order. Every one In the (ilbon battle array except Whined connected safely. And Gawge wasn't Idle at thnt. He was on base twice. The bespectacled Phil imrler might not havi shown much as a pitcher yesterday, but he did prove himself a bitter. He1 established the uniiu record of gaining two successive hits in one inning. That wns in Hie seventh, when he socked Whitted and Cutshaw In the ribs. This, however, did not make a hit with Cravath, for he sig naled bis (linger out of the box and called Bert Gallia, the,, king of rescue pitchers, from the bullpen. Gallia did iriuch better. He went In with the bases loaded, pre rented further scoring and then shut out the Pirates without a hit in the next two innings. s Meadows got a very good idea of a Pirate punch in the first. Itlgbec greeted him with a fciugle, and then came blows for one base by Southworth and Ciitsliaw. This was enough to put over two ruiis. Everything was quiet on both fronts until the fifth, uhen a wild heave by Wrightstune put the Hues back In a scoring mood. Bill liaefner led off with a double nnd Hamilton laid down a bunt witli sacrificial Intentions. Phil Infielder picked up the ball nnd hare shot ut first base, but it looked Champ to Get $50,000 for; Bout at Benton Harbor on Labor Day Harbor. July 2S. , Tnok' Benton Dempsey. heavyweight clinmpion of thx world, hns hren matched to meet Billy Miskc, of St. Paul, in n ten-round neavywrisiu i'iiuiiipinusiii runu-M nriv t . ,t.t , . .1 - .,., -... . i on Labor imv. I 'rne champion, uccnniing to an nouncement bj I'rmnotei Fit.immons, has been guaranteed ?."0,000. with n nrivttpfo nf hi i'nii!ln! n nprroiitn-n i if th rnit,ik iiMIi MUho li lii.nn -imp. vtne receipts, wi in .MNir nas uieu uar-1 untccrt ii Hat J-o.OOO. .,1,!.' nun ii .liiii'-i ii ti. (fiuuii.ii i, lull ing fpiarters here four weeks In ndrance. of the contest and nlso ugrecd to call off two scheduled matches. I The contest will be staged In the open-air arena in which Benny Leon ard defended Ills lightweight champion- i shin ngninst Charlie White on July Miskc Is regnrded by the promoters nt. a logical opponent for Dcmpi-cy, ns he fought him twice before Deinpse) di -fentisl Jess Willnrd for the heavyweight title. They met in a ten -round engagement In St. Pnul and in a sl-round contest In Philadelphia. The St. Paul heavj weight is much heavier than when lie fought Deuipsej the first time, tinning the scales In thV neighborhood of 1!)'-' pounds. TWO STARS FOR GRIFFS Washington Club Gets Pair of In- N fielders From Minors Toronto. Out.. Julv 23. VrnnU O'Jtoitrke. shortstop for the Toronto Intcruatinnnl League hucball club, has been soh to the Wnsliiucton American I Leu cue team. The coiiNideration In- i eluded cash. Pitcher Snyder, an infielder and another pitcher. OKourke will not join tne enntors until the eud of the International seuson Minneapolis, Minn., July 28. Pitcher Maurice Kraft, of the Minne apolis American Association club, lias been released to the Toronto Interna tionals and Ulmer Ilowiimn, infield, , has been released to the Washington Americans. It Is reported the Millers want Sher wood Magce, outfielder from Columbus Auiericun Association team. MAY LOSE LICENSE Newark Boxing club Failed to Prop erly Handle Crowd Trrnton N. J., July 2S. Threats to Intro auce leclalatlon havtna for Its numnM ih. repeal ot the law pirmlttlm; boxinv exhlbl-i lions In Now Jersey have been made It btnator Simpson If tho commission regulation bouts allows a repetition of the disorder ' hnd handllnu of the crowds ns exhibited at the Kulton-Willii contest In the Newark Ar mory last nlxlit. Dastd .upon information furnished him by Senator Slmuson, Governor f NED m NHSKE , .j . Auirniga la ayins; iu inane nn invrstiaaiion lV. Jr ' " "lr 'and he declared today that If '-APrap.. " (sua rrnrranv iiq win uireui iiii- cujii'i " eJi'l 'uslon to revoke tho license of the Newark vsmeirs v-iuu wnicn promoted tne ar- Ithe Saw Jersey Doxlns: Commission iv''undle the shows belter than that tis krld In Newark last night." .htn ai aata. "i am in lavor HI which would abolish INSTEAD OF FA TTED WANDERING iiy nonEiiT w. maxwell Sport, rdllor Etrnlnr rublle Lrdr The substitute took aim. He may as if he hud a Scraps About Scrappers JOHNNY MCCARTHY, local fight manager nnd trainer, is about to ' break Into the fistic field here as a pro-1 moter. Together with Morris Mnhoney, nnd Jimmy Donnelly. Mac hns nrrnnged four eight-round bouts to be staged at I tne xacony noil I'nrk next Tuesday &&, J & htfflS .SrS:i men Is successful they will put on1 1AaL1 Ks-.lt f(J iliinlnn tliA ...aIi..Ib :l. ' "'"" :? , ""- "M uir suiiiiiiiT ninnin. .lonnny ivrausc vs. Kid West will be the hcadllner of next Tuesday's card, with other matches between Fritz Cantz and Young Beddy , , , Tommv "MrPnnn nn'.T Willie McCloskcy '""'r '.' ii'i"'".. if ixn mrnnc an t?.t.ii t..tn.t. . . I. nrer saw him In Burn eoort nhnpc. """""'-'i j' i in uh';ch ',n'fVm",,..r w'' "teKJiTJa murninir, In nhow thst Kd n n flne fettle for hln ' nnin-round til t Weat Mnnaunk with I I r.mk IiiiBhr..i M.in Uy nlKht ivte Tryrll nnnnuni-il tolay thai all orellmlnary a ranct-ntrnn fur the lntrn.Mnn nyunK mmrn i "n " "" "'mp'.Hil una nothllic nut ine c,unrt of h. b r,minei, to Bend jugtirfr anil McAnJri a.r th nttrcn-round crlnd Knockout Snnon has cord knockouts In hl IftRt four Iwuts wrltfs Herman Htndln. Th I.lltlo Italy llsht-hf avywliht la to ap pear at th Knlrkirbnckpr Club Juit na Boon as an opponent can to aecurrd for him. Yoiinc Andi f Ii inrv. of Paltlmore. backed cut ef n tni'ih with Hobby Michaels hvk I Cleoree Xtm-lf Inhn TonnlncH. nt Jeraey CttV wnntl to ("mh a OhanoyMlchaels bout anord ne to Mark hut the llalllmorc fenther . uht ffuaed to slKn up n Inter-rarlal llrhtweUht matrh be'weo, Treetnn IJrown and Rddl Mullln la to ti nt on rrliUy nleht at the Cambria In th mil, Charley rvNell me.eta Johnny Douah erty Other bouts: Young Hrne vs. Frankle smith Ynunir Kllnjtrlrk vs Ppll'e Sheridan and Younu Wllletts vi Jimmy Nolan. r-nnmii .Ine Onnn wilt come here for an eleht-rnunder aaalnat Kid Puttllln at th. I'leventh Htieet Arern rn Frldny ntaht Duk I Avery and Johnny Hopklne. another pnlr of ' colored mlttmen will aemlllnal. Jack ( ull-n . Tommy Hy. Joe Jicuovern ve nuny Caapar and I'atay Bradley vs. Harry Ml. burn are other numbers nittllnr I'lmpiiH. a 114-pnunder. la after cnmpetlilnn with any one hla weiqht uperlfvlnB I.eo Il-ynolda und Charlev H.iu ber Chick Henderaon la m.in.utlne Dmiius A I rnuer, former amateur champ In pre pared to started In profesntonal lrcin araln He la a southpaw sneker Al ile.e. prefer niaich with Juck Diamond uml Mi. return t It w tn Jimmy imwen ami c'cnnor' Kr"w' i nmna:-u it j..c larreii ..,,. M-rn.hiin. of amokv Hollow t, . Bivlnir a dance lonliht at Tolnt Ilnee I'rk D.mteland. Vonnc .lark O'llrlen Is to clve n boxlni , exhibition tomorrow nlcht at 'he larnlval '- bo held at National Park N .1 Ills i.pn-.ni rt fill he his pniteBo. otto ii'Koef. . who has chanced his front handle to "Okaj Teddr Leonard Is prepared to eome up from i AMantlc City to ireet Indian Ilus.ell Kid i.' !". i..o Williamson T'ddv meet. lUlt'lna Nick Lt the 'snore "tomorrow nVht !!i Vn. .I it" nniinls Is lurnil In I eonanl w?lte". Halph-Jannntiy. Teddy's mnnacer U Wlllua Ilrltl Is buck in town fro.i. Newark, v here ho saw Ilnirv Will, stow away False-alnrm Kulton "Thnt man Wills ran tlclit. and ounc Mr. Dempaey will tlnd the cloud a rusced cu." sild llntt 'oday. I'nl Jlornn was a winner over Charl'T White at New Orleanr several days auo, ae cordlnc to a wire slcnid ' W Hamilton " It nlso was stated that Moran vvas under welcht. while White tipped the beam at 13a pounds. fllliy Hllvermnn says. "Where does !nn! fellow Jue Nelson come off nf Joe Wrlcht had only three days' 'ralnlnc and In my opinion won seven of the elcht rounds from Nelson, lie ran stop the Italian If they ever meet acaln." Sues Golf Champion for Divorce ,ew Vorfc. July 'J Nelson M Whltpev fminer siUlhern H'df ehampluli. la he d"- ..mlrn, in un nftldullt nf servleii In a suit for - .- ".. " - .i '.:...-i.l ."" n't'.- rs. aiarcueriin j.inwijou i-uimer riled in W oupreine uouti yea- V PHILS ON grudge against a spectator In the right field stands. Ills chuck was as close to first as Tuesday Is to Saturday. The ball rolled to the pavilion nnd Haefncr rolled home while Hamilton strolled to second. He scored a moment later on Carey V wallop for n base. Meadows wns lucky in the sixth. He permitted only one hit. That happened to be n home run over the right field fence by Grimm, but nevertheless It was only one hit. The seventh wns different. Fletcher's boot of Haefner's grounder, Hamilton's single, Itlgbcc's force out and a walk to Southworth loaded the bags. Then Lee 'pulled his consecutive hitting act, Whitted and Cutshnw tnliing It in the ribs su thnt Hamilton and Ulgbce could walk home. Here Meadows sat down and Gallia entered the picture. The scoring stopped. ASIDE from the ninth, the Phils had their beIt chance to score in the sixth, when Paulette doubled and rcnt to third on Ilawlings's ou(. Stengel trailed, but everything teas off tcier Cy Williams hit into a double play. Bill Hacfner Promising Catcher THE Pirates are In third place, and nlthough no 'one outside of Pittsburgh mny believe it, the Bucs have the well-known pennant buzz nbuzzlng In their beans. They are only three nnd a half games behind the Beds nnd five nox scores away from the Dodgers. The world's champs hung it on the Boblns yesterday, and this mndc the race closer. The Pirates arc playing good bnseball, and when, the Mornnmcn nnn Brooklyn urc fighting it out they may sneak into the fight. You never enn tell in bnseball. The Hues fielded in flashy form yesterday. Bnrbnrc subbing at, short while Cnton Is trying to recover from a cold, engineered two double plays thnt cut off would-be Phil rallies, and both Cutshaw Ami Whitted played snappy 'games. Cutshaw In particular mndc several splendid stops, and once Whitted took n drive thnt almost kocked him off his feet, but he held on. Not the least among the Pirate lighters is young BUI Hlfcfncr, one of Philadelphia's own. Willyum just now is Gibson's regular catcher, and he's making good. He's 'one of those aggressive youngsters who always hns his head on his shoulders. He never fails to back up plays t first and third, and whenever a wild throw is likely to Ither corner he's right back of the basemen. And furthermore, Will can hit. He socked one of Meadows's slants in the fifth nnd gave it a ride to the right field wnll for a double. GIBSOX has taught liaefner a lot about tho catching game, and don't be surprised if he de velops into one of the most dependable backstops in the game, A's Start Western Invasion Today THE A's open their western invasion nt Chicago today in the first of n four-game series, nnd If the men of Mnrk continue to play nbroad as they did nt home they will mnke a good showing on the road. Connie's club won ten and lost seventeen games while nt Shlbc Pnrk during the Inst montlK and nlthough this doesn't sound very good, it must be remembered that most of the vic tories were i-corcd in the Inst two weeks. Mnck'x pitchers arc beginning to come through nnd the team is hitting and fielding well back of them. With .Tumplug .Joe Dugan in the line-up again, the In field will be strengthened nnd the all-around work of the club should improve. THE A's in be acay until August 13, and in that stretch tcill cover all the cities in the West. They are booked to play four games in Chicago, four in St. Louis, three in Detroit and four in Cleveland. Copvrloht, lato. iv Public Ledger Co. PINAL GYMNASTIC Fr Winners Will Represent This Country in the Olympic Contests New York. .Tilly 28. The flnnl Olym pic gjmnastic trjouts will be held to night nt the West Sidr Y. M. C. A.. ill"' West Fifty -seventh street, to se bull '' r '! ,Pllm ' fur mPn " rejircseut TRYOUTS TONIGHT Hii.ine i inieci Mates in tins snort at tltc nll". ctiiioh in Antwerp iicxt month. l,1,M 1- .Mnericil n initial attempt to wrest irvriiniistic hnnnrx frnm the I!nrn. I wan mimtrles nnil the iirnsneel nf n I',1' "",",. . ll e. .' ' ,Ll L a "! " "ikiiiih ikis luuucieii u line entry from nil parts of the country and the entire it of winners, in the national gymnastic tourney of -Inst week. The tryouts will be conducted under Olympic rules uud conditions and a feature of the evening will bo exhibition numbers by ladles' classes from the Bohemian (lymnnstlc Association, New York Turn Vereln nnd Swiss Turn Ve rcin of Hudson county, New Jersey. Hoy Moore hns been appointed manager f the team to be selected and will sail with these men on August ." on the I'nited States transport Pocahontas. CHANGE CHEERING SEATS B- ,1 I - I r-cnn unacrgraauaies to nave sec tion Formerly Occupied by Alumni I At a meeting of the board of trustees of 1 the 1'nhcrMltv of 1'ennjNlvanla yrsterduy, uvorable action was taken on the requeat of the unilerr.uluat.' that the chrerlnu tcctlon nt fnntlMll a-ami a he located In tho middle I section of the aouth utand on Franklin Field, I Thi cheering section hcretofuro alwuia lut been In ths south Ma ml but In thq l.mt two aft Rictlona Hlmlhtr requetite: hae been m 'le in recent rarn. hut alaa denied be imuc thq nilddlti n-ctlon. (I wan alwaya n"n by alumni, who nurcham d h.'Uson tick le It will now iiole upon the manaue- I ment to make aomo other provision for . uluninl. Scmipro Doings Pltcher Carrlcan, of Nativity has hurled three two-hit cumes tn aticiiHHlon Ills latest was last evciitnc ucainut Hmerson. of Camde.ii. In which Nativity won by the score of s to 1 Stenton huH now won fourteen strnlsht In the .Suburban League, and the tlac will In all prnbalillliv bo nculn awarded to the field club without the formality of a series be tween th.j llrst and second half winners . . . . . t. Th tvvo-ierles baseball season has about "'n Ita llnlah. The one stralnht series seems '"," more Intr.stlnit after trvlnjr the other scheme n will In all prnhnb ty he abolished' In basketball for various reason. The West nranrll Y M A. baa been stri'niilhined by the addition of Onldlilutt and Lavln "Ilud" I'lsher formerly of Southern llluh has also Ihiii alenrd up. "Doo" Ladtte. of Lunsdale, la sure stac Inc a renl comeback The opposition Is be coming easier with each name, and last vvek "Doe" allowed but one lilt that by the rtrst man to fuco him Illll Fsh. the Quaker City miiskmon. it plnylnc the best a-mo of hla career. Illll nl.i. Innbu nfti-r thi. mf.niiuerlul r.n.l nl .1... I club and hn pl.cd iho imm anion,- the leadlnir ilubs In the eastern statrs. Howard Ihr Is plnylnK In the outfield for the Norrlstown rrofssslonals und ut Vine land. The latter Is r presented by perhsps the fastest team In these parts and has k regular blu league llnc-up. I Itulnh Muttls ihv ex lloslou uutllildir m iiLivlnii the best ball of his career for the I Norr'atown Pros. Hardly a came passes by that ha Is not credited, Willi three or lour klU. ' ,i AIN'T IT A ip Yov MA.VIS A tOMfiUV DMttMTC OM TMC OUO PARK AM SHC CAlJ RIDS fs HOSS, flUH A CAA AM A TYPCNWrnTCn AJ A HRAWe Aw Pi "e- piamnv AM SUB ROMS AWAY To WGVW York AW tesJtA YfiH UNBS0M8 FIT To DIB, 0J TV barm a?. i: " . fcf -r' rtiwrs nns - j iiiaii i s. -y i i jysx 1 t LULU HAS REACHED PROUD PLACE IN LOCAL LINKS RANK Newly Opened Eightcen-Hole Course Highly Praised for Trap ping Golf Enthusiasm Runs High With Many Club Events There By SANDY JUST ubout the t,pnn of the war ago there was laid open in tills city a unique venture, the Lu Lu Temple Country Club, said to be the only ma sonic golf course in the world. Soon nftcr that, to give It a real send off, n medal -play tournament wns had in conjunction with n pleasant time by all. They enme, the Nobles, with curi osity and with anxiety to witness, rmy mingle with, this game, of which many of 'them hnd only henrd. If It wnsu't n dny of golf Joy, there never was one. Few of those present had ever known the agony of tho missed two-footer nor the thrill of the skimming drive. Came one to the first tee wearing his derby cocked back who excavated so mony divots out of the first tee trying to drive off that they hnnded him a shovel. Came W. Will TJmbcnhaucr, reputed as the best player In town out there, nnd the gallery threw their hats at his ball so he wouldn't win first prize, (amp the club dub. nnd when he finally hit his bnll full twenty feet off the first tee they npplnudcd long and vociferously the effort. So it went. The quarry holo wns the main mecca for the raspberry rooters. All the non entrnnts gathered there to wntch the golf prize nsplrnnts assault the heights of this awesome hole. Finally some body holed out in only seventeen strokes uud the gallery threw Its re spective huts In the nir. All of his past history was recounted to n player in net of driving, jeers were mingled with cheers during the putting. A nig Day One plaver appeared In bnsehnll trousers. He'd seen pictures of golfers In knickers, but didn't know just what kind of a giune he wns up against. Another player started with three bnlls but rnn nut of ammunition and soon wns out of It. Similarly one broke his lone club. It wns, ns snid, n big dny nt Lu Lu. Hut thnt was live or s-x jears ago, nnd couldn't help figure the difference out there today after usititig the club. It hns cntirelj outgrown those first mediocre nine hole nnd the eighteen holes just opened muke one of the best trapped courses in the lountry. in the opinion of expert, who liuve seen it. The new holes nre gems of links architecture and when the turf has fully rown there will be few better courses In the city. The holes are now thoroughly modern with a chance for nil the idiots In the bag and no plnce for the erring ball except the trnpping. Golf enthusiasm nt Lu Lu Is now nt high tide. Kligll 'itj is naturally con fined to u middle -aged membership, more or less, but everybody plnys nnd knows the gnme out there now. The membership threatens even to U. S. ENTRIES IN CANADIAN HENLEY American Oarsmen to Compete in Regatta Over St. Cath erines Course St. Catharines, July 2S. Each day gives further assurance that the O. A. A. ( Ilegntta to ho held on the Koyal Cnnndlnn Henlej course here on Fri- dii. nnd Saturday of next week in to far outdits that of last yenr In point, of iittcnilame and contestants. The Tornntii i lews will be up to their usual stiengtli. wliile the Lincoln Pavlc Itoiil Cliih, Chicago, which will be rep resented heri for (lie first time, will send fdrt oarsmen, including the eight which reienth vnm the Central States championship. Two fours urc ulso in cluded in their entries. Dettnit mil (.end forty-one men and will coinp-te lu nil classes, Including the M'liio.- eights. The Lnchlne Uout Club Mill jm be a competitor for the I Ionian Memorial Trophy. They are pinning thm faith to it senior four which tliev expect to be the crew thnt will be chosen In thnt elnss for the OI.Miiple games. ItrocKville nlso has aspirations for the senior four honors, Thnt club will nlso nave nn intermediate four and a junior eight -oared crew, its quota totaling Iwentv-live men. IIainilton,'H contingent' will miinluT twenty -seveil. Including i three ini'lor single scullers, i Four Buffalo clubs will be rcpre- ' I send d. Tlic West Side Club will have a junior four, Charles Sheehnn (senior, single sculler), John Carroll and Kd I.ev in the Junior singles. I'.dwnnl Mefinlre vi-lll rnreenr"llie iMuttmls in the junior singles arid Louis li, rJ"" will frr' the colors' of the 1 1 uffalo Launch Clufc iu tho senior idflglta, GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELING AM' RM3t CHICKCfJS AM tW BReAD 'M fcVJfcRTHINXi AM M0KTH4 APTCAXUAntk 9MT noJHBi vi ti yom noon am abz "O Da That Ltrcs a.. hol. ' AM tj Joim' To a-TAV WITOEO Fonevnn am aiamavki' McNIBLICK outgrow the eighteen holes, nnd there has been talk of a new clubhouse fot some time. Lu Lu has been a success from the start, nnd the progress in such a few years has been remarkable. Tomorrow will be rtusscl F Pall Day nt I.u Lu. There will bo a one-club mixed foursome eent with ten BIG prlo. It Is announced. Kvery Thursday a chairman of one of the committees itrves an event. Thurs day Is club day nnd there's alwavn a. com plete turnout. The women's nnilllory Is arr Innovation nt the Nobles1 club which has been a notable orcanlzntlon In arouslnc the Interest In coif nf the fair sex there. Mrs. I-. H. Adams Is president : Mrs. Itelnhard Nell, vice president; Mrs. V. Zimmerman, treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Nice, secretary. The second Mon day every month Is ladlea' day when- women of other clubs are Invited to play at I.u I.u Tlifre ore Hire ynunir buddlns; feminine players at the club In the person of Mlsi l:dni a. lialrd, dauchter of Totenta-e Charles S. Ilalrri; Mr., Mitchell F. Hull nnd Mi's Elizabeth E. Donald, all of whom nre Intent on stardom at the fame. .Martin Conway, Kro at I.u J.u. has their coif education- in and and promise well of them. No. 1 nt I.u I.u Is now across the road from the club nnd Blvea the nolfer treat rleht nt the start In Its finely trapped ntretehes. Two and three nre nlso pin veil there, when the player crosses the road ak-atn.. The old and the new holes are thus Intermingled. , T.nndon. July 2B. Cyril J. II. Tolley. rtrltlsh amateur splf champion, has accepted nn Invitation to compete In the Roslyn Amer Irnn championship In .September. He will be accompanied by noser IVethered, captain of the Oxford University Oolf Club, and iKird Charles Hop. 11)13 amateur charrfplon nf France, T. P. Armour, the .Scottish ama teur nolfer. who defeated Tollev ut Ver sailles for the French title, also will compete nt Roslyn. T. II. II, Smythe has not exactly reached the heights nf stnrdom In coif as yet, hut he used to wield n wlrket wood over tne links nprcs la guerre at St, Derre des Corps, Franco. Cows and sheep were the hazards. nrra there was n real dlx-neuf. Kx-Meuten-int Smythe Is about to clve the links at Dar Harbor n, whirl durlnc hla vacation. II. V. Smrtlley. Merlon, prizes above all nther trophies he has doubtless won a cold medal he captured In u lumher-trnde tour ney. On the back are encraved the names of n number of excellent colfers. Trade tourneys nre one of the clubblest pet tneether Institutions nf winch we ken-, nnd It cenernlly takes Al coif to Bather the honors. Wilmington V. ('. has never seen nnv rrolf vear to equnl thli In the opinion of Wilfred rtelil. pro there "I touch from elaht In tho mnrnlnc till the same at nlcht,M ho states, "and hnve tn tnrr.- them away at that." The course Is nlvrnvs filled end the helcht was "nrhed when Sidney Scott captain of the Yule Rolf team, end lending links llirht ut WllmlnBton, won the finals nf the Invention tourney over Dean. Itotan. GnrdrrT nnd tho like. Tjist srne's wlnnr nf the I.vnnewond Hn'l tourney, r C Newton, relumed from nbourd Ills' In tlm to win the nmateur medal nt rtosmn fi stroke to the Rood nn tho field. Ho l expected to play In the rtnekwood tnurnev at Shawnee mtl week. Newton Ii captnln of th Mass, Lesley I'nn irnm. jio mnue an impre-nive ennwinv with his "flultlnK" came at Huntingdon Valley Inst year. Pave fllthbert. e.Huntlnrdnn Vallev nro now In Canada finished fifth Irr the Ouehee onen enampionsnip with s, card of inn strokes He writes that his assistant. Al bert Onlnther a Phlladelphlan. Is dolns spiennifllv up mere. TOLLEY TO PLAY HERE British Champion Enters National Championship at Roslyn Iyindon, July as. Cyril J. II. Tolley Britlbh nmateur golf champion, has nccepted an invitation to compete in the nntional amateur title tournninent nt Itoslyn, Ii. Ii, in September. He will be accompanied by linger Wctliered, cnptuiti of Oxford I'nlverslty flolf Club, nnil Lord Charles Hone. li)l!l nmateur chnniplou of France. T. I). Armour, the Scottish amateur g'XWSlS SSSS nt jjoslyn. JT NILES TRIUMPHS . Defeats L. B. Rice Easily In Long wood Cricket Club Final llnntnn, July 2R N W Nllrs. by defeat Ine L. II. Hire In strnlsht sets O-O, 8-1, U-3. In the Ilnnls of the lawn tennis tournament nt '.he Ioniwood C'rliket Club yesterday, won the rlKht tn clinllents William M. Johnston for the Lornwood Jlow. Johnson Mill Play Nlles next month. Dunhill Pipes i MY-V-VV I assrs fas xtmFjr st' f) r ZZ a. jg,. lg&r k, i 0vjmm I XA&vfftKj !.ondoit-niad Al- ill NQggJifc'" frrj punhlll l'lr. I III for which wo are ths III 111 sola I'hlladelphia arents. IM1 M Coates Coleman Co. ml 1M Commm lal Trust Hid, ff am TherJ $ C6T3 tVie. curb dp TH OTlf AM VUAMTS To Be A Primv RonRV on sooosieTTV on MtTHIM' CASA- UKB THAT 1 OH-h-H-m BOV.1,' MH'T THAT OMB GLOtVR- I005 vFEEUN'V Ta Tata TYA OLYMPIC STARS DRILL! SHIP United States Athletes Have Full PractiQB Program on Way to Antwerp Tty Wireless to the Associated Press On Board L S. S. Princess Matolka, July as Perfect sailing weather per mitted tho members of the American Olympic team, to settle down to their eleven-day training routine. A seventy yard cork sprint track has been laid on the upper deck and punching bag Mantis nnd wrestling mats have been plnrcd. There Is n canvas swimming tank on the lower deck, but when filled with sea water It split under the strain and will bavo to be repaired. The sprinters practiced starts nnd dashes, while the distance runners cir cled tho lower deck ninny times under the eyes of their trainers. The wrest lers, boxers, fencers, shotputters nnd tug-of-war men worked out under the direction of their respective coaches. ror lite balance ot the trip tne train ing calls for twice a day sessions when the weather is fair. Owing to the heat of the lower decks first-place wlnpers iu the tryouts for marathon runners, cjcllsts and sprint ers hnve been transferred to the sick bay and upper deck cabins by consent of the transport officers. This change is much appreciated by the athletes and team officials. Dress and competition uniforms have been distributed. They consist of a blue flannel cont, a cap with an Amer ican shield, white flannel trousers, white shoes, white jersey shirt with em broidered shields nnd white trunks with red. whlto nnd blue seam bands and border. Two stowaways hnve been discovered aboard the transport. One of them Is John Norton, of Toledo, who wns nlso a stowaway on the Finland when the American Olympic team sniled in 11)10. At that time he was made mascot of the team. Norton hid in a stateroom shoe chest of the Princess Matoika from Sat urday to Monday. He has jiow signed as a waiter on the transport nnd will accompany' the team to Antwerp. The sea is smooth and there is no sickness .aboard. On Board U. S. S. Frederick. .Tuly 2X. (By wireless to the Associated rressj xne .uvy athletes en route to Antwerp arc keeping up hard practice tin mi- tut v i mm, uir I uviu VII'W, amstjWtLtlsifJSU IvAvnpil sTnttsiAti.. am. ..-. - in-.iM-in, uvAKiii, ii-uitm nnu runners exercising twice dally. The Frederick, which hns aboard 101 athletes and conches of the Nnvy Olym pic party, is 1-15 miles ahead' of the Princess MntoiUn, carrjing the other Olympic teams. Badlo messages to the athletes have been deceived from Secretury of the Navy Daniels and Admiral Coontz. English Polo Team Wlno Ostrnil. July 28 Kmrlnml defeated Tel cluin yesterday In the rimtlntiMlan nf play In tho Olympic polo competition here. The score wus: Kn&lund. 8: llc-luluni 3. The American army tenm, which. wus defeated by the Hpan Ish team on Sunday, will play Itelirlum on Tuesday for third nnd fourth places In the tournament. Knaland and Spain wll meet In the finul match Thursday. "Wild Bert" In Marital Bout Newark. N. J.. July 28 William Kennv. known In puulllstlc rlrrles as "Wild Hert" Kenny, who fought Frank Mornn here Men day nlcht. was arrested shortly ufter the bout on h churee of desertlnir his wlfs lu Chester. Pa. a It's the talk of Phila." our Jap Gauze Pongee . Tan Shirt separate coiiar to waxen jb Wonderful for Wear! And Colors Guaranteed Fast. 1235 Market St. BAUERS 1 S. 13th St. VICTOR Y IN IS NOT CONSISTENT A Man May Play Badly and Win, Then Again He May Show Brilliant Form and Lose One Never Can Tell in Athletics By OBANTLAND MCE Threo IWads A road runs through the valley Beside a nrcoiant stream. Among the lazy hemlocks That in uarm sunshine dream. My friends hive often walked there And always sing its praise; I, too, have tramped along it On cool September days. Another road that uaniers Among the distant hills, A lonely road, abandoned, Invariably fills My heart tcith deeper pleasure, Xo friends have ever told Of walking on this hill-road That flaunts October's gold. Perhaps they may have tried it, But I shall never know, For they enjoy the loio-roads And tell the neighbors so. And then there is the third road No living man has trod, Except to go forever. "It leads," I've read, "to God. It climbs the rugged mountain; Perhaps you'll find a track Among the Jagged boulders. But no one has come back To tell tne aught about it, And so it seems to me That I shall find this last road The best road of the three. Tut. V It Can Happen IN 1011 Joe Jackson batted t4BS and finished second. This spring Francis Ouimct had a 71 nt 1'lnchurst nnd failed to win n Jiolc from Emmet French. In 11)15 Detroit won 100 ball games nml Inst n liennnnt. In 1IUG. in tne amateur gon cnam-r pionshlp. Tom Sherman had the seventh hole In a at Detroit and lost it to Boh Gardner. There arc times when a man may ploy badly and win. or play brilliantly nnd lose. The result alone doesn't al ways tell tnt- story ns btrongly as we arc all inclined to let the result furnish the complete answer. Belgium-Bound THE general tip seems to be that our Uncle Snm is sending the strongest Olympic team across the water he has ever collected in one big mass. Sport is n queer institution. It never pays to be overconfident. But so far as track nnd field events go, It doesn't seem possible thnt any group of nations can muster a line-up capable of sup pressing the sprinters, jumpers and weight-throwers now drifting toward Belgium's shores. What, Indeed? WHAT will it profit Ohio to gain n President nnd lose n pennant? She hns in Cincinnati and Cleveland two ro bust contenders, but neither is yet as ccrtnin ns Buckeye presidential pros pects are. At this date last year tho Reds had only the faltering Cinnts to brush aside. AniF Moran then had five crack pitchers nt the top of their stride. Brooklyn today is n more formidable opponent than New York was n year ngo. And Brooklyn Is now back home for an extended stny, with a lot of first class pitching arms awaiting the as sault. With Cleveland It is merely a matter of pitching. If Speaker can continue his famous juggling net, with two win ning pitchers carrying the big burden, he will more than deserve the rewnrd. What a mop-up either Harding or Cox would have in Ohio if cither could only jump In nnd save a few ball games for cither of Ohio's contending clubs. STILL, Tris Speaker has this advan takc over Hugglns as a manager: When the gnmc gets close Tris can step out nnd hat over two or three runs himself in n pinch. Any manager who can bat above .-100 is quite u little aid himself in the crucial spots. GOLF may not be a pipe for n num ber of people, but it is for Tod Hay two puffs to every btroke, I (mrilY is It," asks n fan, n fan, "thnt I V V ' none of the Nntional Lcniruc clubs is able to get above .000?" Probably because the Natlonul Lengue hits no Philadelphia Athletics in town, to act in the capacity of a springboard. SINCE the Giants offered $230,000 for Hornsby, his average dropped from .410 to ..'170. Uuth nnd Man O' War uro the only two athletes who can survive the burden of gold and not get self-conscious. AWP If sfJf sff SHAMROCK OR RESOLUTE? ,.Likc.the, Krcat yacnt3 which have attracted tho interest of millions in the past fortnight, so has the Cadillac mirrored its prominence to n satisfied clientele. Stability and workmanship in a Cadillac are not dimin ished by service. A Cadillac, thoroughly overhauled and guar anteed, has tho advantages of sound construction for a modest nvestment. Wp have type 57, C5, 53 models in open and closed body styles. Also a few used cars of other makes. NEEL-CADILLAC CO. u.ed Car Department U2 North Broad Street ' Spruce 2-13 HOLMES roved. Air - 18-20 miles to the Ballon of gasoline in. a -pnjsengcr JLU.UUU EgJa jlu.uuu miles to tho set of tires. COOLBAUGH-MACKLIN MOtfOR CO. uroadtf liofea Street Philadelphia, Pa. SPORTS ..miLDEN is the world's tennis chum Johnston is tho champion of the , tlnufi States. Is thoUnlted State. i no a part of tho world? nger yESTEIlDAY ITns- spring. And ,?". another turn or two V.u )Veniitbe, fea,r,n J10'? Cross-' M predicts a closo bnttlo with Purdue. "" PIANI TO TRY COMEBACK Italian Goes After Kaiser In Drem, Sprint Tomorrow Orlando Pianl. tho Italian gnrlm chnmnitk will attempt n comeback : it 2ie Hi n;Twlll'Wo against Harrv KalT ser the New York speedster, for th, best two in three onc-mllo heats" e Plnnl has been beaten in his hut two starts he:e, and ho is out to wt on his winning streak again. In n8 bv WHi.evPt" h0r0 1 w.as dcfcatcl .i iI110 Spencer. Previous to hll meetings with Spencer, Plant won ths races it, rt row nt Point Breeze. The thirty-five-mile motorpaccd race is ono of the other features of the card wnevmr?w- In t!Ll3 BrInd aeori" Hoy, of Syracuse, who won last Sat urday night's brassard event; Geortu Oolonibatto. the Italian champion; Olarcnco Carman, tho world's cham' pion, and Leon Didlcr, who holds the French 100-kilomcter title, -Will battl for first place. In addition tq these races, there will be scferal amateur competitions. TWO SOLDIER NINES Neufe Blesse and Carry On Booking Games Away Two baseball 'teams of Philadelphia, both composed of men wounded in ac tion in France, arc anxious to arrange Saturday, Sunday nnd (twilight gomes with first-class teams. The nlnvrm n students of the Philndclnhla Power Plant Engineering School, 32G5 Oer mautown avenue. Tho name of one team is Neufe Blesse. This is a French name and means nine wounded. The other team's name is Carry On. All com muulcatlon.s should go to George II. Smith, physical director, 3205 German town avenue, or Bor 005-Ccntrnl Y. M. C, A. Meteor to Play Flelsher On Saturday afternoon at Flelsher ball pirk. Twenty-sixth and Reed streets. Law. rence "Dutch" Sommer jind his Meteor club will try to break up Plelsher's Ion ivlnnlne streak. Sommer will have some new faces In his line-up. Meteor has this Sunday open. alM other dates. Besides ths Flelsher same this week. Meteor Is sched uled to meet DiBBton, ttntlvlty Brideaburs; and Gcrmantown. Lawrence Sommer. 4313 Olrnrd nvenue, or phone. Belmont IMqo y? j,. tvvcen 0 and 8 p. m. this evening:. Philadelphia Quality Cleaners & Dyers Our cleaning and dyeing is thorough, safe and p r o m'p t. Men's and women's apparel, draperies, quilts, blankcta, etc., treat ed with expert attention. Special Service On Flannel Tronseri and Tnlm Beach Suits. Tele. Poplar 7660 'Parcel Post Service . If ouof town atnd your clothes by Tarcel Tost. We nsKure the snme prompt nnd satisfactory service. 1113 Chestnut St. 5557 Germantown Ave. S. W. Cor. 52d & Saniom Main Offlca and Works 1618-28 N. 21st St. cooled car. Hotter than tjUpnt sssssHsdsssss r V- -. v 'v . tUj-Vigde" SLS5 a '.,-- -"-""