K V fi "i, el Vl,, v.?: V-" A "- 2 s?. - J: "a t ' ''A- , JM '". : 3Ee v v-4Sfl Ml l .fa. B fir. 1 r i ,-vi a -V" . ; r.t, f. frf 'f 1-, fi 0 : .a TTBrNr.RR OPPOnTtTNITIES V,' ATTENTION you iiava iTccfdeil to dell your busl jrou rh call It iiure sals when you 7 1 ..-.... . .. ulll aall In asms in my imnui. ii j.m ttiii ... w c on phone or write ror represeniBiive, I will submit a. larsro lint at cash buy- .NO advanca. enaricea wnatsoever. I Alt HAS TIIR REPUTATION LAU M2 CR07.ER ULDO. w , 1420 CHESTNUT 8T ACCOUNT OFvDEATH. will sell (n part or ' nmph)ta a Jobbing carpenter "hop, tools kflrt bMtlrhlBt el.en Innalfcl la94..n FWn lit Address r. K. J 3720 Tnrresdale ave. Will i at 1034-30 Fawn st .Monnav ana uriaay ternoon, from 1 to 6 o'clock. IMPORTUNITY (or voung man under .10 to MMms blM nre.lrient nr secretary fllla k;.vv c treasurer of a new company opening offices lo 'IB Phlladelphlai no special experience neees- skw, 'Mrr. but must pe energetic. orKooa cnar- KW? C Ih (in.f nklm .mnll lflal(milll Imtllflli. ', t j'atelyl large futuro for hustler Wilto I'. O jr large futuro for hustler g.7, rnuaiicipnm r.T-.rMTAHf.lmri) Imslness Imuu of Philadelphia la Incorporating a new depart ment for the Increase of their business In "restment absolutely aafo mid vieids largo and permanent Income, want $13,000 aub aerlptlona to stock In nmounta of liono and upward. Address II W9. I.edgerOrilco. JFOR SALE Orocrrv store nnd propirt doing a line business established 20 vre located In central part of town WW or call. MRS. O II 1IANEMA.NN r Delanco N I 'aiilnm.!.!!. repair and machine shop In. fUUOmODUC eluding vulcanising and re treading machines 1-ton Pont truck Peer Iraa 6-cyl, tourlnic car doing excollet.n bul Beta', owner leaving city yjns Falrmount ave If you want to sell your stock, fixtures, good will, etc., write or call, aa this is our pe flaltrt buyera waiting on our Hat now llcl Wont Realty Co. 231 Hce.1 Hid I21r. niivt $1000 and upward onlv imnll lotnenl atock left, corporation who bulne la flnanclng automob'le sales, larae returns assured. Addresa n 708, t.editer 0rflc , I10.O0O Want a party wllllna to lnvt without aervlces lll p.in 25U0 per year ?ar same; beet security for the money H 08. ledger Office JROOAJINO houae for eal.- IS roomi SM;I pa Injr house; price reaa Apply 1"'2 Mn t FOR SALE BUNGALOWS Sulfa" yourself a. home lth mjt'Tial from ,l(ei Island tlntela and a.ie half i oat un the prteent high market price . LUMBER MILLW0RK 3x8 to 2x8 In all lentth. aheulhlns- flooring ?lolnr and planer board by the mllllona of eet: wlndowa and doora complete with hird wara by the thousands! all In new condi tion; hundreds of screen doors new In orig inal crates. PENN SAt.VAOIl " Pth and Tlnlcum ave Woodland 41H.1 Office Partition, Railing, Furniture Store Fixtures We ell. lmy nnd exrhanae 11 WAI.NIT ST Wat al.1l. ilnln .-.8.VJ A. rBKSA. OFP'IfK FfKNITI'ltK CO. ori'ici: ki'uniti'hk Zjame lot of tleake af'. niea, cnhlnets and nneral office furniture tore flxturea M hnv iiell and exrhlineia PATTEN rfKNITl'IlK I'O IJICltST 4070 1127 ,M 1127 AH' " ST HAPt: .10O. oVriCE EQIIPMKNT Two Hurrouaha ndd init maehlne- 2 , ..mrUimrtera nnd 3 24 I- Inch Elliott nsner ibjokr , ot this equipment lees t'.ian ., J machlnea. all rs old and may be seen at .,. nou"' $2.50 VP l'sca trunUe and atiltcases. hlan srad- bin aluee Wardrobo runka. 2N up Wie- i"nrtmni WAl.TEn.3 LOAN orrtrEllth n,l Arch Vfna'fl'f-llASa euulnm nt of m-n s futniah- lEar fixtures ind 1 .thine ablnet h.n ft iUe for eeven weeka Can Uj an 1231 ' Market at fTtDKoORArilS and recorn iiomht aold and exchanaed Werscr.ort. OOi Walnut ' at. rhone. i STOR HALK on cnmnlete Mt of offirt furnl turai will sell rhap 4221 Pow ton ave Ttarlnr 014 J TlRlia. perfect brand new sue 32x.1S 32x4, 111 each. 1 for Mo. lISxl 11 4 f., ISO. C. Qoldman. 72.1 Walnut el XdDINO SfACIIINns eold, Imuirht. exch . all model reflnlihd like new: fully aujr. Collins. 881 Chestnut at. Phone Wal. 3173 oJb solid mahoitany bed. hair m-Hlres. ' aprlnBS. practically. new a ureal bargain 4121 Powelton ae H.iring mi .1 turrnrt model double-spring motor. 1:01 Rood new. worth $273, sell for $100 cash. 525 . nth. second floor. 10 a. m to 8 p m. MATtBLr. VAULT in Central Laurel Kill, sell reasonable APPlyi.32n rMnnounta 6AFES. fireproof "closing out 100 slfghtlv used; modern makes cheap 72 NKourtli FtANDS cabinets. cK ""big luraalna Phlla delphla Vrlnters' Supply U H nth ft 3POOL TAIII.KS1. 2d hand bouaht sold, rent ed, exchanged Ivcafer ,I2' M (iiir.rd ave STORAGE AND MOVING LANDE STORAGE CO. inn! utpm: wk Iocl and I m di ''ante nuiMnc hv mrfnl and ejp men w an to Hnd from V T for 130. 1 1" and KiO "Ur speclaltli-s r Baltimore Washmmon iininn uml nil in- i termedlnf romts 11-11 nhone ropUr V0J7 , Dougherty & Sons Storage U.'l N L'OTH sr Ost our special rat" f r moMnr h nur rell able and careful m-n ra I IMplar 41(1" Ky atone. Tark 11-T nlhtnn"n Diamond S8V! , WATSON'S STORAGE" CITT AND rovn lUs'i M r inir; PADDED N" SERMl I! HfVRXMI.En 015-49 N I7TII ST I'lil'l.lll ,-,n JSurnlture talienn "-h for mmnr "' hmishi A STORAGE PALACE" Clean as vour hum- mntinc f r tMrt cular reople. mil' dltrl-i esiinnies uncn. rack ir. ehlpplnit m"Mnc and itorape North PTjIla St I'o .'"33 I. ilgh D iinmnd 7.1-go. RETl'RN loads snted 'o New York or any where In North Jersi" we ,,m meklnc hi. ssreekly trips Hh lar irticUs. rmninunknte. sHKRWOnn ! i pni:ss vi'Ti.ny N" .1 ' VICTORY STORAGE- 209 Filbert for estimate I'h.me Delniont 4070 Pierre. Arrniy vans riDELITT FIREPROOr WAREHOUSED lf.ll Til 1S10 MARKET ST. 410NARCJI STORAGE CO . 37n LANCAS TER AVE --AIJTO BRVIf'E STilRAOB rACKINO. IINO-DISTANCE MTIVINO WANTED-Pari load "to Atlantic i ill Oiean City. Hlone Harbor. Wlldoo,l i ape .ta' yrankford storage House ph Krankfnnl IOM JilOVINfJ and long-dlsianc hauling "n Tnr nr 500 llldse me Popinr S.'U t"., - "-TTJ K0OMS FOR RENT ARCH RT up-to datA Beas unsurp. 12S (I. r n I f) Neww furn . Ingl' ard double rooms etsanj. a first ' la is bouse. ept mod l'AIRMOI N'T WY I'"". -T'md.n rr froi ' room meeh fi rn enjit utile, )N he' ai.r trUHNIHIIFD"" R'lMM n. ai liaMi ,,-ir private family gnnl, un n J, j,, w , u jLocust 2100 3INB "i"T 11011- lrge alr"r..oni fu"r tllshed. SOUlbwesleril exposure v. I'll faille Vwrd. Phone Lneusi II7H Poplar ht "inu-Two v.n .i-nr :d f front roomi for light ImuKw pmar idilli close to Fiilrmnnni Park r. fs exi lmnge, yULASlCf AVE Kino - fhc7rnui,liy fur nished so'ond Toor front ri.nni in well mppolnted corner houe in sei,,t neiifiihor hood. 2 baths pbnu' of hnt whim ,.ii win dows screered near Wione .luniiun and "v trolleys. STRUCK," iu'2 'II" nv hurst i I x.uiii. ' n, single 'lic hi an fur running u it prl Vgta balh .'let unt 'lot watci lihiuvs BPRUCE ST fj2 20 tHrlsmontel Rooms glnxlo or suite, private baths; running wa ter. Walnut 7171 BPRUCE HT 1127 Second stmy front, with private liajh BPRUCE HI 1711-AttractH n,7,nis mo I- ente rates exilusjie . m rul loinllon T1I HT . "N 1034 hei ond floor "suite anil balh, furnished housekeeping cnnenentes PT1I, N bath, 1 3820 nimlshed or 2 gentlemen room ni xt to 15TH KT S 324-Furn rooms double and single, rtipinnu- watrpb.in . oleotrir " 10TH. N " 130, II 6 T E I. R U R I C Heautlfully fur rooms, spotlessly clean; rlectrlo throughout dallv and weekly rates: ronv to stations b"st accommodations for t raveling people, moderate Ph Spruce 1854. H2D HT , N i'21 Three choice, lurge corner flrat-floor roomi, partly furn porch and lawn; iai nnil coal ranges, nuntrles kitchen and laun . 44 car Arch or 13 Hp (Idn , 140 BOTH RT . S . 202 Second-floor room, next to bath, hot water, 10 minutes to City Jlalll 14 OKRMANrOlVN AVE. 2.1113 Large room r tor for business office, iilau 2 furnished rooms r married couples. PlHinonil S.IHg W WKST PIIIianELPHIA tOCUST 4017 Hecond-alory front room, billable for 2; board Preston 8348 W HaIIOE front room Darin" 7861 furnished, twin beds. N EWJKJLSK V -NK.HHORK ATLANTIC CITY ,'1'ROVIDENCE AVB., H II Furnlaheil rooma. BOAHDINO IN. T742 Two large unfurnished front j nonrs. i-opiar pw.p. aiinn AVI! Deslrablo LpU. or lalnrrle unllenien. vatanclei J -VACANT. I 17 Dmrow.i BEAI. ESTATE FOR SALE WKHT rillt.AOr.l.t'HIA caw I mm k xMZ. New Stone Homes With Garages 1 4 Minutes to City Hall No Change of Cars One 5c Fare 1cm Brand-new semi-detnehed homes, most con venient location in Philadelphia, high class, surroundings, FOUR BEDROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR. Elevated trains every'2 or 3 minutes, day and night, no blocks. Price $11,500 small initial payment and I will place your first and second mortgages without expense to you. Representative at property daily and Sunday, at 69th St., directly opposite the terminal of the Market Street Elevated. John H. McClatchy Builder and Owner WBKBKSaBaiBKBSXm COUNTRY BOARDING in i.Hill Tr'L'L old farm on upper Delaware ti loMlteat cecllon of llucks rounl. man li n hii'le. i-X','llent table' inev to reach V w I'hatidlir r-rreuonne llroivnebum INnriH COUNTRY BOARDERS "WANTED i WiX'DI.KKIII. Toanii. I'a. Thoroiixhly uuxJrii moat excellent food, beautiful rnuutrv nioun hIhh antl r(er; lore, cool i come bathe, electric lights, automobile, f r, eh f'nl I, .in.l f"Olte APARTMENTS AV KXI'l-.lTluNAI.l.V ATTItAl'TlVK I nruiulfhed aptirtment 2 lutitne utiil tmth Pi I ITf, per month ..phini,' Spruir3ilft. I APAUTMKNT" 2220 W V. nanao st. "six' rooma uml bath $12.", prr month; all new I and lar" lll,t hmiim " 1 1 at premleea fori furth r Inform. iinm I ncut 173 ' AI'AIITtnVT lll!AIIOI.ll'Tli:riM ! Central iipiirtm-ut ap i lall Hherunnd Apt Aeonr 22., !- Ilriiilil at Jome ery altractUe fin n .ipt uiuh housekeeping. 41.ST SOCTI1 403 -Two-room furnished npartmvnt with b.ith ilan 2 slnirla rooms Willi, bath. Appl Saturdaor Sunday. $0.1 Thren rooms iiinl b.ith I'iS.I chestnut Applv on pri-u i , r K,-rshaw & Crow I. 2in Chestnut st 3 HOO.MS, furn apiirtniem nnd g.is 732 H .11 at I'M ,'ld floor, electric Woodland 1830 1VUST PIIM.MII.I.I'IIIX HAltlNO. 4031, and 430 S 40th st Apt. 1 and 2 rooms ind bath ailu with kitchen, will furnish. Phone Preston 227') W PENNSYLVANIA M MTUl N AT nvl V They are different larRe grounds, gas Cvnwvd iipjrtmenta; 702 APARTMENT HOTELS THE"GLADSTONE" 11T1I IND PINT. STS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF "TSARTRAM APARTMENTS 33D AND CHUSTNl'T STS. few large cool apartments with bath. "".. (ilngroonlservl, eunexrelled The delmar-morris AMKniCAN PIS CHKITIIN VK M Morinis sr (iKHr.NT(lV' HOTEL COLONIAL Sorui Ht lull st i M"r rsli'i' desirable e'ootnm. Ham n t summer i- TI I MAN BAKER. Jit iTiiMrrnijr'Dr WlIUt.KMt.lt BHOAD AND IXJCUST SPECIAL BUMMER RATES DINING ROOM NEW MANAGEMENT APARTMENTS WANTED Till' ARE INVITED to lint our racant o to-be-vacam Jiiiunvnts with th Sher nood Armrtinrni s n-i 2J5 8. llroad st Phone Wtilnul 317 It It quite Impossible to fill lh r"oulrim',ni' nt oui many uppllcants without our himrty to-opratlon WANTED lt tniirri MPt or houe 7 nr iirb nrL r,,n 'ljr' llfflll-l'I.A'iS iiiifiirii N'"W Era Il'inli i i "1 iimple. well-furn rooms 11 baths, sub. ri-fs II hn.'i. Id Off pis wnnled. Apply M3 Liberty Ride. FUKNISHED APARTMENTS I 107 WW. VI r r ithe Ilrth-Allyn) Hand- Honie ippointea i ana --room buib. wun prlt. I', hlli. g irage JI-.RM'.l- NEW -sF.XSHORF. (if i:v.s ii rv .'.' 'P ' I.AV i'lT7 Most desirable b-, ronni al d ImII, ipdrlnietit tompletelv fui ni'hoii from ni 1 'o mil of season 1 on.-'-' ' m hea Ii Inspect at .our ronvrnt- . n , I'u 'It nartli ulnr'" a 1 Wyoming 7I 'T- I i TTOUSEKEEPINO APAKTMENTS P MODERN APARTMENTS i enirall" In. ated 2310 Pine st ,1 rooms and oath ilsn il roomi and bath, p.is ,. n rn ioisr 1 S11R and upnaid I Ii ,n. alnilt 2537-8-0 SMULLEN & BARRY I i.r' tlldg Rroad 4 t hestnut i 17Tlf"hT N 240 Attractive second floor bslipe apartment. 3 rooma and bath nil la rue alrv front rooms, cverv modern eon .nlemeJEdnrd J.utg 240 N I7ih it viisTrniijAiiKi.PHiA I T77 , ivrfl e)T fa. nit larl. Ur ". V.mms and bath completely furn for housekeeping .SHERWOOD APARTMENT M.ESi'Y 223 S llroad e' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ...i-.e Ill 111 N. ORATZ Twr eioi a i ,nm mil bring J--. ""Ullli bath and lullet 120 Ollie IS.InO each BERT0LET. 1619 N. 19th 212 N 13T1I ST Three slorl l.i un dweliinp Immediate pOfcS.FI.in I nun, iM u v t kev Hi 2140 N 13'h 0M e Jfl.lili BERT0LET. 1 619 N. 19tl. LI,' 2H-4 I 4S AND 50 V OUlM.r hi J -ioiv f, rooms with lath and 'oiiet rHjit 12U orb" S2200 1 ash BERT0LET. 1619 N. 19th " 534-536"N7l3THST. 3-stor rooming ho'js. ' lotwu.r i'u 2 baths each splendid ini 'Htm"in inon , i, n VE.IIN'flN STANTON. H2" n ithersim .n fllilg i'a. Lor. 1 8th & Manton Store and dwelling big to' room f.u private garage on rear bargain Vernon Stanton. 1123 Wltherspnon jlldg 3129 N. 9111 ST Handy lo Otn. nr , 0 rooms mil mod bath; new roof nnd new tatnj. ih-nn at 1350O. Vernon Stanton, 023 Witherspoon nid I0TH ST below Wharlun tltullan section) Three-storv store and dwelling, K mom and bath. .IOHN STOf'HIU'R'lElt 522 I.afajetto lfldc 5th and I'hratnut sis IMMEDIATE POSSESSION s7x rooms bath and shed, electric lights, steam htal. near new Catholic church, f runkford ave and Venango ata Clayton 3152 Frankfurt! avw i"35 W. OIR-VRD AVE Immediat. "posses sion store and apartments urhn I". NAOEL, 1207 W(ilrajd ave 17"7 HERKB Ton rooms and ttle bath, laun- .Tr iiibe. KHlOU Qulnn 1010 I'.iiumbla iTiTTlYRTLEWOOD ST Seven r 12000 IBlil Jlie.' eAn i.n -we h le o.iort cjmnn .i'iq - "iy" "" " Tj'tLi 45il!rN iFl'TCHINSON 7 rooms eec h w heat itTS0-.3tW0. Weatney 203 Lib Illdg Tia4 N OPAL ST., 2 sty 0 rms. and bath, " lmrrVed. Ps. FASY lSth and Stllea sts. niLin: nil i""" -" ---' 1U3U N. Orgtx st.. 8 rpoma and .V n..lul .Of tt u'e fltnliln u ve VfUllllif OONr-u'WH'"." - ' - - mscmv&m EVENJKGr IPUSLXO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WKMT I'lUl.AUICI.l IIIA ci rv in.'il N lith punh 4 bedroome . I4r,00 1411 Tluiri at llroad. sulle upta 7r,00 H W i'or 23d nnd Norrls. aulte apla. . 0.100 l.ltia I'latikllu in rooms poseesalun. . . 4000 2111 N Till H rtHirna 8I)UU 1"2 lidiiiililn 3 eturles. S rooms.. 2200 2ITa S, rK-iiMt or Helv,i it'y slon- 3M0 2.",la Sel'tila 12 tutima 2(100 l.'llll N .',lli eture 4 ledroonia 4B(,0 2IHM Hit, Ik, 0 ioiiIii" linl water heat . 32011 l.lll lliaiihni klnit i "t l-jwretice. h. 4000 I HI 2 WraltnnriLind Porih 4 bedroom" . 1.100 lis )l,Maan( Utn I lidrnmis porch SHOO I2IU (lrlriii I'kl , In i" taraue prtv 5ooo 102.1-3.1 Ontario pon hi a .. 3T00 30IB Mnrshall ponh T lomn" . . . 3.100 AIIK11N1CTIIV, 1321 CIIKST.VL'T HT. 31102 W l.ehluh in, 2124 N. 13th t llr port n ffon. vac. $7000 iiund ,rder. vac SM0 Hr vacant .... 4f0'l ti unthlv lenae. . . 3300 in ino lease. . a.llto mi I 10 moms. . . 4.100 white pluuiblmt. . 300o 7i amiit soon 2700 inonlhlv lease. 2000 r Mid house, .. 2200 2H2.1 W Dauphin ' . S2h .V 2.',th h' Ti 101T Montsriiu ei e, I42T N .'(lib pi ein'e 1I2U N. 2Tth e' Tr 2233 V ColoruOu et 22.10 N Oral st it' 2'IOS .V (lain-' nt 1l 'i.iii Krench et . ,"'i I. 'I ,1 mo lease. I34IUN Ilouler. Hi .,.,, i, ' h 314.1 V Mnreton BERT0LET. 1619 N. 19th St. 217 SI Maik s Squara 1030 Arch hi 13.13 Diamond 102.1 Wallace 2MOO Mount ernon 202.1. 2031 i utlilwM 1T1T Marln Klin ritzwatei U.TKIt UUI8IXSON elJ Liberty Hldg. 22T N HTIt Store .mil dwelling $lTfl(l(l IIIN Mualir l'lfleiii looms I2.O0II 1TJ4 .3,1 . . .4 .1011 lilill lirl. i,e Mlet.Ti noma .1 3011 I 10'h and Thompaon S K . o- Sn 7.000 1741 S lIUl All COtlVeul l.lea 12.000 111.'.. .N 1Mb liiimrdiai- possession il mill W.l S Mil.Kll'S KOS'w 1 .121'. I olunibla me S. W. Cor. 19th 6c Cherry Sts. Three-lnr dwelling lot 24x10.1 close to , I'jrkwav loaesslotl 'nfemb,T I JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TK A.NlJ S VNSO.M'.STS ii mjukiu lor h nome. writ, ran nri phum- Walnut 35111. w can locat you at H HANSEN & HENDERSON j ; HM J-lL-BHXYni-P llr. V MJlflOfl AVi: llaip 3-at Owe , r-ir. nTt 'J rnnmH an1 1' tmths t-nutlCul rMwjfl.nr. optvii tunlu fu h niofpraNional , inan Win L'mlr-r 1.JJS t h--tinin i Itnildlnc I.ol-t ITMREK Ill'II.DINO l.Ol'S, 4N by 7(1 all Im I proeinents loi.itlon 7lh and favuea. Tor , information V I HCH.MITT. I12 Filbert st ...... .. . . ... i A'"U,:i'.I.y'J!nil?I'rea IM'l H.TIIST runnlni; to Sanaln at oi - I UOieo HS IDJI Mini uhnu (titlr.i nr.l I nnr nprinifnts oi ui per tlooi moilern hide iiJtinancpHT WjH'rn llli y iirsnl N V i OR iiirard eie nnd "jVlmti Ht Mod bids Kuod Inistmeni l snrul.itlon. '. ,10noni,'.T J'Hjilman,Ml,i v oir.ud. PI'S Rf'll S'l pprniniatelv 20 ft. bv 100 ' l,'J.D..';:.r',ir street with entrant e on sjm- NAinr 5730Olrard sir FnUorie.y'arehoiiei,Muniirnrtnrlnic l'loors FACTORIES AND SITES r.u ii i rr I. il "111 1.1,1 " the KmTB'm" Fleet Cor-I for llxlu iii re puipoiiei Tt'J Hi one half mil, f tullroad .' llnler nn,l , le, ir un ,.. friintrtjt ,t:',,""" ,'""l' n siininninn , at h nhnle ilr vii imn I'l.vx sai,vm;b ro , mil "Q'1 fin. Ulna i IViir.dl.ilid I lll.l lj no I) I'l 2 3 n ml 1 itoii hiii)Hiiii- pf ill brick tQllNtrurlioti liouleil -ii U!d l:ir,il hors, power i l.ugo T'ls dnil dorks sit" I ,i rr eiin fl ' hi Onauie, e hnndU faetorles. I - nr. house rclut e fiom an nr maiiiif'ir and Indus st indpolnt I At. AN MIDDl.l'.rnN periH iht und production rnalneer, "i"i"r Hint I nilMoeipniq FACTORIES AND l"CTOHY SITES Eterwhere in Philadelphia IXII'IS s OINSniJRO 1201 Chestnut si LARUE FAI'TOIIV " ' i ' . ith warehouse nnd pier to deen e DEL WARE RIVER PORT OI" Mi' I i 111 I Hii XN' iv'A PRINTIM1 TO " ' ier, ini Trust Bids 1'hlla Pa Is 7'i sirtlAl, "PLANTS "na"rehouses. rail r h I and rn r frontage JMES I, STEVENSON HON SJ' Land Title flldg ca i HV "lii'lLIMMJ "for sale"" cheup con laining nbout 3.1.nnii .-.quarr feet. P 032. ien.nr U'tlce IVfil'iTRLM. PI VNTS wREHOfSE. Ei mrtT AND III 11 DINO SITES I I I, PAITON 104 LINI OJ N RLPH J. .Ojrc nnd Iwelllngs 8I2CALLOWHILLST. rr rtr'l dw Pi 1l!lB Mil! K-'ltntf tCt"Kt i(ion MYERS & BARTH Itlllge ae KUll mill St TT riIirMDKf.!I1I r.MMKPtATn POSSKiHlON f.-ioii i;nt? UA'&Ki.uvnxr hoad furtrnn ? hrnn-l ntw Iiousp Hh Karaffej Hlih 1 tifrlrnonii nnd btli n rnriil tUinr. hnt'l'oorJ llooTM throughout til'1 bathroom. Iih loai'i pori h pqulpiiprl witli rudlatnr nl fiirnnir nix winter jiali' ran l- IkiiikIH cm "r.fu fritiN Arrangp for I iin paction with o N'i:iM ."V72 TheMer hw WuqiIIwikI a70 I729N. 61stSt.r,Hro';,..Vxce,: lent appointments , hot-watei heat ciee trl. lights eti. , Itnmiili.in. possession, Pi mo Jilimo James A. Hcaly f?,',;.!. "lino CASH reaulred to purchusn 3-famlly l.ousa N W. cor ilillli nnd Poweltop avo 1 nch apartment ft rooms nnd bath. I prlate ariigca In rear posaesslon of I anartmant If desired, total rent. Sl.'ilio per yeai price 32,iiuti. open ror ltisperiinn JAMES D. WINf'HKj.L I7TH AND SANSOM STS. 110.14 fOLCMHIA AVP, ( ontalnlng 8 rooma and 1 bath. io mm (HRARD TRUST CO. llroad and t'histnut ata XTUST SELL my 2 story Walnut at aparT- ment with Individual heat, the tenant of one pava all carrlng charges; no UealorH ' lOOHLedger Office U21 H- 32D ST Two Hory. porch frunT main bO-foot atroft, 7 rooma. Inrludh.g hath and laundry price IB20O DONALD V REDDINO, 32d nnd Chester ave OWNER must sell 1100 block South 00th street eaat aide, 4 bedrooms, Inclosed porch, modern. Ill oop. make, offer. MICHAEL A MALONF.Y, 1021 B. flOth at. 4022 CHESTNUT 8T """ Twelve rooma Including 2 baths, lot 23x220 to Sar.aom st poveeaslnn W. W HAN 'Of K 40lhar.dJLanonte,r ave c,oTn WALTON AVE . il rooms and bath, modern 17000 MICHAEL A MAIXINEY 1021 S 00th at 47 AND II N SALFORD (lood locaTlon, COth and Market: small amount cash. I.iitiWAKU l' Ule-tir. o-u aiarget 11K KARHAnilT TEltlUCE. S sty.. . tnln elec, Dutch hall. Call or phone Wld, 012 J LEDGEPmL'iVJOBLPfflWUESDAY, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE wiwt fiiiiMir.i.rniA PBinarauHKimi warn 0VERBR00K HOMES tluy In the restricted Overbrook district direct from home ownera through an intent nnd broker ex rlualvely, no speculation. 1,131 N. Krazler HMO r,(ll7 Hunter .. .a. MOO MIS lansdnwne ave 0200 10ISN, IMaewood 0S00 1711) N. Kdaewood . 7O0n i,,1747 N. Kdgewood . . . : 7000 opt" ijtfneuowno ave rliuo 1(12.1 N 8I)th P000 11)1.1 N. nillh .11000 1002 N. 119th, corner IftOOO Adolph B. Caspar, Realtor (10TII AND I.ANSDOWNK AVR. 1IRLMONT 4045. WEST 017 uiiiiiinwiiiiiwiwii;iiiiiiiw'iuiii,uouiiiBinii:ragiuiii!i!!ii,iiui!iinii'i:iiura oktimantJixvn SEDGWICK The Ideal part of Oermantown for convenience, beautiful surroundlnns, atlrnrtlxe homes. $07O--Hemldetached atone dwell In. 0 bedrooms, bath, electricity. $13,. 100 Semidetached dwelling. 0 bedrooms, bath, electric, hardwood floors 2 open fireplaces; apace for Kara Re $12.000 S.'mldetnched atone dwell ing. 0 bedrooms, bith. electric; largo rooms, steam lientt a-ood location. .Ml. M0 Memldetached dnelllnr, with eariiR-i', fl bedrnntna, bath, elec, $10,1100 Semidetached alono dwell Ini with itnrace; 4 bedrooma and bath on second floor, 3 bedrooma and bath on third floor; electric, hardwood floors Rood lot. $30 000 Detached dwelling, with riir.iue, 7 bedrooma nnd .1 baths; first floor living room, dining room, break fast room, pantry, kitchen; corner property, hot-water heat, electric pamu"lry floors We h.ie several detached dwellings with eardge. It will pay you to ex amine S C TOUntSON 7014 IrOYBIt HT. Telephone flcrmnntown SC!) or 4431. PELHAM w Heti.l(ltnrhcil toiT hntli SMinpli- houflt 3MW !lorttr t . nn rvjUHf- from litii Htntlon, l H !l . open ilnf. I to Ti 30 P in HumJay 1 n in tn T .10 v m. ('untalrlnr; s room, nun parlor hiiiI Hlfcplntr P'-rt h pflntrv 3 linltiK marble nhoir nvjn fire p!ncfP KHraRrji hiiJ kraK prll tren ln-uteil frtmi iintrl plant l.it(HtJ In imn if IMiU.tile'li'hlH t nuir't l.e.tntlfttl nuturtun ictlotii, Mirrounilpd high Kr.ttlf propwr l. ItoRnnuMf rnth pannnt w HI l) m ceptnl ntl ttultublu tTtn) ftrrutmetl if n ilflri1, Pilri-H JHIf.nil, SliM'0. IISsROH ririiresentailve or lli preintf. Walter V.Ashby 20411 N. 29TII ST Member Phlloilelnhl.i Heal Kalate Hoard CERMANTOWN . 203 IT. SYONKV ST llloil 2 itv porch 0 rooms, bath 3n ciicncii i.ani: n.iiio 3 i single, porth, 7 beilromna, lot 4IIV1IHI I loao to (Itll ae .'.'III V CI.APIKll ST t.I'MUi 2 a pnrrh h w h . 7 roi rii" l.iib llloil rBRNIULL HOAI) 10.100 ! st porch II rooms, bath h -w h . H lltthta, i.nmediaie po ,H 2 k; vnv ht XTnnn 2 t twin porch. rnom bath. iosei,ion Aug. 31 124 VPSI.nv ST $12,100 3 st?,. twin, porch. .1 hediooma, h w h elec lights lot 30x1,1(1. ga i k,' IS tons con!, many other ortl I lea 41123 wwni: avi: $IS00O 3 st . twin porch. bedrooms. 2 hatha, h -w h dec lights, be.iutlful londttlnn THOMAS H. EV0Y 4h0tf WAY.VK AVE SBSSBBH LINCOLN DRIVE Attractive detnrhed stnns leldenre, localnd on the nninilar Lincoln Drlc Prnpcrtv recently completed and li modern In every pnr Hi ular cotilHlnn il cham bers 3 baths, excellently Planned elei trie Unlit, hot UHtor. h'at exreptloniillv hlah cround uml well worth un Immediate Inspection. WM. H. WILSON & CO. on tn n. unnRiH -ni.Dci MeiniMMi. in .iiiiphhi lira I Estate. ii 'i nuniiiiiDuiiiiii'i mil nii niuit uiiiTiiriiiKiiiiiiiiraiiiijiffiiiMiiwM $20,000 1 An Attractive All-Stone fl house rra- u li Imtliri -mi Htld HH lint Ti mlnutf l in road ikw J rnomn, .Ht. Urcru lot. 'n iitnnU nall- HERKNESS & STETSON 1 land nri.i: rldo. g ranimniiiniimiiiiw m 1 1 ,', WiBiiwiiirraiiiiiiiiBiii B GERMANTOWN on El ringer I'l-. - ...i nnd between M n n beautiful rutin i . r Ht., 5 bedroom fc I Queen l.ritii. .u , llH.Otin lie . -v.r ,, , idled fl M HAM. II V I.RY 'I IVE A TTR AC. IIOU8EH " lte I'rlrket Club, . .mil i' laplcr Hts.: la i go estate. Tark .litis garage, near '.1 ' ir on mih St.. irtgnge money sup- . I s .'TH 92 East Logan St., Germantown OK iir r.'i WHNCEI " e. for mnall Inferior .ii bit. this line modern r innif porches, pretty .'H7 fur JI2 0007 I'lNTdN p. oi, Riilinc I I'ifnn, t'wln house; ')i pa imO.i'.h proper! v ..tin on ' atone house ,.e I la""' ""' nV,",. hj". Huh 0123 MlSHltw lot I" vil7 fi luiruwood finish, 7 room and b.nh r ,r. front, electric lluhla: near Reading I'. i, ,. .. .--.- H ilermaiitonn lfiBR J. ON'E EV-IM ti 1111 di it. 1 j lanufl Wk. . ti.r VHl.IIM 11 ItedrooniH poich, ""i ll I'lenstillt '.erntantowii ae, 1 1 V I -I -jr 1 hestnut Mlf.AN Im- St., YORK ROAD AND N. E. BOULEVARD ,...,M"." AM sIO.NE t'ORNERS Wide finning. f..liig llunilug Park: lnilow,f , , ,,., ,, rr, ns heated Karage ei.r.iimg 1 unipli-te they are a good Im i Hlhfinn and 120 000, can lie iuirlias,,i in inodiTate insh pay. ment . mill .1 1 tt our ripresentatlve, on pieni. i, 1 Oak Lane Realty Co., Inc. 6752 York Road Phone Oak Lane 337 HI.M.N RniiM RESIDENCE. alone and i.n. K i rfr Allen l.ano station Penua. n , n , '' I al 131 W Ml Airy avo,, nr.o tii.ni j-,,, partlnilara wrlto D. II. Wilson f u : tli floor Marahall llblg.. t'love. Itin.' Ill -i uMii KT Choice-modrrn hoiiie' a r.. .un- , u huh atllt. and basement luundn iiildMiubud, line neighborhood, Initiiedlui. i. ,di salon, bargain , Ll'i'EY DALSEMER riiow Tiirnii jlja 3740 flennantown ave ISOU 1I1.UCK N nril ST 11 rooma and tllo ruth. Inclined heated porches; garage: will nnan. . eainpl house open. McCormlck & MrCormli k l.lr.voln Illdg TACONY ARTISTIC HOMES 6500 Vandyke St. UARAOE PRIVILEGES Prices, $5500 and $7000 POSSESSION AT ONCE Financed to Suit Purchaser NI AR Nl.W ELEVATED ROAD R. P. CAMERON .'"II KENSINGTON AVE, CHESTNUT HILT. If. BUUTHAMPTON AVK.-B jooma. twin, hot-water heati 13800. R 07 Ledger Off. w I at- I w $L Mel uogniju ?u -, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I'KNXHVt.VANIA Btinnniiav 5 Most Interesting Home Offering in the Suburbs Over fifty from wliich to choose. In restricted Suburban community. Boautlfully located, J5 mlnuteH to Broad St. Station, Also reaphed by trolley, B cent fare. Central hea'tlng plant, Price range, $7,850 to $19,000, accord ing to location and size. Every one modern, attractive design. Greatest caro exercised in construction. BEFORE DECIDING ANYWHERE LOOK THESE OVER WITH US Call, write or phone for descriptive illustrated pamphlet. Walnut 2537-8-9 SMDLLEN & "BARRY I2Tirm Tiherty "Bldg. CBionul J& (Chestnut) niBfflllllBllfflllliilBle SUBURBAN PROPERTIES MAIN LINE P. R. R. AND BALA, CYNWYD, ALSO CENTRAL CITY BUSINESS LOCATIONS We specialize in suburban properties in above loca tions. Advise us of your requirements, and wo will be pleased to send you information. A few desirable lubidrnccs for rent, $1G0 per month upward. " Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. 329 COMMERCIAL Locust S. iiiiMiiiiuiiiuiniiiin oi.m:y KEAUTIFUL modern home IniiiieilMlr pos sesjlon; 224-230 W Fisher in' 17000; new. hot-water h.ul nnrnllntli Moors. In closed porches: will guarantee inortEaaes ADEHNETIIY. 1328 Chestnut st . M.INOEL, 1 .N- nth si PENNSYLVANIA 1.1'111 ItllXN . ;iMriWl-'Vi:!3; HAVERF0RD Itnuitrut new homo nar liitr oomplotlon Kxcii tluiiallv well i 1 a n n I IhrotiRliout. (( rhambern. Ti 1. a t h p. pelrl(Hy, ho( watpr heat, curaco for H rHra. It it of 1 -i acrep. hltrli location and surrounded bv mnKntf.cnt country home. ARDMORE Aftrarthf. n'w, detarheri. plantrml residence. ner htatfon, 4 chambers, buth nnd unllnlshed third floor: electricity and hot-water liPHt. Itirce lot; moderate price, Rood location. WM. H. WILSON & CO 700 01-02 MORRIS DLDO. Members Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard CHESTNUT HILL trnrHp dMnrhod hot In w ti'p plaalrrfd rrsldetice and a.nrjiK l!) fxrrttPiit rondl M m rontwiiilnff it (ham-1"-h a batliH. elrrtrlpity. Iwit Htp hiat ThlH !h a moirp hoin locatpd jn a dfiiirtihlp miner Ini with '! irin. h u r roundlnKB. M ii rate prltP. WM. H. WILSON & CO. no ni nj morris iildo. M ml', rs Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard !ffi'etMntt RIVER FRONT ESTATE Delaware river front estate for sale at lldillngtoii Pa in miles from City Hall, lontainlng ill acres thoroughly modern In ocrv respect mansion contains 17 rooms 4 ba'h hoi water heat clectrla and gai plants 2 trnant houses: 8-car garage, new modern concrete barn, 14 bend greenhouse and all outbuildings; 3 aires of wou.liatid. 2200 ft, river front: property In Orst .lass i nndltlon and high dale of iiililvatlnn. slock and Implements ncltidd teinis tu suit purchaser. Apply U02 Wldenei lluililing. Philadelphia. Pa. Phone alnut 2(03 GENTLEMAN ! IDEAL COUNTRY HOME flraj stone house fronting on large lawn and shaibd with ire, a .ontoltis living hall M llh open Oreninre living room library, dining room. kt. lien pimtn laillidry. 8 bed tnonis 2 hatha bllliaid room, splendid closet room hoi uaier heal gan; garago nnd good-eleo sinble groimda are attrac vUh ahundent fruit trees over 10 acres of meadows running stream e(.. a,-, minutes from llroad Street Station and '$ mile from station nnd trollev BEN. T. WELCH 1828 CHESTNUT ST lhK.I ACRE1- nf land on main highway from Whitings to I'u laili-na. N J., market wood In considerable quantity stream runa through propom unliable for selling In small acreage prlr MO 000, title guaran teed Apnli E Ilaiiev , Sons. Patthogue. N. Y. HARRY N. nril Fine lorner. detached, brlcA, IVj-stnrv bulue 11 mollis, water lient elec trlellv, lot 30x100 Swope tt Son, Bill Mam. Darny IXRJNS PARK HEVERAI. Il rholco locations McCormlck & inlck, Elkliia Park or Lincoln HMg. cCor- ili:nolihcn 414 SHARP AVE Detained shingle house. 11 rooms nam gas nim electric, naruwoou floora. lot Ml123 IK minutea by train to nroad Ht Station price 7,ioo; moitgnge of $1000 al 11 per lent can i email; beautifully situated overlooking the Delaware river Ap ply W 31 haw iimiiNi;, 4 Chester pike. I RenoldeniPbone Sharon Hill 827 807 ELMWOOD AVE Detached framo house, 10 rooms bath, gaa nnd electric: laundry; lot 30x130 convenient to train and Volley: price 17200 Applv W. M. HAW TIIORNE. 4 Chester pike, Qlenolden. rhono ninron "i" "-' RUNUAIOW tor Elmwood and Pouth avei.. ..l.t.,1 tielirlllMirhooil. lo 81x123! PrlCO JiS noo. Apply W M HAWTHORNE. 4. Ches. ter pike. Qlenolden Phone Sharon Hill 427. HIGHLAND PARK POSSESSION Modem dwellings. 8 rooma launury unu ..m .uoww. . . OEORQE L. HAHNES. 1201 Chestnut at. vTfmiim tufiu 1 1 'I J rjjpniSMtanniRWftni'3CT ramrraS' rw'fttti I ir t$RN. M JKNUINTOWN , N gmiQiinn; tnniiHmn muunii wi mm uu i s t tn t numiu i.itm:imuntMMHHnBn imn mu miitgg f JENKINTOWN 1 I 3 Ten rooms, bath, all conveniences! S ; I Q tlose o station. 17300. ffl f - 1 HF.RKNESS & STETSON 1 I INDjriTLK nirog..J 1 I sjjasgjsjjsjfjsempaSRiinistianKiiuiiiasii11 e. IN dtfef'-ffitoS' REAL ESTATE toR SALE IKNBYI.YAlASUIUntlAN TRUST BLDG. " 2870 I .lEMUNTOWN Vlllillllllllllili;!! ATTRACTIVE STONE AND BRICK DWELLING In excellent condition 1 1 rooms. 2 batha: thorointhlv mod , convenient to station and trolley, itaraee. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE Ul.DO, fa l!llUllllllllllllilll!illlll!ll!Illl!ll!ll!ll!!!ll!IIIII!!!n!!l!!ill!lilllUI!!l!!!lll! LANSDOIVNF. BRAND-NEW HOME I am In aVosltlon to offer a new Colonial detached home, consisting of II looms, with .' baths, 11 bedrooms, centrally lo cated Hbh hot-water heat electric lights and Is artistically llnlshed, now vacant; lot 50x1511. Prlco and terms tan be ni ranged Phone I.ansdowne 374 cr see Henry S. Barker i.ansdowne ae NINK-ROOM detached flame home; best location, Immediate possession; .OjOO JAMES A. HEALY DREXEL HILL I.ANSDOWNE IIEKIIITS NOW IS YOUR CHANCE Nine-room semlil. la. bed stucco home modern In everv respect best location. Immediate poHsemuon, urlcc 17000. JAS. A. HEALY, Drcxcl Hill A RARE BARGAIN Sex en rooms semidetached, stucco lioinea; modern in eer respect ex- "!Icnl.,!e!;o"0" .."'"""'Hate possession; price 10000 rnch. Applv JAS. A. HEALY, Drcxcl Hill LAVINDALI' 0322.EI5,,eH.l,N AVJJ n:rreidTy7n:d J.slory, porch, fl roonn and bath: lmtnauV poas. Louis Isarjl I llDrere Rlrlg. '"""" MKIH FOR QUICK SALE MODERN SlIURllA.v jtoME Haiidaomn residence. acres old shad.- hoi. water lial; Inclined ponh IS rooms nirl5r floor. .'--Prolninier' 1? , 5vi,i-Jj,LJ'r.'it HMg MEI.RQsr. park in MELROSE PARK 10 ROOMS 2 nATHS LAr.3B IaTi ?fti,ci..vo?iNI,SNCBS' OAnioS! HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE DLDO H angam Jin inpu 1 11 1 1 n m h u nmj ntn i n n m hi nm ti 1 1 nn i itii mi i u 1 1 11 1 1 ti nii in mimiiri n inning MERION A comfortable, dlarhed stone rrsldeiuo and garage located on large corner Tot with southwestern expo sure; II chambers, clertrln light, porches front nnd Hide: In popular residential section 'Ibis property tan lie easily financed and U a desirable suburban home within 13 minutes of city WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 MORRIS IILDO. MemberaPhlladtlphla Real Emm. MERION Buildinpr Jots Ir attractive nnd desirable scctloR can bo pur chased at reasonable prices. Terms favorable to purchaser. Proper restriction. P 1000, LEDGER OFFICE MERION Beautiful stons house, beautl. fully located, north side. 0 bedrooms. S bathst Immedlats possessloni I23.U00I neceaiary mortgtgs money supplied. O. M. RANDLW. 21 H. 12TII. -. Wv.', , ,c.ii i.j...'. MERION . I I i niuniiuiinniiiiiM a , ,..j.r la.iJ'J u. 3!Ui REAL ESTATE 1QR SAjg, 1.,v,uvivvvt wnnuRnAr-. OVKRIinOOK O0i2 COI.UilIA AVB.-Two atory. 4 room- ZACHARIAS & WALLACE nan H Pi:NN HO. 1'Kt.UAM PELHAM A be-ullful, nll-ttone Co lonial resiqence,- "!"" by well-known architects spacious Hvlnu room with open fireplace and 1 rench casement doora to porchi 7 chambers. 0 baths, sleeping porch; olcctrlo light. An opportunity for Immediate possession and Easy Terms. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 7no.oi.02 Monnisi dldo. Members Philadelphia Ileal KSiaio Jionru HTVAIITIHIOKB I'll It UK cottairo-style bouses, sr.noa cnchi n- room detacneu, lot ioxiiv ill, 000; 8-room detached, lot 60x200. baraaln, I . y WILLIAM P. 111TTI.B. $71100. j, TOHHKHDAMS. M-ACltK riverfront estate, residence, tennrit house; arlalocrntlc neighborhood; t4U.O0Oi glO.onn rash W11BTNI1Y. 0.1 Liberty Bids;, WVM'OTK . , Attractive Modern Stone House 10 ROOMS. 4 HATIIH, OAnAOK onou.NDa roMi'niHU a'i aciiks YARROW & VAN PELT PKNNHYLVANIA 111.1)0, , MAIN LINK RADNOR 12 rooms. 1 baths. ! fireplaces, hardwood floors, sleeping- porch! Harass L with rooms, toilet and bath. 1B5 per month, COUNTRY RESIDENCE, furnished, with Karaite, stable nnd tenant quarters, electric light eprlnit water, fruit trees, etc ; 20 acres In woodland- STOCK FARM. 115 acres: cloa to station, with !miiroemenla and equipment. . RADNOR REALTY CO. S2tl Commercial Trust Hide. NEW JERSEY SUIlUnilAN A BEAUTIFUL HOME HADD0N HEIGHTS Si.rlltco prices attractive, comfort able corner lions,', l.i rooms, modorn Itnptovemenls. spacious atone porches' 2 atone fireplaces nnd ilriwnay; the grounds are large ami nttractue shrubbery, caragu for 2 cars; this property mJst be sold and can ba bought for J 71)00 less than It can be built for today: 20 minutes to Phila delphia this home would bring S2S, lioo In Philadelphia suburb; for quick sale priced at $15,000 Apply Mi CLARK. Owner STII AVE AND KINGS HIGHWAY Phono Haddnn Heights til ti W, IIADDUN IIKIUIITH N .1. HANDSOME RESIDENCE Klone and ahlngl;, 13 rooms; nearly new. with latest lomentences, finest aelected oak finish; all in best condition, poultry houie, tile for proposed eurugo, nearly I acre In beautiful lawn uid garden. 12 miles from Camden: tiiar atat.on, photos at office. c F..PET ERS A HON. 1108 CHESTNUT ST Sl ROOMS, porch, outside kUchen; all modern (nnvcnlences; absolutely first-class condition, lot 30x100; beautiful suburban loiatlon. must be sold Immediately; $.1300. 225 H. 33d st . Camden. N. J. COMMUTER'S COUNTRY HOME Bargain : (I looms, bath electric, gas, front and back hall: lot 71100: 3 tnlnutea to depot. II. H. ENOLISII. Clavton. N. J. 4,'AMDEN :iii!i'il WHEN The bridge uoes over the Delawaro and people begin to sell Camden ground ut a profit you will deeply regret yourself If you are not In on It. I have Iota right In the linn of de velopment as low ns $230, purchased on easy teens. Send for Informa tion todav. , Donald V. ReddingcfiUr'avc. I'lllliiil KIKiEWATER PARK RIVERFRONT ESTATE. 3'i acres; deie cost J31.OO0, price f2.-i.0On. WESTNBY. 203 Liberty HIdg real- IIADIIONI'IELD IN HADDONFIELD THE HEAUTIFUIe Colonial house. 8 rooms. Just completed. In moat desirable section, near country club and 8 minutes from I' R, R stntlon. living room 14x23 big llrcplace, ,1 bedrooms, hot nater.heat, hardwood floors throughout: fully decorated 2-car garage; lot 1.0x2011, reason ably financed Address Owner. Ilox M 41(1, LeOger Office CHOICE location, 7 tnlnutea P. 11, R. sta tion: 10 rooma. hot-water heat! all con veniences,, large lot, can bo reasonably fi nanced Addrcs Owner, Rox M 117. Ledger Office. MHORKSTOWX $6300 POSSESSION 11-room bouse, tlty convenlencca: cor. lot, nnd trol 143x100. shade fruit near station. lev. kev and photo here, other' 13300 un PETERS A. SON OPS CHESTNUT ST .PIH1.A W"ITVII.I.K T1IREF1 new 7 loom bungalows; easy terms Immediate possession, all conveniences. near station and trollev: lot veiy ntracllve. HENRY STANLEY A SONS. AVestvllle. N .7. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Will exchange equity In new rorner dwelling for uutomoblle; what havo you to offer? MAURICE LICHTMAN Rroad and Louden sts. Wyom. 168D North 73. WANT desirable farm In New Jersey, about 10U a . in exenange lor jnim. property, must be good, send traveling, directions. nEINAnTJ.J420 Chestnut. .loir, 11703. WILirEXCHANOE a row of modern tip-to- datn homes all empty nnd ready for a fall market for cleared land or seashore prop- crtv. P 033, Ledger Office. . OWNER of 73 cit.v properties will consider exchange of all or part for n'lier realty. p 027, ledger Office REAIi ESTATE SALE OK KENT v Slnres nnil Dwellings 0137 FRANKFORD AVE. Large atore; sec ond floor over large room, suitable for lodge room, etc. third floor, 4 rooma and bath D. .1 Rafferty, 3137 Kensington ave. HEAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE you any property located tn Avalon, Stone Harbor, Plernirnt or Townsend Inlet that you roally want to sell 7 If o, we pan sell i'i at our auction sale of real eslsle, which will be held In Avalon in August. Entries for this sale must he made now. For particular address JOHN A ACKLEY. Auctioneer and Realtor. Magnolia uvo, and Uonrdwalk. tl.llil.ainnJ .1. . iiiiuieiwi, e, a. SEVEN or eight-room house, wlih nil con veniences, on yearly lease, good section: Oermantown. Ogontz, ulenslde or vlclnltyi September or "cipher occupancy small yard and garage. P 017, Ledger Office. INDUSTRIAL plant, running an outing, wants t) hire . large fRrm or plot cf ground for some Saturday In August; must hove baHeball diamond. P 030. ledger Of fice. WANTED Floor spare, factories and foiin. dilea; large and small; In Philadelphia and adjacent territory; clients waiting, HENRY L NIELSEN, offices Jtos Land 'ritlo Illdg Lootist170! SIX TO lSIilHT room unfurnished house. modern; yearly lease suburban, preferably Overbrook to Hovcrford; possession last week HeptiS23 bonus. P. O. 283, HaverfordPi. WE DESIRE property suitable for physlrian; also one suitable for small rfpartment: 10th to 20111 street, iiiennut to Pine; send pijVllculars. J C FULLER. 10 B 18nTT WANTED October 1. 6-room auartnunt. by 2 ladles: city or mburb. J loio, Ledger Office. - WANT several houses for Home buyers aielirill'i'. "i-.,1"" mi m., iiooin fill , Fnrtorlea Factories and Warehouses Wanted T0MLINS0N WALNUT 603 LINCOLN nr.rvn vtViWTIc.il Industrial nlunte ...rrr J warehouses raotorv aites aim noor space J. LEE PATTON. 404 Lincoln Rld- Jli! WEST I'lllLADELPlUA Your Real Estate Sold & L FjTZI'ATRICKir I JN.JIOTH HT. ' (ir.lIANTinVN WANTED To buy horns with converlenceT: A bedrooms) $5000 or less: Oermontown Chestnut Hill or vicinity, with mi i sronnd: not necessarily, modern. Address, giving lo. cation, dsafitlptlon ana terms. M. 214. iXigrr ORIos. . ' sr ' . ' . , . " , V..,. 4. . .Jf ...',' t STt, JKoiAeTfH.r.l. 'I X tirtl . t, KM Shi t..-ft J. i V ,a REAL ESTATE FOR REKfT CITY RENT 1214 ARCH ST. Store and Basement CONTAININO 10,000 BQ. ST. Albert M. Greenfield & Co. 1BT1I AND CHESTNUT STS. OWNER WILL i RBOT 08R (JUUIlTLAvn 8T. AN LI 11101-OJ-oo rU'ENCEn oi IlEAirriFUL, NEW MODERN INCLOSPrV POUCH OAIUOB HOMES; ONLY $85 5sR MnVTJJ! I.KAHR TO SUIT. wvv fi" SlLDBIl A llEFflOrf, AOENTS. DIAMOKP HB-IB. PAnK naaft r. 175 MONTHLY on yearly lease: Ju,t C0M. aleted, modern 7-room porch-front d.7i ln. OdiO, N. .Woodstock it.. Chelten Vvi and Limekiln plkol transfer from Old xffi road. - TVX. II. 11 3840 njd IOM porch ho tEnnicn. HV STB, SBVKN-HOOM porch house. $00 month: VeT y lease. Key 2030 N. 28th.' ' " OFFICES! or atore with dwelling) low renui' 1129 Ilaco st, on'1 030 MAHTEIt Ssven rooms, all convenlenr rent $25. Erhart. agent. 742 Mast.e c ' Unslnees rropertlea nnd Btores 1000 BQUAUE FEET uround floor, Tjoj square feet second, floor: 20th at. north of I'lne. Apply 1H21 Chestnut. "m l'XJIl RENT BTORE e Suitable for automobile or other buslnsu. 1H21 UIIBBTNUT Fnctorle. lVareliniiaea, Montifnctorlni: riee. FLOOR SPACE SPECIALTY CHOICE LOCATIONS FQRRElSnr List your space with us for results CHARLES KAHN 1421 Chestnut St. Locust 2400 flnr.iges FOR RENT Whole or part of floor. 2Txl27 feet, for storing pleasure cars. Apclj Mifflin Ht. Oarage. 1021 to 1031 Mifflin St., Philadelphia. OFFICES. nUSlNKSH ItOOMB. KTO. For Rent OFFICES DENCKLA BLDG. N W. COR; III!. 6'.Market Sts. . APPMr Heymann & Bro. WIDENER BLDG. Locust D82B riiones Race SOT OFFICES and desk rm. possession. Applv A. ! light nnd airy . .in. 17th st ... iMOItt. 7 a. Professional Offle F1RST-FI-OOJI FRONT. 2 roomajtnd lavatory .-.. ..lllllUV 01, ., icon a ...... . 1 oto. opi uvc ni. 2038 Spruce St. Electric lightings first-class condition; suit able ror pnyaicitms or aentiats. -1 n r cmnM HOP l.l c. A v.. r. oiiviun, i i o. lom ot. 2018 CHESTNUT ST.. front panor. 2 rooms rYttracttvo house, can be seen any it, after 3 p. m. V Store 1-1 TH NEAR CHESTNUT Store & Basement or Entire Bldg, P 03t. LEDOED OFFICE 1VF.ST PHILADELPHIA 00TII ST.. S.. 104 Store and dwelling, cor. ner store. 32d nnd Walnut: beat location fi.'d S.. 20U-8, single or double nlore. al'erf.l to suit tenant: 308 S. 32d. 2d and 3d floor, 7 r.. bath, only J73: 32d nnd Chancellor, I r b. Also several other atorca on 32d, leases exnlre shortly. This la a real chance for vou before season. ARDASH. 139 S, 02d. Re). mont 7300 for appoint tnent. FUANkrORI S. E. CORNER FRANKFORD AVE. AND UJlUill'JI si,, Entire building nbout 2800 sa. ft. floor spare, one of the best business corners In Frank ford; will alvo term lease. Apply to THOMAS J. EACIAN 4281 Frankford ave. , PENNSYLVANIA HimURnAN 11". VOAI.OW FOR RENT Beautiful loo ' on on bnnka of Perklomen. at Orate etd; electric lights, - EH V. W1SMER. Norrlstown. Pa WAYNE, PA -Owner will rent, furnished tn exchange for board modern 0-room hous.- all conveniences. II C. HUNTER. Wayne Pa. SEVERAL beautiful suburban homes anJ apartments; $30 to 1100. COOKE. Cnlllngdale. NEW JKRMKT SKA8HORK IV TIIK FAHIIIOVAHT.R rilRI.SKA DIST Hit mailers' bedrooma, 4 baths; beautiful view of ocean: rent for August and SPtem- bor. J220O Appiy v. n. jaiurii, oiou ai- lantlc uve. Lombard Atlantlo City, or call Tllden. 810 MORTGAGES r Sale- -First Mortgages for l ITY REAL ESTATE 0 PER, CENT NO EXPENSE CENTRAL TRUST CO. RBAl. ESTATE DEPT. MARIvET AND 4T1I STS. WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES ON PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATB LAROE OR SMALL AMOUNTS IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 318 WALNUT ST. FUNDS FOR GOOD FIRST MORTGAGES ,; MAURICE H. MATSINGER REAL ESTATE TRUST RLDC1 Member Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard $30 NOTE ON MORTOAOES TO Immsdtato settlements $100(1 Unsettled estate loans Rulldlng association funds DHMPflBY & CO. 27 S. 18th st. $50 Real estata security. Immedlati a'I settlement. Interest on estatilj.wil TO bought. Cash at ones, $2000 EDW. M.MOLL ??,, luiiiiriii I' sin a nnna -. m Foil SALE Two $8000 . first mortgage; pailrut 7 per cc.R for .1 years: eioe lent Investment; quick action ueaessary. Klein, mi ir. Penn Sonera Rullrtlngr. ,' VAUIOUH fdd amountH for good flrsl . rnorl- " cages C'HAS. W. MILLER, 1201-07 Cora- I monweuhjuma . fi MOHIOAOE FUNDS for home-buyers l.v Tind 2d. builders' advances, Phlla. Ju"(tl Ing Co.. 1B01-05 Commonwealth TTUSt mm; f,i D. V. McUONNKLL l 190T irAiiniHOM nr.nn. .I a-VTinAL FUNDS FOR OOOD 1ST MTQ3. fl in. lNTDlltsai encuco t-nuaaeipnia nrsi mortgages for sale. $1000 up. Delsnr, 1 .in llroad st Spruce 38, . T"iiAVh $40,000 for first and second mert- j ciTicliy r country, R 713, ledger OK I -".Si. P. AlbTecht ,2414 'w." Lehl.h 'rV MONEY TO LOAN YOU NEED MONEY ... -.. aii fiirnltu-M iilntim v(nfrI4W automobiles etc. Call. 'wrlto or phone f' A full pariirumio. PROVIDENT LOAN CO. 1033 Chestnut at, Walnut 3083 703 WalMniB'r Ilaca nv" READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES JEW-M" United Statea Loan Society 8f, v.Tfcst wsft frian""w? a? &w!mi&r : V kim, 7&g wmfSMi.-v.mm&mteiA&itmm 3i2r&l&WA mmmmmm fjmmift PBSjSpB 'Hfiirun n n irr ri i nrno i v . BSBspUiu . rr j. i IHBLWWWmWWWWlIWfc