Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 27, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 16, Image 16

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Turnstile Record That Will Equal What League 0nc6
Drew New York's Prospect Have Lured 250,000
Fans in Eight-Game Stretch
MpnrM IMItor Krenlnc I'lihlle l.rdsrr
Newark. N. J.. July 127.
..'TjinED FUIrON flopped In the armory here lnxt ulglit
; jv. t: -.
!-' .1 mei
IV J eMri' fn tlin tlilr.l
"JJD'iThp blc plasterer. iho looked more like n working
1 f Member 'of that profe..im tliou u boxer, took It on the
fMtuwl fitwl thioi nlmpti the fitinli
iT.taq hip.
Ilnrry Wills, the great colored heavyweight, was
'responsible for (lie Midden outline of the bout, whleh
featured an nll-Ntnr, heavily financed program held under
the nuopiceM of the lnternatlomil SportliiK Club. Wlltn
won and Fulton lo-u. lhe vietorj was very popular
i lieeauRc only lx minutes and thirt -five seeonds of the
' epetators' time wax taken up. .Jmlgliis from the finish,
they would have been Mitl-lled if the ix minute hud been
1 eliminated.
Perhaps Fulton m knocked out, If he wasn't lie
1 a clever actor, for he deceived every one. including liliu-
f Btlf.
Sitting on hi,, haunches. Iiis Ions legs spread out
haphazardly, his eye- closed tightly us if he had been
looking into a nimumg sun. mis Dig ihhk m ruumni
out by Harry Krtle tlilrtj -live- seconds after the third
round had xtarted. Fulton did not look like u man who
had been knocked out. In a rae like that, the victim is
supposed to be uncoUH'ioiis mid He limpl on the canvas.
OX SO with Frrdiraid.
until thr final tm had been tolled od. I hen lie
lie flopped and teas riijid
rose, walked tn his raincr mid thought of thr S'
9 he was to reeeivr for sui It ( brief ii'iiniin,
Monologue by Mr. Wills
THAT THIRD round wax ipilte venntioiiiil. hut tt was
,. u sort of a monologue tiv Mr. Will- Hurry opened
j. with a right hook to the hml which wn lr-wrly lilockeu
by Fulton, juxt below the heart. That caused him lo fall
Into a clinch. He )UM't at all graceful and looked like
va ihlpw recked sailor trjing to tlout on a sponge In mid-
4 Wills reached out with his left ami encircled Fred-
ward's waist. Drawing the huge plasterer towaul him.
9 he drew back his right and let it Ily for the hort . It
eorcd a bullejc nnd Fulton winced. Another landed in
the same spot and the white man wilted. .. third wallop
' caused him to lemember a previous engagement or mjiw-
thing like that, for his mind must have wandered from the
' business he hud on hand.
; He tried to draw awa tiud a- he did. In protruding
jaw hove into sight. Wills wliipped over tils right and it
sort of brushed the chin. If wasn't a hard blow, nor did
it land solidly. In fact, it didn't travel more than -i
Suddenl to the ainaemetit of every one. l-'redward
took the high dive and hit the lloor like u loose hale of
hay. He closed hi- ce and I'rth began to count. lie
didn't squirm or make .in; effort to urlc, but kept Ins
eyes closed and listened to the rannl After ten had been
reached and the danger v as mir. he lml climbed lo
his feet and walked t hi ortier. Then, ho was greeted
by Wills, hut Hnrrj was g.'iitle and docile lie only
1 chook hands and said he hoped his injuries were trivial.
ILLS tens very iirrrou iWif,i k (ri)ni info thr
or restless. Fulton, on thr other hnnd. iru rrlm and
confident. He smiled to mniiji arqunintanrei and
SCOielcd at his oppomnt in thr opposite comer.
Wills Is the Smiler After Bell Rinps
WAT WAS before the battle. After the first ten
seconds. Wills wore a broad grin, for he pioed in
that time he had the big boy's measure. He rushed
Fulton nnd landed a hard right to the bodj before they
clinched. Then came the big surprise. Ilarrj bundled
"JFfcilward as if he were a bain, tossing him around and
cocking him almost at will He did all of the leading
and landed all of the punches.
Fulton was all arms. He held them straight out
nnd when lie jabbed it was a light blow to the body.
There was no power behind any of the two wallops which
were struck
Wills was going good at the hell nnd when Fulton
went to his coiner IK Milled nam llrtle the refeiee, to
biro. "Tell Will- to unit bitting low." he said. "If he
docs it again he should be disqualified."
If uny low blow- were struck, nobody saw them.
for Wills had n big enough target to hoot at.
In the second Fulton, cnihndy inonuraged by fhe
cheering athicc of Tom m ilimrk' . stepped out .ind
looked a- if ho meant bus.ues.. il. landed -eerj left
jabs und had Hum bledliug fim the i.ioutii. Kin the
jab was th" only thing lie iuM land. I'utj time he
cbot liis right" to the head. Wills a not there
Harry put tin a iery good defense and stopped
round like u lightweight. lie n liking his time, '.cm
he hai solod Frr-d ward's attack and knew he outilu t
Eft hurl He mi- waiting tor an uoiiiug aticl it oiine
near the end o' the irmnn lie idouiui'i. Hie blow wii.ili
landed reull .-n i tn ii:.i
Wjll 'oi 1cm .'... w '., I,,. 1 HI,,) , I M Fl. Mull's
guard went up. he sunk his right to the body, just under
the heart. Fulton's face turned white, his left knee came
uj) und he xeeined ready to fall. Ho threw both arras
around Wills's neck and held on. Then came the bell.
The tinlh of lhe third round wni similar to, the
finale of the bout with Dcinpsey held a couple of miles
from here, exactly two years ago. Dempsey hit him In
the body five times nnd crossed his right: Wills hit him
three times before the glass Jaw was shattered. There
was some discussion at the ringside about the blow which
ended the fracas. Many claim it was a right 'to the body,
but the knockout was staged in the corner where I wm
sitting and I saw that right to the jaw which rang down
the curtain.
Tiyf..S' IS a great fiahter ; at least he looked great
Vf ayainst f'ifon (ciif nigif. He is as yood as his
press apent nf he irai. Ife is a powerful, fast
picre of fiphting mm hinriu. hits hard teith either haud
and ean step urnuiul tike a lightxeeiyht. Even if
Fulton had decided to get up in the third, he had the
liig bimbo's number and the end xrould have been the
tame. lloth Will and Fulton agreed that 'the
former icas the litter's mattrr.
Negro Forced to Stall Previously
WILLS HAS been lighting a long time, but scarcity of
opponents forced him to take things easy in the
ring. Ho has been chased by inaliv referees for stalling,
but It is said he had to have one hand tied behind his back
before any one would take him on. Last night he hnd u
chance to show how he could travel without tle wraps
and. believe us. he made good.
Tills bout was the end of an extraordinary boxing
show which nt'tractrd the lutgost crowd that ever pneked
itself into the Armory. Kvery scat was taken and the
customers due down deeply into their jeans for the privi
lege. The tflij seats were jammed and it was the same
with the lives and tens.
It was estimated that 14,000 wore present, and the
gate receipts! were slightly more than SUHI.000. This
was u big surprise, for every one believed the show would
lose money. The bouts alone iot something like SS.'.UOO.
and that's a whole lot.
The opening bout wus a thriller and it introduced a
different .lack Hritton from the one we uric used to
'seeing, .luck was in the ring for business nnd was
stacked up against Marcel Thomas, the welter champion
of France.
Thomas lost in the tenth round, whui Iteferee Slim
llrennuu used excellent judgment and stopped the bout.
However, the game Frenchman was not sniUiird. al
though he was helpless nnd was running lhe risk of
serious injury. He wanted to continue and was very
much peeved when told it was time to put n the next net.
Hritton started after Thomas in the tir.t. and it looked
as if be would end it quickly. He used .lam -hung tactics
and put the Frenchman clown twice in me initial inning.
Thoinns. however, was game and came back for more.
It was the same in the other nine rounds Hritton
was the aggressor, hut the more ho piimmelod the for
eigner the harder Thomas would came back. It was n
great exhibition of grit and the crowd was wildly cheering
him at every opportunity.
Hritton showed a wonderful defense and nlso some
nifty slugging wjth both left nnd right. Thomas's face
was the color of the sotting sun before the end of the
lift Ii. but he never let up.
In the tenth Hritton landed on the chin and Marcel
began to wavci. He lolled to the lloor. but was up at the
count of two. Another wallop sent him down nguin, and
when Rrennun wulked over to lift him up und send him
to his cornel the Frenchman smiled and shook his bead.
II" arose a third time and Hritton put exerything he hud
behind a right to the chin.
'THOMAS ii-ent doirn agmn and inn ,o helpless
tlitit llrrnnun did thr u iv thing in itnppma it.
7 l-'imas then icuionstiated. hut thi jight nas over.
Wild Burl IT ins Over Moran
"CU.ANK MOHAN and Wild Hurt Kenny put on a trnv--L
esty in the next bout. Wild Hurt neier has claimed
to bo a great boxer, but he gave Morun more thun be was
looking for. Frank outweighed him at least twenty-five
pounds, bur Kenny did all of the forcing, landed ten
tunes a, ninny blows and if a decision were to be given
Wild Hurt would get it Thi seems strange, hat ho did
the work. Kven a kim. kdown in the third could nut eieii
it up
JOHNNY DF.IJI:k beat Fddie Fitzsimmons m ten
fast rounds. He kept away from Fddie's Irfi ud
piled up enough points to win It was said that Fddie
weighed l.'il pounds H. Wn thinner than in IMuludel
phiu the night he bovd Teiidlei and perhaps be weighed
l.'.l We didu't see tl.e official weighing.
'I 0ll,iul,' It". I, ;,hi., I.rdger Co
MAN 0' WAR 10 RUN ciZilLi iJZiL.
j-iivi-ji i ,juhj i vvvjiv l DrLi li
Riddle's Puzzler Will Have
Chance to Add Greatly to
His Earnings
Worhors in ) arns Will Have Great Chance to Spin 'Em
Mneteenth This Weed in Annual Trade Tourney
Mnn O'War Samm I I Kiddle's
puzzlir. is to run nt file Sinafogu
track. He is expe, ted to be entered in
the Travers. which cworit arried n prize
of a little less tlciii ..KHinii last seiison.
and in the Saratoga c up which is to be
rallied at about S.iono
If Mnn O'War should win both rinos
his eurnings tin n would be in the neigh
borhood of SF'.s, 000 and there would
still be ahead of him the Heali.ation
Hnd the Autumn go'd cup at ISelmnnt
Park, with tin possibility of another
engagement or two nt the autumn meet
ings in Maryland and Kentucky
The Realization is worth about .VJ0.
000 und the weight for ago race should
net $0000 or 7000 more, so thnt the
un the lamnuhrn with S10.-..000 or more! "'" "u . """' "' ,"' consolation
to his credit if he can bold his fonn
Ily s,ANI)Y
TMIW for a fact thai not all in pet
makers uso the same stroke heating
goli opponents thnt they do in boating
their product.
Thev are about tn prove it in the
thirteenth minimi golf tournament of
the Tnrpot Trade Association, wbn b I 'h
will be held Thursday and Fridnx of
this week over the course of the Thilii
ilelplnu Cricket Club.
Noboch ought to be able to bent n
earpetmaker in playing the carpet, as
ome one has nicknuined the putting
green This is one of the fine arts of
golf, always has been, and the rug
folks might therefore to stiirt off at
leust 1 up on the old game
On Thursday morning there will he
medal play to qualify for the various
eights. Match play starts in the after
noon with semllinnls and finals the
Who nut
minster, ho
the lick
in niblick? Ax-
Ihs Im.i r,,rpimak.T m.n not 1 th
S's- colfr hut nunrem i toM In thn na-
I i- . tournn of the I,-liton Mntor Co
' I nink n Anilnl prsldiU of the
'irpjniii.in won the main trophy, the Phlla-
vn-a cUp pre, "Med hv W A Kuser. of
!'rii!ivinnli rxtnstoo. Motor Co
Tie nmtfhis. ere p!hvI .it Ovsrhrnok
cm ' Amon thos nlavlnj: wsrs F II
Anit.-rt Oor W Anated. Coiinonivlll.
li d ' j WIUK TolsUo O . Howard I,.
vii -irir Wcs pmilunt of lh Continental
c.urcin'y Co Nnw Turk, and W A Kuaer
In the piiprr-tmilr tourney. Oorce Itoffnnr
mired apparently na a dark horae ao that
m 'mplo-, er won ablo to net down a com
fortable bet on tho local atnr Hoftner won.
then demonairwttnir In the eood old faiihton
nt K'nuine worth to his employer
and continue to smother his
tors at all distances.
The largest winnings ever ci edited to
nn American racehorse wore MHIt.n.'O,
won by Pomino in his three campaigns,
at two, three and four years ot age
A Micccesjiion of unusuallv rich
stakes for two-year-olds in Is!).", en
abled htm to earn nearly S1S0.000 m
bis first campaign When he retired at
the end of his four year-old campaign
he had started in twenty -five races, of
which he won eighteen, and made a
dead heat in another.
Tn all his races he never met h run
ner that could beat him at even weights.
at ally distance up to one mile, and he
never won a race at a greater distance
than ouo mile.
Ilrlgiullrr (jrncral at Saratoga
Saratoga, N. Y., .Inly 'J7. Humuet
D. Illddlc lias brought: his big light
brigade two-year-old Hrigadier (ieneral
to (Saratoga tn run him in some of the
best juvenilo events. He is not in the
Saratoga special, but he is in the grand
unlou, hopeful, I'nited Stutes. Snnfoid
''irtorIal and grab bag. und he will
(t enough to do in these races.
.'Panama" Joe Qana Wins
r,' . V July JT. "J'nttnma"
.f NeirTork. outfout-ht lFxnk
lit 5frsr Cltr, In a ten.rnurcJ bout
niat, too nan are tuiddieiiBiBhta.
nights and a (lag tournament, with
original handicaps on Friday after
noon. It is announced that the piizes to he
giveu this yeur will be much more val
uable and numerous than the goigcou
trophiis won heretofore.
There will be virtually fie prizes to
every eight players. If a player doesn't
win a trnplij, therefore, he ,nn know
at least that as a golfei he is a gnat
Friday night the prits ii be
awarded at an informal dinner at the)
Cricket Club to members of the asso
ciation The affair, golf, not the dinner, will
bo at handicaps throughout and some
of the leading Philadelphia players are
Dwight Armstrong, Huntingdon Val
ley, who emerged .1 up on Mat .Mamma
at the iuterclub championships; ,1. W.
l'latt. city ehampiou; W ,1. I'latt and
William Hamilton. Cricket Club, will
all give the visitors a whirl, despite
their handicaps. Morton Fetterolf,
Huntingdon 'V alley, is another local
competent to add his sharn of zip to
the meeting
K. i:. W. Crulrkshank, of the Phil
adelnhla Htrawbrldge & Clothiers, 1b
nresldrnt of the association ; A, A,
.Stevens, New York, secretary. The
tmirnatncnt'H committee ia Charles L.
Ituscr, George II. Heath and William
II. Hamilton.
The native land of T D Armour a coif
I ciaaenKer lvho arrived to compnto for our
tl'lim with Walter Ilanen, la iretttnif In
tricate Upon arrival h waa a Frenchman,
and th French champion Th next dny r
porta xtuted he wan Brotchman and tho
am.iteiir rhamplofi of Scotland No wonder
inrc waa ronioaiou it ne woro Kllllea Tho
nklrt ul-!j In l'arla ure ulso virtually abova
th knee.
Hnlxrt RlMhlrr la taking rolf ery aert
oualjr In hla vacation days He waa a cot
lane near Hhawnee and plaa tho courae at
ery .hanoo In anticipation of the Iluckwood
tourney next week.
(sjirs-o . laklns. Jr.. la amonu other
io(i wno win par n motor w th payers
end takn In tho Iluelcnood tourney The
neia promme to nt me taateat that haa com
peted thero for yeara
Mrs. A. . Dannenlraiini. Phllmoiu. will
nualn enter the national this ear Hlnco
her laat Mart aha haa won two trophlea.
Churl is, llolTnrr, 'William !ach and Clar
ence Hackney uro three of tho local district
profeaalonala who ouaht to (rive a flno ar
count of themselvea lu lha metropolitan op-n
this week Haven. lUrnoi J J) Udmir and
numeroua othi'r national utara will compote.
IIUKen holda the title
Drltish Golf Stars Meet at Toledo
New York. Juh .'7 Jack White. British
open aolf champion in 10(H, will compete, for
the Amerlrun lltl.i at lnerneaa, To(edo, In
Heptemher. Thui will kIvb lhe Amirican
rlaaale throe llrllish atnra, as Harry Vardon
and Ted Hay alteady havo entered tor tho
national tournament
Norfolk Still After McConnell
Norfolk, July 27 Tho barkera of tho Nor
foltt team, Vlrtrlnla Ianue, urn still niaklni
overturea lo Ambroee JtcConnelt to take
rhargo of the tram, uccordlnc tn report. But
the veteran Amby acemi aatUfled to play
Independent bait abound hla homa In Nw
york atalo.
I Tn. is Vhh ,, ) ip wattNYC A stmKr! ) ..k- Keep a 1 g trout ) r'Cf$!'r?-
fc 7 l TV i, line!, wwr ie!
it'Ar tr' -7r it r 'Ziyi u i c'i r- n jci-ffv it KHJttTx' ""
vmn001. WSm mSEs1,
-v I llniV 5mokc a i LCoti v)Ut! (TcjcivrYoy Voo plm-sdhim sEf
. l-Rit ur- Tnoirr lYou'Ll. LOSCiM rwsiew nova To , S l"0 HARB-- s-o V -1
p-Xl GCT him . ist,- jfiff "7 NOW .vs UOirTc.' Ska. amy vmertas tf
7-r-r. ' J CrM'T RCACM OUST SECAUSC of I 0Vi.D TIBftCM'W 'SgrraS
Q V l'rtll.M !! MY- I MAP HIM RIGHT I VoiAleJ FVULT I tCt -Saa
v V UJ . hfs r L-,p m2----v V--0(')U foo n.r,Yeo ''S
' TV CVBrl V ?77ZC2F jTSsA HIM Too I1ARD mMS
t&C 'i'W m
..iCg. - - tj-j - - - 5rfc "zJ
j Xl'-2 " "- A LIFBLONtS
-sJ..2tV r? ' - v FJ-sier4DSHP
1 I tt'tytemBe
Olympic Sonatas
irArn Oreek tnct Greek in ancient days
'And old l)oo llomcr sang their praise,
Each victor oxened the bally town
The ichile he wore an olive crown.
Dust since Doc lloxncr no wore throws
An ode at winning legs or toes,
We'll hit for him in this one year
Provided -you will lend an ear.
And yet on second thought tec 11 wait
Until the score is on the slate,
jfor count our chickens in advance
Until each egg has had a chance.
-T DON'T know much nbout the
House of David Nine Defeated
by Negro Team, 4 to 2,
at Sliibe Park
Twelve tlionsntnl fnns refused to take
a ilu. off from baseball wltn both tho
I'liiN nnd A's idle, no tliey visited Shibc
Pork osterday uflernoon anil witnesned
n iiiiitiic came of the national pastime
between li"vhisl;ered and gentlemen of
rnlor rlnbs. The bearded biiebulllnns
didn't win beennse the negro nine nude
twice as many rtiun, the House of
David team being defeated by the
Hiu'hariU'h (Jinnt", of Atluntic City. !
to 2.
Kleetni'.ss of foot was n more potent
fnetor In the Ilnchnrneli rouqnit tlinn
nnj prowes, with the bat. Six thefts
were rominitted by the sunburnt tossers,
who nmnneed tn populate the base paths
on many oeciislotis as a result of having
worked Southpaw Ilrogau, the beardle.ss
pitelier of the bearded team, for free
transportation on eight different occa
sions. Krngau is u member of the House of
David battery, eonsisting of Hrogan and
Plielau. Neither uf tliis iltin N eon
neeted with un tribe of Israel, except
in a tinnni'iul way.
Itachnriieli deposited tlie tirst run of
the combat in the opening inning. One
down. Mnrcelli bent out n hit to the
bearded I-'alkenstein. He promptly
stole second. I.undy followed with a
walk. Mnrcells was nailed trying to
stenl third. I-undv going to second,
from where lie couuted on a single to
left that rang from the nsh of Brown.
The curious tribe fiom lleiiton Ilnrbor,
Mich., tied the figures in the fourth.
Tally. He did. Mr. Tally started his
tally with a single to starboard. Phelnn
lawn sacrifice pushed him to second.
Hrogan's single tn right, his second
straight hit. tallied Tall
It was in the fifth that the Madia -raclis
I'lincliid the veidict. Tlioutli they
registered only one hit, they managed
to put two runs over the plate. I.undy
led off with n walk Hi own bunted, but
Hrognn elected to thiow to second. His
peg was too late, nnd both hands were
safe. Both i miners udvtinreil when
Brogan threw past si..ond in an effort
to get I.und iiiiiiiiik
Hand popped tn Williams Brogan
threw tint I'ien-e, hut I.und was wide
awake and mchciI on the pin Mediro
walked. Brown anil Meiliio caught the
House of Dm id asleep, working the
double steal, the former scoring.
The enemies nf the barber trust
counted theii 'phiiiiI ami what proved
to be their final run m the seventh.
Veirit Iniiiigurutnl this session with
the healthiest hit of the pastiming, a
triple to riKht. After II. Hannnford
fanned. II. Hantiiiford brought home his
bewhlskered matt with n single to right.
In-the Bachiiriiih -etentli anotlier run
was banked Marccils's double, stenl
of third and tin mtichl out manufactured
Ibis .marker.
Vettran Pacer Loses First Race of
the Season
rolumbiis, O.. .Inly 27 The open
ing nice of the Cohimhus midsummer
grand circuit race meeting saw Single
C... the veteran pacer, take his first tie
feat of the eiir in the frce-for-ull,
when, after stepping in ''.01 the first
heat, he went into tho ruek while
Sauardn went on and won in slower
time. Single- (I 's mile was the fastest
heat pHced anywhere this year. In the
auction pools lie sold for $100 to ?80
for the Held
The -.07 tint furnished n duel be
tween Dr Nick and Peter U tho luttcr
Anally winning. Dr. Nick trotted tho
first heat in L' :0"4. Peter L. wns the
orlginnl favorite.
The stake event of tho card was the
2:0.ri pace, the Klks' Homo purse .$3000.
It proved a stirring contest, Itoyol Karl
winniug the tirst heat as he pleased,
then being forced to bow to tho rusliea
of Hal Mahone, in the last two heats.
It was the latter pacer'S first win of the
season. Itoyal Karl was u 'slight fu
vorlte in the tirst auction pools.
Conqueror of Fred Fulton Has Been Boxing Eleven Years
Is 26 Years Old, Weighs 212 Pounds and
Stands 6 Feet 3 Inches
sTs UP
Does All sorts of Things in Fare
well Game at Bridgeport
Bridgeport, Conn., July 17. Hoy
(rimes, the local Kastern League in
fielder win, joins the (Hants in New
oik toiltu, gave a wonderful exhibi
tion for his farewell performance here
ieuTtiii in live times nt bat lie was
intentiniiulh missed with 11 runner on
second und the other four times he drovo
out Hinahhuig hits, the last u homo run
to the center field fence with three run
ners on the bases.
Bridgeport defeated Waterbury by a
score of 11' to 1 and Grimes drove in
live of Bridgeport's runs, scoring three
more himself. He also htole u base und
had n perfect day in the field, ncccpt
ing seven chances.
. In tho field Grimes has accented 405
chances out of ISO for nny average of
J.IH2, He ploys iihortstop or second
smear of darkness now looms
p before Jack Dempsey. itn
the returns of the Fulton-Wills con
test in Newark last night, in which Fred
proved that, ns u btier. he was n
mighty good pla-terer. Horry stands
out prominently, promiscuously. Ilkhly
und nrobnblv as the first opponent for
'Dempsey as world's heavyweight cham
Nobody has said an thing about it,
but Wills will be Dempseys vis-a-vis
when Jnck is icady to return to the
ring. Wills is mentioned as Dempsey's
opponent because there isn't anone
else who stnuds out better, and, further
more, Dempsey lias announced thnt
there is no color line in his young life.
The negro lieavj'w eight is no new piece
of punching talent in the ring. Harry
has been in the game, off and on,
mostly off because of lack of opponents
since 1011.
Seventy-live per cent of Wills's op
ponents have been boxers of his own
color, because, for some reason or other,
the white folks didn't like the idea of
punching with or ngninst the New
Oilcans black, who is twentj -six years
of age, weighs -l'J pounds and stands
six feet three inches.
Sam l.angford, the once great Tar
Baby, has been a favorite punching
partner for Wills. They have -gone
after ench other's woolly scalp on fif
teen different occasions, mostly no
decision affuirs.
The only two times AVills has been
knocked out in his eleven-jenr career.
Lungford turned the trick on both
occasions in fouiteen rounds in 1014,
and in nineteen rounds in 111115. Since
that 101!) bout, however. Wills hns
defeated I.angford almost every lime
they have met.
Wills today looms up as the best of
the negio heavyweight punchers and,
for that matter, the peer of the entire
division, outside of Dempsey , because
there nien't any real good big white
men. If the title holder is to be ex
tended. Wills jM the person to come
out of the other corner at the sound
of the gong
Annthfr hrtmwriicht vs ellmlnntril when
Flob Martin knoi kd out Serne.int Hnv Smith
In the flfiii reuiiil ut Columbus, O laat
night Martin nilahl ihullentfe Jack Drmp
Hey. hut tlMI nil It , doubtful It he would
attempt in kill hlrum-lf Into IkIIpIiik that hei
eouhl c.u" .nth tin- rlumplini
Ivli! Ilrilic il, i. ii, it iini, eieinii who
has bivu IioxUib lor .i scire of yeara. pur
tlclpateil In hla UOOth battle laat week when
ho won ii su-r.mndi r ,t the Eleventh Street
Arena lu-b.. t tried bulns In WOO. an'!.
In hla pi cine the KM seel he "would aooner
lion Ih.m i at or , iiiii 11, cb" doean't
frel that he could gi, .iloru- nnd ahow auc
cesHtul fonn hualnat tin proaent crop of
boxera hla weinht The Kid now la oporatlnc
a inaastip p.irlur dOHiiiuwu cl.Ine treat
menta dall
A pair or nerro lluht hunj welchta will net
tneether in the aur bout lit the i:irenth
Street Arena on I'riit.v nlii. ,. n,nnmn
Joe (lans cind Kid I'uttlllu rinah In nn elght
rnumler Hurt' Ilea, on tml.iv alao unnounced
his other iKiuta. U Uuk.i Aery va Johnny
llonklna. Jack t iillt-n u 'i-,i..imv. itu,.. tm.
McUovern a l)uh Caainir and l'Jtay ltrud.
irj. ,n nuin ivuuurn
loo Kennedy has iinnouneeddeflnltely that
hla tJermciiitown A A n 111 remain clos-d
until early In September The Mannj-unk
aportaman has aturted to develop a lot of
rlnj Ulent In Manajunk Talla nf Hrhuylklll
and Oerinantown und it lot nf now faceB
will appeur In eomptltlon at his arena next
Tom Iuxlirry and Pi to Tsrell have ar
ranned all details for tho fifteen-round bout
butween rrnnk Kouahrey ,,nd Kddle McAn
drewa at West Manayunk. .Mmitgomery
rountry. ntn Monday nteht Tr.cre Is .1 bin
ndvaneo an In of tleketa for 'hla bout, which
haa the fana In Manayunk Intereated to a
va. Jo:
Bobbie Williams Must
Be an Unusual Boxer
New Yorli. July 27. Bobble
Williams, who arrived yesterday on
the steamship Aiiuitania, told the
Ellis Island officials that he wns a
boxer nil the way from Australia.
When asked how he came to ride
in the steerage. Williams said:
Didn't 1 try lo come first cabin?
Why, it would take nu order from
the king to get n cabin ticket from
England to New York these days.
Everything's bought up for months
ahead. And I had this fight on in
Milwaukee. That's where I'm
headed, and the date's been billed
and iidvcitised. I couldn't come
cabin, so I had to pile up with the
Immigrants in the steerage."
He passed nil the selective tests
and hurried down to the railroad
room to buy u ticket for Milwaukee,
saying lie would have' to hurry to
get there in time for his bout.
and Jlmmv Nol.ui a Vouns
point Prelim will be Tounir rtamatchl
hnny Pawn. Jlattllnar Illake, v. Johnny
l.'dille Mullen will t.i'ie on Trenton Itrmvn
In the main mix .it the Cambria, l"riday
nluhl In tho ml Chnrle O'Nell faces
.lohniiv DffUBherty Other boutn: Voune IJrnu
a Itankla rimlth. Younu Kllnatrlek va
Spike Hherldan and Younc Wllleta s Jimmy
s.uniin. (iotd, impounder will be unable
to box fm ! month, his muniiKer Fte,.
llircoe. announcd toiln. (Jold autTeied a
broken nose while tralnlnif.
An InVr-slilpMircl boxln: tourne la sched
uled at the Hun l'h Id lliixtiw Arena. Ches
ter. tomorrow nltrlil I"! ieen Hob Ialand and
.Sun Ship. The bouls Joe O'Keefi. vs Johnny
llock. Hilly ltuaa - ui'o O'Keefe.' (leorxo
MimnvMH va CleorBe Jljnn Jlmmv Lavender
va Itobby Wood", tlob H..., s. Jack llrtiiizo
and IJddystcnc, MII'.t r lVanlt Brltton
Bobby Defeats Walter Rennle in
Eight Rounds at Knickerbocker
Bobby McCiinn and Walter Hennle,
each tipping the beam at 11!7 pounds,
met in the star set to at the Knicker
bocker A. A. last night, with Young
Jut-li O'Brien as tin. lelerec, nnd the
former returned u winner in eight
rounds. McCiinn was entirely too
clever for Ucnnlc, nnd the (!rnvs Ferry
lad won by n wide mm gin
Charley Haulier. 107L... handicapped
by weight, was defeated hv I.eo Rey
nolds, ll-Ha! .loo O'Keet'e. 1UH. and
.lohnny raxtoii, l.'U, lmed a fast draw;
Matty Harrett. 1U7, won from Tommy
Hayes. 1.t., and I'.tts I'ucliiau. Ml,
knocked out Lew Hilej, in,-,, the second.
Illnck Hand." writes nn enraged
fan, "but I know what the Yellow Hand
Is in pitching it is being nfrald to
get one over for n good hitter." How
they love to see the Bambinos of Swat
intentionally cicntcti incgn.-ui.Hww
lege of lifting one out of the yard !
It Doesn't Follow
T'VE been taught not to sway my
- body in the golf stroke," L. II. P.
writes. "Yet I notice that Ted Roy
sways nt every tec shot and gets won
derful results. If he can do it, why
shouldn't I?" ,
It doesn't always follow that each
eon follow copy on the style of n cham
pion or rt star performer.
Hay probably started in with a body
sway 'something llko twenty-live years
ago. It Is now his nntural way of hit
ting a ball. Twenty-fivo years of habit
have shown him how to control It.
But it isn't the easiest way to learn
the game. So why take the long 'rond
homo when n shorter cut is open?
Tho Ways of Form
THE ways of form are rarely the
same. "Bnbe" Ruth and Joe Jack
son stnnd exactly alike nt bat. But
neither stands like Tris Speaker or
George Sisler.
Ruth, Cobb and Willie Keeler all
ndoptetl widely different grips or wnys
of holding a bat.
The golf grips employed by Evans,
Oiiimet, Hngen and Travers arc all
different, .lack Spratt, you mny re
member, could ent no fat. On the con
trary, his well-known wife could eat
no lean. And so it goes. A well-known
professional golfer once tried Travers's
system of hitting n ninshie shot witli
tiie tip of his right thumb guiding the
club. The "pro" nearly lost n valuable
thumb as he missed the shot.
It never pnys to copy any style blind
ly. As a rule the most comfortable
isn't very far wroDg, especially if it
gets results.
JUST a few years ago any major
league ball club that played to
fiOO.OOO paid admissions In the course of
a season was thought to be doing very
The New York Yankees plus "Babe"
Ituth are in the act of setting a turn
stile mark that will not only break all
records but that will be fully ns much
ns the entire lengue once drew.
For the last few weeks the Yankees
have been uvcraging around 20,000 fans
n game. Possibly more, as they have
had numerous days above .'10,000. They
have drawn ns high as 2ii0,000 in nn
eight-gnme stretch. It would not be at
all surprising if they played Jo over
''. 500,000 people before the odor of
burning lenves in enrly October indi
cates the approaching end of the cam
paign. For they have not only drawn huge
crowds at the I'olo grounds they have
nlso drawn amazing crowds in St.
Louis. Cleveland, Chicago and Wash-
ingtou. Also Boston and other points
east nnd west. They will undoubtedly
be in the thick of the melee till the
finish. Even if thev should slin. the
resounding echo of Ruth's bat will sum
mon the clan as he struggles for the
fifty mark.
The anl(s are now headed West
They mny not draw quite so heavily in
St. Louis, and Detroit, but they will
sardine the ball parks in Cleveland and
'.tills wason' will undoubtedly be Ik.
biggest attendance year that any rlnJ
has ever, known In sixty years of" Ut.
ball history. It will boVmnrk to S&
at welt beyond any target ever offcrej
milE $450,000 taken in at the Dean.
J- sey.Willard light is still the L
notch for a single show lu mv,.
And this mark will stand until rC
scy and Carpentler meet, if they Z
no. If this show ever comes off xll
iirospcct of a .$1,000,000 gate w-M 11
longer be an Idle dream, '
"pOBINSON and Kuinmcr have bn
j- voted ns the two leading jockeys nf
the year, but our pick goes lo Tr,,
Sneaker, who hos Jockeyed two wlr.
nlng pitchers through seventy-fir,, ba"fl
games,, including a smear of double.
In Dempsey's list of fights the m
allowance hns been from eighteen nee.
onds to four nnd one-half minutes. HI,
time allowance in the Fulton, tight va,
almost a start from scratch.
Copyright 1020. All rights reservtd.
Give Two Pitchers, Inficlder nnd
Cash Consideration to Toronto
Toronto, Ont.. July 27. Frank
O Hourke. Miortston for t!o Torn,.
International League Baseball Club.w-ai'
soul yesteruay to tnc nshlnftton
American League team. The consider,
tion Included n rash sum, Pitcher
Snyder and nn unnamed inficlder ami
another pitcher. ,
O'Rourke's transfer will not become
effective until the end of the Interna
tional League season.
Steel Team to Travel
llctlilchrni, Tn.. July 2f. Hethtchi'm fit
Company soccer team, whleh has been itrcMtiv
strengthened, will eo to llrazll In Auitut to
rnsnKo In matches, npenlni; nt lllo Janolru
I VhilipcMoms
1 l
I Corfc 3Hpi Platn Bnd
Eh .HJGSit. A ?""! 3
QAPOrtaMVT CI "Cg: Cj Mm IQVmjtDW 2
Merchants & Mine Trannoortatlon Co.
I.'nUbllihrd lSBt
"Mlllloni ot pasfcentrr curried
Not a lire lout."
Telephoos Lombard 100(1
Wiggins Shades Jackie Clark
Cliirlnnntl. ()., .Inlv H7 'Chuck ' WJk
Blna of Indiana pollB,h(.nvi.eht champion
of Australia, eluded Jiukl.- Oark of Allen
town. Pa, In ten-round hoxlns mulch hero
hint nliiht lhe tluhi was ataitrd In an onen
alr arena,
Vanderbllt HorBes to Race
I'llrls. July 7. It Is understood that 'he
late William K Wind-rldl! , .,,J lar in "lit
l,efiieano- nnd hi trnlmnr miitillicliment at
Ht IuIb de I'ols will b.ionilniie.1 WlUl.im
Duku will remain tin- train, i m e iT k
O'Neill will continue an hrcmlr jockov n
the Vanderbllt Mable lhe heri8 iMif r"
Hume raclnn Auirua' a, when I'ourtlnnri i.
enteied for the I'rlx den Hum at Vlin"
2 Big
Twilight Game (Thurday), July 29, 6 P. M.
Logan vs. Marshall E. Smith & Bro.
Saturday, July 31, 3t30 P. M.
Cheltenham vs. Marshall E, Smith & Bro.
Bathing Suit Bargains
9.50 reduced to
Tioga and
B Streets
Life guard suit (guaranteed dye)
Life guard pants ( guaranteed dyo)
Ladies' California Suits
Men's two-piece worsted suits
Children's one-piece worsted suits
5.00 reduced to
8.50 reduced to
8.00 reduced to
5.00 reduced to
Ladies' "Kellys"
The M. E. S. model perfect-fitting
one-piece swimming suits for women:
Pure worsted swimming suits 6.00 reduced to
ool jersey swimming suits 4.00 reduced to
Cotton jersey swimming suits 3.00 reduced to
Pure gum bathing caps, men's or women's 50c, 75c & 1.00
Marshall E. Smith & Bro.
EL rMsEC: 724 Chestnut Street
ranxenxer and I'relnht Service.
Vardulis Philadelphia to London , July 27
Aquitsnia New York" Cherbourg and Southampton Jul; .11
Italia . New York " Dubrovnik and Tricite July 31
Columbia New York " Londonderry and Glasgow Auj. 2
Imperator New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Aug. 12
Vennonia Philadelphia " Bristol and Liverpool '..Auf. 12
K. A. Victoria New York " Queemtown and Liverpool
Calabria New York " Hamburg and Danzig
Anglo Egyptian Philadelphia " Rotterdam and Antwerp
Caronia New York " Queemtown and Liverpool
Aquitania New York " Cherbourg and Southampton
' Tor Later Salllnna Apply to
Passenger Office, 1300 Walnut Street, Philadelphia
Freight Office, Bourse Building, Philadelphia
Ang. 14
..Aag. 17
..Aar, 1!
..Aug. 22
..Aug. 2J
Philadelphia to
Hoard) jui, 31
B. H. WEST POOL Julian
K. S. KATKINA l.t'CIUlN'llAC'il Adr lS
8. S. K. I. I,telWIM ft 'I
Philadelphia-San Diego. Loi
Anitelcs-San Francisco
B. 8. ntKP'K T.OrKKNIIAril ..Anr.
Snn Frnncisco.PhHadelphia-via
S. R
B. S
Alic. 28
Los Angeles and San Dieiro
S. HATTIi: f .ITfKKNB "l ' AuL
GAILEY, DAVIS & CO., Airenti
403 Uourso llltle. I'houe Lombard 200S
Lockenlacb Steamship Company. Inr
44 Whitehall Bt.. Now York Cltr. N.
Barber Steamship Lines, Inc.
Yokohama Kobe
U. S. S. B. SS "Henry Steers"
July 15th
Yokohama Kobe Shanghai
U.S.S.B. SS "Eastern Cloud"
July 20th
Tor IUtes. Ete ApDt
Barber Steamship Lines. Inc
Griley, Davis & Co., Philadelphia
Via Plymouth and BouIogne-Sur-IVIer
U,W;M .'; -"Sept. a
New Amiterdsm An. lflS.s w
ftjB& , All. 18 Sent. 2?
.,.....Aug,'28l0c. '2
Incorporated 1891
U. S. Shipping Board Steel Stfameti
General Cargo
Regular Service
Philadelphia Manchester
SS "Des Moines Bridge". Loadia?
Philadelphia Havana
SS "Lake Galera". . .Loading
SS "Coquina" July 31
For rates and particular apply 1
arn-Line Steamship Co.
139 South Fourth St.
Scandinavian Ports
Regular Service
J. 8. iShtppIn imurd Uteel BUnatri
SS "Oronoko" .. j, '., .LoadljJ
(From Pier 78, South WharWJ
The Charles T. Megee Co.
Agents for U. S. Shipping Board
Drexel Building
PHii.Anir.PHrA' ,.
L Bellr-Lombwrd StM ,
Ml Walnut B rMK
. .) '-- "
fasseocer Odes,
. v)4afaaaaaaLHfcs?VWi X
X j X . . . V..-4r-VlU(aaaaaaaaaaBaO$,'& . J
' I
- -" - i t I rr r xxmsmimmHmuk""'-" :-y