v. . V . ' Y FV1 mi. v s V , . i m l ?' If! w ru IW, A. j- . j FlroWoclimonti Contro Alti Fi- F, naiuleri ner Comolotto Contro la Sicurezza Dello Stato t'ullliilicit ninl Hl'trliiutdl f nilcr PKIIMIT Nil. 041. , Authorlzwl by the nit of Oitohr 0. fOti, mi nic nt the l'mUofNtY u I'hltu ectphln I'a i" ah iuni.i:soN'. I'lutimiiitcr Oimh rut. ,, J'Roma, 21 luglio. In segiilto nlla diehlariiztoiil fntlc ulln I'niupi-ii de! i)el)1itntl. ilitll'On. (iiolltli. leri 1'nltni. Wcondo lp quail alti finnii.leil ed in dustilall idle malnmetite hntinn aeeii ,.iiUlnto rl-rh.z,' durante ta guerra e . 'he Orn si son servltl del ilnnaro per fomentare i recent! e dcnlorevoli dl 'wtl'dltil In vnrlc parti d'ltalia. complot tando coi' conlio la siciirexza dello Htnto, e' stato aiiniinr.i.'ito cln lc nntorltn' siiidlzlarie hnnnii gin' spimito varil mandati di en t turn die prodnr Mnnn 'enorine seiisazione. T.n stnmpa iiiiuulnip ehiedr pienu line e chlpde le pin' rigornsi' mluri' nintro i'oloro che hanno tentnto di gettare il Parse nell.i cnnfiisioiie e neiraiiurdiia. s Ii'Idea N'nzionnle. ginrmile ronmiio. dedien uu liingo artleoln nlhi gnre tljiestloue del mouipnto e solhvltii ( lie Hia fattll lure sulla I'olifederii'.iiiiic jene I'hIp nel rapport! deiriiidiistrhi e inn ehllide rcclamiinoo di" il (iiii'iiin .ilbia a, prirlMirc fntti spidiiil ' CniLstimtiiiopiill, 'M luglin. - into tilarinnl ed uu utliciiile, il D.itt I'.iuti. ihanno perduto In loro t i tti cim la di Htnir.lone del nuovo inerociiitore ilalinno 'Alberto Carlo Kncchiii." il quale urt,'' oggi in il mi miiiii net l.ir .Nern. iiinu Ventrntn del lnsfoin. rhlladr'phlu. I'a. In unurc dellillc tre Itrgiti Console Oeueriile Cn . Cff Raetano Poecimll. c delta ma di-tiutii !Ignora .Maria, sabnto n sera ebbe luogn nn banchctto d'nddio nella elcante .aln miperlore del Leoncavallo Ilcstiiitraut. 'banchctto die, come ben ilisse II nuovo Rcgio Consnlf per questa cltta". fu la pill', bella nrova della cordlallta' c sin i;erita' dei vlncoli die per tiuili anni lianuo unito In t'olonia jtallaua al (Jav. I'occardi. e di tale provn di sim patlu (ue.sti e l.i sun gentile signorn ne posono e.ssere altumeiite fieii. Alle friittu. priiiio a pciidere In parnlu 111 il Wottor Nicfilu I ernlce, nri'stilent del comitato bai.ehettu. il iiiinli breve njente nrcenno cardl e snieijo ii- -.. ,i..i f.. .. i.. ' nerdie alia le-rii i era ' '. tA RIGIDA POL TIGA DELL'ON mi Tolutn dare un cniattei-i ultimo. qulndl preM'iito' il nuii'iro ill ei'vi'imiKe tKlla persona del si;, ('nieppe 1I Sil vestro. (Jiiesti. dopo aver nieeiiimtii alb benemerenr.e del festeguuitn ilmiiiir. i Innghl sri anni di peiimineir.n in qiielii citta', lesvo un fai i ili teli"jr..iMiii di connar.ionali die urii iimiivi imii noteroiio esen- orcein i al li'iiic'm no ilolti telesrnmmi furouo mvinti du. liraudi Concili. tlnl Sti'irenm Venerabib eNdalle I.ogge deH'Ordlne I'igll d'ltali i rJ: II Di Hilvostro nresenlii'. io'in. i1 luovo Itrglo CoiimiIi Cuv. Silcnzi d' atcolto da una prolungatn c defercni orazione, pronunzio' uu piiti-iottic lliscorso. durante II quale diso rhe aeva dalla m.inlfesta.ione gli ausiiici Jiligliori per la cordlallta' e sincent.i dci'rapporti elje si iitiguriixn : e ne ein ecrto. contlrineranno ad interredere tia lui c gli italiani di niadeltia. Ter mino' il mio dire iliehinriindnsi ililueioso cheinnanzi ai denigratori deH'Italla, in nanzi a coloro die vorrebbero ridmlii d Jinn espressioue geograiica. itoiinni aaranno senipre imiti v toin-ordi per "" ran-eniire. iier la nliiti e per la gran ''Arzxa. della loro pniriu. Parlo' quindi l'nvv. (iioviiiini Di hilvestro die. run parnlu xiiiagliiuifc. Jtppe rievocare 1'nperu tntlivu del Ca . 'occardl c della sua Mgnorii in questa Colonia. xpecinlmente il'iruiite il ierIodo uella guerra. e sj aiignro' die il nuovo Console, seguendu le urine del sue. piedeceshore Miprit' sum itare al puioi. sismo il patrl'ittisinn ilcgli italiani di , Filiideltia. La dlstinta e colta .Siginua Knri j-bcttn l'erniee. ,.giiu eompagiia dd Dpttor Nicola IVrnlee portn" il nliito alia Signora rueruidi n nnme ddli aignore e signorine prcenti dl il nm dire elevato r-ommosM. (i jniino.inuo' I present! I'arlurono innlirc 1 ('nloniidlo Cav. John .Mm kle. I'avv. Stern. II Cav Guldo Di Vinceiuo. il Vhv. rnrtiinati. TIscari, il Dott. Vlmeiizn Dlodato. laaggiore medico iiell'INteri ito Ann ri -cano e per ultimo rinrcc lu iiarola il Dottor l'erniee. c. nfTri" nl festegginn. a nnme dei prceinl. iu. -.p.,.ii,,, ,!,; rjtiale ricordo deiraweutimento A tutti rispii' il Cav. IVccni'di. vi..i mente eommovso. ringraziuudo i pn nenti per l.i mninfo-tnzioiie die .n.van., voluto tnbutiirgli nl ussiciirundo im tie net bem impiTiiuro ric.ird.i (il. Intervcniitl v, Hblianiluimroiio. Uluru ail I linn veru e s.giiiiieantp dimiitiazioni all Indirizzi. dd coniugi l'o, i-nr.li PROTEST PAY INCREASE Shenandoah Teachers Say Rise Is Only Quarter of Occupational Tax Slidiiiiiilnali. I'a.. .Jul '.'i! ytl Shrnnmlouli Tc:u h.'.s- As,.i intmn -oi.r . I iJllllllllIliruiinij Til Til., hnnp. ..!' ..I.. ciltiim todii priiti'stini; iiKuliiNr a i,iu iiiikimi uu ri'n-,1. m ?" il liinnth. r aviTiiKiiiK iiljiMit Tho tciii'lni . ,.iiiiii'iiil tin - '-"nii-ini hip ,-s.i m i tinji ax li'vicil bv tin. iinnnl fr tin nf nn rr-iiciiiK Milnrie, will , tri.t iilmni Sj:,f,(,i, unllllllI, uonm tax purnonf tho illnt TVlitlo tin- ailiuiii'o nrYoroil ii I em liei-v an eight amoimtK i alumt S.'Oihi fnr months' term. J lie tiwlier. Munrd tl.ur .)ntnK for the next term. tl. .-..mmitnir-,, ion MM. not Ihiiiho tli.. r.... .ari.,e, ho increase Kivn. l,n, ,r , ,)' "ii,s;:.":.i "f rlj"lr" ..i-iiti... .. .uiu.u- innunii an- iiitriisti.il them. to Where Shall I Send My Child to School? That question .an I,. !Ui Bwereil qulcklj and Hjtmfae. torllj by consuliiiiB i hi. i;uu cntlonaj Hum j (on ifioumi noor at I'ubla I.Ubi-i uiilc Inilpiienileiuv Squai.-) j,.p jou may obtain cumpu-te and rtllalile Infonnatloii of an lioardlni,' school for bujn o K r!. military acadoin bus), neua colli'ffo HUrolal hcIicioIh for retarded chlldnii.ionacrvatory of music colleKe or unlvrr 't our intimate Icnoul.Mipr of tbe aduntaffp of the u ilous InstltutloiiH will .-nablo von to make u ivlw cbol, e Tli 18 erlce Ib free and avail. Ublo to ever nn ..,.A.,.. where "" Public Ledger Building CHESTNUT at SIXTH ORDERS FOR CAMP ISSUED your Regiments and Cavalry Troop to Qo to Mt. Gretna Next VVcek llnrrUbiirf;, .luly 'JO. (My A. V 1- I'liinl xlilpincnt of inntrriiil for tlie I oH'Uing of till' tlrst otiriiniiiliiont nf the i new lViiiixylvniiiii Xitttontil (!uni(l, lit Alt. tlrrtnn, mid of equipment for or RnnlzntioiiM n-frlvliiK tVileriil rofoRiii- ' ,," "' ,0 iMirtMimte In tin- muip 1 in ui- iiiuui.' iioiii uir uue uiei-imi t tiiix wWk. The vump win open m-xt Monday mill will lie itttcnilecl iltirlni." Its progrrt bj (Inventor Sirniil. Ad- jntiint (irnorul Henrj iinil (itlirers of ; tin' I'tiitprf Stittee nrmj . Tin (lrt orpinlziitlon to K" inl rump will be tln Truth. 'I'liliti'i'iitli 1 immI Slxti'onth Infantry unci tin- I-'ir-t I Cnlvnry. Tlie other n-jtliiirnts wblrb will ro inlo 1'iiiiip about AiiKii"t 7 will i be provisionally 0rKi111i7.nl. . Hearing on Peace Order Delayed Wnslilncton. Julv "(. (Ilv A. IV I!y ngreeiiii'iit of couiel. Chief Jus- tlce McCoy, of the District Supreiilc oiirt, today postponed hearing on tin" mpiest of Harry A. MeC.irtnej. a Chicago lawjer. for a mandamus older to compel Secretary of State Colby to declare otllclallytliat a state or pence exists between the t lilted States and (iermnin The hearing wn "el for AVi'dnesday ti:msiiii' MiTirt.'i International Mercamtiir Marine Company american line white stah line N. Y. Clirrbourc Siiutliumoton .(. I'uiil ..Inly SI'Aiia. SHihept. '.! riilluitrlplilil . .Aug. Nrpt. 4 Ort. '.' New York Ahic. UliSept. IHIOit. 1U MJIV YOIIK IIA.IIIIUlltl .Mnneliiirln July StlSrpt. ll!nrt.', .MiiiiKiilln Alls. 14Sc.t. snlNor. 0 l'liii.Aiir.i.riiiA i.iyi:ki'ooi, iilmrii A nc. I Vli-.trrn I'lalns Anc. 14 IlmiTford . . Srpt. S I'lll Mll.l.rillA (ll,AS,OM l.n.lrrn M' Jug. .1 West lierilM XllR. 10 Jlr.t Noll.. . MIB. -JS i:nstrni Sf.i -.rpt 3 iiih. it:r.i'iiiA HA.Miiuito VXVn'r,"" iff, Il Wnmptiui ... Auk. 14 RED STAR LINE 7. 1.' . . t- iit mii' .- -Tn ii'Tf nn sOtTHAMrTOX ANTWKItr Krnuiil.iiiil iib. II Xriit. IHIOrl. S.", I.tiplaiiil AiiBl-SIisriil. '.", rtiiluiil iiir. 28 Oct. Zerliiinl Sept. llOrt. !i rim ahi.U'Iii amvkki .t Tin mil, .llll.t .11 ; Mnntniili .July 31 Wrt llillil'lit AtlB. a ' Nerlfr Anc. ."i Vrittrrn .iiiiiu Jne. 14 nc. mo a-.l-.,. s. di.:i. a9G,ii: ii.c ...ftf ii.ni.i u. , una. Only 2 Days Sail f-M'S ' Ideal w-C-.lB Uk I7- W Illtffl -?-. - l .ai fit. w ' llry Summer Vacation v'yi' A -- f mult roiund (lull dolmhtful tun ilw vHililtni; 'VII,fiA.P' ' -ntrat1 u'"e' l"",ic. bathliia. cm Mrs. dnvine, tenn B'. i! ii-1 W J(3 -lnu aancinc. ah iu kq nnu rploTturoa ar.il (Joitshts of Hcrr- Bermuda Is Cooled (n vera ge summer temperature "9 decrees) SUMMER VACATION TOURS rfrillte iliirlnir 'lnpluJ.i.c st"Hin"r liooi nna 8 Days $87.00 and upward, accordjii? to botel No Passports Required for Bermuda S. S. "FORT Sa 1 ns Tin V on a t ate v fit nt v rURNESS BERMUDA LINE t. n. .31 1 I United i. Kl! I 111 I M-r Bid; Baltimore 418 Olive "T EARN-LlNE iDforpuratnl 1801 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Des Moines Bridge". Loading Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera" . . . Loading SS "Coquina" July 31 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. PUMMINC LINE U. S. Shipping Boird Steel Steimtn Regular Service PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam & Antwerp S'S "Lake Harminia". Aug. 10 SS "Ariipa" Aug. 20 (From Pier 34, South Wharves) For information apply A. D. Cummins & Co., Inc. H. P. DILKES, Manager 139 South 4th St., Phila. Lumbar J ll-mH-Mfi; Main MIR CM1I VIA n 9 rW PAMAHA CANAL I? I 'grace lineN I GRACE LINE S. S. Santu KlUu, S, S, Santa Teresu S, S, Santa Ana, S, S, Santa I.iiIhii Tallin- at Callao, Arlcu, luulque Anto faaastui Valparaiso ForlniKhtlysmilngs, IV. R, (lltACi: Ii CO., Agents. Hanover an,, Mew York, or Local Agent I'vtmMiiwiiwiMiiwKaiia Swjtottcj PUBLIC NLEbaE, RELIEF FROM COAL Arrangonionts Maclo to Rush Supply to Now England and Northwest EMBARGO ON EXPORTATION, lly the Asoclated Tress Viihliiglii. Jtilj LM. Ucllcf ft-.mi ciiiil Nlmrtngi both actual nud tliienl-I rued for New Knglaiid mid the North- rt was in sight today. The Inter- slate Commerce Commission indicated , it "lis prepored to Isuc nn order foi ,,.' ,f movement In the shipment1 , . , v r,,i.,.i , ., . .. i.n. of ,0,,, '" N','" '".,n",l '" ''''" railroads, under n recent order of the1 commission, began to nfove cnnl to lake , f ranssblpment to the North ' "r"1 Tin- older piiivlillnrr relief for New Tr. 1ISIIII' NOTICES V. Y.- oirmple . Ailrliitlc -Clierboiirc Suutlmmpton e. lAue. saRpt. is . ViiK. 11Hept.infor(. 10 v. v. (tt-i:i:NSTorN uvunrooL i mini' iui.vaii.irpt. 4 Oct. ft i.Mulill r.-iilc "ir. SI IVvpl. 2,1 IjfttM SlOft. Anir. riirinirl, K'teliiiiil m:v YOIIK aoiu:s fill'.KAI.TAK NAI'I.r.S OKNOV . . ' "' V "lr U5-T? 1 1 rrt,r Kept. II I ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE pirn iiri phi i ovnnv l.iilnrii Minrp . nny 3Q MuiUliiutv An jr. 7 (Miv.M.-ni.c Anir. 14 WniifOiidfi Anc. 2ft IIOI.I MI-JII.ItlCA i.ini: pin i. Mini.riiiA norxciiDAM Maniljl. Anc. 7 WHITE STAR Dominion jiotiii:.ii.- (iri:ni:r t.ivrrpoot. ( unmlii iik H snt. 'JBIOrt. 30 Mmiiiillr iib. '!! ept. 1IOet. Ill Freijkt Office, 405-414 Bourse Bldg., Pbil.. fi-om New York C for Your HIT 1 lllll aV t -v - -. many more arc amuns uie mia. by Ocean Breezes siimnur sr.iion mam- Intoreallna !(! trlo 9 Days 9 1.50 ant) iteatner accommodatioa HAMILTON" " - ten da" r ir in jino Mtfitiir tn I' o "-'li- States Shipping Board's SHORTAGE N SIGHT rassenger Service N. V. to Rio it Janeiro, Montevideo, Buencs Ayrej . s. ( W.l.tll. .. M1 . i-. .-. 'i.wkui i it ,uiMini., jo,ooo a vi h. u'." w to Munson Steamship Line 82-92 Beaver Streat, New York Drexel Building, Philadelphia Street. St. Louii Mobile, AU Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service r. S. shlp.i1nB Hoard Steel Strurarn S'S "Orcnoko" Loading A Steamer Aug. 10 (From Pier 78. South Wharves) The Charles T. Megee Co. Agtnts for U. S. Shipping Board Drexel Building PHILADIT.PHIA Bell Lombard 5100 NTIuMIM.Tx IJoats Leave Arch St. Wharf for Burlington Island Park, Bristol and Trenton r.viiiiY si.Mi.w I or Trenton, o.ao a ji ifl.Oii A ji . H.HO A . on p it -1.00 J M . & uo I M . 8.30 r ji Tor Ilrinlol. K .10 A I' M h :io 1 M JI -' do p jr . 4 00 1'f.r Ilurllngtun Blmiii P,,ri J ! .M . .1 I' M 0 00 A. SI , ivi:i;kiiav -AII.INCIS for Trenton. H 30 A .M . 1 HO P. JI , Tor Ilrintol nd nurlinao.n Inland Park JHIIA.jr fl.30 P M ifitri liat 1 30 K M Ntttunlnya for IliirlliiKion Inlnri'l Park Rate of Knr- ()ni Wk". 30 Cents: AUu'fe:n-101cr'CCh.,nJna1;oUr"1 "" Queen Anne Moonlight Ilont leniei; Ireli i .. Wlmrfr- Kvrry !;rnliiB ill H I. M f,r,t Montliir. Iloiinil (rlii fare ."..V Imludlnir ur tax! "II.W and NldllT Hie lltll.l'llIN MM!" I we'sti,7fatte? EDWINj.SCnOETTLECa BUERBQXES&MAIIJSGTIJD1 OttSSQWlUWih 5XBE&T HltJADEljl iliiclnixl, which tltc coimnl.svlbii pluuiiril ' to issue, is cxncotoil to forbid move ! . .. . .: ....... . ... . i niriii oi I'oai io uuewiiirr unless run- signed to .c,v J'.iiBUiim. iiu vinuuiijr 4 .... .... . ...i.. , wouni inrnu nu einonrgo on exnonnuuu, .... i.i Hummer ,.! shipment., to the NortbwpKt have been Ipsm than half .-.........I i i i i.nif iioueli to Insure an nilequiiti mipply ' Jwonty-wvpji nrrcstw wero made for ill-lnt-Iiifr tffc coiiiliiK wlntpr, tlie I literal IrRcil Infraction of trrhnlphl fpaturpM of tatp ('oinniprrc t'oinmlsKlon wits In- v''w "crupy h Ittwn, was Incrpnspil to- durliiK tffc coiiiliiK winter, tin InterlleKed Infraction of trrhnlphl feature of xtate ( iiiniiirivc I'oinmlsMlon wits in- formed. A score of railroads will lit- ! tempt to dump 1000 carloads dully nt 'lake ports, the coal comitis from III- , tiiiultioiiN mines in western IVniisyl- i viinln. Ohio, West Virginia. Virginia, Ki'iitucky and Tennessee. -.- iiiuni: Womrn nml tllrls Schools for the Education of Women For the Nursing Profession JJelieviiiy that many young women would bo glad to enter training schools in hos pitals throughout the State of Pennsylvania as pupil nurses if they knew of the great op portunity for service and to qualify in one of the greatest professions open to women, a Committee appointed to serve in the interests of the Nurses' Training Schools, whose names appear in these columns, arc conducting a campaign for the purpose of securing en ollments in this noble profession.' HSt?""''' " -T- .''"'Vnf'iiv.-'" ""''.-' " . . Its'- H i ;!ff r p! In Message on the Ethics and Practice of Nursing .VurKlnjf .1 un an, and If It Ih to be made an art It require un cxclualve a devotion, as hard u prepa ration uh any painter's or -sculptor's work, for what In havlnu to do with dead canvas or cold marble com pared with Im vim? to i'o with the llvlnit liodv the temple, of Uotl's Bplrit? Jt -Is one of the line urts, 1 had almost cald the llnert of the fine arts." (Florence; NtnlilhiK'.Uo) If thlc Is true, and who will ('oiibt It. what an ontliely satisfactory work 1.4 nursing, and yet how neces--iii. Hint wo ii'.nenibei we arc denllnif with somethlnif that requires not only our enersy. our Interest, nnd our sl II. but our deep reverence and hlehei.i thouRhts? i.ouns pool kllleJ In r'ntnee, wrote, "Like tho statue In Michael Anjfelo's lump of marble, there Is a friend In "every pasterhy. and In one there may be a new I'hrlst," and ho there may bo In any human lilnir. What Dr. S. VvYlr Mitchell says of the physician Is true also of the nurce: "He yells that which men t eltlni- wvixh nor measure, and thts setB him over all professions save one, and far above all forms of mere business What such a life makes of a man Is lanrely u question of original character, but In no other form of moupatlon Is there nich constant food useful to develop all thai Is best and noblest." The blithest type onl of healthy young womanhood should lake up thin work, for It Is certiilnlv the nlirhi'- clven to an woman to i'o. What can bo greater than by skill and knowledge to help fan the- feeble MisiRJf life to the bright flame of health: to make the stiff arm supple and strong; to tide the Typhoid or the Pneumonia patient past the danger post: to give hack to the children, tho mother who almost crossed the dark river, and to save the baby with all life's road before lilm. Nothing inn adequately pay for the ."kill which has brought to the bedside renewed strength, and pelhups t Mil the ""ww-t boon of life,?" 'If she hae fought with death arid dulled his swore; If she haw g'ven back our sick again. Is It a little thing that she has wrought? Then Life "'' Peath and Motherhood be nought I" PRESS AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE MliNT.TON Ablncton Tl'im -i .1 Hnspltat M. I.I.N rOWN AlIcntO'T St,-. IIoi)1tiil ICclward JT r Mnnnrl.il Nurses Collen Ilomeopnthle ?' ,t. Hospital hatred It".ut Il.j'nltjl U.KIUNA i. tooim II" in' 'l 1II.ANI Ashlaml i. t. r, iim ,1 Ilcikplul m:vr.K r.i.i. Prov'di iro.pl'at nr.i,i.i:vun S'lburbui G' .i I Iln.p'.tal iii.osxiuir.G Illonbuis J- it ll.nntlal iiinwicK IIKTIIt.KIIBM , l.u'.fc i: i "i . nr. MiDorK nradilo . : l. ml Hufpllal IIRMIIIIItl) Hr.i(lf.i-'l H .'i ' .! iii:iik.i;vii.i.i:. n. r. n. No. Plttsbumti t'lt an I Home lloiclta'e ( linSTEB Cheater HosVM ci.r,itrn:i.D C.earf.e.J Hor ta! (OVTKSVILLK Coati'nMl o Ho.i'ttal IIXNVIM.E S' lu Hospital Datr il IIIMONT lii'dl Ulxinoi t H i:ajton Ias'on Hosp lal i:un; Harriot Il.'rpltxl b Vncer.t' Hospital HAItniSIIUIlG IlarrUlu-; Hospital IIAZI.KTON SUte Hu 1 iiomi:mti:ai llomertfj'l Hospital INDIANA lndlai.a II anltal Address Public Ledger Educational Bureau for Detailed Information, or Communicate Directly With the Hospital in Which You Are Interested ouiia Meri itnil llow SW MlTIIMOKi:. I'A. SJ) MITIIMflR)' uoyH for lo I'RKPARATORY Prepare-S) llfe.wnrlc. Dllll rlasses. Junior Department I. uuniuier W. P. TOM- school I r i ennui r raiaios aauress :.l.i . ... -rri : lASSur M A llox ail, Bwarthmore, I. (HKflTNtnr hilt., ta. chestnut hill academy St. Martin's, Chestnut Hill, P.. .r?A- r;;r ws, ,no001 .c'Soofo? bv.r neSB. ldenllv lnt.atm.1 .n.inlrv .lav aelllMll. Low rules for fle-day boarders. Catalogs , " on application. HALTSRCRO, PA. KIHR1M1NKTAS SCHOOL TOR DOYrJ ?! . Pares for collsge or technical schoolsl Ijlgh. Baiiiiiui location: faculty of experts: inoi. Ttdual attention through Preceptorial Ss tern: all indoor and outdoor aporU under competent instructors: gyrnnasluin. ,wtlli wlmrnlng pool. Address Dr. A. W.JrTltooB. slftrJfrialdiBt, Box Sift, Ssdtsture.. .. '.. imwi svmpm 27 ANGRY MOTORISTS Indignant Over Arrest at Atlantic riu - All. ...... City for Alloaed Violation of Lawi 4in nn . . . . Atlantic Clly, July JM. Intl emit Ion JL"!"!"'?' ,,r',! '"P. r"1!Is. ot M.nt0 "-!""" "" onuiruny went, wnrii ". ' .,..:'.. uj "ibiu. iira;,l(,P crltlclnm. ('barseti varied from ' icrney h lawn, wiih Incrensed to - I " wncii v.ity Hccortlcr Clarence i. Uoldpiiburj,' postponed the hrnrlnR ' scheduled for this mornlne until Thurs- day. It Wan' done nt the Instance of ' the Btatc without nny explanation. """ .ioior elilcle.s Inspector An- LJ Voiinit H'onirn nml Illrls the Service of Humanity .inriNfTOWN ronetnuuBit Valirv Memorlul Hospital Tl.o Men v Hoipltal KANT, Th Kane Summit Hospital LANTASTKU SI. Jospb's Hospital i.ATKonn Latrolia Hospital , , I.FATISTOJVN LOCK HATKN Hnri Hospital Lot ' .I(!adlle city Honpltal , ,, MiKP.KS ROCKS Oblo Vall-j Oeiier.il Hohptlal MiKV.ISrORT McKentiiott Hospital mi:kcer Merrer Kaml.irlum , , 'UONONiiAllEI.A Memorlul Honplt.tl ,. NKW IIRIRIITON Beaver alley c!neral Hnapllal . ,'KW KHNSINOTON Citizens' ticner.il Hospital NdltltlSTOJVN MontKonier'. Hospital .. . ,., SIOl'NT l'MIASANT 5Iount Plc.iBant Hospital l'IIIl.AI)l;i,l!M American Htonucli Hospital f.'lilMreii's i Homeopatlilo Hospital Friends' Hospital lermantoH u Hnapital (rjermantown) lliilineinuna Hospital Huwaril Hospital .lewlsb Maternity Iloip.tjl Jljrcy llnsnit.il (Colored) Mt. ttlnut llnvpltui Plillodrlphltt Orlhopedlo IlosDltal I'rolesiant i:iialanli Ituspltal hi. Auiies'a Ilopt,il SI: Manry'l.,y;?s,r!na,',"i" '' Medlcq-Crdruriileal Hospital Polycllnlo IIoFoltal lVh,S?l''?.f1Iv.,i",i, f riillndelphla School of Nursing for Women. Penn- inJn"!1 .nV" vnl,nl D'Prtment for PIjIIb I Nervous Diseases (West Women's Hoinenmiliic Hospital cott.r. m.tS,,!!S;,pl;S,.Il0B0 I'MUI'MWILI K PboentxMlln Hospital JTiiiins Men unil Itoys WtCI.I.KrONTK. TA. Bellefonte Academy J?J and up. 118th year. Athletlo field and Fymnnslum. Moderate rates. Catalor. James '. lluihrs. A.M.. lleailmBBter. Ilellefonle. Ps. MKICCKIftllURU, PA. The Mercersburg Academy a for . -.b,g. P.. ,'IIt'.dml''.ti?.v,N'i:' P"-S!- ,w-D- l,THnwwr, Q SU, NA'ARCTII. PA. NAZAHKTH HAM. MILITARY ACAlIKMY uax uu, ?iarcin, ri, 1-ounded 1743, Preparatory and Iluslness Courses) Bsnii Intprmedlate and Junior Depts.i Athlet ifllitary Life. Rev. A. D.Thaeler, D,DI'r ior, cat no. WAYNE, PA. ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL , .Wayne tMan Line. j, R. It,). p. CJiMlM Henry. tJuout, i.li. UsaatsMtaf. J -jJ fl iim iti-Jf Jlty xt jii " iiiiBMAi ilorcon Hlilnn lier.soimlly dlrpvtrd a witlmi of a dor.cn deputies In the roilriil-up liprc on fttttrdny nljht. A mnnlicr of vl.iltor.s were taken to police liradquur tprn. Hrvcrnl women drlvcrn wcro iininnc tliORPurrpstcd AtttomobillNts minced no wvi'th li(. fa line to carry "dlmiiirra" to tlie lin- proper eronHlns of Htrcrlx, ' ' Hull or .lti earn witrt lixed. .The uni Jorlty ol tlie urrestpil motorlstH Wefp on hand with rouimel tulny to light tho tenses. The iiostponcnient Pnusrd more pruiibllng! It was stated that It would t bo Impossible for the vlsitovs to be Jti tlie eity at tin time. SCHOOLS AND r OT T .F.np5 Vnnnr Wnnifn nml (llrl riTTsnuunii Alleeheny Generiil Iloipttal llorneopthlr Medical and Surclfal Hf ultul anil Dispensary children's Hospital Paant Hnsnltnl Pp-nbyterlan Hospital Jljrcv Hospital St. I-'ranrls'ii Hospllnt ";t , John h Oeneral Honlul 5,,,., "."fr.'i'KSIf.li Sl8"" " c;'"' utblde Hospital Western Pennsyhrfn! lln.pital , . . i riTTsmN Pltlston Hospital roTTsion.v PottBtown Hospital . POTT.SVII.l.E l'ottslllo Hospital RKAUlNti r.eaillnj: irosrltal St. JoKcph'it llospltnl Rini.nv pkk Taylor Hospital nocnrsTr.it P.oct.ester General HoBpital 8CKANTO.: Htiite Hospital Mos Taylor Hospital Hahnemann Hospital RFAVICKM J SrwIclJey Hospital 81IARON Christian II. Ilubl Hoeplta' SPANflMUl .Miners' Hospital of Northern Cambria TARKNTUM Allesbeny Valley Hospital III'I.AM) Xorl; nospltal and Dispensary VARIlfiN Warren State Hospital WASIIINOTON Washincton City Hospital WKST CIIESTKR Homeopathic Hospital of Chester Counl Chester County Hospital u ' tviuJiNsnuno Columbia Hospital wiMCics-iiAiiiti: Wyoming Homeopathlo Hospital JVII.MAMSl'OIIrt' Wllllamsport Hospital JVIN1HIICU Windber Hospital YORK York Hospital and Dispensary Youns; Men nml llnis i-r...Miiii, i,. 1 T.IIHIOMKN SCHOOL TOR n(IYH Music, oratory. Iluslness und As-rinnn,,.. anisic, uraior Heholarshlps. Modsrats rates P. D Prlncip nips, nor. conuueted for nrnni tes Catalogue. Oscar H. Uriel it pal, Hox 111), Pennsburs. Pa. NEW HI.OO.Ml'IKI.ll. pa. OA1 o RHON I.ONU .INariTI!TR-8ltb7r Jollego Preparatory, Iluslness, Junior sours under 18 yean, i,'AW: ?0Ui Juniors. 1378. Hoys taught HOW to leani. how to labor, how to live. CARSON LONO IN8TITUTH Nsw Illoomfleld. Ta.. Hog L. nrnn.EHKM , pa. ','"" '.'- wui,.v location. Bethlehem Preparatory School Prepares fnr lead'c colleaes. Bxtenstve arMi JtlnlMe H.1,ul A athletlo fields, New hldrs, John D. Tnggerl M.A., H'd'r. nethlehem. P. I-ANOASTER. PA. rRANKLIN AND,. MARSHALL ACADEMY lamcastrr. Pa. lounded 1787. Prepares boys for college, technical schools K y e N "TT 27TH MlJRDItR "AT PltTSTON Italian Colony Scene of Disorders Durlno Last Six Years Wlllies-Harrc, I'a.. July 2. Jfl" .twenty-Rcventh murder in the Italian colony of I'lttston durhiK the Inst nix yiars and the eecotid In four davs took place last nlfilit when Anthony lliilcan was shot and killed apparently by Jo seph Denardo, both IMttstonlnns. The police have arrested Denardo and are working for hit conviction on tho theorv that lie vns one of the men in terested in the strike of the I'cnnsyl- llolli Hexeji tr? f A M IX 1 RlV' VaTMI TEACHERS' COLLEGE Courses for Teachers Two groups of regjulor courses, four and two years in length, leading, respectively, to B. S. in Edu cation and Junior College diploma. Hours for classes convenient for Philadelphia teachers. Model kinder garten, elementary and high schools for observation and practice teaching. Junior College diploma based on high school graduation and generally recognized. Good teachers in great demand. 1. Regular Courses for Teachers (B. S. in Ed. and Junior Col leg") Academic High School Subject Elementary Schools . Household Economics Kindergarten Manual Arts Music Physical Education 2. Special Courses for Teaching and the Trades (Certificated) Constructive Arts Cookery Educational Gymnastics Drawing TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Street Below Berks Philadelphia Opportunities for Kootl iiosltlonn exceed tile nujhber of ' Pelrco Kraduates. Help supply the deninnd. I'elrce 1b America's foremost bUBlncHH Kchool. Courses for jouiiR- men: Buolness Adminis tration : Snlcnmnnchln, New two year Commercial T r n I n I n r Courses. Courses for youni; women : Secretarial ; Shorthand and Typewriting. Send for GCth year hook. Peirce School of Business Administration Pine Street, West of Broad. Philadelphia FRIENDS' CENTRAL I SCHOOL HYSTK.M 1'OR HOYS ANI (1IRI.K , l''our Plilladelphla, elementary schools and I Centril Hrhool. a Junior and KenTor HlBh I Hchool, Including; collene preparatory depart- lueut I.arse pin;, around, Kymnaslum. lunth room. ipen to other ilenomtnatlons. Write , for .ve-ir lioolt and rates. loth unil Itme HtM,. 1'lillndelplilii Sll.M.MKR HIISINF.h.S COURSKS Indlldual Instruction In ShortrVaud Orel:. 1 the easy, anerdy aystom: or l'ltman: nook- 1 keeptnc una Accountancy, nnd Herrtarial Courses. Classes dally, and Monday and Thursday evenlncs. Call or urlla fnw Intnllail I n fnrmn Inn 19 PIIII.A. nUSINKMH COI.I.KGC i ii ml colleen or Commerce, inn Chestnut St. Plillndelpliln JlII.I.KHHVII.I.i; stati; NORMAL SCIIOOI, Mlllrrsilllp. Lancaster Co.. P.i. lleautlful ' campus, commod. dorm's. hlnb-Brnde Instr. : I tuition free. Address C. II. Oordlnler. Prln. Strayer's Business College Philadelphia's Greatest lluslne Srlmol ; ' 807 Chestnut M. Phone Walnut 381 TI:ACIII:RS WANTED Positions wait ing! free reclstrntton far -Coliere nnd Normal School arailaalea. MODKUN TKACHTF-RS' IHTRKAn. lOOS Market SI. jvwrrn fa iT.r WltST CIIKSTP.R HTATT NORMAL SCH08I, lloth sees taut). Andrew Tlios. Smith. Prln. Youiu Men unil Hoys 11ARHISIIURU, PA. HARRISBURG ACADEMY Senior und Junior departmen3. Xf nAmm noiviauai insiruciion in coiirtrn rireparator and seneral courses. New tlrenroif buUcf- ..--.,-.-.-. -- -..--" - " ... Inaa with laice, sunnv rooms Cottace dor- mltory system Athletic Held. Moderate rates. AnTHUIl K. BROWN. Headmaster. Pox It. Harrlsburr. Pa. FRONT ROYAL. TA. Randolph-Macon Academy University Preparation. (100.000 equipment. Terms t4S0. Address the Principal, Hot 433. front Royal Va WKNONAU. N. .1. Wenonah Military Academy Chararter. Manliness, Honor. More than merely a prepar atory school. Karultv second only to that of West Point. special ana ousiness courses. Separate Junior department for boys or ten or o.cr. Acadeinlo course, J7i: Junior Uepartmcnt. I30. Cataloiuc ami rieio TJool; on and View 7!oo: on llequtst Dr. Charles II. Lorenrr. President. Major C. A. Snyder, Superintendent, HON II. WKNONAU. N. .1. 1IORDENTOWN, N. J. Bordentown Military Institute ThorouKli prep, for college or business. Km. elent faculty, small classes, Individual atten. Military training-. SStb viar, For catalof address Col. T. n. LANIION. Ilordentowa, N. J,. Prln. and f ommaniant. PRNNINOTON. N. ,T. THE PENNINGTON SCHOOL Headmaster. Ilox 70. rennlnclon. N. J. i'i:i:khkii,i n. v. ' I Peekskill I RRth vear. A Academy Mllllarj Array Officers detailed: R. O. T. V. rieparaie DUinuna rnr younjr noys (7.18), Address The Principal. Peelnklll. N. V. PORT DRPOSIT, Mil. TfiMF National Hoarding; School for lieys 1 VJIVIC PORT. DKPOSIT. MI). WAVNT.HHORO. VA. PISIIRURNK .MILITARY SCHOOL Prepares for unlVerslIleH nnd business llfsi personal attention: restful mllitury iraininS Jt. O. T. C. under U. S, War iiept,: -list year: new 1100.000 fireproof equipment: ; dl ploina udmlts to all colleges: rate, Iftuu' sprlns encampment near famous caverns at uiuiiuc. .'"i. ".t,Jl.. cuiiuuKug, ataj. morgan.)!, uuncins, Prln.. STAUNTON. VA. Staunton Military Academy Largest private Academy In the Past. Prepares for Universities, (lovernment Aci'd. ernes or Jiueiness. 127(1.000 barraii. Rates, tnoo. Send for catalog. "ttrrat"' COL. WM. G. KABLE, Ph. D. Principal. Slaunton. v.. woonsTorn. va. The Massi si: 10 nlleite a,S!rfsi.s..iV"'?. or ' rWi?!! yfl i . i?Je. " JuV MMW -' -''"- ....!- rii u. ..'11 . 'irr nuin. wm vrti inuicrn.1 in men arc involved, jngoluKi tlip .tjoijtfiitt' system of the company. ' Tho Tltiston police have beenm.:- fM paring ngalntt another murder' y ti,i U "" - " """""( ijnnan dc'- tectlve unil counterfeit hunter, mn death last week at the hands of on antl striker. While nearly nil of the muri (lercrM of the twenty. seven men wl10 met death In this manner In I'ltisloh have been captured by the I'lttston )0. lice, no one has paid thp death ppn t, In fact, Hlnee 11)00 no mtirdcrer i? Mizerne eoui'ty ban sulTcrcd cnnlt. punishment. cnnl,al llnlli Heea Dressmaking Home Nursing and Hygiene Institutional and Household Administration Story Telling Please send mo bulletin for the course marked. Xante ... Street City State l:. I.. M'ii-l'O Fit Yourself for tho tuturn hv learning: Itnsl- iifji Administration at Peirce School. I'lircorulnrtl men anil i women are rrcoirnlzeil bv ca pable eiecullveii nn bclnc tit for responsible positions. Pelrco Is America's foremost business school. t'oursn for .ouiib mens llunlness Adminis tration: Hntetimanahlp. Two y ear Commercial TrnlnliiK Course. Courses, for jouiik wom en: Kccretarlnl: Shorthand anil Ttnewrltlpi. Bond for 511th year book, Peirce Schobl of Business Administration Pine. Street. Wwt of llroml. riillndriphlii i jBjAJVJCS SUMMER SCHOOL, Day School Night School r Accountancy. Ilnoklaenlnir. Pen manshln. Shiirtltmul ftlltii ,.e Orege Systems). Tynliiff. nuslnesi law. Offlco Tralnlns, lfrfectlve Puh'lo Bpeaulncr. Younjr men and jounir women endlnn school ur jolluro fur business career should hnvo Panks trnlnlnir hror Inkliu first position. HANKS I1USINKSS COI.I.IMIK 1200 M'nlnut St.. l'hlbiilrliililn RiNnsToN. pa. V YOMING SEMINARY A o-cihicattnnal school where boys and rrlrle set a vision. Exceptions! teachers In every dent. College prep aration. Iluslness, Music, Art, Ora tory and Domestic Arts and Science. Military Training;. Oylnnastum and Athletlo field. 7Gth year. Undowed. Catalog. Address L. L, Sprarar, D.D.. Pres. Kingston, Ps. OKORtJi: scnooL. pa. George School Country School for Boys and Girls. Sssi- rate dormitories. Courses broad and thor ough. Student studies under supervision of principal. Oraduates succeed In college. Soeclal courses. Athletics, cymnaslum. doo). 327. wooded acres and open country along je ;esha:nlny Creek, Endowed. Rates mod erate. Catalor. (leorge A. Walton. A. M A. V Pa. Rox ;at. t.eorge enool ATLANTIC CITY Your SPEECH DEFECT will be corrected If jou will enroll ns s member of my summer class, now being conducted at Atlantic City. A profitable 4 cation can be hiul if vou Join this clas". conducted by M. D. Ross. Instructor of alms liar clasi.es at tho Central Ilranrh Y SI C. A.. Philadelphia. The King method elves confidence nml iiulets tho nerves. ArrunuJ to enroll on or before Auaust let. Moderate terms. Apply to M. D. Ross. 1315 Packlc ae.. Atlnntlo City. Yonnc Women unil Clrls The Holman School 2201 Walnut Street iv III opin for its twentv-flrst year September INId, 1I12II. Ulli-.ahetli W. llrnlev. A. II,. HeHilmltres Tlie rineh Sebool, Kew Torlc City. Hoarding and Day School for Girls, emphasising post eraduato wnrls, .Tesslen O. Cosgra.e. A.U.. I.I..11.. urlticbml. Catalogue. Secre tary. Hov L. fil '.. 77th St. SWAI1TI1MOR... PA. Slnry Lon School. Swarthmore. Pa. Collent Prep.: graduate work: househ'd urts. music, secretarial, cultural courses. Pven Gihl'l tP1.W- "'u CatoloB. Haldy Miller Crl' A.H. Krnnrea T,. Crist. A It.. Prns. Uns IBOj, PIIILJDKLPIIIA SCHOOL OP DKSIOV For Women (Est. 1811). Tin- Arts, De sign In all hrniiehes, Interior Derorntlom. etc. HooklctK: Ilux 21. llroad & Master Sts.. Phila . Pa. s"..? Nnyv, aril's Srhoo'l for tllrls. OveebrooiT. Phila.. Pn. Colleire prep. Junior Denarl rnente. Corriago calls for lumlls In "l. Cynwyd, Merlon and Wvnnefleld Writ Dent. I. MISS S. JANKT HS.YWAHD. Prln JKNKIMOV.N. V.. BEECHWOOD (Inc.) .1 fiilliirnl ami Prnd'enl Hclinol for VotM ll'oumt. ThormifiMn l.atnb. Slrona Knoil'l' ,',t';.a.ri'"0.,' l!lr Hi'lf-malnieniinre and respon Klbllltli's nt,lfi. Colli ue Preparalnrv Depts Music. Art. Dninestli- Science. Serrctarj' ship. Nnrmal Klmli-rirarlrn Address Al. II. RPASp.lt. Ph. i prenldent Rnx 4.10 .leiiltlntnwn. Pa. . ViWJiniTi:Rtiv DARLINGTON SEMINARY A developing School for dlrln. Iin-srri state In Pennsvlvnnln'H finest country. Language. Art, Music, Kxnresslnn. Secrf lurlal, lluhlneils and Hnjsehnhl .Manage, ment, P'.llegi Prenariitlnn. Catalogue. CllltlSTINI. V IIYi:. President - ""x 'UU. M'est Chester. IM. . LITITZ. PA. ' LINDEN HALL "SEMINARY'! a gins- school since 17 111. Academic, cop lego Preparatory and Sneclal Courses, g'f . nrate Junior Department. Gymnasium Fee reiarlnl. Catalnir .Rev, I. W. KTKNflK Prlnrli.nl. lion Hu i,Ry, pu. i.triniRviu.ij. Mi. f IllVl.tVl, iw .n'.,.'...C.." ...n.x.S. ""'"f i.t,i'i,ir. rui- .if.hi... . sm .ouraes, CiiIIcki' Pn-pariitory. College. Df j iir.iiu "Jiencc .nuHic, Expression, aovi t imu'iV :0 m11"' rom Haltlmore. fireproof. I bulhlliiKs stronv faculty. (Ill enrs' hlslory n Catalogue. Address Hox I,. I.nlhen le. M J NtlRWALK. PONV. H ,lUt!sS..Kiiflinolfar lrJ l''WAi,ii CONNKCTIU'T . Marga ret ttIlredlliiger?' A, II. ( VMsf )..! Vt Hunt JrttncU (HrilUi) princiiwl , I 1 l A H,' r.Jk . miiAr? &.4i,fi&&Mu&.xu' i'l if., r$Z$l 'liiM&al&tsJ ry.", i'tv !, . fliv.i2kk3l..iX '