F.'vl'5 ehfi. ff .--''' " '; w r f -,Vi l i , i p ' .; ' V'" t : I VC : 7 A" HI ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEKr-PHILADELPHl, THURSDAY; 'JULY 22, 1920 21 JgKQETAWAY FAILS Led Plckpockot Arretted at End ., ,.frnto Harris told n prisoner to- U S y"ond street and Wood- fr l ro"ri.i.. u 1. h.! nolle to U aer-mle Bin""" .. - --- . - ketplcklnff with rtMHm rides Pc ' . h1,l A nnuo Scott. I . ..nrrtflll. aau " It. trcetnenr Klevcnth, In $1000 Brown rc" " ..,- HiinHni-. El for allrosd. He held Alonao Scott, trcet nenr liievenm, iu f,.rthcr hearing Sundar "rflnc to Lieutenant Blease, a trend detective, ".... "- l'0"" . .n...b hnm n Tinnsenzfr !h Wert Dilladelphla Station yes tbe ",' i.. ,.a ilntnnteil. the dc- dftjr' .V. he ran to the train shod. ... Si In Hurrleburg was Just no puffin; out and Scott grabbed tho rail or tno last car ana rode on. when the train was out a few feet Scott in said to have thrown the nnrknthnnk hnck. Thfi first stop was Ilarrlsbure and when- tno train reaction tuo capital city Hcott was arrested. Ho was brought bach hero for ft hearing. Scott Is a negro. tours BTEAMBOAT3 ;oats Lcavb Arch St Wharf for Burlington Island Park Bristol ana i reawn EVERY SUNDAY - . Tr.nlnn. 8 30 A. ! i'"i.', "Jk i'i-'M 4 00 P. M. m ---. 0:00 P. Jf. M 2:00 P. ViV BrUtel.. 8 30 A, lVo M.. .w ri." v' ' vor - A rt M . I ' . . . SAII'INUS 8:30 A. M.. 1:80 V. 8.46 M.. Mand Park, 0.00 A. M.. Island For T.ri jo r. (,,., .-A Burl ngtnn Id fr .ft A M . B:3 P- " Bx,r ''..Sn V M. Saturdays for Burling- i'lWrt rArr5-On Wav. JO Cental -RVjt-orisJ. Sunday, end Holiday Effi. 40c: Children, 20c. Queen Anne Moonlight . Tal Arch - "rr r.Trry '"- a r si.. rraninv n . --.. feartiaiiTTTifenoLriu; Inrli cent Monday. rMnft war tax. n a.ims" 5Lrs .e. ST-"." .T ' rju-FS' c l 1a.X tvV uHctiai v $, Vnrntinn f!niinV Y Niagara to the Sarnen.r J1 July 35 August 1, it Two weetta of pleaanre. KrarrtliltKr Inclnrirrl, , -1 ia UAIB Ml Lr AMERICAN KXPUESS m' r. m , i.v? nvnn Wanamnktr'a .Main Ploor, Center. A rblla.. fa. American Dredging Co. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS 308 Chestnut Street Philadelphia BUMMER RESORTS ATLANTIC! CITV, N. . RESORT HTEAMSHirfl ERMUIM fOnti Dmy Inm fftui lurk, J. fOt 'Ml Avra Bummar Tamperatura 78" iriMMER VACATION TOURS laeludlnr aLamtr. hotM and ald trlpa nl tinward.accordlm to arenmmodatlona. EffMtlte Durlnr Summer Seyaon. sate, owiii, rnimiai S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" lilllni from New York every 10 daya. I Na Diaiuorta reonlred for Itermnda. 1 ".. a.. J.a.int laa ftlrAlllftf tA CnU JOr UCBWMfva.w .a... - Furnett Bermuda Line, 31 Whitehall Ht.. New York. ROUND WORLD RAYMOND -WHTTCOMB Tours of Luxury offer discriminating traveler the Ideal nj of Journerinff round the world with comfort ana enjoyment. 90 per cent of the Americans who late year traveled round the world for pleasure went with Raymond' Whltcomb. Chir new Booklet for 1920-1921 will be aent on request. Other Tours Euerju'ftere Raymond SLWhitcmb Co. 1333 "Walnut Street Philadelphia Telephone: Filbert 384 83 on dly. Hpcl. nklr. Am. plan (with maata) OSBORNE Cor. Pacino and Arkanaaa Ava , prlv. ra(rl. tratlns plant: alectrtd kitchen open for In ipeetlom running water: all outalda rooma. .aorupuloualr clean) alevprlv. hatha, bathing from hotel: bathnouasi and ahorrera frea: or iheatra, danclniri whll tenrlea: caraae. Ilklt. New management. STITZKlii 8T1TZKR. COCRTESY QtJALlTX BERVlcfT HOTEL KENTUCKY TtKNTUCKV AVB. NEJI1 Tmrit Aroer. Plnn. S3.BC- Vn Hlr.. to Up 1ilr. TORiilar European Rntea. Elevator: electrlo llahta; telepliona every CkT.! runnlntf water In rnntni! nrlvata rirona lnzn-H. w. u. kf.nwadt. .HDMMER RESORTS iaKW rLAnrt. N. T. MDIRONDACKS Grand View Hotel LAKE PLACID, N. Y, HOW OrEN. - ntenilvelv Improved: JimmI lettrlcal aqulpmenti runnlnc water: vnvau bathroonwiLlevatoriporehea: danclnr. All out-oflnnr Adirondack dlvtralona, Clf. fi. n. MARRIfAIt. Mar.. I-aU riarld, N.T. RRf ARCMTT MANOR. N. Y. BRIARCLIFF LODGE Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. A popular 104-mllo motor run from Fhlladetphla. Jlookltt and route card obtainable at ruhilo Ltdotr rrofel and Roort Bureau. RUMMER RESORTS I.AKK HUNMORE. VT. nTTTsTNlo;mn m MX InaMiwaw todMlMratYefOM CrWmvrWir'V.. ruAt'bvttAvpmt B09CjLOiVSn,WA4I 1 TW.A.r.'f - nOSTON. MAr. HOTEL PURITAN 390CommonweflUhAv Doaton The Distinctive Boston nouao ' Ona of the most homellh noiaia in ma wonu. n..m n.Vlnl tt f.nAa Ia IP.LCOjtclIOtlqr. HulcrleDoston. Send font HELP WANTED TEMAM! OORKAM. n. n. Mt. Madison House Oorham. N. It. "Th Gateway to thm Wltite Mtt.' Now open. liomeiiKft atmoapnera. Outdoor Bpor'a. . jti HOTEL JACKSON Vlrtlnla Avenuo and Boardwalk AdJolna Steal Tier Center of Attractlona Flra-proof nrlck Ilulldlna- 108 Roorna, with and without bath Ocean View. New Mnnirement American and European Plana Up-to.Date Cafa Grammercy Arms riRAMMERCT PLACE AND nEACTI nandaomaly furnl.hed rooma with ocean view and private hatha: beautiful eleenlnt porcnea racinr ocean. Amnricnn pian. ilea, tonabla rataa. MRS. D. II. IICRN8. Pnp, . THE WILTSHIRE vfwint. iiv. and Reach. Canaclt aa Private hatha, runnlna water, alevator. ate. Aroer. plan. Special eaaeon ratea . nooVjet. WAMlVril ELt.ta. Owner. N.J.nOIAT.VB.UiT. SAN JOSE ;, cation, rooma ratea. Jamea Place, nr. baach and miiMATnenta! MaiiI Ia. nulet and reflnad: laraa and nlea.ant with runnlnir water. Reaaonabla Ownerahlp management. door Boorta. Fine J trout nahtnav Well-equipped wnu lor uoumov nMv. una and Jalr carat. terma t. C. O. CnANDr.ER. Prerj. NEW KN(II.NP 'NEW ENOI.ANU VACATION LAND alOUnininBi .iailia innri, wowu, .n. iror uooKiat caii ai White ronaolldated Ticket Offlcea rr wrlta Vacation nureau, Itallroad Bulldlni. Now Haven. Conn. Btata realon nrefrrd. CANADA Mrllahtfnl Vacation. In Canadian National nallwaya. A. Youn worth Canada aloni ava. Aak P. una. General Acent, ir.20 wool. puimintr, rew yotic City. LONO-DISTANCE TELEPHONB ' OPERATING IS TUB MOST INTERESTING WORK IN THE CITT FOR YOUNfl WOMEN , $14 PER WEEK TO START t RAPID INCREASES A ( HNB OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT APPLY AT ONCE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. DELL TELEPHONE BY8TEM ROOM 784. BOURSE DUILDING FOURTH ST. BELOW MARKET 8 A. M. TO 5 P. M. SEE MISS JENNINGS HEIiP WANTED MAXE COOK, aaalatant, whit, experienced in inat tutionai worK. Apply .piicopm umvu... Front and Ix-hlun ave. CHAUFFEUR wanted to drive 2-ton Pierre Arrow, aea 80 to 8S Rood pyto tn riant man. Apply M. Pieaaer 27S4 German- town wve. DHAFTfl.MEN . Wa need a numbar of thoroUBh'v eaperl-nced m'chanlral draftemen on LAYOUT WORK AND UJfiTAU.liNU lor our piani fi ji.nnuia- lon. Pa.i prefer men v.ho hvo aime Knnwi edra of electrical apparatua: beat of v.orklnir conditional pay on hourly baala: prnnnent work rnr tnoar wno nuaiiiy. tan at ma oi ncea of tha Weetlnahouea Elect and Mf. Co.. Wldener Illdr , between 10:30 a m and 1 p, m . or 2 and 8 p. m , on July 2-!i7-28. Inquire for T). L. Miwttlll. DRlLL-PREBfl handa and lathe handa: per manent poaltlona to (rood men, Thomaa H, Dallett no,, uroan ana inrai DRIVE up atret. on chalra. Apply 244 B, 3th HELP WANTED MALE -LL. TRACEnS with cxperlehca on mechanical drawlnta tn work at our Eaalngton, Pa,, plant: aood rhnnca for advancement! pay on hourly hala. Call at the offlcea of tho Weatlnrhouaa KIe. and Mf. Co , Wldener DIdir , botween 10.80 a m and I p. m , or 2 and ft p tn., July t(U 27-2S; brlnir aamplea of work. Inquire for n. I, Rawhlll. machine hand, .killed plnli WOODWORKINCl men for mortl.ere. ninlnnera. atlckera and moldera: nlsht works 8 hours' pay for T houra work: B nlahta a week. Apply ready for work before ( p. m. Unit Construction Co . KSlh and Oraya ave YOUNfl MAN. 10 or over. brlahL An. fof niip. rhailnr department. Apply emolovmnt d panment. n. K. Mulford Co.. 420 B. 18IH at. k.it. in nr nvpr. npai. . . .- --'.T .1 . . rnprwenc. man acnooi eaucatin General DRUOB Qualified rnana"r. Fennea. aaalatant nr reslatered 20.13 N. Broad at. ELECTRIC FOREMAN Flrat-cla.a electric light foreman: aleadv work: anod wauea. Apply Mr. Wllllem Fo.tT, 120 N. 31at at. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored, Apply C. II itaaa, mm uneatnut at N1AOARA rAT.LH. N. Y. NIAGARA KALI.H, N. Y. NIAGARA FALLS ' TEMPERANCE HOUSE Onl.t. homal kel eeniraiir locaiim. orpoiita r--." i .. a nn and tin imp ntav. ait !'V iininn d.potl $8.80 ana uppr nay. Amer lean plan. w. T. rmsi-ra. rrop. IMPERIAL HOTEL nnnAilli. denot. thr blrV'Vn from lh Falls. Wti for rati.. S. A. 6REENWOOD. u rrHE INN Beat raaldenllal aeotlont bomellk aurroundlncat hot.and cold water all rma. It. 50 up. i. H. ADnOTT. Proo. TITE EDWARDS. 842 Proapact SLt naar Falla: tea room and rtataurant In connjo- tlon: rooma raaaoqabla. Mra. D. C. Edwarda. HAYES COTTAOK. 872 Ftrat at, Flratilaaa rooma. II. 80: Amer. plan. Mra. C. Ituaa. STENOGRAPHER Experienced for ealea department of ateel corporation centrally located "M" P O BOX 8470. SALESLADIES wantd In aeyoral depart- menta; exprienca prexerren. I" .1 Department, R. r tleweea. 1182 Cheatnut at. cotton yarn ouai- ENGINEERS. FIREMEN. CONDUCTORS RRAKEMEN WANTED FOR ROAd'aND YARD SERVICE: I'ERSIANENT EMPIX)Y MENT AT STANDARD HATES OF PAY APPLY AT P. ft R. EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, SPRING GARDEN STATION, PHILA. ENOINEER Flret-claee enalner for "-hour anut or laraa manuraciurma: ulren New Jeraey llcenaa, 0Ur?f. concern. r- P 013. Ledger HTItN'OClItAPIIKll. eo. In neaal muat iw neat, rapid vniH aalarv nn,1 ltonu.. Annlv and Merchanta Iilda . 8d and cheatnut nA '.FCUr.VV 405 Mariner STRNOGRAl'HER- Experienced tnora- phar. with knowledge of double-entry hooK- keeping: atato are. experlenco and aaiary. I nlH. Limr ortice TORONTO. CAN. TOPONTO. CAN. EDt'CATlONAL EDUCATIONAL UothHejea Hotli fiexea A.) A.) SCHOOL OF COMMERCE (36th Year) The one hundred members of the School of Commerce faculty hare had both practical experience and, university training. Short and intensive courses are given, as well as courses leading to degree. Sessions full-day, forenoon, afternoon or evening. All instruction is indh dualized. Fall term begins September 7 COMPLETE LIST OF COURSES Induatrlnl Management and Distribution Investment nnd Insurance Machine Bookkeeping Market and Prices Merchandise Money, and Ranking Normal Commercial Course 'Office Training Conrae Pasaengrr Ratea and Divisions PrrionncI Management Preparatory Accounting Purchasing In Modern Industry nnd Storckcrplng Proofreading Railway Finance ( Railway Trantportatlon Rapid Calculation Real Eatate Law Realty Brokerage Reporting Salesmanship (Wholesale) Saturday Teschera Courae Secretarial Coiirao (10 months) Shorthand (Pitman and Grrgg) Truffle Rate and Management Tuo-rcar Day Course In Accounting (C T. A.) MJttrtlMng Mtcoontlng (C P. AJ Mcrountlng (Morning) (C. r. Accounting Malhernatlre (C. P, Aminutntl Course ' , Auditing (C. P. A.) I IteoltVrepIng Courae L'Duilnm Administration and Manage- ntnt Ifloilnm and Sales Correspondence I'Certlflri Tubllo Arcuontlng Course ICoomrrre and Industry ICommrrclsl Course ICoamtrclal English (Advanced) IComnerthl English (Intensive' Course) ICoramrrtUl Law Iremnerclnl Spanish I'Conrrjonclng ICornoratlon Finance I 'Ceit Accounting I'Crtdlts and Collections iDomMllo and Foreign Exchange I Economic of Business Kmtrxeucy Shorthand Course (4 months) riling ! Tour-jear College Courae In Business I our- ear Collne Secretarial Courae DN Kentucky ave. let oft Boardwalk. M a) Ocean view rooma with runnlni water and private baths. New management. DAVENPORT South Carolina ave , near beach. Every con ranleiice: home cook., bath, from hotel. Amer. & Europ.. 12 up. Bpeo. wkly. C. V Mortimer. SIUVTERTOIsJ Kentucky Ave. and the Reach. Every appointment. Moderate rates. Mra. B. BRUCKER. formerly of tha Lamnnt, PITNEY Capacity Large, airy rooms, Ratea on application, New York Ave. near Beach. AmerlrAn Mhd Eurontan ntnn. 2fiO. Noted for. well-cooked food. First-ciaaa servicea JACOB BICKAR. South Carolina near Beaoh. Private baths: running water. Moderate ratea. Open all yaar. I- 11. Arnold. Ownership Management, 8ALEBH St. Chnrlea Dare A Beach, Capacity BO'. Til. ORAHAM. formerly of tha Prlnoaaa. TRAYMORE ATLwncarH nWDS GREATEST HOTELSUGCESS HOTEL AUSTINE Paclfla A St. James Place: near beech all sine, amusem'tai evry room o . F. H. Jonse. TORONTO'S TWO FAMOUS HOTELS Walker House "The House of Plenty" m..n tn. tnanaasment pay particular attention to ladleaand ohlldren traveling American and European plana. Zltt&SiaiisCaW Hotel Carls-Rite 'The House or Comfort" TO).m ,k. mtfiBHmnt til attention to ladlea and ohlldren traveling alone. , American and European plana. pay particular A TRIP TO CANADA IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT A. VIBrT TO THH CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO ACQ. STn tfnE ANNUAL WORLD'S FAD SEPT. 11TTI An institution unique tn the exposition world combining International Industrial exhibits, manufacturers' and agricultural a-chlblta with amusements. 42nd Consecutlvs Year 1.201. O00 Vlstora In 1(10. Famed for Its auperlatlve pageants on world's largest stags 100 building 264 aores of beautiful ground with permanent pavement and walks 1 mile of waterfront. "THE QREATEST ANNUAL EVENT ON EARTH" BTENOORArilER for largo office, must be experienced: hours R 30 to 0: 13 o'olocK noon: rood salary. Apply Mr. Partlngdon, American Stores Co.. 4th and Noble at. . STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER. COMPETENT FOR WORK IN CONmAC- TOR'S OFFICE. APPLY 783 REAL KBTATB TKUHT BUXJ STENOORAPHEIt, experienced, rapid ana accurate; must possess Initiative and tact, opportunity to advance. II. K. Mulford Co., 42B B. lain at. - TELEPHONE OPERATORS, Girl, experi enced on telephone to aollolt vrtl,Vn5' Parker. Classified Department. Fubllo Ledger Company, 0th and Chestnut ts. .- ........... .r . -r TtTTflT TIE ii:i?J.:. i!U""iai;?vV .ftr VaZmbX PEIIMANENT "APPLY TO SIR QUINN. 000 CHESTNUT GT. tINEMEN Wanted, flret-la. eicctrto lleht men: at-adv work: good ivnti Apply Mr. w imam i nBitr,, J."" m sc LITHOORAPH ENORAVEK on ejmmerrjal worg in a cuv in unio. steaay position, M 4nn Ldr Office. FURNITURE BAIJE8MEN Men of high-grade business experience Ap ply Department Personnel, floor 4V4, Filbert street. STRAWURIDGE & CLOTHIER JUNIOR CLERK Atlantic ncnnlng Co. re quire the services of a ynung man be tween 10 and If, with some clerical experi ence. Reply to R. L. Campbell. 3144 Paaa yunk ave. LATHE HANDS and drill-press hands: per manent positions to a-nod men. Thoa II. Dallett Co.. Broad nnd Federal. LABORERS. Ifi.DO day' seven days. $33 week- new camp. 722 Vine at. OREENEWAT.D'fl A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT BERVICB No enrollment charges APPLICATIONS FROM LOCAL RES, ONLY ACCTO, and auditor handle payrolls. IlKPIt , mfg. exp., lake charge. BKPIl . familiar with mfg. costi. TIME STUDY-rat. setter, mach. parts REC. rnrreent.. public service corp, STRNOG and sec, employment work. FOREMAN, Ice or milk exp.. $15. FOREMAN, mnrh., time study, exp. FOREMAN, handle drivers able-bodied, 1(0. 8PECTALS TURCHAHINO AGENT'S AS8T . rood cor resnondnt, familiar with trafflo. tool room, mill shop, auto part supplies. INPPECTOR. fam with lumber, soft wood. rOREMAN MACHINE SHOP, tools. Jig, fixtures, automatic, s-mlautomatlo ma chinery, amsll parts, 170. GREENEWALD'H HPECf At.IZED SERVICB 2flO S. llTH BUSINESS SERVirE CO., 1114 Land Tltt. 1IOOKKEEPER8 Orocerlos. General I2S-4S. CLERKS Payroll. Shipping, Stock to $85, IlERtONEn Autnmstlc Maeh'ry to $8000. DRAFTSMEN Chief., cranes It hoisting mnch'y. ESTIMATOR Roller A Strom Lines $aS. SALESMEN High grade ssle xperlnre. BTENO. A PRIVATE BEC'Y (S) to $3S. STOREKEEPER Manufacturing plant MS. SUPERINTENDENT Cbem. Plant Exec. $0000 TEACH Elb Foreign Trade: Proof Reading, MEN AND LADIES wanted traaei mane Dig money learn QUICKiy barber learned: steady employed: earn while learning: chain of shops: day or night class Write Trl-Clty Barber School, c 228 N. Bth St.. Philadelphia, STEAMSHIP NOTICES STEAMSHIP NOTICES Passenger and Freight SerTlcr Caronii New York lo Qnetnitown and Liverpool July 24 Aqultania New York " Cherbourg, and Southampton Jpr 31 Italia New York " Dubrovnik and Trieite July 31 Imperitor New York " Cherbourg and Southampton Aug. 12 Columbia New York Londonderry and Glasgow Aur. 12 HOTEL CALVERT Virginia Ave., near Beach. American lae Ownership mansgement. Frank P. Beam. nic'iPAVMl? Kentucky Ave.: 4th hotel DloLAlINl-i from beach. American ing prlv. I ahower. C. A. MURPHY. Owner. K. A. Victoria New York " Caronia New York " Pannonia New York " Aqultania New York Txpev. riling (Touch Method. 200 machines) Courses mirked with a "star" Indlcato that further enrollment for tho fall i term mut bo limited. n4e send me free of charge complete Information and personal advice about courses marked X, also application blank. Name Address Previous Kducatlon K. t. 7-22-20. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY BROAD STREET BELOW BERKS Philadelphia Delaware Citv Tenneasee Ave. ft Beach sonable rates. MRS. LAURA M. LAIRD. Hotel Boscobel Kentucky nve. Bathing, 'l! 'ent table. Phone 117 A. E. MARION. Westminster Ky- Av- ntaT Beach. Elev. VYCsaninsrer to ft . prlvate ba(h). run water: 115 wkly,: $3,00 up dally. C. Buhre. StflMFRSFT SesonJ houso from beach. All amusemennf, A. D. WEEKS. Ml ITTAT I 2 K- Maine Ave., Atlantlo WJ I ISXLL Avfi and n,ach- PiCnB sa70 OCEN CITY. X. J. THE UNCOLN Capacity 300 Entirely new. Rooma alngle and en suits with runnlna water and private baths. Elevator. Every, modern appointment for comfort ana service. Irrenen cuisine vviute nervice Queenitown and Liverpool Aug. 14 yuecmlown and Liverpool Aug, 21 Naples, Dubrovnik and Trieste Aug'. 28 Dubrovnk and Trieite Aug. 28 lor Later Sailings Apply to 1300 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA MRS from a Business Standpoint Courses in our sehnnls nrn rnn. Pted with the view-point of makinc In and women morn vnlnnhln ti nmerco and industry. fictical subjects taught by prac al men will help you to forgo fad. Write for nrpliminnrv linnlr. T m a a. Itral. 1421 Arrh St West Bldg. 113 S. R2d St. "nil iii8i iuia i.mn avs. liY 'SHTJW,C Day School UltUUL Night School Brjurfnt r .. the niVi '""rciai v:ourfleB. Rpnil lPre Jlrns pay 'ou wSnln" umm HWPhTlaSfflf MEADOWIIROOK, TA. iiiiiiii.'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiti YOUR BOY WILL FIND AT Meaclowbrook School (Country Day School for Doys) all the best fraturca of lending boarding; schools nntl collcca pre. r paratory schools without tho a necessity of being uvvny from g homo during: his most lmprc-s- E nlonable years. Mental, nnlrltunl H manual and physical training; are g Blven under Christian Influenpes B that nre aimed to develop full s manhood and efficiency. Autobus h service. g For prospectus, termi, etc., ad- dress tha head master. g Rev. Joho White Walker, M. A. i MEADOrfUItOOK, TA. iiiiiiimm:iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii!iiiii!itiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiMiiiiiiitiiiiii:iiu Young Men and Boys leml.1'inAHhnCrVh,kC,i,N" CLASHES Pn or ar,H.h.or1S5",nr-ln5 Prke-Pchock I hi a,.!.'!. Systems desirous of mak. .i . ."iiui inn allirnrn mnntln S.r'Ji.S?. . our .Pcelal lKn,,.ulx ,lti, "classes. and C .JiV.8,N,iH?. COI.I.KOE in,. "M College of Conimrrm -"i.n""ut St. PhlladelDhl summer School ay tuition kkeeplng Rh.... A'1 Penmanslilu hl7.Y,;,.i.)'p";.,"r"' Kn- rt now iiY,uvH?.,.V?ne, conPtometer. evenin. . ',i,'Y'llual Instruct on. Day Kujin!pj)j,118ollt,1 10 3ir?yer's Business Colli. '" "ueiunia' Gr,i, ..., -.. - -netniit Ht. ik T?. """Wl n?; i-1- Phone Walnut 8 po myior School . 1002 l!"nmer Ses.lon n. MARKET ST. In . ml' 'On, Orcar ShApnirf t-.ii. r-' AQUCn T,l ii'" --""I"-. "UW -4ixii.'f.: un-y ana Nitht. RVllllvn . - ' '" I' A. The William Penn Charier School No. 8 South 12th St, Philadelphia FOUNDED 1889 The aeademlo yr 1B20-21 begins Tues day. September 81. 1020. and the Pros pectus may bs obtained on application. Bulldlnga will be open for Inspection and for claastflcatlon ot pupils September 7th. Ulebard M. Gummerr. Ph. D,. Ilradsntr, ATGLEN K. MORRISON 0th ft Central; all rooms: outside table' unsurpassed. WILDWOOI) CREST. N. J. MT. VERNON bathing from house. Near beach, private bathi, excellent table. E. JOHNSTON. CAPE MAY. N. J, MARINE VILLA 017 COLV.MBIA AVE.. CAPE MAY. N. J. Handsomely furnished: large, airy rooms; hady porches: block from beach: arlslo cratln environment: unexcelled culatne: table supplied from own farm: dancing; auto train service: 120 up weekly. AHBURY PARK. X. J. ,Y PAKIl. N. J. :L INFIIHMATltl iniNirirAf. Ptin. IH'RKAU. Aahnrr l'ariu ASIIUKY FOR FULL 1IOTEL INFORMATION WRIT OCEAN GROVE. N. J. THE HHEI.IIL'KNE Hot und cold running water every room. v. j. jiAiiNisa. BEACH II WEN. N. J. THE ENGLESIDE Every modern convenience: with aea and fresh water; five booklet. It. F. ENGI.E. Man- Also. ttisCovgton. WesMyiUadelphU. Now OPn. tirimi, bain; tennis courts Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service C. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers SS "Oronoko" Loading A Steamer . . . , Aug. 10 (From Pier 78, South Wharves) The Charles T. Megee Co. Agents for U. S. Shipping Board Drexel Building PHILADELPHIA Dell Lombard 5100 PHILADELPHIA TO YOKOHAMA, KOBE AND SHANGHAI S. St. "GLENSHANE" NOW LOADING Expectn to Sail July 31 For sparr. rates, etc., npply Furness, Withy & Co., Ltd. 211 Bourse, Philadelphia rhonrs: Lombard 1SS2, Main 1174 TYPIST, must bo accurate and possess fair education II. K. Mulford Co.. 420 B. mm at . WEAVERS experienced, wanted on tape" and narrow edglnga: ateadj ' wk: '"?, era taken F W. Maurer ft Son Co.. 4S11 Wayne av. near llh "" Oermantown ave. WOMEN. LI. excellent education " Boolgtl nolsn permanent position: remuneration hlih ! "hort hou?. CS1I afternoons between 2 nn n-tii ( I J vsn'iim ". YOUNO GIRL to operate Du.rro1ufh"vPo:,"T rrsehlne and do other c.ericat work. start .t 118 BO tier weak. P. O. Pox B402. vntivn r.Anv for office worK in cinim ,i.Trinni of larae lnaurance company: one familiar with typewriter: atato age SHlarv, B 414, Ledger Office. anyi and General MACHINISTS LATHE HANDS BORING-MILL HANDS SCARPERS TLAINER HANDS Thla la a good, steady Job. with vtenty of Apply at once, SITUATIONS -WANTED-MALB ADVERTISING MANAGER. 7 yeara' experi ence In printing, engraving and advertis ing, age 2U, married, open for engagement August 1. n S8H, Ledger Office OAHDENER, married, dealrea care man' place: best rets. 831 w Chester. Pa, irentle 7th St., EMPLOYMENT AOENCTE3 MEN. women, colored, day. week, part time. Hursey. 1233 3. 10th Dickinson ifllB. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES overtime , Sun Shipbuilding Co., of Chester MAN for garden and lawn, private olace: reference E M. Cook. 118 Darby rd.. Llanerrh Pa rhnne Llanerch 31. MEN MEN MEN for Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey: best wages straight time, rain or shine: time and half for overtime and Sunday work: flrst-claea boarding accommodations: no mot ey required: free shipment. Apply all day at company's Free Employment Bureau, Clerks typists (men. women, over 17). for government depta.. $120 month: exams. August, exp. unnecessary. For . Wy'SH lara write John Leonard prrneri Clvl Serv. Irn fxam.) 002 rimiltahla Illda.. Washington-. 1114 iana iitie bkpra . 113-130. :$1 N 15th at. MEN. white, for orderly work: experience not episcopal iiospiiai, i roni ana BUSINESS SERVICE CO., Clerks typists. Btenos. HELP "WANTED MALE EARN-LINE Incorporated 1801 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamen General Cargo SPRING LAKE. N. J. THE ALLAIRE Soring Lake Beach, N. J. On the Oceaa avnntTjCapaclty 200 MAUD C. HOLMES. WKRNKRBV1I.LE. PA. Ij.il.IJ. Beautiful Views. Teres Mas. KUlSiao ertt(r Oarnge. electrlo llghla. OERHART ft AULENBACH. Props. POCONO MOUNTAINS Knglea Mere, ro. ALLKNTOM-N. PA. Kng Day St S il 384 I'or College coirfj. m Preparatory and f- Influsncsa SKSS;K,7 a,n "''' Chris. Irssr. &l"..?".'lonilnate. Tuition. I4ro 1I1" ' reel. A.f.. n n ... .. ANNVii t ii .. . l1 ft ! edu in. I,NeBiYA,'M!Jrc"MWB r'Y art. or.tom S?A.c,",e.m'0 eu'" l0li modarata r i.?,iTV .fr medical atj3nMaMn,a l tH,?' Bfltt -W.BHlNpTnvj r Allentown Preparatory School Prepares for college or techn'cal school Small clue.es; Individual Instruction Student Kovernment. All athletics. Splendid modem buildings Largo campus and irmnaslum. Special care for younger boys. Rates, I4U0. Catalog, PEEKSKILL. X. V. WESTCHESTER MILITARY ACADEMY Military training In a Homelike School. Unsurpassed location on Hudson, Individual attention. Wrlta for catalogue. James Nl son McLur. Consult Public L.dgr Serv. Ilu. Youn Women and Olrla GARntSON, MP. Garrison Forest School A. Country School for fllrls, less thanan hour from Baltimore. Intermedial and Co, eg Preparatory, Box L, qAItniSON, MP. WASIIINOTON. P. O. HOLY CROSS ACADEMY s&ftW sarrlSS't Eagles Mere, Pa. Tb summer resort that ta different be cause It comblnea mountain ami seashore conditions with unlauo surroundings. Tha sandy beach and temperate water ot the Lake of th Eagles afford splendid bathing 2200 feet above asa level. Ono ot the finest colt courses In America. Far Booklet and Rate Writ THE CRE8TMONT INN William Woods, Manager. TnE FOBKST INN Herman V. Yeager, Manager. THE LAKKSIOE John U. Kirk ft Son. THE RAYMOND L. 11. C. List. Manager. lake OKonor.. ?r. Y HOTEL MARION LAKE CEORCE. N. Y. 76 miles from Albany. Directly on th Lake Front, also State Road from Lake George Villa go lo Bolton Landing. Capacity 300 Cuesta White Service. With or without private baths. Open June to October Adjoining New Country and Yacht Club -Fir- proof Parage. Booklet Free. JOSEPH H. MARVEL Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Dei Moines Bridge". Loading Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera". . .Loading SS "Coquina" July 31 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Linc Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth SL PHILADELPHIA, PA. LUCKENBACH LINE Philadelphia lo Rolterd.m.Amtttrd.m A OTKtMER CO. H. S. nordl....I..irii Rotterdam-Philadelphia S H. KATIUN H'CKlCNIUCH.AiiK. 1H 8.S.K. LUCKF.XB4rn . . . .'sVlit. 4 Philadelphia-Sun Diego-Log AnQeles-San Francisco p a CTIED'K LOCKKNRACH ..Ang. 9 San Francisco-Philadelphia-vIa Los Angeles and San Diego a B WATONWAN CIl.R.H.IId.).. .July 80 S: I. 1IATHK T.VrKBNIlACH . Alii' 28 GAILEY, DAVIS & CO., Arent. 403 Bourso Bldg. Phono Lombard 2005 Luckenbach Steamiklp Comp.nr, Inc. 44 Whitehall St.. New York City. N. Y. ALEXANDRIA HAY. N. Y. THE. THOUSAND INLAND HOUSE, Alex, andrla Day, N. Y. The Venice of America. UPPER BABANAO. N. Y. " ADIUONDACKS SAUANAO INN Harrington Mills Ilpp.r Saranap. N. Y. 1HE NAJUUOANHETT lTEBf . I. i jM.xaij Oalbr v.' M 'JE Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. FAR EAST SERVICE FROM PHILADELPHIA Yokohama Kobe U. S. S. B. SS "Henry Steers" July 15th Yokohama Kobe Shanghai U. S. S. B. SS "Eastern Cloud" July 20th For Rate. Etc., Apply Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. 17 BATTJsng i-i-Auis, XEW YORK Gailcy, Davis & Co., Philadelphia UI9E NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM Via Plymouth and Boulogne-Sur-Mer Noordim Aur. 4jSept. 8 New Amiterdam Aur. 10,Sept. 14 Rynd.m Au j. 18jScpt. 22 Rotterdim Aug. 280ct. 2 Passenecr OOlie. 1531 Walnut; St.. Plilla. LOST AND FOUND" LOST I l-rtnnn diamond platinum bar nn. atamped O r.144 J. E C. A Co,, on July 20th, reward If returned to J. E. Caldwell & Co Chestnut anil Juniper. -'awen UREASTPIN Lost. July 20. pearl-circled breastpin on Chestnut. 12th or 13th ats reward Ueturn to 4724 Chestsr ivc. HELP WANTED FEMALE AUTOMATIC OPERATORS Cleveland and Grldlev machines , Flist-class machinists for tnolmaklng LATHE HANDS SHAPER HANDS AND MACHINE REPAIRMEN 8teady day work for good men STANDARD STEEL AND HEARINGS. INC. "' 40th and Merlon ave. uracil HANDS Experienced men on plain work: highest wages: 48 hours. 0th and Tlrga sts. BLACKSMITH helper on wagon worK. BV1P-"nl...WIIHr-Jones, 2MS Rlda. ave. DIvCKSMITH on wagon work. Supplee "'vv1II...Tnes. 2.128 Ridge ave. BRAKEMEN WANTED FOR PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1023 FILBERT 8TREET PHILADELPHIA. Vt I"LKvsNr SURROUNDINGS Cl'Y RECREATION ROOMS WORTH-WHILE COMPANIONS PAY WHILE LEARNINO SICKNESS BENEFITS LUNCHES AT COOT MEDICAL ADVICE PERMANENT You get all these as a BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR Seo MISS STEVENSON.. 1031 ARCH ST. Or the following If more convenient: MISS ORR, 20 W. Chelten ave. MISS REILLEY. 120 S. B2d at. Open 0 a. m. to o p. m BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. BOOKKEEPER with knowledge of eteno. grnphy, must understand control account Appla S Block It Hon 821 Market j,"0""'- CHAMBERMAIDS, experienced, for resort hotel. Address, with references, T T Dolbey. Cstl Inn, Delawnre Water O.n pa CLERk, with general Insurance oltlce oxpel rlenco used to handling all kinds of Insur ance premiums, must be a typist: good work. Ing conditions and salarj. "Q-3," p. o Box 8443 AOENTH. BOURSE HLDO. VACATION TRIPS BAIMN" JO BOSTON SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE limUnU "yrtatloa C litlllllrltia flf D&B stnTi .t . .w- --i,-7.r - , vm h aim iott.r: ' .t. -. - r... . HILAt CROCHETERS Experienced shade-ring cro. chetera wanted (o tnke work home. F v Maurer A H 'h Co . WnvTie ava near Bristol' DICTAPHONE OPERATOR wanted and gen. eral office work, permanent position, gooit anlarv, pleasant place to work; restaurant In building 8 L.rA,n c91,Inc.. Oth and Olenwood ave Kensington 0020, ",,a DICTAPHONE oporator, axperlencedi quick nuu uvuiintr ... ... ..u..w.u wu,. S.U b. 18th St , UIIHr Wanted girl of rennement with hlah achool education for lllo nnd telephone work; experience not necessary. p ujj l.riiMffr ,HI'.' necessary. Lehigh ave. 6RDERLY, experienced, receiving ward; live in. APPiy rcnnsyivania uo.ptiai. oiw ana Spruce. Assistant General Manager wanted Immediately by email ateel concern In city, with at loaat $10,000 capital to Invest to tako over Interest ltr the business, man with sales ex perience preferred; Include In appll. cation experience and full detail. M 407, Ledger Oftico. Aiitnmnkilo repair and machine shop, tn AUlOmODlie cludln vulcanizing ana re treading machines? 1-ton Ford truck. Peer. less 0-cyl touring car: doing excellent busl ne owner leaving city. 2208 Falrmount av. IF ou want to sell your atock, fixtures, good will, etc.. write or call, as this 1 our spe cialty: buyer waiting on our list now. Bel mont Realty Co . 231 Heed Bid.. 121.1 Fllb't. MOTION-PICTURE THEATRES We offer several exceptionally attractive place re- nulrlng from $0000 to S1S.O00 cash Motion Plctur Adv. Co.. 201 N. 12th. Open Sun. 1-4. ROOMING houso for sale. 13 rooms. Ing house: price reas. Apply JOE good-pay-Vine at. EOB SALE ORDERLY, experienced; surgical ward: live In. Apply Pennsylvania Hospital. 8th and Bpruce sts ORDERLY, experienced: live In; receiving ward: night work. Apply Pennsylvania Hospital. Mih ana uprurs sts. nnrvTTriT.V. whit.! xn. Hence nnt fa.r.H.nrv Episcopal Hospital, Froi t and Tyhlah ave niTWTirn'R llKT.TlCn w&nt.rt; vonnv m.n PAINTER'S liELi'KH wantea: young man 10 ao painting in innusmai piani. urown A nalley Co.. 410 N. Franklin. PHYSICIAN wanted for O. U. office In Pittsburgh: muat have Penna, license: good salary. Address Paul Ftscbl. 2420 Wood- warn ave., l'lttsnurgn. ra rORTER. doorman and bellmen, colored, with city hotel experience: those having thilr own uniform preferred. Addr.ss, wltn references. T, T. Dolbey, Castle Inn. Dela ware yaterOarijPa. PORTER, light colored preferred: must fur nish rsferences as to character and abil ity. Mr. Newhoffer. B. F. Dewees. 1122 Chestnut st RADIATORS Hot Water and Steam Boilers Pipe anl Fittings, new and second-band BATH TUBS Sinks. Toilets and other Enamel Ware, cheap 1420 S. 8TH STREET Phone Dickinson 374: Key . Main 308 j' BUILDERS RIVETING GANGS RIVETERS AND HOLDERS-ON DON'T WORRY ABOUT WORK WE NEED YOU NO LIMIT ON PIECEWORK SEE jrn. LEYSON i:,;i ARCH ST. You can ave 50 per cent on present price br using salvnsrd mster'tl from Hog Island unit No. 1: millions feet all kinds lumber, thousands of single, twin and triple window frames with full-a'ze fly screens, sash. 8 panel and screen doors In all sixes: plaster hoard, pipe, valves mtlnrs. BOO Dunham steam traps, Roval ventilators fire doors, plumbing and electrical fittings. Penn Salvage Co. l)4th nnd Tlnleum nve. Wood 411)3. BEDS, bureaa, dressing tables In all latest woods, only slightly used and samples: 70 besutlful living-room suites. 23 lntest dining room suites, 000 new sample beds: big sals going on; ft floors packed full to the door. Felnsteln Storage Co . S E. cor Oth A Sp. Garden sts Open eves. Free auto delivery. I FOR SALE Largo moose head mounted: spread of antlers. 48 Inches, palms 13 Inches longest point. 10 Inches; fine for a Moose ball; also 3 golden eagles mounted! ! spr.d of wings, 78 Inrhes Ad Curtis Lanah- msn, taxincrmist itu a l'enn ta . Torn, ra. Office Partition, Railing, Furniture Store rixtures We sell, buy nnd exchange. 911 WALNUT ST Wal 413t Main OS.10 A, PENNA OFFICE FURNITURE CO OFFICE FURNITURE ' Largo lot of desks safes, flies, cabinets and genera' office furniture, store fixtures We buv. sell and exrhang PATTEN FURNITURE CO LOCUST 4070 1127 ARCH ST RACE SrtOO. BRAKEMEN (YARD) nOOM 8. THIRD FLCOR. BALTIMORE AND OHIO PASS STATION, 21TH AND CHE8TNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. PA. BOOKKEEPER wanted male, good salary, rapid advancement, application confidential. Annlv In writing B nil Ledrer Office BOY to do illlng and errands and other eler loal work: $7.00 to start, give ags and all particular y O Hnx 0402 BUICK MOTOR CO TLLVT. MICH. WANTS SHEET-METAL DIEMAKERS Die sinkers Machinist Machine repair Lathe hands Tool and production grinder hands Acme operalora Grldlev operators State full particulars In first letter, and for detailed Information retarding transportation and General Motors housing plan write the above nddresi CABINETMAKERS ALL-AROUND MACHINE HANDS Steady work for good mechanlce. modern plant, cafeteria: group life Insurance, best working conditions. GEORGE W. SMITH 4 CO. 40th st. below Glrard ave, SALESMAN AND AMBITIOUS MEN rive CO) men have heen promoted from this office aa sales managers slnca laat February; ou have the same opportunity If you are the same kind of an ambitious person and be over 25 yeara of age self-reliant and self confident; we nre going to open 20 moro salea offices nnd will teach vou our methods, which malte our men Immediately successful. For personal Interview write, giving tele phone, P 014 Ledger Office SALESMAN Wanted, an experienced atock salesman cnpable of handling hish-grade Industrial preferred stock, best of references required. Mall applications to M SOU, Leagsr omc. SALESMAN, real estate experienced In eub- urban end of business wanted I, cential city office; state your exierlcnce fully B (102. L.daer Offlc. SALESMEN If you are a good Dalesman or think you have tho abllltv to become on. a good op portunity selling a real Investment security awaits you on our sales force Mr Illnton. Room 00", 1111 N Broad st SALESMEN FOR LOCAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES, LEADS FURNISHED TO REPUTABLE APPLICANTS .11 IMA. LED GER OFFICE. SALESMEN for new line of Itivc-.m-m securities, never before offered the public, good position for right men' this Is not nn oil or mining scheme Mr Lounsuurv Room 73S. 1011 Che.tnut st SALESMEN for hlh-cluss seashore lot proposition; leads furnished liberal com- mission. Apply 424 Wlrtnr Rids OIRLS to assist tn soda department eve nings; short hours good ealiry. Caballero Drug Co., 02d and Walnut sts """ LAUNDRY blx eperlem.ed foidera. whlto or colored on hotel flat work, here la an opportunity for girls of ability to secure a position which paa good wagei , to atari arM offera a chance for an Increase In salary; the working conditions are good und th position Is steady, and with an Increasing number of firms laying off help dally this opportunity Is well worth serious consideration. .Apply ai weak, Pennsvlvsnla Laundry Co , 310 N, art' LINEN ROOM women, experienced, wanted; must have hotel exp. Apply Housekeep- i a. vr.a.i lFanillse igtU nA' lain T Ifllf WCPt., JHHI-I T srnvin.. got,.. ani4 j. UP4)n MULTlcmAPH optraton deslrabla position ocq for a younv woman, Bxporienceq oixir ato?. Address R. L. Campbell. 8144 Pail: yun-k v. NlKns--ErUncsd JssmI moM nittera wuiiaa iq ilia wot tv H5 MatHer CABINETMAKERS and all. round woon working machine handa: skilled men only; $40 82 weekly fcr 48 houra for flrat-class mechanics, with attendance bonus Apply, ready for work, Unit Construction Co.. S8lh st anil Orava ave CABINETMAKERS, experienced men on plain bench work: hlaheat wage; 48 hours pin una i mwi i- CLOTH EXAMINER wanted bv large mod m m.n'a clothing factory! muat h. thor oughly expert on finished goods, with abllltv to take charge of sponging Plant: first-class inausirious ana roiiaoi worner wui a pleasant position wun cnancea tor aa man, nnri I vancement, alate experience and salary wanted write to renn i-ani io., t-oitonice Box No 010 Reading Pa CRAMP'S SHIPYARD wants LABORERS Men for cleaning, ships No heavy -Iftlna- Apply Employment Departmnet Richmond at,, above Norrl at. WANTED EXPERIENCED SWITCHMEN DELAWARE. LAC1CAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD AT HOBOKEN. N. J. APPLY TO OFFICE COMMERCIAL AOEXT 250 SOUTH BROAD ST. 1H-TON truck HUH tn good condition, all new rubber, suitable far furniture man; tn be sold at a sacrifice Apply 2030 S. 1 Sthst $2.50 I'P Bags trunks nnd suitcases, blch grade bin values Wardrobe trunks 'U up largn H.-onmrni. WALTER'S LOAN OFFICE 11th and Arrh ALL makes adding machines sold bought nnd exchanged rebuilt like nw and fully g-uarantecd nt rock-bottom prlcs. Liberty Typewriter Co 1020 Chestnut st; and records bought sold vv crscnon. 000 Walnut Ti:nxoaRAPHH and exchanged. at. Phone. MEAT MARKET and grocery 2 mlnutea walk 11th and Chestnut worth $8000: sII for t'.'.-inn 2.10 3 11th et VICTOR mo lei double-spring motor good a new, worth $27 sell tor $100 cash 623 S Hth second floor 10 a, m to 8 p m FOR SALE- New Address BIX N Menotypo machine, cheap. Orlanna st MARBLE VAULT In Central Laurel Hlllj sell reasonable Apply 2320 Falrmount av. POOL TABLES, ed, exchanged 2d-hand Kcnfer bouaht. sold, rent. 32ii W Olrard ave. $t 2. AND UP, suitcases bags trunk. t-nvwi.nop i-xcnunge i. o . i ,-y nui st nnd up sultrn.es and ieg. Pawn shop TradlngCo . 22 X Oth st. GO-CART Hawood stroller nursery chair, PKBtCUruri, ...- .. .i.u.m- i.vp. $f.50" STANDS, cabinets etc . big lurgatns Phlla delphla Printers' Supply 14 S Oth st. MACHINERY WE M S.KB uray Iron casting from 1 pound to 1 ton, if you want castlnga that can bo easily machined write us Reevea Stove ana Foundry Cmn my. 3H S 21 tt.. Philadelphia. Foundry. Camden X J FOR HALE Ono" three-aunrter-jard Smith concrete mixer 1 thr,-quarter-vard buck et 1 20-horse engine with 2 hoisting drums. y 3,1, Ledger Office. Ef.ECTRfcMOTORS MACHINE TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT 1UL"-0 O'BRIEX MACHINERY CO 110 X 3D ST. MACHINERY man 133 N belting. 4tn at. tools. Oeaal A Uotb- MODERN machine of work 210 N shop open Front et for all kind MACHINE shop open for contracts; Interest. prices prompt deliveries II 01 n. Led, Off. A ,-E C AND D C MOTORS lllORACnST SHAFTING PULLEYS. HANIIINO SHAFTING HALB1 l'lvll . .u.'n'ii i a iiAtMir, of rv, grj WANTED SA'T' WANTED double STENOGRAPHER Permanent position open for experienced stenographer: preferablv one with experience In purchasing depart ment Reply, stating age, experience and salary desires, to R, L. Campbell, 3141 I'assyunk ave. STENOGRAPHER and general office worker wanted, good opening. Lovkln Water Heater Co,. 80 Laurel St., near Front and Poplar, 8Y8TEMATIS5ER Large firm of account ants wanta man to devote tlmo to system work: should be between 23 and S3 years ot age: able to. design and draft charts and forms) thorough knowledge of accounting essentlalt study work and, oncortuplty for advancement: state age, religion, safcarr ex "eeteA and past- experience, f trtlnbiterr capaclt. . double door 2d hand safe. w In good order and cheap give full description nnd price utllvercd here. Bog 2H0, Summervllle, fy C WE BUY women's, men's and children' worn clothing and shoe, best prices paldi our autoa call at your e nveiilence In city or country. Postal or phone Stern' Baraaln House 837 X 4lh.t Market 2448 " WE WANT at once household furniture, store ilxturts, offli. ruinlturei pay ttlZt cash, honest value Phone us about It. Lo. cu.t 4214 Old Church cor 12th A Cherrr wvAZtf,0J,??,!lt::'i.&Gi .nn, vnnunivii -, .,. w.x. ... miy aaaress i will call at any Phone laicust 071 fl, TALIUNQ MACHINES, BEC0HD8 TALKING machine und reoorda. 50 ner e.n( oft; we bought out a largo phonograph dial. er. over lO.OHO records: will Mil i 60c i uh Central Muslo Htore. 127 N. 11th t, TYPEWKITEHS AND rVTWlHliiri ' "akj, 'Msa, kii mi if '.I A .-.r- h jj "71 m m 1 J'j. 4 "fj 31 1 f x v. n-i .,.,v.-meeT '! r. ?rrA ; v uwt, i .Jim i.t Asjaiw sr.'Jf'1, . V; .vi '- SU1SI !MM. It. i Sr?tfflTLT a. . Co., Wasm ava. Var