V j? ' J 1 V U c- 'A yik. ivu if- . j - fj r - V . vi. -";"!- s1 i w;, " i . jjC . -. - . . ' laientng public ledger iVTrvwv,rr',r s' -s." Nh ' K? Iw ' l " I I ! I.. - - - . . - - - . . - F i lBHBNlly "IHnHHHH :TWe"'-J ' v hih.vhhm;bh .MBiHEiratHiSHHafiKWMMa ?fiK?4yar - 4 VdTWHHBHUk. ' M JS&."W V ' '.IHi9VHM .i 4 T"r C Ui(.4.HHJUBrHro&;ri'.lIM BI7l'.'HBMlW dn MT1HUV7'"HI -- -.. . ...J.-. , . i" j y f ir. " imBBBnaiiu m ihb i.iiim-v j j .i a imbwtihb rt wt luaimiiTtniiiruiD hw ittc noKr lc(.HBJUnB.iiiBi 'mrmr i ibibi i -aiin r , i r mj .?...r r'BSt. , .. tr tt, .-, If. I " - -r- . - . .,-,:i itoHtW2I,(MBWrJl:lt T-, .. 3 i -:?';:.i-J ",- ..'. v i.',--'.:'.."; '" mmmumim?mjmri."wmfim4wu,Mr'',-nm m imi wai i n i w n m w:"7v?:,,. . ,,- flwarawsg . mkMt ??, ' " -" .. I PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY,- JULY 21, 1920 f Bu jraptii('t( v w.nt( 'sX ""' """"-"""'" "ilkivyvvvisvXvS'"- TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN WHILK MOTHER TOiLS. That's the j)b the .!oy Settlement Dnv fn a wonderful fashion. In the photograph nt the left the kiddles arc cutting and forming paper furnitu "-"j" ,' '" 'L . . ; ' 1 r ' v -."M'iHiHr fiM.?rr jm.-,mr ih tHtLuf . mytou j.t '.wummaprmi nm iil-v f-f vwO'iilBBkSBK TfiPllMR Bill , 7IQVVwnHKMfl3K' 'Iukz-tOIj THVI ' TSMBtfWfcSrWl Hill tK. "L f- HBPHLaU. Wfc'A H err if . ; . 4 2T 5Mya t rc?.i r J.' v' I ? r i " .T' mn i I f 'JKyS rr'lJiMlilf vr story to the children. The ofllcinls arc making n drive for funds for new quarters v -t i A,ufcVw,.'V ."S ". iT r-rr-rinr r i i"-ir"-r"THTTTi'1TB tw tiXnd Urown htreets.T doing SHEA FIRST, TED MEREDITH SECOND, -fho flhish of the EARL. EBY WINS THE 880-YARD RUN. University of Perm student, who " fc At right Miss Dorris is rcadlnff a 440-rd I run at the final Olj-mplc try-outs held at the .will represent the Chicago A A. at the Olympics because of hla victory at Han-ard Stadium, Cambridge, Mass. the try-outs at Cambridge Tri-zzrf3r!irzrr-z-T." T)tt1 r4AABftdAM ikkV a uui iiiuiiiuni m rr Tn.1irr.i- Pllfltft KfT U jiuin-vi.. - . . we.- jJMBLJiiiggsiagsi assfeiipsfs! mmmmmmmm Lrrrr T.m4 Sb-iijt RWftwy,iKsiftsfc trJV.AW'M- lr :r2IrUK?J!r';Xr-2rt.'' BRSrKJS-i V't3iy-Xy.t";rX imMmfsmmm'igminwOT ltLja&3tgXaJy.ibwCgXM SOME SWIMMING. Tho boys are taught to swim and every effort is THERE ARE APPLE TREES, TOO. But then the many warnings A TURTLE RACE. Boy Scouts put on a novel race in iront of one of WENT TO THE RIVER AND PUSHED THEMSELVES ACROSS, made to make each boy scout a life saver. Tho Delaware is not too about green apples help a little. Fred Benton and John Frey said the cabins on Treasure Island, where the boys say there arc as many turtles Water no barrier to Philadelphia boy scouts, especially when there deep at Treasure Island they were just sampling ns Boy Scouts, HUNDREDS OF BOYS ARE HAVING A GOOD TIME ON TREASURE ISLAND, THE SUMMER HOME OF PHILADELPHIA BOY SCOUTS, ifcyaWJilP'lwP L'y-f -"'-: tmh i ".! 'i?t?, ' ' Sa. ' Jk t ' A'.A.S'.'IJVM b RIVER AND PUSHED THEMSI to Philadelphia boy scouts, cspei is a real ferry hanging around w,raTrra,T.'Rsapi"jE3."- BwWiWw'''1''" . . S,v,iiUth " v- .w;'iH.(A.: v, ,;. UVM: ",'..-?. ri.TrMi;r-r., . . j,&xas&&',... .r -ir .vTca' . a 'c , jr.?sa(nitr-i. 1: .-,.... r, By";;,;vMiia immwh 3 fK ill ll lllll I I ! I I I Mt II II 1 , ft3f V',v.iSJUKlfHIKr.'Kl lB". iiK-(ajfiacBi'r':.;5'-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiii'w 1 i 1 1 jfe& '-a. fi&rmrmmK&? &a t tB 1 . 1ALK1NG POLITICS. Governor MAN 0' WAR'S OWNER. AT A NEW YORK HORSE SHOW. The children are John Jacob Astor, RrVAL DISQUALIFIED by GOAT AT ATTENTION. The goat seems to recognize tho wonderful RUSSIAN SURGEON 0V i vjua iiiccm iur, nuiun numiiiun oamuci u. maaie, oi uiun mu- ou ticit; una nis nau-nroiner, wmiuin uitn, ur., cnuurun oi iurs. wiiiiuiu luiuiiL-suin cuurxa. VongTessroan icnuvrnu, one oi cngtana B Dest norscs. ine pnotograph was taKcn 1UUIN tt.rJ i ULiAJNiJ rAAlci. Ui. Gardner, first civil service commis sioner, during his Washington visit ''!ttrul News Thnto die, Pa., whose wonderful horso is the fastest of tlie year Central Nowb l'hoto. K. Dick, the former Mrs. John Jacob Astnr A. J. Volstead, author of uro- intwntioni. hibition enforcement act, is ngain candidate J0& Congress at a recent raco meet Central News Photo. Sergei Voronoff. with Mme. Voro- noff, has arrived in this country from Paris, to explain his methods to American surgeons International. F OUR CITY'S WORKFRSANn what THEY DO v,.,,,x,.. ; up'I .v 'r-'svf fi -- - - . , FT -v v "rt.T,- .J'.',iJ'A..Wj8,.,'.'u ,--."- Wr-WWIIWIWII ' , , , ,, ,1, 'I ' ' ii I ' i, iUm JiiaLI. i ajn.OUI .J ill' i v . ' " ..ywrn. . -., '. ?'': ' si ; . a :. iihp" . ' 'fu jm.' ; 5 nsziei- . &r ... .i-umo-. ..?.?jsxi mmtutHJiiim7iiiWj'irjiimMm . ..'-'.' ..-'.' ... . " iau pj.wwui n i wm. ..- .. -, .w,.,l..,mM.,aWrWaWi a-ic.iL.... .i; . 55 ,. j-Tfj' "..',:.w ...v!.' .. tv wr r??raaKjjsat f$pani n. - -- -- -- - -- p laTTia f.- m nvti wfAf ' tVi- ob4vip ' OMvMvwn V j ?V 9 n wmi,ii.,. - a'arnwn a bt' THE BEAUTY CORNER h'c , ifiilr "' . l i WILLIAM GAMUER, 2659 North Seventeenth street, inuMiifa uoa aj.i.nu mattrushes at tho H. D. Dougherty & Co. ' plant, Seventeenth street and Indiana avenue, at the rate of three a day. Lditr l'hoto btrvlct. vWKwt tf.-. '?'&. t " A.i:.ZJXiftjLUxJi.:t&.ts-,.-,n,i BASEBALL OFFICIALS. Wayne Schuler (left), KIDNAPPED BRITISH HOME WITH HERO SON'S WAR DOG president, and Hnrold B. Dean, secretary, of the uENERAL. Captured by Mrs. Benjamin Thaw, of Pittsburgh' ers, General Lucas has to her a been missing for a month who was " K i iWift3Wti)IKTB5JfcV " " .. , . n? rm iifTBti BTiiBTiiiii itUoS' JEANETTE KEIP, ii ciiiiimin i'nfivt uiftni,..-!. i.niA -. . . "-- - v Insurance BaBeball League, which has finished its a band of Irish sympnthiz- brought Bronoco, tho dog that belong i , . , ", lwelft sif Philadelphia season ' ers. General jlucbs lias to her aviator son. Alexander ninlr 'Piin,,, ' '"'V".T"a l.r w eaturo should oe "" i killed In 1018. Tho dog was in- n wroMfft fw ,, rfdrfreascd f" y wio.vTvnu.-non.t3. jured at tho samo time ijy oorori isvewimo mrnua wmw r-JB,v " JL ,..,',.,, - . ,i lottrniUonu. . Ld(r rhoto Strvlco. thi '. ,- . V V -' l,fc'rrT"MtiiBtfrfi'4 Tih iii ..-. ,tV (!jit3i". liif'v '?i4f', LiviJ i h