RRT13 'IT j'S, f . V i ill ,"' V ijc ( ' f c r ' i .. 1 . ' utV. I' ; ' (f. .i'. l ,'. r V T,J EVENING PUBLIC LEDalERr-PHlLADELl'HIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1920 1V 23 j' '..; "" WANTED fiSffSELL YOUR DIAMONDS i ... see u,! .wo . . LH,n ne In Vntll 'ftic, for diamond.! for more than rrfU"1 ; hive been buying diamonds and ""Iri'ui'Wn" from the Urge . Jeweir? !Sir.!!aSint More?.. and from their ous-' 8 SAFE WANTED i j.. IauMji Hrtor. Qrlahflti.t I-ar. v?r iood order and cheapi give full """'iJtlon "" Price delivered here, not ynv. , i ,ii' men's nnil ehll,,....,.. B.i clothing and shoes: best uric nglds w,r.n, pall at yur convenience In dtv or u,.irr I"" phMiF.Jif. "argaln .Aiiflirj, .. uti at. Morlcet IM4R 'TTaNT at nc household furniture, WB iA(iiturf. nii furniture: pay no ""i.n.st Vlue. inone us noout It. J,o- ruh: .Wyw" church, cor. 12th CherVS. iSJpK'K.v 'with price I Pav mailed 13c. J, n' rtlBpaJ. StSreV 2oQ 8-iith. wii4sn: SilJiRTurplture. china, illyer. old war Nli .Mn pictures: highest prices paid for anil '".'? .rrinuca. 1023 Pine., Locust nnot. IriwfcVahtfrt Immediately, nit second. B'tfTfe fr export. Howe Hcnlo Co.. i eh st. - . . . '.IjrTTtAClliNES, 'iron-head bought for BLN (ii W Allegheny ave. Kea. nOB. OLD GOLD lsrrT7iM'"llver. platinum, plated ware, old- 0,:P.if 2'w' ry. teth platea bought for cnah. I f.' 1M7. J Clark, renner. SOT Ban.om. MACHINERY I KftXIiaTwrllM iinmMo """' and Hlldo Valve KOILKIta, ri'Jirs. llolatlnit KriKlnea. EP"'f' "La i. comprtaaora, all klnda. ilAClIINE TOOLS, lJithea. l'lanei MALI". ?,...,. Drl11 rreaaea. etc. WO0DWOIIK1NO I'lanera. Moldera. " -1- Unnd Sawa. etc. ELUCinlC Machinery, Dynamoa and AND SUrPLinS OF AI.Tj K1ND3 rilANMC TOOMBY. INC. 1 27-1 20 X. 3U 8T. ijinoR tock rebuilt and cuaranteed en- pichlne toola: aend for complete cataloguo " HERMAN I.. WINTERER BALE OU nr.NT One No. A Keyatone ex eaator. 2 No, 3 Keyatone oxravatora: will eon'.raei or uocuim. .""". iuu., trfneh dlcalnir. V. J. I-ynch. BS8 Commer- elm iru "ti I)VNAMOS AND MOTOR Lot of new O. motors. Just received. YEAR8LKY CO.! "24 , " " MOTOflS Quarter, half, one, two and three nor-e. sinsio imnitr, .in, 4, u.ic, iwu, inrae and Ave D C. sale. W A. ADAMS 4th and Arch 'WOTOHS, Vi. H. 1. 2 ami 3 horse, PMH.l.Isandac. sa.e, single 4lh and Arcr rOR SALE One three-quarter-yard Smith concrete min. . itnc,iurirr-yarti duck i et. 1 20-horse enslne with 2 hoisting druma. M ZA X.ensr cuico. ONE u-nor-ponrr .uuo ni engine, in per feet running order. Printers' Finishing flOUlg. 1...uniiBi.t o. I tCTBIC MOTOR-L0U,MACH,NB TOOL8 OTRIEN MACHINERY CO.. 110 N. 3D ST. MACHINERY belling, tools. Segal & Roth man. 133 N 4lh st. I MODCRN machine shop onen for all kinds I a .n,tr n. V. ICpnn. mi MACHINE shop open for contracts: Interest prices prompt deliveries, n filfl. I.ed. Off. Wanted WANTED One Scotch marine l.olr. a fur- nsefs, r. ir-i ninmeicr nnn u reet long, 1S0.1M) pounds steam. James Rhnwan jl 8on, Inc. fijot of 27th st.. llrooklyn, N, T STORAGE AND MOVING ONE MONTH FREE. KSTAHMSHED 1880, The Exchange Storage Co. 1420 N. 8TH 8T, We have a few clean, eeparato rooms vacant for the Btorago ef Tour Household Goods. irbons Mmonrt 2471. PACKINO. MOVINO. Dougherty & Sons Storage 1424 N.'aoTH HT 10-t our special ram for moving by nur reli able and careful men. Call Poplnr 45(1,1; Ky. lon. Park 1127. night phone, Dlnmon.l 58.12 A STORAGE PALACE Clfnn tn our home; movlnT fop pnrt.cuUr vtujiii- u uinuivii iTiiiimir'rl KlVrni PaCK Inff shiontntr mnv'nir nrnl rtnrnvn v. FMln 8l' fn JIW JMah Tvmnn1 73.QQ. VICTORY STORAGE f.;ol I nlrl Phiinn lilmnnt 4070 "or ft tn. tr i-ipirr.Arrnw ans. Watson's Storage ,H'nc' SKli';.n,M,,a T'n.l.l. I H.'rlce ttunrHMl,.,7 I.4S II V I7l M tJ"l'lHr r.3, Miller, North Broad Storage Co! XT ,", ''"'."S Vhnn" 'lamond 7100, Moving hrlrk nt,,t ftieproof stornge. packing. MOTOnTluVKS tn hire by day, uek nr hours ,ll sizes, TM.IIn. Auto Tran.fo 821 N 2th at. Call Pop. 1731 lranr. FIDELITY riREPROOF WAREUOUSEq 1811 TO 1810 MARKET ST. M2.i1r STORAOE CD.. S"!70LAVPA9. riTKivh jso.niTAxrK MovIoAaH WE HM'I goods to Allnnlln ntvNVw York All.nrnwn Qinker City Trans Cn. A' sr..,', - "" '"i"iircl 1140 M, STAMPS AND COINS u..ii-o MUiBTS, IIIMC SETS ""T.vrra'0'- nVbScora. - -" - ma st. ROOMS FOR RENT u.. nrpu nrt-clnss houjunccnt.i mod. Sl'-nrnoia; a'Zl7 rV-!?,7lr"" m.l. rooms. fjTju ( - JjJLl"nr comnunlcallng. . elneto' ' ' i,,1 -;;;'., (lJrl''nont Rooms. 1 ' W, nm VnVr ba,h!" running wa- Fnii . i r ,,-...' . : ,nd suii b i i.i e.V "" v n" rooma H'lHTi: -n - ' "r'vi"a '"""" -'eds u ;,,,"'S,,I front vm . twin hot,sAVcoMTrunnln3g v,'C,ly ,fur . Wai Nt T st r"nnl-nir-'y!"?-r, elec. & phone; lih !..! i1,i,:',cr?' attractlvo rooms J ." ' '"rt Cilon0,Cl B','nnient. and nr n.i. ' -ICf furn. rooms ,1m, hi. walvFp st pr'Z-"!L :rjiiri!L62rd. Eir"v fu.nish.,1 '"""0um nexl ,0 bath: JSn0Tfu"?,; r "Coo-Corner hou th.it nn iJ.ll" .''"'' rooms: also basement 'hlrd tm? nrSntTTw?, furnished roomaT mu,,r n"" to bath, private family: SelwifullJ fur3S',on"mJ;rl51'.,un'C eetn ,i .vir looms, snot essiv i.n. , furlhM'room"--f'rhree furnNhed and. un- ."ti sT s n.-Tzi:;. . beds m ' . r-3- I.argo cool room aln.l. OlinsTV -t ,,lne'' cou'ie. . "i-h-i room8.T su'mrVeT."7'1 welMuT: n or b.,;in::r;. ' room, single ''" roomnnora.'r"0bnK.hpr'1y 1F "Indosi C,rJln'tJ-c?48S8jf: 4 w""j:i 'Ite.i no Snii.i,-"c.on.'l-.fln"' front room ... CT.tr m.n .:". nnaiiephia. miii. y "'. " V -- ... ..r .-mini. mnln.. .1 tt i ' " r riluc- hmrzizriZ ' ' w"ln'" "". .Poiurs with t Vi. V." A ""U'nwestern ..x. Sr)-HTY hart , , ,J " h"-i,,!i2l12! nr bath'ecryI,rr1'"'-f "outhern oxrosufTj "L'HN ROOMS i m "JJii-l'O" J1003 J: -JVJER8r.V-HKAHnuir frr auvvrKi riTv PA"imi 1 1 a T?? HlLmvoon crust BOOMS WANTED WANTBri Two tinfurn. rooms hv' .m.".T: gentleman near Olrnrd College tl fllo."i',r0 BOARDING TMllent table. Tnniav j, a """" wjueri LOCUST. 4047 Deeond-atory froi.t room ...i." able for 2 men, with boarcl. l"r,,. "rmb "y BOARD WANTED WANTHD riy a married couple, Too7nand board with a strict y private .family In thi auburba: atatk rnto n,f full VarMeflsV". i! nrst letter. I1JI T mm Va... PURNIBIIEpArARTMENTS ''SLViiSSlT't (,h0. Bth-Allim)H5nA. .f.?In',t.".p.p0Llt.''i1 l nncl 2-room aultes, with jya wm nmt miinKtj. ti,,IhJL,AJSTic.'fn,l loc' hv week If dea-. Sherwood Apt Aaenev. 2iff H. Tlrnad at, mny JcrtflKv Hre.annrti. ATI.NTlr r IT Y FUKNIBHED houaekeeplna; apt.: also at. traetlvely ,furn, rooma and aultes: 11H 8. New Jeraey ave. i open for Inapectlon APARTMENT8 1022 N, 12TH BT. lleautlful new 3 and 3 .,?..mi aparlmints. some for housekeeping, unfurnished: Inautlful tl4 bath (ahower). Plfouctry floora. steam heat, electric light, white and mahogany flnlah; porch overlook ing side lawn: suburban surroundings: near .'... m i.,yj i rpinuipw irom .M-rn- si COUNKn house: third floor: n rooms, nnd "".", .or. rairmouni i-arK; no emiaren, "2,Pta: reliable partv only. Call Uilmont Mm anv dav errenl Mn-.lnv. 237 B. lOTli BT. 8lx rooms and bath, un- lunuanrui permanently: or a rooma ana bath of samo apartment, furnished, until Bept. 22, Vm. O. Andes. 3110 llullltt Hldg. DOCTORS AND DENTIST 1022 N.' 12th atreet. 820 s. 11TH ST. DealMbte flrat-flo'ir ant., rooms, bath and kitchenette; 70s lm. mediate poss, TAllI.ANB, 000 Walnut st. Al'AHTMKNT. HUADQIIAUTKHH Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood Apt. Agency, V2B H, Droad st. Home very attrnrtlvn furn. npt.l shmn hnuMkcrpIn. APARTMENTS, housekeeping, exclusive, 0 rooms, unuauai opportunity to secure cnoieo Pta on long-term contracts. UOl). Led.Oft. UiOl PINE BT.. second floor, unfurnished: 2 rooms: private bath: hot-water heat: eleo- inc i mm; too per montn APARTMENTS 15 to 1123 monthly: sfeam u?ni, cieciriciiy: private family, iou'j rocust rt, CHEBTnil AVE., 6211 Three rooms, unfur nished, pr,lvnto bath, kitchenette, electric. elephone. 18T1I. N 001. Second floor, ft rooma and bath , a nhern exuosiire; also smaller apt. NEATL.Y furnished, 8 rooma: housekeeping apnrtment Wirnce 1301. . WKST 1'HH.ATtF.T.rHIA CORNER. 0183 Market st.. rooms nnd bath. CHAB. rO..-".M7 B. llroad at. aecond floor, fl L. 11ROWN A BARINO, 4031, and 430 S. 40th at. Apt. 1 and 2 rooms and hath: also with kitchen! will furnish, Phone Preston 2270 W. PENNSYLVANIA SUniTRnAN OYNWYD Prlv. family: .near ata,: furn. hskpg. ants . 1 r. ti Ph Pvnwvd 223 W. NEW JKRSKY SITnWRnA'N CAIHIRN HOUKBKKEPINO APARTMENTS Very de. alrablv located: 2. 3 and ft rooms anri hath. with use of private garage: convenient tq icnicB. int.? uv ncii ni any lime uy appnini' ment HAIRY I.KE WARREN. 310 Ilroadwav APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STB, ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE DELMAR-M0RRIS AMERICAN n.AN CHELTEN AVE AND MORRIS ST. OERjrANTOWN HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at 11th at. Most (Vrlrable accommodation at summer rntes C. PITMAN nAKER. JR. WINDERMERE BROAD AND LOCUBT SPECIAL SUMMER RATES DININO nOQM. t NEW MANAOEMENT HOLMEHURST, 1012 Spruce st. Double and single vacancies: beautifully fur nl shed. Walnut 83 18 TU P-mnnfl 8- K- cor- 12th Spruce: Ihe tSmona,ultes. l-S or 3 rms. & Imth. THW l.ITTlyE HOTEL. U2.1 S. llroad st A good plncc to live while In Philadelphia. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1731 MASTER BT. : CORNER 0 cheerful rooms: southern exposure: private Dorch: corner- conveniences: 8.1. JAMES A. MOHAN 1803 Qlrard ave; WKST PHlU-.DKt.PllIA THREE rooms, bath nnd kitchenette: elct , hot-water heat, second floor, J30: 2 rooms, bath and kltchen.etto, first floor. JiO. William I j. Craven's Sons, BSth and Chester ave. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY ESTATE must 1h wttlcd:, 308-10 Vine st. (corner), lot 44x108, immediate posscsslcn. a. c KEinr.i, a- i'd , inc., 4th nnd Callowhlll. LOOK nt 133.1 Ceimantown avenue, corne'i yth brick garage, wonderful business lo catlrn, open frtr Ini-ticcllnn. WICK VOLI.MElt.-H21 Oermnntown nve. S. E. COR. 3d nnd Raws entlri, building: .cheap: particulars O. C. SEIDEL & CO., Inc.. 4th and Callow hill. TWO excellent etor properties near Ken- slngton ave ana .npsnpny ave,; nnanceci. I...vl k & ivoiqow. ui ainui st IMMEDIATE possession, 8878 Jasper st . well financed, deorgo D, Lleberinan. Frankford 1883 FOR SALE Immediate possession. 1010 N. 0th St.. 12 moms, JT.000. and f.23 W. Buks St., 0 roomi, $i:.00. D. F. QABKILL, 23U0 ," . nn hi 2510 N. "JOTH Six rooms and bath, porch, good location 2318 Corll'ii. 'J-stoiy. II rooms; vacant, WM L. CRAVEN'S SONS, 201U Columbia ae 2118 SPRUCE ST 3-STORY dwelling, good order: roeeeasion soopj price rcasonablo WM. L, CRAVEN'S SONS, 2010 Columbia ae FOR SALE Imni'dlate possession; 11110 JJ. llth St.. 12 rooms. J3009. and 023 W. Berks St., II roomn. 14800 ji. I . n.Agiivn.u. ..nn. r. nn st la n. mill ni. .-.K.n-n k t l..n.l.n .An.. K, ..!-... . ll'.llWll. ,1.,1. tv... mw. iiua.fivBrt prOOBI- TCi. pnssesilon. l L SiQAVEN'H JION8.2010 Columbia nve 17N; ELLSWORTH STREET C"oslnr rlw.lflnn SAMUEL STERNV210 North American Bldg OOOD BUY. LOOK THEM OVER 2704 Thompson 1224 N. Pennock 707 Calioi t .inn uaDOl i:aiupw. j.-i.u. ,.,i . lutn. 744 AND 7-10 S 12TH ST. (cor. St. Albant Bt.l, wun aw. i-ii auu lain pi. Aluans ' it musi ij n.iiu iu ci..bu .-eLaivi want oner. ' I. R MASHEY A SON. 13th and Preen, .... . . ,.eil.-l 11 . rir vvir.. Mariton it Cambria (near 20th und Ihleh nve.); 7 r and bath: 1ef- IIS., KIU.'UW ,UU., ,1 11,.,, jl.nB, 1.1111 J, n, 4 110 Crcsscn nt. Phone Mvk 1)70 Kora CLEVELAND AVE C'JUO hiucli N'urlli) :l ileslrablo dwgs.. In good condition, prlca f?3r.o eir n. j iv .nassny non. lam a lire mi. L'2'.i NAPA T a-siory brick ilwg r.-nt 112 mice 1H(), J R. Mnsaey A Son l.'lth and Oreen 6711 PARK AVE. Excellent Investment, rent J23: price 2300, j R MASSF.Y . 'ON, 10th and C.-.-en . FOR SALE 1134 Iximtiaiil st . store and .uvelllng: 3 brkk houses In rear: total rent 1720 per ear'nt a low rental n 6.12, L. O. 14S0 N. 27TH-r-Iloom for garage on fitting SI . 1' II 'ill", inuui3.it uiiiiciiiriiwca, ui.ni.eif. slon EMERSON CONRAD, B3 N. 10th. 10' N. HITII ST. Excellent lliii-slnnmt, . mi IHO: urlcti 12800. J R. MASHEY ft SON 3ih and O-een 2010 IllllUK Modern storo and dwelling; suit anv business possession, CONRAD, B3 N. 10th sL , 1410-48-3O N, 27th Lots to Etllng st.i mod em convenltMices good buy; sec them. EMEHSON CONRAD. B3 N Kith. 27 (T 10TH ST. Rlno for Improvements; near new nmuii-'r Aiir,i.ic iiuiiuwcu, ii lft!l Ledger Office. 1400N. 18TH St, Desirable side-yard real .... . It, ,, nt.1 riini1lll.in. m.lHt l. ..I.. nosm-ss.' J. R. Massey v. Son, 13th and Oreen 173S ARCH ST. for sain PENNSYLVANIA rOMI'ANY, B17 Chealnut st. 217 MONTROSE Fivo rms, ft bath: 2 toll. ts: win nnaiicw. t.riai.-iiiii. ..m. imiiarino. MUl.f.ll.N HUL SL, 1214 DOIIierset st , 10 rooma, biownstnnsi moderate price. j.VMllS A MOHAN',, l.mi.ljjjrard iie. :i240-BO N. MARSHALirAT 0 rooms$20BO 2400 W. Harold st B rooms,. ,. 2200 MALU)N. 2841 N. Sin st. 1B27 CHRISTIAN ST and building In rear, SHIIIHI CirBr llllllir...ir, .uon.-ee,u,i, J. H -lARDBLLA, 1B87-Clirlstlan at, IMMEDIATE poss.i 2802 8. J7th st.i further particulars upon application to Burton C, Himnn. N. W. or. 20th and Pastyunk a v.. SEVEN Investment houses, S. Phlla., 7 rnr HOUSE FOri RALE, suitable for apartments, 1710 Norrli at, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ,C"V DANDY R06MY HOUSES Just the thing for a la-ge family 8 bedrooms, bathroom," paMor, dining room, kitchen and laundry with laun dry Cuba In It: brand-new 'plumbing, sucn as porcelain bnthtuh. wnshstand. toilet, electric light with outlets for nopr Inpips nnd vacuum cleaners: nrisht rhirrfiit paper: mahegany and i in nil day, Including Sunday, for Inspec t'onl nrnt on premises: 2024-20-32-40 r?.r,n,.Thlr'1 " JAMES V, COX 0-.w.?Jnul 1Bo1' 1303 "eal Estate Trust Hid. 81yani ,9'h' U room"' 2 bR,h' e'"18 vrd. PLV'nfy0 V$,h- ntral dwellings. Cor. 201h and (Ireen. store and aparlmenlt. 1711 Rowers it., n rooms. I '203rnodePrnnB aarden- 10 rooms, 2 baths, JJ4S Shara'wood. 0 rooms. J.a.."'' Jeffer;on. apartment house. 7 suites, oXJ5 ST,r,n i17 rooms, 2 bnths. ?2?J F."JluJnbla "v.'i lro and dwg.l vacant, li i. ' vrrn?n. It rooms. 2 baths: vacant. 5W5 iJrr",VdywlrA' D rooma; vacant. 2210 Wnllace, f rooms: vacant. ?J!!,,-!!f'2?o,5,uArI,!0nn' ro" 1023"each, 1318-21-23-24 Summer, central Hibberd B. Worrell & Co. 555 N. 17th St. iii:mimi;mii.mraii!imironEiii;fffia'i NEW BOULEVARD HOMES Right on the Boulevard st Summer Si1.. M'. mmedlatelv adjoining Seara Roebuck A Co.: semidetached. with large lots and garage: wonder ful location: fast Increasing In value: built under old low contract nricea: 3 baths, largo rooms, every modern Improvement" ngent on premises or stop In cur Boulevard branch office, cor, Rising Sun ave. and Boulevard, or phone Wyoming f0n. J. T. JACKSON "CO. CHESTNUT AT 18TH ST 'iiiiin iiiiiiifflisEEniiiroiiamiiiraiimiffliiBiit; 201 9 LOCUST ST. Desirable residence, near Rlttenhouse Square, 13 reoma and 2 baths, in rood condition: reasonable price. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. ainiiiwrM OPPORTUNITY Real estate nnd equipment of Long-establlshcd payliv coal buslnMa Two weir-Iocatetl yards Lewis A. Taulane, Realtor 000 WALNUT ST. IN THE nelirhhorhnnrt nt VIA tnA T-nrtiV thoroughly modern house Tn complete or- ner, containing u bedrooms. 0 bathrooms It has hot-wnter heat, electric light, hard wood floors, fi onen fireplaces; eastern nnd vouinern exposure. SAMUEL W. LEVIS REAL ESTATE TRUST RLDO. S?.5 iY 'hlgh ave.. porch front, vac..J7000 2124 N 13th St.. llr.. good ordfr. vac. .110(1 t2s5 Jl". Dauphin st., 8r.. vacant 4.100 1828 N. 2.1th st.. 7r.. monthlv lease.. fl.lOil J'117 Montgomery ave... Or., mo. lease.. 3.10O V.2.l H' sni" at., store and 10 rooms.. 4300 4 ,.n "t. ;- -,l" at., .r., wnue niumDing . jiduh 2213 N. Colorado St.. 7r vacant soon. 27no 2230 N. (Irata at.. Or., monthlv lease.. 2000 skiii .v. Uarnet St.. Br., end house.... 2200 030 Trench st.. fir. ft shed, mo, lease. 2200 BERT0LET, 1619 N. 19th St." !!:i!rli;!!l!!llii!II;Sllimil!llll!!II!!illl!enfIllilllll'K 1818 S. Rittenhouse Square Handsome modern residence, overlook ing Rlttenhouse Siuar: 18 rooms and 4 ba,ths: lot 20x100 ft. to rcur street. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. saiffliiiniiiimiim 10 Cash Required Balance terma to suit. 2400 BLOCK N. ORATJ! ST. Complcto 2-story, 0 rooms nnd bath. Home buyers only: price, 13000. BROWN & FRENCH 310 LINCOLN DLDCJ. FILBERT 4870 IMMEDIATE POSSKHSms! 2014 N. 30th st.. 8 rooms, porch. 2700 W. Sterner st.. S rooms, modern. :.ii w uirnrneia si., t rooms, pnrcn. 012 N. 2llth St.. 7r.. hot-water host. .L- 2737 W. Somerset et.. 12 rooms, modern. 21123 N. Tnney St.. 7r.. elec. hot-water hoat. 2010 N. Stlllmnr St., Or., newly rrnoiated. For Keys tn inspect upply SAMUEL D. SCHWARTZ 20TH ABOVE I.EHI11H AVE. 2028-2031 CUTHBERT ST. 1080 Arch st 1025 Wallace St. 200O Mt. Vfinon. 1615 Fltzwater. 1833 Diamond, 1717 Manlne st. 217 St. Mark's s.iiiurc. W. ALEX. ROTllNSON. 812 Llborty Illdg. 227 N. 18TH Storo and dwelling. .$18,000 141H Master! Fifteen roams l'J.nnn 1724 N. 23d 4.800' mot rarK ave. isieven rooms n.ooo 10th and Thompson. 8. E. cor. 8. A D 7.000 1741 N. 18th All conveniences 12.000 102S N. 18th Immediate possession. 0,000 Wm. Sadler's Sons Co"gjj,llt Exceptional Opportunity 10th at. below Chestnut, attractive residence, excellent condltlsn; electricity, hot-water heat, parquotry floora: best central section: low price, well financed. Phono Locust r.333 W. H B10. Ledger Office. TWO HOMES OF MERIT 1020 Rockland St., Logan, Coielttlon Is ele gant; semidetached: possession. 4031) Hurley st.. low price for a comforta ble modern home. NORTH PHILA. TRUST CO.. Broad st . dermantown and Erie aves 2IU0 RIDOE AVU Modern storo and dwg. 2701 Thompson 2707 Cabot 11120 Sllls 1S22 Pennock .171)11 Cabot 1711 Olive 1,114 Thompson 1827-38 Cabot 2470 Coral, comer 1.122 Thompson 245 W Indiana 2380 Mutter st EMF.Rr.ON CONRAD. .13 N 10th st 2227 LOCUST ST. N. E. cor. 23d; li70 14 rooms and 2 bathrooms, very conveniently arranged. JOHN B. MAGEE HEAL ESTATE TRUKV HI.DQ. 1710 COLUMBIA. 11 rooms, vacant. 1820 Columbia, S, A D., small amount of cnth required, possession. ' 1703 N. 20th, 13 rooms. 1307 N. 13th. 12 rooms, small cash payment, H. E. cor. 20th nnd Turner, S. A D 201 B Nicholas, 8 rooms, WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS, 2010 Columbia. 4226 N. EIGHTH ST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Six rooms and bath, hot-water hent, porch; electricity: modern: price attractive, NEWMAN A HALL. 32B0 Oermantuwn ave IF LOOK1NO for u home, write, call or phone Wal, 3B01; we can locate you st vonr nrlce HANSEN & HENDERSON UOO LIBERTY ULDO. 2427 W. HAGERT ST. Two story, 7 rooms, porch front, good loca tion, near Park. 'WM. L. CRAVEN'8 SONS. 20111 Columbia ave. 112 N. OTII ST. B-atory building. 101 N. Bth at., 4-story building. Immediate possession. Q. C. SEIDEL ft CO.. Inc., 4th and Callnwhlil. 4M2 OERMANTOWN AVE., fine 8-storv store and dwelling, good condition, One business location, vacant and ready to move In. WICK ft VOLLMER. 4421 dermantown ave. SPECIAL TO WORKWOMEN An honest, well-built house, fi rooms nnd bath: large yard, porch: already financed: see me. 230 E. Indiana ave, 2 to 4 n. m dally. Reeser. 2201 N. 7th St. N. E. Cor. 19th & Mt. Vernon Double-front dwelling, 111 rooms 8 baths garage: lot' 118x08. Worrell. BBB N. ITih "t I0 CASH buys a homo near Broad nnd York, carrying charges about 1120 a month! cheapest and best bargain In city. Walnut 1B03. "mui 2121 N. 18TH ST 3-story, 12-roorn dwell leg, Immediate poestssiorii house new a. cant. Key at 2140 N. 18th. prlco IB300. BERTOLBT, lOU N. illlh ' IMMEDIATE possession; 0 rms., bath and h,V . .ntrln HvhtM ... L---.M nl! nw Cathollo church, Frankfora avi iSt Venango st. ClaVon! lBa ltf.nhforfr .J." REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY PAIRMOUNT AVE, 1311, extending to Olive St.. 8-story brick. 10 rooma, lRxlMi good .UI...IVII .ur nuii.iitui.itu rfl'air nnop; possrs- alorj: a bargain! exnmlno tiidayi must be P,Wi.!Sfr S.ta.monfyi clo"n to "road st. TWELFTH ST.. N., 248. 4-slory. 12 roomai possession) good location for printer: electric shop, tailor or any retail business; kiqilTEENTIt ST., 2280 very desirable 2 atpry brick, f) rooms. 4 bedrooms: pos- rrssjon: close to Busquehanua ave.: act quickly. B1XTH ST.. N.. 2338: 3-siory. 12 rooms: owne ieavlnir city and property, posi tively must be soldi mako offer: possession: convenient car service. VEBTMOREIJVND ST.. E.. 317: very de sirable 2-story modern house: possession: hot-water heat: open for Inspection: net to TENTH, ST.. N.. 1720t S-slory, 10 rooma. :. convenient to Columbia ave.: price only mum see ue Monday. SUSQUEHANNA AVE.. W., 1042: 3-slory brick, atora and dwelling; excellent busl ners property: possession: electric: good land for electrlo shop, delicatessen, up holstery, shoe store. KENSINGTON AVE., 2030, s, w. cor. E Lehigh ave., one of the very liest ccn-alri-ctert stores nnd dwellings In this sec tion: Immediate possession: good corner for any mislness; second and third floors could be used for apartments: key at this office. niDOB AVE.. H133.US.3D.4.": spfendfd bislness properties: goodlocatlnn for any retail business: nlso excellent spot for a service station: adjoining properties can lie secured! near Broad; examine prompt y. MASTBAU.M BROS, A FLEISHER 1424 South Penn Square TO COLORED BUTERS 1S24 S. May st., 7 rooms and bath, I.10O downl 1IP00 Montgomery ave., 8 rooma and bath. 100 Odown: 014 Rodman s.., 0 rooms god condition. J.100 down; 1040 N. 10th st . 10-room house. I270O, $0( down! 24-room coitnge In Cape May, N, J,, furnished throughout 13000. F. A. TAYLOR. 2204 Fltgwater at. HaHdlng Ixil. Factory Wltes;rte. ONEDESIRABLK LOT. with rallrnaaVront. age: northeast corner N. Y. R. R, and In. dlsna' at., 22.300 square feet: suitable for etoncyard, coalvard, storage or Ice plant. J. H. nilOADS. 18,1 8. Bth st. DESIRABLE tract or ground, containing 03 acrra, suitable fcr Industrial plants; over 1200 ft. of railroad frontage: will dlwde J Lee Pntton. 404 Lincoln Bldg, SITES, rnlrrnnd Peana, and Reading, J2000 per acre and UP according to Imatlnn. In. quire for terms. DIETERICH, J37Walnii 20,000 SQUARE FEET, central. 13 per "too WORRELL ft CO.. BCft N. 17th st. 03.000 SQUARE FEET of floors, R, n7 sld- log. WMnnri.u. nan rt, inn St. Business Properties and Stores lVrqE warehouse for sale, located on N Becoml st. nenr Market; 3 floors nnd base ment: 18,000 sq. ft.; principals only. B 423. Ledger.Offlce, 181 N. 3d at.. B floors, 'electric elevator, steam heat; lot 21x72. O. C. ABIDE!, A CO.. Inc.. 4th and Callnwhlil. Fnctorlea. Wnrehniisea. Mnnnfnetnrlng rioir 128,000 SQ. FT.. 2. 3 and 4 siorv hul.lmgs, concrete and brick construction, healed wired, sprinkled: 1830 horsepower 4 large. Hilars. riiiH.HS b.'u Mv.n, ...o nun run n, riverfront: can finance.' We handle faclorles, allea and warehouses exclusively from nn en gineering, manufacturlg and Industrial stand- PO'Bt' J. ALAN M1DDLETON Factory BPeclallst and production engineer 1102 Wldenor Bldg.. Philadelphia CAN FINANCE COMMERCIAL BUILDINOS FACTORIES WAREHOUSES B000 TO 200.00(1 SQ. FT. RAILROAD POSSESSION WHICH I HAVE FOR SALE DIETERICH 7.17 WALNUT ST. CLD established Iron foundry, engagM In Iho manufacture of machinery, castings. n.inc-n nlni. for water nnd steam, loam, rirv sand and builders' castings, mannolrs nnd Inlets, pattern making, blucksmuning. gen eral machine and foundry work: excellent In cation; a proposition worth Investigation J. Lee l'atton. 401 Lincoln ir.dg.. Philadelphia. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, rail road and river frontage. JAMES L. STEVENSON A SON 822 Land Title Blilg. INDUSTRIAL PLANTS. Warehouses, factory and building eiies. j. i.ee i-aiion. ioi Lincoln Bldg. nvv.HniiSB In nneratlnn: 41.000 sq ft.: BOO H. P. J. ALAN MIDDLETON. 002 Wlde- ner Bldg Walnut 24n:i 4N.DO0 SQ FT : central: 4 stories nnd base, ment: extra-heavy cons. J. Alan Xllddlo. ton. IHU Wldenor Hlda. Walnut '.'403. Dnrugea UNUSUAL opportunity to secure money making large garage; also machine shop and large dwelling ndjolnlng; suitable, for apartments: garage filled with cars, all old customers: repair ahop. with work for il or 8 men; good location; property will pay for It self within 3 years; look thla over. If you want something good. MICHAEL ROCK, Jr.. 8148 N. Broad st. Stores nnd Dwellings 1207 GIRARD AVE. Store, dwelling; 18x00, possession October 13. 1020. Harry G. C. Williams wBl lot S. E. COR. 20th nnd Oreen, 3-story stores and apartments, steam heat. elec. lights WORRELL. B.1.1 K. 17th. , 2010 RID11E AVE -Eleven-room modern store and dwelling; possession; suit any business EMERSON CONRAD, 33 N. 10th. POSSESSION Immed . cor. store A dwg., nr. Qlrara ave. on mm. anmn.iaao n.urocao. WEST PHILADELPHIA N E COR. Mat and I.archwopd ave. Fine 3-story dwelling, with physician's office In the basement: hot-wnter hent. olec. and gas Unlit, one of tho best residential sections in IVct Philadelphia: price only $10,000. IIAIU-EY J. AUNOST. B2d and Sansom rts. NORTHEAST 00th and Thompson Posses. slon now: owner will assist financing; well constructed and well Planned; property will Sold lis value. ICroy Worrell. 0000 Market. FOUR STORK properties. 41st at. and Lan caster avc.i w.u i.imiivc. Bl il)i, IeiJger Office Washington Ave., 5900 Block 8 rooms, bath, laundry, hardwood floors, etc Immediate possession Will finance. LOI'LAND, 7121 Woodland ave. 0012 COLUMBIA AVE. 2-story. .moms ami bath on aecond lloor. hot-wnter heat, hardwood floor", elertrlclty enclosed porch. rr.ira.5. .AC HARIAS A WALLACE. 1430 South Penn Square. 400.1 CEDAR AVE. -Thoioughly renovated. rooms 1 ;a hs. electric, hardwood floors lot 23x120: financed, pousesslon. mini r Baring B2Q, COZY timn B407 Whltbv nve.: 7 roomB, porch twin house; 3 bedsooms, hot-water heat, room for "rage: financed: vacant, ilmerson Conrad, B3 N. 'inti st. 1421 S, 82D ST Two-stry, porch-frort miln 80-ft. street. 7 rooms. Including butt, and laundry; make offer. DONALD V. RED W.Nil ,12d and Cheater ave. 2lTs DE, KALB ST.Three atory, porch reflnlshed. now roof; vacant; wllf finance ino .nth TAI'I.ANI.. 000 IVnlnut st OS.U1E AVE . bet. BOth and (toth sta.: two 7- rm houaes: mall amt. of cash: price t4nuu, vac l.lnsley A Adams. 08dnn:ljVho FINE home. 1200 blk. 8. Peach at, 0 xmt pi. h price liiw, Thomas, 231.1 y. Lehigii ML.?.. "ALfiT nTsS.iH?."'.. Flbaths; moT GASOLINE ALLEY Details of the "" ! -tM ... .. M''s iu)ii nrisiiun &" whi , -.v n, .mu at, BlTAND 67 N DeKALli 3 ' roornTTsubmit U'!om f."r,r, ''iiS.il8"'"1 ,,y ""er. offur JOHN Di:iSHERJ22d and "Task?, """L 1- '. "... "i'ii"'"'."". ." . ctount of : tt.tTt un s i- zzj otaiin, run I..- m,...u... 4Ur .iuu p,r montn 0-if.n uUiliLiiTiTBVe?o.I.ooms nd b"": rice erJ attractive for quick sale. j!7him Oahell. 133 S. 12th at. HARVEY J AUNOST. 82d and Sansom ats j AM) PCCK S3-'5sscSi-. CP RCCM IN fesSfePONT Co CTTa 5'iP- Ai-corfer The RA.eiNW &c- L. aj,p ip u? A-TT That anlifM oopAWiM OUR Car fh'lTrX VAT ( ! ?V Coilto IP urejl VH M0 WE . m f ' I rm- wc VE JiWMUf''VP'o,f ' " i I A BiR-THPM IWhT HOT BE Ll VtoT A ElV TiBC HoTfei. ce To ' I VCAXi 1 AglE -fo -p -f AND I HATE To 1 S w,Tm I Y vj UP y " CW IT TO PlCOiJ J'y JSmwSv C, Vf yQ. ..: : """ g- Jgaaakwl VOifW J A.- V. S't Mm .'ffl (ft fMSVi I rK iksS, . mmmmJSNSSvJsK -c kSLh ifKJ(j mmi AE&.miY'-- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY ffilMMiffliMM NEW HOMES $6900 TO $1 1 ,00 Terms to suit existing business conditions. All mortgages placed without any exp'enso to you. Choose your new home from these widely dif ferent, desirable locations. 69th Street Directly opposite Market St. Elevated Terminal at C9th street. Only 1G minutes to City Hall; no change cars; ono 6-ccnt fnrc. Convenient, quickly reached, new homcB, ?11,600. Pulaski Ave. & Apsley Street Gcrmantown's most convenient location, near Wayne Junction, 346 trains a day to the city, or car 53 on 13th street to Wayno avenuo and Apsley and walk one block to Pulaski avenue. On block from 40-acrc playground. Thrco story; community tennis courts. Price, $11,000. Of course, you'll And fare 'all the modern touchcB in up-to-date construction, parage, porch fronts, hardwood floors, open fire places, tile batlis with showers. JOflNEMcCLATCHY f 848 LAND TITLE BUILDING OR AT OPERATIONS iMiiiiirciM 30Nlt 4304-8-10 WALNUT STREET To close this account these properties will be sold at a sacrifice. Look at them, then come in and see me, nnd I am sure you will buy. OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK Four-story dwelling, modern in every respect 1800 BLOCK N. 33D STREET $16,000 2200 BLOCK N. 33D STREET .$17,000 BUSINESS PROPERTY, 28 S. 3D STREET Will be sold reasonable make ofTer SAMUEL 907-08 FINANCE BUILDING t'nctnrles liiiuwueuMinaraBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiifli FOR SALE OR RENT Modern Mill Buildings Two New Located Frankford Mills contain 30,000 and 25,000 sq. ft. respectively and have electric elevators, steam heat, sprinkler system throughout LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WALNUT STREET Members oC Philadelphia Real Estate Bonrtl WIISIMIWi WF.ST rillLAnKI.PHLV IMlllllDllllillHIIIIIBlllllIHINlllllil ALL CLASSES WEST PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE W. H. W. Quick & Bro.. Inc. 9 ainiiiiMiiir.MiiaiiiCiiiiiii'iiMioiiiiii'iiiiciiiMiMmmiiciiiamiiiia $500 CASH 5413-15-40-42 Repent St. FINANCED DONALD V. REDDING B2D AND CHESTER PRIDE COMETH BEFORE A FALL So I want 10 men with their wles who are willing to start llfe'a ladder of success and hnpplncs.i In a B-rnom house. 2100 block S. Daggett st. (03th and Woodland ave.): I have an owner who is willing that I show you how to own one of these homes with J2O0 de posit and balance as rent; prlre Ii $2000 And remember. "Cross" stands for all that's good In real es tate 30th and Larchwood avo. v; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION jnson r.oiT hazelhurst road Ovcrbrook, brand-new hnuso with garage, with 4 bedrooms nnd bath on second door, hardwood floors throughout, tiled hathroom Indeed porch, equipped with radiator and summir nnd winter sash: can be bought on r,i terms Arrange for Inspection with O'NEILL 3724 Chester nve. Woodland 27110 "" BO SEPARATE HOUSES IN WEST PHILADELPHIA ALREADY FINANCED 1100 AND 1500 CASH J820O TO S3200 Carpenter & Wilson market st. OPEN EVENINOS B w COR Resent and Edgewood. alrllght. 1232 s Mllllck alrllght, modern. Br.th near Whitby, twin, modern. Ilil.'il Haddington. 4 bedrooms, 130.10, 1220 N noih. 3 bedrooms. 0 car lines. (ROWLEY 1287 N OQth. or Oxford. Pa. $7000 Locust at. west of 37th 3 story porch front: attr.it-tivn f ,r hum.- or apartments. TAYLOR & SON "?,? Camping Tour By KING liiisuf llttM." f I A W A ni7 iOA H? rn , ,. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY Atwood Road Atwood Koad (65th and Leb anon Ave.), West Philadel phia. Take Market Street Elevated to G3d street, free pass to Lebanon avenuo, 1100 north, walk two blocks to 65th and Lebanon. One 5c fare, quick service. Houses, ?0000. Builder Owner G0LDER Locust 4927 Factories, and Erie Avenues WKST PtllUDKLrniA New Suburban Homes Offering tho most advanced ldaa in con struction, finish and complctement. 52d & Woodbine Ave. WYNNEFIELD A moat charming location where city and country meet, only IS minute' ride jrt motor through Falrmount Park, or OeldYv"" " B"d " t0 "th and Wynne- All-Stone Construction Lots 61 ft. x 160 ft. Upward A variety of exteriors, size of house number of rooms, etc , permit one tn pract ca y buv .. iiM...L,w....onJ? at u prion that Is consistent with n rUV,! uiy proauctlon nnd flnih;d to the moat m nute rt.l.il in ,. ...,.. .ir..2.m?"1 quality plui-quantity """ uono,es Furnished House Open W. Percival Johnson BUILDER ON PREMISES OFFICES: 4030 LANCASTER AVE. 4807 Chester Ave. DETACHED RESIDENCE A OnHv cons'ructed detached resl dence In one of tho most desirable rsideni in sections of West Phlin (ontalnlng 10 rooms and 2 bath" The lot Is r.OxlSB with ample space rr ,i garage and driveway The prl.-o U reasonable. Wm.H.W.Quick&Bra.Inc. 8 . 40TII ST M mliers of Phlla Real Estate Roard 0VERBR00K SECTION NASSAU STREET Between .'.0th nnd 00th streets OARVOE ATTACHED COMPAHATIM-l.Y LITTLE CASH REQl IRED Furnished Sampli. House No B033 HENRY S. REED On Premises oi ll."i .'h.-atnut street. 5656 Willows Ave. An up-to-date two siorv home .. cently built bv Wm (' m:i il rooms bath and Indus il iair.li parquitry floora throughout, gas kltchvii tiled bath nnd shower mini soft wldo streit Prlco right Wm.H.W.Quick&Bro.,Inc. 8 8. 40TIT ST Members of Phlla. Ryil Estate Board HOMES FOR SALE" $3800 UP TO $15,000 IMMEDIATC 'i'1'UPANCY JOHN M. C. ENBURG 8207 BALTIMORE AVE.NU K svonZiv i Trini.i -V 4 b,,(oom. ucnt .i.tini ,t.i irinltv nt.. vacant 5.!t?51if wta k iricivr- " igsa- Jiioii W-Ss h" rSm- WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS B8TH 'AND CHESTER AVF1 448 N BOTH ST, Seven rooms ahd bath ;vrs. Cirpenter Wilson. tl22t Market st. ROBINSON BT ab. Marketi 8 rms. andbath. (flns, cond. Linsley ft Aflann. 03a nd Areh. rnn. cond. LlnsuYjTAaamir. Mand AreK' REAL ESTATE FOB SALE WKMT PHILADELPHIA WYNNEFIELD The. Unequalcd Suburb Colonial Homes nullt by day work, lis they were, In tho old ilnyp, with solid stone walls 20 Inches thick, and Improved by modern methods A 3-Inch air space on Inside of walla between stone and plaster Insures ngnjnnt dampness nnd protects from the heat In Summer and'cold In Winter. 54th Street and Wynnefield Avenue Prices begin at $28,000 Via auto through Falrmount Park, , 1. minute. 3 'Vln Marlcit St. "L" tn 32d St . and W pass lo Bla car direct to opera- HI tlon or H Via train. P. R It., to Wynnefield H Station, 13 mlnutea, fj Daniel Crawford, Jr. BUILDER II SinxriiM Ovcrbrook Homes Hazelhurst Road (Between (10th and Hist sts.l EVERT .MODERN APPOINTMENT tW.l,T,H, ". WITHOUT OAIlAOns ehin.r.J!1 nr"' '"-ated porch with Inter '"bl'o,,Vh ana screens 4 bed ment "" ,rur'k rnnm ,n bH"" THOS. J. McGARVEY p!.,.U."d,.1n'1 "."'r on Premises veP.',MWan.1r,!:a0tnor?i1"b1 t0 Co,l"nl"a ;:lT,,Wh, MV " ' HoroX'S.-y EUGENE L. T0WNSEND iJth and Halllmoro We have several desirable three-toi-y properties, modern in evcri respect. ..j Umbert & McDermott .StS $11,000 X Tnl , "Ture' "rner'i .-j J . . front and side porch. elc nt. til .r I -i. -,'v urn. TAYLOR & SON 24 AND 20 H. 40TH ST. OERMANTOm SEDGWICK Jilf.,.1'!'1 prt '. Oermantown for a,rrVa'cnt,,'vrhombe.aUt'rUl '"'' .ng'Uors!' ecltr"' J13..100 Semidetached dwell nr. 0 owS0?' nbnth eIoctrlc. hardwood "Srlg'e. fireplaces; space for inl1Hilii!nS'm,S'J"ch"1 "'one dwell Ing, 0 bedrooms, bath, electric: large rtiVVn,BeHm 5'at.f. ",oi .location. . iTI,'b00 Semidetached dwelling. 110.300 Semidetached atone dwell Ing, with garngo; 4 budrooms nnd bath on second floor; 3 bedrooms and ninth on thljd .floor; electric, hardwood floors, good lot. 130.000 Detached dwelling, with garage: 7 bedrooms and 3 hatha: first floor. living room, dining room, break fast room, pantry, kitchen: corner property; hot-water heat, electric, parquetry floors. .".. WC have several detached dwellings with garage. It will pay you to ex amine. H. C TOURISON 7014 BOTE IHJl ST. Telephone dermantown BB9 or 4431. gisiBaii Detached, $7500 Single house; corner property; lot 40x 100 ft with stable In rear (room for n cars) contains 0 rooms and bith: hot-water heat, gas: wide side lawn: nenr train and trolley: possession, rental from garagn will carry this property; examine thla before sold. $10,500 Cornr nil stone property: room for garane near Allen Lane Station 10 rooms and hath: hot-water hent gas and electricity: hamu-nnn e-. throughout, excellent value: posses. S SlOtl. I'KHTTltnn nrnmnMu !.. ..u 3 Detached, $19,000 Single stone dwelling, delightful lo cation, near Carpenter Stntlon. Henry School and Lincoln drive; contains 1" rooms. 2 baths 3 open fireplaces; white enamel and mahogany finish hardwood floors, wide lot: room for garage, immedlato possession: a de. Ilshtful home. ' ae Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ B022 GERMANTOWN AVE. (Members Philadelphia Real Estate Board ) Willi !iniiiiHiniiiiui!i 460 East Walnut Lane SMTtliMachM .0 rooms. 2 hatha O pltctrli linht tn'ulv p.iperrt and 1- palntn throughout, within U H blocki. .tFiilnut.in l..int? Station: rciids fur "ion S G lyndon Priestma ermantow .'.0117 O in ae IIWTITO aimiiiiiiiiii;ii 406 East Mt. Airy Ave. A wonderfully attra. M new house beautifully planted lawn 4 bedrooms L baths Iturdwond floors electrlo light, nady to 111010 into. G lyndon Priestma VI ermantow 1 SH07 Oermantown ae a IDIIIIIIII'ililllll'lllllllillJ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui!iiiiiiiiniiii',iiiiii!':i 63 W. Washington Lane Beautiful modern twin house, thoroughly renovated from top to bottom. 4 bedrooms, cltetrlc light, hot-water heat. GIy: lyndon Priestma m a n t o w B007 OERMANTOWN AVE, :iiiiiii;iiiiiii!tiiiiiHiijiiii1riiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiitiiiiii 57 E. Penn St. Central location near Oermantown ave nue, cars and railroad station, stmlde tnchert dwelling. 11 rooms bath, porch, laundry; convenient home In first-class ,.ei!!iuriu!uu in neart or uermantownt L'W?r,.-J.0.eev'',r.J',nlr, CHARLES J. SCHAEFER Vernon Building. UermaiJ: ,tuwn and Chelten axes. IK0O CASH POSSESSION Price, !l.10l) 4 bedrooms and luith, modern r.nM'nlenies. papered und painted through. out, central dermantown, u,n SCHUI.TK.ft CIV 301 4 Oermantoivn ave. LOOK at ISO W Shapmack at. nne thrio atory twin-porch reaidence: top floor ntteri for apartment: open for Inspection, owner un premises, Wick 4 Vollmtr, 4421 air mantown aye. ' v"v VIt5 ,w ,"!! njod.rn horn, having OWNER will sacrifice modern home havli , luuum nun uaiif kiiu irunf jwrch. 01 S :iiib" P N niiiuiiiiiiiiiiH REAL ESTATE FOR SALX (IKItMANTOWN 80J CARPENTER LANE Detached, slone. 12 rooms, 2 lintlis, hardwood floora. slee- trio: lot 132x138: possession; financed. Owner, narina ,i-.'ii. BEE Mi3 NORWOOD ST. Modem., 0 rooms, porch: nlc homo CONRAD, B8 N. 10th. 1 TAC'OXY FINE BUSINESS STAND Modern store and duelling. 11 rooms: on main thoroughfare, beat location In Tacont) business now I25.H0O to J27,iiOiI year. I'l'lTEHS & SON IIQ't ClIESTNUT. BT. OAK I.ANH 111, DO. SITES, with frun'.aga on Broad St.. i Park ave., Oflth nve , York road nnd Oak "f Lane. J. Ie l'atton. In4 Lincoln Bldg. rox CIIASF. VEREE ROAD nnd Alton St.: a atorr. In Closed porch, V rooms, shed: Just built; early possession; garage privilege. Mallon. 2841 N. 8th st, Tioga 4083 I.OOAN Dullt of mittcrlnlB purchased and contracts madr In May, 1910, no that tho solllnir prices of theso houpeB are fully 33 13 below present costs. Homes at theso prlcca will not be duplicated for many years n there nro no Indica tions of reductions In the cost of construction. $7500 to $10,000 PIUVATE OAnAOES Modern kitchen equipment Tllo tmths with Dulit-ln Tubs nnd Showers. 9th St. & Wyoming Ave. Take York Road or Bth Street cars to Wyoming Avenue DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR. 11UILDER AND OWNER fci 5HMi New Boulevard Homes Facinjjr Hunting; Park, corner Rootevelt Boulevard nnd York road: in closed screened porches, hot-water heat, heated garage, wide frontage, shrub bery, these perfect homes, embodying every possible improvement: the price Is right nt 118,000 and 120.000; well financed nnd can be purchased with moderate amount of cash: sample house open; othi-rs in I-ognn and Oak Lane from JOOCO up. OAK LANE REALTY CO., 0732 York road Phono Oak Lane 837 OWNER will sacrifice home with garage, In 3000 block N. 0th st.: only J1300 cash required, MAURICE LICHTMAN RROAD AND LOUDEN STS. LOOK AT .34T N. 10th St.; Aire D-room, a story. porch residence: hot-water heat, laundry, etc.; owner occupies can Inspect: sell at bargain. Wick & Vollmer, 4421 Oer mantown ave. 1315 WINOOHOCKINO 8T., corner, (in 2- story porch residence: aell very reasonable: ran be Inspected: owner on premises. Wick & Vollmer, 4421 Oermantown ave. 42B8 N. BTH ST. Six rooma and bath; $8700. Claboll. 123 fr. 12th st FRANKFORD $5000 $5000 SEMI-DETACHED Homes, Ready for Immediate Occupancy. LOTS 22,x80 Seven rooms, hsrdwood floors, electrte lights, basement laundry, steam heat. 6130-6132 GLENL0CH ST. Take any Frankford car. change at Margaret St.. or Route No. B8 tn 0200 jorresaaie ave.. wsik wese one square, if Provident Construction Co. Il BUILDERS AGENT ON PREMISES Only $500 Cash required 1042-44-40-48 Church st.. 0 room and bath, electric light, tubs, large lot. Sample house. No. 1042. Inspection all day. Olney Realty Company, Inc. i 5311 N. FIFTH ST, 404 BULLETIN BLDG. Spruce 1800. Wyoming 5250. 3 VACANT porch dwellings 0 rooms, bath. electric light: Jackson below Bridge st.i xnecMi.n Immediately: price $3500. MANN. poHsei Allegheny ave nnd (1 st. TIOOA TWENTY-FIRST ST. No. 3341 Threeistorr brjrlt side-yard property. 12 rooma. 1 baths electric steam heat. Immediate pos session easv terma; open by appointment. TWENTY-FIRST ST., No. 3630. N. W. cor. I Parldc st Three-story brlclc store and dwelling, steam heat; good corner for any I retail business: especially meats and pro visions groceries, electric shop, baker, con fectionery, possession , open for Inspection i eery day : SIXTEENTH ST . No. 3720 Three-story brick, porh front: 12 rooms; electrlo: modern, opimi for inspection every day. must I be sold, mako offer. HOI'VIKR ST No. 8714 Three-story mod- I nm nrtrnli Irrtnl J till I h.. Min.r. ffnfln1 Ll ' i-nn,1ltl.,,i nugutt.im. n turi'iln. 63 I tllllll ST N'.is MM17.1H 37. nt N'lneteenth ft and WcsimorHand ats Two-story brick, a 4 bedrooms only $81100 inth rosewood ST Nn. sun. st Broad and Al legh. nj ae. Two-stury brick H rooms; immediate possession, open by appointment; a bargain SIXTEENTH ST . No 3113 Porch front. 12 rooms, hot-water heat electric; lot. 3,1ilo. ampin room for a good-size garaga In tho rear, tmmedlnte possession, easy terms, cxamlnp promptly MASTBAUM BROS H FLEISHER 14.'4 S, Penn Square, i 130.1 W W1SIIART ST . near Broad and Allegheny ,ii.' nice 2 story, 7-roora dwelling hot-n nter h.-.it norclaln bath. etc , vacant: bargain Wick ft Vollmer. 4431 Oermantown ave. PKNNSYI.VANIA SU 11 I'll HAN COUNTRY RST1TO (lentlemen'a ldet rllintrv hnme j-funted on tho outskirts of Up- ..m I,,, uruperiy consists or a 1 1 own. torn, house. 10 chambers. 4 i.aths, 3 open fireplaces modern inrougnuui. garaga. garden-r's ami chaurfejr's cottage, irr.n. house, etc. 13 acres; beaut'fullv i. . lilted Htreum and Pool; erv .iini.-.l-l.. t - - " --- ..u, .,,.,,, iirii.-ea HIRST ft McMULLIN WEST EVD TRUST m.llri AiiHAi iiw. rouiiiry piace, fli acres. equine irqm i- m i mauon - aquareg from nollvy on dermantown und Willow C,roe pike 33 minutes motor drlvo to Cl'y Hall Modern dwelling, 10 roomi. bath gas Spilngfiolil wuter electric lights, Inclosed porch He. guruge for 3 cars, living quar tern ami heating plant, poultry house with large runs and running water, natural lake stocked with gold fish, old-fashioned Dutch mill. Mi aciu garden, asparagus, small fruit oich.ird. wonderful shnde: shrubbery and flowers Asking 120,000. Any reasonable terms .o suit puirhaser. il J DAOER. A mliler .Pjj COUNTRY SEAT '" 100 acres: fine productlvo land; 20 acres of timber and pasture land, fine spring and siirlnghouse-, I'.'-room Colonial stone dwell. ing. with all modern conveniences, 4 open fireplaces, upen hall und staircase; Imme. dlate possession, price right tn quick buV WARREN M,. CORNELL. I latboro. Pa. n.r, nuuuruan nonie, near ratrmount Park and Reading Rwy ata., fine residential section of Wlssahlckon. B10 B. Hermit lane 3-story brick, 0 rooms and bath. h.-w. heat! electrlo light garage, large lotl reas. no ft J. F. Bowker. 4371 Main st.. ManarunC MODERN HOUSE! ' 0 ROOMS. OARAOE: LOT nTxSOo 18 minutes Broad St. Station: 20 tn Chaster f P PETERS ft SON. 1108 CHEBTN1IT MT VERY ATTRACTIVE hollnw.tlU bungalow' 12 rooms, all conveniences: lot DSxllil GEORGE H. WEIDNER, inc. J ENKINTOWN, PA, OLD-EHTARLluHED. fulfv .r,,.l... . .:.i- cor. b bought for 120,000; room. niag,d - jifl for thy aoasonj owner cannot opsraU on ,f arcount of Illness. . on ,, ( m JKIWaiK II, JARDELT.A. 1BIB fft.,1 ,, a ACRF.8liulldlni( alt. on' KvsTirVa4rclis I to Vi.Hw on th". fS&,JHtX,A' i rai,iuit jWu uig mum M''Utfietlv in "a ' 'i '"S .. .1 U n .Of a t 0 55i5Y 1IOMS, 247Q Crli li rooms, corner: I k A-4. Oi ."',' "' i. - - ' 100 I)I;UK JlAJJTUA AVE.. 8 A kMu.::-- vv&vi: r;