i"'.! wmMWgmwQwaMMFW&wm mmm'M&r saraawv-vw frii "f,- "j ' rr . ,' if-Twr ' ' .'-r''-"' i1; .t ""iti,'?'.- t f''A i'iw. -' ' ' ' ' E EVENING PUBLIC LEPGER-PHIIJADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1920 SISTERS By KATHLEEN NORMS' Authat of "Joasclun'a lrW (CopyrUbt, 1018, by Kathleen Norrli) cTAItTS TUB HTOn r Strickland. M J tough- iSSJT oJS' ?er Joyce, (heir " . . s.imrx fin flU"'orl n" ., inrr. AMf,VVA married He in aplte Vt woney fl ervanf. H"" f" "'.. w . Prter Cherry lunches alone A?KtteAtthe8t- Wancls. Later llHk. ZitlAte and visit the old home. Ki to Cherry that they no Ptttr,Pme"here together, an they aaaL Zi 'without each other. A ?&nmtstage from Alls informs 'flf Mil stav in town to dinner, l.J ' itheu tit do""1 their own "Mi t.JnfC.'.,,..t henutit at the dinner m " " - - P AND HEIIB IT CONTINOKS T hid bfcn a memoraDio meat, an sirilways to have Its placo In their ettis- In the two weeks slnco the day t the old hou'O iney nau noi umutcu , be often alone, ana lonieiu, ur mo ft time. Cherry admitted that sho ould flsht no longer. A few days be .. h had again gone to the dentist, nd gln lind waited for Potor at tit great note'' uul on lnls "tuioiun ,. h.ri not known of her engagement town, and had lunched clsowhcro, so hi Cherry hud waitea, prowm wmj, .SiJ and heartsick as the slow EpW 'went their way Peter hap '""?., V.TVrnM that ChtYTV WR n the city, and hanglnsr up the. receiver, :". I -.. 'iJ.'.nn.rl 111 HCrltBtod ttlOUffht for t few minutes hefore rushing to the otel on msaMiic""-" - " 'Su'M'itht nf ihn little Datlent figure, h irradiation of her faco. us they met, hS Srtw S? delight w'th hlrh their iandi were Joined, and the flood of 0 in their hearu. as he took her to Cherry had spent two long hours wait- tit oniy lor inn "" " " .o-j roping, biniS 'V:'1"",'";'' ,, . on'miih s he tped to llnd her to teur tho last rffltathey talked aj lovers hln arm bout tne sou rmiguiK "" .........., . ., iii-iii in hit own. Ho had auared about on the great log that r r.loser to h-r. the world held netti ng but therr-eUes It w;a- 8 ocock. . ... n n.uo .-irs. Cheiry; ever Ince the time you and Allx used to dam iy brook ana cumu w "a"; "-" t never, dreamed of It I" Cherry Bald, hth wonder In her tone. "If e had dreamed of It Tctcr kgan, ana stopped "An, lr we naa, u uum un wo -rent," r'herrv said, with a look of aln "That's the one thine I can l Dear o think of I" "Wlikt Is'' ho asltca, waicnuiB mo e!y face that was only dimly vlslblo i the moonlight 'nv, iimt It nil lnleht have heon so iniple so eary and rlgnt!" tho girl an wcred "That e might have hcen so appy Instead ot vo snu il (liaAVO ,VU cm, .t.ai l Pfir. how could It mako me any- hlnge'se' Why, what can como of It?" htrry asVed, torrowfully. "I cannot lay on here, now. I cannot " She reed herylf from his arms, snd walked way from him restlessly through the loontnlne, twisting ner arms nnove er head. "I cannot go back to Mar- nl" he heard her whisper. In nn agony. can't leae you I can't leave you I an't leie you I" Snail we go away: reier aeu. mply, when she stopped at the great one mat ajuc. tor ine view u com- ianaejl, had cliristened Sunrise nock, lerry drooned down upon It. facing ray from him across the soft green lu- inous light or tho valley. "uo wnere7 sne asKea. "Go anywhere I" he answered. "We IV monev noueh : wn ojindeavn Allx lch f.ti will still have her cabin and ler (eft and the life she loves. But here, ire other tiny places. Cherry; herre little cabins m Hawaii, there re Vanadlan vlllagei Cherry, thcro rs thousands of nla-cen In tho smith nt tjnee where we might live for years no never do quesuonoa, ana nover oe nnoyed " "Prini.. I' .V.A (nkUnit.aJ J, U . iNibgi diiu tvtiic,ii;i cu. hjiu Ilia OWncat face hn una tL'ntnhfnv n itnir. rljr vr&s thoughtful. "How could we" mio urrainea. -vou nrst, ana tnen To meet somewhere?" TVS WOUld hlV tn trn lnrlhr" Vi f'cMed, swlftlv "Kvery one must know, '?.r..'.you realize that?" wiae-eycu sho was staring at him as l elloound by gome new hopo ; now 'HS BfirUCffAfl tin. nl.M,lj4n. In nn.Al... ill.J..,- "- '"-. utiwuiuHn ,ti .uicii,aa llwUIVWI .That Isn't of any consequence!" 10U (lOll't frAl It Hill" Tin ml Antfr. rf.M.hJ- "nd agaJn they locked hands. ni iiw part,- sne answered, aim- uv ...., o"o nuutu, 1IUU0UI. Ves. I mlnrl AIM" Via ntmi,,n.i But the Injury Is done to Allx now," nerry Ka id. ninwiv "m. i i ... Hto to BO baclt ! Vnn nnrt r ,,li. SherC'.(1n,t-deCeiVe A,X herC- Vtr," ',, ,IH. ted. and as she turned to him l.BlJuhr.h,n wlJlt0,bl0U8 move Eud- could take "thl- li""-;,u-T.,"'"L fc6, -.ii ---r,....v, Diuiiicri;u vjnerrv. ir..ra.i 'lnnlnB to tremble, "that It Is B ?:,. ,an,.,urn"!Lv.e"A W. can" help Med D'teotiiii ..fii lc l ""I". he noil tha,ennS& ..ild-5 nw' lf ? "Idn't N from coming back " "" C0Um ,teep id h, mil hi. .r hela on hl shoulder, u utter sllenc6mo0 ller' nna ller ? mount, n"",0 'ha creat brood- irden u m lna alloy brim- "I bftllevA tii.t - .... tand," Peter .Vih.V. rt,lx 'ul under- Ing" tha8t,l,rld ! h ' no onnlyneyvery h'ltle perbon t ,... i ana Ul8 ,,10t ti'ourB.iknnLuer U.?ew'. l llnw F, in suSdYenknd't." T0MV .5?. Jroko sing 10 fin I, ,i,7 .',, """- willli llj knn.. . A.ls '"at Allx. of al nennl.. Mm abSSt Jilill."1 wUl mnlt0 the h "' BraiMd rtn1?raru' before her: hati.iJ.i?5""1 ''la hnnd nml niH r.i. . t i niftr P we ia.kinrSh?;? ,a"tlnB about "? Fd belo n.V81.--1 r Bolng away. "Wk,V :.b..'u cac'' otner?" , What elscr' !,, Ealdi qufJk ,, lenh,.0U.t.''Ne..hen so unhannv . .T'. m ir; .Jho wywwVtf. -I lugnt 1 visntS i. i-uupie cities I t u only eyOU .hf? t" lh. .BtaBe ,fr wh.t yn? u.tnat. x "anted, oh. l coitaso. tl Vmnu" li?! T,,e " " lch nr .mpl58t 1Ue- allfl Per- S alwaw tln?iL "VA.. t0 walk In "w i never wnn.7r"' '"' "' want in ..r unio nacKj I k thinVi con en Ah1 H,lnI'" " . rv usHT- n so about no one will PrwiJSr?.1 r?p.L.WB Know In them idena,VVulll,n.'B0 hard, to M'. wnifnen wi "?',nf.rhaPs conio up ut mi, T"" ""- .. nt ,",'". h u Hea 7" IB nii,..n Ijbo on I-V?L 5.n1 through India! NO'" k " . '"ii tlry ro " ..hn ....j'"-"' . . f-P'Uw" fe.-rPeae?,"a0sTrweWOhaaJ"ove8r r-'duCIheforeheir sllenci She hart iiS ,nnswered. after ,ou his V."l, ?n,,ald, '' ''?nds softly re clo60 to h3 and n1- shilling eye unk,10'?v" i&V.r1'7". 1,e whispered. jhr. rreel",vl,en r ' free ami TetSrl ''Ha!!..0trB,0- 1'ls mouth ,ai5? ha" jnnSSSV0."11,1" your Ll love thl WkC'.'r-'i wonderful Pcent, llitik J7L,y' .'he sad, it her 'to yo,,, r.V.'plflnif,ne worIdl I'd ?. dath and horror" 1Tt.'r"ant Bharn -;, a o:s; nuitin.'x T.""" ' f i- i ---- jtw nmv. i'4W'c5"Mf"-!'.4j1rr'rSVl ' ,aHttlo'i W a 'I1"8 yellow-headed woman In bluo smocks and allly-looklng; H.IiT"18 H2- f course t" he Inter ruptod her. "The hour that makes vou ijoen nt loin. ", iierry, win oo tne exquisite hour unerry geit I ''."' m,ul moi , jmey were nucnt lor a Willie, nnd be low Utem the white moonlight deepened aim brightened and swam Ilka an en- wiinumicni. "If you will face It," Peter said, presently, "I will glvo every Inatant of my life to you I" "I know you will," she said, dreamily. "Thcro will be no coming back, nerry, "Oh. I know thatr "There can't ever be there mustn't be you've thought of that?" he eald, uncertainly. In the curious, unreal light mat nooaca tno wona, He saw her turn, and caught tho gleam of her surprised eye, "You mean children a child?" she said, Burprlsedly. "Why not, Peter V sho added, tightening her fingers, "what could be more wonderrul than that we should havo a child? Can you Imagine u nnnninr .nvltinm.n, m n lillrl tnan ahat little Sltnithlnv. wnnrt.is ti.nh unt. ..-. 1 .... "' ". r..."-"' ww jKDi cant you see the llttlo figure tho two or three llttlo figures I scam pering ahead of us through the country roads, or around tho fire? Oh, I can' said Cherry, her extraordinary voice rich and sweet with longing, "I can I That would be motherhood, 1'eter, that rather ono didn't one couldn't love, marrlogo or no marriage 1" And as ho watched, amazed at the m?,"0. tnat lovo 'qd brought to quiet, llttlo Inarticulate Cherry, Bho added, earnestly: "I'vo been thinking how bitter It was, ijter. to have the greatest thing In "re to come to uh this way. but Just Jal0,.yJlJHat tnlB last ''our It's come to mo that It Is right It's best I to have K so. We glvo all the world up, and m.iKeA on,y cach oth". wd yet how llttlo It seems to give, and how much to get I Why. every hour of It. every minute will hold more Joy than we've evSr. k?own I I couldn't.'' she added, suddenly grave, "I couldn't take you from any one who lovod as I do : I couldn't hurt any one, to be happy. But ,!i .Y1" Jor&ivo ua ; you'll see she will I Allx I know her! will nnlv h sorry for mo." Cherry mused. "She'll oniy mink me mad to disgrace the good namo of JJtrlckland,; she'll think we're both crazy. Perhaps she'll plunge Into tho orphanago work, or perhaps she'll go on here, gardening, playing with Duck, raising ducks she says herself that she has never known what love means says It rcallv mumlnc it. vet us If the whole subject was a Joke a WADltn.BB M "I believe she will forgive us, for she Is the most trencrous woman In the world," Peter said, Blowly. "Anyway we can't stop now! We can't stop nowl It will tako mo only a few days now to closo everything up, to nrrange matters so that she shall have plenty of money, and so that I can carry on the affairs of my mother's estate at long range. Spencer will attend to the rents, mall mo quarterly check; the wholo thing Is simple. And I will let you know " "It all seems so unreal!" Cherry said, with her heart beginning to hammer with excitement. "It doesn't seem as If It was you and me, Potor. I shall not need a trunk : I shall buy new things It will be a new life " "There Is tho steamer line that goes to Ixjs AngeloB," Peter mused. "Yes I be lieve that Is the solution," ho added, with a brightening face. "Nobody you know goes there on It; It leaves dally at 11, and gets Into Los Angeles the fol lowing mornlnnr. From there " "I don't know anybody there 1" Cherry said, eagerly. "Yon wouldn't see anybody anyway. From there we can get a drawing-room to Now Orleans; that's only a day and a half more; and we can keep to our selves If by any unlucky chance there should be any one wo Know on mo train " "Whlrh lun't llkelvl" "Which Isn't likely! Then at New Orleans we go either to the Zone, or to South America, or to any one of the thousand places New York, lf wo like, by water. By that time k will be lost as completely as lf we had dropped Into the sea. ., .. "I'll see about reservations the thing Is. you're too pretty to go quite unnoticed!" he added, ruefully. He saw a smile flicker on- her face, Jn the moonlight, but when she spoke, It was with atmost tearful gravity: "You arrange It. Peter, and somehow I'll go. I'll write Allx I'll tell her that where she's sane, I'm mad, and where she's strong, I'm weak I And we'll wtathor It, dear, and we'll find our selves somewhere, alone, with all the rohleti. beautiful future before ui. But. Peter, until this part of It's over we mustn't be alone again- yqu mustn't kiss mo again I Will you promise me7" As stirred as sho was, he gathered her little fingers togother, and kissed them. "I'll promise anythtng!" "I'll make It ud to you." Cherry said. with a sort of feverish weariness. "I'm all confused and f rlgntened now ; I only want It somehow somehow, to be over! I want you to take me away some where," she whispered, with the hands lie wis clasping resting on his breast, and her flower-like face raised to his. "take me somewhere, nnd'take care ot mo! I only want youl" "Cherry, my darling my dearest I" Peter said. "I will take care of you. Only trust me for a few days more, and we will be away from It all. And now you put It all out of your mind, and run Irr and go to bed. You're exhausted, and If Allx gets the 8 o'clock train she will be here In a few minutes. I'll wander down the road a little way, and meet the car If she drives It up." "Good-nlght !" she breathed, and he saw the white gown flicker against the soft light on the "lawn, and saw the black shadow creeping by It, before she mounted the porch steps, and was gone. Swept along by a passionate excite ment that seemed actually to consume her, Cherry lived through the next three nays, aiix noticea ner mooa, ana asxea her more than once what caused It Cherry would press a hot cheek to hers, smile with eyes full of pain, and flutter away. Sho was well, she was quite all ncni. oniv sue sue was airaia jviartin would Bummon her soon ami she didn't want to go to him! Allx was puzzled, watching her sister with anxious eyes. The cleaning and refurnishing of the old home was pro ceeding rapidly, and Allx feared that tho constant memory of the old times Nvould bo too much for Cherry. She tried to induce her to rest, to spend this morning or that afternoon In the ham mock, but Cherry gently but Irresistibly refused. Her one hope was to be busy, to tire her brain and body before night. Suspecting something rravely amiss, Atlx tried tot. win her confidence regard ing Martin. But briefly, nulcklv. and with U sort of affectionate and apologetic impatience, uncrry reiuscu to uiscusa him. 'T shall not go back to hlni"' she said, breathing hard, nnd wlthfghe air of being moro absorbed In what she was doing than what hIio was saying. She und Allx were dusting the books In their father's old library, and arrang ing them on tho shelves, on a quiet Sep tember morning. "But. Cherry, dejr, you were saying yesterday that you drended his sending for you!" Allx said, In troubled sur prise. "Yis. I know I was 1" Cherry admit ted, quickly. "But did you mean that you are really going to leave him?" the older sister questioned. AnoVaa Cherry was silent she repeated: "Are you going to leave hlni. deur?" 4 "I don't kifcw what I'm going to do !" Cherry half sohfed "But, dearest dearest, you're only twenty-four; flWt you think you might feel bettor ubout It as time goes on?" Allx urged. "Now that the money Is all yours, Cherry, and you can have this nice home to come to now and then, Isn't It different?" Cherry, nn old volume In her hand, was looking at her steadily, "Tou don't understand, sis!" she said "I understand that you don't love Martin." Allx said, perplexed "But can't people who don't love each other llvo together In peace?" she. added, with a half smile. , ''N-n-not as mat and wlfej" Cherry stammered. , THE CUMPSA Pair of Em-muffs, Please :- -- By Sidney Smith fBifcb Twkt Just went ( ano mEN He take out one- ofthosY Z ' THE NX IN! S bOME- I -'TUE LEATHEK POCKET fcooK viT4 f MCiVrJ VM0OU 1 vk., iiU.i COR TWAt fats fume Bt-t- CLASPS, STICKS MIS ( v. jf. 1 " ,QU iJKS ftlN& - TV N Y AND TAKES OUT V&0 MK QUfe ' 0uT H PETEYHow Times Have Changed r - um - That voMAw looks Fahiuah- somb STvck up Society Dame ctoess ive skew ive.rS- nCTURES W THE PAFEft sr By C. A. Voiffht ma ' 1 1 -i I-,, i. - , ..I - - -KS oa I AFTER VOMEM OOWM nU UUST PASSED M VBEweTW .. j OUR OLD 1 The Young Lady Actogs the Way l 7-SJ. THE T00NERV1LLE TROLLEY Bu Fontaine Fox The young lady across the wav Fays everybody has his off days and she has seen tho star pitcher of tho team taken out before tho gamo was over and sent to the mound. Xi't KT5-Ka ?C ,- r?Vf Time cvery ,,V' .. fe'5::5i r. m s w y ' ..S'" & s. SCHOOL DAYS BU DWIQ About this SUMMER THe WEEDS IN THE TKACK' CT SO MlOH AMD TOUGH THAT Trier almost stali. THe car n places 50 Thlkippef has TO GET OUT EVRY NOW ANfrTHEN AND DO A MTTfcE, CUTTiN6. )o SOMEBODY'S STENOG-Now Maybe Her Whole Vacation Is Spoiled z?fW!W CoDjrUht. ls:o, by Publto Ledcvr Co. By Hayward JSHE? I v AIDER WHO'S j said - - - -XT" iSkrtV HCPC r,Mil! A f fnFP'.WPIt f'IPltlC." J Men . . . J Ulnug Ttji,.fr ,-, -n I . . . . . ' 1 1 3SK rCAU" sJllr COME. DOWAI ?X4iaST6) SSjH : WEllTsee & I Just WO 'KSw - PcS-w' S '- rf r II II I I I I... ..-- - .ii I iii . i ni.i.ii V I,, "CAP" STUBBS-Ifs Immaterial to Cap .... ... .... . ,:,' -r r-i i-i : . in ' ' , . "" "'" "'" By Edwina PIERCE 1PTOERE WUINT f C, W V 'COr H CoRbWrMV -OR MwSTOEff' 7 T WHETHER WE HAVE , ' OjjCEcgEArV IWTH' IJ? XJlL X tcC "Cftt ? - ' S L CREAfA OR UOVW i ilifcimitoiihf iA"-1 --- -' jfihMi itiliMi i .fhit..'"-,! r- ','1aTsuCvu&..' ' .' ,iw 'r ' X. 'nfif ' -".' '' r Ti ' m i ! .sffi rTTTT - -"--MWMKs3KsCrSsS3MMMsfcsr"BsBsr i ''' L ' AtAiBp t . ssssisssissBsrriissmsiMTBii I r sisMisni hi in" t i ' t iiIsWH ' n i in n i isMsii i s . .rA. . . vaism., r .. r ;, j.ja'' iBa"ssHassssssssssssasaHMssUi. i 'V, v m& )n J Ki KS WL ssssssssssssssssssssjsgsBBtjiiyjfssisBii ;. A f v