..4'.. n-r V .",' .. . . n w' rV ' rJ - 7 - J " "m e 'l ' ,. I.", jiy W , W '; lh .- ' . rv hal 1C c bla !! .M -M-r v pi. i tlllii pi.. i ifiwr IIOJGOM !in Solito Notizlo Allarmantl Propalate dai aoim "- dell'ltalia 11. ...a mm ttfMltlfl . ii.. .ii xi-nnnra niuui" u- di 'V ,. ei,lr.ni tra l'ltalla c la irfiuiw '- , tB notxlc C0Rl. rrodinfontcdalaBciarHuMto endcrcches tu.u. SCcCamma rlicvlamo nuanto np- r i ii pi l'ltalla c la Jiiro- J1 "ttLnic alun Pinto talc che i.cln kono glume mi i ".. .,ir, i M r?n? Sa V a lo. no.. ici.Ki.no due nation!, wnza maiu frlenMi ,d un .cror.lo In mm ;'" ma Vl'e' P.,? "if,,,,;,,.-IS Kuronn. TnU paKcciic "---- ,.. si rllcva ctltlta rttuw our ",- ovcnil. , ",fr I alianc arila ntt. d'arm stuw si!SsS . .c?3i". . . ..n aeronlano ffino' fu bombardato dalle batter,, . nlstro for" iavorano per pre c p tare in eonflltto. I na?ioiaiiu ..... cercano ell wuujt. ."'":,;,, , : nuoya gucrra. u.c . --";"-",;: tindono nursto cveuiu .r ..-y...-rordlne nttuale delle cose in nomo dclla lPace OKWM.UW. . ... .. .. tlavl Bono mnwlormonte atlmoloto dal nasco (?) dell'itana .n muuu..., i.t.. . knnin uiniim sura cosireiiu u "" fafntirc all'lndlpcndonza In conseguenza WckII ammiltlnamcnu ocue uuiv; "- rnla M voipvnno iiivmiu ".-- IClo' n&turalnicntc coniermn .a poiuicn Idl Belwado. ove 1 erode che la sltua- zlone Interna uciiiiaua c, iu iium tolare, il morale dellVscrclto, e cosl cattlTa fla non poicr lutuuuuiu u" combattlmcuti. HinniHt ItKSOKTB ATMNTIO CITY. N. J. LEXINGTON TtU a AiiM ATM. uj7 w. ,y . tea KU1I Il.ll.t Tier, Resolns depot k btUV akiMb, 71 BtUi fcoiMe iu iuow.li mw .n i ttu war M besck. Eiteaalre percbM ed bell roa. lea Uiusii roaale w.l.i In room.. Prifste bstha. Rkenn4 J.ndn.. American plsn IJ up J.llyi Hi atmi);. Earepeaa plan 11.58 bjUIIt. Flrrpteal aesiaii mwmm . w m aai. amawtvis. HOTEL JACKSON Virtlnla Avenue and Boardwalk Adjoins Steel Pier Center of Attrsctlons ... Fire-proof Brick Bulldln . . In) Itooms. with and without bath Oresn View. New Msnarement American and Eurcpean Plana Up-to-Date Cafe COURTESY QUALITY SERVICE HOTEL KENTUCKY Vtf MTTTiUr A t tl X? tT A T WW A slTT Aner. Plan. $8.80 UnDlr.. 20 Up Wkly. , ropnlar European Rates, EIeStor: electrlo Itchta: telenhnn every Uoem: runnlnr water In rooms- private ths Phone 1028-R N. B. KENNADT. R tip dly, Kptl, wkly. Am. plan (with meals) OSBORNE Cor. Paclflo and Arkansas Avs , prlv. refrlaT. ratln plant: electrla kitchen open for In apectlom runnlnr water, all nutalde raARlli scrupulously clean; elev.,prlv, baths, bathing1 from hotejj bathhouses and showers free, or ineatra, darclni: white service, garase Tlklt. Nw management. 8TITZER A 8TITZER. Grammerpy Arms UMimisnuY rMCB AND BGACII nanoiomsly furnlahed rooms with ocean ivn? P'vale baths: beautiful sleeping joreys facing ocean. American plan. Rea- ROQUOIS SuutUrollaaAranusv adjacaatla .. M0,Rfindpatronar.mualo.aa BlfllUfltulnnar. Mini, A.n.i ffWS' lirutl modern, Ubl and vrl txccUDt, ..t sxinrium. uokiet, FranokU Raat T ..aJ a !. "," " - " -".' -" INETHERLANDS " A-Jf KSl? T0JJK AXE- B'hlnr Privileges from WrUil' "Win Uter In bedroomi. Dno -..,, .ija,i;iur sjsjs. ,iiraior. nriV&IB Iwlth- meals). a.iK"m "X..lu""..V..f reklv - - AUOUBT RUHWADBL. Proprietor. THE WILTSHTRK rl7.rSn.av and Beach. Capacity. ISI, rr!ts baths, running water, elevator, ate. BAmi?i STrVS111 season rates rtrwVl.t. PAMUF.I, BLI.1B. Owner N J COLLTNS.iYgr, SAN .inF St. James Place, nr. nuk fcatlon .,.u, S. amusemenis: ideal lo- rooma Mils .. r?"noa large ana pleasant .('wnershlp managsmsnt. :-.... luiiiiiuK water. liaaaaname SA fi.- . 'w " ul1 uuarnwaia. atsrTnd rHM,.vie.wi. ""5" wllh ruining - "" PT'vt batha Nw m.n...m.n. Kentnlfu .. ... ., r. ... DAVENPORT 1th Caroltn. ... l . n nlTir. i,. . ' "cllr oescn. isvery con rEurop iTifn"?11 ' bl,h.- rrom hoM- Amer. 1 ILJVHJTrT'rr.i J E"e?yUa,XnAnTe' .nd i)" Bsach. n nnF?rlrW,nn,. Moderate rats. IlllllPlfll-n formerly of the I.amnnt "ITNEY Nw York Ave. near Beach. Capacity 2in m.j". "nQ 'juropean plan. l..'lJr 'U. Noted for mm l.nnf,,l VAnJ Nt'a on annlir.?.""- rirstlaB aervleei: L, on aynllcatlon. JACOB IHCKAIt. iugw?cajsjn BOUth PttPAlt.- . a, tunning ,,? n"7r.uch- Private baths: tear B A,,nM,od,raU !"" 0pn ' I- " Ar"M y-Ti-rshlp Manaaemant, lALIGiM LtCo"AHAM":iL.nfbl .Rapacity 80. ' ,u""'"y oi w iTinoc T II WRLDS nRFATPCT imTTi ci yrrcc HOTEL AUSTINE rdflo A BL Jtm I!L1I1 every room ou'alde F. If. Jon. a. H9TEI- CALVERT L'im.n?I.f;.B,e,"h,.Amlcanln. 5ISCAYNE gJiT-'S 'eJAWtUe City TelTnT.. Ave. A Beach KSttLisui. naN!SiVL,T5.tal,?.A.!l' 'PMERSET ?"n4 house fromTaaeh: faBBaaanat. XIM' "iei UOJCObel K"Jtucky nve. BmthlnrJ TggysH&HHm niriWRVnJ U 1 I a I I 2 M MV a ' " '1 Li"m 1 1" summer resorts nr.rn haven, n. j. I HOTEL BALDWIN,S!SfflfcSrf DLA.I1 HAVEN , N .'J.iyorbcafromillKcams SIX MILES AT SEA-NO LAND BREEZES E CantcltT 400. Hot and cold sea water SJ .. I . . 'M. . . iigut. uimng room service ana cuisine unsurpassed, j ORCHESTRA, DANCING, SAILING, DATHIHQ, FISHING, SUN PARLOR, TEA ROOM, GARAGE EXCELLENT AUTOMOBILE ROADS Write for rates, routes , .. Owarsht. Hmi and rooms. PHILADELPHIA, ItAMMOMTOri TOINT ri.EAWANT. N. J. rtICTUIlK3QUB A Dllithtfuinor1 rotntPlcasant.N. J. !& ' Writ Boro CUrt Mit.nwonr), y. j. Al.f. n. rateal bath, trom houm icl. MJrnn mqi hnnw cooH. S10H.rpolrT. WILHWOOD ritKST. N. J. MT VFRNON N'ar b0h' prlvati 1V11. VtJvl,'-l1l i,th(i. xrUnt table, btthlPff from bnunf. E. JOHNSTON. CAFE MAY. N. J. MARINE VILLA 817 COLtlJtr.IA AVE.. CAPE MAY. N. J. . I'iindomly furnlihtd! Urj. airy roomil .u.J.. nMKa iitnrir frnm beach: arlitto cratlo fnvlronment: unjclleiljculln(i! tab: umilled from own farm! danclnii auto t rn I n Korvlcoi .20 up wtekly. Hotel Lafayelte Now Open Located on beach front. Capacity 400. all Improvement!!! runnlmtwater: elevator. JOITN TnACY A CO. OCE.VN CITY. N. J. THE UNCOLN Capacity 10 Entirely new. Itooms elrale and en. anil with runnln water, and private rrth. Elevator. Every modern appointment for comfort and service. French Colslne TVblte Servlca num. J. h. iniBBniw CAPACITY 00fc Open until September ISth. . New appoint ments and equipment, atrletly flrst-olass cuisine and service: rooms slnrlo or en suite, with or without bath. IAWRENCB MARRBCII. .Mar.. .. formerly "t the Hollovue-Stratford Fhlla. ATP1 CM 9th A Central; all outride a vj- ' rooms: table uneurpaesed. ASniTRV PARK. N. J. EDGEMERE 108 Fourth Ave. (At Reach) Capacity 200 Elevator Ratra on Request nARRY fl. rURDY Ow-nrr and M vnnrer AHnURY PAUR. N. J. . r'OR TTJI.L HOrKt INKOItMATION WRITJI mSlPirAT. 1TB nt'nTCW. AImtt Vark. RKACH IIA-EN. N. J. THE ENGLESIDE Now open. Every modern convenience. prlvst ,ie Dam aiha with sea and freah water: five i.nnl. courts: pooiciei. n. r. unuH", ."' lire"- Also the Covington. West Phllad.lphla. OCEAN Olt&VB. N. J. 8SSbsfi raln THE HHKLBURNE Hot and cold running .water every room. ... V- C. liATNES. BPR1NO LAKE. N. 3. THE ALLAIRE Soring Lake Beach, N, J. On the Ooaaa Front. Capacity 200 MAUD C. HOLMBa. WASniNOTON'S JROBINO. N. J. HOTEL WASHINGTON WABIIINGTON'R CROSSING. N. J. Situated on tho Banks of the Delaware Tho country hotel with all city conven ience. Oar tables are supplied with the eholee.it farm products from our own farm. Kates .8 80 per dsy. Special family and season rates. Bell phone, Pennington. N. J., G0-R14. C. A. ItOWE. Manager. DEVON. TA. Wynburne Inn Devon statlor Fa.. 80 minutes from Broad street tatlon. Deslrablo pines for youns; buslneaa islrabio pines ror omen or for fam men and nen and women or tor xamiues; no no oblec- Hon to children. Reasonable rates. K1VS minulo.' walk from Berwyn. Canoeing. saddle horves. Vegetables from our own gardens. Phone Berwvn 17. T.AXSDALK. FA. LANSDALE. FA. WHITE CORNER HOTEL A beautiful country family hotel, fur nished up to date, homelike; large airy, screened outside rooms; garage and livery, short rlda to Phlla.l Ideal surroundings; shady lawn nnd trots; all out-of-doors dlver slons: rooms .7: with board. .18 per week. SWARTHMORE. PA. Trio Uanrarrl Amer. plan, single or en. aulte. Ph. Bwarthmor 283. WERNKRBV1LLE. PA. Untairla Beautiful Views. Tsrms Me, nuifiae raUi 0sra(re. eleetrlo lights, GERUART A AULENBACH, Props. TOURS ROUND THE WORLD The favorite tour of prosperou Iingllihmcn and Americans. RAYMOND - WHITCOMB Tours of Luxury offer discriminating travelers the Ideal way of Journcylnc round the worklwith comfort and enjovroent. 90 per cent of the Americans who last year traveled round the world for pleasure wenf with Raymond Whltcomb. Our new Booklet for 1920-1921 will be sent on request. Other Tours EveT7UiJiere Raymond &.Whitcomb Co. 1338 Walnut Street Philadelphia Telephone: Filbert 3864 FOURTEEN HAPPY VACATION DAYS With a Wonderful Slx-Duy Crulsa on THE SAGUENAY RIVER Tours start from New Yorki July IT. 81, Aug. 14. 28. From Slontreall July CI. Aig. 4, 18, Sept. 1. Early Reservations Advisable TH0S.C00K&S0N, zasp. nroud st., riiiiadeifluia HiiswwS!Ssm&' "" " iasa Tiw,,u.'-wu BSnOSrGF PTJBEK rummer resorts hRAfll HAVEN. N. J. MtW- ORIV NONKKrV n EYPOWt. 5 ormkM batlit. Electric ".' AssumraM . . BJ ruxMirr s AWtWOOO 5CAocrMC : TOrttMVCR s tVilKtfWKl S EACFHAVEH I ATlANficarY 5 rOCONO M0CNTA1NB Eelf tr. r. Eagles Mere, Pa. The ninmir rnort that Is different be cau.n It combines mountain and aeathor condition! with unique aurroundlnxs. Tho and beach and temperete water of the l.kk of the Eaalea afford tplendld bathlnc 2200 feet above set level. One of the finest colt courses in America, For Hookies r.nd Rates Write THE CltEBTMONT INN William Woods. Mtnacir. the ronrflT inn Herman V. Teaser, Uananr. THE LAKESIDE v John a. Kirk & Son; 1TIE RAYMOND I.. U. C. List, Manatsrv LAKE QKOnaP.. T. T ifl2irajMIMKffllKQU2iSCffi HOTEL MARION LAKE GEORGE. N. Y. 76 miles from Albany. Directly on tn Lol'.o Front, also State Road from Lak Goorgo Villa go to Dolton Landini. Capacity 300 Guests Whito Service. With or without private baths. Open" Juno to October Adjoining New Country and Yacht Club Fir, proof Garage. Booklet Frew. JOSEPH H. MARVEL aammuMimiiRUiiifi T.AKE PLACID. If. Y. AD1RONDACKS firand View Hotel LAKE PLACID, N. Ye NOW OrEN. Extensively Improved. Snest electrical equipment! running water, vrlvate bathrooms; elevator: porchee. danclnr, ...FURNISI1F.D COTTAOEB FOR VfSn All out-of-door Adirondack diversions. Clr. 11. D. MARSHALL. Mgr.. Lake Ptnrld. M.Y. CATBRILL MT8. BEACnVIEAT. N, Y. Catskill Mountain House BE.VCIIVir.W, N. Y. NOW OrEN. JOHN K. VAN WAOONEN. Mgr. ALEXANDRIA RAY. N. Y". THE THOUSAND ISUM HOUSE. Alex nndrla Unv. N. Y. The Venice of America. NAnitAOANWETT rtKR. I. I, The Imperial Narragnnsett Pier, R. I. now ornN An nelnalve h' tel for rllserlmlnatlag people nt one of Amrrtca'e Finest Sea.lde Reeorts. Golf Tennis. Polo. Bathing. Dane- tng. Well kept State Highways far motoring. For reservations address JAUfES E, OAT.nnEY. MANAGER. Narragansett Iter, Rhea Islaa4 BOSTON. MASS. 'almimnm 330 Commonwealth. Ave Boston J. The Distinctive Boston House : One of the most homallka I holds In tho world. I. niiai RkaIUI hast f.nAm le ak ' jRLC05tell0Kqr Historic Dolon.3cnd for IL J NEW KNOLAND NEW ENOIANP VACATION LAND White Mountnlna: Maine lakes, woods and coast: QreeabMountatns. Fr? booklet call at ConsoIldateiTTIcket Offices rr write Vacation Bureau, Railroad Building, New Haven, Conn. State region preferred. GORHAM. N. IT. MT. MADIhON HOUSE. Oorham. N. IL The gateway to the White Mts. Now, open. For booklet address C. O. Chandler. 'Prop. LAKE nUNMQBK. VT. h tax voxtaot lAbcliatkrrerlM DatbaUk) fON TJrnBiL(l3d)CBQ(,fl GmNevsrtc. omcot KxcfuanOuHMJUi CANADA Delightful Vacations In Canada along Canadian National Railways. Ask F. A. Young, General Agent. 1820 Wool worth Rutldlnsr, New York Pity. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAIDS, experienced, for resort hotel. Address with references, T, T. Dolbey. Caatl Inn. Delaware Water Oap.Pa. CIGAnMAKERS. fern . on aTl Shanes- uond pay. Consolidated Cigar Corp., 407 N, 8th atreet CLERK Young woman for work In employ ment office: must be rapid and accurate tsplst. Employment TQepartraent, North Yard New York Shipbuilding Corporation. Camden, N. J. CYLINDER press feeders wanted to feed oardboard. Htonn & Bailey Co., 410 N. Franklin at. UIHLS Wanted. 00 girls over 10 years of ago. must bring working papers: a fine op portunity to learn clgarmaklng, which Is one of the Mat trades for girls: our more ex perienced help make from .30 to .83 per week: we start you on a fair wage, with gradual Increase every week or two until able to do piece work AppIv before 10 a, m, at AMERICAN CIOAR CO. 12th st and NVashlngttm ave. i-nunncipma, ra UIRLH, preferably over 16, wanted to work on hand-xluelng machine- Brown A Bailey Co 410 N. rranltlln , INSPECTRKSSBS Wo require the service of several ex perienced Inapoctreases; rood salary and ad nncement to comnetent girls. Aonly Em ployment Office, uth floor, Frank A Sodor .o., inn uni waricet bis. I0 vrv 11 t.w m iT BU. IB IB a. B IV -M KM M m. a. r m , -w.urws-., -. ,rP?Wv??rPW SaAtJ W twd trPwro Mto as) GASOLINE ALLEY Avery Starts in to Economize - IJsi, m .tp. .1 - sr IJJ l"r",'M,TBTTM'Tr" ., ' - "'"- ' 1"" " ""'-""' ' ' ' pW'ti- Mmmy 5-sspi--1sasssli ssr33---J. , i -f- 1 , IM FOR. IT WALT I WE CAN TAKE OUR, CARS AMP EACH . 'CARrW some OF TlUT OUTFIT! vV d c-7-sjr NLL O TS? ;r "STkat Far.1, S It? ' pv v i -t-s-w v j - v v. SFvt r x. i rtn ?-. " ta jmMZ,' -. . J lsK0 J -32 ) ft i.l .- S l vSs.l. sssstA.-j IS N. 4DfeEl?HIDAI)IiJLPHIA TUESDAY, HELP WANTED FEMALE IjADIKA to ll tockl exprlen( not ea ntll. but mu"' h-V nms Khlllty: nUry and commfnion to tb rlctat patty. Woltxra A Co.. 184.. Arch at. , IjONa-DIBTANCB TELEPHONE OPERATIKO IS THE MOST INTERE8TINO WORK IN THE Cirr FOR TOtNO WOMEN tli PER WEEK TO START RAPID INCREASES FINE OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT Arrivr AT ONCE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ROOM 784. BOURSE DUILDINO FOURTH BT.. BELOW MARKET t 8 A. M. TO B P. M. BEE MISS JENNntOS MILLTNERR, experienced on ladies hand made hats: highest salary paid. Apt A Co., 711 Arch st. PLEASANT WRROTTNntNns C07.T RECREATION ROOMS WORTHWHILE COMPANIONS PAT WHILE LEARNtVO BICKNEH nENEFITs LUNfltES AT COST MEDtr'AL ADVICE PERMANENCE You net all these aa a BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR See MISS STEVENSON. 1031 ARCH ST. Or th followln If mora convenient MISS ORR. 28 W. Chelten ave. MISS REILLEY. 1S8 B. Bid ,t. Open 0 a. m. to 0 p. ni. BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF FENNA, SALESWOMEN (PART TIME) Thorous-hlv experienced saleswomen for 3 days a iek. Good salaries to Mmoetent help. Apply at once, ETbloyment Orllce, Bih floor, Frank A Seder Co.. 11th and Markst sts. . SAIESWOMEN for women's ritts. coato and dresses: must be expenmted: permanent position. Aonly second floor, WANAMAKER A BROWN Otli and Market sts. SALESWOMEN Out-of-town ladles' spe cialty shop desires experienced saleswomen; rood opportunity for right party: state ex perience and salary wanted. P 824. Ld. Off. STENOGRAPHER, exp. In cotton yarn bual neas: muat b nsat. rapid and accurate: good sal and bonus. Apply 408 Mariner and Merchants Bldg., 8d and Cheatmit. arENOORAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER. TOMPETENT, FOR WORK IN CONTIUC- TOIV8 OFFldE. APPLY 788 REAL RHTATB Tltuni m.i.. TYriST, experienced In addressing envelopes ana niuns; in i-i"i " o iu io u rharlm Palat 027 Arch st , second floor. WANTED EXPERIENCED TRAINED CHILDNUR3E PHILA. FAMILY NOW SUMMERING AT THEIR 1000 I8LAND HOME DE SIRES TO ENOAOK THE SERVICE OF AN EXPERIENCED TRAINED CHILD NURSE: THIS 18 A SPLENDID POSI TION AND THE SALARY WILL HE MADE ATTRACTIVE. B 528. LEDGER OFFICE. WEAVERS, experienced, wanted Jin tapes and narrow edgings: steady work; learn ers taken. F. W. Maurer A Sons Co . 4811 Wayne ave.. near mm nn ,i.nu.nwmi tp, YOUNO GIRL to operate Burroughs posting mschlne snd do other clerical work: sUrt .1 118 BO per week. P. O. Box 8402. YOUNG LADY for office work In claim department of large Insurance company: on familiar with typewriter: state age and salary. B 414, Ledger Office. wnnwn r.inY wanted with rood education for clerical work In office. Broad and Chestnut sts- experience not necessary. P BIO. Ledger Office. General i-a nM 12.1 weekly, spar time, writing for newspapers, magtzlnes. exn. unnec. de tails free. Press uynoicaie, l.'A tit. ixtuis. Missouri. HELP WANTED MALE BLACKSMITH helper on wagon work. Bup- mee-w iiiin-ng, -., ,m- v. 1HACK8MITH on wagon work. Supple. Wllla-Jonea. aaza itioge ave. BOOKKEEPER The Public Ledger Co. desires the serv ices o( a night bookkeeper to operate a Burroughs posting machine; boura 8-H P- TO' Apply th and Chestnut sts. Ask for Mr. Wlest. BOY to learn scientific farming: good wages; excellent opportunity; good home, araen Spring Farm. Ambler. Pa. Phone Ambler 4SH. HOY to do nilng and errands and other1 eler- leal work; .7.80 to starts give age and all rVVjlars P. O Box B402, " '"" " BRAKEMEN WANTED FOR PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1823 FTLBERT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. BRAKEMEN (YARD) ROOM B, TinRD FLOOR, BALTIMORE AND OHIO PABS. BTATION, S4TII AND CHESTNUT. BTB.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. YguRE.wexL cer A ihe ioeA,A You wold Nqt verm ivELL,eur ul Gojffj what Sav.WSu ir..r.1 Up- INI O IHC I UUl., is TO 6 cwevi ruN vie Aieou rinCi HE'5 S. AVItKV ' A1 IbN 1 t KUlMr. x ,f n.i . . . - IA m toi i: -ie i - - - .T t , .-. . I AMC, r-aTrT .'rv nAKfc OVK- l.., ."-.. SO TltiHT IT WOVLV lr 7s - BUT .A Talk to FAMIUGS. w . i C,VE- H,M cramps To " s ,N r a-n-X DOC I V0 KCHXM Sjt3ZJ-S DRIVE HIS FLWlvCR. J I . Xjw HELP WAKTED MALE BRIDOEMEN Sixteen flrelclas structural Iron workers for New York. Apply to MaCllntlc-Marahall Co., Pottatowru Fa. Rell phone Pottetown K2. I1UICK MOTOR CO, FI,INr, MICH. WANTrf SHEET'METAL, DIEMAKERS DI elnkera Machinist Machine repair Lath hands . , Tool and production arlnder hands? Acme operators Orldley operators . State full fartlculara In nrst letter, and for tailed Information reaardlnr transportation and General Motors houalns; plsn writs the above) aoareaa . nAnTMIHTILrAirrna an,t atl.rrtlind wooa .worklnc machine hands! skilled men only: I 140 82 weekly rar is hours ror nrsi-cm mtchanloa, with attendance bonua. Apply, ready for work. Unit Construction Co.. 08th st. and Prays ave. v fJLOCK REPAIRERS wanted, experleneed. Dtrmuifni poBiimna: Kooa salary, a. c- lanent posl A Bom ror. 8th and Chestnut. CRAMP'S SHIPYARD wanta LABORERS Men for cleaning ships No heavy llftlnc Apply Employment Departmnet Richmond st above Norrla st. CYLINDER press feeders wanted to teed oardboard. Brown & BalVey Co.. 410 "N. Franklin at. CYLINDER preaaman wanted. Brown Rallev Co.. 410 N. Franklin s ELEVATOR OPERATOR . . Whits: licensed: sood wares to expeneneefl, first-class hydraulic operator. Apply Room 414, Wtldner Bid.. Juniper and Chestnut. ELEVATOR OPERATOR White! licensed: good wanes to experienced. flraKIass hvdraullo operator. Apply Room 481, Land Title Bide ELECTRIC FOREMAN First-class, electric- light foreman:- steady work: good wages, Apply Mr. William Foator. 1208 N. lt at, ELBVATOR OPERATOR. eotoreCi. Apply C n Tteeo, gi.o i Lesmut - ENGINEERS, FIREMEN, CONDUCTORS BRAKEMEN WANTED FOR ROAD AND YARD SERVICE. PERMANENT EMPLOY MENT. AT STANDARD BATES OF PAT. APrLY AT F. B. EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, BPRINQ GARDEN BTATION, PHILA. ruRNrrunE salesmen .... e t.lK.ra liualneaa exoerlenee. An ply Department Personnel, floor 4H. Filbert BTRAWBRIDGE d' CLOTHIER LINEMEN Wanted, first-class eleetrlo light men: steady work, good yuw. Apply Mr. William Foster. 1208 N. 81at st. . LITHOGRAPH ENQRAVER on comma. clal WOrk In a Cltv in unioi Bicauy twaitiuu. M 400 ledger Ofl.ce. SlACHINlBT wanted. Apply ilontgomery younary nn f "; v .vmiPiiouaeii.t MECHANICAL. 0AIE8 KNOtNBEIi, drftfU nirxn and fnreman wanted by nhop just flta&rCinaV UP, UDlllH UM.tr. inun miu HQiiri i plate work! gle experience, reference and salary cxpecicu flmi. ,, ... ju F. Station A Chattanooga. Tenn. MEN MEN MEN for Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey; best wages: strslght time, rsln or shine, time and half for overtime and Sunday work: nrst-claas boarding accommodations: no mot sy required: free shipment. Apply all day at company's Free Employment Bureau. 221 N. 15th at. M I D V A L B NEEDS LABORERS Steady work rain or shins LATHE HAND9 Experienced men on largo finished run work TINSXirni SHEET ER (TINSMITH) CRANE OPERATORS FAINTERS MACHINE REPAIRMEN First class: good wages TOOLMAKERS Must bo flrst-classj STTELLHANDS Rough and finish work Our positions are all permsnent ones We hao openings In many other lines Call and talk It over with our repre sentative , Branch offices operr 8 a. m. to 4 p. m . 7 p in. to 8 p. m., and Oaturdays until noon. 2048 Ridge avenue 018 South Ilth street HO ft North 18th street 4389 Germantown avenue Or The following ara open 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturday until noon 1821 Arch atreet 4801 Wlssahlckon avenue ORDERLY, experienced, receiving ward: live In Apply Pennsylvania Hospital, 8th and Spruce ORDERLY, experienced, surgical ward: live in Apply Pennsylvania Hospital, 8th and fftnrucw ate ORDERLY, experienced: live In; receiving ward, nlrht work. Apply, Pennsylvania Hospital Rth and Sprue sta PORTER, doorman and bellmen, colored, with city hotel experience; those having thtlr own uniforms preferred. Address, wlti. references. T. T. Dolbey. Castle Inn. Dels ware Water QP Pa- wraBww.' '-u RAILROADERS Brakemen. experienced: Jl per hour; time and half for overtime; come ready for work. Apply Qeorge II. Tate. 20, N. 18th at. SALESMAN U anted, an experienced stock salesman capable of handling high-grade Industrial preferred stock; best of references required Mull applications to M 300. ledger Office SALESMAN for best selllns; Una ladles' glove silk underwear: only man with es tablished trade commanding .volume of busi ness, considered and will be given oppor tunity: can earn .10,000 and upward an nually: commission basis! ataU full par ticulars! confidential. Dej-Lighttul silk Un dergarment Co., 8-8 W. 82d at. New York. v'JUIiY 20, 1020 HELP WANTED MALE if you are a scood Mtesman or think, you nars ins anility 10 income ono a troon op portunity selllns; a real Investment security awaits you on our sales force, Mr. lllnton, Room (106, til) N. Uroad at. SALESMEN FOR LOCAL INVESTMENT BKCUItiriEOl LEADS FURNISHED TO RKI'UTAUI.K APPLICANTS. U 903. LEDOEH OFFICE. SALESMEN for new line of Investment securities, never before offered the public, rood position for rltbt men, this Is not an oil or m.nlnar cl-iemo. Mr. Lounabury, ).m 788 1011 Chestnut at r 8ALESMEN, stock, capable of productnK re suits, can make a Rood. connection: salary and commission basis, Wolber & Co.. 1842 Arch st. BTENOORAPHER One with lecal experl- i,"i ii..i.. J. Vf acnooi eaucstion, u. O, I. Employment Department, 24 N. 22d St. BUrPLY BUYER va havo an ooenlnr in n ia. e an experienced, wideawake youns; man to pur chase supplies. This Is a aood opportunity for a first-class assistant with department store experience to gain promotion. Apply at once. Employment Office, 0t& floor. Frank; t unni vu., iiu ana Jiarxet ats. . . WEAVERS Art square wssvera open shop! paid on basis accepted by A F L j splendid working conditions; eteady employment; will consider taklns; on learners Patterson Mfg. Co., In dlana ave. and A st. YOUNG MEN to train as outslds salesmen In high-grade eailonerv, printing and of fice furniture bunlneee: high school gradu ates preferred: b-tneen ares of 10 and 24 years; experience mt necessary! write for In terview, describing your ability. P 007, Led ger Office YOUNO MEN. htsh school atudente. neat In appearance, to sell Walsh's Protoepollsh to dealers and rouseholds; good opportunity '.U-,,u".ur"- "PPiy main on.ee ana laciury, 402 N. 8d. YOUNa MAN for savlnir fund department in uptown tru.i co ; experience in dook keeping and handling money; excellent op portunity for right party. F 011. Ledgor Office. qrNO MAN to operato elevator In office building: experience unnecessary. Apply Room 444, Wldener Bide , Juniper) and Chestnut sts YOUNO MAN wanted to operate elevator In office building: experience unnecessary. Apply Room 431, Land Title Bldg. Oenerol ORFF'VFWAI D'S A specialized' EMPI-OYMENT BERVICE .,... No enrollment charges APPLICATIONS FROM LOCAL RES. ONLY ACCTO nnd auditor, handle payrolls. UlSI!!?-. "if "P-. take charg. BKPR-. familiar with mfg. costs. TIME HTUDY-rate setter, mach. parts. HJ;r. correspt.. pubiio service corp. BTENOG nnd sec. employment work. FOREMAN. Ice or milk. exn.. $43. FOREMAN, mach., time study, exp. FOREMAN, handle drivers able-bodied. .110. SPECIALS PURCHASING AGnN-T'B A8ST.. good cor respondent, familiar with traffic tool room mill shop, auto parts supplies. INSPECTOR, fam lth lumber soft woods. FOREMAN MACHINE BHOP. tools, jigs, fixtures, automatic, emlautomat!o ma chinery small parts. 178. GREENEWALD'H SPECIALIZED SERVICE 250 B. 11TII EARN .28 weekly spars time, writing for newspapers, mngaxlnes. exp unnecessary; details free. Press Byndlcate. 333, si. Louis, Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER desires position combined with hilling work. Bsrlrig 1437 J. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE GARDENER des. car of gentleman's place; bat refa 811 W. 7th st.. Cheater. Pa. MANAGER Office and sales mgr., a thor oughly trained executive with 12 yrs.' real exn. open for engagement Aug, 1. B 612, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. 24. high school gradual and 4 years' business training deMros position on sales force of a reputable mcrcuntlle house It 127, Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE, 811 S. 10th St., Spruce 3401, wants situations Canadian cook. Eng Hah, 'Irleh cooks, chambermaids, waitresses. chlldn,urses housework girls; well reconv mended. E. O. HARVEY, mil) Rlttenhouse sq., re liable help supplied: wanted. MACHINERY aOOD USED MACHINERY Large stock used machine tool of all kinds; also largo stock woodworking machinery: 100 power presses, different make and slses; air compressors, steam and belt pumps; electric generators. 5. NUTTALL. 1748 it. BTH ST WE MAKE gray Iron casting from 1 pound to 1 ton; if you want castings that can bo easily machined, write us Reeve 8toe and Foundry Company. 88 8. 2d tt Philadelphia. roundry. Camden. N. J. WANTED One Scotch marine boiler. 3 fur naces. 12 feet diameter and 12 feet long. 180-150 pounds steam. James Showan A Son. Inc.. foot of 27th at.. Brooklyn, N. T rOR SALE One three-quarter-yard Smith concrete mixer, 1 three-quarter-yard buck et. 1 20-horse englno with 2 hoisting drums. M 885. Ledger Office. ONE 12-horsepower Otto gas engine. In per fect running order. Printers' Finishing House, 4ito Hansom st. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS riwr;ti i.gunAin,nt O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO . 110 N. 8D BT, PULLETS. HANGING SHAFTINO. HALF PRICE. MOTOR EXCHANGE. 327 N. 8D MACHINE shop open for contracts; Interest prices prompt deliveries B 518, Led. Off. STOBAQB AND MOVING) ONE MONTH FIIEE. ESTABLISHED 1888 The Exchange Storage Co. 1420 N. 8TH ST. We have a few clean, separata rooms vacant for the storage of your household goods Phone Diamond 2471. PACKING. MOVTNO Dougherty & Sons Storage 1424 N. 20TH ST. Get our sreelsl rate for moving by our reli able and careful men. Call Foplar 410.1: Key. stone rork 1127-nltht phone Diamond BB52. A STORAGE PALACE Clean as your home; moving for p-irtlcular neonle nnv district; estimates gtten. pack. Ing. shipping mo'ng nnd storage North. Phlla Btg 'Q ."" '.enign i"mnnn ig no. VICTORY STORAGE 5200 niricrt Phone Belmont 4870 Plerce-Arrow t una for estimate Watson's Storage ffi?. ?nnoav,nnr-" Padded vans. 1,48-49 N 17th st. Service guaranteed. roiilar 843. riDHLITT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES F1U 1811 TO 1813 MARKET ST. ilONARClf STORAGE CO ,, SJ70 LANCA9. TUB AVE. AUTO SEnVlCB STORAaU, PACKING LONO-niSTJNCE MOVING, "" MOVINO and long-distance hauling H. Tur. "er. 2085 nidge ave Poplarn!12. HAULING ft bldg, mat I Oreenwny A Rob. er's SO-8 Chelwynde ave Woodl'd 4140 M HORSES PAIR OF YOUNO HORSES at a bargnln. soltablo for business or farm uso, will aeli Ul Hal III llir, ii, BV Rear 817 N 17th st, aeparate, trial Bl.eii, DOGS. BIRDS. ETO. POMERANIAN puppies for sale orange sa ble. black. 1024 Mt. Vernon. Pop 0080 W. By King BE l"lL Co . AW ?US 'T IN VECV (boo SH&PE JWSBe'H. BE ROOM one of the other. CARS. FOR. EMILN AND me and ote&Tee-.KOfjr Turce-' BtTSriTESS OPPOKTTTN1T1E3 TOHMWIIMIIM Opportunity! for Immediate Investment secure beyond all perad venturc. 8 preferred non-nssc8sable stock Foun dry Co. Par $100.00, re deemable $102.00. Con servative investor, com munfeattj with Box B 428, Lodger Office. irararcaffira.EMMaraiMiuTifd RETAtl BUSINESS T.OfXTION iiign St., coiamous, o Four-story bulldlne- about .11x18.1 ft . full cement basement: hot-wnler hentlne system: aiao sprinKi'r. mis is in me vest blocK on Hlxh st. and can be leased for short or long term of years. KINO-WEINFELD REALTY CO.v Agents 813 New First National Bank Bldg. Columbus. O. AUTOMOBILE jg-" ,?,,-"",. canlzlnff and rctreadtntr machine., l-ton Ford truck Peerleea B-cyl. tour rtr. doln cxcel't bus i owner. leaving dtr, '.'20 Fslrmonnt. nv. MOTION-riCTURE THKATRKI Wt offer several exceptionally attrnctlve places re quiring from 15000 to 81.1 000 cash. Motion Picture Adv. Co.. 2HI N. 12th Open Sun 1-4. CAHIl ADVAM'hD on open accounts; notes nnd aeeentnneei r.ur,rnh.,,'t',!J Interviews strletly confidential 11 .151 ledger Office. INVESTMENT Several thousand dollars to Invest with service in well-established puwinrgw 11 ,iu. leng-r t'lllce WANTED to buy aarnge capacity 100 to 200 cars: state location nnd full nartlctt- lars Joseph A. Bnrr Co J I SO rheatnut st, 15 ROLLING chairs on ftoarrlnalk In Wlld- nooa at esc 1210 Miner, i-nun spree OOOT BUSINESS PERSONALS MONEY ALWAYS AT I.OW RATES DRESNER'S LOAN OFFICE 44 N. 11TH ST DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dla monds: an elro from U to 10 carats; non Eay higher: also old rold. platinum A allver ouaht. Eetates botn-M (prlv.) Est. 10 years. The Diamond Shop10 .fey DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS nouoiiT from rn.vATrc punnir. TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL: FULL VAlillli Jt-AIIJ. CUIA1NIAI. TRUST U7iK BLDG . 11TH AND MARKET STS. OFFICE 205. 2D FLOOR. ll-OO A. M. TO 4:30 F M, DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO ORJECT Fawn Tlfkes for Diamonds nought KELLY A CO . 032 CHESTNUT ST. Quite 21 22 Qter r-hllds' Restaurant. Private ROYAL PLEATING CO. -Pleating- and hem- stitching buttons and buttonholes, epeclal reduction first week .1 a skirt to be pleated skirts pleated In 1 day: mall orders attended to 11 n nth. DIAMONDS BOUGHT nARRY W. SMITH. 717 BANSQif ST. EXPRESS and general hauling with Auto car, biggog traneferred to nil points. J. A Wright. 2410 Master at Poplar 31.14. ROOF LEAKS STOPPED OtllCKT.T Asbestos roof cement makes old roof ilk new: 100 saving. Pauley, 1,111 Cheatnut. CnMENT contractors Wint cement 1fth. Melver A Johnson. 1428 N 22d st. Pon. 1 00d ELFCTRIC TREATMENT, also manicuring. Office 808 3. 11th at., hours from 10 to-8. ELECTRIC treatment and manlcurtntr. Room 105 Heed Bldg . 1218 Filbert at.. I.oc.srma MOERK will wire vour house for eleetrlo lights Poplar 1381 J. 27.11 Jefferson st. LAWN MOWERS shnrpened at home. Write B. C. Potts. 1500 N. 2flth st.. Phlln. bHOES made to measure and repairing. II. RUHlli:it aoous or all descriptions re paired. Apdrew T Blrehett. .101 S 22d at. POR SALE RADIATORS Hot Water and Steam Boilers Pip anJ Fittings, new and second-ban BATH TUBS Sinks. Toilets nnd other Enamel Ware, cheap 1420 S. 8TH STREET Phone Dlcklnenn 874: Key.. Main 308 BUILDERS You can siv 50 per cent op present prices bv using salvaged material from Hog Island unit No 1 millions feet all kinds lumber thousands of single, twin and triple window frames with full-s'ze fly screens, sash. 5 psnel and screen door In all sizes; plaster board, pip- valve flttlnrs. BOO Dunhim atnfim tnin. Roval ventilators fire door plumbing and etectrlcil fittings. Penn Salvage tjo . U4tn a n n nnirum eve ooq eiwj BEDS, burens dressing tables In nil latest woods. onl slightly used and samples: 73 beautiful living room suites; 23 latest dining room suites, KOO new sample beds: big sale going on; 5 floors picked full to the doors. Felnsteln Storage Co 8. E. cor. 0th A Sp. Garden sts Open eves. Free auto delivery. FOR SALE Largo moose head mounted: spread of arrtler 48 Inches; palms 12 Inches, longest point. 11 Inches; fin for R Moose hall, also 1 golden eagles, mounted, spread of w ings 71 Inches Ad. Curtis Laneh man, tnxldermlat 110 S Penn st Tork. P.t. Office Partition, Railing, Furniture Store Fixtures We sell, buv and exchange, 011 WALNUT T Wnl 4114 Main 8810 A FENNA OFFICE FURNITURE CO. FOLDING AND INVALID CHAIRS FOR SALE AND TO HIRE Theatre chairs m vlng-plct machines, etc., school desks church pews and pulpit chairs. CHAIR EXCHANGE S E cor flth A Vine. OFFICE FURNITUitS Large lot of desks snfes files, cabinet an general office furniture store fixtures We buy. sell nnd exchange PATTEN" FURNITURE CO I OrUPT4070 1127 ARCH ST RAC E8 4l9 50 UP. Rnes trunks nnd sultrnsea, '"'" high grade big value Wardrobe trunks .10 up targe naaortment WALTER' 8 . JPAjQFlCn n t h nnd Arch rOR SALE Elrht doublo-dorUer band-drlv and 21 alnsle-decker be't-drlven anlnners, cheap to quick huver Apnlv Madison Silk Mfg Cq 41 Mndlnon at . Pa teraorj, . N J r-U D.ctar Slicing Machine Scales LaSh KCglSterS renn Caah Register Co . 1208 Vine Street Phone Locum firt'i.l VICTOR model double-spring motor good as new: worth ..'7.1, soil for $100 cash B21 B flth second floor ADDING MACHINES sold bought, exch , all models reflnlshed like new, fully guar Collins. 831 Chestnut st Phone Wal 8173 PHONOORAFHS and records bought aold and exchanged. Werschoff, 003 Walnut st. Phone ALL makes adding machines sold bought and exchanged rebuilt like new and fully guaranteed at rock bottom rrlc-s Liberty i ypowrner v... im-vj -iic.nmi at THREE dlctarhone outfits complete with shaving macninea. excellent condition. Ap ply Mr. Law, 1041 N Hancock st GO-GART, Haywood stroller nursery chair, pasteurizer, 4812 Windsor ave MARBLE VAULT In Central Laurel Hill, sell reasonnbla. Apply 2120 I'alrmount nv .1 2.1 AND UP sultcnsea iMga trunks t-awnsnop r.xcnange to . .1 rv nth st J-1 Cf snd un suitcases nnd hsgn I'ltt n. Vi.-'v. ahop Trading Co -v N 0th st, l'OOL TABLES, second hand b night sold rented, exchanged, Kcafer .12!) Glraril ave WANTED DON'T SEa YOUR DIAMONDS Until l vaii ne usi w arA tiivimr th in ea price (or diamonds, for mora than 60 years w havs been buying diamonds and other precious stones from tlm large Jewelry and department stores, and from their cus tomers recommended to ua, we also buy old gold and silver: mav we be of service to your rinr transactions are always confldentini THOS R LED A CO 713 Walnut at. SAFE WANTED Large capacity, double door, 2d hand safe, must bo In good order and chaup give full description and prlc 200 Summervllle. 8 O uuu vrie ucuvereu nere. l.ox WE WANT at once household furniture, stnr lIMUlfS. olflie, fumlture; pay anot cash: honest value. Phone ua about It. l,o. cuat 4214 Old Church, cor. 12th A Cherry. "'' STAMPS. FACKETS;vDIStH"l SDIStH SrtS or itima lasu. Albums, ana suppnasir . ti . 19 TJSED ATJTOMODILES tJie Superfine 5mall Cat USED CAR DEFT. Chavrolef. 1U20, Sedan ,....1510 Chevrolet, 11120, Touring.,.., 700 Maxwell. 11. Tourtng 78t Mitchell. 7-pasaenger Touring 750 Hupmobtt Roadster V. 780 Hupmobll Sedan Tbe a boro cars nr sold with a. 80 day gusrantee. Deferred payments ar ranged. C0MPT0N-BUTLER, Inc. POPLAR 7887 822 N. BROAD STUDEBAKERS Various models overhauled and repainted; sold with our guar antee. Other makes at bargain prices. Ask aoout our easy payment p an. STUDEBAKER SALES CO. Phone Poolar fliKO BI7 N Broad st. 1920 COLE FOR SALE A 1920 COLE, 4 passenger; driven 1B00 miles; $2500 will buy it PETERSEN MOTORS, INC. 919 N. Broad St. 1920 Page Coupe 6 weeks old; $2100 will buy it, PETERSEN MOTORS, INC. 919 N. Broad St. A REBUILT VIM TRUCK J107.83 on Dollvery -...nAI'ANC:S.,A YEAn TO FAY Rebuilt, repaired, guaranteed by manu facturer and equipped with new tires: a body to suit vonr hiiilr-je VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO.. BROAn AND HUNTINGDOV BT3. TRUCK REARS SCHOBER, 34TH AND MARKET e?mf3thm AUTOPARTSt: SCHOBER, SUth & MARKET STS. HAVING been ordered abroad I must 31s-s pose of my now Grant 6 light touring car at once, this car la brand new, and haf never been used; It Is a real bargain, and; can be had for .680 cash: balance monthly. Can be seen at 811 N Broad st.. Phils. STORAGE batteries for sale for every mak of car, 6-volt. .8: 12-rolt, f 10; positively la good cond. Starr Storage Hnt . 200 N. ISth. BATTERIE3, 6 volt, rebuilt for .10; equal to new. Battery Specialties Co., 1504 Vino at. J , FOR 8ALE Dodge touring car. 1019 model i good condition: price SUSO. For particu lar sUlej)honeLombard21 1 1 . BROCKWAY 3M ton. with stake body. A. Freeston 813 Walnut st. Lombard RM. BUICK roadster: rood condition: J330 cash. Phone Preston 3818 J CADILLAC. 1017, 4 pass., sport moifel; per fect mechanical condition, bee Mr, Hunter. Stutx Agency, lit,". N Broad st. CHANDLER 1020- never used; bargain. Call 0-4, 4001 Chestnut st. Preston 2808. CHEVROLET 5-pass,, 4-cyI an exceptional bargain at an exceedingly low price; tlm payments: open evenings. Overland-Harper Co 2.10 N. Broad. " J COLE Aero 8. 101U nratt t latat In HBa .760. bal on time. Stanley. 019 N. Broad! FORD COUPE. 1920. self starter, demount able rims, shock absorbers. Ivory Garage. 3 US Ludlcw st, . LEXINGTON l.pass , speedster: a classy looking car: Just out of paint shop; tlm payments: open eves. Overland-Harper Co,, 230 N. Broad at. MAXWELL. 1020. brand now, easy pay ment Call 0-4, 4801 Chestnut st. Frea- ton2Sflf OVERLANDS, all models. 3 and 7 pass. touring, 2 and 8 pass roadsters. 4 pass, chummy roadster: all other makes and mod els; special basement bargatna every day. time payments: open evenings. Overland Harper Co. 280 N Brood st OVERLAND Chummy TOndstcd, Just tho car for business and family uso, rare chnnc for real barg ; time pavmenti. open eves. Overland-Hnrper Co., 10J9 Arch st. OVERLAND 4-cyI.. C-pass 101(1 modelt al buv: tlm fine running order: here's a real buv: tlma pajments open evenings, Co 210 N Broad st. Overland-Harper PACKARD 3-35. 3-23, 7-pass tour., current model Stanley. 010 N. nrond Foplar 7829 rEERLESS Sedan, .3000 cash or real es tate, guaranteed by owner; perfect condi tion, newly painted 8 good tires; with or without movable glass divisions back ox driver's seat seen and demonstrated by Mor mon Auto to, i-u . iiroau st. Aaoress owner. '.111 N 2d st. , PEERLESS 4 ton, wltn 5-ton equipment and stake body A. Freeston, 383 Wel nut at I ombnrd 882 STUDEnAKER 7-rs.. 8-cyl., excellent running cond., good tires come and sea It; tlmo pnmnts cpn evenings Overland. Harper Co 250 N. Broad . STUTZ Wo overhnjl and reftnlsh all our used Stutx cars, all models for immad. de livery, buy dlrret from dliitrlbutors: cash or terms Soo Mr. Hunter. Stutz Agency. C8 N. jlroaasr faTUTZ 0 passenger touring: biggest bargain In Thlla fuhy guir , art nulck. bee Mr. Hunter Stutg Acencv H9 N, IIToad st . Bt'lCK. 101T, light n call 5432 Water st. Phone Wsomlng 50.74 R TALKING- MACHINES, RECORDS TALKING machines nnd records. 50 per cent off: wo liought out a large phonograph deal er! oyer 10 1100 records will sell fiOe each. Central Mullc Store U'7 N llthst FA1RMOUNT Record and Talking Machlna Exchange, 2223 Talrmount ave Also han dle latest records B'LDING MATERIALS REPAIR3 F.VV1NO, all kinds, footways driveways, cellars & floors, curb stttlnR A bricklaying. J K Smart. 818 N 21st st Poplar 1031 W. ROOMS POR RENT ARCH ST . 2123 (L Y R I C Newly furn , up-to date single and double rooma clennll- ne unsurp : a flrat-class house, cent , mod, CEDAR AVE 5J10 Bedroom for "gentle nun, .5, owner Protestant, no children! reference CHESTNUT Hr. 2007 Deslrablo slnglo ana dinblt, rooms. CHESTNUT 1004 Desirable single rooms, eleotrlrltj referenet s Gl :NWOOD AVE 1138- Two unfumtshea rnnm. on third floor, communicating frl'lll I E tT . 1224-28 (Ilrlamonte) Rooms, single or suite, private baths, running wi ter Walnut 7171 SPRUCE st 1711 Attractive rooms, mod. rrnt- rns rxt hl.lve lettlrtn WAMACE S1" lhin Nicely furn room. hot snd cold running v'ater.elec. A phone, WALNl T .101)1 Nicely furn "rooms, double nr single private name excellent boards lafdj WASHIN'OTON AVE 590(1 (corner housed-. Two nicely furnl.hed rooms, also basement, that cun 1h uad ua office IrtTH N 139, II OT El, 11 U II I C Beautifully fur rooms, spotlessly clean! electric throughout dally and weekly rates. ennv to stations, beat urcomm, datlons for I rav .'lng people moderate Ph Spruce 1034. 17TH HT S ,in Three furnlahod and un. furnished roomsfor rent 20TH ST. ,8 221 1 arg cool room, single beds, men orjiuslneai couple 48D HT N. lino Nicely " furnlahed cool room rertned neighborhood convenient to earj private family Prea 2lfi9 J, FURNISHED room with bath "Germantown or JNIt Airy near I'enns 11 it. CHESTNUT ST . 1024 Attractive well-fap. nlshed rooms smnmerrate LARGE airy room furn" southwestern ht. posure-lthal le board I'h I-oe. 4470. BPRUCE. 5332 2d-stnn' fronf room, twin beds, also single rooms gents; electricity W'YST I'lllIADELl'lUA THE BARTON, 4.121 Walnut st. Southern woman will accept In her home 2 or 3 pro fessional or business men who wish to avail k thtmselves ot cultured home envlromnentiiuli i convenience. . t ' CHIEBTNUT. 3900 Large, airy rooms! un luriuaiiru, jiimiwm niaterz pqrcnesi good residential section. v " ,.,.,,., W y-7""JTOBB. 'WIl-DWOftls . . 1 YV t a U r i t- J4l l VA'M ism xm 1 'A i j-i -j. ,n ? ftrt. r- XJ f "i .,! a ?.'!! in 1 'W a u I -SH. -.'l ' t nw l aW ., trX&lU&ffi . st i rau. HLA, BTAMJ?- CO., 31 TXtW'aCXr . TT ' L U ' v cr V al ' iikWir v'l- i ssBsslw.r ., " M'Hl SU l . .1 ., ,.. i,. . .)' , KtM-T'93, h,. .1 . ukimkCtl J.-4 -is s' ?v., pi '-,. i -,- i. ZJ'M ,ix , J r . r . T -