ry&j'k HJA V l V- ':rvrT1 '1 i - 1 IT" ' , t, NIENACES STREET, tHHIW KBBaanlJalBBBBBBr Mountain of Waste Blocks Traf fie and Causes Pools of Stagnant Water CTY NEGLECTS APPEALS Vo nttempt lm hecn mmlc n yet to TWMO thf hnw mountain m witcr- Ul wnt- hlrt. !.. cl.Pl ft? four 5 Ircl Hork on (Vnimcrpe rtrcct to tnOr for the Inst eWfn ,ly.. follow- , tlio 111- In the wirohoiwc of the 5ah Wnton Co.. Fourth nml Com- TrdS of Ihc nelRl.l.orl.00,1 unite h'atnounplnic conditions which permit 'li" f IIMcr to hlockndo the thor- I ...tl. ..Innirerlne. they coy. thp i bfalth of the workers In the vicinity. , ""! lm-e notified the roller. Fire i I mil Hlghny Departments," -mill II. Lt, Dennett, n g1n wholesaler, nt -KM fimmrrn- street. "KothlnR tintf been rfon(. The nurcnu ot Henltli went two inspectors down after John A. Hownti. 407 Commerce street, Inul written them . uit.p stntinc conditions. The In- , .nectors reported that conditions were P1 n...,,'., flnunrlnf Inn. Wrw than air. " " , ""' and Mr. IMwon hns a letter from the ' Health Ilurenu to this effect, but noth- Hj'JlllS'to",, matter to .. ' " .... ,,rnnnlv." declared . John ,8. Van Aken. n teamster, whose , 1 jonu o. , i,.,i, nf tlin mull- MroVp'll of filth. Van Aken has been compelled to burn formaldehyde In order to render Mh office tennble. -I , been told that the newer entrance 1 it Lcltheow and Commerce stretjtH has ' rot been cleaned for two years," bo added. Market Street Wouldn't Stand It 'If this thine had happened on MnrVct ftreet, It would have been -!....! n in nno day.' declared T. A. I Farley. 400 Commcrco street. Just because this is a mck wti, i; . , . thev can leave lt for eleven dayw. Each j.l.imt,t BM-ms to lack tlic proper r' authority to remove the i-tuff. Kmployes of It. h. Dennett stated 1 .that fire often breaks out In the refuse Idiirlnp the day and It Ik drenched with 'water by liremen siaiioneii mnii " by adding to the mess. "It Is MidRiiKcrinK our henltli with '.the terrible odor it gives oft when the din Rets on It. nnd constitutes a menaco to all the bulldltiBH In the neighborhood, jf fire ever broke out there again and jot out nf control, the whnln end of thw 'at (hrm. flic pile of waste reaches to the third itor of the Mnton warehouse, and blocks the Fourth street i-ntl of the itreet. A few da ago tireineii opened 1 passage on the north sldcwnlk. ' Stagnant Water a Mcnnce Water to the depth ot eight inches 1 under the mass und floods Commerce litrret to I.eithgow street, nbout half square east ot Fourth street. At 'that point thp choked sower rutrnnce Ibas caused a lake to form. Tins water ls eoTfred with scum nnd tiles are rrptfnt in creat numLcis. I A rumor Is currrtit among the mcr ehantn tlmt the stuff Is being kept In Mint 1 'condition untfl the underwriters 'have. 1 thance to Investigate the causo ot tlo blaze. So far, according to tlionv the lnutanee uuthorittes have failed to ap pear. Several neighbors have expressed tlie (tar that a typhoid epidemic mny result from the stagnant puddles of fiitlir water. DEATH RATE IS LOWER Week's Record Shows Improvement Over Preceding Seven Days ' Iteeords of the deaths for the week Issued todnv bv thn Division of Vltiil Statistics show that there were fewer deaths this week than the week pre 'Tlous. Deaths this week totaled 3."1 as ajralnst :t!)l. Compnred with the deaths for the Wiek endine July 18. lf)W. this showed decrease of twenty -nine. Among the causes listed were : Tirhold tetr 2 imi n SfirW ttstr t in.UfT8 1 Tulnrculosls o(T Ynr,r una lumord yd poplfxy 9 PnSmonia . . ... ". . . '" '. . ! ! ! ! ',?, ippfnuicitiB t Krlrh,'!. iluA.un . Homlrlile . ''.'''''' ..... -.1 ur Molcnt drnth "-, TODDAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES sVn.l.W.0"'"-. P.. ""1 Mildred &e7rr. MA S3a.''"' n,ld Am"J'1 "J1'""'' "uehhnttor. H841 N. Illh t.. and C;,u nI)"""',"n Hni " 'I'll t. Mljlon Jones 7.-.1I H . tl,hn.,,., .... ...... nuu Jiui'U nndu od nrlo imd IVimk ... ;.-''" ."'"nuriuire ht. S"k rt- -15- and MllUdR I Claru ,.. : i niii hi., nn.i irk... . .'' " I'll IMrn.1t! n.. J " ' !, It.. .. """III. tntlldnn V t - 'I2 '' t utifl ua-Tii.. M1. I'llU AL te1. j0 .N . ""' '"",n !. tr.ii. w'atta m bU '-"-111,6 Ail v rL :" ' f art. J"' v ?,'" -JW Miwi,r i. mui! way "ii, (UIO t'obbn Ctrk nark. ierl parlt V.SE"!?, .ur: " ;..V.h'- t- fcnd tj."" J AIllllArtau vaja ,-- ck llori.h, f ,,',,.-'""" . und und ana xu,,: Z-. 'a H. Hnllvwni .. '"?fflU ,,?'"'. "d Am, - "Mttn 7Sil a int. "'', Ii?4.rfc - lWyy ftSnr?'. r" "' "n,, Ml -.Ml rrciMmin lftti riii ,,,r,n "' rnk ii..lnn.U,..l0l3 I.I "worth t. IIn1ri tI.. M.',un,lnEdon t J'Ml) I.lln,,. 'Vl.?1.1."""'! t. I Virif ... Ei r, u f1?1"1- "'-' H. l-'ti, V H, leh Short, t'hester. , MVrion p"wr""n- " ivv in"! fa ..ml Mend Tomlln. sheriff of Suleiii conn- Hn,.w ' -"'"MuMZ '""" tv. N. J., and Miss Maud II. llenezct. Ch-rV:1. "oreysiM W' JtnrVt'on ' ""'1 ('ttl' Mft' (JoUrt IIollW' N ''" "V wir'te;1?'"" "n-f'-Ethe. alHo among the day's Hock in securing i1 n,m MuniiVn s'i,?, ",' icenses nr.d wcie murrU-d by nn Llk- '7'i"-'t "'- ft,", " ",in,8U'r' ,'f Dull "tI"'mJ!iu 'N; "" nt- ami I . '.""Per. iin-7 J,L" 1 "'-... . .-. ..,.. I TRAIrJ KILLS MAN IN CAMDEN "i?r" -Wm. H,7vvlll. r .' "'"""''I Ht. C-TX: n.'y""" Th1""1 S'fnrJ'j teJ-' ' 'Thin .t.. ami vh. '?nurth lntVl."l1? '- nd .Knea "aul Mnr.,,,i . ...'" inil 1 1rimKi.n .. .. 'Tuinrn Slmn ii, ,".ucl" t.. c''nt,o.i Hnkin.h"!iM?.ur,f' N- J. j-I'J MleniVrj iVoft''i,ulk""J. 1M., ank u ,V. ,' '"-0 Hpruee Ht ' rbi,S,C,.P.AL BAND CONCERT . im: .'ii 'aBBaaaMfci- V&WbW 1 MIKIASI K. DAILliV rlilludclptila girl, former Kctl Cross Morlicr. lio has sailed for Con stantinople to nld In Near Kust relict work.. Mlvt Ilnlley lives at 02.1? Urecnwny uvenuc HAZEL LOST HER HAT, THEN HER FREEDOM Police Follow Beflowered Cluo After "House lsvEntered and Arrest 16-Year-Old Girl If Hazel hndn't lost her lint Hazel Snend is her full mime, Hhe Is n sI:;teen-,veiir-old colored girl and lives on Alfred street near Queen lane, Germnntown. She was urn-uteri thlM nfternoon on a charge of forcible entry. According to the police, Hazel forced her way into thJ, home of Mrs. John Malr. 427 Mnnsberry street, where she formerly was cmplovpd. tup girl is sniu to have squeezed through n small rear wlndotv after ripping nwny u wire screeninc ulth u IIIp. TIip incident Is said to have occurred on Wednesday uigiit. As Hazel slipped through n window n neighbor saw hor and screamed. The girl ran from the house, but forgot to take her lint along, with the head piece as n clue. Detective MeFnrland. of the Germantown station, located the gin today. Police say slip ndmltted breaking into tlie Iioum-. She clulmed, they sny, she went In there for rngs. The house nail been unoccupied for a few days. INJURED POLICEMAN BACK Camden Authorities Give R. H. Stark a "Sitting" Job Raymond II. Stark, traffic patrol man, Is hack on bis old beat nt Twenty skth and Federal streets, Cnmden, ut ter tvto years spent In hospitals. The only difference is that, instead cf patrolling his bent on horVebnck, as he did before, he is holding down n com fortable chiiir, under a big umbrella, manipulating n "go" nml "stop" nlgn all day, and receiving the congratula tions of his friends, especially the chil dren. Ills nresent bent vtus his first one. Two j ears ugo, to be exact in June of IDl.S. 011 n dark night, he saw llamos shooting, from a house some distance away. He spucred his horse nnd gal loped to the lire nt top speed. T.io horse stopped so mddenly when Stark ut length drew n-ln thnt the patrolman wns somersaulted into the roiul. Hb left arm was broken badly. Tlie bone enme through the flesh und the. wound would not henl. He vus sent to several hospitals, but surgical skill seemed of no use. At length, at the Kpiscopnl Hospital in I'hiiuriclphin, a wonderful operation was performed bj which u piece of bone wns grafted from his leg on his nrm, und Un wound nt lust henled. He Is now well ugulii, though not an strong us befuic the uecldent. Elkton Marriage Licenses Klkton, Mil., July 17. Marriage li censes were grunted here todtij to Mi chael Ilutler mid Anna Hllger. John i S. Cooper and Mithryn Keelej, George mem nr an. Horning and Suiiili Long, Frank I). District detectives from the Thlrty Murrnv nnd .Mary Ressing, Michael ninth street and Lancaster nvenue ii,., i;,. .....I c.n(l,rl.i iT.iiMir.,. lint. , station were nut nn the case and testi- mond Mcrkle and Leonn Hlltuer and John Hummel and Anna Caisb-v all ot Philadelphia' Isalnh Jordon nnd Sarah IlelUler. Mo'rtoiivllle, Pa.; Hanev F. Mest nnd Laura Newman. Stowe. Pa.: Clifford Phillips and Klsie Strouse. Iliingnr. Pa. ; William C. Wunuenherg nnd Margaret C. Dolan. New York; Parvln Kurchner ,nnd Etliel Rower, Summit Hill, Pa. ; James l.iguore, Frnnkford, and Alice Wall. Ilrides burg: Ilnrry M. Foust und Ilnttie Toomev, York, Pa,; Andrew Conn nnd Mntililii Nelson, Detroit ; Francis (iuigg. Phoenix ville, and Freda Kiikner, Vnl ley Forge, Pa. : Rnllln II. TrnnMte. New York, nnd Mildred Allen, Ogdens burg, Ky. ; Herninii Rattersby, Clicstei, nnd Cindii Roberts, Hurrlsburg; Fran cis Cuth and Mildred Fisher. Allen town; Joseph 1'. Holmes, Chester, and Anna Jackson, rpltinri ; Frank W. Heers and Helen S. Arnold. Tunton; Frank J. Russell und Kntle M. Her niinger, Clifton Heights; Thomas Fogg. Washington, and Mary Cnirigan, Phil ndelphlajtolelvln L. Dinwel. Nework, mid Annn K. Gilbert. Philadelphia: Donald W. Stewart, Raltimoie. and Kathryn J. Rnnllnnd, Philadelphia. Wlllnrd Lancj. Cliest-r. and Mildred Long. I.ennl: Curl Reigler and Uizu- . , -im- " " I" " -...,.....-,. .- Inwnult Ifiiv Rf . thlrlV lMirr4 fMtl. II'-1 Fillmore street, Camden, was kuicu o u train today when returning ironi work, lie was crossing tlie micas at Jefferson street when struck by a Read lug truln. Ills skull was fractured. He died before lie could be taken to u hos pital. He was an emploje of the Arm htrong Cloth Works. Wills Admitted to Probate Tin, f.illnwintr wills weie admitted to probate today; Peter J. Itnrkt . 14118 (lntk Tln..,.l utr..t 1l .(II t : Murv Hilts, tlUt Garrett street. MS000. In ventories were filed in the estates of George Ascniigh. $2l.0."i2.()S; Julia S. IJengon. iri.Wl.lM ; Charles Stllwell. $.5110.1.78; George Zclgler, ?.'4 14.11. Skin Troubles Soplhed With Cuticura fiBT -i3, jirT - t - - - - hiiiw ". . . . TT- STILL UNREVEALED - i Detectives to Question Munn' Valot at Atlantic City to Unravel Mystory, THEORIES FAIL TO STAND nJtcetlves of the American llnllwnv Express Compnnv went to Atlantic City today In nn effort to substantiate their theory thnt the ii:ic1cnf oontnlninc the Munn dlnmond neeklnce wns shot into by some one who belleed It contained n bomb. They will question John Pupre, vntct to uurncp Miitin. In ,111 effort to find nut what happened to the necklace after It was delivered ut the Munn home. The detectives dcrlnro they have traced the neeklnce from the time it left Tiffany's in New York until It reached the Munn home ut Radnor. The bullet which plcn-d (he box contain ing the neeklnce nnd shattered n valu able dlnmond was fired nfter the pneknge left the express compnny'f. hands, they assert. Mr. Munn today ehurnrterlzed ns ridiculous the theory his survnnts might linve fired" on the paeknge -to toll n bomb plot. TJie mystery which surrounds the Fhooting wns deepened today when offi cials of the exnress Vninnimv luilnfeil out circumstances which seemingly con- j nice wmi n ineory niivnneed tlmt tlie shot was fired accidentally by nn ex press messenger. "Admitting thnt the enllber of the bullet Is the snine ns thnt curried by our .cxpiVis messengers'," sold one, "there still remnius the stntimciit of the explosive expert tlmt the bullet wns llred from n distance of nbout seventy flve feet. The exnress cars used nn the j ",IUIIU '"" " ""-' ki."i siTvirr are only sixty feet over nil. and much ! less Inside. To accomplish this the pneknge must have been the target of a jilstol placed further tluui the extreme limits of the enr would allow. When It is borne iu mind that the cur Is vir tually filled with bnggugc and freight, with only ten or fifteen 'feet of total clear space, the explanation becomes more dillicult n I it. i .,,;;' dlschnrged by one of our men the bullet l-ouhl not have trnvcxstd n spuei- of I more than ten or fifteen feet. 'then. too, boino of these curs have partitions. and it Is possble pne of these was on that run, although even disregarding this it islinrd to bcHcvu such n tliouiy." ; I it tlie r-uti v,iM tireil nr iipeltli-nrnllr ' IE1L? CLAYTON N J CELEBRATED t wasn't coming home till I found u OLHI IUIM,JM. J., UCUCDnHltajrtb j wn , rnrnpst... h;, M.lM. . ,.(, neignnorino. communities neip in stall New FIre-FlghtIng Apparatus This Is it-'rcd-Ietter dny in the calen dar of the town of Clayton. N. J., which is holding nn elnbornte eelegrntion in connection with the Installation of two pieces of motor the uppuriitus. i t. inyton wus given u combination pumper und hose wagon, nnd a com bination chemical nnd hos'u wngon, both of which are built ulong the most modern scientific lines, and lire ns up-to-date ns nny fire apparatus In this section of the country. Invitations to the celebration were sent to nil nearby fire companies, nnd among those present arc the companies of Woodbury, I'itmuu. OliiS'djoro, Wcst vlllp. Itllllngsport and Swcdesvllle. Com panies nre ulso present from more dis tant points IiH-ludinc Vlnelnnd and fii, ..in n.i.. .... .T.. .... .,.!. had one or more, pieces of appnratus. TAILOR HELD IN GEM THEFT Accuser Testifies He Left Jewelry In Pockets of Trousers Floyd Clnrk. n neirrn tailor. Filbert hthrrffi.LTMi'fh ,'1P" to tpUlton n matron street near Fortieth, wns held in SCOO t the Twenty-second nnd Hunting ball for court todaj by Magistrate inrt avenue station. "I hadn't had n Stevenson, charged with the larceny of drink for a yenr." ii $000 diamond stud and u gold ring. ..j hi-Hovo it tukes three months for x-r!'i" R'.'il""" ,Na? y- J" MnrM- -K;'1 the effects of pure nlcohol taken inter North Flftj -second street who teat!-1 nnv to work out of one'a sstem," re fied lie took a pair of trousers to ,..,., tIle Iliautrntc. "Until then von I juris m place on .Inne 1M to be-cleaned. and forgot to take the stud nnd ring ' 111.111 !.!!!. ! 111!' jrUlJAl'tltt ,, lll'll IIU L'iU to net the trousers the vulunbles were gone, nnd Clark denied having been Jled today that Clark sold the ring to ''is brother und attempted to pawn the diamond contained in the stud. I Kh.KIII I IIMli HIIIIH sJuriBT line nULLII'JU rUUn irUtll Detectives Arrest Men Who Try to Modernize Childhood's Joy , oiling lipop may be a recognized sport forchidren. but grow:, men who) 1.,.. . ..i.....,,u..v vnr-. ...u.,h niueau. are liable to nrrcst. j Two men. giving their names ns Kd i Casey und John bite nnd their Joint! uddress ns Tenth und Mount Vernon streets, were nrrested lust night bv Dih-, trlet Detective VeCni-mlnl: n,.,i f... Cnrthy, of the Tenth and Huttonwood wu added its ninth ferryboat to its stieets police station. Delawnre river fleet today, when the The detectives declare they discowrcd Ventnor mnde its inaugural trip. On Casey und White rolling the tlre nt June R' the Fame company put into Tenth and Wallace streets, und when service between Philadelphia nnd Cnin ehallengeil they ran. A chase of spernl Iden the ferryboat Haddnn Heights, a blocks followed, in which the detectives I sister ship of the Ventnor. The Vent ured n number of shots. They tinull nor is n steel boat 170 feet long, !V caught up to the men. - 'feet wide nnd 111 feet In depth. Supremacy TJie Selection of Pears, Diamonds and otfier Gems requires cm-expert knowledge of Quality and intrinsic Value The Reputation of 'tins Company is an assurance of" Quality Tfiue and complete Saisi&ction. Store closed Salurdtys cJuritf July and August. Ti.,' "y'. 'fcwST'Z' ' " "' r ' ' - "i''MJ"M' l.JIKISMa.JMJ j.- M I'nii n 1 111 l' -" -if citV halts nkwkst .TORHOKTTRR CITY HALUS NEWEST "JOBHOLDER" & ".. S .1. '4JV . . l.K. .J J, . SKA-.V.TV.i'. "flWC.J.IS i mBnat.i. i. xy. u y vi- ti ,t,t (wj-jv (i.o.:iA. is nHrt.HK.BB Iditr riiolo Service Maxwell Solomon, of Hi 111 ICastwIck ntenue, Is the enty of several hun dred ltepubllrnn Alliance woi Iters who want to become attached to the city payroll, but Just can't quite make connections. Max decided yes terday hu wanted n Job, ashed Mayor Moore for It, and now he is "per-. sonnl office boy" for Director of Public Yorlis Cnven 'GO GET 'EM' IS MAX'S RULE FOR CITY JOBS AND GIRLS Caveris New Office Boy Ready for Work at 7:45, hut Plans to Quit Early Today to Keep Really Important "Date" At 7:-ir oVloek this mornmi. Mnx wpll Solomon, fourteen jeaio old. nf, R41ft T!nslwlel: nventie. rushed lirentli- lonlv up to the Iron gnte nt the entrance . f i nfli-pu of Hip Deniirtment f 1'nb 1? 'KZ- rhl TT.m ' ' " lie Works Iff CltV Hull Thin was the riny appointed for Max well to take charge of things us the new office liov of thp department, nnd he wanted to be on time. 1 Tfn wnn. The office of the department didn't! open until f o clock, tlie n-gulnr time. When a yawning attache arrived at ' 1) nnd swung: the big doors open. Mux- .. ,. ,.. i . ,. well liurrieii.iii mm gui iirn. The Intrepid, .freckled -fined outh nlrr laid H,,. U duties for a few mmltos , told how ho had lushed ,nto Mnyor Moore's office where older nml iscr ofllcc-seekcM feared, to tu-ud. AdmJU He Isn't " oter "When I told my mother nnd father even nuve iimen u juu in summer school If they'd bine paid ine for It, Hut now my future nmj mj present, too. is assured. " Maxwell sboteil his linnds in his ul DISORDERLY ORDERLY A Man Named Kelly and Alcohol In Hospital Result Is Chaos The odor of alcohol in the drug room of the Jewish Hospital proved too much for Joseph Kelly, an orderly employed tln.ro vrslnnlni'. A fe,r tnltllltpM nfter -- - - and nurse were frnntlcnllf telephoning thp Ilrnnehtown police station and en deavoring to pneify Joseph. His con duet, by the time of the nrrlvnl of n policeman, wns such that a charge of resisting arrest was added to his woes. "The stuff snielled so good I couldn't resist it, your honor," pleaded Kelly this morning before Magistrate Diet?., . tnlt( u rcMt at the House of Cor-1 .-., TO DECIDE BRIDGE FATE Mayor, Wegleln and Connell to Hold ' ' . ... Conference Monday The Delaware river bridge pluns, ' us far us the Immediate future is con- (erned. will be decided on Monday ut I " conference between Mayor Moore. miini'ii K" ' Mii-mnii ui v. iiuiil-ii, - ,nn(1 (je0rge Connell, chairman of the, itnlilli u-nrkfi pnnimlttpp An enabling ordinance I now rest ing in tne puDiieworKs committee, imt lnlltteP until full, at the Inside, in the , ..pinion of Mr. Wegloln. "I am In favor, in uie tan, or sunmitting me prnpsltion to float a big loan Tor the , bridge to a vote of the people." ' - - i ""ol"B naB mno ""' The Philndelnhia and Itendlnc Rail- Reading Has Nine Ferries i At. y,.i l ulijiti-il hw hnniw 111 hW III. ii i .... I . y'". wc """ ' ""'." '"". ':" "uiuniny power, while tne cruiser i-ranatori nun renuy niieii-iu-ciiiiiiru, ,..j itrir,. nun nfternoons. J gotta admit J got n hree destrovers lire beinK towed by the jYS'rr.Ute".!.'!!?"'.! i:-,n,r, t'lH,.,,fn,,,,,on- "' I'll ln,t,nn)ort Hancock nnd three American rum i.u.i.iii-i, i vni.ij ii'.iiuin ii ,orill i'llllHilf ilium. lull Know now ' m n sM-eeni-rn ienr." he slid. "And there s nothlni! H.ovo rlr1 nre. Thev ivnnt In h,,n. I ""Si 8"lll !' ,".... ... .,....... to do before o'clock. I about everything ,, fellow do To damnEiMl beVond repa bv Itaown crew "Gee! It isn't near ns hnril landing I guess I'll have to tell her." !n X ," ' v""; tiled nn.i ! ' - --.- -- . -.,........ ... .. i .i .....j I n lob In Cltv Hull ns 1 thought. T didn't Imve liny pull, or anything. Fnct is T've never even otcri. "Wns I nervous when f went Into the Minor's oltire to gpt this job? The only thing I wns iifrnlri of wns thnt 1 might have gotten in tlie wrong plnce. Mr. Sinister, the Mnyor's secretary, told me the Mnvor didn't have nnv jobs, but that this position was open. The rest wns prtsy. They nre nil working hut me, .i b'- ...- ...... .,.- ...iti ,i r,f-i,-i. It made .. f..t 11K. n.. .. l..Mn TJ. I -r..n shcvlkH when the kid I was mibblng I IIll' lll"l I It. IT illll" til LII('il ILI14NIIII1 I111ll ' for camp back to the department store. "All the gang around Hlghty-plghth i street nnd Tinleiim avenue l nnii.pil My dnd say, I've Kot the ; rWit idea In gettln' into City Hall while I'm young. ' Starts Off With a "Date" Have I got n girl? Shucks, no Of course. I like 'em, but therp'.s too many to pick from to hnve onlv one. Oh. well, there Is on.. Klrl that I like n little. No. she doesn't live out nn way. No. not South Philadelphia. Yell. mm rigiu; up in .Mirui iniinneipiita i "Course. I wrote her u line just a little note, iiilnd j on telling her I landed this big job. This afternoon?! SERVANT. HELD IN ROBBERY Woman Arrested In Connection With Thefts In Walnut Street Home The police believe they will clear up the theft of $2000 worth of jewelry from the home of Mr. t and Mrs. William Levy, fi214 Walnut' street, in the arrest of n colored domestic. Jewelry, including severnl diamond rings und a bar pin. disappeared from the Levy home rrlday. .luly I). A , domestic. Mary Garden, of Arch street' near lifty-fourtu, wns employed by the Lcvys on that day. Yesterday the woman was re-engaged nnd .$20 in bills, numbered, placed nbout the house. A ?."i bill was stolen. The domestic wus urrested by District Detective Kennedy, of the Fifty-fifth and Pine streets station, She was held In SSOO bnil for a further hearing be fore Magistrate Harris at the Thirty second street and Woodland uvcn'ue stutiou this morning. STORE WORKERS AT OUTING Frank & Seder Employes Spend Day xf.1,,,,uafA,.y0 P?rk , a , .Members of the Irank und Seder Ilenelielal Association and mnnv nf their friends enjoyed the nnnual outing of the association at Alcjou Park, near Pitman. N. J. today. A program providing entertainment iu i-im-uiiuj nan uecu mapped OU and included bathing, baseball am t and ' other sports. , inncurn oi me association delivered seprai impjiiiy phraswl speeches. An Hnd dance music was furnished bv in orchestra. lurumneu oj nu MANN & DlLKS M0Z CHESTNUT STREET Notice Our Once-a-Year Sale Begins Monday, July 1 9th Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Goods About V2 Price Neckwear Shirts Silk Hosiery Union Suits Office Coats Golf Pants ' ' r ..e, ." M.fca MJa.MlMyiMlll I II 1 1 HWM nnoin io ninim. 5 Lfl H I 1 ftll BIPMII HIS TRIP DELAYED Now Would-Be Ocean Voyager Must Stay to Appear Against Couple Arrested MONEY FOUND ON WOMAN , ,, . . .Mn the aril of the couple's home ul A Russian on his way to the wharf, y;(7 Division Ktreet, Cnmden. to snu tor r.urope wns ronneii 01 ni today by pickpockets Two nrrests were made a few minutes later and the money was recovered. Trnflno Tresehupl. of 127 New street, was tho victim of the plck poekpt". The robbery tool; titnce nboaril 'crowded trollej enr nt Second street and Washington avenue. Trewhupl was tirocrnilttif in tin Annie wliprp tllP steamer ITn41-rf.,l iv n.n'.lv to sail for .. : " - Liverpool Tresehupl hud drawn the savings of the Inst six jenrs from u bank and curried It In n'wnlleUn his hip pocket As tiie trnllet enr neared Waslilngton avenue a man jostled him and a womnn wns Jolted against him, apparently by the swerving of the car. A moment later the Russian reached down In his pocket to discover his money gone. He shouted for help. Detectives Whnlen and C.ullntrhcr.'of the Hewnth mid Carpenter streets station, heard his shouts and arrested n mnn and woman ns they ullKlited hurriedly frnln the tiol ley enr ut Washington ncnitp. Police mii they found Trcscliupl'H mnnc in the woman's muff. The womnn proved to be Russian, und gave her name and address ns Idn (Jreena. i twcnt -two jears old, of Reiilnh street near Wolf. Her companion said he was Ilnrry Stuhl, thlrty'-llvo years old, of Seti-iith street near Wolf. 1 Muglstrnte Ituker held the man and woman under S.'OOO bnil each for court. Treelmpl went to the office of Lieu tenant nf Dptcctivea Wood In City Hall for his moiiev, so that he could board the Haerford. When Lieutenant Wood told him the money would be held ns nidenee against (he alleged pickpockets til" Hussinu threatened to kill himself. He was later nlncntcd by Lieutenant Wood's nssurnnco that the money would . . ... .". a ul returned to him I n tact alter the ti -la " "" ''iiegeu ucnii. ... ."Z7"" '" '"" a wife and two children In Russia. JO BRING PRIZE SHIPS HERE "" j 'German Craft May De "Junked" at Navy Yard Herman bnttle craft now proceeding to the Fniled States probably will be "junked" nt the Philadelphia Navy Yard, it wns learned todaj . There nre tivo surtni-n warsnips wiiicn werp nllotted to thp Pnlted Stntes. in - eluding the 22.000 -ton Ostfrieslnml This shin is coming over under her own sunk nt Senna Flow. The Ostfrieslnml hLLlh?. J".f armistice. The German flotilla left ltrest, July 13, and will nrrlve nt New York nbout August 3, nccording to an nouncement made by the Navy Depart ment. The peace treaty provides that the (Jermnn crnft must be destroyed within a year nfter their nrrival in America. They will go first to New York, then to Norfolk, nnd possibly will be shown to the public nt other ports. I CIV t VlCliilltU UHWV-I IV ll-linn V . DRINK PUROCK distilled water, a pala table, refreshing and sparkling thirst-quencher. It keeps you well too, by absorbing system im purities. Puroclc is produced In th largest distillation plant, devoted exclusively to drinking water, in the world. Our wagon will stop regularly at your office or horn If you write or 'phone. THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO. IlOS.Z-tthSt.. rwia. DRINK WATER Mo0 M "for f Ann f anil health" Silk Shirts Knee Drawers Madras Shirts Knitted Neckwear White Flannel Panta Overcoats Raincoats Bathing Suits MANN & DlLKS U02 CHESTNUT STREKT ' BABY KEPT- IN YARD; OTCDCATUITD ciMcn Wife Tells Court He Wouldn't 1 Let Her Bring Her Child Into the Houso A womnn In Camden testified today thnt her husband had refused to let her bring her child by another marriage into the house nml thnt slip hud been able to feed the baby only by stealth. The child, onlv twenfi nuiittlm old. was found, wenk und emncinted, lying Mrs. 'William V. Wnkli. n member nf the Soclet to Protect Children from Cruelty, testified that she had found the baby In the yard nnd had taken the child to the Cooper Hospital The child's father. Frank I.uehl. u laborer, vtns nrrested on a warinnt ehnrgliig erutetj obtained b) Mrs. Walsh. She appeal ed ugulnst him when -lie wns given a lienrlng today be fore Recorder Hturkhiutuc, In Camden. Mrs. Wnlsh testified lt.nl k?.p bntl Investigated the case and learned that .M'Te were three ehlldren In tlie fnnilly l lie eldest, lliree .Mills old. I.UClll M Child by u former in.inlago, wns welt fed nnd enred for. Mild .Mrs. Walsh, So wns u tlirre-months'ohl infant born of thp union of Luchi und his piesent Will". Tin. recorder inicstinm-il Mm. T.rielil. asking whj she hud neglected her twentj-miiiitlis-olri luili.v She answered that licr husband hnd i-ompelled.lier to do so und thnt she was afraid he would bent her if she ionised. Recorder Stackhoiisp excoriated Luehl. enlllmx film n brute, and warn ing 111 m tlmt lie would be nrrested on a mnnsluughter charge If the baby died. The stepfather wus fined $215. THREE HURT IN CRASH Trolley Car Strikes Motortruck. Woman Cut by Glass A woman and two men were injured when a Route 1M trolley car struck a motortruck on Seventeenth afreet below Alleghenv nveniie toduy. Tlie woman, a passenger In the trolley car, wns cut by glnss. She. woh treated bv a piuslelan nn the scene of the nc- eident. but refused to give her name. The men were William Owens, lT.I.'l Lip plncott street, driver of the truck, who wns slightly Injured, nnd Louis Cnstell. .124 North Tenth street, a passenger on the truck, who received a fractured right leg and was taken to the Samaritan Hospital. Owens was arrested charged with reckless driving. Falls Two Floors. Man Dies Thomas Ehly, fifty-nine yenrs old. died thl- morning In the Memorial IIos til tii I. Roxborouch. from u fractured "knll He was taken to the hospital on Thursday, following a full from nj.ee- '"d-story balcony at his home. ,W!S , Terrace street. , skull He was taken to the hospital on Here-Are Five Special Platters Try One Sunday 85c Klsli Shore Dinner UarbecurA Oustera fried mitt of Solr. - Tnrtnre Hauoi 7rtllrd Crab Xeto htrlna lUana French I'ried Potatoes $1.00 I.obnter Shore Wnnfr u, yob-ilfr. Haviaote Cherry Since Cocalnll haratooa Chip Sliced Tomatoes $1.40 Small Tenderloin Steak Fresh Zfushroomn O'lirien Potatoes Corn on Cob Lettuce and Tomato Salad $1.50 Breast nt Chicken r.noine Julienne Potatoes Lettuce and Tomato Salad $1.25 Blua Point Oittrri or Clams on Halt Shell Cflrrv Scullions Olives I 'jntiomme Jardiniere Cream of Chicken i,ta Trout Aautr Jfetnilire Choice of Itoast Lamb, Mint Sauce Stuifed Capon, Htblet Sauce i-ie KonrfaMfe Potatoes Vu- Green Peas Lettuce and Tomato Salad 3tacedolne of Fruit ou Maraschino Home Hade Pies or tee Cream Icea Tea, Coffee or itllk S aNSver Twelfth and Arch Sts. fKiitrunci- on lllh St.) CLALTJK V MOHU. Mar yjNIIHlInlr Von Taatril One of Onrlllinil? ( $1 Chicken and g i Waffle Dinners 1 Ily Our I'lnntntion Chef ;m-i Sumlio I'i m II t m We mirlullir III rutrrlnz lu I 1IIIh. WeJdlnm. Trail, etc. I 5 3 ! 1 DUTRIEUILLE'S CAFE 1 5tjmnniniiimii ho. idth mt. miiiitiiirjiiiiiiing rwonswew: Cblatie and Amrricio RtiUaraat - 1209 Market Street Special Sunday Dinner, 1.25 Urcbratru. lfoiiciua iruiu 1Ui12P.. umir i,iuicuniiu. ooa uiuiji-.u. n , 5SSS TEA serred 3 to 5 JO p.m. DINNER 6to7.30p.cn. MOELBERTS R SOFT A HARD BnRI.T, CRABS Now In iiiiod, Served Day Nlahi Uktrr i t'lumii Srrrd.ll Vrnrl.ounil Itouit Chicken Dinner, OUe -tot vim: ST.- imaimrjiiiiMiCiirarjiieiiraiiiiiiiMiiiiKitHiiiiiiininia ' EAT IN COMFORT 3 ; HhiCTetoDjtJ Q'Siiigiii?Lm;-yiiBTivj'smiK?tln yuwv niBiys.gity' I. .1 i1HHBHBIMHB iX, 7;: i i',V. 1 i m H Tn.R AKiniTQ Dflft HU I U UnliUIIU IVUU AND BEAT 1 VICTIM Blackj'ack Garage Ownor von,' . ' m White Horse Pike and Flea With $100 STEAL DOZEN NEW TIRES jj Two nnlomobllp bandits blackjacked the mnnnger of n garage along tht White Horse pike near Elm below Hninmonton. X. J., early thl morninf, put tho telephone wires to prevent 'de tection, and robbed the cash reglntcr-of S100 end took a dozen new tires, The men then drove off. A "flier" wns sunt nut to nil cities In South Jer' sey to be on the lookout for the pair, t The garage mnnnger who was at tacked nnd knocked unconscious is Anthony Jullnnn. He wns found a hnlf hour after the hold-up by a passing niitnmobillst nnd wns taken jp nn auto mol lie lo a doctor In Haimnonton, CnnitJi-i! police were notified to be on the looLoitt for the men. us they Svere snld to ii.hp headed for thnt city. Juliiiuo gave n good description ot the men. He said they drove, up ns tllOtlcli intending to but .oil I W hllo his back wns turned he was Rtrncl; over-the Iiend bv n blackjack rand knocked down. The bandits then tiro. ceeded to safeguard their movements by cutting the telephone wires. The hold-up is another of the scries; of crimes which hnve been committed nlong the White Horse pike since the first of thp yenr. Automobiles figured Inrgcljr in nil. Citizens In Hnddnn Hciajits. Hniiituoiitou. Ilerlln and other towns along the pike hnve formed vigilant so cieties to curb the robbers. Fire In South Street 8tore A fire lu a stock room on the third' story rear of Joseph Cohen's delicates sen store, -120 South street, was dis covered at 11:4." o'clock this morning. The cause of the (ire has not been de termined. The damage Is estimated at ST00. &&EStes &SrMX,M.n.X UNEQUALED1N PURITy If pure food, why not pure water? PARADISE SPUING COMPANY Bruntwick, Mains Cincinnati, OhU MiTcnm.1. FLirronc Ga. FINIJCT ASKUt Co. e ROOSCVttH INN m$5mm& North-st Bouleyard at tho Electric Arch DANCING EVENINGS Best and Coolest Floor in Town fl FIVE KINGS OF SYNCOPATION REFRESHMENTS Danes Parties Catered To Our Autcn at Uarrrott St & 1 irinklom Aye, every 0 mm. Under liirection lUSingailajiA WLL.COTT' Iteculiir 'ervlir nr ufrlrrlii I lint or Siititil I.unihrs. In-f far i rlmllne Sniin nml lrarrt ,r I till tloor. Shrrlilini lllilit.. f'mJ "S.E.Cor. 9th & Sansom Hotel Jorra.ite W. B. KUGLER, Manager Broad at Fairmount Atjb. ROOK GRDMN table d'hote jHcheon 75c daily Table d'hote Dinner $1.00 daily SUNDAY $1.50! DINNER DANCING After 9i00 P; M. Music Director w- CHAZIN Formerly Conductor of Orchestra 1 BBBB5SD-s!llcSaBBH WeWP 'TLKWW m Can't You $' W Park Your Car 'M H on Broad Street? ' M j I PARK IT AT m MiMI i mnt Co. I flWJ lJBd, rMwAtt. i ' "Uir.aaaaW 1 J I'-, '.in-,'1 7v ltm s ','!'. rv ' k r K.l n'4 ii M '!' M & f : i -1' a a n i Try our cool, rerretlilnit lunchet. Eagle Restaurant, 23 N, 11th " thn "doodles" la our Wtndou KUGLER'S RESTAURAKTtl -m-iuiiiTiim'Maff:-im.-t.i.-i.-iiMffliiriiT-1Tn!; f j-pnrailTl aHJ 1 . H itfit s I -A X', AtiV"- -iLlFZ' l . ,& . it h i' iN'"-, ,.. t lKsa -ajfiiiiaiibj nt trMl - ,V1 'f , ,C'i A''ny ,..,- ti.y 'h . .. Sv SlZjEtftt .ri.' i . rl . , . L k.t "k lwtJ "-cj i ""I-'iflrT .