Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 16, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA FINANCIAL, Page 7, Image 7

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    19. ) . " TTORfcY"
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Wynne Tells of the Dance at Newport's Torpedo
fff f; Tonight She Hears of Various Doings
in the Social World
. . k nultc some excite
mUEBE'S to , be q fl fnr
I .. nn Bt c"r ...i. ...Ivcn are
' ?ii..tt if their new
5 cww k"now the Motion if. on
"dJC8& the war when I
" "?' Newport to. Tames.
II tui V "F :--.. on the near ;
to"' .PtJ Vha t Ihrrc wad always n nit
VkrhrrT- 'S?! .iin near said inland,
MBM5i.i taTei were that there were
"riunhe whole of New"
kir.nndJ.mtoW and .urroundlM
port - ,
p!f- t - p mine at the en
A4 there m m" , d t0 b(!
lfw thP SI' All River boat to
tKut J ttlM t ,,flrt t ,o Into
Srt't'V Mffllitt Tier and
od between "nBa d WQr
J3Mih?party will be quite romnn-
To,Dlgh.ti! ieVt will all have to go
e- KMSfin bontn. or perhaps,
Srffc no 0,,,cr wny ot
VWli Irtta K. Treneh. 17. 8. N.,
?C Trench Vll receive the guests.
K"-by "vcral other olTicers and
tbtlf w.- . .
RS. HAIUU n "" --- ,
She i staying with
Me ,riJ' S".m remain with
Mn' EMt a the t n e she will be
!',?, I un.lmtoo.1 Mrs,
. Mt cnuDiry. "' . . i.
&' Wwtad? ,oVFrnne about
".hta1 month, if not sooner.
tt end of th ninaiii.
W 'f ' doD ot want to stay
iatu tr but will Join him
i..i,. nir!s fchortl.
PEAKING of Europe reminds me.
rmnon are DOTini a """-
T ! BirSSd Save ee "about'1 all
Mr. DncWl1 aDdvhe i fo w t
Prfc h. .on, .broad o bu I
proved, kpowln, Mr, Ujjk. -
jure mm wii b" '- T ,-'.. at
f'ti worn oi nm limn-.- , .
,M 'henries, he wm better, so I hoe
ill will go wen.
OF COURSE, the girls of Bryn
fnn-r nnrl fnrmcr eirls of Bryn
M8t were muchly interested yester
day in Helen Taft's marriage. pu
Vnow it took place up at Point-A;
Pie, Murray liny. Can., nt the Toft
home. The eieiV-ment at uryn .uawr
wi great when the rumor that the
acting president was engaged to i-reu-
ericlt Jonnson .uanmng ninriru bui"
about. And, In spite of denials, most
of the girls believed it was true, x uen.
about commencement time, Miss Taft
acknowledged that it waH so, and the
dati of the wedding was announced.
Somehow I think I would rather bo
mirried in my own enuntry, but c 'icr
wis, wasn't it a perfect spot to choose
for a July wedding?
.How we all would have sweltered at
the wedding yesterday, hart it been hern,
for Instance. And, too, the bride
arolded much of the publicity which
rould have entered into the affair nt
Ut winter home. The Tnfts have spent
t number ot summers at .Murray liny,
to t probably seems like home to the
LILY, who is five, was seized with
the spirit of rebellion the other day
tnd for no known reason took her older
lister's rag doll and proceeded to cut
oi ill its clothes.
Mother took Lily into her room and
U1W to her seriously, and showed
Itr how wrong she had been. The
Ml had not been hers and nhc had not
cnlj taken it from her sister, but she
lid destroyed another's property. Lily
littned respectfully but wns apparently
tttirly unperturbed. fiTie made no
ramtk when mother had finished, and
u mother desired some show of sorrow,
lie followed her young hopeful Into the
tut room.
What did she see. but Lllv nih'nncmrr
Won her own rag doll, which wan the
km ct her life, and which 'she hugged
hit: arms every night us she traveled
(l to dreamland. LIU- Mlzpti tim ,inii
JiJ ilimmed it into the wasto paper
1 ."Why Lily." said mother. "I don't
u wnnt to make of you, what
Mm you behave this way?"
Lilr Still fcnlrl imHilni. kt.t .t..H.
wooll from the bcrnp basket she sat
P lefore her on the chair and iu u
si;, severe voice remarked: "I
ratlinow what to make of you. you're
WiJ getting me into trouble."
tertvs August 1 for the PoconOB, where
they, wll stay until September.
Sir, nnd Mrs. Joseph J. Smith, of 1825
Do Lnncey place,' will spend the month
of AueUBt at Devon Manor.
Mrs. Alexander C. Ynrnall. of Wvnne-
wood road, Wypnewood, is visiting; her
slater, Mrs. Qcorero Miltorr Jones, of
iiunoaia, vv. vn.., for a lortnignt.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kendrlcks. of
Ardmora and Turnhrldgn nvenun. Ard.
more, are spending the summer at Caps
Among those who were entertained at
tin dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. John
O. Pew, of Springbrook Farm, Bryn
Mftwr, on Wednesday evening In honor
of the launching of the ship I. J. White
at the Sun Shipbuilding Co.. Cheiter,
which took plnco on Wednesday, were
Miss Frances Brlghtwell,, of Charles
inn, W Vn.. who neteri nn snonnor of
tbo ship; Mrs. II. I. BrlnhtwU, Miss
Kllsabcth Brlghtwell. Mr. I. C. White,
nf Morenntown. W. Va.. Grandfather of
the sponsor, and for whom the ship was'
named, ana juns iva few.
The Bev. and Mrs. Harry Itapsome
and their daughter, Miss Juliette Ban
some, hava gone to their stfmmer home
at Lacorrln, N. H., where they will re
main until September.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bolts and chil
dren, of Ardmoro. are v.ltlnc Mrs.
Botts's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thornton
Lewis, of the Meadows, White Sulphur
Springs, W, Va,, when they will remain
until October 1,
Mr, and Mrd. Edward H, York, Jr.,
nf Havrford, will bo the guests durlne
August of Mr. York's parents, Mr. nnd
airs. Edward H. York, at their summer
home at Grande Beach. Mo.
t'r. fidwnrd C. Burton will ko nxt
week to Chicago, where he will attend
the building nnd loan convention as a
Pennsylvania delegnte. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Burton returned recentlv to their home
In Chester from an extended trip through
California and the West.
Mr. and MrB. Herbert S. Casey, of
Kent road. Wvnnowood lft on Moridav
for Wlnnewaekn, N. Y., to bo gone for
several "weeks.
Mrs. B. P. Alllnson, of Lancaster av;
nuo, Haverford. Is spending the, summer
nt Buck Hill Falls, Pa.
Mrs. Walter Graham Arader, of Wi
ley Park, entertained at a luncheon on
Tuesday In honor of Miss Agnea C.
Kraft, of Wllkes-Barre. Miss Kraft U
the guest of Miss Madelon M. Nlessen.
of Twelfth street nnd Oak lane. Mrs.
Arader will leave nidley Park on Sat
urday, accompanied by her son, to spend
the remainder of the summer nt her
parents' cottage at Avalon, N. J.
Mlsa Anna Gugert and Miss Laura
Ojigcrt, of Wayne, are on a camping trip
with a party of friends nt Lang
home. Pa.
Mrs F. a. Llppert, of Phoenlxvllle,
has been visiting Mrs. F. A. Ougert in
Wayne this week.
Miss Frances Haines, formerly of this
city, ;vho has been living since her re
turn from Florida with her nephew and
niece. Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Packer, of
Newtown, Pa., left there to pass the
summer in the Adlrondacks, N. Y.
Mrs. Walter M. Steppachcr, of
Meadowbrook, Pa., has as her "guests
for the summer Mr. ami Mrs. Max U
Young nnd family, of New York. Mrs.
Youngr will be remembered as Miss
I'.ona. Hteppacher, daughter of Mrs.
The Epsllon PI Sorority held Its reg
ular meeting on Saturday at the home
of MIsb Evelyn Peckworth, of Brook
line. The members present were Miss
Sara Bailey, Mlsa Harriet Doan, Miss
Janet Grimes, Miss Helen Porrell, Miss
Marjorie Ryan and MIbs Margaret
Mr, Frank E. Garden, of the Mary
land, has left for Xorth Lovell. Me..
wnere ne win remain until September.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlllebrand, of
Oak Lane, are spending the summer In
the Pocono mountains.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Ralston Rodgers. Jr.,
of 49J2 North Tenth street. Logan,
will leave on August 1 to spend the re
mainder of the season In Ocean City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Pflleger of
6007 North Twelfth street, Logan. re
occupying their summer home In Atlan
tic City.
Mrs. Edward C. B Fletcher and her
children, of Aubrey and Kent roads.
Uynnewood. will leave tomorrow for
Avalon, N. J where they will spend the
remainder of the summer.
MIhs Dorothy Faust, of Merlon, is
spending a few weeks at the Stockton
Villa, Caps May.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Beet, of Bala,
are occupying a cottage at Stone Har
bor for the summer.
Mr, and Mrs. Warren P. Laird, of
South Highland avenue, Merlon, Is
spending the summer months In the
Miss Mary McCowan, of Trevor ave
nue, Cynwyd, la stopping at the
Lafayette, Asbury Park.
Mr. Edward P. Llpplncott, of Becldey
and Wynnewood avenues, Merlon, Is
leaving for Seattle, Wash., where he
win spend a month on a trip along the
Dr. and Mrs John Chapman, of South
Latches lane, Merlon, have taken a cot
tage at Ventnor for the summer.
f, ,'. i'''f&it'!3QinMKinPMHBMBBMVl? i
'9pSt V H wamEMjfcMningpnnninf uSkB
& rJMiwJz" - ' . rmpmi
CTwittSWsXi' ft ti m t, Ji?-.i1 22f
i,. , . i . . cyn.,, J
beth Fnrniim. nt 1T North Flftv.
fourth streot, and Miss Florence BecU-
eii. ot urjs Harlan street, are Bpenainff
a few weeks nt Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard II. Powell, of
4B21 Springfield avenue, announce the
marrlago of their daughter, Miss Anna
McCullough Powell, to Mr. Charles W.
Campbell on May 29. Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell will bo at home after August
IB nt 6429 Angora Terrace.
Tho Femaret Girls' Club spent thn
weea-cna ai Hopewell, N. J, iney naa
nB their guest, Miss Marian Ardell, for
merly or New York.
Mrs. H. N. Street nnd her daughter,
Miss Virginia Stroet, havo returned to
their home In Providence, R. I., ufter
vlsltlnir Mrs. Htreet'K ntnter. Mrs. Wil
liam Downs Anderson, of 4948, Hazel
Mrs. a. Cohn, of 4411 Chestnut street,
Is spending some tlmo at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Adams, of 810
South St. Bernard street, have returned
to their home after visiting Mrs,
Adnms's parents nt Colorado Falls, Fa.
Mrn. Halnh v. Mnmi nrt her tonbv son.
Ralph F. Moos, Jr., are guests nt Had.
don Hall, Atlantic City, until about
September IB, when they will return to
their homo nt 1023 North Sixty-third
street, Overbrook.
, i
Miss Helen Bowe, of Wendover street,
has gone to Atlantic City to spend part
of July.
Mrs. Augustus Welsh, of Main strest.
with her daughter, Mlsa Dorothy
Welsh, will leave shortly to pass n. fort
night in Wlldwood, Mr. A. A. Welsh
will leave next week for a tour through
Pennsylvania, stopping at Altoona and
Miss Mary Fagan, of Terrace street,
left last Saturday to spend uome time
In Atlantic City.
Another sojourner In Atlantic City
from this section IbIIss Mnrgaret Wall,
of Wendover street.
week-end In Wlldwood as tho guest of
Mrs, Hamilton at her cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Frorfep, of
102 Rochelle avenue, and thuir family
have returned home after spending the
enriy autumn in ucean uiiy. wrn
days Mrs. J
has as her guest for several
Barton Paxton. of west
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hnlnes Prlco
have returned from their wedding Jour
ney, ana win ne at nome at eprosrue
street, Mount Airy. The bride was Miss
Anne Hnslett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James It. Hazlctt. Mr. Price, who was
formerly of Sumao street, went overseas
with the Unltod States army at the be
ginning of the world war and remainea
abroad thre months with the army ot
Among the guests present at a la-wn
party gtven by Mlas Dorothy Langham
at her home on Markley street, in
honor of Miss Marlon Hunt, of Williams-
port, Pa., wore Miss Helen xnomj
bride, whose gown wag of orchid Baro
net satin. Tho best man was Mr. Fred
erick llless. brother of tho bridegroom,
and tho ushers Included Mr, Harry Lae,
brother of the bride, and Mr, Henry
Sines and Mr. Carl lues's, brother of the
bridegroom, Among thoso present nt
the reception were Mr, and Mm. Thomas
Boyd, Kir. William ltlets. Mr. und Mrs.
John Kurtz, of Trenton, N. J. : Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Sines. Miss Emily Sines.
Miss Catharine Sines. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Georgo Endlcptt, Mr. nnd Mrs Adolph
Laekenttitiver. MK and Mis.
Moiener. Mr, ana wr.i oeorge waver,.
Stolt. M'sx Anns
ixrjio, .Mi. , mum imi
Kolthlv. of Padurah. Ky
Covle. Mr. .tnd Mm. Su
Mr. ami Mrs Benjamin Walker,
i. J.l'l4tTVf.l.
HoWMjM -V,
. ',
Mr. and Mia Oesran i:eltret. Mlsa VOriij. ' im
Trrts, 3iiM ainnjo.M,,
and Mrs Clarence Walker, Mr. end Mrs, ,'
Trerrs. w. wiinam wray. Mr ssnaerufY?': ft
I 'y'i
, o
nt lA'i
Mr. JArniil
Mr. .tnd Mm. Humuel Vln44-ft.,tf
Warren Hewlett
F.rwln Btisli an
Mr. and Mrs Rl
wending trip In
Mlsa Annie, Le, 51fi3 jf.
1 Mrs. Sarah aougftlA"? !
eeo will spend tnetftA V5
.iuiit'iu Ktiiyi
. i.m
I'hoto by Fhota-CrA(ter.
Mrs. John Y. Iluber, Jr., of Wynnewood, nnd her two attractive children
fl.a Vlnnnra T)l1u TI TleatriCe
Jarrett, Miss Dorothy Oresh, Miss
Emma Roherts. Mli Catharine Beltzer
and Mrs. David M. Bauer.
Miss. Catharine Yeakle, of Da Kalb
and Wood streets, entertained twenty
guests at auction bridge In honor of
her guest. Miss Harriett Balfe, of New
York. Favors nt cards were received
by Miss Gertrude Hunter, Miss Eleanor
Shoemaker and Mrs. P. Frank
Hunter, Jr.
Harris, Miss Elizabeth Hette, Miss Alma
Bertsch, Miss Edith Haines. Ming
Naomi Blechoff and Mrp. Paul W. Boyd.
, Mr. and Mrs, Claude B. Hagy and
their son, Master Richard Hagy, of 138
West Mount Airy avenue, aro spending
some tlmo in Reading.
Dr. Harold 8. Broomall and Mrs.
Broomall, of 7201 Creshelm road, are
receiving congratulations upon the birth
of a son.
tho summer at tho Breakers. Atlantic
Mrs. J. Wcslcott and daughter, Miss
Adeline Westcott, of Twelfth and Jef
ferson streets, nro visiting relatives in
Albany, N. Y., for several weeks.
Mrs. I. Plant, of the Hotel Majestic
has returned from Atlantic City, where
she spent several days with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Segal, and
has gono to Phllmont, where the Is
spending the summer.
Miss Martha Nswberry, of North
Eighteenth street, Is entertaining Miss
Gladys Summers, ot Toledo, O., ns her
guest for a fortnight. Before returning
home Miss Summers will spend several
weeks at Atlantic City, visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson at their cottage in
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Loeb, of the Lor
ralne Hotel, have left for Summit
Springs Hotel, Poland, Ms.
Jr. and Mrs Edward Garrett McCol-
jwunce the engagement of their
riii. J ri. """" naiitucn rtrneu, son
l?:M&,rJ- William Woodward Ar-
t.... Inn enKa
WUinTIP Mlei. T.P...I I ,., .
Mil, . ..' n , . ""'anno Williams SIC-
SV. "rf. Jonn "ancocK Arnett,
wm JU5 Pine street Miss McCollIn
f.ltTlduate nt tv, Ain.. e iqir n..n
SrCS.11,B.e' lector Arnett is a grad
3At the clans of 1912, Princeton, nnd
Ir: University of Pennsylvania Med-
t..iwvi lui&h oi ;yju.
liL"l? xir"' j0bn Barkley FUher, of
Wall, Pn , formerlv of St. David's.
e in v Vf" Ka,hryn Audenrled Fish-
titlkter. !
Jk.!;Ir' Jol,n McDowell Sharp 3d, at a
fi&.t the William Penn Hotel,
H.. J"' y"terday. In honor of Miss
jgw Turner, ot Crnfton. Pa. Mlsa
mt a graduat ot Wllnon Pnlleire
V. ,L - ' '
Jj-Miro is a non of Mr. nnd Mrs. Will
c, onarp. of Chambersburgi Pa., and
" trajuate of Phillips Andover Acad
t!I, ?.', Princeton University. Mr.
H,?". Fisher and their family lived
- in tins city
i if1 JIrs' Langdon Klwyn Mitchell
eL..wiuc th'r daughter. Miss
Wt "nicneii. next winter, at two
Sbe given at their home, 2220 De
ccey itreet
lm. Qraham Wood entertained the
&.! ' 'he "Weeders Club" at
fit, ' ". "lossoni Hill," her home at
" On Wpdnesrtnv
i fe and Mrs William II Hamilton
' rtlii...l a .!. jj, .!
fcj... ru uom ineir winning nip
kJi .. now the guests of Mrs Hamll
tiiffren,. ' and Mrs. Samuel M
C.'. ?l the'r homo. Broadlawn.
gsyont Mr8 Hamilton was Miss Con
wl. Vauclaln, whose marriage
MflUmer, Bryn Mawr.
feH Emory McMlchael and his son.
NiS,"rf,'!n McMlchael. of Knoll House,
Mrs. William F. Ansley. of 4939
Florence avenue, has returned to her
home after visiting ner son ano daurlv
ter-ln-law. Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. Ans
ley, of 4511 Regent Btreet, who are
spending the summer at their cottage
at Sea Isle City. They will return tn
this city In the early fall.
Miss Helen Farnum nnd MIbs EUza-
...M'8S.. Ircn8 K- Asn n"d her sister,
Miss Eleanor Ash, who have been pass
ing the early summer In Atlantic City,
have returned to their home, 1203 North
Twenty.ftfth Btreet
The Ocean City HoBtess' League,
composed of Phtladelphlans who spend
the summer at their Ocean City cot
tnges, has opened its rooms on the
Boardwalk at Sixth street, and has been
entertaining convalescent service men
from the Philadelphia Naval Hospital.
Mrs. Kenton Warne Is president of tho
league ; Miss Anna Creth, vice presi
dent i Mrs. Adam Kesj lor, Jr., corre
sponding secretary: Miss Eleanor Fer
guson, secretary : Mrs. Frank Webster,
treasurer, nnd Mrs, Benjamin F. Mas
chal, asslitant treasurer.
The following will leave tomorrow
'morning to s;jend the week-end at a
house party at Wycombe, Bucks county:
Miss Winifred Hartman, Miss Rosa
lind Weavar, Mies Henrietta M. Rohlfs,
Miss Msrth Horner, Miss Khthryn Kel
ler. Mlna Helen Klein. Mlsa Ethel Tay
lor, Miss Qrace Kett, Miss Estelle
Reed, Miss Helen Kletnsmlth, Miss
Christine Mosler. Miss Matilda Mayer
and Mlsa Mildred Kornbau,
Dr. nl Mrs. J. C Flynn. of 1225
North Sixth street, are occupying ,thelr
cottage In Ocean City, and have .vlth
them their son-ln-Iaw nnd daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Douglass.
Mrs. Daniel W. Hlldreth Is spending
July at Cape May.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Humphrys. of
1S32 North Eleventh street, with their
daughters, Mrs. W. T. Andrews, Mrs.
E. W. Koeher, Miss Florence Hum
phrys and Miss Kathryn Humphrys. are
spending the summer months at tho
Hotel Seaside, Atlantic City.
Miss Emily Loralna Brldgen. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Brld
gen, 1910 West Lehigh avenue, is spend
ing a month In Mahanoy City, Pa.,
where she Is the guest of her aunt. Mrs.
S. B. English. Mlas Brldgen was for
merly of that city.
Minn Rai'hel Harrison, of Rutland,
Vt., Is spending the summer as the guest Mutr!Hriq Diet for All Accnl
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Costella. of WUWIUOUS uict. lor Wl ftgCS
Susquehanna avenue. Quick Lunch at Home or Office,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Greenhouse, of 1507 I "
North Sixteenth street, are spending jj ImUath)aS Uit SubltitutCS
Mr and Mrs, Leon Leopold and their
little daughter.'MIss Sylvia Leopold, and
Mrs. C. Einstein, of 6629 Torrsdale ave
nue, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Leopold, of Atlantic City, for
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Brumbaugh,
of Torresdalo. have left orr a three
weeks' motor trip to Ohio and will re
turn by way of Niagara Falls.
Miss Jane Henbumo. of Harrison
street Is spending several wceko In New
Rochella. n. x as tno guest or Air. ana
Mrs. C. Thompson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Piling, of 4628
Lelner street, nna Mr. nnd Mrs. Aitrcti
Anderson are spending tho summer at
Lako Pauipnc, I'ocono mountains.
fl. TAtlna A hpIahhkh tnaltl dltfe.4t 4) Tl a
ikllBS, JC CHWU aiiuciduii wm aiiuuu me.
Rless Leo Wedding
An Interesting midsummer home wed.
dlrtg took place Wednesday evening,
when Mies Amy Lee, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. James Lewis Lee, of 3107
Columbia avenue u-aa married to Mr.
Walter Rless. the Rev- J. M. Tweedale
officiating. The hriHe. who was given
In marriage by her father, wore a. gown
oi Dnani satin cmbromerea wun crys
tal beadn. tulle, veil with wreath of
orange bloesoms, and carried a shower
bouquet of roses. Tho matron of honor
was Mrs. William arlmwood, sister of
the bride, whose dress was of white
Baronet atln, and tho bridesmaid was
mips Anna Lee, nlso n sister ot tne
Why do we sell more
Sumatra Blend Coffee
than any two of oar
lawer-prteed brands?
Because better can't be hsdl
Mann & dilks
11 t3K-Swr
n J! T rvl
.. V V 11 Yvt
W ft 1 Al Nt N
Sale of
Ladies' and Misses'
Girls' and Junior
Suits and Coats
19.75 24.75 29.75
Tyrol Wool nt these prices
a saving of almost a
Styles That Arc Wearable
This Fall as Well as Now.
Ladies Hats
Vz Price
-i. .
1 0.1
What's the Big News That's Going All Around Town?
The Perfect Water Paint
Durable Flnlshe t I.oiv Cot
John C. Oeters, Mir., Phila.
i i vMKSvTOilSKilW Safe .
I )WmS&RP Milk
For Infants
& Invalids
No CooUsg
r i
.' i
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Johnson, of
10 East Mount Pleasant avenue, and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalgllesh, of 8301
Ogontz avenue, are motoring through
Miss Jean Neel, of 124 West Mount
Airy avenue, is visiting her grandfather.
Dr, H. A. P. Neel, at Tacofty.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Austen Carey,
Jr., have Just returned from their wed
ding trip and are at home at 1921 Colo,
nlal street. Mrs. Carey, who was for
merly Miss Jane Stretch, was given a
surprise miscellaneous shower on Tues
day ovenlng by the members of hor
sorority, the Alpha Sigma, who Include
Mrs. Elmer C Taylor, Mrs. Harry He
brank, Mrs. H. Bellmar Conley, Mrs,
William Hershey, Miss Alice Duey, Mrs.
Charles A Carey, jr., Miss Gladys
Vance, Miss Helen Conine, Miss Marlon
2 m
Bo on a trip to the Noith-
lltoilJ? a Vnncouvor and Seattle.
- IftUECL in lift (.aha aUnti, .Itf ,ir.o1,B
' " " ""I "' " """"
a rT lrlt8 M' Lea, of Westthorpe
Vtii , on' ls now In Boston for a
ty )?,"?, weeks as the guest of Dr.
Irtr. n Henry Pepper Vaux. of
Tr,w for a trln of two weeks.
l5'oJ!ldr,MrB' Edward Browning, of
Km .0?lm,ont '" ovl Sunday last
li, ,r tO their rnllnr. nl Tlnr liar.
JJ" where they wilt remain durlns
Kiohn C, Groo'me. of Tlrwn Mavr.
j3Jlnr the summer at Winter Har?
tS.?Ir,lvJ. Lawrence PanCoast.
Ns?;.! a tt the wngllton noiei)
r" cjty, f0r. purt'of 'the umrner,
tut H wun. ii-Ja n.iiv
suii ;.";"'" .rv" --:,v,i
Tr- vi. wingm, vurawwts, wiii-.r
BEtflrfl WITTTiiniU'PBJBni fllHtfnSHiTOOTf wJffiHgfBBTl
It On
The Pot
' w.u
Because your coffee
does not come up to
your idea of appetizing
excellence even
thoueh you do pay a good price for it is not
necessarily the fault of your method df makinc
coffee. You can lay the fault to the fact that you
buy coffee in paper baRS. Coffee packed in bag!
is continually losinc its strength and flavor be
cause the oils in the coffee beans are beinc evap
orated. MorninB Sip Coffee is packed in tllp cover tins
that keep every particle of strencth, flavor and
goodness in the coffee. For that reason with
Morning Sip you use only one-half the usual amount.
A pound of Morning Sip goes twice as far and
decreases your coffee expense. Morning Sip
Coffee sells so rapidly that your grocer always
has a fresh supply on hand.
Your first taste of Morning Sip will show you
how good coffee really can be when all the
strength is kept in the coffee. Try Morning
Sip Coffee. '
Sold By All Good Grocers
Packed In tin to keep the flavor1 in
Boasted and Packed by
Alexander IShepparcl, & Som
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$3,000,000 SALE
of Men's, Women's and
Children's Low and High
L?flBMt&&- f
m shoes in
In sB$Mm B '8 e eycn of events! Nothinpr like it has ever before 'ykqilMr rJm
w been attempted in Philadelphia, and it will be a long, long mMy(Cmm
Irowidw - tne beforo vou wi cvor see tno li,t0 of il Thousands of 'HpT Ml"ll,h f
fyPwSRa--TTS persons are crowding our big store daily, snapping up the big JWvf " ' ffSim
if NBSla' bargains they find everywhere about them. And if you need ri?3w. J&YM
,i llM shoes now or want to fit your children up for this fall, by all Rasp. ?
Nv "fflf means come in TODAY! IK''M. rfl
2 1116-1 18-120 N. 8th St. 1 tSgJMm
'HHBIHI Open Fri. Until 8 P.M. f; ll&r Jjl.
WmmSt. A Saturday Until 10P.M. f JW
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flit '.
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