nn Tffrzrw jrrnr i 'iV i.y ,'" K. -5-f . j .A x i.H J "-' ir jaw vs. r '. "i. . t ,' ' 1, 1 I if" IJi T BjnBNEfiiSttftMO LEDGERPffli;Ar)BDl?HIA FfelDAiT, 'o! JULY- 16, 1920 i rv 'r iBEWAID . . nnAU. nf St. PhillD Rev. J. J" nuu""'' . i . .i-.! nnns to St. Gabriors 00 nam - Vacant Post ' MADE RECTOR IN 1914 ,. nfv. John J. nooner, rector of ' J Catholic Church of St. Thlllr) dc vl Queen street above Stcond. has Mb n'l Hwd , ,0 8UCC"d he Jf n"v. .Tame. A. Holahnn. who did) two eeks sgo. tw . .t,nf Mm Iter. Thomas T. Buckley, of Our Mother of Sorrows rwrh Forty -dentil sircci. , i .wmi". hns been onpolntcd as CH,i !f S ? CharleVi. Onkvlcw. Pa.. r"t0.u ma-le here today. Fnthor I SJifi "u wh "he Itev. Francis J. Buon!Xe funeral took place last MwHtoi ...!!, T Urnn. of the rhuch the oU Chlld.'Mwn. has Sn appointed rector pro tern of St. .. Header Meadow. Carbon S to take ehnw in , the absence onbener.-ame.nlne n.l' Church, Klmwood, lias been I 5 ferrrd to the Church of the Holy : Her. htlwnn! A. Devlne, of St. Katbarlne'c. Wane. has been trans- Kwred to m. jibh-' , , , I Fither Itoonev una nnpolntcd per- Inasent rector of St. rhiiip's ainrcn i. I..., ...l n Mm Iter. Jamcq A. I;. ' i, ,iiiwi in Anril iif that yenr. y0?,"' n ... fc.,1 Wn rr-otor of thp Ifharch of the Maternity of the Messed iVlrtln. Hustleton. His appointment to 1st rhiiln's was made by the late Arch bishop rremlerga.t. Father lioonev ' um " " Philadelrhla. Schuvlklll county, fifty three in ago. Ills early education was obtained In the public schools of Bchuvlkill county, but at an early ago he showed tendencies to lend a rellelous life, so he went to at i nines n uwc. T cott City. Md. hen seventeen hll55"ij",;.l n hi. studios for the r Tears nm uc i,i' "- , i aV ,jiriethood in the Seminary of St. L'o'rdalned by Archbl'-non Ryan In the hthedral in June, inii ,anu Km " Tremont. Schuylkill county, as Father Ilonne.v served successively at ri..Aa.iit Tnmantifi"fcflnfl at. Veron la's Church, Sixth and Tioga streets, Ihere he was curate for six years, in IK)1 ne was nppointeu rector 01 iuu lurch in Hustleton. CAIN BANDITS ItEV. JOHN J. ROONEV ncctor of St. Milllp do Nerl, Quecii street ahovo Second, who lias been transferred to St. Ga briel's, Twenty-ninth and Dickin son streets 4 AUTO RIDERS ARRESTED Threo Opposed Arrest of Driver and All Are Held Magistrate Harris today held four men in $iuu can encti lor a lurtiier hearing as suspicious characters. The men, arrested nt Sixtieth and Irving streets nt 2 o'clock; this morn ,ing, arc Harry Taggart, McClellan street near Eighteenth; Harry Rosen thal and Chnrles Rosenthal, Locust street near Fifty-second, and Harry Scherdof, Irving street near Sixtieth. Police say Taggart vns driving an automobile wh,llo intoxicated, and that tho others interfered with the patrol man who arrested Taggart. Refused License for Inn Herman Trechmann, for many years manager of 'the Rlttcnhouse, St. James and Walton Hotel1, was refused a li cense for tho Blue Rcll Inn, Ambler, by the court yesterday. The neighbors testified that the community hhs been disturbed by the place. In refusing to grant the transfer of tho license, Judges Swartz and Miller declnred that they were convinced the applicant had not demonstrated his fitness for the place. IHhe magnesia DOCTORS RECOMMEND for ConMlpatlfln. Acid Stomach, Tndlvtt tlen. Can b uied Milk of MaiTDMla. eoia eniy or in nntti nevtr or aoa. See the yjicHTiRJtces From the Great Steal Steamer PLYMOUTH of the Fall River Line Perfectly equipped for yncht raco service under all weather conditions; spacious saloons; ampio observation decks; state rooms; regular dining room; also lunch counter. Music by steamer's orchestra. Tickets $16.20 Each, Race ncludlna Tfar Tax Cnnnrltr llmltfd to afford maximum comfort 1 1JMAV. The Plymouth will follow the yachts from tart to nnmn. Htcamrr will maxp tin- trip ch rac-day, leaving Pir IS North Itlr, nr the foot of Fulton t . 8 11 , A M . Pattern Standard Time: D11AAI, Dyllht SlnTlme. Tlc)it and state rooma on aale at Ticket Offlcea, Pier 14, N. R.i 04 nroadwav. K7 Chamhera St . SI W 82d St.. 114 W. 42d St.. New York city. 836 Fulton St., Brooklyn. The New England Stenmihip Co. Tel. Cortlandf 0100 122S!252L335Sii2Si2aSZi hTi:MlllP NOTirK 8TKAM11I1P NOT1CEH HERNATIONAL MERCAHTIIE MARINE COMPANY AMERICAN LINE WHITE STAR LINE N.,Y. Cherbourg Southampton In York .. July J4lAur. 21IKent. 18 raol .... July 31 ue. 2SSeut. 23 new vonit iiAMniTitn ischuria .. .lnlv.11lK.nt1 lino. S3 "loll Aub. 14 Scot. 25 Not. fl rlllLAnELFHIA LIVKRPnni. '"'"Ml Sept. A orn . . . . . . .... a,, v. i tern rialna Aur. 14 rilll ADKLFIIIA OI.ASUOW item Kea .iniv t Noho Auo-. 18 FHILAnniiPiHA iiiimnnn P Inllan July 2S ""it .lulv 81 IPim Atie. 14 M" Aur. 20 o sum LINE T. SOIITHASIFTON ANTWERP l'"llt Julv lOlAuir. SllRent . !X . July24lAuit. 28Oct. t Aug. 148eit. lBlOct. 28 Renf. iln. a WjILAncil'lIIA ANTWEltP ..Tk,0k. 3vl . fi" . ...July 25 ,."mtn .Tlllv ., Ur'nW. t flaunek. '."" i? hl Office, 1319 Walnut Si., PMU. land ... lonland ld . . N. T.Cherbonrc Sonthamriton Olymplo Aug-. 4Aus. ISlRept. IS Adriatic Aug-. 14Sept. 10Oct. Ifl N. Y. QUEEN8TOWN UVKRPOOIi Jlohll Aug. 14!hpt. It Celtlo July 4Aug. .'SlOct. 2 Daltlo July 81Scpt. 4Oct. 0 Formerly Cleveland NEW YORK AZORES OtDRALTAR NAFI.ES OF.NOA Oretlo July 24Sept. 14 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE rilll.ADELrillA LONDON Eaatern Shore July 35 Mackinaw Aug. 7 Oantvutoinle Aug. 14 Wauconila, Aug. 28 IIOLIiAND-AMERIOA LINK PIIILADELFIIIA ROTTERDAM Manadyk Aur. 7 WHITE STAR Dominion MONTREAL QUEBEC LIVERPOOL Megantlc ... . July 24IAug. 21 Sent. 18 Canada. . . .. Aug, 24Sept. 25 Oct. 30 Freiiht Offic. 405-414 Bonrit Bldr-. PhH. Philadelphia Ports to I canainavian hristiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service IS ,'Orn'lB,ln.n.'ra B,r' R""' hw Pitr'is's'ouik 'wtt. !e Charles T. M.- n rssftisa? PHILADELPHIA "fitLombard 5100 IILADELPHIA TO KOHAMA, KOBE M SHANGHAI GLENSHANE" 011 toDWO r" "". f... ..... m ? ; v Me., r " v ' ""ae'Phla "!' UnU' Mali 1471 EARNilNE Incorporated 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Sttameri General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Dei Moines Bridge''. .July 23 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galera". . .Loading SS "Coquina" July 31 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co, 139 South Fourth St PHILADELPHIA, PA. J GRACE LINE7S (I R. Harita. Ellsa, 4. B. Santa Tereaa. 8. H. Santa Ana, 0 fl. Banta Lulsa. Calling at Callao. Arlea, Iqulaue. Anto- fagaata&Valparalao. Fortnightly aalllngi. W. It. ORAGE & CO., Agenta. Hanover HQ.. New York, or Local Agent GALVANIZED COPPER . AND ZINC SHEETS, L. D. Bcrgw Co., 59 N. 2d St. W, itarktf EM. yiSriff lou. Main f Wt- GEIJ20 AND FLEE Throaton Man With Death After Soarching Him and Escape in tho Darkness' BOATHOUSE IS LOOTED not give a good description of the men. Their masks and tho poor lkht, he said, prevented him from telling whether tney wero white or negroes. ItUMell Stone, 350 Warren avenue, Camden, reported to the police thero today that his boathouso at Thirty fifth street and Farraeut avenue had been robbed of army blankets, bathing sultfl and other supplies. Ice Chest Crushes Doy An unused ice chest, weighing 200 pounds, toppled over on Domlnlck Fnrln, thrco years old, of 410 South Klghth street, while tho child was at play In the home of his mint, Mrs. Frederick. 4021 Lancaster n venue. The boy was taken to the West Philadelphia General Homeopathic Hospital, where1 it was found his skull was fractured. Two mniked and armed highwaymen held up and robbed Jerome Williams, twenty-one. years old. 2018 South Tenth street, Camden, at Jackson street and "ynvenue. Camden, this rnornlng. W llijams was on his way to work at the West Philadelphia yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad about 2 O'clock when the men stepped from a dark doorway .and covered hlra with their revolvers. ,. "J"t one- move and we'll let you Have It," one of the men warned. The other searched Williams while the speaker stood guard. Twenty dollars was the booty the highwaymen got. "Now you stand here and If you move or call for help we'll return and get' you If wo get caught for It," the apparent leader said. Then they ran rapidly out Ferry avenue. Williams told the police he could STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Will Be Closed All Day To-morrow The Second of Hue Saturday Holidays Let Cuticura Be Your Beauty Doctor LEXINGTON Sport model. Wire -wheels. Newly reflhlshed. A-l condi tion. Attractive price. LEXINGTON MOTOR COMPANY OF PENNA. 851-853 North Broad Street ffll i llnnTlij! Iru ' I ISTflN accordance with fVio nnefrkivt oafnVl. IiYtJ licViorl a a ir o v n 1 oin.u d v s years ago, this Store will be dosed all day to-morrow, giving our employes two days for rest and recreation. We shall re-open our doors Monday morning with many fresh, new attractions in seasunauie mercnanaise important values that will make this Monday a memo rable one. Our employes, refreshed by their two days of rest and recreation, will be prepared to &ive that character of service which makes for comfortable summer shopping. Read Our announce ments in tho Monday Morning Newspaper 8. They will prove of vital impor tance to all who appreciate genu ine economies. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER The Big Sale of Entire Stock Brook .saaMi mmm flPa. mm pmmvMml. AaM L. am. I KV7 11 AKHiSl 1. nup iJJL - Just below 16& H Clothes Bought Out By Mr. Seligsohn Continues With Greater Interest! Entire Stoek Men's Suits Sacrificed Regardless of Cost For Immediate Clearance! wiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTinaiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimj; aammmaammmamPvtX 9 Jam. XJ aftmBaammmaamm aBCI Men! realize what a wonderful opportunity this is to I buy your new suit for present and fall wear! Prices have been cut regardlessly Mr. Seligsohn's only thought being to turn tho Brooks stock into ready cash. To mako the sale of greater magnitude WJ J.1M.I KJVliyOVIllV O JUILVll V Wholesale Stocks are Also Included at Even Less Than Wholesale Prices. lamuelSeliysohn And this means you can buy Mr. Seligsohn's suits at less than their cost of materials and manufacture. The best proof we can offer you is to have you Come Today or Tomorrow, and Choose at $ 14 .50 $ 1 K,5 I $2 7?5 Values up to $30.00 I Values up to $37.50 Values up to $55.00 Mr. Seligsohn's business at 8th and Spring Garden streets has been growing so rapidly he found it necessary to have a store in the central part of tho city. That's why ho bought out the Brooks shop. And that's HE BIG REASON FOR THIS SALE! Mr. Seligsohn makes and sells his own clothes from hip factory direct to you and for that reason he doesn't want a single Brooks suit carried over. Ho takes the loss and MAN what wonderful clothing bargains thero are here awaiting you. A Wonderful Special Lot of 10 & $15 Cool Cloth $r or- o $j qc SUMMER SUITS D5 & 7"8n Men's Pants at $2.30 and $3.50 SELIGSOHN'S " 1532 Market Street S. W. Corner 8th & Spring Garden Sts. KDPOAT10NAT. rnvcArmsMj Vonnt Man and flora "Vount tlrn anil Dor Wenonah MILITARY ACADEMY Where diameter, manliness and honor are developed. Wenonah it an Independent unit In your boy's education, and not merely a preparatory school. Healthfully situated In t solely residential town. A faculty second only to that of West Point in efficiency. Academic studies for college preparation. Special and business courses. Military system brings out all that Is good and manly. Separate junior department for boys of ten or orcr. Academic course, seven hundred dollars for the School year. Junior department, six hundred for tho school year. Catalogua and Vteut Book Upon Request DR. CHARLES H. LORENCE, MAJOR C. A. SNYDER, Prctld.nt Superintendent BOX 411, WENONAH, NEW JERSEY '. ' noth Bnn Learn More that nu may tarn mor. ,Th icrt.t rard 80. to.t",'!;" who r U at qnalincd. Qualify for buslataa at Telrce School. T'lrz-K is Ameriea'a foremyjt butln.aa aehool. Couraej , r.or joutiB mfn Dualneaa Aaminit tratlon Halosmanahip. Two-year Commercial Tralnlnr Courae. Courta for younir women: seo retanal, Shorthand and TyPJ" wrltlnir Send for 56th year book. Peirce School of Buunesa Administration rine Mret. Wt of Ilroad. Thlladelplilt HfMMnit lIUfilNIWH COT3BSEl Individual inatructlnn in Shorthand Oreir, keerlnj and Accountancy, and Secretarial louraa. uiaaar un. "u S ., ". .mi Thiiraiiiv evenlnsa. Call or i?. V Yoonit Men and rtoya TOnT DtTQSIT. MD. THE TOME SCHOOL On-thefiuequeham)a) National Boarding School for Boyi Collere Preparatory and General Courara "nay voovy uruan. rn. u, Director, Port Depoelt, Maryland inr, iiaoo Ntw Sujlmmlnp Pool Tort Depoilt. Marylund -J S. fmrJrwL.'E&Bfcttti ana TnurBaay,,.. ";" .--" WriTS TOP GtlUW iiiswi iiimiwiii uiiiX nysiNMR coiJxaE nnd Colfea-j. of Commerre 1017 f.heatnnt Ht. Philadelphia BankA Business Collece Intennlve Summer Courses for Students and Teachers. Day School. Nlnht School. 12(ift Walnut. Slrayer's Business College Philadelphia's Greatest "uilneaa School am rhe.inut St. phone Walnut SS4 $5 1 Night School KeeS a month Shorthand. Enallah, Penmanahlp. PALMER SCHOOL. 16 H. 10th 8U KINOHTON. PA. WYOMING SEMINARY A co-educatlonal school where boys and airls set a vision Exceptional teachers In every dept Collena prep aration, llualniaa. Muslo. Art. Ora tory and Domestla Arte and Science. Military Tralnlnir Oymnaalum and Athletlo field. 711th tear. Endowed. Catalog. Addreas ',. I.. Hprarne. D.D.. Trra. Rlnaaton. Fa. OEOROK BCHOOL. IA. CloortrM Srl-ool Country Behool for vjeorge OCT.OOI Doy, and 0Mt B,pa. rate dormitories. Courses broad and thor ough. Student studies under aupervlalon of principal. Oraduatea succeed In oollega, Special courses. Athletics, gymnasium, pool 27 woodid acres and open country along Neehamlny Creek Endowed Hates mod erate Catalor. flenrge A. Walton. A. M.. Box 2SS. fleorge nehnnl. Ta. nnsLYN. pa HAitnisntno. pa. HARRISBURG ACADEMY Senior and Junior dept rt men ts. Modern, individual. Instruction In college preparatory and general eour. New fireproof build nM with large, sunny rooms Cottage dor mitory system Athletlo (laid. Moderate rates. ARTHUR E DROWN. Headmaster. Box L Harrtaburg. Pa. NAZARBTn, PA. Namrcth Hall Military Academy Nainreth. Pa. Founded 1741. A Mllitar Academy for Boys. College x-repnraiory ana iiusiness courses, aenmr. Intermediate and Junior Departments Vig orous athletic and military Ufe. Of Narareth Hall, former Secretary George n. Cortellou aaya- "Narareth Hall la a character builder not a mere trainer of the mind." Addrea The Rev. A. P. Thaeler. P.P.. Prln. Save 100 4 to300 on a Guaranteed Piano or Player- Piano This semiannual sale offers a wonderful op portunity to get a guar anteed, standard make upright or player-piano at positively the biggest saving obtainable. Don't fail to see these marvelous bargains. LANTABTER. TA. FIIAMU.1N AND HAR8IIAM. ACADEMY Loneaater. Pa. Founded. 1787. Addreai nor 41?. K. M. Ilartman. A. St.. Principal. DORPENTOWN. N. J. Bordentown Military Institute Thorough prsn. for college or buslneai, Effl. elent faculty, smaU'clasees. Individual atten. Military training 80th yar. For catalog addreae CoU T. P. LANPON. Dord.at.wa. N. J.. Prln. and Commandant. rENNrNOTON. N. J. . Player-Piano Specials THE PENNINGTON SCHOOL MlWn'rJ VrTl?. TfiSAl!Ctf &$BAHS$5fc Ilradmaater, nox 70. Tennlngton, N. t. TEEKSKILL. N. Y. School for Exceptional Children Home for the care and training of children who are unable to attend other schools D rr.eatlo Sclenre for older girls; near Phlla. Booklet. Mollis A. Woods. Prln.. D.x 174. Roalyn. Pl. WEST CHESTER WE8T CHESTER 8TATK NORMAI. RCHOOL Both sexes I2nr Andrew Thna Smith. Prln. Yonng Women and Olrla , Young Men und Roys CIIE8TNCT lin.1.. PA. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY St. Martin's, Chestnut Hill, Pa. A day and boarding school for boys pre paring for college, aclentlflo achool or busi ness. Ideally located country day school. Low rates for five-day boarders. Catalogs on application MEfirERSniTtO. PA. The Mercersburg Academy TOR BOYS Merrrrsburg, Pa, end for ratalorue to mi. MANN IRVINE. Ph. P.. T T D. Headmaiter. Rnx ItO. nvr.f rmsTE. ia Bellefonto Academy "'j; and up. linth year Athletlo field 'and rrmnaelum Mndemte rates Catalog. James P. ITnrhea. A M . Heiidniater Tl-llefonte. Pa. sxt.Tni'nn. pa. rr 'KISKI"iS&Si Special preparation for college and tech niral ar-hnnln Prfrentorlal avfitm All sports. Qymnaelum, swimming pool, etc. brnooi owns its onn rarm ana dairy. Rat. I8S0. For catalog address Box 830. DR. A. W. WILSON, Jr., Pre.ldont SnlUburjj, Pa. l-ENNMU'ItO. Pa. Pa-kiomen School for Boys College Preparatory, Mualc, Oratory. Busi ness. Agriculture All athletics. 20-acre campus Scholarships Detelopment of char octer and tralnini: for arrvlce our aim Junior behool for junser boa In separate lOttage Catalog OSCAR ft. MtlKIlEr,. P.p. Ilox 111). Pennabnrg. Pa. SWART1IMOHF. PA. Swarthmore Preparatory Prepares Boys for College or IJfework. mall Clnaieu. Junior Prpt. Summer School, For catalogue addrris . P. TOMLINSON, M. A. Dot 20. Swarthmore. Pa. ninii i.i.ii i.M, pa . Sefhlehem Preparatory School Ilethlehrra. Pn. 1000 boys pre. PHrcd for leading unlveraltle. In 42 years. Unanimous endorse. ment or our worK by principal un!eraltles Scholnrshlps to a-lous colleges Jrodern build ings aymnoalum, Swimming Pool and extenle Athletlo gr ur.ds Reasonable rates. Ben. arat Junior wcnooi. Catalog. JOHN 1 TIT.fiEY. M. A.. Ilciilnm liter new niKioMrii'i n. pa. Carson Lone Institute Mth Year, A Home Srhool for Hots a buildings, IB acres. In the healthful foothills of the Blue Ridge. Individual and personal Instruction how to learn, how to labor, how to 11 e College Prepar atory, Duslneas, Junior Couraee Span ish, French. Publlo Speaking Separata buildings for boys under 13 years Strong religious, but non-sectarian Influence! I40O and uni Juniors, I87A Address Carson !xng Inatltuto, Box U New Bloomflsld. la. Peekskill Academy ,8,I.,U1S1 S8thyear. Army Officers detailed: R. O. T. C. Separate building for young boys (7-1S). Address The Principal. Peekskill. N. Y. STAUNTON. TA. STAUNTON MILITARY ACADEMY Ideal home schcol for manly boys. Largest private Academy In the East boys from 47 States In beautiful Shenandoah Valley, 1600 feet eleva tion. Prepare for Universities. Government Academies or Business. $276,000 barracks, complete equip ment. Rates 1600. Sond for cntaJog. COL. WM. G. KABLE, Ph.D. Principal. Staunton, Vo. $726 LEONARD Large alxo. Mahog-anr case. i-iKe new. very handsome. $650 STORY & CLARK Mahogany. Fine order. $650 MILTON iFior-dYr. rS9 ""' $650 MELVILLE CLARK &e,nracuIn!nUtCaa0- $600 DRUCKER & CO. Hahogany. Fine tone, -argo size. $700 JAMES & H0LSTR0M lArce size. Mahocany case. WAYNES nOBO. TA. HSHBURNE MILITARY SCHOOL A achool with a homelike atmos phere, where high moral and aca. demlo standards are maintained Thorough preparation for colleges and elentlflo schools. New 1100 000 buildings Complete modern equip ment Small classes, not more than 10 hoja. 41st year opens September. 1020 Terms. 1000. For catalog addreas r Major Morgan JT, ITudglns. Principal, Dox 414. Waynesboro, Va. ;;. u. i. v. unatr u. a. war arpt. 550 $275 s425 $425 $300 $425 Upright Piano Bargains S360 0R0VESTEEH & FULLER Snr. Large size. Fine order. Ebony. j) $700 STEINWAY Soot Mahogany case. Fine tone. iitj $350 LYON & HEALY Small size. Fine tone. Ebonlsed. UOOPHTOCK. TA. The Massanutten Military Academy Preparatory school for boys. Healthful lo cation, beautiful Shenandoah Valley. 100 miles from Washington. Prepares for col lege and business Music, athletics. New J23.OO0 Dining Hall and Dormitory. IJra Itea to 100 bos. StOO. Address Howard J. BencholT, A. M. Headmaater. Ilox 2S. Woodstock. Ta. $80 $600 CUNNINGHAM SQgfl Like new. Large oak case. tjj $100 s215 rnoNT noYAL. ta. Randolph-Macon Academy Branch of tho Randolph-Macon Sys tem of Schools Prepares for Universi ties. Scientific Schools or Business. MILITAnY TRAINING at Its best. $100 000 enulpment Oymnaslum, all athletics. Opens 8ent 21 Terms $410. Address Charles I.. Melton, A. M.. lTlnclpal, Ilox 4S3, Front Royal, Ta. Young Women and fllrls Miss Sayward's School for Girls OVKKUROOK, lIIIL.DEI.riIIA. TA. College preparatory and secretarial courses. Junior and Musical Department Athletics Domestla Science Carriage calls for pupils In Bala, t'ynwjd, Merlon and Wynnefleld. Write Dept. U MISS S JANET SAYWARD. Principal. Tho Holman School ,trwJVnn' will open for Its twenty-nret year September 23d. 1U20 Elltabe'h W Braley, A n Headmlatreas PETON. PA. DEVON MANOR " v.u ,. region, lo miles from Thlla College Trep Ura.I.angdon Caikln.Prln. .Ilox llO.Deion.ra. JENKINTOWV. TA. BEECHWOOD (Inc.) A Cultural and Practical Softool for Young Women. ThoroiioMl Bttao. Strong facvllv Preparation for self-maintenance and reepon alblltles of life College Preparatory Depta.. Mualo. Art Pomaatlo Science Searetarr ship. Normal Kindergarten Address M. V KEVSER. Ph. P.. Prraldenl Box 430. JenVlntown. Pa. SWARTHMORE $400 MEYER Full size, ebonlzed case. $400 V0RCESTER Full size. Mahogany. $600 CHICKERINQ Full size, mahogany caso. Excellent tone. $600 LESTER Like new. Mahogany. Medium size. $400 CABLE & SONS Mahogany. Large size. $450 MARCELLUS (Hennai Medium size. Mahogany. $350 WALRAVEN Good tone Large mahogany won, $400 HOWARD Very One condition. Oak caso. Medium size. $350 K0HLER & CO. Mahogany. Medium size. $500 HALLETT & DAVIS Large mahogany case. Superb tone. $400 WINTHR0P Large mahogany case. Excellent order. $350 ROYAL Fine tone and order. Ebonlzed. 200 $285 $175 $235 $175 $220 $190 s265 $230 $125 UEST CHESTiat, TA. DARLINGTON SEMINARY A, developing School for Girls. CO-acra estate In Pennsylvania's flnst country, language, Art. Mualo, Expression. Seors tanal, Buslneaa. and Household Manage, meat. College Preparation Catalogua. C1IR18TINB K. BYH. President Box dip West Cheater. Pa . WAYNI5 PA. ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL WAYNK. (Main Line P, n. It.) PAi .Healthful location, homelike buildings. Mental and phyalcal Inatructton. high moral Influence makes unusual appeal to parents and boys. Prepares for college, or business. CHARLES HENRY JSTROUT, A.M.. THE MARY LYON SCHOOL A Country. Srhool In a Collate Town College prepar'toryt certificate prlvllegeai gen eral and finishing courses, opportunity for ad. anced studyi one teacher to every six girls, open-air classrooms. JSBVE.V OAOLB3, our Junior School farplrU e-ll; aep'r'te compltie equipment. H.M.Crist, A. 11., Kranrra I,, Oriel. A. It,. Irln'lpals. Ilox 1B0S. Swarthmore. Pa, MTITZ. TA. LINDEN HALL SEMINARY A glrla" school sine 1748 Academic. Col lege Preparatory and Special Courses Ben. arats Junior Department. Qymnaalum Heo. ariai . uaiaioa- itev. jr. w. STENOKI ncipal. nox loa. utlls. Pa. ' Wn t.PTnERTir.u;. md. Maryland College for Women Courses! College Preparatory. College. Do. roestla Science. Muslo. Expression. Ad vuntagest 10 miles from lialtlmore: flreDrw bulldlngst atrong faculty. 00 years' blsorr Catalogue, "rg. Address nox T.. T.utherillle. Maryland. $400 COLONNADE $ Large oak case. spicnaiu tone. 245 NORWAI.K, CONN. F. A. North Co. 1306 Chestnut Street Please send me a complete deacrin. Hon of your bargains In slightly usia Upright 2'noa r-j "''imiwff n 9BHR1 rW. "XTfar )j' offered tn t: also details Nam ... ...,ffP Addr !'' '(?& M t si 1 yi R -a V- i Trt "A, v vm V.' , . 't ' ik x - .IS 'v.1'. "hkK K. SSfciiVftWft- J" 'A, -')!& n.?.: t'J ';',! .,.., if ' " w.. ;. , y&i&phvf,L. i?: m,Jj,...tJisj.. t "-.r. c,. J...., a ,. ir;. i