J1 v;.v' "rm 'V. . v p " 'V t i. Aliening public fft&aer EB&ADiii)ii--HiA4i' Ffeblt; ' JULY 1(3,' 1920 ' . .-. .f' I .' f -.i5 , V 1 y . t 1 c sajw,KB3sawssxUji -- r -srrrJ TWi.s.T,-8iriTi 1 i'i ij.'Ji!www .aiuK.'?irS5 v-su? WV""'S ! icd0NVTBHii U' is9 iMIIMf?f ,' - - ,) ei sss& t-T ov tfvi EWew" ISM wn ! mat V(t' 71 Pm irf P'Wmm 11 itfniM jia-iiza ' rfl Sf v'ti ! fH . , ?,? fiii''sViJ'J r (1 v it' ?'a : i &i V r:?.i . u tfwt AOt ". at..,' IP Vy ,' itf V t1 sfM,(iflaon . irr-''r-r!wK-w) iar.vV!."5.wKy"tiiAVSMiS3iS ! ttftm lwwff"Mwvwm fttf.- trrfrrtvtmjrt tmtft . wab vrnwrnwrni -vs-it".. --Tr .- -! t.- -- - I ! 1 i i - jBgBBBQ0BBBBBBB9liiflHHHLMLflMHBLi BBBBBBBBBBBBB&BbxKiBBBBVIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBe oBBHBs WW BjBBBBBBBMMllii''' WmMSym RffWWEr- iBJHbb PSIbbImBBWV hV1 'L Mir sift i;il P -rt Ei a. .fri fL. - 6-i if.- Ms - 11 f . i 4 v "-iis v ICfcat; & ' l. - - .. " .., , ARABIAN DANCING. Miss Rose Middleman, 2610 South Sheridan street, at the exercises given yesterday in the school yard of the Tag- gart School, Fifth and Tortcr streets I.vdsef Photo Scnlci1. .ra i'i rrrrrfnirrfinfimiim7v iti cisarowg8rwwtnffig OUTDOOR MINSTREL TROUPE. Children of the Taggart fachooi, iinn ana loner sircets, who p over n dandy show in the yard of tho school yesterday afternoon twrwmmBmmmmmmmmmzxAtM!- , V wms . '! .' WZln ?,. W.t -)', ' V. fkfv: y. TPffSJ sPia v; v-ausjssA 4wsm u. . - u-MXZ&zxtZAx it AvnSwmjatsi.x-i.iaa FOLK QUALIFIED. Two local golfers and two southern golfers nualillcd at the Philmont Country Club yes terday for the annual tournament of the Professional G olfers' Association of America. They are (left to right) J. Douglas Edgar, first prize winner, Atlanta. Ga.; Harry H. Hampton, Virgin a; Charles Hoffncr, Philmont Country Club, and George Sayres, Merion Cricket Club iSsa s. - , lyM r.' L'csji' i i v:. r lrjBi' l t-jr"' rc as ..r ": ?jsKii Ptr yh& V l ?S1 m rmrz wgm&sm BW KKtW" - tvt'.ii mail ! ttLittmKrae)iua.'-iu:.MJ .-ra...',rtyT:j?-iTOCT.(- v.v-..----.j.. txB).j START ON 0000-MILE TRIP. These aviation ofllcers in chargo of four army airplanes left Mineola,! Y., yestorday lor Nome, Alaska, and return, tieit to ngnt, Liieutcnant tt. Liiair oireet, ijieutetu Clifford C. Nutt. Lieutenant R. C. Kirknatrick. Lieute nant E. H. Nelson and Lieutenant C. E. Crumri . Underwood & Underviooll HEADS THIRD PARTV. Parley P. Christcnsen, of Salt Lake City, Utah, who has been made the pres idential candidate International. U . SMALLEST MERCHANT UF WILDWOOD. Everybody at the shore city knows him as "Paul," the balloon boy. Paul is twenty seven years old. Ralph O IIohKon. A QUOIT MATCH. At the new Fairmount Playground, Twenty-third and Wood streets, Frank Vascsor has just made his pitch Ledcer Thoto Service. ROOF FALLS. Three men were injured at the Stanley Garage, 1600 Ranstcad street, yesterday when the roof caved in Ledger Thoto Service. K "tlj!t!fmK''"'""'''!!!l!!l' 'm"-T'- m wmm '-""'''J'-t'"''WiirWiPWW lll'IIIHillllllllllllllllll llj r" . -? ta- WBgaauiijuuiww.iwt -r Mrsa.anrt 'rcy m. rAthf r drjZ fuPVBBHfliBBk BBflBBBJbCwvvvfiK&SBBBBBBBK BBo. i ,)m v B wS ?m sJtS Ji!y . Pffjyw bJK TpESr'HBSWillBBBlBtu' t . TL. i jBBKmBBBU&TwC?9RK9jSS(S?i(!. .5i5fTf,,i'vfc'f1J ,,. .. .C4mBj "r.. ('i&vrTvjfzvvsifvivr-t 7v,'-v..7vwv,,ve5ws', - BaiBBmMi?:.ri 17 '. f i, ?ii..a; &i.tt&i)i2!; :i.jw.mmmm,i.l.i . . MONTROSE STREET GETS A BATH. The children helped the street cleaners to give tho street a : cleaning yesterday, ine nrchose Helped in the worK Ledscr Photo Service.! ., ,1 . ., S.iC. - . H&V&GXsk&rktVr IJmXmtoz- ?.lt.J,:uL'f i? &WV' tmm!m& aBBBKtc.:-?;r,v ..." fysJ'v.H-.v'THBBsv ? '"? "L, "i '&MPtzi? w s i BKrnBMt.. i Klp'tV'l;"1BBBWl'' r '7 a 'rtBjr S-K - mmv ' wt.imnmiw .vutMMK j AuUi viiZ'uiiT.-,w-.'in.iKLi.ww.. t.j(. :.fwu M i i.TA'J.7,i: s ..trjj.-? j j... j. A jh lu j-t-j; :,mv - mUujo v,.: lt'jjj. l B9SSP! Jf. :.trU' f J WTiA7I Xl..W"' j jj. .. t!J- XMari.T.K.f-j.rfpttifMy.wCTi..iiTJ;-it.f-. g-"-y.?.-..-.' - .... ' ; ,-,.- PHILADELPHIA MERMAIDS ON OLYMPIC TEAM. Two of the seven mils who will IN THE FINAL U. S. OLYMPIC TRY-OUTS AT CAMBRIDGE. MASS., TODAY. Left PICTORIAL EVIDENCE. Margaret Tiny and Stanlev Lowen. nt tho Wf ,i i Wttel represent the United States on the swimming team are Miss Irene Gup.-t (left) and to right, Earl Eby and Sherman Landers, both Ponn students, who will run for the Chi- fight. Stanley was weeping. The oth,er couple are Eddie Howell nnd Jennie Gunder. They were playinjl bum. inu ..miw mi- a. yj. at tno rairmount naygrounu I Miss Eleanor Uhl. Both girls will represent the Meadowbrook Club I.oilEr Photo Service. cago A. A., and Ted Meredith, who will repre sent r I.cdser Photo Service. Ledeer Photo Servic.- THE BEAUTY CORNER s OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO P- I n , JmltA3 ,. j&jM&sii&. - t . -aMPwr-. r-nf mHkAfmiWtta aar' .iBfe.,. . f tMsasfeimiBByw1 h-.r'-.iee8.r-tsSii' .. i lUJK M i . j. tMH.- V . jiMKII A !! P I II I I M uHHHVHlKl K I . .. . .. u . rwu. JmwjwMMMf. 'A .. .rV- "- t I'if' HHBlBllHlW'lilllllH -. va. . i HHHiiiiiK'miiiiviiiiiiiiHi . frfyia W IB MWHW WWJK '";' . 'iij EIVETING BOILER PLATE. The workman i- Chn.-tonlu-, ! ia. building Co.. Camden. He has been a riveter since the o neninc of the shinvnrd Ledger l'holo Serlce, .x..tivra.lt i.n.i.n nf rivitnro of llio Nnu. VL. CV.tr. Wtl I tin iirii. rlXI rXT CHIlMtnnJVO npnyiTlnn irnHIfi AT1 SANTA TIORA. HRPP A TtT 1U A T rnTTj n a rt it ...., v i.'"m uu ill" ."." ium UH1JJ- 11jL fit! V IAN nUAU U .1IUUHLIJ1I ' JV JiVj L I'lHrt. 1 II" " " , .,-"' ,""" U 1 tlV il AUlilN , 'J fj JIT. ntlyi . I A-SV .. ," I t ('v Mffi- (VMwnn" Sir Thomas Lipton, owner of tho Shamrock CALIF. Luther Burbank, tne naturalist, 1020 golf champion is George Duncan, iv recently underwent" "-""" "" iiuiijjer xiiu, England Paul Thompon. Franci8C0 rhOSpital Kadol L Herbert. MISS T.TT.T.TAM WEMfiRI! 3021 North Faiihill street, Philadelphia I Photographs for this feature should be submit A wrougn tne mail, addressed to the owr corner, evekikq Pubuc Lepoeu I V . it sh'KAi. . 'M-?d v-tH . '..J5l.iii'' ?t,.. lS YiX.4; , .4?j rf'Wf mJi NsM$3 mrsw fcAUSfJ-' V I...J tJ Maee