mHBK?rwmia ww:.wmri$t . 'wV ""- 'f'"l l V r .".!. . t j 4 ft W "., fl J A?aV' T l "- .A V! r i 1 l A' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHlUADELPHlA? FRIDAY, JttLY 16", 1020 -' "w h-t LUJk, fpm t.."V. ?ti?BK;i l lltfLrtOAD 5ARNINQ8 tO, BOCIIESTEn AND TITTS. OUIU HOH k lot .. tBlo.nia BOUTHEMN RAILWAY July .... I2.7C.1.M8 X , 803,398 Increase Iin.ns3 1.010,040 isis.tns S.000,821 INDUSTRIALS WERE w mlWm l!M?r '" ELECTRIC BORAGE -ITERY ARRANTS & x'Bpught Sold Quoted V MAABI9 w w ra is :0ft LYNCH CI,SHMMWHALL ,545.V1-NUT STREET -." nnuun MUTCU , MtMBtrt -NtWVORK. iC PTTTimmcH ITOCK DCCMANOW rTfTMUHC thick tUUUM WEAKEST FEATURES Chlof Troublo With Market Ap- poared to Bo Scarcity of Buyers Xtw York, July 16. The New Tork last week, the hear element had things I pretty much its own way. I There was undoubtedly u good denl of soiling lor snort account in nroicssionni nuarters. but there was also enough scattered liquidation to keen the ball roiling. Little In the way of specific news rle l veloned to Influence nrlcei. The re newal rate on cnll loaui was fixed at 0 tier cent as against 8 nor rent ?cMerda and this nnturnllr added to the no- slmlsni In trading circles, especially h It was rumored that the rate was due to go still higher before the close. V Ith the crop-moving season fast approach lug and the credit situation showing no indication of genuine Improvement, the Meculatlc element annearcd to hae abandoned hope for the time being of Kyenlng Run' cIorini financlnl wtvf J g g V.Ze thai, a : F0R SALE Hitimf Tallrtncr Mnrrnnn Cn wr '"""' " jji '"CHARLES FEARON CO. r$- 333 Cheutnut St. today says ! Lower prlcH wer quoted today for the majority of stock exchange securi ties. In the ease of the Industrial the I derf'nr was pretty severe nt times, net j losses amounting to 2 or 3 points. The rallw offered better resistance, but thev, too. reacted mibatantlnllr. Altlmnsli more active than yesterdny, trading was not In particularly heavy volume. Trices did not recede ranldlr i thev went ilnwn gradually without any great selling presure ".bowing Itself. The chief trouble with the market appeared to be n scarcity of bujers, there being a general inclination to hold alnot until something In the wnv of encouraging news developed. With the money mnrket holding tight and ex hibiting no slgnu of relaxation, the cir culation of reports of financial embar rassment in commercial nes nnd n general feeling of uncertainty on the part ot trailers, ue to me unexpected ly sudden vetback of the market In tins ffir-ffrV'V. FHfANriAF. fst?0'reiv& I J ' NOTICE ''.iHl'SlBK, fc.C9.MinwMUh Trul Compuny. Trui( ! f R, "BV K7?. CUta Wattr Comi)ny mvurln ii N'.IV "'rV ?J58,5i00 r alu of bonl, by ordr u? m"mi Lir1tM U m th fc Court f Camnun Dta a riBunhln 5??I'?L 1, lv, notlc that on Frtdor. . 1MO, at 10 o'clock a. m , at Ita jrie n tha city of HarrUburg-. Pa.. 222 MarkM (treat. It will rtctlve clalma nrlslnx en laid bonda or coupona balonilnc thrto ana htar all paraont lntritd thfrrln or allMlnt to have or hold claims aaalnut tho mortiaror companyi and notlca is furthar Ttvrn that all cfalma not preaantad will b otavar barred from participation In tha Brocatds arlalnr from tha forecloaura aala ot lamortcaied prml COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY. Truitea. imt(1ftid TUB COIiOXIAI. TUUST COMrANY , Tha Board ot Dlreciora of Th Colonial Traat Company has this day dtflartd a NtulAr quarterly dMdtnd ot 2 per cent mnn an Mini "" ". 71 . v " "v if capital atock of tha compans' pajabla Augiist C ' i, 1820, to tockholdf r of record at me .7; Joa ot tniilnaaa on JUiy .. iu.u. fIlttM Will niniivu I. II. DAVIDSON Jr.. Scrtary. July 14. 1920. . TI1K A F.HT TIROINIA RAILWAY COMPANY ftL Tha Itoard of Directors ha drlrd If,1- Ovtdend of on and one-half (1W pr cent t&t an tha Prafarrcd Stoch of th rnmpanv fnr w tha Quarter ndd Jitop SO, 1020. payabl PmJ Auamat 81, 1020, to stockholdora of rcrd t' itt tha claia ot bmlne nn Aurust s. 1020, l 'THUhumh. Julv 7 ' 10 S nL i-' rrjr.-j 16 Tt-n PUILADELFIIIA. JCLY a. 1010. h Board of Directors of tha Perm Traffic pany nava inia air neriarea a regular nHannual dividend of 3 and an extra yiaana a '8t"ct toallad. at 1. payabl Auaimt 3. 1920, to or record juiy in 1120. Trani remain open. Checks will ba KV, ALFRED M. ORAY. ne-retary mCR OF.T1IK J. O. DRILL COMrANY. A quarifTiy nivianna 01 one and turrr- awrtura per rent on the outttandtna pre farrad atock haa been dclard. payable Au traat I. 1020. to stockholders of record at the i ;w i Jr.f ctoaa of burineiis Julv n in;n Tran-fr books 01 me preierreo. hicck wri ciofl July It. 1020. and reopen August 1020. c-etiMlii will be mailed ' E. P. RATVI.E. Treaeur.r ' lT. ' iJofKL'DDER AND TIRK CORK WtJ New Turk. July 14. 1S20 at.Tha Directors have thli dav declared nviurnq on me capital atock of .T Directors nave inn aav declared a arzriv ainapna on me cannai iiAiif a h .company of rlftr rents per aharr, pay tia DepieniTer a. f.... 10 so "art-frl Olltt.eot able raeord Ausuat 14 ta. b4iu .8 OCkholeers nt Check win be 1020. HEN11T HOPKINH. Jr. Secretary. Pronoaala ti emcK or the quartermaster oen. ral, Clothlnr and. Equlpase Division MUBltlona Dulldlnr. waihlnaton. D C Sealed propeeale will be received hr until 11 a. nt. August 11. 1021), for furnlhlnc nil cr any part of 20.000 ulu nummer under waar. Information on request How To Trade In The Market and other rules and methods of interest to business men are given in our free booklet. "The Investors and Traders Guide." It tells: The General Rules of Trading. How to Give a Broker Instructions. Broker's Commission Charges. How to Indorse a Stock Certificate. How to Use Collateral in Trading. How to Group Invest ments. The Deposit Require ments for Carrjing Stocks on Account. The Rights of Stock and Bond Holders, etc. Written in simple lan guage and easy examples given. No obligation. Edition limited. Call, phone or write at once. Ask for No. T. U.-934 JONES & BAKER Spsciaiuli m Ntto fork Curi Mfktt Stturtttet Widcner B!dg., Philadelphia Phones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices in 9 Principal Cities I Dirtd Privet Wirn t: ur j m LAST'S! ' v . t ROOFING yis safer for roofing and siding The average roll of Lastile Roofing is from 75 to 80 mineral matter. That makes it easy to understand why it is so enduring and so fire-resisting. Tbe urfacc U protected with crushed alate which of course U spark-pcoof. I Fire underwriters place Lastile in Class C near tbe top of the eight daealfi cation. The building lows of this and all other important dtiea permit tho 'tee of Lastile in any part of the city. Farmers who have practically no fire protection relv on Carev Lastile ' Sot roofing and for the siding of barns, stock buildlngi and outbuildings, You can have Lastile finished with red or green slate. ! Besides being safe and extremely durable, Lastile is the most attrac tive kind of roll roofing you can lay, is low in coat, eajy to apply and -I, inquires no painting. Let us know how much surface you have to cover. crrt BoaxJquartora for tho building and insulating products ot $PHAt.T ASBESTOS MAGNESIA i Wr A Roof for Every Purpose AMERICAN INSULATION CO. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS OF CAREY PRODUCT8 ROMKNTa AVBNUK AND BTOKUEY BTrtKCT PHILADELPHIA fea5r tpchnlcnl rally At toilny's low price tin' innjority of industrial sunrcs liatl cnncclctl Inst week's gaino, Cniteil Stiiti's Htccl nld nt a new low nn the movement under l)0l. The motor share were npnln especially wenk, Sturlebnker jleldlng 2 points to ltS, while I'lerce-Arrow went under 00. The equipments nnd oils receded two to three points Bnldwln going under 115. With prices down anywhere trom fit., tn ton nnlnts since the lirnt of till' week, sentiment In speculative qunttrrM was extrmieH gloomy, u innritcd ron trflM fnm (oiidltlons when prices were coins '!' last week. Invincible OM. which hits lietn nd vnucing In the (nee of general maiket unsettlement, nt Inst Hticcumbed to the selling liunemetit, Buffering n shnrp break of about four points. Rending was about the weakest of the rnlls. yielding to around S. The leport of tl.n tntnralnln Cnlllllien'C COUimlsXloll for Jlay, showing Hint the railronds of the country lind mien up nn aciuai nei deficit of $7,J."0.I00, did not ninke pleasant rendlns, nnd peryed to cmplui t,M the neceslt for quick nctlon in tho matter of Rinutlng higher freight rnton. In the last hour the market began to show signs of nn overiiom condition, nnd there was a general rush to cover b the professional element when the cnll money rate dropped to 8 per cent. This induced n shnip rnllv. which testified to the wenk character of much of the earlier Kelling. I ecliuex which It had taken tho greater part nf the session to bring about were pnrth cancelled in a very few" minutes of 'lie late trading. After getting down dne to HO, United States Steel rallied nbme !U and Bnld wln Locomotive mnod buck nbout 110 after touching Ill's Philadelphia Markets WHEAT-Rtrtlptl, 20 50J buahcls. IJe. cllnrd Se Car lota In cxroit u.cMtor No. 1 rul wlntr. 12 !7Wa No I hard lnler. I 0;fr3, No. t rd lirr sirldo. 'J 0BW 2 US No 2 rd vi Inter J2HIS'7 No. 2 hard v.lntr 12 04 (US 87, No 2 red winter, Kiir llcky, J2MIO2 02, No .1 rM wmfr J2D1CT t4. No 8 hard Inter IJiin.MM. No red winter (rarllcky, 12 rtTJ S"o 4 red lnter 12 S72 0, No 4 h ml winter $2 R7 W2 Dfl Nn I red winter nrl k. 12 t2 2 8'. No ft red winter J." n i . -'1 No hard winter 2l'3i!l2,n S ". d winter, aarllckj J.' 7S2 M. Pimi.. " "rdlnif to quallt) CORN Uec'lpta. 3V10 I n lir Acaln aarler Ve quote ns to quiltM ttid loeatlon, at It SOffl ft tha latter for N" 1 ello OATS Receipts. 2R0 tuhhele Qul.t hut ateady Cur lota, aa to inriMin N'o 1 white, tl 20 51 an. No. 2 whl Jl .'MSI 2 No. a white II 271 28. No 4 h'in. SI 25 1 2A FLOUn Recelpta, 1 0S1 (ITti pnund In sack Quiet but firm Th nuotatlona ware: Iflil rounda packed In 1 lo-lb Jute aacka Soft winter Mrnluht pitern 112 2 fiT12 7S ill. Ho nearht fit 7.1?1r.n hard winter Mralght 113 2.191.173 do short patent. J14814 30: tprlnB flrt clear. $11 30 12. do. ratent 113 ftllf 13 00 do ehnrt i patent. S14 25014 75 fanv aprlnic nnd city mllla patent famllv branda 113 5001ft ss. Rye flour 12 50W13 25 PnoVISlO.NS Uulet but Arm Quota tlona. Beef. In acta amoked and nlr-drled 43c; do knucklee and tender amoked nnd alr-drled 31c fnrk f.unlh JIT hams H i n ... inAA jnA-nti. a -i.i , loose 43W434C do do smoked 45 t.'tjc do boiled boneless lftc. pi' nlc shoulders S. P cured loose 25c do amokrd 2'lc rellles, In pickle, loose. 25oi breakfast bacon,' 3llci lord. 22c nt'TTKn rirmly held at lata decline. Quotation Holld-packed creamery, Mncy. hlsh ecorlne firsts, BSHCflOiie. cxtrns fi74c, extra Hrsta, HVi fJO'ic: flrats, 51 55c, seconds 48?P5hc. sweet creamery, choice to fanev, StlHrtnmei fair to sood, 5158Wc, prints Jobbln at 60CTB8e for tancv nnd at 55ft3c for fair to choice. EOOS Mnrket firm. Tha quotations arl In free cases, nearby firsts, BOc per doien, nearby current recelota. 48et nearby ordi nary to fair, 43ffl7ei western, extra firsts, 10c, western firsts. 4i!48cs fancy cnndleit eu .lohblnir at BOOfllc. CtthHSU HM stendy, New York, whole, milk flats, current make, fancy, U7H QT2Rc. do common to fnlr 24tf2Tc, do, Lomthorns, 2?02Mc alncla Dllrles, 27HW2SHC Johblno; snlea of fancy held goodi. 211030c. I.IV13 Fowls not Leghorns, fancy, heay, 3040c, exceptional lota hlahar; do, llaht to medium, 33037c, white Leghorn fowls. .111? .(" brolllna- chlckans, fancy yellow-skinned not Leghorns, weighing 14 ffi lbs. apiece, 50 5115c. broiling chickens, fancy, yellow skinned, not Leghorn, weighing lUi pounds anlece, 45W4RC. white Leghorns, hroners, weigning it w- pounds apiece DREAMLAND ADVENTURES THE GYPSY DOGS Ilr DADDY ClIArTKll V I.ndy Ann, the Collie TJtrunN my father answered that ' v call for help In ths night, he didn't know he was going to meet tho love of his life." said, Toddlo Tupltlns, telling reggy anJ Bjlly of tho escape of Shep, the Bheep dog, nrrd Gray Prince, tho stolen horse, from tho camp of the gypsies Father thought he was simply goinK 4.1WI3C white Leghorns broilers, smaller . , ,t,n i, n atranro 1irv rloe who sizes 40(3 llo old rooster. 2102flet duck. ,n l" nlu ot a stranga lacy aoB who .,, nufh.. j- ..,.. nnq.-. . lt. . 7. ... .,.- .... Antra " on, n,Qowc, uv, BiT.tia, tfuwoju, piBeons, per pal. . 43ST5nc nilllHSKU rolfLTRY Fowls, frerh-ktlled drj picked In boxes weighing 4W." III, apiece 40c, welhln 34 lha., 3703'c weighing 3 lb . BWS7c: fowl, fresh-killed In barrels, dry-picked, weighing 4itT3 lbs. nplece. 40c weighing 34 o lb., 37CT33C. weighing 3 lbs . .1.1 1T .1.1c, broilers, western drj-plcked weighing 14 (12 lb, apiece, HOe. broilers western, smaller sizes, 53058c, old roosters dry-picked, western, 27ci do, southern, 25ft 2ilc. spring ducks, L. I 31c. Ulisil rmrrH Apples, Jersey, per hnsket- No 1 lllffl 7ft, 2 and drop, :30i."ic Oranges, per box. J2.83W8.15 l-rnfeflillt Flc-rlda per box J2.850H.2H I'lnejipples. per crfite Jl8. readies. (If or -la, pr crnte J IP'S Watermelons Florida, per car Jir.niSMSO, Cantaloupes wefitcrn. tier standard crnte. Jl 30 3.50. do southern, per flat crnte 80 (1.1c.. Iliack- perries per nuaxt lOBi'.'iie. ituck eoerr s. pert quart, 20W3ilc Currnnta, rer quart, titffri-.t icaspDorriex, jersey per quart, Jinift lie. KOKTAnt.KS White potatoea. Southern, per bbl No 1 J7li No. 2 and cull. 3 50WI5H. hlt potntoe. Jersey, per bushel basket No 1 Jl 30W1 75: No. 2 7.VWJ1 7." Cabbage. I'cnnsyUnnla. per bbl , ftOcff II do. Jersey per basket, 15 33c. Onions, Jersey per basket, 33W30C BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New York, July 10 IIUTTHR rirm. Receipts 12,027 tubs Crenmry, higher than extras 570574c Creamers extras (D2-ecore), 504c, creamer (lrata (88 to Dl-ecore). B24 JfSflc. packing stock, current make No 1, 43?434c. KOQS Steady Receipts. 13 371 cases, rreeh gnthered extra first 4n iff 11c fresh gathered, first 43f48e state, Penna nla nnd nearhv western whites firsts to extras, Sftiffttac. stite, PennsManla and nearby western hennery browns extras. 51 BKc state. PennsManla nnd ne irb gath erel brown and mixed colors, firsts to ex tras 4 Iff 534 e CHEHSE Unsettled Receipts. 5RR2 boxes State uholo-mllk flats current mak uhlre and colored specials 274 28'jc. do. aver age run 2(lIT27c, state, whole milk twins, current make specials, 275? 27 c. do, acr ago run. 2bi'u:r,c. BAR SILVER Domestic bar sliver was unchanRed In New York today nt 3!)Hip: foreign ran 2e lower, nt 10ic In London, the nrlce wns 52t2d. down l'.id had bcc"n attacked bv the gypsy dogs, continued Toddla Pupklns. "He knew thnt by stopping to help her ho was risking his own cnances of getting away, nut father was a gentleman flog, and when a lady dog barked for help he wasn't going to leave her at ths mercy of a pack ot gypsy dogs. And Gray Prince wns a gentleman horse, and he wasn't going to leavo his friend behind. "So father rushed to tho other aide of tho gypsy camp. Thero ho saw a most astonishing sight. "A llttlo boy was standing with his hack to a tree. In front of him was a beautiful indy Colllo riog, her hair bristling and her lips snarling as she hrnioly guarded tho boy against a whole clrclo of enemies. "First and foremost nmong these enemies was Tied Peter, king of the gypsies. He held a whip In his hand, and he was trying to got at the llttlo boy Dut the Collie wouldn't let him She snapped so dangerously "he didn't dnre go near. "This mndo Red Peter angry nnd he shouted for tho gypsv dogs to drag down the bravo Colllo. With n whelp of de light they leaped nt her, Snapper lrr tho lead. "It wbb Just nt this moment that Shep dashed upon the scene. He took one look, then with his fighting snarl, he flew to the rescue of the fair Collie "Snapper's teeth were lust grabbing the lady Colllo, when Shep s jaws seized him by tho throat In an Instant Snapper, who thought ho was going to havo an easy victory, found himself fighting for hln life. Growler nnd Fnnrlcr pitched Into the row, nnd so did all tho other gypsy dogs. "My, but that wns some dog fljht Jaws clashed and fur Hew. Shep nnd tho lady Collie put up a wonderful bat tle, but thero wcro so many gpy dogs that things might have gone badly for them had not Gray Prlnco dashed to Shop's rescue. 'Gray Pj-lrrco fought with his heels. kicking to right and lert. And every time a kick landed, a dog went salting out Into tho woods, not to como back, "In less than a Cozen barks, those gypsy dogs found themselves soundly thrashed. Torn and bruised and slashed they crept yelping and howling away to hldo themselves under tho gypsy vans and In the tents. "And Red Peter, when ho saw how tho gypsy dogs had been whipped bv Shep and the beautiful Colllo and Gray Prince, forgot his anger In his admlra " :Uo I Ho I Thnt was a plucky battle I' he shouted 'That bravo Colllo Is a fitting mate for the boss of my dogs. She has earned a welcome to our camp. She shall not ba harmed, and neither shall the lad she has so nobly protected." "So Red Peter and the other gypsies drew back, leaving Shep nnd Gray Prince with tne oeauiuui i.onic. " ! thank you. gallant sir. for com Ing to my rescue, said tha Colllo to my rntner. jinn you not anBwereu my call I would have, been torn to pieces, and little Phil, my charge, would hae been at the mercy of theise ugly gypsies.' " 'Do not thank me.' barked my father, 'I am only too glad to havo been of service to such a fair lady dog. But this Is no t'mo to OtiK make haste to escape from this gypsy camp whllo you havo the chancel' '"Nay, sir, 1 must stay with Little Phil", barked the lady Collie, and then she told them her story." What that story was will bo related tomorrow, , PACKARD 7-passengcr Twin Six. Splen did mechanical condition. Pur chaser may select paint color. Great bargain. LEXINGTON MOTOR COMPANY OF PENNA. 851-853 North Broad Street J I tstA&yf&tKc? EDWIN J.SCH0ETT1X CO. v535NCLomHrt STREET PHIJUA.. BIG BOOK BARGAINS For Vacation Reading They ore by popular authors and have been used In our library. Good, clean condition. 30 Cents Each, or FOUR for DOLLAR Womrath's Circulating Library 15 South 13th Street, Philadelphia Iff WMsUMayberry 3!V 524Walnut St. At . OBBING A SPECIALTY MAIL ORDER YOUR OLD PANAMA cleaned. Worked nndc I antln-nnlsueu by rx-J (rta , , Ve Mock our own lilts, CHAS. CARPEN Factory. 1220. Filbert Pt. Rlore, 1232 ritbert St.. riilla. ftijj jr i NE0LIN SOLES and O'Sullivan's $1 7C I1F.RT MATriHAT, rPF.D WORK OUAnANTKKD Goodyear Shoe Repairing' tot CTLnnrtT strkct ifCJr now AnouT SOME JIONKT JDIAmrA(NDAJKWELBT, rrAMCTa. mmnop . fol'vixn bt. .OONDKTI Do CITY, msffiM sm HffA nt a-t,nn& . .Mt- M -- ' ., -- a iMimiiT twar sniuuip itiifi i) rir ft U. SCHMITT. Mfr. ?J? .'!. ford Ate, GLASSES, OST kM?P vjLO7 Fine Business Opening for Exceptional Office Manager One of our clients needs a man with department store experience who can keep the accounts accurate, adjust differ ences with customers arreeahly and supervise the efficient working of a considerable force of clerks. Apply by mail only, giving previous experience, age and such other information as may seem to call for personal interview. STOCKWELL, WILSON & LINVILL Certified Public Accountants 1205 Land Title Building Philadelphia j!UKMMJJfBBt''KJiifrilS!lmTlW,yJi rgypisHgMar?aM-jaaaTsaiaaaiaaaaiaaMMisa Gil Compounded motor oils of the old - typo paraffin base, when partly burned, leavo a thick Pticky tar. This residue sticks to cylinder walls, piston heads, ftc, collects dirt and forms car bon deposit. The terrific heat in the combustion chambers of your engine does not affect the quality of Sunoco the new scientific motor lubricant any more than boiling affects the quality of pure, distilled water. That is because Sunoco is an absolutely pure, wholly distilled, non-compounded product. Sunoco burns down evenly, the part that remains having the same lubricat ing value as the original oil. Sunoco will not break down in lubri cating ability under the most intense heat of the engine. It prevents carbon, scored cylinders, engine knocks, pitted valves, pre ignition, loss of power the fruits of im proper lubrication. Burning down ordinary compounded motor oils made by mixing light oils with heavy cylinder stock is like boiling down a solution of water and sugar. The residue becomes thick and sticky. When such a compounded oil is burned in your engine, the thick, sticky, non-lubricating residue clings to cylinder walls, piston heads, etc., collects road dust and other impurities, and forms carbon. Sunoco is made in six types to guaran tee the right type for any car. Any Sunoco dealer can tell you the right type for your engine, or write to us for the "Sunoco Lubrication Guide." Sunoco the new kind of motor oil burns down evenly. When used in tho en gino it leaves no sticky residue to form hard, flinty carbon deposit. Heat does not destroy its lubri cating qualities. PAT) Philadelphia Office: Finance Bldg. More than a million and a quarter (allons of lubricating oils per week IVI 0T0R OIL MM Coefe Limited -Time Introductory Sale of Welsbach "THRIFT"' Lights To replace wasteful open-flame gas burner. . Give more light than open-flame burners and use less than half as much gas. Long-lasting. Fit easily on upright fixtures. Take home as many as you can use at this cost price we will show you how to install them. Broad and Arch and District Offices THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. .mm Kvea I ifWi sTaamlaail ! .aL tZigia Y.l lb Jaauih Vha a ai. !VyrlDtTonVFIli;',l."'Artlilciarryerin;.M r22r Wt L2s Uxll TP U. S. ARMY FOLDING COTS SSitloSstToV Our Price, $2.50 Worth Double KUSHNER BROS. Army and Navy Goods 342.345 Christian St., Phila. rrepald Malt Ordera rilled fromutly J.nrcei t'ost, 2Sr i:trn ro floods hent r. O, n. Onen Iim ntr. u .trt t. I riioneai I.nmlinrd Bnig. Main B7lu A 1 BELLM recordsVICTORkecords 1129 CHESTNUT '?i.T".ou., nn l"" rrom Mantifneturera at Wholesale Trices: Sl.ftO. nnd J..Mi aal.i nil colors. Utennrt. 337 N, litis at. JrEUB w rnoor Knop Mchtnlns Itnlr Itencrffr Tha best llilr Tonlo on th market. Preventa dandrurt and the, hair from falling out. It makes tha hair healthy. Abso lutely fruaranteeil or mnnev r. funded. Testimonials mailed nn reauest. 1 Dottle Si. 73: n nottlea ft: 0 llottlea JO. 75. For sale by druggists Supplied bv Smith, Kline French. F. HOOP MFO. CO.. 11 N. Third ft.. Camden. N. i. pgrriWS Light in yP Gas Globe PHOTOPLAY h PHOTO PtAYS THRU Company r FIMERICA The following theatres obtain their pictures through tho STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee of early showinc of tho finest productions. Ask for tho theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. Apni I r BSD . THOMPPON STS WII.MAM P HAIIT In "STAKING HIS I.IKC" DAILY ADTAniA CHESTNUT Polnw 1CTII AKwAL-MrA in a m to 11:13 P.M. WALIACE RKID In "SICK AUCD ' BALTIMORE Rise & Ha'tlmnro v.. n on Cat M . EITOENF5 o'nnir.N'in IIS win; .iiu.i, ni r !CiaiDr DnoAD PTnnr.T and tSLUlI.tJlrvL-' m'PQUF.HANNA AVE THOMAS METOHAN In "WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE1"' BROADWAY "SVif. ETHEIj f't.AYTON In "A I.ADY IN I.OVE" r- ADITHl 722 MAHKITT PTnEET UArl IVJLj jn a m to it is P m rXAINE HAMMEnSTEIN In "THE SHADOW OP UOSAI.1E nYnNES" -.-vi M1A1 01n- Maplawood Aves CUL.-'1N'1"1-' 2 in 7 und 0 P. M. STAH CAST In "EVEN AH EVE" r-lVIDOCCQ MAIN ST. MANAYUNK bMl lnO MATINEE DAILY RTAn CAST In "EVEN AH EVE" FA1RMOUNT TZ&te MAE MI'IinAY In "ON WITH THE DANCE" r-ANIll V TIIEATrtB 1311 Market St. r AlVllli n a. M tn Mldnleht ETHEI. CLAYTON in "LADY IN LOVE" ,rrij QT THEATni Ilalow Rpruc JU 1 1 - a MATISBU UAILT CONSTANCE IMNNEY In "THE STOLEN KISS" FRANKFORD WALLACE 4715 rrtANKFono AVENUU ltEID In THE DANCIN' POOL" GREAT NORTHERN BT "oa? U ALICE LAKE In "SHOHE ACRES" INflDITRIAl cflTH WALNUT HT8, NORMA TALMADOE In "THE WOMAN QIVEH" , ,-. Arvirp 4iar lancabteu avb LbAUL.r MATINKE DAILY nOUEIlT WARWICK In "THE CITY OP MASKS" i mCDTY broad a Columbia av. LlDE-rV 1 I MATINEli DAILI NORMA TALMADOE In "THE WOMAN GIVES" 333 MARKET VJ&llSSffiS w.w jii.x in "THE DAREDEVIL" IVinnFI 23 BUT" BT. Orch.stra. IV1n-'1-'I-1- Continuous 1 to 11. BRYANT WABHIIURN In "100 MUCH JOHNSON" OV ERBROOK fflPv-A ,, Am J WALLACE main in '" PALACF 12U MARKET STREET WALLACE REID In ' t "SICK ARKD "THE WOMAN OOD BENT REGENT M-VnKJ7 , 0" "TH ETHEL CLlvTOv'ln0 " P tt "LADDEn OFLii:s" RIALTO GERMAN-TOWN AVE ,M coUstan-c7: 'yT'EN " "THE STOLEN KISS" RUBY MAnK T , DELOW 7TT. "THE PrVV" l!'5 P " THE VALLEY OF nnrtriT.. ?AOV 1211 MARKT5T n-rr..- u i s a o . --- i"sr.i- AT.I,STAR"rVRT",''DNJOHT IILLE OP Till: Yl'ifnv.. "CAMIL1 THE YUKON" ai-ltKWUUU M" .Italtlmor. ANITA PTEWATIT In EVr" '30 "VIRTUOUS w-ivns" STANLEY VAn,"BT ArwlTISr; HHIRT.EY MAKOV "nU 1B P. M "TREASURE ISLAND" VICTORIA WaTSTiivfn NOAH TIEEnv In ll!l5 P' M "THE BEA WOl'r" t7 NIXCS'ffg BELMONT 02D AU0VE wAiuurT DORIS KENYOV In "THE HARVEST MOON- CEDAR C,,T" 4 cedTtTTH . wJ1,lVANT w'Asnnt'nv n . 'MRS TEMrLB'fl"TELl-nr,nVt.. COLISEUM liLJjr j5 e0T" JUMBO TkMio ?v5r- MARIE DORO nnronl"ord "L" "12:10" LOCUST M.?..A! nfvS NIXON HD AND markeT- JUANITA HANSEN 2n3, 7 nd 3 , "THE LOST CITY-'" RIVOLI B-D AND sansoITsTs EMMA DUNN inM,"ln Dally "MOTHEU" STRAND OEIIMANTOWN JT ROBERT WARWICKTn'ENANc'0 "THE CITY OF MASKS1.. WEST ALLEGHENY M. 1 ! r Lii kajasVaHHBVHHHBMHBMsXHHBKaESKBKB ! Just Purchased From U. S. Government 7000 Army Khaki Summer Shirts These, rcrlnlinrd ahlrta arc irntemmer htandard khnkl, v 1' madei S porlteN hest ahlrt for cun" Ine or rniiali iio-k Thry .er rll. (r dir n hnlf dozen t" dav. Yon don't ri' t li 1 a oportijn"' elsewhere. Wortl: ft Our Price, BT $1,351 KUSHNER BROS. Army and Navy Gooda 342-315 Christian St., Philn. Prepaid Mull Orders l'illrd Prompt Parcel Post, 10c i:lr. No t.oods hent C. O. I. nnan Vr.nln.a ITnlll B nT'lrt, I, fgil'lionra: Lombard IW1B. Mnln S7HD nK DIAMONDS BOUGHT Ol-R MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE b OUR HONEST ft RELIABLE METHODS ARE YOUK OUARANTEE. Many diamonds needed nt once to fill orders all sizes, H to 10 carats, will pay from 10 to J3,1 1 each (cash) Wo must hae them nnd by aell Ine your diamonds tp n YOtt WILL AT LEAST SAVE 111 to 40 PER CENT, Estatea nmmht Est 10 j ears irrlvato) phono Wal. 7143. Also old gold, silver, platinum bought. The Diamond Shop && COIN MACHINES Bell Fruit and others. Card Reela (1017 Models). Jackpot. Poker Card, Eeweys: 100 new and rebuilt. All bargains. Kaatern Odlce 6I.OAN NOVELTY .MFO. CO, boo v nit. g rhone. Hell Poplar'4724 P" ANOTHER SALE OF REGULATION ' 0. D. Army Woolen Shirts B On neennnt of the larco purchaan of H theso ahlrta wo can offer them aealn IemII (f-T-Wm Iot&i3 Thefifl reclaimed uhlrts are rnado of government atana. aril w o o 1, well made, with two pockets. Just the thine for work. camplriK and any j rouRh wear. Iluy a half dozen of! thono excellent I rhlrtu whllo you i can at tniB price. KUSHNER BROS. Army and Navy Gooda 312.31!; rhrlatlnn St Pliiln. I rrepald JInll Ordera rilled Promptly 9 Parcel Post, lOo Kxtrn Nn Gooda Hent C. O. I). Onen Hr.ntnr., 1'nfll ft nTloelc BHiriioiiei Lomlmrd DrtlR. Mnln ,17l"l IBV 'in- I " i i,H j .' h TT' '' t m.i Mtf' l" ). -CORNS KU1T to ''t a ' t-r-' A MUSHROOM COKN It FLAT CORN C SOI T CORN D-SURFACR CALLUS n-I)EKl CALLUS F INFLAMED HUNION AND KNOB JOINT SOLVENT has 'em all heatcnl Itemotea corns, cullu.c, wurta without pain or discomfort. The ireutest dlscuirry of the me. In-I stintly stops pain nnd relletes soreness !'11 r.'l"riy inn corn, iuiii Iti At, leadliiB druxilsU or direct, brjrf-, paid parcel vost, from the r ,' "I im or irt mi Jin imp uc dofsn't fliorlly thn corn ita iiiim rirnt nrr Inrontrnlfnce you In your daily uork. tnakfrii. co.'"25fi . PhllaJSUi1 Alitcheny "THE DANCIN' FOOL" iiZfi- JlfiAWF ir nn k , KIRK REJIEDY m .howm. , or th. jMk arpeVraiKday. w ft xsi norm Tenth, tit rf. & a 'niinV.'" '-.' '?.' v 'n-siifJJ(t 'i2iV'r iLj&im'f'd rz&M Kiflg&te x h iTfiflffil'i1i' ' 'Vi. IgSMia- t-------"-"-----