?t- hrl 'Mh H, f4i' - rr.w- if i -tt- . ', ? f i t '" '& I'iJ. ,;r - ." - i - f ' JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE flancy Wynne Tallts of Bar fat There for This Month ' Various Happenings . i i.-.l.-n Ttii TTJjnB you in town yrirriia, i m..i, VV If you were yo" would not he hci'e .. .,uthis today. brcnuM yon womti iiturMly be melted. It wad'somo day. wasn't 4t7 !-- ""'J "' " .. pooolblc and sat under an electric fan eyry rntoute I could, for I dou't ,jl,f warm wrauirr. Dp that lis it miry, mine. i um ! 1C hp are up hi Maine ! Think of the m1i clear air and tliolfoj:n and high -iJ unit alwaj-H helntt cooltbat In, ...rW nlwars. Think of the wind belnf? !& that on who ii un.there m .iron tlmt ono who w tin mere Siu.llr 1id ho nurliiclty to write inn (dually Jh, oth-r ilny ann ny -nni ino wm I"' iiAln ko hard "lift Wondered. If M'.1"1.! I.. ..hi. In 1-fwl. Ami 2? .KWWt, wait: ven." m --"""- . fr 1nr-r.in tin 5.? I 5 III ko nwny'and I will writ., to '"v"1... "... .i 1, mn inili. nnil SrJfS of "ii" fiMv- nu,i t,.,p wm,u,of !L1(! SnM ami the -wlr-h of the. oars on the Sater, an' ovm thins; apd then she'll know how I felt. TTOWnVEB, lefn talk a little about II nr Harbor, b-eftim- I hear a -rent V ..'k. mi th-rp nlromlr. and ft I. certainly one 'beautiful spot. The ri. Witt Cuvlers lolt till" wrrtt ior J?. ".'IF... 4i,.r Mix Ilannr Oil?- K ' .. Mr. CnyhVa ulster, aiwnjrn "","' li! iri. fisiri, . . . i ... ir(. The Maillfon Tnvlor- have pone and the '!, Wrl-Iit- nti-l Mtir-iirct and '!'-": .I....I.1 ti.inb ni Tounirpr S; would nil-n Cane May. he STthr have been jo hero f. thref or tour yrnr m". ;' , ,5 many more yoiinsc nropl; at the Jer wr wort than in Bar H.rbor. But . the necnery at the Harbor tar n do, CaK &- attractions, and so v"&, know MJ Conorcr is to run an Kmewncy iu -m-i. - .-- -1 n Bar Harbor this year. She ta , a htfr of Mrs. Wr cht and has always SSVltla them. They had a tea room .17 F. A khon nt Cape May for cvcral & ami so decided to have Th?re re two ten rooms nlreadv c (lUUted in i Bar Harbor by Miss Sophlo Trawl ami they have been very sue- tearful. In fart, they nave occn ku." or for six or eight years. ... t There is a sort of shop nttaeherl to A room, and beautifu old ch nn ami antique furniture and other '"" are cold, in connection with the tea room. A Rreat many omen of social jromlnence have, pone In for this Kort It thing and it is a good Idea. For Iv have excellent taste and judg nt anil thev do have successful rTac s. Miss Rfliaboth Woodville has a fa room and shop In ot " anil thero are innumerable others dot M here and there throughout Now England. asVll as our own state and New Tork and Delaware. HAVn vou seen that baby of Nancy SmUhe Miles? She's nearly Two vpnrs old now. and the most lovable wee niece of humanity I have ever seen. She's tlmplv beautiful and so good and eunmnn. ou Know .urn. -um i uu...v hrr Xaaev Thomas Miles, because beiug a girl che could uot be named after her Midler father, whom she will never see in this world, for he died in France just about a month or so before she was .. ir nan Thnmnn Miles, nuu so small Nancy has the Thomas iu her Her mother was Nancy Smythe and the and wee Nancy live with Mr. anil Mrs. Calvin Smythe, Mrs. Miles's par tnts, at their home in Germantown. ALL the family were enthusiastic over .llmmie. who having attained the age of fifteen, had gone to a boy s camp and think of it I was made a Junior assistant or something of the lnd- . .. . i j Father and mother were delighted. Their boy was so ambitious, think of his being considered of proper ago. and knowledge to be a junior helper I tell you! And when his first letter camo thev read it out loud, and they took it around with them an' evcr thing, and wire just as proud as could be about it. For he told how he rose in the morn ing and helped with breakfast. And how he helped the younger boys, with whom he came in contact, and ohl it was juat wonderful! Well every one was inter feted and agreed how lovely it was till one day .Tlmmle's elder sister came home from a visit. She listened to the letter and praise th a bored expression and then fhe raited wearied arras above her head and remarked: "It must be some camp if it can make .Tlmmie-work!'' NANCY WYNNH. ' SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr and Mrs. Denuveau Borle. Jr , an nounce thfl engagement of their diiutchter. Mlm Patty Borle, to Mr. Albert Nalle, ton of Mrs Jesse Nalle, of Lonchouse, Bryn Miwr, Pa. Mrs Isaac Clothier, Jr, with her cn, Mr. Isaac Clothier, 3a. of Sunny nrook Farm, Radnor, left last Tuesday to tpentl a month on their ranch in "jomlns Miss Catharine Ciothicr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Clothier. In at Camp Onaway, New Hampshire, for the tummer. .Mr and Mrs. Gustave "W. Berliner, of mverford announce the marriage of meir daughter, Jean Colpart Scott Berg nr, and Lieutenant George L Comto, United Statts navy, of tho naval air craft station at San Dlojro. Calif., on Thurrday, nt the home of Mr, and Mrs. w Moaeley Swain, Hinehani, Haverford Mrs Fianlt Gavjoy entertained at ptvon Manor on Wednesday evenlncr in honor of Miss Eleanor T. Chandler and Mr. Theodoie B. Welderfcelm. Jr.. whose marriage will take place on July 21 Tho PJests Included Mr. and Mrs S. A caatiifr. Mrs. Frederick T. Chandler, Jr. Mr Joseph Delono and Mr. Wil liam T Gayley, Jr. Amone tho guests who attended th olnner bIvo i at the Merlon Cilcket Club ?viiHUndll.v 'venlnit by Mr. and Mrs. iV'l'am Henry Brooks, of St. Davids, In nonor of Mis Eleanor I.owthrope. of irenton. whose engagement to Mr. Wil liam Henry BrookH. Jr. has Just been announced, and Miss Mary V Scull. SJ049 encasement to Mr. Morton Earl i u.1"' "'"' iMl been announced, were Meutenant Commander Opcar Badger, Or.-"1x?Ir? I'VH flalston Ayera. of rr,n?r8N J : Lieutenant George Wlll imi x,lIVl!t Jr- Dna Mr- Mclver. Mr. ci,D(ir,lnn Brooks. Mr. William "- "cull, Jr, nnd Mr. T. Frazlor Brookes FariT,.SnawMr'' Da5!.ld C. Ogden, of nnnV,. iu t,:r""-0' uermantown. an nouiuothd engagement of their dauph Il,.J n Mnn' ?lB,en edn, to Mr. ii.rtAnrown' alb0 of Germantown.. ef m! Auf,u,l'a W. Harrison, daughter OmunJ,J',: f. Vlllanova. will Bo to '' i,.rana,,,a' ,t0 vlslt fr several Jacl.nri'.,0,rf ,Xw'lR on Auu"t 1 r JacuBoriB Hole, Wyomlnr. inI,in ?ur' Da.nle' Hutchinson. Jr., n .lS.iJ? ;lt-'"( with their wn na l in?Ji,fr',,,,aw'.Mr- "U'1 " BBl. nam Hutcliliuon, at Locust Valley, L. I strr Wa,ler A Woou' 6 Loat Itock viS now occupying her hon.o on iwck road, Itadnor, for the summer. Iihin8, TIiJn"B. Nwhall. of Old Flace. Maw 'whS! rulurnea. from Magnolia, anarfa&Mr.B',i)rlhu.r Morton Wllsoit S,.r.-ram '.Jr t Wyoming- aenue. Ard- more p Si'ifr ,ot Wyoming aenue,' Ard- "ore, W leaye August 1. 'for their vr. , :':,,, , f ' Harbor and the Many Who and Next She Tells of in Social World enmp nt Pocono Lake 'Reserve, whero they will stay until fall. Mr. and Mrs, U. S. Grant, of Sharon Hill, nnnouncc the marriage of their daughter. Miss Sarah Grant, nnd Mr. Smedley Ward, son of Mr. nnd Mr. P. P- Ward, of Bldley I'nrkt on Saturday, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Phlllppus W, Mlllor. of Belford, ht. Davids, have returned, from a .several weeks' lslt In the Pocono mountains. a ' Mr. nnd Mrs. William Anderson, of Booth nnd Bos lanes, Haverford. teft on Wednesdny for Atlantic City, where they will stop at tho Traymoro for a few weeks. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold A. Freeman, of St. Davids, nre spending the summer at Colebrooli. N. H. Miss Florence Pntton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas It. Pntton. of 6023 Orexel road, OVcrbrook. la tho gucrit of Mr, and Mrs. L,. a. Belmont, of Latches lane. Merlon, nt the New Mon mouth Hotel, nt Spring Lake. Dr. nnd Mrs Arthur n. Dray, oV ueirui, Kyrta, nre recclMng congratula tions on the birth of a second son a row w ceks hko. Doctor Dray, whn hnn n chair at, the American University at uviiui, whb a resiaeiu oi mis cuy tor n humber of years. Doctor Dray expects to Vfnlt lh AlnlAtf l,t-lt,M Ul ait,hn,An which will noon be (riven htm. tin rllrl most efllclent relief work during the war In tho mountnlns of Lebanon, where ho estnbllihed a Bed Cross station, to which he devoted inuch attention. Mr. and Mrs Jay S. Jones, of Warren. J;a, ore receiving congratulations on tho ?.""?' "J on, jay h. jonca, Jr. on Juno 2b. Mrs. .Ionen will be remembered n; Miss nuth B. Elsenhower, daughter Mr' and MrH- w- ll- ElsenhoweV, of Klchena lane, Germantown. Mr. and Mrs. E II Drlggs, entertained nt Ulnner nt TlAVntl KTitnn,- tlila ui.aI, In honor of their sister, Mlts Jean Wutson. Covero wero laid for fourteen. t,,Sa &l& J?" 'a re, ati extendod trip through the West. r.M,K uml Mrs- Frodorlck Oelgor. of KSibT00fe ,e,ntertftl"ed Mr. and Mrs. rVi ,,h W,Jlf anLl Mr- on1 Mrs. Jerry ?tnun.d' L Overbrook, m their home Sr f.t.ern Polnt' Conn- over the Fourth T -t'i'- "gV John Bamberger, of the Wt wVJi,BrSnteun,h und Walnut streets, r . rnrin ini.i- "V r r.L. rienus rop Colo nnrt rfulnies UJ?" .wl" tour Yellowstone vJ? H,Lacie,r ark They u' also September rcturnlnE Bme time In city 'MounS .Ju08eph h- BalIcy' ot thls cuy, nnnounco the emmmm.n, .,,i- HrrvTfcI:,lfanor C- Ballcy. t Mr. HarrS Jj fe Jr" BOn ot Mr- a"d Mrs. ALONG THE MAIM LINE sncVntCatho)"Krt',fr0"' Cynwyd, which rpent tno week-end cnmnlnir nlone- thu nln sift Hrown. Miss llleanor MIm riomthUi5d Mr.'1.. Herbert Cross, MnKte? niiCoss- lss kou1"0 Cross nnnd" Mrr.a,iCLl:tfe0.3,, Mr' Ch",C3 MXm ,ur. nnd Mr r n ttn.i .. . Mr. i.-r-,:-ii-ji',)f iiiiun, oir. ana ir.;i,i;";. "ViK'?r. nna...astor Frank .....j ' "" ul lanarnio road, Cyn- rhifnUS. si,f,"d,.n.,r "e "nmer at tho Lhaironte, Atlantic City. nnd V.f?JldT?Ir.u- Iilrcn: Singleton Tay vn.iil h,s n .th, ay- of Ess avenue, . ? b?rtlJ; wl" ,CIlV0 today for a motor K.'.u- ,reecK, na, where they will Sapplngton, tor a month. . ' A"11"'" Littleton, of Mandrlllo road. Cynwd, is visiting Mrs. Clara '"uum Joyce .ai ner summer home in utamuv, i,, J, ir?Ir;-nnMrsJEward c- Deardon nnd Master Edward Deardon. Jr.. will sail for Europa July 31. They will spend the Hummer touring the continent and w II also visit Cofonel and Mrs. Tho'mas Birch. United atntes. minister at Por tugal, arriving home 'about October 1. Mr. nnd Mrs Milton .1 lr.r.nf ),,,, returned from their wedding trip to Niagara. Buffalo, Washington and other places of interest and are in their now home, 6iu Lebanon avenue. Oerbrook Mrs. Hentog. who was mai rled June 1, was Miss Henrietta Plncus. GERMANTOWN r.t Jeo "J,'1 .MI, George L. Estabrook, of 620 West Cliveden avenue, have re turned to their home from a trip to Buffalo, Newark and Niagara Falls and a few days spent nt Ocean City. ,,MI,7, Marian Zorns Cadwalladcr, of 139 West Upsal street, has Joined her parents, Mrr nnd Mrs C L, Cadwal ladcr, at their cottnge in Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs Stanley H Ketcbam. of Harvey street, nre spending ten days at Bay Head, N. J. Mr. and Mrs E Burk Estabrook, of West Johnson street, aro in Newark for the summT. w,Mr'T?.n.d "J".' Jonn L Zimmerman, Mlm Lillian Zimmerman anil Mr. Tlav. mond Zimmerman, of 38 East Haines street, have returned from visiting .urn. muiiuiio jiciumc, oi VVIUianiS' town. Pa. Miss Merlon Tophan, ofiSUS Greene street, spent a few days nt her cottage ui wccun uiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Firth are spend ing the summer at the Hotel Dennis Atlantic City. Miss Glads Brcnnan wai the truest ot mr. ana mrs. clarence a Hnrdlmr. of .MJ West Clapler street, for a few days at thoir cottage at Ocean City. Miss Esther James his returned from a short stay at Ocean City. Mr. and Mr Alfred C. Marple nnd miss .uaDei .tinrpie, ot onun xena street, nre occupying their apartment at Ocean City for the summer. Miss Dorothy nose is spending some time in tietnienem, ra. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wllkle and family, of 109 West Harvey street, motored to uirouasnurg, wnere tney will sjiond a jhort time. Mlhs Etliel Young nnd Miss Magda lene Young, or fiin isast TuipenocKen i-troet. will leave today to ena several days In Wlldwood Mr. and Mrs James McQIiee and Miss Miriam McOhee aro spending the holi day season nt Ocean city. Miss Muriel Margerum and Miss Helena Atexander havo returned from n slinrt stav ln Ocean City. Mr. Vernon Plhe 'entertained Infor mally at ins nome on inurmay e nlng. Among the guests wero Miss Lillian Zimmerman. Miss Merlon Top. han. Mr Harry Reed nnd Mr. Benjamin Valentine. , A i-nril nnrtv will bo riven for mem bers and their guests nt the Cedarbrool: Country Cluti on Monnny evening. Mrs. Herbert A. Wallace and her son, Mr. unrnid Wallace, of i.ts East Mount Airy avenua, have returned to their home from a week's stay at the Holm hurst, Atlantic City. Mr uml Mis. William Scatchard. of 605 East Chelten avenue, aro occupjing their cottage at Ocean City for the summer. Mr ,.nri Mrs. a. .11 Longmlre. of 49 High street, have gone to their cottage at ocean uny " vo ... aqUTH PHILADELPHIA Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Marie Assman, daughter of Mrs. M- Assman, of 149 Rlttier street, and Mr Stephen Wilts on Wednesday, June 30, at 0 o'clock, nt St. Alphoneuo's Church, Foui th and Reed. Mr. and Mrs Claude Ramspncher, of 2340 South Seventeenth street, will leave next week with their children, r.r.iv rlnuda Rnmspacher, Master Wnlter Ramspacher and Miss Reulua Ranispncnor, io mmim n iu,.ini,.ik i Wlldwood. Miss ICathryne 'Kennedy will return tomorrow-to her home, 204 Spruco street.' after havlngpent, several weeks wlUi itlaada at OceAn Clyf i! .EsWrPOTLldlfifeGB'RPBlLADJ5PHIA, feATtTBPAY,- JTOY 10, J920 T V- --. k - - - - ' - ' ' ' " """ "" ' '"" , v mmm P'y,!V,M'S ...X 3MHK1 V ' " $v, ' (, TVWLtC . ,Ll' v .iv,t.. p,w VV v 'AK ffi . am -.ari,- ia , & Thoto by rhllllpa h rhlllips MBS. WAKUEN RIABNAK Who before her man Inge on June 12 was Miss ISstcIlo Latibcr NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrrf. Carl A. Tlogge, of 2743 North Ninth street, hae roturned from Elizabeth. N. J., where they were the nuests of Dr. ami Mrs. Joseph Funk. Mr. and Mrs. Rogge will be at home after August 15 at 1332 Lycoming street. Announcement Is made of the mar riage of Miss Catharine Bunge, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Louis Bunge. of 4043 North Broad street, and Mr. Earl Raser, of 7825 Germantown avenue, on July 3, at tho homo of the bride's uncle nnrf mint. Mr nnd Mrs. John B. Taylor. 5211 Overbrook avenue, Wynncfleld, by tho Rev. Dr. Miner, nssocinto nasior oi the Grace Baptist Temple, Broad and Berks streets. Mr nnd Mrs. ucorffo Down, or isorui Broad street, who aro occupying their summer home nenr Bristol. Pa., enter tained, the following at an nu-aay ear. rien ftn nn Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs, Harry A. Shuster, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde KhUStcr, Misa i-iorence i-nruor, oir. una Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, Miss Alice Bjillcy, Miss Reba Bowers, Miss Cora Bailey, Mrs. William Fish, Miss Marian Heiiton, Mlsi Mav Shuster, Mr Albert Itorers, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Smith. Mr. Wil liam Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. William Aus. tin Mr nnd Mrs. Wilbur Austin. Miss Elsie Dlttman. Mr. Elmer Reedy, the Rev. nnd Mrs. John V. Ellson. Miss Florence ElUon, Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett, MIbs Mario Cupp and Mr. and Mrs Roy Lester. Mr nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Bailey, of 2716 North Reese street, gave a reception nt their home In honor of their son-in-law nnd dnughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, who recontly returned from their wedding tour. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will be at home at Twelfth nnd York streets. , Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Harry Anderson, of 2135 Green street, have tnken a house at Merlon for the summer. ilw Jnsenh Slmsohtr. 909 North Franklin street, Ib spending tho summer with h.r father. Mr. Morris Storn. 230 Honth Rhode Island avenue, Atlantic City. Mr. aAA Mrs. Howard E. Frank have returned from their wedding trip, after passing a few days with Mrs. Frank's parents, Mr. and Mrs M. Sperling, of C174 Parkslde avenue, and nave gone to spend some tlmo at the home of Mr. Frank, In Chelsea. Mrs. Frank was formerly Miss Sophia L. Sperling. WEST PHILADELPHIA mi Mildred Perrem has returned to her home nt 3931 Baltimore avenue after spending a few aas wiin irienus in. Shawmont, fa. Mr W. Duncan Thomas nnd her daughters. Miss Virginia Thomas and Miss utnince ! nonius, oi me ouiitrict, s'nrrv.flftli and Cheutnut streets, accom panied by Miss Gladys McCowen. Miss Marlon O Meara and Mrs Jumes I. Mac Carey. Jr . and her children, will motor to Eaglesmere on July 14, to remain a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Swift Tredlck nnd their son. Master Wendell Swift Tredlck. Jr , and daughter, Miss Virginia DlcUy Tredlck, are spending a few dajs nt Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dickson and their daughters. Miss Anna and Miss Agnes Dickson, of 268 South Forty-sixth street, have taken a house at Laconia, N. H., where they are spending the sum mer. Their son, Mr. Pemberton Dickson, ha3 returned to the city to attend the summer school of the University of Pennsylvania. TIOGA Miss Marv Dtmpsey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Dempsey, of Ireland, and Mr. Dunlel J. Keegan, of 3520 Jud son street, were married on Wednesday morning in the Church of Our Lady of Holy Souls, Tioga and Nineteenth streets with the rector, the Rev Joseph A. Heffernnn. officiating. Mips Grace Keegan wan the brldo.'s only attendant and Mr. Joseph White was best man. After a wedding breokfast at their fu ture home. 3530 Judson street. Mr. and Mrs. Keegan left for Atlantic City. Mrs Stanley Burns, of York road, will entertain the members of the Alpha chapter of the Sigma Phi Sorority this afternoon at her home. Her guests will Include Mrs. Walter Smith. Mrs, Harry Edgar Dqnohoe, Mrs James Durness, Miss Gertrude Curry. Mrs William Schock, Mrs. John Stewart. Mrs Isaac Dalzell, Miss Annabel Crozler. Miss Cora Rogers, Mrs. Milton Kellv and Mrs Joseph Clay. Mrs. Burns, who was Miss Mndalelne Conahan, was a bride of tho early summer. Mr. Georce G. Lower, of West Tioca street, is spendlnc two months camping on the Maine coast, Mrs Ojcar Noll, of North Park ave nue Is spendlnc the early summer ut Turkey Point, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Lum, of 1416 West Venango street, are occupying their country home near Trenton. Dr. and Mrs. Charles P Gllden, Jr., have returned from their wedding trip and are at home at 1S27 West Tioga street. The bride was Miss Affiles Walker, daughter of Mr. Jacob Walker. STRAWBERRY MAN8ION Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rllch and family, of 2015 North Thirty-third street, are living at 204 Atlantic avenue, Atlantio City, for the summer Mr. and Mrs Meyer Newrnayer and family, of 3J43 Diamond street. hoe closed their home nnd aro spending the summer In Atlantic City Miss Gladys T Gaber, dauEhter of Mr and Mrs, David unoer, or sso Clifford street. Is spending the summer at Camp Mitchell, Tjler Hill, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. DaUd Bergcr and family, of 1737 North Thirty-second street, nro spending the cummer In Atlantio City. Mr. and MrB. Marcus E. Levy and their dnuphter. Miss llleanor Levy, of 1634 North Thirtieth street, and Mr and Mrs. Nathan Lcmlsch. of 2918 Colum bia avenue, have closed their homes ami nre spending tho summer In Atlantic City. f Mr. nnd Mrs Lester Lehrfeld. of 1737 Js'orth Thirty-second street, aro spend ing Uio summer in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs- J. D.' Maglll, of 1942 North Thlrtysecond Street,- ura living nt 118 South Seaside tueiiue, Atlantio. City, ?. MISS ISABELLA WADSWORTH BRIDE OF MR. J. S. ZINSSER MarrUflo Will Take Place at Majj nolla, Mass., This Afternoon ' A marriage of Interest to this city will take? place at E o'clock this after noon' at Ithe Union Chapel, Magnolia, Mass, when Miss Isabella Wadsworth, daughter of the iv-v. Dr. and Mrs. Charles, .Wadsworth, Jr., of 6854 Qver brook avenue, Overbrook, will be mar ried to Mr, John Shannon Zinsser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Zinsser, of t-ociut Wood. HnstlnKs-orr-HuCpon. New York. The bride's father will officiate, nnd the Ilev Dr. Charles Wndsworth, 3d, of HnBtlnTK-on-invldon will give bin slater in marriage. Mrs. Charles Wads worth. 3d. will attend as matron of, honor, with two maldt of honor, the sisters of the bridegroom, Miss Ellen Zinsser and Mlfs VtKKV Zinsser, and two bridesmaids, who win h mIm Dnrn. thy Grammer ami Mlim Allsa MncColL of tins cuy. ino nrido will ho iittlred In thor wedding gown nnd ell of her mother, unchanged, which Is of ivorv Benttal ne fillkr trimmed with nM nnlnt lace nnd ostrich. Sln will carry an old- rnshionea oouquei or swantonln. The attendants will alt wear pink barred or nandle frocks with snniipR.of French niue ana pinu orRiuuiio hats, carry nir Columbia roses and blur inrit.nur tiia brldeirroom'B best man will br h!n father, Mr. Frederick J. Zinsser, and tho ushorn will Include his two cousins, Mr. Wil liam Zinsser and Mr. rtudolph Zinsser, of New York; Mr, Lewia Douglas, of Arizona; Mr Chauncey Loomls, of Txas, and Dr. William B. Breed, of Boston. A reception will follow nt tho clubhouse of tho North Shore Swlmmluit Pool. Upon their return from their wed ding trip, Mr. and Mrs Zlnsaer will be iu no York. ome nt Hastlngs-on-Hudsonr, New JOHNSON BIsniNO The mnrrlapo of Miss Isabel Blsblng ciaugntor or Mr. Jolm D. Blsblng, of iju iveii .mouni I'icas.iiit nenue, to Mr, Thomas Johnson, of 3G2S Vnrti, u,i,. hnm street, took place cry quietly nt tho homo of tho bride's father on Wednesday cvenlnir nt 8 nvinr-ir tv, Roy. Thomas S. Cllitc, rector of Grace Lplscopal Church, Mount Airy, olnclatcd. riMrl If. nialilni. ha a 1.1. X. . ' ." .',.. uiruixu K...U nis unusrnior in mnrrmge. Mrs. Albert J Uohrer nt- lyiucu ino priae ns rnniron or honor, and Mr. .v..,jii. u, jwurcr wai tno nest man. Mr. nnd Mrs Johnson nro now spending sorno tlmo in Wlldwood. N. J. They will b ,at homo at 3142 North Broad street upon their return to the city. FALL8 Or SCHUYLKILL Mr. Frank D. Folev and Mr. James M. Carton, of East Falls, have left on a motor tour through tho New Eng land states, where they ill spend the remainder of tho summer Miss Mnrjorle FergUKon, daughter of ui. Ait-tunuer i-orKueon, or ounnyslde avenue, nnd Mr. Harry E Markley. whose engagement has been announced, have gone to tho Delaware Water Gap IWI .Jill L Ul JUiy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert E Incham, who were mRrrled on June 30, have cone to Garden Grove, Cnllf, to llvo. The bride was Miss Mnrjorlo walker, daugh ter of Mrs. Smith Walker, of Queen lane. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Fltzpatrlek nre passing theli wedding trip In Atlantic City. Th.i bride was MIsb Mary Veronica Murphy, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomns Murphy, of 1469 Queen lane. The weddlnir was solemnized on Juno 30. Mr. nnd Mrs Fltzpatrlek, upon their return from their trip, will be at home at 2219 Beechwood aenue. The wedding of Miss Esther Parker, of 339.1 Krall street, nnd Mr. Luke Shaw, of 3327 North Thirty-fifth streot, took place on July 2 with tho Rev. Wil liam B. Cooke, of tho Fnlli Presbyte rian unurcn, omciaiing. .Mr. and Mrs. Shnw upon their return from their trip will 11 vo at the Falls. HOLMESBURG Mr. nnd Mrs. Georso R. Stearns and her daughter, Mlsi Catherine Stearns, of 6711 Frankford avenue, aro spending a fortnlgm oi oeigraac, inc. Miss Emma Hagerman, of Ashton street, has returned from Wlldwood, whero she spent tho week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mru. C, Matthews at their cottage. Mrs. Amos Oombar, of Cral street. Is entertaining as her guest, Mrs. Emma States, of AndnlU3la. Mr. and airs. Gcorgo Potts, Mr. Edgar Potts, Mr Jacit l'otts, or Frankrord avenuo and Ashhurner street : Mrs Frank Christian, Mr. Frank Christian, Jr.. Miss Mary Patterson. Miss Dena Christian and Mlm Olive Masland In clude a partv wno nnve leu ror a ninel. In Wolf. Wyom'.njr, Thoy will he cone for seeral weeks, nnd from thero they will go on horseback through Yellowstone ranc. ASCO . aa dh. ASCO Our Special Coffee Price Continues Forty Cents a Pound for Fifty Cent Value We mean just what we say From a quality-coffee-satisfying- standpoint, we can save you ten cents or more on every pound of coffee you use. 1toM llMrSWi blend to be the finest selection of high-grade coffees ever turned out of a roaster. , Our guarantee goes this far Buy a pound, try it as often as you wish to satisfy yourself of its virtue, and if you do not find it to measure up in every way to the standard we have set, that is to say, the best cup that ever passed your lips, we will refund you, the full price paid. citien nnrl towns of us -pi a m m ASCO sa tml m at. -S- SS NSi ASCO 4kMisiAb.-4AftMAiMii ASCO. sli ii ill iritis. " NORRIBTOWN The marriage of Miss Hannah M. Richards, or 1320 Hwcdo street, auugniei of Mr., William Blchards. nnd Mr. Joseph M. Tyler, or Arch street, win iuko I'mo iN ii.. n-iaf rtMii, ri.tirrti thin niter- noon nt 4 o'clock. The Rev. Li W. "alner wilt ntttMnln Tl, hrMA Mill lie nttfrKICU n maid of honor by her sister, Mlsi Vlo- lei jiicnarns, nnu imio iwn niece of the brldecroom, will net as flower girl. Mrr Albert Tyler, brother of the bridegroom, will be best mall. Amnntf IUaba rnm MnrrlntnWn Who will spend the next few weeks at the. Y, w, u. camp ni wciiweniiviue, rn... yiji " Mfss Edith Wilson, Miss Mildred Foxy Miss Anne Swarts, Mlsa Elizabeth Oresh nnd Miss Dorothy Gresh. An Interesting home weddlnjr will take place this afternoon when Miss Emma Schultz Lowrncrc, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Longacro, of 022 Wes Marshall street, will be married to Mr. Frederick W. Amonson. of Philadel phia. The marriage will bo solemnized at 3 o'clock nnd n reception will follow. DELAWARE COUNTY An Informal dance will bo given at Artsmnn's Hall. Hose Volley, this evening by tho Folk-"Moho and their guests. 'Mr., and Mrs. F. Eugene Schmidt, of Springfield, have returned from 'a few unys stay ni wimwoou, i. j, Mpm M Unmur T.Am,r nnrl llAr dflUKh ter, MIsb Marv Ieepcr, of Media, are at Capo Mny, where thoy will spend the remainder of the summer. Mi- nnd Mi-. W. Mnrplw rTnrlleil linve returned to their home In Brookline. Mrs. Corlles wna lierore ner marnngo, a hw weeks ngo Miss Christine Burtnett. MIks Mnrirnret Ituntr. who haa been i? the guest of hir parents, Mr; and Mrs. .Tnmn P. TIllntAr nt ttiolr home in MatHIr, l.na rttltrt.Arl (ft Mnntrftfll. Cnn nda. whero she spent tho winter nnd spring with her uncle, Mr. Frank Hop kins. Miss M. Cnrmnn Major, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry R. Major, of Media, is spending n, row wcckb in jjoskw. -foro returning to her home she will be the guest of her uncle, Mr. Kline. In Montclnlr, N. J. Mr. nnil Mrn. Itnrrv TV Green, of Drexel Hill, hnvo returned to their home from n lslt oer thn Fourth of July to Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Wllbrnham nt their summer homo nt AHowny. N. J. Mrs Frederick Srctalir. Mrs. Oreen's aunt, of Washington, has recently pur chased a homo at Bon Air, where she will llvo permanently. Miss Grace Stockton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stockton, of Swnrth more, s entertaining Mies Neva Selms. of Mount Vernon, N. Y. .Mr. mid Mrs. James Gibson, of Mon treal, Canada, are the guests of Mr. und Mrs. John W. Ledotrx at their home In Swarthmoro. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ledoux hne recently returned from a visit to Mon treal, bringing Mr. and Mrs. Gibson with them, Mrs. Charles Brlnton. of Chicago. Is spendlnc the summer with Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Brlnton nnd their family at their cottage at Ocean City during the absence of Mr. Brlnton. who Is in South Amerlcn ror n rew montns. Mr. ana Mrs. Reynolcli Miller, or t.ermnntown, are nlsii with them. Mr. and Mrs. Brlnton nnd their family lived formerly In Media. FR'ANKFORD Mm. Lawrenco Burrtll and her daughter. Miss Alma Burrcll. of Haw thorne street, aro spending tho summer at Wlldwood. Mrs Mary A. Toyo announces the marriage of her granddaughter. Mhs Emma. Arietta Allen, to Mr. William Mngatngan, Jr., on Juno 30. Mr. and Mrs. A'. Hartman and thoir I daughters, of Foulkrod street, nre spend ing tho summer at Wlldwood. Mrs. L. Moore, of 4241 Romaln street, has returned from a fortnight's stay In Baltimore, where she w-as the guest of her mother. Mrs. L. J. Lank. Mrs. F Justin, of. Arrott street, will leave next week for a two months' stay in the Poconos. Mr. and Mr. Robert Pilling, of 4628 Lelper street, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson are at Lake Paulpac, Pocono mountains, for the summer. MANAYUNK Mrs. Ward Smith, of Green lane, has as her guest her niece. Miss Reta Null, of Elkton, Md , who will remain through the summer. Mrs. Louis Wless and her daughter. Miss Amelia Wless. of 216 Green lane, havo gone to Wlldwood for the season. The Erenint Pabllo IMttr Trelcomea snclnl notes of Intercut from vurloiis pjrta of the ltr. but these note must be rnpalile of verification, Ilerenfter social Item ent "J" mall to the Podot will not jir nublUHed, unless slcnrd by the hinder nlth name, address and trleplione num ber. Addrofts social Itema tn tlin Hoclety Fdltor, r.Tenlnc Publlo Ledger. COG Chestnut Mrecl. SthMiMl Why Pay More ? "Asco" PvUi Blend mjlll I rich, full, heavy body. Economy and satis faction in every bean. We guarantee this Stores conveniently located all over Philadelphia and in the principal s Pcnnsvlvnnia. New Jcraev. Delawnre nnrl Mnrvlnnrl. I n " r m m m ASCO ASCO ,is.,ili tmt li ln 4 , BUND BROOM MAKERS CONTROLOWNFACTORYiLXIIBT0N Back Themselves financially to Enter Competition With Rogular Trade The rhlladenliii Worhshnn for the rttln.l in.f nnon.1 nt 1-101 Frnnkfortl i . 11 . ...i. , -, Henth rarnllno At. X rienrh. I.rrt mod nvcniie, Is to provide emplnment ror j rat0.rnie hotel or brick. t;M t Rtnno enn ui...! i i .. . ...! .imiooltv structlon Nnwly remodeled throuuhoul. .Kle- uiiiiii iiiiiwiiiuiiiKrrn mm .,,.." ...v.. In being placed because of their afflic tion. The plnnt started operations this week on the co-operntlye plan, a com pany being organized among the work ers with n cnpltnl.of SJi.OOO. of which .1!3,7f)0 has been pnld In. An effort in being wiide to Interest more workers in tho project. The plant is hilly equipped with modern broom -making mnrhlncry, with n mnll force of opcintors at work. Three expert broom innkerH, Philip Metz. 2m Summer Mroeti Prank Grnbowskl, 8.112 T.nnrnstrr nvenue, nnd Jnienh Znrn. R00 Xorth Preston street, nil blind, were busily engaged nt their mnrhlncs today. In ilNousslug the co-operative plan tho men displayed grent enthusiasm nnd nn tlin Kiinnrlnrenrlnnt. C. V. Milcklc- ton, explained tho proposition, one of the workmen interposed tho following comment : "We blind fellows can mnkc just as good brooms ns our more fortunate fellow workers despite our handicap, but nnturally wo can't work ns fast or turn out ns ninny broomi. This is a great disadvantage in obtnlninj cm lilojment and etcadv work nt self-supporting wages. Wo do not care to be come objects of chnritv." The capacity of tho plnnt with a minimum force of socn blind workers, three nt the machines nnd four as hewers nnd finishers will be about live to seven brooms a day. HIIMMKH nESOIlTS nAPnoN liraoiiTB. S. J. HADDON INN DHIrhtful suburban American Plan Hotet. Lre shndy irrounl. Oolf. tetinls, other muemenl Frncl Tmll Mr. t'AI'K MAY. N. J. Hotel Lafayette Now Open Located on beach rront. Capacity 400; all Improvement! runnlnpwater: elevator. JOHN TltACY ft CO. ' IlEUMn, N. J. On the Boardwalk The New Columbia nFXJtAIt. N. J. RUPEItnLV LOCATED yACINO THK RKA. nrfONSTKUCTr.1 AND HEi'imNisnKD TiiiinnmiouT OnCHKSTnA CONCKllT8 PIIIVATB UATH HOUSEH. 8WIM M1NO r)OU OOLF TENNTS AND TACHT CLUD3 IN PROXIMITY Under the new manjrmnt of niART.ES v. iCiipiiy OF THF. LAHRKL HOUSE AT LAKCWOOD HPlllNO I.KE nKCH. N. J. THE ALLAIRE FronScIcIt? VuD JiSrSSK OCEAN OltOVE. N. J. SEASIDE HOTEL WASHINflTON'B CBOSSTNa. N. J. HOTEL WASHINGTON WABniNUTON'S CROSSINO. N. J. Fltnated on the Ilanka of the Delaware The country hotel with all city conven iences. Our tables are aupnlled with th choicest farm products from our own rarra Ilaten J8 50 por day. Special family and aeaeon rates. Bell phone Penvlnston. Nj J., K0.U14 v. ,v...f. aianamr. 11EACH HAVEN. N. J. THE ENGLESIDE Now op" 1-lvery modern .convenience: orltate hatha with ea andfreh water! Ave tennis courts, booklet, n .F. ENOLE. Man aaer. Alao the Covington West Philadelphia. " Reach haven, n. -i. "The Peer of Seaside and llavlile Reiuirts" IN THE HKAKT OF THINOH HOTEL BALDWIN i mt M m m ' 1 :o ASCO A , J. .a, my f I ASCO ASCO k A i ix.t r W M f l , g -yf my 1 ASCO ASCO ASCO m. q., m. ,-. .a. . - ... n t,F zzr rMMFit rtiwotiTS ATLANTIC.' CITYj.y, J.. r.fim and ArtlrMM AtM. Canidlr 609. One block KS:iSAdi"AK Pnvtt vy to bfacb. EsUntlv a Mrche and bull room. Kite. Ilthuand rannlnc wttrr Inrooml. TtlTtle taUia. OrchMtxa nA Jaoeinf. Afnfrlcail plan 13 updatll 91ft itawraklr. ' Eroprn pln f 1.S0 up dllf. Fireproof dmf. Booklot. 1'koM KM. Wii. 11. IU.Ull. ; IN THK IIIWUT UV TIIINOH MM MB All 4K 12 ttP ESfW a tftm fial Sn li vntori Running wnter In ronm rrl Imthx Amnrlr-an rtlflli $1 r,o tc un dully. 8perl erls wreklv. Ilnnklot ft Biilo man mailed, I'AUIi ItOSKCItANK, Owner i. IVnp llet Treated Pnnnlnr-t'rlied Hotel NETHERLANDS B0 Si'um NEW YORK AVU, nn thine rrlvllcKit from Hotel. Cnpnclty 400. .".levator, private lmth. runnlns water ln bedroom Dance rioor. New ltur. Amrrlrun I'lni (with mculi), S3.C0 up dull), Minlul Wf ' ' AtWUBT rtUHWADnr,, Proprietor. COirnTKHY 1IIAI 1T HFRVICE HOTEL KENTUCKY KENTUCKY AVR, NKAn TEACH Amerlenn Plan, S1.B0 to ". Bally, $17.80 eFb evstor: electric llRhti. telephone ever iverKir. i opiiiiir i-.uropin limes reomi runnlijB water In rnomi: nrlMite hnlhi. I'normitwii-n. N II KKNNADT, KINGSTON Ocean Aye., flrat .hotel from Iteaoh Fir. froort elevator: hathlnr frrtn hotel! die Inctlve table: moderate rates. M. A. Lerrer. 'ROQOOIS Boats Carolina Avenue, adjaceut to beach. Lp t40.KefinedbatronH a.muilt.eaneina'. atrietly modern, table and aervlee McelUnt. (.large aoinnum. Booklet. A. Frnnokle Ht. Charles rfaee K lleucli. Capacltr 60. f. OUAHAM formerly of the Prince. Grammercy Arms .OltAMJIEnCY PLACE AND nEACIT Imndiomely furnlahed rooma with ocean view and prlnte batha: beautiful aleepln ponhfa faclt.c otein. American plan. Ilea. onatlerate. MRS, n. II. HURNM. Prop, SAN JOSE Bt- Jmea Place, nr. beach , . n! amuiementet Ideal lo- cation, quiet and refined: lame ana pleaaant rooma with runnlnc water. Keaaonabla rates. Ownership manaeement. South Carolina near Beach. Prlvata batha) running water. Moderate rate. Open all year l n Arnold. Ownership Management, O H-AESFnTOlSJ . J Kentufky Are. and the. Beach. l- .i Eery apnotntmont. Moderate ratei. ire n imijrKKR, mrmerir of the Imont DAVENPORT South Carolina ave , near beach. Every con-.nl-iiee; homo cook , bath, from hotel. Amcr. tc Hurop . $2 up. Spec, wkly. C. V. Mortimer. HOTEL CARLTON C helsea Av. L Reach. Rma. en suite with prlv. bath Every room hot tt cold runnlnc water. Mod ratea Ownership mgt. C V Zsztall Tnrini- Inn Ocean end Connecticut Ave. laoor inn 1leal location; Unte, airy rooms. Excellent table. 18th season; owner tnanacem'r.t. Mod, rates. J. P. tc A. M. DUNN PITNEY Naw York Ave. near Beach. American nnd European plan. Capacity 2.0. Noted for well-cooked food. Lrj:e, airy rooms. First-class servloaa. Rates nn application. JACOB DICKAR. WELLSBORO fl Kntuckv Ave. Moderate rales Rath tnc from hotel MYKR3 & PROTHERO. kaVjfc Kentucky ave. 1st off Uoardwalk. n asB Ocean view rooms with running water and private batha New management. Ui.1 0... T..J Chelsea. Ave. and 1 awavras aujru jjgh. Telephone .1231-w. Runnlns water. Private, lotns. Elevator. ISAAO BOWER. TRAYMORE AiLANnccnYl 1RU)'SGREAJESTH0TELSU(3CESS DICPAVMC Kentucky Ave.: 4th hotel DlOVrlllllJ from bearh. American ",u plun. Mn(J ratea: bath- inc prlv : shower C. A. MDRPHY. Owner. HOTEL AUSTINE Pacific tc St. James Place; near beach all amusem'tal every room ou'slde V. H. Jones HOTEL CALVERT Ylrainla Ave., near Beach. American plan. Ownership management. Frank P. Ream. Ropr-hwrtnrl Ocean and Kentucky aves, oeecnwuuu Amer Kuro pgna t a bl e under new man'nt. Geo V. La llree Dflnwaro Citv Tennessee Ave &. Beach Lciawurc v-uy Newv furnl,nedi HeA. sonable rates MRS. LAURA M. LAIRD. Hotel Boscobel (a& Ei-cellent table. Phone 11. A E. tlARlON. 9nMFRSFT Second house from bcachT All amusements. A. 1). WEEKS. NllTTALI - N- Matno Ave, Atlantis "ul Aw.. and R.ach. Phone 2070 KAtTMAN ANT MANDEI8 RFSTADR ANT. New York Ave. near Boardwalk. And eat well prepared wholesome food Hun garlan kitchen. THE HARVARD Even- appointment, ex- cellent location and table Mini I. jura M. Trs-v 12 H. North Carolina Ave WII.mYOOD. N. J. Like to Fish? WILDWOOD NORTH WILDWOOD WILDWOOD CREST excellent deep tea nnd still water iishlnu provides greatest sport and clieapesi living nlong the coast. Write for folder and list of hotels. W. COURTRIGHT SMITH Secy. Board of Trade, Wild wood, N. J. EDGETON INN Centrally located near beach White aarr lca. Capaclt 2W. Mulc room. Orchestra. Auto meets trains Write for booklet. P. Carlo-. Prop T. H OalUtiher. M-T. SHELDON Wlldo.vi s finest hotaL 'l rooms runnlnr watp. Prhate baths Klevator Auto Bklt. Cup. ISO. D. J Woods Ownership Management. SAVOY Jrn'c.front- A" D- W H. OERSTET,. Owner HOTEI. IERnMIIKK, Tunlper A Paoidc u c.. under n mst T F Harris. Prop. OREENI.EIOH. QJl E Pine nt . excellent table. hth'K from hou Mrs M Mahoney II.EAIIVIKW Prplar and Bnich. near ore.in pier excel t table Mrs M J Jones ItirmKI.I. On blk from ch Run'a- water In rma Rath'c from bouse Mrs 1 P Harris WIMWOOU tRFsT. N. .1. MT. VERNON " L. bithlnc from houne K JOHNS ON tlHEAKERM Beach front, rooms with nr iviwmub prnnif oain nuio, Karate- Doa Qo. Rtnnamon new owner A mar. ABIIl'KY PMtK, N. J. EDGEMERE 10S Fourth Air. t t Reach) Capacltl 20D l"leator Rates on Request IIARRV S Pt RHV tlu-ner nnd Minuter HUIfcL-cri iTir i ii I ii HiBs-nm ii i i i r V T&rAerHmie Moaerns nne ocuan vew reasonable crlci l-ARKElt A I'AKKJCR, Owners Msrs. Aliian Sd ave.. ocean block, tjpanlsh. p-n. r..tour-iA?iutar,nUAA:S2?oS AurliinrSirm Hnini om av- at beach - -.w.. A1 Pcetn . fr0Bt rooms Rates on appll. Ceo II. CornUh, owner llOTEI, THKDFOKD 0th Ave., overlookln oo--.ui u ruuius wiin runnina fn suit's with bath. HarrybuWsld. Own. a, Ft. Y PARK.-N7 Jl (I. INMIltSlATIOS- U'BITH wateri AHRIIRY nn rni-i. no1 TtlClTAll .'l .- lii. ....... .-.--."- 17- -.-' , uvncxxy, Asmiiy raiB.; MmT A'. T It's Great at Zs . , .'IllMMItR TtKOT) , ' ner.AM f'lTY. v. J, i f! i CAPACITY 600 J Thoroughly renovated, newly, appointed and equipped through-) out. Central location; spacious piazzas; twin elevators; high-J class cuisine and service. Rooms, single or en suite, with or with-( out bath. i Open Until September 15 LAWRENCE MARESCH Manager Formerly of tho Bellcvue-Stratford, Philadelphia i TheTthncofo OCEAN CITY, IM.. SPECIAL 4th JULY RATES SPECIAI; IlINNER Entirely now, iioonia kiiikic lnd en aulte. wlth.runnlux water and prhate batha. Elevator appointment tor tomfort nnd service. ivery moqenj trench Cuisine ttlilt Hervlce MRH. J. K. MORRISON SS ssTunrnritf o.L ...-TT- nn ivirt. nrLKrc l" "" sit ( - rs Mrs H. E Mayberry I T ' ,j ATGLEN ?5 c?rbr' 22!! lU aW MONTE Open all years rooma with ran tilnff wt.p nnnl.1., T if sniluma . . . : --j - ... .. - , . AT.MAR Rooma excliu'lyi newly rorB.1 1 run'e hot ft cold Wr: Jun-Oot. f y TIPKNA Y1BTA HPBmOB. TA. tn Qq Alps r'Amarteo ?7i?!CnrfMrM)l wwvimg!m. uutnii v laui op rums, r mnKiiu jo ri. ADUUncUvoSummerandAuturrinUort A strletlv rnodarn hatI with Tell-nt table and acrvic. Altitude SOU) fat- V Kemaln Open Until October Tolin -T. Olhhonn. Mwnwyor HrARTIlMORE The Harvard Am9r- pianmi critm,?,'1 V astii at . wn Htva nnmnrai -a-a-a-B - "J SCTlWfKNKBVn.Ut. V. Perkiotnen Inn Idal Modern Raaon. Boat'g. bath'a-. fish's;, tennis. Bklt. C.Unaer. VALI.KY TOROIC. TA. -Jjl nr 3f -TASIIINOTON INN Chicken and Warn Dinners PANTF.L J VOORHrjES. Pr. pgyoN, PA. -itt ActKwuuu- zxzr xSSrsr. v i P. R. R . R minutes to station. Deslrabto environment: table supplied from own farm: hiiIiIm. .nnrla? al.iinlnir nnr.ha. T)).,...!. Y.-n.nA A m val.a Tin ".I T.m.. CIa tJ Aw. Wvnbimie Inn" Main I.lnt. ppeelalW-, , f i fjjfiium.it -"-"desirable for business BienirtJr71:). with families Rooma with bath at reaaosj-": iv ahlx rates. Danclnar. i.arre srounas. -;';';; - erandas. Phone Berwyn IT, POCONO MOtTNTArNB EaalM Mare. I'm. -sw Eagles Mere, Pa. The summer resort that Is different d rause It combines mountain and seashore), conditions with unique surroundlncs. Tho aandy beach and temperate water of the Iak of the Eacles afford splendid bathlnr 200 feet aboe aea level. Ono ot the nnest COlf courses In America. For Booklet and Ratea Wrlta v TnE CRE8TM0NT INN William Woods. Manacer. T1TE rORFST INN ' Herman V. Teaser, iranacar. TKE lAKKSIDE John 8. Kirk Bon.' THE EATOOND L. B C. List. Manaser. Tobyhanna. Pa. Chicheater HottB','-ffg5,ag Tin HKACmVOOn New modern! iae4-i est ratea. Bklt. J. t. Help. Tobyhanna. V. ; nelnnnre Water flip . rOREST TIOUSE Modern Improvements. 3j yeara same -nanaBement. Private baths. A. L, MARSH. Delaware Water Gap. Pa. yARRAOANSETT riER. R. I. The Imperial , Narragansett Pier, R. I. NOW OPEN An etrlnslre hotel for dlscrlmlnaUos people nt one of America's Xlneat Seaside Resorts. Oolf Tennis. Polo. Bathlnc. Dsjw- Irur Well kept fltate Hlehwaya fer motorlne. For reservations addrea JAtES E. GAIJ1KEY. MANAOPR. Narratansett Pier. Rhode Island lake rrcn. n. t. ADIRONDACKS Grand View Hotel LAKE PLACID. N. Y. NOW OPEN. Extensively Improved! toee electrlcal equipment, runnlnc water: prlvata bathrooms, elevator, porches: dsnclns. FURNISHED COTTAOEH FOR RENT All out-of.dnnr Adirondack diversions, C1r.' II. B. MARSIIAM.. .Mer.. Lake Placid. N.jr,i N EW ENOI.AM1 NKW V.Nf.t.ANn VACATION UND White Mountains. Maine lakes, woods and coin Orren Mountains For booklet cull at foncolldated Ticket Offices or write Vacation lluieau Railroad Bulldlnc, New Haven. Conn State reeion preferred. -J IMW1I.I.K NOTCH. THE BALSAMS DIXVILLE NOTCH, N. 11. NOW OPEN A (ireat Retort Hotel In a (Ireat Re- - sort t-OUllir?, mill rr-,i iidii I.UUIH Broker s umre w,in mrect wire to New York All Attractions und Eery Comfort llnolilna Hfllre K West -intb t. (Town and Countrj ) Now York Tlepinne Vanjerhlft 2200. nAVin iiounoiN pi.umeu. mt. aiimtiiieiiuiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin! fiORIIAM. N. Mt. Madison iriou Oorliam. N. If. "Thi Gateway to th White Mlt." Now open, liomeuua atmosphere. Outdoor Sports. Fine June and trout nshlne. Wellqulpped caraco. write sor pooaiet aau iinnn.ii, i '3 JllilllEBI1MHHMM rsmmmmmm n - "?. ii - " vnnr -a-aBfcwrt.Mf . nfiirvWe. J- T 'I ) f PHi.i.Tii. yitnaiUNT Ji'f The Colonial inn iS..Vrr:.Brm2t'W.M shade, eports, Enod tabist near railroad a)?. -' irnuy. 1KII iimIn, ran.vn lM.nmw 114O0 la tan fm Booklet, nn I, FaS-' erlv The Tlorms C t. I.EONAnn Mr. j OANATA s is. iss '""-''UBJie,- Cana .. jHsjb f r Irlliliirul vacntlona In Canndmn vwaiionai jtau National Railways, A. 10 larai Are worth Yiilt L u 1 M 7 rVJ Hiiu . ' KWV 5 "i " &: M ism rfTl, I .' 122KW,P ,. . .1-J - w 1 1 M , vi $ -nmt I, 3 K't- H V'fil fi ! h I ' i it ' ! Mfl tui r n I VJ I . I 1 h 4 y k. i . j i t .;'.'.s? &&i N'J LM MH ?.: f v I. 1 A s ,! Si '..!