.,Jl iii i '' f 4WlTJfc t' 7-. r. MAN SLEW ELWELL k ftrmoHoU9ooper, 'Now in Ireland. Tolls of Turfman's Many Affairs PENDLETON CONTRADICTED 8. A ' spcclnl York Amcrlenn' Down, Irclnntl, Annlo ... . v Yl.l.. dkpatrh to the Nfw from Ncrr,, County mule (lie oninloi(nf Mrs Kan?, formerly n Winrkeepjr.-i for .To ,fPh now lie Hindi, llinjnurtleroil liirf mn nnd wlil"t- nuthiyrlty. tlint the po jjco fhouM lint for ,omo icWm '"is tonil on the ulnyer." "One woman nftor another came to the Klwcll Iioiric," snldMrs.. Knc. 'Most of the nniiiM I ncct knew' and others I have forcottcn. Nowmy ratmory ii found only ns regard the rcrtilar Jiltors to Mr. Jewell's homo,, mich n Ml WHejit' nuil' thrr 6 other irnmori whom I haVo Earned In tTiy hfii1- ilwit." ''I In- nflidarlt of which Mrs, Khiip FnM!' li n L'.'OO-word dorumrnt over lirr' Mjnntiite. pinperly .ultiiPMc(l4niin ,nn-n bt'foio a nntar.V lutnrht'tl to Hip nJnrcm" rmnt lit Ireland. A crtny of It, U now In the ljftmK.of DUtriit At Inrm'j Snnnn. New' York city, who Is follow Ins the new nenuc It open1" to tuiril a iosiblc solution of the mur der mystery. One Girl Very Young "Mips , who lived wjth her par ent in Fifth avenue.' I remember be came she was very pretty and extremelv jniithful." 'ontlntied Mrs. Knne. "My oninlon it that thls.cirl was tnot mor,e tlmn "Ixtern. hut my.husband. Who nlao uir lirr. put her nuo nt eighteen. She nrd to onie early In the nfternoon end lnv a Ioiik time, calling her par ent by telephone nnd telling them die win ttmlng: out In the country with fome girl friends. "I liaxe Just lead In the New York piper tlint xhe married Mr. . n Tt.iltliy New York merchnnt, a few nrrlt nro." "Who is the woman signing her name P 'dura, who wrote to rciucllj ' 1 oslnl Mrs. Kane. "She was the one who 'cainfr tothe jpaitmelit iwith MJss :. ofi Haiti- mori " replied the former housekeeper. ".Hon wiiu'pii nie known on llin rare trnrt, O.ie nlclit 'Sit. Klwell lirouclit flifm lionie from the trpek fit Havre dc urnee ami sin.ri iwo tiaye ami men itturued to lialtlmoic. Pawned His Clothes "Then Mr. Klwcll discovered various articles, mostly wearing apparel, were mining nnd he had to go to Haltlmorc ami spend STiiO to get the articles out of luwn. "Another frequenter of the Elwell I nine. I remember distinctly, lived in Hrookljn. 1 don't recnjl hex unme, but K'well i.i)d her :i pension of $f0. At the time I used t till 'in the checks Mr. I!'el signed. "There were several , others on the pnroll In this manner It should be posslb'e to trace them by the check tub". i "l'einnall 1 see no reason why it Is nvresvary to identify any of these'benc ficfaries. since it uas only 1n their in fcrcst that Mr. niwcll sliould continue tft lle and pav. them." "Was tlnS nn,y man or vomnn whom Mr. Ulwoll p irtlcularly feared?" sie was axked. "No woman to mv knowledge," icplied Mrs Kane. VI know, however, that lie was much afraid of the husband of 'Madame X' " At this point in the conversation Mr". Kane mehtioned 'the name of n OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE KQUAI. TO NKW Itcconstructed upholstered ami polished djl e and sj 1J up l'lr.t-clas3 work punrnnteed. Slip covers mmle. to order. Ws carry a largo stock of upholstery material., selling; at wbolctmla priced. AMERICAN UPHOLSTERY CO. Oldnt nnd I.arGmt House of III Kin 305 rcli Srrnpt Wrlt8 or Phn JUa JUCn OfJCej Market 160J. (ni "ibBbwBba . az 'IBTO INSTAllATIOH and REPAIR WORK 1 kAmaH" tS-j--. lvja COVtRINQ THE FWTinr Cll n a, MECHANICAL EQUI '.NT FOR BUILDINGS Po ,ioh UnoH tlint tortuous nw unil pmirlj ilfslunul I'llilnpr nlfs poiirr or linil I'liormounl ? Stop the Waste Onr plplnir U rnrrerl to n nirrt, nnil ilrlhrrn I'mier and lent In It. fullest eniilcnrr, l.iiilliitTri. Umlcn r.-ry foot at I'M'Inir w. hmtiill. iUU tht, iiirlrntril 9 fk em- I-? -aA.' necMon with thnrn..,- "WJint do ybu nltribnte hU Vemittk bdio couquests to?" Mrs. Kane was asked. "To hts extraordinary manner," he answered. "He was not good looking, but he had an" Irresistibly winning manner, lie was the kind of man that nbus.fci tho hospitality of his, friends to win the love of their wlvcs A few" years nio he nut lilu'onnll nvnr flu. wUo of a New York ihllllonalre whose house he was visiting. They are now dl-1 vorccu." v Pendleton's Statemelils Conflict Ing District Attorney Hwnnn named W. II. Pendleton yesterday nsttlie man who mado contradictory statements as to his whereabputs and actions on the night of .1llTlf 11.'w!lh Kluoll Un fiHHfl M.I.A. Vlet'cd at Ills home. Mr. Hwnnn mnkpo It plain ho does not susnect nuv.onn of Having a part In the crime, ' T,he district attorney declared that detectives wonting on tlie ensf liad found rvldcnee which contradicted slhe state.- ment of PeiJdleton, former lailng pait ner of Hlwell,' that he went to hed'nbodt VI o'clock nt Ills home nt Cedaijuhst! that lie nrevlouslr had tilacnl bU nnlrf. mobllftvln his own enrage mfiolmnir Ids home, nnd Hint on the morning of, Vluna 1 he 'took the car out of the gnrage and drove his wife to the 10:'J0 train for New York. Mr. Swann said that n number., ol witnesses hnd said Ucndle ton'n automobile wns In a garage in Manhattan nfter 2 o'clock on the morn ing of tho murder. Airs. Josephine P. Wllmerdlng vis ited tho district attorney's office yes- Cerday, nnd fpri more than two hours, was questioned by Aslstant Illstrict Att6rneys Doollug, Joyce and Tnlley. Mrs. AVllmerdlng denied cntegorlenl'lv "nil the charges and innuendoes in the nmiiavit. which was cabled over here, and .which Is supposed to have boon matte by Anna Kane." 4- W4 Wstm, hu i ra , ni) va ll)iin)lifci ... m II if N:l. WOMEN BEGII WAR ON PROFITEERS Margin 'of 50 Per Cent Between Buying and Selling Prices Hold Sufficient U , MARKETS BUREAU AIDING Special Plipatch to Xicntno bubfte Macf Trenton, July 8. The New Jersey State Federation of Women's CltibW. In cn-operntlon with the State Unreaii of Markets, Im xtnrted propaganda to limit tne retnileis" "spread" between mm zn mWmiXmi, it&u ii lii', iii '' , ii Sm L r.ltlftlticliln prldfir lo Tormer, For the last lo 50 p'er ner cent , .i' .; . . . oBtnr-iormer. ror the last lour wceust local comtnlttefit of wbtncVi 'Jn ten cities of te state have reported retail prlc.es once each week, while the agents of Mil bureau lmo reported wholesale prices. Several municipal authorities have added tliolr assistance. Gross profits of "5 to 200 per cent have been found to be common, It Is held by the bureau that this is too great, prevent ing the full use of nearby grown valuable food product, by the general public nnd discouraging production through lack of demand. The bureau announced todny that, the string bean market had broken and that lip to dast Saturday only growers In favored localities were picking any quantity. It wns also said that on Tuesday last beans were coming into the markets, from nil parts of the state, '-while yesterday the market was very Irregular, In some- cities. In Trenton It was down .to Sl.liO per bushel. , J'dritlnulng, the bureau announced tlint "retail prices so fur show little In- ,cllnatlono lower. Many stores bought t grwii J. V " '" ' I nPfHJ!F r .''.. ' ..... ' , . ..A-'. m y. ' t.'t eans for; SI. CO ner bushel Kml 'sold ffhemfor twent'flVO' Wnt per qnarttr peck. Thin Is n 'spread t more than loo, per cent, it is reportea in this office that retailers claim they -MabfotWiF wn tvtnnn tin.fmirtll llliplfa mlt. pf a biifbcl. Fanners) say deniers aroj very careiui in ouying ami ueuianu me legal weight Jn every half-bushel or bushel. The state Iriw sajs that n bushel of string beans must weigh 'twcnty-ftve pounds, a half-bushel twelve pounds, a peck six pounds, n. half-peck three pounds and n niartcr peck one and one-half pounds," ; The uureali olsd nnnounced that "most, potatoes th market are still com ing from the istAtes south of New Jcr scy. What little Long Island and Jer sey stock finds ,lts way to mnrkqt sells on about the snm basis as best stocks from Virginia. This bifrcau found n country store selling new potatoes for S2.50 per half bushel basket for which It paid a farmer ','JSi. There. Is no loss from spoilage on potatoes arid they can he handled on a small margin with profit. For Theatre and Cafe mmfflim, PENCO Metal Ceiling is parn'c ulorly appropriate for theatres ana cafes. Its classic designs, rich ornamentation and artistic finish make it the ideal back ground for Unuiusl Ifghting.effecU. Btfm tuilJiitg or nmoJilling home, offer, ,l."'zll'!,.t?l'?l.'h""tt'n"'t Ihe PENCO Mtltl CUt Culot nrfer emmalti. PENN Mf-TAL CO. ZSth k WltrtH Stt. rinwtipiia, p.. Cue J ty if r U.S. KtoternmerU for dts. iinguwiea irmee during tnir. asoi LSSHSft Clothing Clearance Sale ATTHE William H. Wanamaker Store 1217-19 Chestnut Street July always brings unprecedented reductions of all the finest quality clothing in the stocks of Chestnut '- Street's most popular store. This year, comparatively speaking, prices are lower than ever, before, as these figures will fully testify. " OUR REGULAR $40 & $45 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $25 OUR REGULAR $50 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $36 OUR REGULAR $55 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO . . , $40 OUR REGULAR $60gUITS ARE REDUCED TO $45 OUR REGULAR $65 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO. . . v . . .$50 OUR REGULAR $75 SUITS ARE REDUCED TO $55 & $60 $50 $75 For $60, $65, $70 and $75 finest merchant tailoring I fabrics built to measure during July. ( For finest $85 to $95 virgin wool tropical worsteds, built to measure. They are beautiful, and as light as a feather. All furnishings, hats, underwear, bathing suits, walking sticks, neckties, hosiery also register sweeping reductions. Make your visit early. DURING JULY AND AUGUST STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAYS J "t'-p rP I" Jl4 ft nifwlpi the Last Business D I'o Brrulrsl nre. Consult '" on our plplnir needs for M mlr. 'LfafcJagfc'Ic)r.'R 13 fozKWvrtEs? wmiw viSMli-Sv raWJfJ(UJiuinii 1AGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS THURSDAYS JulrJ5,29j Amuit 12,26; September 3, 23; and Octob.r 7 Round $14.00 TriP oo1 only In roaches rrnm I'lriadelnhl ir laiifi""'1.!" pu.rlr "p ""epinie TIIIIOI t.H TRAIN l""rH "r""'' "), million ,23 .M. tllii. IdfiU tttmlc- t k I I ir ii Dntlliriit it ,1 j?t""m si";!,vi ",.v, i til Fulln. l thru tlie "' Vallrt, l In unuil I,,, .i .. .. r . .." . iiiiiiii ii u UUV inrillliLr f-kVi 'iy;,!!'," ""rmaiipii 't,"J' '!'' Hlop rrii onault Ponnsylvania System siESaSJEWraMfflBPf iCi ! mKv :,u,tY..V. wwBBmm i 'TUP f U3SWH nWHJCHUHMMStM : Jjrt! i I ffit HHtTO ,V J i , 'r .JtaeCfflfflyEIiiPi!tMr5'i?, I'-a eij;'1 ; h;h in j.w ,'jnm twiH'B-aw53i5jji.wnmt mi s ,i . v ..imf t t .raiL.-i- , in .; WffisfflKm v fit ffflw -JWe mM:i iffliaHHii'i r iPirwfni illfESWli MmmmMM'i Emm r Hm Tvr'TWbSll.lCff -'l! I 'W f 54$ M ' CffifficGcfcm x-cS6 VHE GENUINE CLOTH tIFO OdUY BVCOODAILVVORSTEQ CO There it enly one Genuine Palm Beach Cloth, It cornel in darh shade) at nell cs Ugh', TheTrademarked Label in t!.s coat Is yctir tef:z,trd, The Man in the Picture is Wearing a - PALM BEACH SUIT He's veiy cool. Even the hell hoy can see that. He's well-groomed. The room clerk's admiring look admits as nmch. He's so gen uinely comfort able that he's spoilt the whole day for the chap a&aincfe tho pillar who's a-moppin of his hrow. Of course, wo called in a good artist to draw this picture. But it's pretty true to life. If you dubt it ask your clothier. He'll tell you without quibble that for Comfort, Coolness and Style GENUINE PALM BEACH Suits take the curtain call at each performance. He'll tell you one thing more: That for down right economy every suiting in the Summer -field makes ivay for the "genuine cloth." THE PALM BEACH MILLS GOODALL WORSTED CO. SELLING AGENTt A. ROHAUT, 229 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR FRIDAY, JULY NINTH CLOSED ALL DAT'SATUliDAY, STRAWBRlDGEs-QDTHlEfe Special Atfrac t for T -morrow, m f t le Week" Please do your week-end shopping to-morrow (Friday). On Saturday the Store will be closed all day, the first of the weekly holidays to be enjoyed by our willing workers this summer. The shorter week and the anticipation of the outing give a snap and vim and eager alertness to the, Friday service, and the extra values will give to-morrow the air of a busy Saturday of the busy season. Business hours from 9 to 5 o'clock. Hundreds of Women'sSummer Frocks At Much Less Than Regular Prices Including an espe cially large and attrac tive collection special at $25.00 About two hundred of the most de sirable Dresses of the season in this group at $25.00 all worth more. In cluded are GINGHAMS in large and small checked effects (some Scotch ginghams) with the fashionable large sashes of gingham, and collar, cuffs and trimming of organdie. WHITE SWISS with colored dota and tiimmcd wjth organdie to match the dots. Paisley pattcin VOILES with lace vestecs and lace pockets, and laco-edged collar and cuffs. COLORED VOILES with self color dots, made with plaited three-tier skirt nnd finished at the neck with a soft touch of lace. And the lovoliest groun of nastel TINTED ENGLISH VOILE DRESSES, beaded and embroidered, and so fine that they closely lesemblo ci-cdr Georgette. FOUR DRESSES SKETCHED ARE FROM THIS GROUP, which is as fresh and inviting as a mcr garden $25.00. Gingham and Voile ! Figured Voile Frocks Frocks, S5.00 to $10 I Special at S16.50 - Odd lots of higher-priced I Coat, tunic, flounce, tier and' Dresses late re-orders for the draped modejs, of figured voiles Anniversary Sale. Cliir-fly ging- J in navy-and-whitc, black-and-hams and voiles, in light and daik white and navy-and-gold, with clfects. Some in extra .sizes. pretty trimming touches. - truulrlUiso & Cloth i Hi-tuml Hour. .Market Ktrcet THE .sum- White Voile Dresses From $11.75 to $15 All-white dotted and striped voiles, some made with straight skirts, with little peplums; all trimmed with nartow laces. Ex cellent values. New Books of biter est Now Timely, these Books on im portant subjects of special inter est NOW: Ocean Shipping By Robert Edwards. Armin. Aibook.in .which. piactically every phase and prob lem of ocean shipping is consid ered $3.00. The New Merchant Ma rine By Edward N. Hurley, the former chairman of tho U. S. Shipping Board $!J.00. How We A d v'c r t i s c d America By George Creel, who tolls the amazing story of the Committee on Public Infor mation $5.00. - Vacation Books. Wc, for Boys and Girls Over 100 i.torics of udvcn'urc on land and ca to choose from. sir .h-lili," 1 i I S"iiml riiinr 1 lllirrt Htn-t Wcl Bed Ticking795c Women planning to renovate pillows and beds will be intcrortcd in this Fancy Stripe or Floral Printed Bed Ticking in attractive color combinations, ',','1 inches wide 95c a yaul. Sir t In 'If Clnliir llp IS. Ontn -irr' js: : JSSS J4 1: Light, Airy, 'Summer Millinery at July Clearance Prices Tables and tables full of the lightest, airiest, most desirable Hats to accompany sports dictses and summer party frocks, at prices that .lie almost unbelievably low. SAILOR HATS in all-white, nnd in bl:ek and navy blue with white cable edge, at ?2."0. SPORTS HATS of hemp-and -ribbon tlmt can be tilted lucominnly this way-or that, $1.75. FRILLED ORGANDIE HATS, in white, pink nnd navy b'uc, $5.95. And doub.e-fo'd white and tinted ORGANDIE HATS with great airy bows of organdie, at $!).9.". One from c.joh group shown in the ketch above. - 'i.mvx 'hi. I" r-i r hiri-nnl Moor Mnrl.it '"r rl Went For Babies Special at 55c Babies' Stoik Pant of water-proof sheeting. Im snii.'l. medium or large .sizes Mr iHhrhlK.- ,t I'lulhl i Thlril rinoi n Porch Swings Reduced to $4.85 Dnilc brown mission linisb, in cluding chains and hooks. I rii rriu I' iu III f. i Mul ilcr I 'tinr L'rritrC A Summer Clearance of Men's and Young Men's Spring and Summer Suits at Great Savings Seven different groups, of Suits at f't oelcw the season's regular pi-i'-f moat of them at less than the regular whohs"l pri es, and some at about half puct' .That's the good news upon which we depend to .uaUo tnis the busiest Clothing Store m this city to-morrow! That it will be the busies! thei'" is no doubt whatever. Matchless values have kept it busy, and these will insure a ontinu-nce of the wonderful activity. These Suits jt are from our regular stock and from roceu' special purchases. All are extraordinary values. Some of the Suits in broken lots are marked at till' LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON: At $44.50 Men'.-, and joung men's (in" All-Wool Suits fiim the famous Halt, Schafner fe Maix and "A'co" fnctoi it-.i. l'traoidinar.v value. At $38.50 Men's and eunr m"n's Stcin-Dloih, Ha i. Schalfnei & Marx iw "Aleo" Suits; many of tin in woith about double this pi . -Ai $29:50 Hr.it, Sc luff ner & Mnrx nnd "Ako" Suit of c.-collcnt all-uool fabrics; mo-t of them mnit stales fir young men. Saq neaily one-half. At $24.50 Men's and young men's Two piece and Three-piece Suits, in rlain coloi nnd neat mixtuies. One-thiid less than leguliu pnte. At $21.50 About L'OO Smu, chiefly fiom our lcgulai toik, ip duccd for quick -i I ing. Not nil -hizes in nn -tle, but a good range in the let At $28.50 Men's and oung men's Suits of good all-wool HI.l'E SERGE, in a good selection of models and sire.-. i jtdj o o . vsr'.T nr r men s mue oerge auus wicn i wo rairs of Trousers, Very Unusual Value at $37.50 'I'Uottj aie men's and young men's Suits, of ajl-wool blue seigc of good quality, perfectly cut and well tailored, ftem one of our best manufactuieis ficit x alue hi ?o7.r0. l Men's Thin Suits V spctial purchase of Coal-and-troupers SuitH Cool Cloth Suits for joung nun. under-piced nt $9.75 and $1 1.7S; line Mohnir Suits for men, under-priced nt ?t!).75. Youths' Suits , Long-trousers Suits for jouths of Ifi to 19 years, at prices thnt r are less than the regular whole sale coat reduced to S14.50, $29.50 and ?3.50. tij nn i.. J.UCII S 1LU USUI'S j Including smart styles for young f iiivh Ti-ir ii.iil Miming inuriCH special at ?G,75 nnd $8,75. wnitc ilaiincl, special. $9.7fi t ii SiaOVhite Duck, $2.75 & 83.7. -r Hintttirlil L ClolhlJr ifcnnil I'iior, K1 '1 , tV Vf,' m i .J- " Is m - $ $ . . I .AH t 4J . iwtyJ IA1 S '1 t"" -H vi iM V . A M tX' VI th i-i i r,M .. t i ' ?s v 3 !Vi 'i fci "&i, M tT1 -Mi n M ;i J . : 'i.li 1 M 4. A M tf la . M it 'AA iiWf',. -tl h , in W.-H