$ dii VI i. 1 fol X KI if F ! :ai M t vl ; '. i 0i i-. rfjt.- -'. ;f, iii ra i m i kt w i". I." ii M V v. llr' ltt .! tt ?1 I a'L ' ii iii ii iiiii hi rrttfMaM-i-' j-u-j ji TO.a-J;iwW.;g iSSSBBSBSrTI I ISHr-SsSSSSivS- s sav: 'a.::i-t-1ljr,T-rii iinMv:-o2-vT' - v, eTi'Mrts-i:5 i iw n i i iii i hhh-ksks; r-.r,y-vJm.m-4,:i;::.';y C trr ?eKsca4j fT -riiiriwiMiwi n. n niim'iiirH "-:Tnr--iTTinTT-iiw-inrr-'r tr rr-mmijFvxiixirt u"rrlTssMj falSM&.;,r i '"' """ umdzELi GONE TO ASSlbT IN FRENCH RECON STRUCTION WORK. She is Miss Louise B. Wood,daughter of General Leonard Wood I Wide World Photon. SEEN AT THE PUBLIC GOLF LINKS AT COBBS CREEK. Mrs. W. C. Purdy (loft). Seated on the grass aro Mrs. R. L. Harpham and Mrs. William E. Duck. The man who sees that golfers it s ?r $ 4 i start in their turn is Edward Davis, who was snapped na ho drank from a bottle Ledger rhoto Service. WIPE OP DEMOCRATIC VICE PRRSHipm-p NOMINEE. Mrs. Franklin D. RonavMf H International. r.!J.v-,tv.ww. , s ' .UU.V .Ca'ja ajt;. -ttpsistkts: r, -a w,,WvAvwi )i vv w :' ISWrS? aiww7rrrxrTarsr"?7rv;.vn:v. r? i. A-i. Vh. i j -i :.' i-- .. a t. .-it .;.: -u.a ..it ' ir . - c hk.s'c .' T-v "-. .T. -: i -ii ti i o' ,i."jr 'j '"v.3-. , . i-r-A :? 5.1 t uw -,ts. ?' FKtfT"4 .t 'fws-rv.:'. n.v?r "yi. k r rjsrii...2i. ',v,'i.,""t. Ti..ir -si rj1,,,, Z- . .ul-Mibo i-V j." ." . it, n V" 7, i 1 , . ; ..'' .-." v-t li - i- . 1 . j, .1 .(" l O -tf VT""- i J V .. t t V ?...J.f iBBBaBV V- ff-Vj-T- HKiHIHISHFtio' ? i $sX'f xliiHi iiKfe illl? ONE SAIL FOR TWO CANOES. It is safer that way. The schemo makes speeding on the Schuylkill easy when the winds are kind iar Photo service, iili.lilj J fjl J 1 i 1 rr'ira'r.TT w. JXisJs'jfr ftlVHJHBaHHrV,w mHHHHHHHHJjHHHHHHHBHhHHHHHHK B w x? v i v X ' vvkBHwCkH&HHHHHBBHHHHHV 9HHHHHHV tL V ' tJ A 'tV r V ' S P; ? 'MiMMIHiffafAfBffBiBaHB -ffaf ' '1 ffflffflffB r'&Vi ' ll-vi ' - y" - Hfci in- t fnilPrmBBff ,:' B - --':fc. wilt T; .&" S.Y. a' .''a. s??;"5 v', ri ft. ' . f -t vs fsmfM.mTf.Miy l y;i s ?W--I'J'4. w'.'.Jl llifffviiaP5:V:J BHTKgj 'H!vll .' 1 t i - ' i - 'A . O .'' 4 't Vf? ,,. X' ''5SLv bLHby iy :2iMVfA FT-ViT. -.s ,-. vA V P?77 Hfini iinii ( mimvvwm XM ArtWAw.' i'Ih "v liii''ii iiLWRVRIMRHHk DHHk s " ,.;:.iv-:P!Sii: ',! G 'YK'.H'r7HVHiH Eii r. . " A jaSVir UL) ' C&VBI QHBSBPTv'JBSSSBSSSBEaBHlS sSfSBSStBBBflK vb 'jH Bb9BMhHM Is .BBBBBBBjfau. BBBBBBBBBBBBJBBJHMBBjKBBJIh Pfl&99tBflMlu&BwBS9BB9SHBnHB9SH9HlE&RSliBj ijBJIMMWJWlMnWPyMpHjMSMipHBWlW jm BBSSSB8BuEBBBEDBSMlBBflMmHSSMBn'HpPk4'lB lillllllflilllllBlMllHHIIllllllllSfiNKSlH Rir ViBBBBBBBBBBBBVHIHilBHnH'iBBBBBBBBBIVSVBBBll 9vflHBVSSTV'KvXHhflBLkrv( iv Aw tiMMi,i..i!'.. TijEi?'' .. I wbt4Xfc.' C?.Xwl YMVMUkW Si." S U4C7iJ . iSKsissaeaa; j YOU'RE NEXT. When the patrol crew of tho Twcnty-secoad street and Hunting Park avenue polico station are not RIDING THE GOVERNOR. The Democratic nominee for President, James ousy witn ponce worK they aeiight in giving tno doys a iree haircut. Patrol unicer John MCAntee is the volunteer jvi. uox, is shown on his iavorite norse. Tho Ohio governor loves horses barber. Patrolman Stehle is turning the power machine that works the clippers. At the right are two pleased customers Ucorgo (Jhapman, 2105 Runner street (left) and Edward Musial, 2234 Yclland street Ledccr Photo Service, and knows how to ride Kadel & Herbert. V c; -,.,?,...,:tjmmzx.immmr::.. ' ":'wr aar u:rMaammmmmmmm kv QUAINT FOLK OF BOULOGNE welcome allied premiers. French women don gala-day attire to greet Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain and Premier Millerand of France (at left) Underwood t Underwood. .. ''""I"') t't"jmammmmmmmamaam to - 7XMyUHPfMBPiHl frii m Ifr , " - ".Mf-i- mm KlBBBBIr i.'V- -? -' ' i in.tJ&l t!ST5! ' AV'VVV Vi"WW4Mt iV'tBJR SiTwi 'i-Viri JWW( 4". t"vyv?wvi.'myv. 1 1 ..'Mt . 'AvAvyjwywtjrtw'' y- 'v w vaw .1 v '' OUR CITY WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO & ?:& . . , A If tmnm.-; KbBHHH mmmmmH fIi-mImW SxMBMBMf EibH ' Vl . . .5 ;i.-. j .' m &.n.,t y, : fV , ', ". if -' v,y vidBWT y w .. ?j,j$.mtt&i rs&?&tmr3b?mmm IHMHHHHHmHHF w7TiBBr r y ?"-r&.'';ry:,T?;?g ..- -, "t .yHP" ii-,;; - ,jKuK --:: JtiHVJHuVJBfVMVMVi 3 iTMBfaMBl5 f M "V ' ''I ' ' j' , ' . , b MMWM--aMMAanHMMiaHMK 9E . ifc Jtmaraay JCTnHpgjoMOMMrjiAMi.MaiMf nwi iii I -v. k..wvww''.yi( w.'mom.-w s.v-MiuMMM94"M'4dca'tn i 'CJirll - A LITTLE MOTHER. Lillian Redf cm is PRINCE HENRY AT P0L0. Playing CAPTURED FRENCH OPEN CHAMPION- UP A TREE. Floyd Marshall, an aviator, and his wife, of ';":; J"','4t one of the. good sisters who make use of for Cambridge University in a recent SHIP YESTERDAY. The American golfor North Rose, New York, were riding in tho plane as is crasnea. iney wero auout 10 race wiin """ IHnWr T nnr ' nffHTrllflH MMHiHHHHHKiiH 4 ti mmrmsm U I'iW l','WrtggmT Fairmount Park to take care of tho younger game against Oxford University, the member of tho family Iedser Photo Service. prince scored tho goal that won for his team Central News rhoto. is Walter Hagcn. He defeated Lafitto international. Neither was injured Wldo World Thotoi. 'f74- .WWv v. J.Z ntaM. :?" " jM f 4 :jm -J - '-C f, k&ffl wm Jim ,' ' s t W mmK jflR IIIBIBHKHb 1 s jfit ' V'V f.fSW ?twv 'i i;r;"fj THE BEAUTY CORNER Vive- ; V- mWx ; j-"'' "- ltH y "' r: a S' . . J . Maoma- ,1 VHHflHH 'J- fc vrl - hi BHHhI' Si ' j "-W? i " k if i -"-Sfc IV- WJffi2WTTJ2MLWm t7.1r.VAiA ViJWrS Wff. ZTt .ff ,' s, ' .h Pl-ttM-BHB-K '..? -iw.r.LBL vy' flHIWHrrr ' ; niniiiniitf " " - MwS, fo,f?By i.r1 , Kii WnBlr r imTSWI EBSV VhVMhVbVAHbhI Ledger Photo Ucrvlc. Lcdzer rhoto Hrvlc, '"MB i taifthe L v riHBtv rf't-.;i mum. ?;-:---:---lJJm ( P ?. i f . Ji . ' "V , j . hft. tB,'