v -! Is, ilk V ,r2i 'HTKAMMIlr NOTICES Passenger and Freight Service . Philaclelpnia lo London Namta Moturck ksfcrtlor K..; A. Victoria . VtHti ....... Caroaia Colombia Aejailania Maarttinia !rrator K.A. Victoria . Caronia .new York Cherbourj .New York .New York Qoeemlown Lirtrpool , ... Now York " Quesnitown .New York Londonderrjr and Glatfow..., .New York " CherDonrf and Soolharaptoa. . New York " Cherbourf and Southampton. .. New York " Catrbonrt; and Sonthatnpto'n . . , .New York " Queenitown and Liverpool.... New York " Qotenilown and Lirerpool.... Tor I.nler Hnlllnga Apply to 1300 WALNUT STREET, EARN-LINE1 Incorporated 1S31 , 1 Ul S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Rejrular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Dei Moines Bridge".. July 15 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Galcra" July 10 SS "Coquina" July 25 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Sleamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. LUCKENBACH LINE Philadelphia to Rotterdam Amsterdam .1. S. WEST POOL (V.s.x. ltd.) .lime 20 N. H. UPKINflUKI.D (I ... Ild.) J,m, 30 8. 8. .ATEEHlRi q.'s.s.Rcl.l July 10 From Rotterdam to Philadelphia steamer Late Jnne LUHvENBACH STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. GA1LEY. DAVIS & CO- Agents 40.1 Hourse llldg. I'lionr I.orobaril 2003 HOLLAiO-AMERIOA LiHE NEW YORK lo ROTTERDAM Via Plymouth and Boulogne-Sur-Mer New Amtterdim Rotterdam Noordim Rvndam . . IrtkMouser orflci Julr 7 Aur 10 Sept. 14 Julr 21 Aur 2S Oct 2' , .. Aaj. 4 Sept. 8 . . Auc. IS Sept. 22 1531 hll ttU. V1UU. VACATION TRIPS ML.lllB(i)l TO 3 U RICTrtM SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE Merchants 4 liners Transportation Co. nt.ibllhed 18M "Mllllon of passcmccm carried N'ot a life lost." tier 18. . ni:i.A ri: avk.. piurv. Telephunc I ombartl 1900 r i Camden Heatine Co. Open Shop Fight. Philadelphia Court Grants Injunction The ( amdfn Hcat.nc hearing. Judge Staakc granted Camdeneating Co. because of the fact that it runs an open shop. Camden Heating Co. has always stood for the open shop and thi- iut i.- the culmination of a long fight between that Com pany and the labor unions. The Court's decision is a victory for the Camden Heating Co. and a vindication of the open 'hop. The decree granted is as follows: AND NOW, to wit: This second day of July. 1920, this cau-e came on to be hcaid on the complainant's motion for a pre liminary injunction; and after consideration of the testimony produced and the arguments of counsel: IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED as follows: That the defendants and each of them, their officers, committee, agents, employees, servants, members, associate and all others theft may act in concert with them or by their direction each and eveiy one, be restrained and strictly enjoined until hearing: 1. From doing any act intended to induce or tending to induce any person or corpoiation having a contract with the com plainant to break or rescind the same. 2. From making any thieat or statement, whether written or oral to any person or corporation having a contract with the complainant tending to make such person or corporation believe that -.wd person or corporation will suffer loss, damage oi disadvan tage, unless said person or corporation terminates said contiact or unless the complainant employs only union men m the perform ance thereof. 3. From making any threat or statement, whether urrten or oral to any per.-on or corporation having a contract with the plaintiff to the effect that tho defendants or any of them will order, tompcl or persuade workmen to refuse work fo- aid peison or corporation or in or upon any building or other structure in w hich said person or corpoiation is interested unle-s said person or corporation terminates its contract with the complainant oi un!e the complainant employs only union men in the performance thereof. 4. From ordering, compelling, inducing or attempting to induce men to stop work or to lefuse work in oi upon any building or other structuie in which a person or corporation having a contract with the complainant is interested unlc- or until the said person or corporation terminates its contract -with the complainant or the complainant employs only union men in the peiformaneo thereof 5. From threatening or notifying or intimating to men who already have or hereafter shall quit wnrk in or upon nny building or other structure in which any person or corpoiation having a contract with the complainant is lntcrc'cd, or causing it to be stated or intimated to such men that if they resume woik in or upon said building while the contract witn the complainant is continued or in course of performance they will be lined or disciplined or otherwise subjected to disadvantage either in connec ton with their unions of otherwise. 6. From doing any act or making any statement, p.n ni; any resolution, or taking any other action whuh tends to induce any poison r corporation having a contrnct with the complain n to terminate its said contract or to discourage or dissuade, nny person or corporation who would or might otherwise enter in a eontnet with the plaintiff from so dong or to compel or induce any man working in or upon any building or structure in which any person or corporation having a contract with the complainant is interested to quit work or to refuse to resume work therein or thereon unless or until said contract is terminated or the complainant employs only union men in the performance thereof. 7. From doing any act, passing any resolution, continuing any existing resolution in force, calling attention to the exist ence of any such resolution or enforcing the same, making any statement, issuing any expression causing or tending to cause any person or corpoiation to terminate a contiact with the complainant or to refrain from making n contract with the complainant or causing or tending to cause any man or men to quit working or to refuse to lesume work unless or until a contract, or contracts with the complainant is or are terminated, or the complainant employs only union men in the performance theieof. 8. From taking any action or making any statement or adopting nny resolution or acting undei any resolution or calling attention to any resolution or regulation with intent to compel or induce parties with contracts with the complainants to terminato them or persons who might otherwise contract with the complainant from so doing or to prevent or obstruct the performance of any contract by the complainant or to influence the action or conduct of men who are working or who might otherwise work in or upon any building or buildings in which any person or corporation which has or which otherwise might make a contract with the complainant is inteiestcd. July 2, 1920. STAAKE, Judge. CAMDEN HEATING CO., Camden, N. J. -i STKAMBHIT NOTICES .Julr 10 .Julr 15 and Sonlhampton.. and Liverpool... July 17 JnlZO Julr 24 Jalr 31 Jalf 31 Anj. 5 , Anf. 12 Abj.14 Auf.21 and Lirtrpool.... PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christianin, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service C. S. Shipping Board Steel Sleiaart SS "FORT ARMSTRONG".. Sailed S S "0R0N0KE" At Loading Berth A Steamer July 10 (From Pitr 78, Saath Wharvei) The Charles T. Megee Co. Xjtnft lor U. 5. Shipping Board Drcxel Building PHILADELPHIA Bell Lombard 5100 I GREEN STAR L!l, Monthly Service Mediterranean, Adriatic, ' Greek and Black Sea Ports Trieste, Fiume, Patras & Piraeus Saiimct From Philadelphia U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steameri SS"Jornar" July IS For rurfher Particulars Applr Green Star Steamship Corp. 1093 Ilreel lllilir., Plilln. I.omliurd .M0 Main 1S!0 International Yacht Races Prom the tireat tecl teainer Plymouth OF THE FAI.I, RIM.ll LINE TICKETS $16.20 EACH RACE (Including; War Tuxi r.ipnclt limited to nffonl maximum comfort The PLYMOUTH la an ldal cccan coins tambnat A FINE BVND OF MUSIC wi aciimpany th e'eamer Catering; bj it- ('ompan Staterooms ''Icim'T mil 1iim Plor 14 North Rifr foot "f Fulton !' . 7 4S A M Eatrn standard Tlm 4S A f Ptyllaht Sav tnc Tlm Tlckts an! statmoms on sa' 1 rommirtnc JuH 7 at roneolldatM Tlrltpt OfHfs an-1 mrnnv s Tl. Kt OHr at th pier In N"ec York rit Co. on Fridav won it- fiirht in the Philadelphia ourts fov tho open shop a preliminarv iniunction restraining the labor unionb fiom interfering EVENING PUBLIC Woman Found Dead In Chair Pauline Strlmmcl, forty-six years old. who lived lit 2072 Ent Mpplncott street, wan found unconscious yesterday In the front room of the houso by Mrs. Morrow, who lives at tho same house, nud a neighbor, Mrs. Conrad, of 2070 Knit lilppincott street. Doctor Blood. 1 of B.I77 Frnnkioni avenue, pronounced death clue to heart disease. Sl'MMEIt REPORTS si'itixo uhr reach, jr. . THE ALLAIRE roLNT pi.kasnt. y. j. PICTURESQUE A Delightful Resort oint Pleasant, N..J. ..A117a; Coo ' Write Iloro Cleric Ai.i;y.M)itiA hai. y. v. THE THOUHANI) ISLAND HOl'SE. Alex- ni.w. m iinyt i li" t rniffl OI AHITKH Catskill Mountain House Sow open P. O. Heachilew, N. Y JOHN K. VAN WAQONEN. Mgr. STKAMItO XT notices "Day and Night The Dolphin Line" Boats Leave Arch Street Wharf for I Burlington Island Park Bristol Trenton . SUNDAYS I'or Trrnton, B.SO . M., 10.00 A. M 1.00 P. M . .00 P. M.. fi.00 P. M., 8. SO P. Ji. i Ir Ilrltnl. H.30 . M.. 2.00 P. M. 4 00 P. M . 8.30 P. M. Tor Iliirllnctnii l-lind Park, 0.00 A. M,. 2.tu P. M.. fi.oo P. M. WEEKDAY SAILINGS lor Trenton. 8.30 A. M.. 1.30 P. SI.. 0.30 P M I I ur IlrNtnl nnil llnrllhctnn llnnd rnrl. KSii M ., 1.10 P. M. rttm llnnl 1.30 p M ntiirili for llnrllnatnn Ilnml Pnrk. 'llntr "f rirr One nj . 3() t'rntut Chll ilrrn. !". ""timlna nrnl llnlldDa Adults. 40i; ( lilldrrii. "Oc. QUEEN ANNE MOONLIGHTS ' llo.it lf Nrrli t. Whnrf Kverr Kie-1 nine at 8 o'clock, ltounn trip rare. SSc. In rliiillne ar U Ita-j i "1 "''' T,,r Dolphin Line sti'.xmsiup voTirr.s Only 2 Days Sail kl-i Ideal for Summer mu cruise boAt'nc K, CC find and dair" np AH thtna ind $t' Krl "nlattstxtir a i A Am Ichtu tif Hurmiiiia n Bermuda is Looted (avernca summer temperature .3 detrreesl SUMMER VACATION TOURS rfffftlve ilnr.nc fat'ninifr urnnon i..t,i4inie aamr hftti unit pirn ntercHtlnr alfJe trlDtl 8 Days $87.00 and upward, iccorainj to dqici No PaBiportft Keciuired tor Uermuaa S. S. "FORT HAMILIUN" Salllnc from Nmv York try ten days On HHriinifJ Saturcn n rr!nt1 FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Fiin Ito'ise 34 Whltohat' "treet iKEDGERte R U.MMER RESORTS St'RINa I.AKB REACH, N. i. THE BREAKERS Jn?S" SrnlNO tVAKK REACH. N. J. OOlVr. TKNM8. RJDIMI. DATy.il,M Ownership lrmt.uUWjJJ'jTtli-?gJ wi tjiwoon. N. J. Almn Hea. rates! bath. table: homjeook. irom houtel .ioI. 310 9. Poplar are. (1ETTY8HURO. 212 J:, Poplar Ave.! near beach, amusements. It. M Nelnsteln. Prop, asrurv park, n. J. a-gicry parr, y. t. . . rort rtii.i hotel, information writh MtrNlTIPAT. 11)11. nilRKAt). Ashnry Parte. OCKAy prove, y. J. THE SHELBURNE V.w, modern hotel I hot & cold run' water eerr rooml private baths! Ocean Pathway facing parK ocean. V. C. 1IAYNES. TOl'KS rrrzz FOURTEEN HAPPY VACATION DAYS With a Wonderful Slx-Ilnr Cruise on THE SAGUENAY RIVER Tonrn otnrt from yew Yorkt Julr 17. SI. Auk. 14. 28. From Montrenli Jub 21. Aur. 4, 18. Sept. 1. llarlr Kferrntlon Advisable THOS. COOK & SON, 22.1 S. Ilronil St., Plillutlelplila sti:am"hip yoTirr.s LINF PERU CHILE Jcarf Direct r"" frtlce from Sew York .1 p.aame i nnl, cilllnit it Celloo Arlce, lauiqiie, Antofacuta end elprtio Ki Snta F.tli S Piata Mu, Si Binti Am s" Siiti Teren KormlfhtlT Salllnt. S u OIIACK ft (O Aaent H.novor air" " r t-0"1 Aienf- ' CM VIA " D&NAMA CANAL GRACE LINE B Snn'a El a S P Piola Term S a Santa .ni f n aun ... Callinz nt ( !lno rlc. lqulque Auto ,,1,11 in n a rar (no Kortnlfhtlr Salllmt 1. It. dllUt. A CO., Aaenti, Hanover 'n. '" or''. r Local Agent from WwrYork Your m, nr -jr1 s nmmer Vacation 5v Mital cae m 'l"us sra uardi-n" MK.nllJr?' fish, a deliah'ful 1oda vachtmc IIOFjJ bathlnir. cicllnc drUInu, tennis RJit -Hi1 ninn more are amun.- the by Ucean. Breezes 9 Days 9 1.50 iou nnraiuci ngwiuuuatiou ufon"B'ifijB mm ena ror ne- 11tpr!ur tf T,ll t-sds vn. Wins principle. After in all day with the buim -s of the SUMMER RESORTS, ATI.TI() CIT. y. J, (ZJhe Ambassador Gtlanfia Gfys Newest and 7Tbst Distinctive Motel DIRECTLY on Boardwalk and ocean, yet in quiet, exclusive Chelsea residential district, Tho Ambassador offers you quality service and accommodations. European and American plan. Dine on tho great promenade deck overlooking the Atlantic. Call- rim AMBASSADOR fornia bungalows with Ambassador service, ltal- HOTELS SYSTEM ion garden. Dancing in famous. Inpnnese tea room Ambassador. Atlantic Cxty and Venetian Grill. Symphony concerts dally. Golf Ambassador. UtAngtits privileges and indoor salt water pool.Hot and cold ttJfdXr'tom saltwater baths in every room. rite tor booklet. Ambassador. Ntw York itm.ttmjm'mmkW.rv iiFivirr '"Mi LEXINGTON i TldGe nd Atlimi, Am. CapidtJ 600. Oie block from MUllon Dollar Tier, Itndlng depot ood kcil both- I In; bneh, 75 Dith homo with thowtrl for turf billion. Pnrito vij to botdi. EstoniUo porcbro nd bill room. Elce. light ind raonlog wttcr In room, rrifite Ulb. Orchtri ood dindog. AmcHcin plin 13 up diilyi lit p wMklj. Enropcia plin 11.50 up dillj. llrcproof Ct- BooUot, rboM20. W-. M. Unlett. $3 up dl). Spcl. kl).Am. plan (lth meala) OSBORNE Cor Pacinc anu Arknnsm Ar , prlv rctrlc crntlna plants electric kitchen open for In epcctlon. running water, all outsM") rooms, crupuloualy clean, elev. prlv baths bathlna from hoti-l, bathhounea and ihonern free, or rheetra. dancing; white frlcc iriraae llklt. Nw manngement STlTZlHt S. STITZIR. net I.ocntfd Popiifnr-Prlcfd Hotel NETHERLANDS 80 SJm NEW YOIIK AVn. llathln Privities from Hotl Cnnaclty 400. i:iettir. private liiths. runnlnir watpr In bedmnmo "f."0" I'loor. New IVnturee Amerlcin Plan (with mcnla), S3. 5(1 up ilull. snetlal nreklr. Ai'Hi'BT nUHwADI I I 'OPrieior. . HOTEL JACKSON Mrclnla Av-enue and ItoardvNalk Adjoins Steel Plrr Center of Attrvt no Tire-proof lirick Hutldina ln0 Rooms, ;th ml Hhou hslh Ocean View. Ncn Mnn iccment American and Euror'n Plans Up-to-Dstn Caff ROQUOIS Bouth Carolina Avenue, adjacent to beaek. Cap 6OO.Rc0.nod nntronano.muilr.dancuia. strictly modern.ubloindiervlce excellent. mrgo soiinum. Uooitiet a. rrnnoma COl'KTKSY OL.M.ITV MIItVICE HOTEL KENTUCKY KENTUCKY AVR VPAU HCACH Amerlrun I'lan. ft3.SU to 1 lljlli. $17.50 I'll Meeklr. 1'uimlar l.tirot in ItJtrs I Klevator. electrln lights tel pr no exerj room, running; water In rooms, pr ate bath. mono 1U-M..H '.N- II Kh.NMUV, HOTEL CARLTON I Cheleea. Av. A Beach. Rm. en suite with prlr 1 cam. cjiery room not & coia runninf -eater. 1 Mt rates Ownerhlp mgt 0. P. Zuxml. Grammercy Arms MtAMMKiicr rr.cn and iiiucii IIandsomel furnished room with ocean view and nrnate batlis, beautiful sleenlnv , porihea facing oiefin American plan Itea- I sonable ratos. MRS.I1, II. IlLRMs Prop. THE WILTSHIRE Vlrelnla av. and Ueach. Canacltv. a'.O Private b.itt.l, running water. eleator tc Amer plan Sptclul season rates Xtooklet. sjAMllBl. KM.I3. Owner. N J COLL.INS.Mgr. PITNEY New iir We near Dcach Amerlrnn and Lurem-un nla C ipaclty -0 Noted for uell-cnikcd food. 1 urge, aln r oms IMr! t'la wenlces Hates on application JAi'OIl IIICKAIt ALEfl(H) St. Cluirle I'liiro & lleudi. Capacity GOt M C1RA1IAM formorlv of the Princes.. DAVENPORT i SciiMi Carolina ace n fir benrh hry rnn- ' nlr.iiro home rook bath from hoi' nier & l'uiop $J ii "!! JI I' Mortimer I AN lOSF St Jamfs Plaio nr "beach 3n ,-,JC' nd amu.ement. Ideal lo- cation nul't an! - Until Inrcc and pleasant rooms with rm ncr water Reasonable 'rates OurT'i p management i HOTEL AUSTINE Pacific amusem'is n Place ripar bah ft H room oonlif K H Jnni R i k nv Ipt off Hnarha1k. I aw " ffA -pw ryorni un running watT and pr nm bfttl New mtnacment TRAYMORE AiuvTiccifl lWIBS GREATEST lK)Ta SUCCESS UtecWctUsris RlMltVl Pnrn Inn tidli- Haaflti 1vl. n -. kalk. runnlnj wateT dmie rates Open all year U Tl Am id (mnemhlp Management Keiituckj ve. and the Ilenrli. t. E-r h ntnKnt. Moderat" rates, i kj... Pn.n.F r.nrl V-L r I. c MriR HRtilsEl. f rmerlv of the i.amont New .Country nnd Yacht Club Fire HOTEL CALVERT Vlrslnlo Ac Ownership m r Heach American Plan m nt Frank P. Ream nlCfUVMI! iv tu.kv A r 4tli hutell DlOUAIlNEi n. Inih American 1 i M') ruVh. Iiath- InB prli. kh r i MTRPi.y Owner KAtl'MXN M MXMIEI.'S REsTAf Si, ANT. Mew i rk . iitar lioanlwalk eat well propur 1 chUfum food Bailan Kit, nen THE PENNHURST Ocean tr.d l Igan ne Mwavs open. Oaragf WILLIAM R HOOD Delaware City T nesfcee Ace i Ueai h ly furriliihed Rea sonable ratei. Ml LAl'RA M LAIRD. TnVinr Inn " 'in fni Connecticut Ave lauor inn Ilel Ioiatlfni argei alry rooms Ei'eiicnt tow. isth sec ton, owner in cnicgem i.t M I rates JP4A M, DL.N'.V Hotel BoSCobel Kentucky ave Hathlng nuici uunuuci hnujo refurnlehe.1 Excellent tarie Ilm. 117.A E MARION. TIIE 1IU RI Kcery appointment: cellent Inr t, ,rj table Mia Laura M. Tracy. 123 S th Carolina Av. SOMERSET ; ;Ti"i- All amusement. I). WI'.ERS. Nl ITT A I I - s Maine Ale. Atlantic nui itis , itv, iaptv Phonon70 ( P( Ml 000 Open until .Sei 111 r l"th Necv nppolnt menta and fi 1 1 n i strl tl Orat-cUss cuisine anl r r run Dingle or in suite with or nb ill,1 I.AURbN b MAREM'H. Mgr , formerly uf the H Ircuo-Stratford Phlla THE LINCOLN apirlty 300 Entirely necv II m flnlo nnd en suite with running v-ater and prliate baths elevator. Lien inudirn appointment for comfort and srwi.o l'renrh tni.liie White Herslc. I .llll-. ,1, II lllllllllSll.N BREAKERS llnlc lloiirihculk Hulel. I ik hen att u hed fur conialesrente '.i ,k h A YOI N(l Mgr, cotualesrenti' ATGLEN Uth ft Central, all outaldt ri mi table unsurpaaa.d fHE MAYBERRYMr".' V e' Kry WAHJliNL,!"N" rnosiEsn. N, j. "HOTEL WASHINGTON " 0( LAN (1T, N. .1. NfiSrolANDiE WASHIMiTOVS CROSSINO. N. J. . Situated nn the IUnk of the Drlswar. The country n ' I with all city conven ience Our tab a ore supplied with the pholtest farm prmiu ij from our ocvn farm , Hates J3 50 p. r da Sperlal family and I season rates It'll ihone Pennington N J, f.n.li4 ' RLjLK Manager HE Mil IIWEnTn J. THE ENGLESIDE Vow open I'viry modern ronvenlene.i nrlvate baths with aes and fresh wattri five t.nnl courtsl booklet. R. V. ENOLE. .Man ig.r. Also tbs Covjngton. West I'hlladelpMa, BUMMER RB8(RT8 ATivArvrtti citv. y. a. CAPI3 JIAY. y. J. Hotel Lafayette Now Open Locnted on beach front. Capacity 400: all Improvements: runnlnir water; elevator. juitn ihauy a co. COOL CAPE MAY, N. J. DEVOy, TA. ACERWOOD Bwu',n?nf SfJ?LRS! P. n. n.. B nilnutea to station. Deilrablo environments table supplied from own farm: outdoor sports: aleeplna porches, rnooo Wejxe 4 tor rales. Ilox 221, Devon. Pa.. Wimhirrnn Inn On Main Line, nspeclallr wynoume nndetrilbl(, for bu,inf men with families Itooms with bath at reason, sble ratea. Danclnir. Lara arounds. wiao verandas Phone Perwyn 17. . HWARTHMMin ine narvara . a-nrthmore 233 WKItyKlt.MYll.I.K. PA. Milliirln Deautlful Views. Terms Me. nUlSlOO (rate a(irarBi eiMtrle llahta. OBniIART ft AUI.ENTIACH. Props pnrnyo mopntain1 Eaelra Mere. I'a. Eagles Mere, Pa. The Bummer resort that Is different be caue It combines mountain and seashore conditions with unique surroundings Tho sincly beich and temperate water of the l.ik' of tho Hades afford splendid bathing 2200 fit aboe sea level. Ono of the finest Rolf courses In America. I'or Rooklet nml Rates Write Tlin CHESTMONT INN William Woods. Manager. TIIE FORKST INN Herman V. Tenger, Manager. nin i.AKKsmrc John 8. Kirk & Son. THE RAYMOND The itamond Hotel Company. Shawnee-on Delaware. Pa. BUCKWOOD INN fe'K". Now Open Id.al Country Hotel of America Duckwood Inn Co ill S Worthlncton. Pres ) rout Mills Pike fount . Ph. Wheat Plains Farm ftflM.v.: In tlir Delaware Rlter. Roatlng. llathlng Rates and Klihlng Jl pr jla SJ. per wctk. Drlnwure;WnterOan' TT, r.lFNWnnn DeltiHare. Water tinn rapnrltv oo All nmu..ments Itnoklrt P. R. JOIIAMIN. Prim. E. s. AI.RKRT. Mcr. MountPpcono. PU; MIH'NT PI.EAS'XNT IIHE Mount Pocono Pa. Prlvat. baths: fru rarag. W A. A H M LEECH t East Mrondwhurg. Pn. .MPI.EIiritsT IVV. rat Strouds"burir Pa Acnim 200 mnlrrn 2"r ft rrar.daa. ft acre ahsdi lawn 10-acre groM croquet, t.niMs. bathing. car-rn honklet ArRSt J. HACK ADIKOSDVCK .Mtll'NTAINS Adlrondnrks-Monlrenl-Prnv. of Ouehec Auto mobile Tours. Addr (1o W Ryan P atts. burgh N T or Tourists' Ilureau of Mont real. 'lO'i Nrw nirks R dc jontreai. NARRACANETT PIER. R. I. The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. I. NOW OPEN An etfdn.lcr lintel for illTrlmlnnttng pcmilc nt one of America's Plnest Penlde Re-nrt, flolf Tennis ToM p thing Dane. tnu Well kept Ptnt Highways for metnrlre Tor re.orciion address JAMT-S-E. (.I.IIl(i:t MANAOFR. Nnrrn-nniett 1'irr. Rhode Inland lake nr.nitdK n. t HOTEL MARION LAKE CEORCE. N Y. ?t:hiti A! fcunb aw..., ...uv w.u.i. ,uau llUin IOR. Ceorge Villngo to Bolton Landing. Capncity 300 Guests White Service. 1 With or without private baths. Open June to October Adjoining proof tuarage. booklet rree. 1 JOSEPH H. MARVEL VTt'll. U "ii'ii' i.'klKiSTHn'i'TnfTf 'Jylf'r rwl MWrcCTra Ttu-w-" L..KiHW.aCj,i..i ,.i . t.Dj)qifflraCj UXKE Pf,ni) N Y. ADIRONDRCKS Grand View Hotel LAKE PLACID, N. Y. NOW OPEN. Extensli y Imprnied: finest electrical equipment, running water, privat. bathrooms, elecntor p r dancing l-I RNISHED COTTM.LS FOR KNT All out-of-dor Adlrnnda u dlierslors Clr. M II. MRSHAI.I., Mtr. I.nk. PlacldNy. RONTON. .MSS. "" MQIELPlM53," ThcDlBtAnctive f uoston Houso ..v.vn' in inCI WQriQ. d f IPL.COjtfHOMqr H-lce tWm iiZ foeH. I lVtr rVnAslk fc... ".. J a a VERMONT f rilEB VACATION llOOKSi "Th."-Or.ea Mountains of Vermont", Lakes of Western Vermont", "Lakes of East, rn Vermont": "Hotels, and Iloardlnir Houses" , "Summer Homes In Vermont.' rlti Vermont Puce llCliy liurg.u .iuiniw.titi (iORIIAM. N. II. MT. .M IllsON IIOl si., t.orham iTil. The gatecvay to the hits Mu Mow op.n. Forhookletaddresaj:' O Chandler. Prop. CANADA fNAI)IAN NATION M-iltMi TRI'NK New Service Across Canada For nil Information ajmli .In A II, Chonn. (Jen. Uej.1Pnst:JDetit.,U7J llrond'), N..t'lty Iellghtfiil Vncatlons In Canada along Canadian National Rnliways Ask V A Young Genernl Agent lf.'.'O Wool- r'n iiiiniiiii.' -.-.r mi. . m Oify 2 uy Frtm Htm lirlL C'ool Averogo Hummer Temperature 70 SUMMER VACATION TOURS Iniludlng steamer, hotel und bide trips 8 Day $87 9 Dy $91.50 and upward ei online Jo ae. mm i nions Effertlie During Hummer Season. Safe, Swift, Palatial S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" Bjlllnir from New V.rJe i re 10 Ihjb No niiHsnorls reeiiilred for lleriiiiidu, bend for ilertrlpliiu i Ire ulur to Furnota Bermuda Line, St WhltrhallMU New lurk. i?-r . :..... , : HOPPELL July I JOHN A kUn of tbn , baiiber (nee Morris) nged 22 Re a 'i,,,, RKMIRT -STJIMSIIPS lute John and Marv Rniuell Rel .tlcei iMid frf.iids aim. (lriev YearlJ Rene J' "' vkL sj. atwsaasK JSTXMr te.0. . friends are Incited to aiteiid th.. fu,,r ,r invited tc. at-end funerHBerl ,,, Sb TeTTIf Is. KAflT IE IlTl. A 'rum the tealilence uf his slHtnr. Mrs Jumea I .10 n m luirenls' resldi lice 4-u n.ml' M lft fUt Wlfm W IHmA Me Nomura 1224 N llith st Wedn.ii li lu,i. Hillside Cem e" I bFaM-JCJL 2i.LJ Mw. 730 a m High mat,a of requiem at Chun h mav lw ilcwed Tues ne s mTlTL r u'W"m'm. "' 0(,"u at 0 a in Interim-nt llolv Cross -i "Z rnitrATlONAfr Roth Bene, Students In Shorthand tha 1 ""H'SJJfc. Pitman or drega- Sstcms desirous 0. summer coaching ctsss., . . Starts July nth... Day classes. M PliiM.ntu'wjf'aJKSSS:" . 1"-'..rr - rhll.delphl. " Strayer's Business ColIeBO Ranks Business College IMS Walnut St. Bookkeeping. Bh"'""1! pJStsrlal. TTP.wrltlna- Course. Bar art vJ!?t,-i HPANiail. French. Italian for busl L.EARN HI i Ai1""' 'ill... in your home If jiht Class. M..fr.ble. ness, . -n tjinmiaga Bcnooi.. 7sVs.7thL l I Nigh School nookkeeplni, P .. Shorthand. English. Fenmanshl! opnN P.y,rf.,-.ritBfii:,10 B. 10th Bt. MEADOWBROOK SCHOOL SylcLoi For Boys Mcadowbrook, Pa. Primary School (Boys under 8) Lower School, Upper School A achool that gives a, boy a com plete elementary schooling and pro pares for entranco to any boarding school or college without taking him away from his home and its ltal influencs during his Impresslonab e leara. A school In which opn-alr training, biaoball, etc . handwork, nnd Intellectual study are combined with Christian example and precept to develop full manhood and effi ciency. School grounds have IS acres: high eleatlon Located 3 miles north of Jcnklntown Reading: Rail road to Meadowhrook. Autobus serv ice for nearby places. Registrations and assignment of classes September 28 For prospectus terms, etc., ad dress the Head Master Rev. JohR White Walker, M. A. Mcadowbrook, PenRa. The William Penn Charter School No. 8 South 12th St., Philadelphia FOUNDED 1089 The academic yr 1020-21 begins Tues day September 21. 1020. and th Pros roctiis may be obtained on application, h'ltldlngs will he open for Inspection and for classification of pupils September 7th. Rtchtrd M. Onmmere. Tli. D.. Headmlr. MAIL ORDER HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO PURCHASE U. S. Army Khaki Breeches at 80c a Pr. They nro all l'ko new and Just the thine for any Kind of outdoor work, riding, hunting, mo torcycling. Halting;. All sizes. 0. D. Army Woolen Shirts, $1.25 These reclaimed hhlits nro nit-dn of Gov standard wool and are Just lll'e new. Just the ihlio; for sorl, camping and any rough wear. Don't fall to take advantage of these opportunities. B W. F. KL1NGER & CO. 221 S. 32D STItEET PHILADELPHIA, 1'A. Vrrpuiil mall orders lllled promptly. Parcel post lOo extra. Entrance on tho hide. "SWEETAIR" The Modem Method of Painless Extraction of TEETH s.n: AH RI.EKP" One to '.'fl teeth extracted without pain or dancer. Just thi thins for iito?is people no til effcti follow in use Cirnr 1" fnr xumlnatlnn Monday. DR. MOSES S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Sts. Formerly on itaff of prominent JJospi fan W. J. STEWART, D. D. S. Removed to 1531 Chestnut St. SPECIALIZING In artistic, undetectable dentistry Con tour and expression restoration and lm piocement Rudlral trentment of por rhca tightening loose teeth PAINLESS rxtrnctlng? Orlndlnir, n lHlnic nnd Nerva Treitment by a late lonl desensitizing method which Is so unfailingly efficient In expert hands that nil dentists will soon I compelled to learn to use It dt.inrecl Efficient Reasonable. MEMORIAM OII.LIMIHAM In loclnie memor eif my other EMMA ' GILLI.NGHAM. July 8, mo loin c i. a i UHEtlhON III memory nf IIKR11ERT C GREGhON son nf Clara II and tho late Joseph Gregfon Jr echo cens reported but from tho Merchant Marine L.cko Dunioro ut llnrbados, est Indies Julj 11 1010, need JO c ea rs HUTU in lining remembrance of my nr mother I.IJI IS : noril ciho dennrtLd this life Julj tl 1DU7. hiully m ssed ANNA .I ROTH. JBeatljg AARO.SSON At Columbus V J , July I 10.MI ALHERT II huvlMnd of Stellic Aarunsiin (neo Tantum) Pun.riil private. from his lato rcslileni ColumbuK N J., Wed J p m Friends ma call Tues , 7 to 0 p m Int Columbus tVm ADAMS Near Hurl'iiMiM Julc ,"i WIL LIAM H . husband of late Marc M Adams nged 7fi Funeinl wrcl" 'inurs 2pm late residence Camden pike near llurlleigton N J Int Coomrtoccii Cem AMEY .Suddenly July I WILLIAM F husband of Mnry K Ainec In his illith year. Relatlies und friends nlsn Kendcrtou Lodge No, 2011, I on. r Men's lillil,. e-iaai; i- aKeiieii. ir'suieriuii c nurcn, anil nil or ganizations of which he wsa a member in lilcil to nttend funeral si re Ices ,u a p m , Into residenm 1317 Pulaski nve. Int Cheltm Hills Cem View remains Tucb, IIAUER July 2 ANNA wife of Sil vester llauer and daughter of the late Peter and Ellen Tnukhlll Rel.ctlces and friends Invited to funeral aerclcis Thuia , liitu resi dence, 710 K Westmoreland at Mnsa ut Ascension Church 7 n m Int Hilly, Pa HENNBTT July 4 lo.'n JAMES J Hnn of Catharine and tho late John A llennett Funeral Wed H a in from mother's resi dence Cottman at east of Rising Sun lane lem mass ul cnuren nr st William nf Gesu at 0 ,meterv a. mvnii. Young Men andllors rwl i FsSTfl 'J I? 1 Rcqul IHUC.t.l.i. juiy n, iii.uimt iiUH hand of Ella A llorzell Relatlc.s and friends also employes of Luzerne Uarn P R T incited to funeral hervlres, Wed H p n) late residence, 8n W Norrls st Int Thurs at Nlski Hill Cem ll.thlehein pa IIRADY lul 4 ('IHRINK (' ttffl of late. Patrick W llradi Kelnticis uinl frkndsl nilte.l t.i fuller I Thura . N 3D u m from her late resldi n. e X17 N jjnn, nl holeinn lilgli mnss in ki rnin. is .Nailer a Chitreli in n m Int priVHte IIRIGHT Dl .1 Mon.l iv mornliiB Julv fl nt Sara mi Luke P HTH'KN'EY IIRIGHT' sjii of O P. rcy Ilrluht of Phlla, Funeral Ir Philadelphia, Dua noll.e later. "-unerai CALI-AHAN, July 4. MAY, daughter of lata John W. and Prudence X CallahtS; 1 1" " nKATHS it.ladve. and Mends Inyltod to Wed.. 2 P. m.. at her late resla'nI2rJs, 1 W. Bomeraet at. Int. private; Vl,w?- l8l 'lues. oyc. "lai CALtN. On July 2. J05n ?,,. CAI.LAN. Jr.. son of Jamei hV .nIF'.n. Anna n. Calian. aged 14 "ti nl'111 nnd friends are Invited to the. ,Si1Uti Wednesday, at 2 p. tn.. nt Ms paM-V'.- i dence, S10 Welleni ave.. Olney. nt '! nI.VANN. Ju v r. moi" Rudolph and Clara Calmann. a'ged ai 'W uvea nnd friends invited to ,;,."?' Rtli. ...""tn Wed., 10 JO u. m . at Asher's. laon m,1wi st. Int- -Adath Jeshurun Cem. Nf U"1 CONHOY. -July 2. BARA1I, belo. of John Conboy (nee Olllen). nelaiTJ? ' friends, also 111 V. M. Boda llvl,SalTf' nJ of tho. Sacred Heart, Invited iSf'""" Wed., fl n. m.. from her late realdn.Iun.",l. cor. 20th and Reed sts. feMlemn hi.s' ' of reaulem at St. Thomas AnuinaiVrvm 0.30 a m. . Int. Holy cross Com ""a COOK. At Atlantlo City, N. j . , (l 1020, ANNA U., Widow of Edwin Wn Relatives and friends are Invited i'0?)' service, on Thursday, At 2 p. m . it .. .,h' residence. Clydo ave. and St. aJ..?,' '! Hala. l'ft. interment at West Laur7i ff. Cemetery, r-rwiwt' . "1 Hul At Sydney farm w...... juiy i, iw. Buiin nutVAIlD Crinir' daughter of Mary New-bold and lata wX ..... , An.t .-r.n.. ......'.'.'ll IMM laughter of Mary New-bold and lata v. I toward Cooke. Esa Rerilm. .t J? "lttr I 1 ........I. Aim at MaI.. Tb "K JOon. I day. July 8 2:30 p.m. Jlurlal pnrlv.l,.'lr, Bt- ,,?'" Clitirchjard. U'tVrn'A.V ' iIIIIliy linn, llunci.i -- Chosen Friends' lajce. No, Bn. I) of i I ".'"I" .V. """";?A.A"'..'.-'V V"-. r P rn.. lace resilience, iu.u rsui Bl. rranKford tV Oakland Cem. Remains may be viewed T,i.. after 7 p. m. "' DAMIlLT. July 4. ANNA V, widow.. Alex. M. Dambly. Relatives and frlendT i.' dence. 8021 N. lath at. Interment prlV.i. vuru vu pcii.isTOs 4 nuiDuai. lUtiun m n..i DB LliJIOS.-JUly 0. HATTIb. Mlf, 7f Edward de Tyemos and sister of Rudolph en. neent sertlces. Ved.. 10:3n a. m.. A.k.J1' 13011 N, Uroad st. Int. private. New tors ' papers pleasoeppy. .... ' of Ida and tho late Albert Dornbusch. ft, !! tlves and friends Invited to attend funerii Jcm V.'Alh St. lnterm.ne nplv.l. uene. rltt.l.lNnHAM. At KnnTVllln ' T rirst.dav. Keenth Month 4th. I-Vltni 1!' daughter of lata John and Alice Armltit. Ullllnirham. Int Ardilev Cem.. Pa GOOD. July 3 I.EANDER D, hustm lato residence, BOfl' N. 34th St., West Phfi.' Int. Rryn Athyn, wed., 2:30 p. m. Train for Jiryn Atnyn ieaes jteauine Terminal it ' 1:23 n. m. ' QOlt.M LET. July 8. MARGARET. wl,. Thomaii Gormley. Funeral Wed., e30 a. rn late residence. 1113 Tree st Solemn rnin nt Church of tho Epiphany 10 a. m. Int. llolv Press Om ORirFIN. July 2. ANNIE, daughter tt" lit. I... Y.n... U ..! D...h 1- rt.l.l. n . tl atlves and friends Invited to funeral Wed, 2 P. m , resldenco of brother-in-law. Wllllsm ' II, Fellows. 1124 Harrison st , Frankfort bervlcea St. Mark's church 3 p. m, 1m. urlvnt. llETTlQ. July 2. JOSEPH, son of Ctbi.i nno nnu tno laio oicunen iieiiii; iq.. Oraeff). nued 42. lMnernl Wed . 7.J0 a. ra. . late residence, 2(103 v. Madison st Ri. quiem mans nc unr jgy or lioiy BO'JV Church O a. m. Int. New Cathedral 1- HINCIIMAN. un juiy 4. 111JI JO8LP1I II. IIINCIIMAN. aited 80 ears. Relatlvti una iriencis invnca 10 luircrm senices, e. weu.i ai - y. in . fli mm rcsiucnce, i:ujtf Ji, .mth at Int prl-ate. HOWDEN Julv fi. 1020. ELEANOR B. Hnuirhter of late John and Rrldart Hnuri. Iiuo notice of funeral, from her Into resi dence 1542 N. ISth st 11TMAN. July 3. MTER. husband of Ki Hyinan. formerly of lllil Glrnrd nc Reli, iles friends. Phlla Schneider Iidr. n , .10S I. O.l! A . and Ind. Ida R. Straun ' l,oige. milieu 10 tunerai. cveu , 1 p rn, lato residence. 1210 N, 13th St. Int lit., Carmel Cem. KAY Julv 4 at MO N. SSth st WII, MAM DALLAS KAY. aced 81 RelatUci. friends, Mt. Mnrlah I-odKe. No IK'S F ml A. M , Harmonv Chapter. No r.2 Phlla. Counrll. No 37. U C C. of E nnd Mssonla Veterans Invited to funeral aerUces Thuri 2 p. m, . at 701 ft. 00th st Int Arllntun Cent Friends mav call Wed ee KINTZINO luly 4 ELEANOR CLAT TON, wife of llarbeson Klntilnr;. runeril Wed . 2 p m.. from Huntingdon Valley Pres. Uyterlnn f'hurch Int. William Penn Cera. MAKER July 3. CATHARINE ulfo of Michael Maher (nee Collins) Rclathts nl friends Inilted to funeral. Wed., 8 30 a in.. lite residence. 0141 Haierford ae fiilema requiem mass nt Our Lady of the Ron: Church 10 a m Int St Denis's Cera MATLACK. Jul 4 HELLE F (nee Town rend), widow of Thomas Matlack ased 73. Kervlrea Tues fi p m.. at 2"i3 Rrncc-n st . also services Wed 11 a. m . Hopcuell M E Churrh Int prlcate MeKAIN July 1 MART R dauirliter of Wm J nnd Mary P McKaln TunerM from her parents' residence. fiM8 Celar ace., Thursday, 2 P in Interment prlcate. Trlends may call Wednesday cenlru after ''iwiEnivN' fniv 1. in;n 11 MICHAEI.. I husband of Mar A MrKennn Rolatlces and friends Inilled to funoral late rfilaenee. 1 l.aierork. Crestnut Hill, W'ed a m Sol- I ern requiem mass Church of the Seien I Dolores Wndmoor, 10 a. m. Int. Holy 1 hcpulchre . . McKINNY Julv t. SARAH, wife of lte Philip MiKlnny. Relatlies and friends lj- iltrd to funernl. Wedniwlay morning Jl) locloclc, from her late residence. 2113 Chrl- 1 tlan st. Solemn mass of requiem, at st Charles's Church 10 o'clock Int Holy Cron I Com .... ' McNENNY Suddenly Wlldwood. N J. , July 3. IOHV V son of rrnnle J srl Anna M MeNcnn (no Knne). HEi"d fl. Tri 0 months Relatives and friends Imlt'd to funeral, Wed ,2pm rieldenre Kranl- mother. Mrs John V McNcnny. loll Porter it. Int Holy Cross Cem .. MINNICK - On Julv t. 1020. OEOIIGE TJ tles, friend, nnd emploes of the Miai' .steel Co are Incited m the funeral oi Thursday mornliia nt 7 30 p clock from m late residence 37"! N mill s- Solemn re quiem mass nt St .Stephen's - hcireh at nV'ock Interment at Holy Kepuldir. Ceme- 'mI'RIJIY nie.l, suddenl at Washlnf .... r. 1..1.. J in jii CHARLES J. irilPHY liusinii or .iiaiK.ii.-. " .',V,.k' nd Hon of th lato James J and Mar Liars Ulrpn . "n JuH r. lO-O.llEI.VA'. 1 1 1 . Willi un 1; i-ac-nii "'nr,'.:ii Klcen fiom her lato resldene-e UI.1 Mill I ii 1 1 1 ti n 1 n PHIMJPH At AmbW ..... i.etumitli ti mitt t!l"4 la Julv . aaed I'.f R''' llcen an.l frl.nds Imltc.l to funeral s. rU "i Wed, 2 30 V m . at R Pleaaint Hapli'l 1 i c nurc 11 int yrinnc ! Tf.t t.t. n.. T..I. pom er 0,1 juij 1 . 10211 .11 - ;, liu.hnnd of IMIth A Porter '"'"-,.-;, friends ore Iniltrd to the reriice . 01 Th', .lay nt in n. m . nt his late resldefe. ijj V EdBtwooel a' Interment at I niwooa 1 emeler Remains may bo ilewcd ANcdnei Itelolli dav ecenlng REGAN Julv 4 11.20 ESTHER,! of jo'hn j Re-nn (nee Thompson) Re latttei end friend. Leagie of the "''. ",",1 1 Altar unci i;o.ir wi'"' i,... s 30 a. 1 ,.u....u ,n. i....i ,,. fiin.ru . Thurs . e.i- I vilui.ll llt.t.rn ... ...... ... a,"-, Asnen st Solemn requieiii - .v......... - .,..S'. Apaih. s Church 10 n, m Int -jVnnnE B. riOHRMAN nil July 3. THEORORh on of the late V illlnin A and Mir-an i.orr ., nrf,,iii. 1 n,l irinds nre Inclte'l 0 i nl . .... Wedni sdav lit 2 30 p at hl lain residence.. 411 N lOtll l Internuat ,r!...T, .- ,..,.. n mi:pn iii .ushnmt of Hannah !'' "'h0 " rlencU and rmploes of w1,11,a"'i, , Wed. ion Inc imlted to funeral sen -e "' fi ic'l.i-r juij " , , p. holes n'J"!11". husband fr nth t " s P in. ihco -., - ,.. ,,,.., WH!: ! P'l.er J-""" '"'""nnfl H.U !" iun.i ni PTillne Schrleber aecu M llllll.lll.il IUII '--. Hell- I ,".' aid frliila Incited to futi'r..l " ' rices. ed 3 n in residence 2"HJ '- "u"" Int tlehue , ut i L.. ......... ...i.. -. i ni'is ' nilW 1 I IV JUI' ' r..i..,,ca rl Felix nnl Sarah Shos.er ii"'""J. .,j friends nlsn perl Ins IOdg", " "iVriW M are lnltid tpMlend funeril 'eru Wed 2 p m preclselv late resldeme Ar.h st Int Mt hlnal Cem . , KRED ft SLOTIIOWER July 4, j'Vrienls aim SI.dTIIOWER. RelatHca.ntid.fr en" . I Eastern Star Lodge Vo '"'',. ','""; ck- and other societies w un v.!"'" , . ferv necled aro Incited t, nj:n.rt,,;,imore , lees Weil 2 P m . nt 441 "JUmaJ tU Hit Mt Murlnh Cem rrlends max Tues H to 1(1 V ?.-. , .i.uthter ' SMALL July 4. MARY A . ''"HJtic-fl Annie nnd the late Michael fmill i',, and friends Inilted to attend f""'"' h'roiff. N 3d it m from tho lesldenre.f her nroc in-law John L Hoar, 2J-'3 . '"..' blcurei ern requiem mass hi -i nrlcn'eu . . -M.ne. h.Miril Julv et. bs.iateui". ; 1311 I'ruiker st .A.,.1 :l. K'l".. latePreIid.n'e. 'lOH rtirnun Him . - . 1TIANK beloieel hii' Friends are Invliw, ,, nf Unrothy Smith iittnnd the t funeral aerilcea Thurw.f i residence IMS ( J luintj wrf. private Remains vlecceu .. m from nesd..P.?P. lie from 8 to 10 ,:n J rr, i in. u r-"""-'"' ,.. --', rilzaMtn 'V UNDEIITAUERS nteiiaeTI'stV LOTS ARDSLEY BURIaTPARK.; Lots, all prlcest r.a.onabl. urn Oc. aianilda, P. Wat). """Baata- i uiutuiY.iiuiiu. juiy a. CHARfpa . CREUTRURO. aged HO. Relative .Pi friends also Jerusalem Lodge, No tm V and A. M.i Slloam Chanter. N nS9' i 10 u m Int Holy cross ., gJlATH- SMATIIERS On July 4 MAHEL ERS, nf 40-.4 ( hestnut st H-rv e"" r H day ei.nlng. nt 8 o'rlm 't nt tho " , Ilalr Ilulldlnc. 1820 Chestnut st ini" 1 1 r. i . .1... mi inn a i. smiin incn iuhj' - ; tci t -a.. IrAl tt("-" --. friends also St- Paul s 1-'' ,J j,o : nnd A M Paler-tine R A rhaPjer ' y,. I 1II1H1MIII t" ..' i i MriI O ' E . Cant Phllln R r-ehmler t Irrle , ,n, II of A . empUiNes of Kenslna ton on ic , agents und assistant "" ,"'..,n to al and tho Aiiti-Cobden Club are niliea , ilia fuiLral werl ices, ill " uir 8H IV RROAD AB m. ilF DriwAse P'AMONP, n1 ' ,-.. ii(fi .. c