ii r,' JMWWW,.UrpwwwTXPW!OTyWWffl wm ff"' Mx" ' jci r r- ' ) v t f l M - T ' H . .i . .- ' l OFFERS LIFE BLOOD 10 ANY 10 NEEO IrussgII Richardson, Ex-So!dler, Willing to Undergo Trans fusion After Aiding Mother VOLUNTEERED SECOND TIME if tou need blood Russell D. Ittchard- " h. n for TOU. UO IS O Dig, Eukr. red-bended cx-soldlcr, and giving t,s blood Is ono 01 mo u..vo. .-- Ilia uiw -- ttirnntrh th CX- tSefouldbo fo go through H any time Bgalnr If It ,crc to Bnvon human Ufe "What's a pint oi uiouu. ... Lcn questioned nbout his experience. "I'd give ten pinis ""''" i- velns-lf It wcro a matter of 'earing sorao poor sufferer. Richardson, who useu w u uuu trr with the old First Rcglmont, N. G. ii Ymi iturlne tho war was an instruc- V St Camp Greenleaf. licking "rook w Into suanc, works In Camden, at It ho HoUlng-'head Co. Ho lives wuu nis Inothcr at 3804 Lancaster avenue. His mother was the, occasion of bis lr2fa? Jilbg bis super- n. ?.rf in"? ..n 'ami fbe doctors fn? -i. '... ...ffnrlnir from anemia nnd lXtomvi!!$. Pl " . r,i flm frnnsfiinion ouern- Eion was perrormed with complete euc- NOTICE TO THE TEXTILE TRADE vw I. the time to ranke ttioie mqeh needed rrpalm. , "" ,n "' line Call Frnnkford 041., Our mllnialo nnd ndrlce coits jon nothlnj. nnnAVV Textile Ucl.lnW.inndnMonufrtuier.. BIG BOOK BARGAINS For Vacation Reading They nro by popular authoro and hao been used In our library. Good, flenn condition. 30 Cents each, or FOUR or A DOLLAR Womrath's Circulating Library 15 South 13th Street, Philadelphia lEfENINVPU'PIilO BEMETfeAI)MmA FRliDAY, eTOX-Y 4 1020 cess. It resulted In thn murine- M. mother's Ufa. Next day bo received a letter from a Physic on at the University of I'cnn sylvnnln, asking if he would not like to volunteer to glvo somo blood to a poor sufferer there a man dying of tho samo disease. Richardson, though It was only tho day' after bo 'had given n pint of bis blood to bis mother, eagerly answered tho letter, saying that ho gladly would go through with tho opera tion again. Another volunteer bad been accepted ahead of him, however. IIo is nono the worso for the operation. Ho in out every afternoon on tho big lot adjoining tho plant, where ho works In Camden,, playing basobnll,,wUh n siriall bandago about bis arm where tho In cision was made. KEENEfcCO. OPTICIANS formerly 1211 Walnut St. Now at Their NEW STORE 1713 Walnut St: timuflQM rick is atnotic. STOPPING waste is al- ways patriotic and one of the biggest items of waste in America is the buildings that are de stroyed by preventable Arcs, many of them just because they have wooden sheds or additions which ought to have been built of brick. All-brick buildings WOUlfl SnVO TYtilllnvtr, - Jl .- v..v- i.iujiuua ui UU1- mrs by fire every year; aiul tnnso wnofn.i ,:ii:.. I if saved, would save thou sands of children now starving in Poland and Armenia. iJ!atJ,s. WMotism of the best kind. frSUi .Ut th1nt dfferoua name laundry and bav caffT' that; o2 ?oHHP in?Vc - bui,d of solid brick throughout JXV:ien the Fourth o Sna&o?8 Wlth a Clea? '""nMiJfBni'.Brm Noimi rim a n0,.1"1 8tl 1,k 'yz Buy Brains For Your Motor Fifty-four years ago, Atlantic experts tackled the problem of lubrication. In 54 years they" have raised, and successfully answered every kind of a question pertaining to automobile lubrication. ATLANTIC MOTOR OILS are right for your car for every car. Count less experiments have proved them so. Why not forestall repair bills ? Say ATLANTIC ! Your dealer will know if you need Atlantic Polarineor Atlantic Medium. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY i . . . ri ne iii . i niB ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SATURDAY STORE CLOSES AT FIVE O'CLOCK CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY . I fj God Service aid fad Vakes.at Strawkidge 4 Qotbier's ! To-iwrrow, The Last Satariay Befwe The Fourth of July 1 1 V TTMl 0 j 3 s rieasmre! i 4 l35r I Mf'iijljll "I Use Only One Half The Amount of Morning Sip" That is the economy in buying Morning Sip Coffee -the coffee packed in slip cover tins to hold its strength and flavor. Never buy coffee put-up in paper bags. The oils that give coffee its aroma are evaporated when coffee is bag-packed. -That is why you can 6mell coffee through a paper bag. Morning Sip Coffee Is the blend of many different kinds of coffee. Its wonderful flavor will more than please you. If you or any of your folks are real 'coffee crides" Morning Sip will soon prove that there is one good coffee. Morning Sip Coffee is always fresh it sells so fast your grocer has a fresh supply at alt times. Try it today. Sold By All Good Grocers MORNING SIP COFFEE Packed in tin to keep the flavor ttu Roasted and Packed by Alex. Sheppard & Sons, Inc. Philadelphia; Pa. "3sBKyttw RewW flic beautiful Pine-Valley Coimuy byAu'piane Independence Day Aerial Exhibition July 5, Starting 3 P. M. Inducts In your holiday plans a trln Monday afternoon to Cnrtlns l'lrlnr IMeld, Pino Valley, N. J. (35 minutCB from Fhlladolphla), nnd boo the epectacular Aerial Sham Battle 2000 feet nbovo tho earth, an ultltudo raco o u, height of 10,000 feet, nnd special ,min nuniiuiiviiia nnlrjmlnor (hn Ini melmun Turn, IvOOpIiir tho Loop, Falling Leaf. Tall Spin, wine Slip and other fcatB. A.imisiitnn to field free. 1'aPsenKer ciirrylnB fllBhta durlntr tho nftemoon In latest uurwss ivinimiic, wuu caih-h, (Uiiilinecl pllota (all former nlloMnsiruc tois In tho United States and Urltish Air Services). v Take Heading Tlallroad from Chestnut Ht Ferry to Clomonton, N. J. (3 mlii ute), or clectrlo car Una from Camden to Clemonton (45 minutes) or flno motor rldo via Camden and Wliltfl Horso Pike to Clementon (12 miles). Uus lino runs to field from Clementon station, Exhibi tion nnd passenger (lights every Saturday .. .i Uunilmf n ftnmnnn Distributors of Curtisa Aircraft CURTISS EASTERN AIRPIANE CORK ui inifr UTATinVH C'urtlM HjIiie llfld. I'lne Viillry, N. J. 1'lilludtlulitu Alrwr Udjuceiil to lluf llund nntm 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia Com Mm for All You Need Fa The Holiday For Those Who Will Spend the "Fourth" Out-of-Doors Tho United States Is tho country of sportsmen. As a rule your real American is a lover of tho great outdoors and dovotes every spare moment to healthful exercise. There'll be an army of enthusiasts indulging in their favorito pastimo on Monday. There will be ball games, golf matches, and ten nis contests galore. Thousands will heed tho call of tho ocean, lake and river. Those and all others will find this Store ready with com plete stocks, attractively priced, to meet every athletic and camping need. Note theso special values that are now available Bicycle Tires $2.50 Save one-third. Bathing Caps 20c Rubber. Less than half price. Men's "Life-Guard" Bathing Suits, $3.50 Whito Sleeveless Shirts, blue Flannel Pants and Web Belts complete. Tents $7 to $27.50 Decided savings. Sizes rango from Cx7 feet to 12x14 feet. Golf Clubs $3.00 Save almost one-half. Golf Irons $2.90 Save more than one-fourth. Men and young men who have felt that Clothing prices were too high, will be glad to know that ttiis objection has been entirely removed by our wonderful late-season purchase of, the famous r i vm "ii Bicycles $37.50 Sturdily constructed, handsomo in nppearanco; equipped with good tires. Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits; TO SELL THIS WEEK AT Less Than Wholesale Prices SOME AT A SAVING OF NEARLY ONE-HALF ?JH y Btrawbrldge & Clothier Fourth Floor Reductions in the Millinery Wanted for the "Fourth" Reductions that will make the Millinery Store hum with activity are scheduled for Saturday in many instances the reductions aro ONE-HALF, in some they aro MORE THAN ONE-HALF: Ribbon Hats of All Kinds $2.25 to $5.95 Practically all good shades. Excellent Hats for motoring. White and Tinted Organdie Hats, now $3.95 In pretty drooped shapes with sash bows. Georgette and Taffeta Hats, $3.95 and $6.75 Crepe Georgette and combinations of crepe Georgette and taf feta, all beautifully trimmed. White, navy, pink, black and navy-and-whitc. Matrons' Trimmed Hats$3.95and $4.50 In black, brown and navy. Every Hat in this group is lower in price than tho untrimmed Hats were earlier in the season. Close-fitting Navy Taffeta Hats now $2.75 Trimmed with flowers and glycorined ostrich. tSr-y Strawbrids & Clotblcr Second Floor, Market Street. WmI $31.50 Made to Sell at $60.00 to $65.00 $38.50 Made to Sell at $7p.00 to $75.00 $44.50 Made to Sell at $80.00 to $85.00 Practically all of the Suits at $38.50 and $44.50, and some of those at $31.50, are of the ch oi c es t SMOOTH FINISHED WORSTEDS, in a variety of handsome pat terns and colorings. Many are silk-lined and airare tai lored in the thorough manner for which Hart, Schaffner & Marx are famous. Sijfes for men of regular, stout, snort ana slender propff'tions. "fl&hijs. If You Want Mopical-Weight Clothing You will find an assortment mere to-morrow carefulp tailored and mod erately priced: Pan Beach Suits, $18.00. Mohair Suits, X 10.00 to $30.00. Cool Cloth Suits, '20.00 to $50.00. White Flannel Trousers, special, $11.75. White Duck Trousers, $2.75 and $3.75. Khaki Trousers, $3.75. Also thin Coats, Motor Dusters and Summer Raincoats. . SI nwtrldte Clothier Second Floor. Kant i :4 i m r. TS . p3 i ""Lih M No! No! Let's Make it a Safe Fourth Lot the "firo-cracker" money be wisely devoted to Ihe pur chaso of useful Toys That will be still giving pleasure long after the smart ha3 vanished from burned fingers. These aro reduced Horse Velocipedes, $10.90 Paris Coaster Wagons, $5 Children's Automobiles, $7M Sam-E-Karsnow $2.90 Steel Trains to pull 90c Strawbrids & Clothier Fourth Floor Silk Waists i 1 WHITE f!HlNA KlT.ircivin.-f- ly tailored; convertible, roll or flat collar; a few models with three-quarter-length sleeves $2.95. BLACK CHINA SILK tai lored models, tucked in different ways, and finished with converti ble, roll or flat collar 53.95. CREPE GEORGETTE i n flesh and white, trimmed with Valenciennes and filet laces; short-sleeve, collarlebs models, $5.00; others with variously shaped neck-linos, some finishtd with flat collars $5.95. Struwbrliko & Clothier Second Floor, Centra Men Should See These $1.50 Neckties In order to properly appreciato tho beauty of their patterns, the excellence of their fabrics nriJl the durable way they are made. Practically every smart wcavo and pattern is represented nnd they're certainly the best value $i.ou can uuy nnywncrc. UtrawbrhUr & flothlrr Aisia i. iarK( Htret New Dresses at Special Prices Are Still Further Reduced In somo instnnces they aro the remainders of special purchases, in others short lots or late le-orders left over from the greatest June selling in our history BUT in every instance the Dresses are fresh uuu luvujf, unu we uouot 11 you can una incir equal anywhere at these prices: Dresses, Special at $5.00 An accumulation of higher-priced Dresses, chipfly of gingham and voile, in medium and light shades. Mad.o in tunic and straight-line styles, and finished with dainty whito collars. Dresses, $9.75 to $15.00 Smart checked ginghams, nnd voiles in light and dark figured effects various pat terns and colors, and an excellent assortment of models, all formerly much higher in price. Dresses, Special, $22.50 This is a charming group of cool, dainty Frocks, all of fino English voile, in Flench blue, Nile green, rose and orchid, made in tho btylo "sketched. Tho embroidery is in white in beaded effect; the collar, cuffs and hash of crisp whito organdie, edged with narrow lace. Silk Dresses, now $27.50 Taffeta, foulard and taffcta-and-crepc Georgette, in tunic, draped nnd strnight-line styles. In navy, black and brown, tho foul ards in black-and-white and navy-and-white. U btrawbrldee & Clothlor Second Floor. Market St. Do You Need a New Umbrella? These are sturdy and good looking, in sizes for men nnd women. Of piece-dyed Union TafTcta (silk-and-cotton) on para gon fiames and tho SPECIAL PRICE is $5.00. Women' tize With Wrist cord or ring in handles of plain or carved wood, some with bakc lite top. Men's sizes With hook or crook handles of plain or, carved wood. s-rii vr trlit. A Clothier A'-i 7 Market Street Creams and Lotions. Better be prepared with some of these soothing and protective Toilet Preparations: LOTIONS Arnica Cream 32c Jergcn's 37c ' Rosc-and-Almond Cream 37c Lotusa Cream 63c COLD CREAMS Witch Hazel Elcaya Cream 63c Crcme Elcaya (vanishing) 63c Pond's Extract Cold Cream or Vanishing Cream special, 20c and 40c Talcum Powders 19c to S1.04 Skeeto-Gunrd Powder 52c StrnuhrliUn i Clothier Ala1 tO, lenirr nnd Murlt Str. i Cro Alila . r 1 V I "1 IT These are Regular Holiday Coats and Capes for Women The kind you can slip ir.t when nccessnrv, and canv vith t'ase at other times, knowing they will stand practically anything and always look well. Wool Velour Sports Coats $10.75 In brown and Copenhagen blue. Leather belt. Unlincd. Fine Silk-lined Sports Coats $15.00 Tan polo cloth and wool velours in shades of brown and blue. Lined throughout with flguietl silk. CameVs-hair and Polo Cloth Coats $20.00 Of tan camel's-hair cloth, with body and bleevcs lined; others of tan polo cloth, unlined. Smart Wool Velour Capes $37.50 In a good rango of colois. Lirrd throughout and faced with silk. Tsr-yStrawh uIm- '"liuliier heitiml Floor dure, STRA WBRIDGE & CLOTHIER EIGHTHSTREET FILBERT STREET Golden Special To-morrow &0 y . ' raK" : -. v (P u&pecialJw MARKET STREET i . 1600 Pairs of Boys' Washable Gray Crash Knicker bocly;s Exceptional y aJuc At $1.65 Parents will fully appreciate to-morrow's Golden Special. Just the sort of serviceable Trousers that will bo most needed for "Thi Fourth" nntl all other summer playtime occasions! They arftf durable gay crash WASHABLE and are sewed with JF tg double-stitched scanii that will resist rough wear. They aVV full and comfortable in cut and nave strong, good-size pockets. The saving is MORE THAN ONE-FOURTH. Sizes 7 to 17 years. ' MnuLriusi . t I Inn -imnl ! .imr 1 ilberl Street, Kat Flags at Special Prices Small Flags ofuWnted Eillc or cotton, mounted on sticks at at tractive prices: eJM Prinfi!tfcvu!k Flags, 18-inch now 25c Printed Cotton Rings, 18-inch now 15c Printed Cotton blags, 24-inch now 25c Printed Cotton Flans. 36-inch now 75e Holder Brackets, to hold cluster of 525( ifuj-oiranpniua Clothier Thlra Floor, Vrt , Slri r. i'i t V , ? T fSF V i . N-H. '-.,- 'v.rs rm"Mm si J M fliiiini in - - " - "i"' ........,.. .- . -!1.,J. J ... t-wM :?' tL'ti-exfek. i I !(, "-Mi. ! f iWKi. 1 k;i