'' i iT " t jm " t 1 ,J"I '- jr .ir j; V W, V I,. " v ri k rrj'A". il . N w ,- -V' " r r m ,i.r UJi . Ill ' L -W "'. farcttmg itoblic ffie&get hi , phikadebphia:, -Friday,:, jtlt 2, 1020 . xh$$k& H fcfcVl rs wmrwwwwfsrrwujf '? y. w w " rt"yg'?; 'f ' vy.Vfy.wr mmxmiKKwwriv?iri w vtrvwtrvtv Iwr3'-iiw,l'''vwmwwiiim fe w ,; ?,,-, - i jsa M-.flK s v!.'v v - 'v- 'i.ty'flr. Frt y. 5jJ -T .. ,A.JJ .i.?.?;. ..aaiih-.r M '-,'. f JT--- ri,--J'-- Efl 1W1 W iJ iMNVljS4 : v,.vJ,1lBi BSBiTL Vj V BIbbm " nKSflHH HHHiL ' Jtor jJbSSSI BSSSSSSSBBk' JMr 'Wk.BSSSSl JHiBMBfiSSSSBSSS? - BSSSSSBSl rl'iHlUK ?' 4bsssW4Pbssbi BBJhF BHBflHft "" jkhjHbIHjbvSBM Bm HbBHmBx ' BSBBBBSVaB BBbv x jhbbBBSSSBBSI BBBBBBBBBlvJk tH HSSm JKt3w2tfvliE!iuH3RBfiflEStffi0SjBSflBSjB3fl BBBBBsNHwBkJ .JJBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi 4 J PE.4BBBBBBB9HHES&BBBb1BBh!8v39Rx bbb9bbsk3besfsbbbbbbbbmk(t9 W TTi r fBBBilBBjfij iBjfliBr r htiittvi TnTtByBByiwIiiBBylMitTrMf1!!!! I 7VBBBK:'s Vi. : '.V V?-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 ....-..;.. . -7ira.'5!sli 'sa;" Bn :t . AiaiwrwM!r'PiEaiB 85r& . . Mai BHHlBBSBBBSBVflKWw. BBKiMtBIBBmBBBiB1 kwHHBBBBBBBt tIbiL. BBBmPflBwB VbBBbI iwBBBBBBBBBf K JKbBBk1' BBBBBBBfBBBBfiBBBBLflBBBl BBBhBBBBBBBBBbT SSBBBP a- ''BBBBBBBsBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBl BBBBBBBBbBj BBKSk I BBBBBBBB9jSwr jHBwBBBnBBfl ISPBbBBBBT BBBBBBk ' n, 3 BfiBBBBBBBpflRvlraHBfirttQlBtflMBBBBM BJvwmRRBVBJB A4BnPfPB9 -iJMP WBBCTBBBWPtst?v 'yw " . "JVJ'TIBBI 6flBBBB9BSfiBBBaiBB BBBfil1 BBBBBBlBBmvraBBBBMlBfiBB bbk$ BW,A '" OTPBB .. .. EBBBMr,vH .vifc.' .; 4 vvlBfi BBBBVflBBBSlBBBBBBBBBBBBBHSSBBBBfiSBBBMBn A 'JbB? WHWBBjWMyBBBBBBBBEwBBHpfBMllfiBB -i sn v BBBaBBl BRWtlpwBfiiBigglflBBBBBBBBBBBHPJBSBP bIHiBBBb Eww5ilar5jBBtfiHBw"BBM vSBBBIBSBBBi K&HunnBraKBnBBBBBBBBBBBBHBfiBfiBBBfiBBBBBBW BBBKVBBBl QnHB9KBwBfflBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBMBfiBBBBBfi6mBBS?Ai SBBBBBBSBW R 'V St 1 mja &j&t. "iism-'i K- . . .' '$ f ?'" .; ,vv y, J J A. -. l.tSv . BKlBBBBfiSSIti :i v VBBBBl!PJH0HBfiKSl JVW P7ialBBlin9i trAtB ik t il r.diHnHhdK.:r-A'w' VBBft'dK? 53R5S. ; .vvi aniv ,rviit-atuii..'. (,-. r-'Ji,,. jj" V C'-WMi?C." AtX' ir iiw vlbdpvL-Hffi V i' ?" f" 1r .-: vwvv TJP.',!F-BM:.'- .v ;. ,r -.'. -..? ' K'MK!.''SjHHriflF rC . 'i .vi-Ji.:.i.:&'-.X: sSillBjBBlslllJ - i r.cac 'vr'nYr-rrttfr aki.. 57.TJT.y -V y", " vwmjw. it4BJ WON HI5? WAY INTO INTERCOLLEGIATE TENICIS MVA1.S hi ilnfpntinn- IMmiin !.. n ttm !Tnlvrlf.v nf STl DYINa THE SCOKR. Willinm r. flnrrnn. IISINR HIS HAnnv T?rT VVTMnSHTELT). tn this WftV WATCHING OTHERS AS HE RESTED. H. W. WWl. California. He is D. P. Robinson, Jr., of Harvard (left). Levj is thuwn n't the right. They played at Havcrford yesterday Ovcrbrook; H. F. Hall, Jcnklntown, and M. D. Roger Mortimer, a golfer, playing at tho Old York Road a member of the Old York Road Country Club golf team t.l(i-r I'hoto Herrice. W VW!W 'WTI 1 W VkiVimg'wrT "- zvwsfr rBBBBBBBBBBnlraSBBKlrtvVTt'HBBBflHA ' "" BBBBBBBBmBk3BBv33&II misEBBBBBBBBV' ftttiEB&.rf BBBffBBM('''lBBBvH7TJRB9WBBBBBBBlBBBBBm3r v H BBBBlP4HBfet'VM TTr. D -) HbbE"b1 aBBSSMW i, , iBBBBBBK mKbHBBBBBBi HMBraBBBBBBiF9H iw "u w;jmBrWHlks"i j.a?rrcrr",- N ( -I Robinson, Old York Road Country Club, at tho invitation tournament ncm on tho Old Yoik itoau Country Club links yesterday Lcdror riioto Servlc. swx xvi&maia.",mzmsxjr,& Country Club yesterday, was able to light his pipo I.edeer Photo Servlc. ' ,,, ,v j 5 . m yi 2 .; i-,T- ""? MfSBEraSKW. 'V r JMMflgBWi IwIbbbbIiW a W Wbb1 w fatal !s KtQr Jl BBT BBBBBr SkBBV m " w sPKBBBF"tBw .ACCIDENT OCCUPIED HEPE LAST YEA? ' -aa. AunanmiMnBH 1 1 a LAW ML NOW. Tho i'a.-on for bass fishing ONE OP THE "UIG FOlK" OF in Pennsylvania opened yesterday. Early yester- CALIFORNIA now at the Demo day morning many fishermen were on their way to ?ratic convention. She is Mrs. fishing streams Charles S. Donohoe, a delegate n. Arnntronr nobr. at-large from Oaklahd, Calif. joiiHBjRBSSiHBBBBBBBBfiBS BKoPJv s0'BlMBSk 9!nBFofBBlRflB9ul?n8RPBVBBBBBBBBBBBBl ISirSliHoORBvfiBBBsPBJi RrMKvF TwB??-0fegrV3B agaffHfef jb v.v'r SpBkBBPXv 9j ww iBfiBffllBMyTfcWiBir 3Br fr-gKLSBEk JL1mBBB1 JOB1HHH, tv v'KjKtfT ycffffl v K wHBHHLwiSPlBSBBBl 'JBBBBBBBBktSV''wSk 9BBBBBflBBBSBBjCMil9ulw'H3n MBaBBBSPlW'' i9HHBSHailii SMbBwhB BraaMSi BBBaBSwSBBMBiKBBMBMli fcwIi'fSliipJBlBP KsrS S8roSSBE:MMi5iSts REM. WARNING XO THE CARELESS. This is the Tianmr in which the ofilcials of Louisville," Ky., are con ducting whut they call a life-saving campaign Underwood A Underwood. BBBBBjjjflfiBh BB5 vlBBBvi a A' jLyj.tJ ! P H a ' . KarHaH !Kii,..v.-'',''- - . sv VJyl, !!1f 3aa JV-ftf.XX.sfif...-..Al(K!-.Ki DECORATED BY. OLD GUARD, City of Philadelphia. A BUSY DEMOCRAT. J. Hamil- BURGESS CARROLL DOWNES, of Narborth. The iccipient of the honor is the Rev. Dr. W. Herbert ton Lewis worked hard in San receiving the first letter from Postmaster Edward Burk, Valley Forge. He was mado an honorary chaplain Francisco many days before tho S. Haws at tho opening of tho freo mail delivery nf tVin nrtrnniyntinn prmvnnMnn nnnnprl ' cnrvifn vnsfnrlnv KK,.. .o V ' of the organization convention opened Underwood & Underwood. service yesterday Ledcer Photo Sen-let. nunWBWwwi at Loii". ' ' T" rT w x Ldrr Photo Service TOTTVWI 'M "5" mmmmwi i" ,; BBBBBeVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB jk P" LJI f 48BBBBb yr jH BtBBJ Jr BBfiH iBBBA Vfc " tK rr?Tag;y,r:aTJMXiuw'Jia' vtf rMMg!(ffiiiSaKiil toPBBbK''? " tBm SKSBSP.Ib fSSuw1 ffVSimfnn w 555!r'; isSBtaB& BBBfefin PKBBBCv)VKvnPw4BBBBn Bfi3HrSW?lBBKlPHK '- ."V1 'AvJ.''iavim'l - iw''WWim iiJ-.s Kf . '?' - W -gl??&SC s f S'"! Sp ' ' ' tfuBBfiBnBit l L ' PSSBBBBE!to l r ? J ", p...a,.-a. .... y --tfYwrt.r w i ft ' Mkj MU M A i-i--is&.xjjiiv(j'saisitoiiai" TYPESETTERS IN THE MAKINfi The V-lunteers of Amencu I a-f added this feature to their frre schoc y fur hoys More than twenty li - arc being instructed 1 VENT Y-rW0 UARS l NCLE S. .M'S SI- RVICE. I Nil IID STATES COAL COMMISSION. Left to right, W. L. Connell, Scranton; Dr. W. 0. Thompson, head of Ohio State Uni- the age c' nutoty-threo yeais versity, and Neal J. Ferry, Hazlcton. James A. Gorman, stand Thomas Ha rison retires from tho Naval Obf rvatt ry, Washington Intirnatlonal. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ing, is the secretary of the commission Harris Ewlnr. r i-vfZZ2VTg;zr im T?."iry'r"T"r",5 ' " isrw FIRST ARMENIAN MINISTER DOCTOR'S AUTOMOBILE AT UNDERTAKER'S DOOR. Tho machine TO THE UNITED STATES. Garo owned by Dr. Charles L. Gattor was forced on tho sidewalk in a collision Pasbernadjian, after three months with a truck and barely missed being forced into tho establishment oi in Washington, is now officially recognized llarrli A Ewtni. William Allmond, an undertaker Ledser Photo 8ervle. gsygtiv'." 'Til' " !l V 'J 1 I' I'M'! t " t "1 V f W -vT' t-wwfv mv y flrrVWCKBteB fVWi &tWUMB& 1 1 t ISHBBWw J .'BBBBBWl 'VU4)( "C" -..& 4 wWi PLACINti MACAROM IN DRYING ROOM nfu ,-omg through the press ng jroreM at, tho Phlludelphu Macaroni Manufircturing Co., Eleventh and (athnrine stre ts. Thf room hon l 00 rods of mucaruni ln the one being handled by Joe Nuzzi, the workman. Seven days is necessary for the nu caroni to tiry piope.ij Ixdier I'hoio Mrtii. HQHkiEllfr ' v f Bttul & 'i!vv TiStwyBjyyrn 5 4is n,' fwhs''.s.!&?R.V-wami5 v rv: mm. raBjnri-r-v SStv A YiV..' :t: ,. ' ;. 3SMkOaBaSsi me-itoSA- iiJiTriliJ - V'ff .irMilt7J'''HT. I --.'v : '4 M MUIUU' . . . FJM.iB'MMN. lflA-.JiW AiW.x.a'-i3 i "3- . f-, , fri il -5ilJ. rtt.', ..-.syrt. j?-'rJSiiraw5a:-i'.J- usxA-tJa U'A iSiiliL'i-i-uiSaf-SirfO .i.&.T r.!WJl.AJJ MAv nirt ,. J4 JJ ! "ngfgjf i.-AsvV Msnmm m i- THE BEAUTY CORNER r?HM?srsHl S ' " "HiiBfiBBfiM i vV4-i AtnBWlBiBBBBBBBB!K''' A .:...v.i. Ji ..-:; .,0'!;. ,.sui?s .s 4 4, .:.. i two black strings were plainly to bo seen Illinois, has just called on I tho Kcputmcan nominee Itarrlf Ewlnff. ,1 4TV I, t jA; ?. 4v .. Underwood A Underwood.,