T 1 1 i i 4L ' f ; ' , , . i' f.jr.i: j it ".. m1 m, EVENING PtBld.tEDGtEH-PHILADELtolA; FRIDAY, 'JlfoY 2, 1920 tr' u- a x r' SISTERS By KATHLEEN NORRI$ luA'or o "JoaBclun'a Wife" (Copyright, 1010, by Kathleen Norrls) oiit Tin: HTonv ........ KiricJfctond, ftl wo douffft. -'y.JK' ami i'lcr oice, Iheir rttwod. an a fl( wJK w" i i w n i'lsl0 enpineer, pro Martin,Lrh?rZ. P t" ha, a stah of tain.V. h Alter "he wecldlnfl, Martin '", rMwr iB KJ Mdo- Mix MU her tate ht.rJ? iuttln Little is in love Wam I'd have felt safer to uith Anne. ' . ( vour carc LT.h tathir av, and Alte, re!n'Lm that "she'll mam i." colly ''. ,m,V fh doctor, more to re 711' AHrhan because he icas giving &'cwrMo much attcMion." 1 mn IT CONTINUES ..,! had time for no comment, for 1A. 6t tlll9 moment .ho place her foot upon an , ,,.,. BUch a pre. do-m upon mo ' t , ft mtd run-:;r;v-di- cflrthi K fooUne of them Ml was threat that the roou he ghout. . Jliw "ring "talinclnR and clutch In, ?CT5' .... iir climb. Peter me l!1 ,"," ' wrist that had been r" Zl rtl,e confusion, looKInc away wrenched In tne con g K o"caSor. reentfu. B.ance. u col omit ome of those cries I" iTStT'ilHea 'Tho Lotos In ?i?1,C,dhIirC do.- .Peter Jaetlv amT.-1-tor. ana A1Uk ?e,Urnq'lhc"fiMYhourm Men Anno, nil uiupncB - ,,"vtu; ould come to her """"ftuiiy udorlnR nossago from , the re pecu y SSrtrvta, ,Hh "you. uncle." Anne Mm. .-- course I'm noi ";,'. you feel l-ou can Bporo mj. "- iteriy j" i,t you can trust him utterly i And remcmiior w . - "-g0oh, S,ftffi JSl-rwtvj her a roVcMulBlance , bu t unu . Ibis to bo ftnK?,?Jtn.JmV her cousin's Pnu nely- nrt8too hcTpful with all the Fapplncss and too neipim new plans. Annos ebt. r.,,rrv.s I were ranged ontro Cherry had talked oma blue tallormadp. Sor)tcmuer, tlteaTear after Cherry's weddlnB. SSl wt. her sister pages about 1 1 a - rays e.""""" " " . on'mV, down for h-atlon tnai ijncrrj i" the wedding. PO nang I Cherry reaum " -"" r,arrlaRe Bomenow ."" ? ,,";. Allll0 BO SK'KnWlng its rOUgh SUmmil iu me jj.vj --- !U!Vrt: Julv nasscd : tt was hot . .i" ..r-.,,, Vnnnirpr." AUfTUBt Came 111 Sn fun ice breath Cherry felt head h? languid, and half sick all the time. Bne hated housekeeping In this weather ; hated the smell of Ary tin and wooden Udicu . u.n-Ta n1 lnnl tins. Sffr&n had said that ho could not pos iSS.'I'w.SdiK -but. Cherry began to Vender If he would let nor go . .u.. "If ne uoesn i. ""'","- urn11K ircticu 10 iiei '..'" -,,,,"" AVt "azlng heat had been pouring over the i no since G o'clock; there seemed to L'"r i.:.. - .,i-hi. Murt n. who had avo "".""" '"u".: h. niVht beforo. icen lJiayiiiK "";" ,vi ina olooninc .lit II11H IllUi lllltFt' " '" " . .1.. iiiu ...If a L'lin an CfflnP!' iTOUa OI Hie iliur i ".-w """""! ,,i nUvnva .illmvrri him to Sleep inr K.to the followitiK morning. Other wives t the mine were not so amiable wheru Mker "was concerned, uui wnmii, ' i i.ntu n i rv'ninw MfiTJM Willi Liuau .i ...i im nvnntrA hntl nwnHpnPU llIH ir uiiu tiKut oii"" i is 7i jii n.lfa 4rt tnll Tint flint tlA IVnUlll Ufl UUHU - .v. ...ni An.i rYM'rv hnrl np wraingly crept about her own dressing roiseiessiy, nau uurneneu mw . w..-( -j u- ... v.n.nvroa lulttinnt thn Viuiiut ui t uicji, i'n ..- a?lde to be reheated for him when no awakenou. wow sno was biiiiuk uy u window, pontine i" the noon heat, and IaaI Inn- Jnmn itnnn n rTnwln nf flllftt ftTin vrl.npcq nnd smothcrinir hotness. ShO as thinking, as It chanced, of the big loreai at nome, una ui u l-chuih uj- ln nnn n IiaIi Vinnnt rlnvn !nnlV n. 3 tar ago when she had lain for n dreamy ildly through the laced fanllko branches, land she .thought of her father, with ni mild olco nnd ready smile; and some her. For the first tlmo she asked her- alf In l.rM,nf hawlMnrmnl whv uhn had married. Tiie iicat ueepencti and sircnginenen Rnd Increased as the burning dny wore on .mnin waKeu up, mil unu iiuu chy, and having further distressed hlm- rcu wnn 5irong cozteo unu ckhh, uupuri fd Into the dusty, motionless furnace of ftllt.nf-rinnca I'liik fa f tiPAUfn hllltJ hlmmercd and swam, the "Emmy lounger" looked Ita barest. Its ugliest. Its least attractive self. Cherry moved lowiy (vdoui mo uiicnon ; ner neaa nchea; It wrb a day of sickening odors. -v no intui iiuu 1U1IOU illClIl UBU1I1, IIIU (thrown It away Cherry felt as If the peaso and tho smell of It still clung to unsorn. I vThcre was a shadow In the doorway; looked up surprised. For a mlnuto me tan figure In striped linen and the ""Hum roco urraer tne nowery nat earned those of a Rtranger. Then Cherry cried out, and laughed, and In another ?,nt W!ls cry'ng lir Allx's arms. Alix cried too, but It was with a great rusli of pity and tenderness for Cherry. Allx had not young loe and novelty to vounger," and sho felt, as she frankly -will iaier io ner ratnor. "at lnat con. Jlitccd ttat there Is n hell!" Tho heat , i v 3 unn "Biiness ot tne mine might nava been overlooked, but tnls 7 .'" "se or unerry s, mis woon w?v dtalnl,B white ashes, this tin iiiVi ." ,lB i)ump, ana tne uatnroom with nelthor faucets nor drain, almost bewildered Allx with their discomfort -- ui u unniiiiniuiif mui 1 mi . Even more bewllderlnir wSi n Cherrv- There was a certain -w.Mie, uia i re was a woi UUsloned mnr L?wIle ,lf0- AIlx ofter meeting je of tno othcr wlvea nt th0 m,n0 pvfiE6 Yor,0 but flV8 or all saw that perry had been affected by them. v.Zj,"' 'herry. There was a certain nardenlng that impressed Allx nt onco. inere Was a. woarv nnrt ryf nntlonxn n aiBlllusloned concession to the drabness or infirii ii. a n m ... . Ijhwe waa general slghlnt; over the I vb L-a lin,.,. : -- i niKiiiuii over illts we ?rlSamlla conviction that men t kT i1 selflsh ami unreasonable. "And tJS, W.' A1,x'a flrst lc"er to her lat? n n,(,mltle- "that tho men here latl. .it "amltted, "that tho men Pw dowSi "CPt ,h0 ones tnat uui sh Ut eVin li .t flee nnthu, "niwcu me younger sistor vu Erlh?i5B nt. thlB- Indeed. Cherry so Ice WMnuiilndT tne etlmulua of Allx'a Khe. ?ionsh,p nRt Martin told her that JIIWd S. r '"O"1118- Joyously she fd tali' i e fllrted, coolicd enlenaiu nd j'icessantly she bullied Martin jm laughed at him, and Jt did 1,1m PUeclhS?Spthou,Eht Allx- rat"er "P en too vteAtu.tud! Cherry haa no or?.fPnea am1 humored Martin, phlt,u.llmctl,n.es quarreled with blm wn vfnv ' S j nsr and dotting for her wh"ch nelfhern5ry wlt? dlflons over 'rol. i, 'ner no nor she had any con "Id pom wa? surprised to neo the m..tri"t and heap tho m nhn. ... SuW "' pwtty.n?1'one;na'f n clover or as (.. "'."'. -nerrv. but ii'ii .0u i.. ttVm d?h,!,1x's ''o"c"""on. Rim W&lr "rrflrllod counts of Anne's relInH ." a nlco llttln nruIiTln i ha in.. i. of, Justln uw "If rWblr w?Shro5iln faflin he'd t' eZiVi rnJ!0 t0 J00 Pounds I ?uth, ifVoVi iJi ?f damp-iooktng 'ay wn? .k??.w wlmt x mean I 1 fJ" hlmffV0 tak, a crash towel and r Anne Trtth r. hr)inp like iLvrriMilirtA thntl" Cherry Bald, with a proud look nt her own man's fine height. "Anne was delicious I" Allx further revealed. "They used to take dignified wnlks on Sundays. I used to tease her, and she'd get so mad she'd ask dad to ask mo to bo mora refined. She sain that Mr, Little was a most unusual mnrr, and It waB belittling to his dignity to have mo suppose that a man and a woman couldn't have an Intellectual friendship. This In May, my dear, nnd after tho thing wbb settled and Anne had cried nnd written noteB. and Justin had gone to dad and asked where he could buy a second-hand revolver " "Oil, Alexandra Strickland, you're making up!" Cherry went back nat urally to tho old nursery phrnsc. "Honestly cross my heart 1" Allx assured her. "That's tho way they managed It; they solemnly discussed It nd worked It out on paper, nnd Jus tin's mothor called on Anne she'B ui awful old girl, too, nhe looks like n totem pole nnd Anrre called on hl aunts, and then ho naked dad, 'as Anne's male relative,' ho said, and It was al settled. And then then Anno became tho mushiest thing I ever Bawl Ami not only mushy, Cherry, but proudly and openly mushy. She'd cntch Justin t hand up, at tho tablo, and nn 'Frcnny ' " '"Frenny?"' echoed niiorrv. whn hnd laughed until actual tears stood In hoi oycB. "That's short for 'friend.' do you see'i Bocnuso of thfs platonlo Intellectual friendship that started everything, yot enow. She'd catch up his hand nnd say 'trenny, show undo what an aristocratic land you'vo got.' "My dear, she'll keep me awake nights repeating things he's said to her: UeV so wonderful, Allx. He's tho simplest and at tho same tlmo tho cleverest man x uver Knew. jjo sounda awful to me," Cherry said. Unn hot Tnnllu nni. i i.. 110 DOIOnCn in tlm nlloa, rnmlli. lH America, or something, and "is the onl descendant " .Money 7" Cnerry asked. Interestedly No. 1 ilnn't tlilulr ,,. ... i ;. lenst I know ho Is getting a hundred J .r'.1" ",B uncios law omce, ant ..u uiiiiu mey ougnt to wan until tnoy have a llftln mnrA QViaMI l.n... somothlng, you know," Alix added, after a moment's thought. iour cousin' Martin asked, taking his plpo out of his mouth. "Woll. her fathor went Into tho flre cxtlngulsher thing with dad," Allx clu cldntcd, "und evidently she and Justin have had deep, soulful thoughts nbout It. Anyway, tho othcr day she said you know her way. Cherry 'Tell me, Uncle, frnnkly and honestly, may Justin and I draw out mv hnrn tn thnt nuin home that Is going to mean so much to us 1 "I can hear her'" elcrcrled riiprrv ."Dad Immediately said that she could. ot course," Allx went an. "He's going to look tho whole thing up. He was adorable about It. Mo said, 'It will do moro inun duhu you a little homo, my UWUI i "We'll get a slice of that somo tlmo Cherry said, thoughtfully, glancing at her husband. "I don't mean when dad dies clthor," she ndded. in nulck nffee- tlon. "I mean that ho might build us a nine nome some nay in Mill Valley." "dee, how ho'd love It!" Allx bald, ciuiiuBiRsiicauy. "I married Cherry for her money,' Martin confessed. "As a mattor Of fact." Cherrv pnnlrn dieted him, vivaciously, animated even by the thought of a change nnd a home, "we have never even spoken of It be- ioro, nuve we, ninri f "I never heard of It hnfnrn " ho nrl mltted. smiling, as ho knocked tho ashes from his plpo. "If I leavo tho 'Emmy Younger' in October, and go Into the Hod Creek proposition, I shall bo making a good deal myself. But It's pleasant' iu Know mm cnerry will como in for a nehi-egg somo clays" "Mart doesn't care a scrap for money!" Cherry snld to her sister, in me oiu loyni way. ninco Allx a arrival sho had somehow llkort Mnrtln hottor. Perhaps Allx brought to her sister with a whiff of tho old atmosphere tho old content, tho old pride, and the old polnt- oi-view. i-resontiy tne visitor boldly SUKirestcd that thev should linth m homo together for the wedding, and Martin, to Cherry's amazement, agreed Kuuu-naiureuiy. "But. Mart, how'll you get along?" his wlfo asked, anxiously. Sho had fumed and fussed nnd nuttnrcd nnd tolled over tho care of these four rooms for so long that It seemed unbelievable that her placo might bo vacated even tor a aay. "Oh, I'll get alone fine !" he answered indlrterently. Cherry, with a great sigh of relief and delight, nbandoncd the whole problem ; milk bottles, firewood, groceries, dust nnd laundry slipped from her mind as If they had never been. On the last dny of August, In tho cream-colored silk and tho oxpenslvo hut again, yet looking, Allx thought, strangely unllko tho brldo that had been Cherry, she and her sister happily de parted for cooler regions. Martin took them to Uio train, kissed his slstcr-ln-law gaily, and then his wlfo affection ate i v. "Bo a good little girl. Babe," he said, "and write me !" "Oh, I will I wlliy Cherry looked nner mm smilingly irom tno car win dow. "Ho really is an old dear!" she told Alls. But when at tho end of the long day they reached tho valley, and when her father came Innocently into the garden and stood staring vaguely at her for a moment for her visit and tho day of Allx's return, had been kept a secret ner nrsi act wns io Durst into tears. Sho clung to tho fatherly shoulder as If sho wore a storm-beaten bird safely nome again, nna nunnugn sno imme diately laughed at hcrsqlf, and told the sympnthetlcally watching Peter and Alfx that sho didn't know what wns tho matter with ner, it was only to Inter runt tho words with fresh tears. Tears of Joy, she told them, laughing nt tno moisiute in ner ratnor s eyes. Hansliifr on his arm. sho went back Into tho old sitting room ngnln, under tne uanitsia rose : went up tne crown stairway to tho old, clean, woody-smelling bedroom. Her hat and wraps went Into tho closet : she danced and ex claimed and exulted over every familiar detail. She and Allx ran downstairs' before sunner. nnd into the garden, and Cherry drew deep, rofreshlng breaths of the cool nlr and laughed over every bush and (lower. Poter camo out to Join thorn, her father came down, and bIio kissed him again : sho could not be close enough to him. She hnd a special Joyous word for Hong; she laughed nnd teased and questioned Anne4 when Anno and JuKtln enme buck from nn afternoon con cert In the city, with an Interest and en thusiasm most gratirying to uotn. After dinner Bho had her old place on the arm of her father's 'ttorch chair; Allx, with Buck's smooth hend In her lap, sat on tho porch step beside Peter, and tho lovers murmured from the dark ness of tho hnmmock under the shadow of tho roso vino. It wns hanny talk In the sweet evening coolness; everybody seemed harmonious and In sympathy tonight. Allx asked Potcr'n' mivlce ro- cnrdlng her White Mlnorcas and icHPoct fully promlbed to act upon It, and Cherry nlinwed him a now side, an affectionate little sisterly deferenco and confidence quite uirrcrent from her old cnuaisu Blindness and pretty caprice. "Bedtlmo !" said her father presently. and she laughed in sheer pleasure. "Daddy that sounds so nice again !' "But you do look fagged nnd pale, little girl," ho told her. "Vou'ro to stay In bed in tho morning." "Oh, I'll bo down !" bho assured him. uut Bhe did not como down in the morn Ing, nono thn less. Sho wiih tired In bouI and body, nnd clad to let them hpoII her again, glad to rest nnd sleep In the heavenly peace und quiet of the old home. Midsummer heat was upon the little valley, but here undor the rcdwoocw there was always coolness; delicious odors of warm snn and loamy sweet nesB drifted Into Cherry's darkoned room the momlng was fresh and foggy, and thn nlaht before she had Bimicn drowsily to stir from flrst sleep and find her father bonding over her, drawing up nn extra blanket In the old way All night long Bho slept deeply nnd ttwectly, an she had slept through all the nights of childhood; It wns 10 o'clock when Allx camo Binding In witli a breakfast tray. Presently bIio carried It away. vand Cherry with a deep sigh from the (unness oi ner content, turnea on ner Bide and drowned again. CONTIUEDCOMOKnOW) THE GUMPS The Follies of 1920 By Sidney Smith tMC&fi O.VlLZCTC STVLES tuat Gives ME LAUGH; TAKff r'Hcse NEW WAIT2 CUTS PO INSTANCE. -TME CHINESE USED TO WAVE THEIR HAlY CUT Lltf THAT TILL THEV vw -iviuiitp- MOW IMfcY HAVE FM CUT V -.& WC USED I Mg&& J .hnnmiTn f ? T c TAKE ONE OF THESE GUYS WITH Hfi MAf? CMPPEP ALL ABOUND THE SIDES MAKE6 KlS EARS LOOIC AS L0NE6OME, AS A CACT05 "PLANT tM A PE5ET2T- WITH A FLOCK" OP HAIR ONTOPOP HIS HEAD 7f CACHING FfcOM HI5 FOREHEAD) TO THE. BACK OF HIS NECK- THP C-UlfJI CC Hariri -TVi PDiili t-LiA-r AND CALL. ITA CUE . ' vf :l TAKe THE fNDAN.- THEYUSEPTO PAINT THEN THEY WENT TO SCHOOL- QECAME CI WU-ZEP. 'VOW WHEN rtU -SEE ON PAINTED UP WC'5 IN A SHOW- 5o THE WOMEN PICfED IT UP WHEN THE INDIAN LEFT IT. 'VE SEEN MANY A GAL ON THE 3TT5EET THAT WOU10 MAKTE. OLD SITTING BULL LOOkT ANAEMIC r.r ivm. j pHT.;nV , , StV" V iiim bht hh mm c sr rRJ ' ' rrrrmrr 1 r . imsrS!1! TRY i iliiKSBMKifeiify I 1h V-igWl km AND THEY PIP IT KcW,T- TMEY PAINTED STAWfl AND MOONS - USED YELLOW AKD OLUE. PAINT - LOTS OF IT IT WAS A CUSTOM WITH TH5M. - THEY DIDNT PAINT THE. CHEEKS BECAUSE THEtte. WAS NO COLOR THERE. -THEY PIPN'T PAINT FAZ.5E. EYEBROWS ON THeMJSeLVg.5 v. OR PiNrf LIPS - - ! H r-Ht" lunili i nc i rvwrn s idn5V JMrr r'i - . -i . 7) y.?. - ; ,i iC' i r PETEYThc Roy Is Clever By C. A. Voight -: The Young Lady Across the Way The young lady across the way says tomato plants are started in a hot-box and then transplanted. THE REGULAR FOURTH OF JULY BALLOON ACSENSION SCRAP-Ky Fontaine Fox "THE WIND WIUW BJ.0W THAT THING HiOHT OH MY rQ0f AW' THfc WINDS ALU C0MIH& PROH YOU - AND 1 Mtfti TVAT "' BOTH VAYS J- W M fU-l .. i .j k . .J,rfyYMiA r&:fr '.' I" 0 .11 TAKt THIS STICK (NO f (TCOMCS ToWARD VS BftT T , DOWMl ti- .tizi -!?. cv &?.i V sPy Um ij a. h,v I wnv "V, 0 SCHOOLDAYS Bu DWIG .' ''V v i i n I li 'a SOMEBODY'S STENOGMiss O'Flage Picks a Substiute Corrrtsht 1920. br Tubllc Ar Co By JUoyiVOTA -;- PAAISSOFLAGE,.! ) AirY bonriLpA0ODLE.'.'t!: -jfOH SHtu PwHlTbKrCAM i JOAfT MIND BATTIAl' ) II &( VfeoVE GOT y ff3 !S SUPPOSE YOD 'VE L lART UOODLEJ SHE'S OAJLY BEEW A SORT Te8AT -- R VER BUT WHAT I K40VJ K Thp lEA M " P.CKED ufZ- SiSiill grais1&!&SI. ABOUT' A TvivS WLD . L pV 0?N H VOU ARE AWAVOAJ J V 6? JL ) JTJEWRmJ -Si hOLV BUCKWHEAT ! THE J W.) - s -liB U-YSOORVACATlOAl?r y& -? r' C C-O, C-FFIG-WILV BE A MESS p T Q& , 5TvSw1 , ' '" , I, " A-E'HAVWATgb - "2- .1 . j - . m r "CAP" STUBBS Grandma Will Take 'Em -;- -;- .... .... ... ... By Edwina ;j2 CcWWXCiWS'iikJ rcv mM -ui L " 1 1 VaIELL- I'LL TAKCHn I f "nOMINC. AND OTHER EVILli WO 1 I J l) S5-" 1 ' rvSL- I V LOOK!- '"' Va THEV OU&HTTAOOtJ MJJSPLNDISOBiECTJ-TH, itl V rfffi? V 1 bu-,.,.., ....w .,, i i 1 - , vILJl, B ILJL rk-J-y H VI