rr fl-V : h'J.- n . 4i .1 U' , " "1- n s.$ Ml & to ' tvi ,11' - E II" r Ifo I. T IV w TH It B if fc 'I M t (. KV bx Br L w !& nn Mi -r k IT' to", t f f 1f ii1 , 22 v EVfrNI&G PUBLIC LEDOBRmitiAELProf'MtJRStoAY JULWfr 1920' r .V The Best Free . Book for Wall Street Traders It clearly explains: The General Rules of Trading. How to Give n Broker Instructions. Brokers' Commission Charges. How to Indorse n Stock Certificate. How to Uno Collateral j'n Trading. How to Group Invest ments, v The Deposit Requirements for Carrying Stocks on Account. The Rights of Stock nnd Dond Holders, etc. Edition limited. Call, phone or write at once. Ask for No. T. U.-921 MILLERS INSPECT ranpiB Southwestern Flourmon, Horo, May Mako City Chief Export Center vclopmcnt of Philadelphia, consisted of the following: ' Captain Charles T. Magco, "chairman of the Mayor's committee on tho allo cution of more Milnn : Olenree P. Wilson. rommlsiloncr of transportation. Cham I ber of Commerce: Alba It. Johnson, cnainnan or tho Mayor s committee on the development of the Holt Lino Hall tond: J. 8. W. Holton, chairman of the Mayor' committee on the perfection of port facilities: .1. XV. Ilawlo, chair man of the Industrial committee, Cham ber of Commerce: C. Herbert Itell, president of the Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia s II. D. Irwin, vice pre Idrnt United States Grain Corporation; Hiimsey XV. Scott, vice president of the IMPRESSED BY LOADING ft! S? aiAZZ !&? S.Tt the commercial service department of JONES & BAKER Sptcidiistt m New l"crk Cure Market Securities Widener Bid., Philadelphia Phones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices in 9 Principal Cities Direct Private Wiret A committee representing the Smith western Millers' League is In Philadel phia today Inspecting the port .with a view of mnklng Philadelphia tho chief export center of the league. The committee Is making an Inspec tion of nil the Atlantic and Gulf ports, ' and whatever action Is taken by tho i Southwestern Millers' League probably wl'l be followed by the Northwestern I Millers' Associated, i Members of the committee were par ticularly Interested In the loading fa I cilltlcs here and were greatly impressed ! with the fnrllltlcs provided of loading ships direct front freight cargoes, with I out lighterage and other delays. Explained by Moses The purpose of the Inspection was ex plained this afternoon by Chairman i Mocs. of Kansas City, chairman of I the committee. I lie pointed o'ut that during the war , tho American millers lost virtually nil I of tht'lr export flour trade, and that they , arc now hampered in regaining for eign trade due to the high freight rutcs i clmrced by nliin operators. The millers want to concentrate their I t-hlpim'tit through one port on the At lantic coast, and one Gulf port. Tlicy ' desire installation of sncelal nacKace- I loading equipment that would reduce the cost at the port, They could men induce the ship operators to bring down I the freight rates. Mr. Moses said that the millers would he billing to ship their Hour to Phila delphia for export provided mechanical equipment, Mich as is used for wheat, coal and ore, is installed. "The city will meet you more than half wuv un th.U proposition," Ulrec tor Sproute, of Wharves, Docks and Ferries, told the millers. He guaranteed the Installation of spociul tlour-loadlng mnchln, ry provided the millers would give assurance of sufficient flour ship ments. The other members of the visiting committee arc C. M. .Inckson, Wichita, Kan.: Theodore Ismert. Kansas City: (iilhert Humphrey I",l Ileno. Oklo. : XV. I.. Sparks. Terro Haute, Ind. : H. C Spear. Columbus.- n : C. 51. Cochran. Ituffulo. N. Y. ; '1'. Thatcher. Oklohonm City: It. J. Itothwell. ltoston, and F. II. Price. New York II. XV. llrnwn, chairman of the port development committee of the Flour Club: Hubert .1, llonui. chairmau of the Hour committee of the Commercial Kxehangc, and Carroll Downs, head of the commercial service department of the Philadelphia National Hank, were ! the reception committee. , The party proceeded to Pier No. 1", I North Wharves, where the harbor boat I M S. Quay hod been placed at the dls I posal of the committee bv the board of OSS" to Tin: holders or WEiisTER r3ommi,sslo""fs ? "viwtion. l) rec or Coul il Coke Company Consoll' Sproulc met the committee at this dated First Mortgage no l"cr cent tioid noint and the Quay proceeded north to "nOTICB 1, hereby given, pursuant to 10rt Kchmf"j' "T ,nT,tiRn.).n Article Kourth of the Consolidated I n-J? ""' made at Pier "A nnd Pier "C" Mortgage, dated March 1st 1002 .ecurln" of the Philadelphia S. Reading Railway rf July. t0?e. it twelve o'clock Noon i c0 nooni 41S btephen Ulrard IlullOlntr. I'hllu. ! delpnia. rnniui. -i"ri iii vt a meet Ina of the holders of the uutitnnding bond, ".u'u ii '".' V.V,V. f. .K.".-y.noil. IE I ALMOST AT ASTANDSTILL Notwithstanding Restricting In- fluoncos Tone of General List Was Strong 1 SS It VIA COE.OH" ITAms two viorAa transmitted frw iharoe 6 any Telegraph Co.l John L. Jlerrlll. rrraldeot DIRECT ROCTF. TO CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA U Uioad DU. aatk C FINANCIAL fipeclal Meetlno dated rirsi .urmno ior ine purpos of otlni on the proposed releaso from the Hen and operation ot said mprtyajt. ot th, j lowinc parci u .uu iiuu in saia rnort cats! Threa tracts or parcels of surface In Sum. erhlll Tornshlp. Cambria County Pen's, rlvanla. agirretstlnic about 310 acres S torches, proposed to be sold to Conrad jvnderoth. Twenty-elsht traits or pnrc-ls of coal situate In Cambria. Croyle and Summerni 1 Townships. Cambria County, PennsyWiai" imeBatlng about 3107 acres and tta perches, -with 07 acres and 2!i perches iTt surface, proposed to be sold to the ilw. Coal Company. "" Hiht tiacts i or parcels of eoal situate In Bummerhlll. Portage and llunster Town. nips, usmpria jouniy. i-ennsiunia uc CAmbrla. uouniy i-ennsjivanla. nnfresatlni fn equal acreage WEIISTIZK COAL AND rKB COMVAKX By A O EDWARDS. Secretary and Treasurer. , Dated New York June IS 1920. Other Wiarve Visited From there the party proceeded to Pier No. J2, North Wharves, and then to Pier No. 10. North Wharves. Mu nicipal Pier, then to Pier No. 11. North Wharves, nt Cherry street and then to Municipal Piers No. JiS nnd 40. South Wharves. The next stop was the new Municipal Pier No. 78, South Wharves, after which the party visited the army supply ba-e piers nt the foot of Oregon avenue. ItufXct luncheon was nerved on board the Quay. Director Sproule placed before the committee all the information nt his command rcRnrdinif pier and dock fa cilities. The parn representing dif ferent interests fnxnrablc to the port dc- the i'lillndelnhla. National Hank : Dan lei J. Murphy; the flour, committee of the Commercial Exchanie. of which Hubert T. Horan is chairman, the other members Including- Charles II. Stone, (leorge Selbert, 8ydncy D. Conwcll and Fred D. Halter; and the port develop ment commlttco of the Flour Club, of which Mr. Hrown is chairman, the other members Including ,T, XV. C'rnlR, C. C. Kraser and William J. Rardon. The visitors will leave Philadelphia tomorrow, INDICT OIL STOCK BROKERS New York Firm Accused of Uslnfl Mails to Defraud New York. .Tnlytl. (lly A. P.) The federal crnml Jury which last week In dicted fourteen concerns and fifty indi viduals in connection with n "nation wide round-up" o(, alleged fraudulent oil promoters, today indicted Ilium, Reynolds Co., New York brokers, on charges of using the malls to defraud In vestors in the stock of the Henderson Pnrm Oil Co.. of Delaware. The indictment charges that the de fendants faNelj represented that the company was firmly established as n producer nssured of earnings available for payment of dividends. BIG IRON MILLSCLOSED. Penn Corporation Refuses Wage De mand and 200 Men Quit Work lancasttr, Pa.. July 1. The big mills of the Penn Iron nnd Steel Cor poration were closed down tight today, following failure of the company and the employes to reach a wage ngrcement. More than 200 men are idlo as result. The men refused to accept a wage of $14.50 q, ton for piiddlers. which is the highest ever offered In the history of the county. Finishers were offered nu increase of 5 per cent and that was not nnrelilpi!. John r. nteinmnu. uee president of the concern, snid thnt production costs would go higher if more was offered to the men. nnd that tnda's offer was the very highest he could make. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Columbia Oraphophone Factories Corpora tion, quarterly of 12 on preferred, payable August 1 to stock of rerord July in. Hnrt Schaffnr A Marx quarterly nf I per cent on common, nv able August 31 to stock of rerord August 20 National Licorice Co .in extra 2 per cent and quarterly of 2W v-r cent on com- men. nnvable July 8 Philadelphia and Grass Kerrv Tassenger Railway Co . semiannual of $2 payable July 7 to stock of record June .10 Oreen ft Cnates Street Philadelphia Tos. senger Hallway Co., quarterly of $1.30, pay able July 7 to stork of record June 22. Kentucky Securities Corporation, quar terly of 1H per cent on preferred, payable Julv IS to stock of record July S. I)alson Chemlcnl Co.. II a. share pay able August in to stock of record Julv 30. Himh Terminal, semiannual of 24 per rent cash 2W per cent stork on rommnn and a pr cent on prererrefl. nil payable; Jnli lr. in stock of record July 7 Hush Terminal Itul'dlng Co quarterly of i $1 7.1. payablo Julv 1, I Clilta Hertre Co monthly of 1102 cents a share nn banker s shares paablc August 1 to slock of record Jub 1.1 i Strch sales today on tho New York exchange, as complied by the Evening Sun, totaled 2(14,700 shares. New York, .Tuly 1. The New York Evening Sun's closing financial re view today says: The stock market came as near to standing still today as It probably ever has done. As nn Illustration of the extreme dullness prevailing In a highly rartfied prc-hollday atmosphere, It may be stated that fifteen minutes elapsed after the opening before the first sale of Steel common was recorded. It may also be stated that fewer than 40. 000 shares of stock wcro dealt in the second hour of the session and fewer than .10.000 shares In tho first hour of the afternoon. Of course, no Importance whatever could be attached to such a performance, nnd It wns no wonder, therefore, that commission houses nnd the Street In, general were virtually deserted so inr as nctunl or potential purchasers of stocks were concerned. Tho flrst day of the new fiscal year found call money renewing tit 10 per cent, from which figure the loaning rate advanced to 14 per cent. The govern ment withdrew $70,000,000 from the banks on top of withdrawals amount ing to $14,000,000 on Tuesday last. There were some $200,000,000 treasury certirlcntes of indebtedness to tie re tired nnd other financing to tnko care of, although preparations had already been mndo and the effect on the money market nnd the stock market ns well partially, if not wholly, discounted. Notwithstanding these matters the tone of iho stock list wns strong and there were numerous outstanding fea tures of strength' such ns the tobacco nnd shipping groups, Amrrienn Kx press. American Reet Sugar. Interna tional Taper nnd Heplogle hleei. j no steels, equipments "nnd motors only nbout held their own, while the oils wer Inclined to heaviness. Movements in the list ns n whole were Indeed a bit mixed within n nar row range thnt is to say, whichever way they leaned nt various periods they itltifnately found their level at about whorft thep'lcft off nt the Wednesday, closing. Tho Federal Reserve bulletin, re viewing business nnd economic condi tions, furnished some food for thought. It wns not npparent that the raising of the discount rate has had any material effect as ycl in reducing borrowing, but it seems to havo created a feeling that care and caution must be exercised in preparing applications for loans. There is noted a lessened demand abroad for American goods. The bulletin Btates the belief that rising prices have becu checked. Tho loan jind investment ac counts of the reporting banks actually Increased in June and current reports from the Northwest Indicate a keen bor rowing demand in that region.- Tho transportation situation with re spect to freight congestion shows im- tAAVt A (V Ik ill A HaatHHnAlllan flsAfl If iiiiiLiiiriiL in inn iiii'iiiiiiuii iuu it i iu a sa i .. . , . -.-. ---."--- -, - ,- - - ItOHfUO . . ia ucitcvca now ttint ino mrcaienea niiver ictmr a.r.lrn cMiwlnlvl fnt Mrniilnv nrxt will I Tonopah p . . . " 1- iTnnAruih not materiallrc. "Tows developments, In short, were favorable rather than otherwise, although circumstances on the eve of the Democratic nominations nt San Francisco and a trlplo holiday encouraged n waiting attitude with re gard to market commitments. Raw Sucjars Continue 8teady New York, July 1. Tho market for raw. sugars continues steady with local refiners bolng tho principal buyers. Their purchases yesterday and Tuesday, JuBt reported, included BOOo bags Porto Ittcos. due July 6, at J 8.31 cents, c If.; 10.000 bags Cubna July shipment at 17', 4 ctlrts, c. I. t nnd 1400 bags rerun afloat at 16 cents, c. 1. f. Importations In cluded 21,859 bags Cuban and 5000 bags Porto nicos to the National Co. ; 17.380 bags Porto Itlcos to tho Warner Co. : 17,000 bags Cubns to the Fedcrnl Co.. and 3000 bags Porto lllcos nnd 1830 bags Nntnls to the Amorlcan "Co. The local refined market remains unchanged both as to conditions and prices. A Cls patch from France states that the French Government has doclded to abandon the Idea of requisitioning the crop of 1020-21, both domestic beet and colonial cane. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAU STOCKS Hid Cash Hoy ., .,...,,,,,.., .0 Jim uutier 13 .05 .8 .10 :U MacKamara , MscNamara Crescent ..,,. Midway Mltpah Eit ...i... Montana North Star . ..i Ilescus Kulft ..i.......... Tonopsh Ext . . West Knd '. West Tonopah DIVIDE STOCKS Allied Divide .01 Alio Divine .. nelchcr Ilelcher Ext .. Don Hur .... Ilrough Divide Divide Ext,,.... Divide Syndicate. ft' .01 .01 .02 .00 Panama coupon 2s, 1030.. Panama registered fanama couDOn 2s Panama registered mi! ! 1038.... 1D3H.. GOVERNMENT BONDS nid 100U .100'i .look .100H . 77 . 77 . 7R . 7S . 7fl U H Govt coupon 2s 1980. . . ,100Vi tl S Govt registered 2s, 1030.. tnoU U S Oovt coupon At. 102.1. ...10114 U H UOV5 registered is, inz..iiMi Dlst ot Columbia .".-0.1s. 1024.. 03 Panama coupon 3s. 10(11 . . . . Philippine 4s, 1031 Panama registered 3s Philippine 4s. insn 1001.. Philippine 4s. 103O Divide Cons Dividend. East Divide Harmlll .i,".,,.l' Hasbrouck Divide High Divide ... nevert Divide .. Iteno DIMde. .... Ivlde .. Tonopah. Hasbrouek victory uivino .... Verde Divide .... Zone .23 :i .08 .01 l' lot .01 . IA ,ns .on .02 .u OOLDFIELD 6TOCKS Atlanta 01 lllue Dull 01 Ilooth , 04 C O D 01 Combination Fraction 02 Crackerjack 08 Dlamondfleld B V ,01 Daisy ,, ,01 llorenco IS (lotdfleld Cons 00 flolrlOeld Merirer aoldfleld Development Oreat liend Jumlio Ext Kewanas ,, ,,,,..,.. . l.ono Star Oro ,.i rted Hills Hllver Pick 01 .07 .01 .0,1 .ot .0.1 .01 .01 .01 Spearhead 02 Ask .07 A .07 .10 .IB .00 a .02 .03 .04 .04 .02 .OS .23 .02 .03 ,115 .02 ,M) .04 .02 .0,1 .02 s .03 .OS .03 .13 .02 .02 .03 .M .0.1 :oS .08 .20 :JS ,(!H .02 ,nn .02 .07 .02 .03 .07 .03 Philadelphia Markets lbs. In sacks. Quiet but steady. Quotatlonil Per 100 lbs., packed In 140-pound lute aacki Soft winter straight, western. I12.BBO 12,75! do, do, nearby, $12.25012.70! hard winter, straight, ll2.7BOia.6ui do, , jhor I Pat. ont. 818.78014.50; spring nrst. clear, 111.30 012t do, patent, J18O18.701 do, , short pat ent. 814 011.75! fancy spring and city mills patent, family brands. 815.B0O10.40. Ilyo flour, 112 18.23 , PROVISIONS Steadily held. Quotations! Deef, In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 0101 beef knuckles and tenderf. amoked ana alr dricd, 52C! Pork, jamlly, 47c hmf. 8. P. cured, loose. 8088fll do, skinned, loose, 870890! do. do, smoked. a9O40ei hams, boiled, boneless, B5ei plcnlo shoulders. B. P. cured, loose. 23c: do. smoked, 24oi bellies. In pickle, loose, 25o; breakfast bacon, OSes lard, 22c. l nUTTEH was Orm, Quotations follow! Solid-packed creamery, raney. nign-scoring II47SC1 rxirite, ,.i7ii;i w. nrsts. oiscnoc; seconu. ancy. I print 70o for fancy and at 070870 amnnm. nn firsts, nOHObSHo: A K 6 A tfut a tar At (tfi 163Hci fair to good. BlOOOWc firsts. siOABc: seconds, ii ci fair to good. Bionovscl d8O70o for fancy and nt 0 or fair to choice. , kiiuh nrmiy neiu, -Plrmlv held. Quotations follow! . . BMi... flm .m IT. -W ri.,.111 nearby current receipts. 44044ttc: nearby ordinary to fair. 41043c!. western extra, firsts. 48ei western nrsts. 4204,10! seoonda and poorer. SO041e: selected fresh eggs Job hinn at nn0ASo per dozen. CHEESE Fine stock was nrm. Tho nuotatlons follow! New York stats,, whole milk, flats, current make, best. 27W OWI common to good, 2RV4cs single dairies, pf rn iff'ln Innahnrna. 2S0 i, 2RO20c; Jobbing sales 37oi do. light and mediums. 3Sssai v' Ins; chickens, fahcy, yellow-skinned-, hot tjj iiuiiin, nciaiiniK m v ids, apiece, CIS ,vu, ncntuins ivin iu, apiece, SSfii. whits leghorns, broilers, weighing lu rj- .rtArt-". :r-. ", m.m w uw .im nti.if. a,, -rm :.:--' -v, um, ?la viu, pitESSED POUIvrrtY Fowls. lbs. apiece. 48c! old roosters. aooi do, sprlnr. SB087et pigeoni, Kr, uwojoi ao, young, iuc, . . m killed, dry-plcked. In boxes, weighing iftl Ihs. intn. iSni .l.hln itt iv '"i1 'CM weighing 8 lbs., 0BO87CI fowls, fr't.h.v In , bblg,, dry-picked, welshing ia apiece. 4ie; weigning n lbs., so 1 weighing 3 lbs., SlSOO.Ic. broilers, w.V,!'r not Leghorns. 02vfl3c! some choice SmSU ore. dry-nicked, southern. 2.tni2n, l??i-l uuvm, xi. I., 35c. FIIE6II FIIUITS Oranges, per box It .75. Grapefruit, Via,, per box. i'j!J ......... -a. ""Ji:- .i. i '.v:a. mu Fla.. per car. $7500000. c,n! weeiern, per niannaro. crate, if; ntaloupei. southern, per flat .,' Fttrawhsrrlea. TM.nuart t....1-1.1.' tnnsylvanln., 211040c. IllackktM. melons, Fla., per car, inupes, i 05! car fiiiu, oirawuflrn", per quart, jersey N. b.. Per nuart, SSOJOe. OoosebcrrlMil 4"ih wvwi iiuvniflucrnw, per an..sl 2HO330. . Currants, per quart. IsK&l llnsnbsrrles. Jersey, per nlnt. i.ti-..vl VEaETABLES White potntoes snink. per barrel No, 1. 31001! No. 2 and ?,TJ !8CTt.bbJJ)-,t'u,hfrn' ."-'r 'iirrel-crsul ,ge. southe 9. Pennsyr l-rriul I1.BO03.7OI ao. Pennsylvania, per ImfrVi ,1 03: do, Jersey, per basket, $101,1.1 V'l nrv gnd. "n3n- Ions, Tfxaa, per crate. iloWDUcs do. UtZI lancy iidkt, '" ,.o..v., w--r-. LIVE POUIiTOY Fowls, JfrinJ WHEAT rtecelpts. 20.083 'bushels. The market waa nominal. Car lota In export elevator: No. 1 red winter. $2.0503: No. 1 hard winter. $2.0508: No. 2 red winter,) r..uivsi.VT, ;s-o. 2 bard winter, 2.u2(S2.7: No. 3 red winter. $2.8002,04; No. 3 tard wJSVfr- '2-RO02.O4; No, 4 red winter. $2.85 (2.00i No. 4 hnrd winter, $2.8.12.n0. No. 5 red winter, $2.IR2.R0; No. 5 hard win- ' $2.8102.80. Sample according to qual ity. I'OUN Receipts. 1250 bushels. Dull and easier. Wo quote, ns to quality and loca tion, 'at $1.0802.02. tho latter, for No. 1 yellow. OATS rtecelpts. 5247 bushels. Declined lc. Car lots as to location: No. 1 white. 11.32(41.33: No. 2 white, tl. 8101. 32: No. .1 white, $1.30(31.31; No. 4 white, $1,280 1.20. FLOUn Ilecelpts, 733 bbls. nnd H74.130 Richard L. Wallace Plant Designed nnd Equipped by W. E. S. DYER Mill Ertfineer LAND TITLE BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA Factories Mills Power Plants , Special Processes and Devices Cloverseed Toledo. 0 July 1 Cloverseed. prime, cash. $25.tlB: October, $2.1.70 December. 124.70, Mslko. prime, cash, a.i 11 October $2B.00: December. 12.1 85. Timothy. prlm rash 1017. $5.50: 1018. $5.BO. IMP. $.1.70; September. IB.B.li October. $.1 6.1. Septomber. 5.70, March, $8.00. nursuant o resolu Hoard of Directors 5E IO MOt'lUI(JLDi:itS OF THE PEN. IsYLVAMA COAi. AND COKE COft- ruii,iiiu.ti I TAKE NOTICE that. lion duly adopted bv the m special meeting of the stockholders of th Pennsylvania 1. o.i. and Coka Corproatlon is called to be held at Its principal ofhcea on tfis sixteenth floor nf the Land Title Uulld lns. Philadelphia, Pa., on the ISth day ot July, 1020. nt 2 30 p. m to act upon a proposition to rescind the resolutions of the stockholders ot this corporation adopted at . a apeclal meeting thereof held on the 31st ) lay of March. 1011, whereby It was pro vided that 12.400 shares of the par valuo ot $50 each (amounting to $020,000 par value) ot Its capital stock then In Its treasury bs converted Into seven per cent, cumulative B referred neck nnd that the Hoard of Irectors be authorized to sell such preferred rtock In who'e or In part as In said rso utlons more particularly provided also to authorize the reconversion "f said preferred stock Into common stock of tri same num ber nf shares of tho same par alue. and the doing of all acts and things necessary and proper to accomplish such reeonverslon. ALBEIVr Q. EDWARDS Secretary. 17 Patterv Place. New Tork City Dated Mav 13 1020 Hit Mends cni.ritiiM (.itM'iKipiioM: r,UTrm:fl rnrtronvTinv or muiiumi divides! ".s I'Ki-.rrcrtKn irru-K vr .. The K .r.l . f I'irr. Ii,r f 11, ,, , named mii'in nt u m-et iff h. 1,1 r,j . 1820. l,.Ur .1 a .iuirl. rl in ,j n ,' liin dollarh 'lj . "i in . i.sh n t ,, h -.hHr. nf ,. outstanding I'r.f. rieil Hto. k of -ho Compan payable ni:iit 1. 1030. to am. ichoM, f leord ,1' til ii'h,. rf bij4 n. "... , n .1 1 1 -, 102V. Tho Trinsf-r Hfk ml, nnt he el, . rt W lV,i ulTr i.-.r IIKIIMYN, l'.. Jiiiie 20. !0.0. 1 III. Ill) (l) of Dln.tnrs t the American llrnne ( or porutlon has this day der'are.i a -eniiannual dlvldenil of three, nnd n half mw(, ,lrr rr1, "UPOII the prefrricl stnok rf thr company payable on Jub 1.1, 1020, t mo, khol lers ,f record at ih- i Ii.mi of busu gn June 30 1020. t'he. ks will he mallei Iir.NHT SMITH Assist..!.- Sr r lnr in I Tr. ,jr.-r "THK HOAltD OKl)lllE'TOKs or THE National Slut. Hank t I'jmln Hum. ihU flay declnreil n semiannual dnl.lend nf o., - payablo July 1, 1020, free of all x.- !" C. K1MHI.K '"ashler I'rnpoHjU THE INhVII,I.K lH AM) EI.FXTnif' COMPANY llrst Itefiindlng MortgagJ , jj rer Cent Tlilrt-yenr (.old Honds, Tho underslnd Invites tenrlors of aboe bonds for sale anil delivery m of August 1 '1020. at a prim not ejceedlnu 10.1 nnd ur rruetl Interent to exhaust $200u a uum no.i available In sinking fund Sealed tenders Btatlne numbers of bonds rffered. addr.ssed to "Tho Co,mia Trust Company Trustee Dansvllle (, and Elee trio .15 Ilefundlpg M.irtaagy Ilondg. will b received until July 85. 1020. THE COLONIAL TIU'ST c OMPANY, Trustee Markrt and 13th sis Phiia KHANK C E KS Treasurer . June 30, 102O VKHT J"KIIM'.Y. AND HKASIIOIli; TiilZ KOAI T COMPANY. Uroart Htreet Station TWIadelPhla, Juna 14th lOpo-Seaied'": SrV.ils will be received at till; office until SSSn of th 1st ly of July. 1020. for th, ialo to this company at not excee-llng par 'Si all or, any part of so many of u Welt SirSey and Seashoro Hallrnad Company first fctw.Tiav.u.ii: S'th. slnklne fund. . . .Treasurer OrVlCKOK THE OUAIlTKKMASTKir (IE.V. "l rlothlng and Kuulimge Dltlslon, Mu. nltlona Ilulldlng. Washington t Healed miiuii ., . . ,-.iveil here until 11 u m V Dart Ion on SALE U. S. Naval OrdnancePlant Dayton, Ohio Sealed bids will be pub licly opened at the U. S. Naval Ordnance Plant, Dayton, Ohio, for tho sale of the land, build ings and other govern ment material of that plant, at 10 A. M., July 7, 1920. Catalogue of sale may be obtained from Commanding Offi cer U. S. Naval Ord nance Plant, Miami Chapel Road, Dayton, Ohio, or Lieut. Com mander N. B. Farwell, U. S. N.,- Senior Mem ber Board of Sale, Naval Station, Great Lakes, 111. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE New York. July 1 nUTTEP. Steady He celpts. H.W4 tubs Creamery, higher than extras BOH (10o: extra (02 score) r.H (fj ."0c. first (HS to 01 score). S35Sc; stato dairy, finest tubs. B70BKc. do good to prime, ,", 10-racking stock, current mak... No 1. 4':fTl24c EOOS Ineaular rtecelpts lit 002 cases. Tr,.h-gitthered extra first. 47OT4RC do. first, UfMDc slate Pennsylvania nnd nearby western hennery white, first to extra. SB Ho, do l.nun extra. 83 W. 10c; do gathered timwn nn I mixed colors, first to extra 43S file State, who i milk, flats, current mak- hlte nnd colored specials. 27'iCJtj' I" aver age run .'11270. stnte. hole-milk twins, ,-urnnt mwl... snecHls. 271 It J7 c, do. mirage run 202flic. Bank of France Statement Pnrlh. Jmv 1 Tho weelch bt.itement of the lank of France shows the fol lowing .lnnires: Gold In hand, de- creased .77.000 francs; sliver m hand, i decreased 1 050.000 francs; notes In cir culation decreased. 218,801,onn francs: I treasurv deposits, Increased, 30.234,000 , frams s noral deposits, deer. ased. 128, 239.0I1U francs; bills dltcnuntcd, do 1 creaid .JS 004,000 francs, advances, ecnas-d 27,357,000 francs Gold From the Orient ' New York. July 1. B F Huton & Co. iiniA reneiveil a dispatch from San ! Francisc that gold to the amount oM r jio "OH ' arrivcu tnerc ycsieruay irom ! the Urltni IIsIwSbwI HWil sBHs-besLiHasBlTHHS9saaBMB4PtMlj Snmi.sals will b received here until 11 nir ? . lUtO. for furnishing all or an ? a 000.000 stotk collarJ. Informatl I -St 8.500,1)00 fntnaii trTu'i-vB-rrir ufT1lr.V I1KI(.T 1JTlf mAr V,r N. W.rWMhinto.n.-Ii. c. poj-i":?"' ,opAn'? tafbo . U. m.. Julr . 180. for 810.000 , i vhlte plna lumbsr. Jnfonnat on anj LTiJloHaa may 1ms ba upon appllcatloo hem aay 1ms ba upon application FINANCIAL IIKItsilKY Ulonil.VTK COMI'ANy. IIKKSIIi:V, I'F.NNHYLVANI . SratlAL ". (IOI.D DKIIENTIHK NOTKS Datnl Auaust 1. 1010. Total Issue I3.D0O.UOU Series A. 11.001) 1)00 due Auaust I. 1022 Heries 11 tl OHO nnn, due August 1 1H23 Series C, $1 nOn OO0 due Aunuil 1 1024 Interest payable semiannually February 1 and Auxust 1 In each ear rtedeemablo at the option nf tho company on any Interest date at 101"o of their face alue and accrued Issued under a trust Indenture dated Au gust 1 11)10. Guarantee Trust and Bate De posit Company of Philadelphia, 'trustee. Notice is hereby alven to all holders of suili nr.tes that pursuant o the provision.! of Article 2 of tho agreement between Herahey '""hncnlatn Company and Guarantee Trust and Hafe Deposit Company, Trustee, dated Auuust 1 11110. sublert to which said limes were Issued the Hursbev Chom late Company has exercised Its rlsht u, pay and redeem all the said notes, series A. II and C on the first any nf Aurust. 1020, at llll'v of the faca amount thereof and In terest accrued to that data at the offtco of the Trustee Guarantee Trust and Hafe Deposit Company No .110 Chestnut street. In the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when and where such, notes should,, be pre sented for redemption. Interest will cess ... th nme nn Auffust l. 1020. IIBTISHBT ClldCOLATH COMPANT. Er F. Hershey, ft Trtasursr, Cramp's Increase Capital Stock StoL holders of the William Cramp & bons si ip and Engine HuildliiR Co, nt ,. !('.' innotlnir tod.i aniroed the pj-f. K-id Increaso In the capital stock from Jl! .30.000 to t20.orm.000. Action by the stockholders today provides the nciesi-arv additional capital siock ior, p.-i'tnen'' of the ISO per e nt stock dlvl den.l hicli It lias been announced would ti. iir i Ured. London Market Observe Holiday London. Julv 1. Today waa a bank holiday throusfhout the United Kingdom ami the stock exchange and the Bilver n arm t were closed. Boston Brokers Take Extra Holiday Ilostnn. July 1. Governors of tho Hos. inn stock Kxchango voted to omit Sat in daVs session following tho lead of the New York exchange CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS rhlriiEO July 1 HUTTEIt Lower "am&HiiltS?. Wlpts. 10.092 cases. Finis 30S40MC. Storage packed Orst, 41M.c' Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, July 1. Spot cotton was I duiet today with prices easier on tho i basis of a decline of 44 points for mid- I 2?.. . 9K.s7d. Tho sales were 3000 hales The receipts were 8200 balcB. all American. Spot priceu were American. mUldllng fair. 30.62d ; good middling. ?8 87d " fully middling. 26.02d ; middling 25.37d! low middling. 22.07d ; good ordl nary, 18.87d, and ordinary, 17 87d. Caracas Suflar Pays Initial Dividend lloston, July 1 Tho Caracas Sugar To has declared an Initial dividend of 11 per share, payable October IB to stock of record .October 1 U. S.ltELIEFJWORKER SAFE Woman Held by Turkish National ists Reaches Sea Port Constantinople, .Tune SO. (Ily A. I. ) mUh Alice C'lnrk, of Rvnnstou. IU wlio wns one of tho Amrrienn relief workers- hold l" 'lie Turkish National ists without tho iirlvllpgc of roininuni catlng with the outside world nftor surrendering their compounds nt IlndJIu early in tho spring, has arrived safely nt the Black seaport of gamsun, west of Treblrond. Miss Clark Is on her way to Constantinople, ue auvices stato. "Every night when I go to bed, I wind my watch and every morning after getting up, I crank my Mack. I am just as confident that oile will run as the other." From ont letter out of hundred vs$ should like you Ip read. ONLY the established record measurements and quality of every part entering into the construction of a Mack Truck can produce results which bring such an enthusiastic tribute as this from a satisfied Mack owner. Distinctive Mack engineering features com bined with 18 basic Mack patents have devel oped the motor truck the world is talking about. Capacities VA to 7 tons, tractors to 15 tons Full iaformotion on request MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, 2M0 Chestnut Street Philn., Pn. "PERFORMANCE COUNTS" We Have Built Plants for A Hundred Different Lines of Industry During our career of 55 years as industrial constructors, we have planned, built and equipped manufacturing plants of the utmost effi ciency in almost a hundred different lines of industry., Under The Steele Idea this organization has produced indus trial plants of all types, many of them among the largest in the world, in practically every important line of industry in America. Below we list some (by no means all) of the different fields in which we have planned industrial plants, both large and small, but of high efficiency always: Harper's Ferry Excursion SCKN1C 1'OINT OP 3 STATES Sunday, July 4 $3.00 Round Trip (iNCLvniNO tax; Special Train Leave 24th & Chestnut SU., 8 A. M. Ilfturiiluic Special Train Will Ii Harper's J'erry 0,110 V. M. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. international Freighting Corporation: Regular Sailings urns Through Bills of Lading Issued H. fl PHILADELPHIA to RIVER PLATE PORTS Tcrre Haute , .Jalr 7 8. H. I.utllu lnl 1 H. h. disc Ju'iV is .Julr 10 PHILADELPHIA to RIO JANEIRO & SANTOS S. H. Woodmunsle Julr 7 H. H. I'arksrtlle July 30 PHILADELPHIA to FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS H.H.Caspar Julr 7 H. H. Hnlvstlon I.ass Julr 17 8. . Cltr of Falrburr . . , Julr 18 8. H. Ncdmno Auk. 2 Lafayette Building, Philadelphia 170 Broadway, New York aT.QTnhs.rd BBSs' linking Unit Tlrnrlnjr Ilank Notrs Ilatterlf (Stornft) llrilstenils llpltlnic CMrtnl) Ilrass t'liewlni; nuin Chocolate nntl Cocoa, Clrnrs Cltrnrrttes Cloth Clothing Confectionery Curled Hair Canned Goods Carpets Chamois Chemicals, Dental Kqulpment Dyeing Klectrle Sfotors and Equipment i:ngrnTlng (Bteel) rurnlture Oarages Garments (Men and Women) fins Mantle ' Glass Glue lliinimorliH nnd Torfeli Hnrdnnre Hats Heaters Hooks nnd Eyes Hosiery Iron . Jewelry (llaied Kid Knitting I.ace Curtains T.ares Leather Linoleum Lumber Machinery Mercantile Tiplldlngs Millinery floods Motors (Electrical) Neckwear Packing noxes Taper numbing Supplies Tottery l'rlntlng Tumps, Condensers Hugs Hooting Rubber, Rubber Goods Haws hliliid and Collars (Men's) Shoes Shoe Last Nllks Spinning Sporting Gnoils Steel Stoics Tapestries Terra Cottn Textiles Tires (Automobiles) Tools Trunks Umbrellas Underwear Upholstery Warehouses Wall I'aper Watch Cases Wearing Yarns Our experience has been so long and so varied that almost every conceivable building problem has been put to us and solved by our organization at some time in our career. We would welcome an opportunity to discuss ypur factory problems with you and prove to you the value of our service without obligation to you. WM. STEELE & SONS CO. Architects : Engineers : Constructors Philadelphia Toronto Cortland 70..J 1 1 1 1. -I ' I ' ' , ''"' . . , : 'm ."bsssssssms , krKf y .tflBMi Jl ,m -ij KSigr1 t&atmmmm. i W 'I .x&&ft-r-wr