Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 30, 1920, SPORTS EXTRA, Page 21, Image 21

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    ,4 , I JJ
r'u M n ,im iii in ii iiWxiiiliiry 1 J
LB ' ? ' -J
iTho Babo's Twonty-thlrd Homor
In Ninth Proves Margin
' ' of Yanks' Victory
, 1
Babe Ruth ndded Rhlbo Park to his
home-run list this nftcrnoon when, ia
the ninth Innlnpr,' with Lyle Blgboo in
tho box, he walloped a homo run over
the right-field wall, the ball landing on
, the roof of n house In Twentieth street.
This was the twenty-third homer reg
istered by the Baby Grand .this season.
This was tho most Important happen
ing of tho afternoon. Another minor
Incident was tho defeat of tho A'a by
tho score of'O to 5.
Ruth did not look vcrr well at the
start, but finally got going. Hero is'
what happened to him In the first game:
First Tfnnlnjr Fanned.
Third Inning Walked. '
Sixth Innlne Slnelcd to left.
Seventh Inning Bounced a slnglo off
GrllTln's shins,
Ninth Inning Knocked tho ball out
of the lot.
Our A's lost the ball game, but take it
Yrom us, thev died hard. They were
fighting 'in the ninth when, with tho
score fl to fl against them, two runs were
shoved over. Amos Strunk blnglctl
to center when two were on base.
.Ralph Tcrklns shaded home-run
honors with Ruth, his circuit cfout sail
ing Into the left-field bleachers in tho
The A's hit safely fifteen times, but
many of tho wallops were wasted.
A fair-sized crowd witnessed the
' DIncen Works Hard
The hardest worker on the field was
Bill DInCen, the Intrepid gucsser who
umpires baVl games for a living. Bill Is
an earnest laborer., when the tirst
battlo wa's called ho walked out on the
field and announced he would handle the
ball game by himself. ,
This was perfectly satisfactory to botli
sides and it saved embarrassment, be
cause if Connie or Hugglnn hod entered
a kick, Bill would have been tho mono
logue umpire anyway.
With tho umpiring system hitting on
only one cylinder thq gamo progressed
as only a gamo can progress. There
was something strange for two innings
when neither side scored, but the A's
returned to their old time farm in the
third, and the Yankees scored two runs.
These were made possible by two buses
on balls, a bum throw by Perkins nnd a
sweet slnglo which was wafted out to
center by Walter FIpp.
in Baseball Today
itiratflAN I,KA(lt7E
W. I. V.C. Win 3Leo Split
43 l--S!
611 .flfl
Wrlt "V '. Si 48 .S .844 .88 ....
AthlMl,,"-" JJ 47 208 . 8.188 .878
F imrwmm
Q PiftTivdl
-7? r nHWiiilili 1 ,, T iiTi,
1 f'l'i liiStilJ ,-L 'i.rijfan.1
( 111 ttmf T 1 lr .. . -,t i;-
HAWK Wffl -'
U h'idr. tWin two, Is'two,
w. I., r.v. mn
ftW., 84
cfeSs 5
.881 ....
.810 .888
,808 ,818
.800 .608
.800 ....
,4TA ,4Rt
87- .403
CIfS'"l. Oi f(t. Lonlo., 0 'first some).
cl;HDfl, 81 St, IOtiis. 4 (conil litrari,
lhlfo. 81 Detroit.. 7.
Vw York, At llMton. . ,
Athlctle-WiilIntlon, not scheduled.
ridnWh, 4, chlrano, 3 (11 Inn., first tame).
lllfro. 14 rittsbunrn, 3 tsecond x-ame),
New York. 7, rhllodelpha. 1.
Cincinnati, Si Ht. Ionln, t.
Boston. 81 Brooklyn, 1,
Dugan Falls
Tho home-town boys had a swell 'op
portunity to register in a first, but
the punch in the pinch waft lacking nnd
everything went flooic. Looking over
tho horrible details wo find that Griffin
singled after one had perished and took
third when Bobbv Mcusel played
Walker's short fly like a piano mover
repairing a watch and allowed it to fall
safe for a double.
Then, with runners on second nnd
third, up stepped Joo Dugnn.What
did Joo do? Ho fanned. Strunk was
next to appear. Her rolled one to Old
Jack Qulnn and old-Jack tossed him out
at first. That ruined everything.
Rolllo Naylor was 'a trifle wild, but
that did not mean anything. He
bounced many, balls in front of the plate,
but- that is tho safest way to pitch
against tho "Yanks. It. prevents the
players from being knocked down.
Perkins Socks Homer
Naylor, however, started something
in the third when he opened with a sin
gle, but his pals failed to- finish it.
Therefore, Rolllo was stranded on tho
pillow. ,
Ralph Perkins, who wns taking lotq
of punishment behind tho bat, made n
couple of hits in tho fourth. He made
n hit with tho crowd and hit into tho
left-field bleachers for a homo run.
Tho wallop sailed about ten feet from
Ruth, and tho Babo started too late.
The ball sailed over his head, hit tho
ground and never came back. That sock
placed our boys only ono marker in
Thcro was nothing stirring in tho
Yankeo fourtlT nnd fifth, but the A's
started something and then foil down
on tho jpb, as usual. After one was
down, Nnylor singled and Witt walked.
Griffin hit weakly, advancing tho run
ners, but perishlnrf at first. Walker's
effort in tho pinch was a sickly
grounder, which would havo been han
dled easily by Ira Lowry's shortstop at
Betzwood, Pa.
Ruth Singles
Ruth opened tho sixth with a dlnplo.
his first whack of the p. m., but the
Baby grand wns forced at second by
Tho camo Francisco Pizzola, tho
wonderful wop, known to the world as
Ping Bodle, Ping Francisco bumped a
hefty slnglo through Dugan, and Mcu
fcel strolled to third.
Pizzoln, however, becamo ambitious
-and fried to go to second without call
ng " taxleob. Of course ho was nailed.
TJerrlll Pratt's sinele allowed TlnMiv
Meusel t' scoro. but that was all that
happened in that frame.
iA's Lack Punch
After tho first two batters were nut
out of business In tho Blxth, the A.'s
got two on bases but once more the
punch wns lacking and a scoreless inn
ing was hung up.
The Yanks got busy again in the
seventh and put over tuo runs. The
first two men wcro easy, but Ward,
l'lnp nnd Ruth singled In succession,
filling tho sucks. Meusel hit n roller
at second nnd tho ball took n funnv
bound just before It reached Witt nnd
flowed safely out to center field. Ward
and I'lpp came home and Ruth went to
third, where he -was stranded when
Bodlo whiffed.
Burrus batted for Naylor in tho Inst
portion of the frame and connected with
a double to right. While Witt decided
to do something for the cause, and
Mckcd a triple to deep center, Burrus
counted under wraps.
Witt Scampers Homo
,iC5ri.ran , fannl. but Tilly Walker
1W ?B ,Hncrlnco " tb Meusel,
ni &rrbut Strtink lifted a cute little
lly to Meusel and tho stuff was off.
i Ar D1Kbc hurled for tho A's in tho
?,i. nn.d ,Prnt,t fleeted him with a
P ay, which almost resulted in three put
tSm Xo,Xa timo "'it to recover.
'--' rat Happened in tho frame,
. -'lir A fnllerl In rrnt nnK
brooks iii the elchtli. nftn.. grth,. -...
SminM' l ?rkins an1 Myatt sing ed
i hTa8',ln8tt'a(l of sacrificing, pop
off l fi,,nn,nriltnn(lPerk,nB was doubted
htrl.npJc"u.batt,ns ra,'y' nd thttt,s
Details of the Gome
flIeTC V'H?k Slu?,,.nl t0 ,eft'S Wa-d
Walker Sifcer; l,PP flle(l nIso t0
hlt!!norerrors!h tMnti No runs' onc
too hot for- ftM- riffln'" Wt was
too not for Pratt to handle, , Meusel
left aier'g fly drop in front of him
nnd it ff(,nt for a double. Dugan struck
out- Qulnn tossed out Strunk. No
run, tfto hits, no errors. ,
SfcCOND Mcusel flic(f to Walker.
?o,,le Mnglcd to right. Pratt filed to
Hodlo avos out stealing, Perkins
to DiiMo. Na runs, ono hit. no errors.
l'wtt toggeTl out Perkins. Myatt
struck out. Thomas was out, Peckin
paugh t0 Qulnn. No runs, no hits, no
THIRD Rucl walked. Oulnn fair-
ncd. Ittiel stole second nnd took third
? l,frklns s wiId throw. Peck walked.
1 ecklcpftm.h (.(.coiul as Ward fan
ned. iit,p ginglcd to center, scoring
Rucl and Peck. Pipp went all the
way 1 third on n wlld-.pitch. Ruth
?i Meusel was tossed out by
triii. iWo runs, one lilt, one error.
. Nnyli r singled to center. Witt filed
!? Aii' JSulnn tossed out Griffin
ualkci struck out. No runs, ono hit,
FOt IITir Tlmmnii tnnifl Vinf Ttndlo
Witt teed out Pratt. Rucl singled to
left. Witt tonscd out Qulnn.' No runs,
ono nn no errors.
Ducar was thrown out by Pratt
etirunk fanned. i'crklns knocked a
home rim Intn tho 'left fiplil hlonpliorn.
Myatt waa out, Pipp to Qulnn. Ono
run, one hit. no errors.
FHTII Peck filed to Walker. Ward
was thrown out bv Witt. Pipp out,
Naylor to Griffin. No runs, no hits, no
Aftor Ruth's exhibtlon on Perkins's
home run tho Babe was chased out in
right ild nnd Meusel went to left
field. Thomas grounded to Peck. Nov.
lor si cied to- right. Witt walked
Grifflii it In front of the plate nnd "was
tossed out by Rucl. Pccklnpaugh tossed
out nlker. No runs, ono nit, no er
rors. ' .
SIXTH Ruth singled to left. Meu
sel forcul .Ruth, Nnylor to Dugan.
Bodle ptihcd a single past Dugan, send
ing Mcusel to third, but was thrown
out at (ipcotfd, Thomas to Witt. Pratt
singled to left, scoring Meusel. Pratt
stolo second. Rucl flied to Myatt. Ono
run, three hits, no errors.
Dugan filed to Meusel. Strunk
grounded to Pratt. Perkins singled to
deep short and took second on Pratt's
wild throw to first. Myatt singled to
left, Perkins stopping at third. Thomas
forced Mjntt, Peck unassisted. No
runs, two hits, ono error.
SE LNTH Qulnn grounded toDu
gnn. reckflled tp Wnlker. Ward
singled 0 center. Pipp singled to left.
Ruth nglcd to Griffin, filling the
bases. Mcusel pushed a single just out
of Wiu s reach and Ward and Pipp
scored. Mcusel stolo second. Bodle
struck nut. Two runs, four hits, no
Burnt"! batting for Naylor. Burrus
doubled to right. Witt tripled to dejep
center, "coring Burrus. Griffin struck
out. 'Walker iient a long sacrifico fly
to Men1- 1 and Witt scored after the
catch. Dugan doubled against the left
field wn Strunk filed to Mcusel. Two
runs, tlirrp hits, no errors.
EIGHTH BlKbcc now pitching for
tho Atb etics. Pratt singled to left.
Rucl hit into a doublo play, Dugan to
Witt to Griffin. Qulnn walked. Peck
was tosspd out by Bigbcc. No runs,
ono hit no errors.
Pcrkirii singled to center. Myatt sin
gled to the Bnmo spot. On nn nttcrapt
to sacrin n xnomns fouled to Ward and
Perkins was doubled off second, Word
to I'eoKuipaugn. Bigbcc tiled to Mcu
sel. f runs, two hits, no errors.
NINIH Wnrd filed to AValkcr. Pipp
was out Griffin to Blgbee. Ruth hit
his twir third home run of the season
when he ' nocked the ball ocr the right
field wo bouncing it off tho roof of a
house ni Twentieth street. Mcusel
ftitttiArl l nn i-iiii nnn lilt tin Atrsttu
Witt icd to Pratt. Griffin hit ' in
front of tho plate nnd wns tossed out
by Uuei Wqllcer singled against the
left-fiel' bleachers; tho ball bounced
back to Meusel and Wnlker was held at
first. I'liRnn doubled to right, Walker
stopping at third. Strunk singled over
second, scoring Wnlker and Dugan.
Perkins forced Strunk nt second, Ward
to l'ratt. J. wo runs, three lilts, no or
i t
State Champion Captures Trophy at
Allentown Traps
Allentoun, Pa., Juno HO. Allen
Hell, of this city, state amateur target
chnmpioii won the trophy nt the sixth
annual r glstercd shoot of tliO North
Knd Gun Club, this cit . breaking 14'J
out of n possible ICO. Henry I. Lcbo,
of Angeli a, was second, with n scoro
of 1IW, nnd Edward H. Adams, of
Reading ran third, with a scoro of 13S.
The other scores were : Apgar, Read
ing, 137 Jacob Rahn, Temple, 137;
John L Englert, Cntnaunuu. 130:
Sited. A cntown, 135; Fred Ziegler,
Allentown, 133; Bnrl Mellot. Fleet
wood, 13 1 ; Edward Stofflet, Kutztown;
131. Howard Confer. Hamburg, 130;
D. C. Gardner, Mt. Hone. N. J.. 130;
Jesso Griffith, Philadelphia, 120; Ed
ward Harmony, Catosnuqua, l'-M); II,
W. Tiltiin. Kaston, 128; l.lovd A. Mil
ler, Rending, 127; John II Hell, Ens
ton. 123 P I,. Williams, Mt. Hope,
N. J , 12.': John H Worthy. Hamburg,
120. W R. lve, Kaston. 117; Frnnl:
Ilnmni. Kutztown. 10(1. Oliver Miller,
Allentown, 107; A Ii Lewis, Allen
town, 1111. Wnrreu R .Sildel, Ham
burg, 02
Phosphor Bronzo 8meltlna Enters
Into Sport ng Events
Tho Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co.
has organized an ithlctic association.
Owing to tho act! e interest In the
various department tho compauy has
taken steps to pnrldc material and
equipment for the a hlctic teams.
Exceptionally Rooi mnterlal Is found
among tlio Phosphn Bronzo men and
first-class baseball basketball and
bowling tennis will So seen In action.
Steps will be taken it soino future date
to enter 'ho Industrillieague, but for
tho present indenen ent teams will be
1 t ..
West VlralpU franaln Trip
.iJ1IJrBS,,,in' A y. June 30 Went Vlr
plnla w 11 play Jfaerao at l'rlnceton at
ball next May 4,a Harvard nt I'uin.
thli dat . Nfiotl.iion.fare alao on for a
earne wt h aU. miUuli probbl that nil
tlnMr on tnlitlwl XkUmlul. . 1
!;. 1 1T ' ' .. .-.
i?usei,itlnMr. on tnliH
n I
.itW- ' " S. . IV1 KJl'itilS,
Afiy. tv aVfv .T H.
.. -1 j.
Tfed Abroad HH A DOTflM 01100110 ! .L1
Yalo Captain and California
Star In Match R0ld and
Holt Win
Kenneth Hawk, the e, ,n of fte
Xalo tennis team, and Ko ,,,, IjCvyi
the star of tho University t Mlfornla
met this nftcrhoon In the in icgintc
tournament in progress on otlrtg ot
uio jierion uricKct uiub, n
for tho honor of .entering ii
rounti ot tho singles.
Thcso two players have km the sen
sations of tho tourney nnd it , itkciv
umi mo winner ot tno matcii win , .u.
In tho doubles nlnv I.con a. m..
renno, of Harvard, celebrated hi, pier.
Hon as president of the intermf 'i,p
body when, with D. P. Robing 5
teammate, ho defeated O. P. iCLX
nnd h. P. Mnllery, of Cor j
straight sets. Tho scores were 0 n n
tin f hA nllinH tlniiKlKii nl.. "
14 IUS J111U1 UUUUil'H IIIlllC
Rcid and M. S. Holt, of Cornel
cd tho tldo on tho Crimson by
Ing O. II. Hynms, Jr., and
Fcnno. C-7, C-3, 0-2.
Morning Face Shines
in First at Aqueduct
Con.tlnard froni Face One t
Mary 13 rb, Olpn Irfirt, Kplsods. Ma
Sevrn Senn and Maslo Heathtr also run
SGCONO llAnn. M(r.nli.rh..n. fnu.
olda nd up. $1000. nbout 2 mtta.
1. rtobart Oliver. 144, iSmoot B-2 ev.n
2i ItuplCR. 144. Hush .1 2-1 4-5
3. Woratdalp ISO, Taylor.... 15-1 0-1 .
Time, 4:23 3-5. Northwood, Marchcou
fair Mai and MoliaU flntuhed. Donnvbro
2, Dorcrla, Tho Six Hundred and Super
T1IIIID nACE, three-year-olda and u
tllil. an added II H furlongs.
1. Super. 00, Mooney B-l 1-2 on
2. Dominique, 120, Bnsor.... 1-4 out on
3. Hasten On. 1)7. Callahan.. 8-1 0-6 ou
Time, lllO, Hound nobln also ran.
FOURTH HACK, the Oatelle handicap
200( added mares, three-year-olda anl
up'-i-Jl1" mi es: i..,i. n--.i
1. Penrose. 113, Fntor 40-1 4-1 2-1 ,aKen s Cnnl
j. JiiiiK .Maid, 130, Snnde.... 10-S n-r 1-2
3. Lunetta. 118. Ensor 4-1 8-2 B-n
Time. l:40.i Vexatious, Ormonda, and Kd
wlna also ran.
..ryr11.1 "AC. maiden two-yoar-olda. f 1,
BIB 2tl: B furlonas:
1. Inchcape. 11B. Johnson 3-2 1.2 J-4
2. Sportlntr Blood. 11B. Darrett.8.1 3-1 S-0
3. Droom Rpun, HIS. Ambrose 2-B 4-B 1-3
Time. 1M10 2-B. Johnny O'Uonnell. Wapiti,
Fornoyo, nep. Alllro, Mualy. Teddy n. and
East View olno ran.
j?f r.,iMW?. vi :(
g-y'.os . 7Swmr' ' ,s. j
Former Philadelphia professional,
who tied With Alexander Iferd nt
tho end of thlrty-slx holes in tho
British open golf championship.
Barnes Tied in
British Open Golf
Continued from rate Oni
proach shot only a yard from the pin.
He missed tho putt, however, nnd had
(o take a 5. Ho was out in 30, made as
follows : x
Dames (out) B 4 r, 3XS 3 4 4 039
Barnes played steadily In the home
ward half of tho first round, his only
weakness being a tendency to get to the
left of tho course. This was partly
accounted for by tho wind. His in
ward score was:
Barnes (In) 4BBG34B4 8 10
Hagcn Follsws Barnes
Barnes's partner, R. O. "Wilson, of
Crohnmhurst, went out in 35. Hngcn,
llko Barnes, missed a short putt at the
first hole, although he was only n foot
from tho pin. lie holed a fifteen-yard
pV.tt for a 2 nt tho short fourth, but
othcrwlso his golf was not brilliant.
Thcro wni mucli congestion nt the
ixtb tec, Hngen having to wait for
uo couples to drive off. Tho pamc
emed to do him good, for ho steadied
id played tho other holes on his out-
lrd Journey ,conuucnuy.
FIRST RACE, claiming, purse. $1300,
three-yenr-olds and up. 0 furlongs:
1. Flylntr Welshman, 102,
Kins $33.10 $12 oi $4.00
2. Herald, 110. Carmody. ... 4 30 2.70
3. Dr. Carmen. 11B. Con
nelly 2.80
Time. 1:12. Klnit Fisher. Jap. War Oar-
den, Chlsca, Sweeping: Glance and Hereafter
also ran
SECOND nACE. clatmlnir, purso $1800,
two-j ear-olds. SU furlongs:
1. St. Donard, 103. Tay
lor $14 00 $8 70 $n so
2. Loughland, 103, Huff. ... IS 20 0 00
8. Judge Dudrow, 105.
Lunsford 3 80
Time 1:08 .Peppery Polly. Ring Rose. Old
Faithful and Bv ainger also ran.
THIRD RACE, claiming, purso $1200.
(lilies, three-year-olds, 1 mile:
1. Accelerate. 112, Luns
ford $4 BO M 50 $2 SO
2. Lady Britain 107, King ... 7.00 B.ou
8. May nose. JOT, Helnlsch 4 40
Time, 1:41 1-li Aurlna. Mnmlo Kelly,
Ooldle Rose, Muffins, Oleaster. Pensy Dros
soms, Mountain Girl. Hounding Through and
Diana also ran.
FIRST RACE. Hopefulpurse, claiming,
three-years-olds. B furlongs-
1. Jean Corey, 110,Wlltlams$0.60 $4.10 $2 SO
2. AJom. 100. Claver,...T ... 3 20 2 20
3. Frivol 113. Stack 2 30
Time, 1 02. War chance. Ily Gone, Char
ley Hoy Zealons and Patein Also ran.
SECOND RACE. Indian Plate, maidens,
three-) ear-nlda and up 1 1-10 mites:
1. Ammunition, 112. Wil
liams $3 30 $2.40 out
2. Sueet Douuuet. 100,
Rtchcreek 2.20 out
3. Jim Petrle. 107. Burke out
Time, 1.40 1-B. alow Worm also run.
McKee, McCann and Clancy Help
Win Double-Header
In a double-header tho Jewish
World easily defeated the Atlantic and
Pacific and tho Sunshine A. C. All
around plnjing of tho Jewish boys was
tho feature, with Naulty's eaten.
rhoao rhoa
Halns cf I 1 1 U JlmMcK.as 2 2 2 3 0
Borrows.si 0 12 3 0 McCann, 3b 2 2 8 2 0
Stlllman.Sb 0 0 3 3 0 J.M'cKee.c 117 2 0
Reed.rf . . 113 0 0 Mahoney.rf 12 10 0
Cohcn.lt , 0 0 0 11 Hare.ct... 12 2 0 0
Dunn. lb.. 0 110 O 0 Naulty.lf. 12 3 10
Swain. 3b. 0 0 2 8 1 Hackett,2b 0 112 1
Bron.2b. 0 0 2 2 0 Hyland.lb. 12 8 0 0
Newton, p. 0 0 12 1 Ctancey.p. 110 10
Totals. . 2 4 24 14 4 Totals. 10 IS 27 11 1
Atlantic and Paclflo 10010000 02
Jewish World 30030022 x 10
Sunshine A C 10100000 18
Jewish World 80002010 x 12
Batteries Williams and Morris; Coylo and
Walter Hagcn, tho other American
lpctitor, went out" In JN, his enrd
B3S2B443 B 88
HKrn imitl
liagen's play on the homeward hnlf
"' tho first round was characterized by
wonderful recoveries. He was off the
lit frequently frTSm tho tee but then
oil ir played n brilliant second shot, or
I f n a bad He managed to get 'to the
fniMoy and play a good Iron shot up
to t e pin. His inward score was :
Ha ; (In) 40844400 S 44
Mi'ohcll, ono of the first to complete
his r nnd, turned in a creditable 74. In
the ''ond round Mitchell went out in
33. Hn holed the short eighth in one.
Ho completed second round in 83, mak
ing h - total 147.
Othrr rosiiltfl wcri: .Tnmrs Bnlrrl 70?
Rltcln. 70; Harry Vordon, 78; Cyril
Tolle 35; J, H. Taylor, 78.
Gifts for Catcher at Chicago Flag
Raising Tomorrow
Chlcnt Juno 30. Ray Sclialk will
bo hon by tho Chicago white Sox
managei & tomorrow nt tho Americnn
League Uiseball Park when gifts will
bo prcsui'ul to tho catcher nnd tho
American League championship ling
won last nson will be raised.
A doutiif header with St. Louis Is
Horron Leacls Fiold in 18 Holes
of Qualifying Round in
v State Golf Play
Oatimont.'rn., Juno 80. S. David
son Ilcrron, national amateur cham
pion, was leading the Held nt the
end of eighteen holes In the qualifying
round for tho stato amateur golf cham
pionship today. The husky Oakmontcr
took n. 77 and was tho only player to
brenk 80 during the round.
Max Marston, Merlon urickct uiud,
turned In the next best card, an 80,
while W. C. Fowncs, Jr., nnd J. R.
Crookston followed both with 81s.
Hcrron's enrd follows:
Out ..K4K442R4 080
In. ,,44034464 4 38 77
The courso was exceedingly soggy
when the morning round got under way,
rnln having fallen during most of the
night. The players were further handi
capped by a storm shortly beforo noon.
Marston Starts Poorly
Marston wns first of tho Philadel
phia entries to get away. Ho was
paired with XV. C. Fowncs, Jr. On
the first hole he took a 0, one- over par,
then followed fis on tho next three holes.
He took a 0 on number five, but fol
lowed this with n birdie 2, on number
lx by running down a long putt. He
finished with a 5, n 3 and a '5,, giving
him a 42 at the turn.
The Philadclphlan started tho out
bound trln with thrpo 4s In n row. the
Ithird coming on the long twelfth, a par
iiiiiu, men iook a a on numncr
thirteen as the atnrm hroke. This
handicapped him to some extent, at
least on tho seventeenth nnd eighteenth,
on both of which he took n 5 when he
should rmc easily mndo 4s.
Mnrston's card follows:
Out ..0 B B 8 0 2 B
In. ..4443663
Fowncs' card follows:
put ..5 7 4 7 8 4 4
In ...,4 8 8 2 4 6 6
I'atton Finishes Strong
A K. Patton, Philadelphia Country
Club, finished the morning round with
a 1)8. He took a 40 out and the same
number In. His round was pWycd in
a rainstorm which bomewhat hampered
bis game.
Ills card :
ti 42
fl 17
Mcculloch victor
Elghteen-Ycar-Old Boy Wln3 In
Canadian Golf
Boaconsflcld, Que., June 30. J. II.
McCulloch, f Iieaconsfivld, eighteen
years old, dn atcd Georgo S. Ljon, of
Lambton, ot Canadian champion, by
4 and 3, in tho third round of the
Canadian am eur golf championships
hero today.
McCulloch w s 1 p at the sixth hole
and increased h lead.
Hunting Soc al Has Open Dates
Hunting Soclfcl a first-class team, which
travela every oth Saturday and every Sun
day, would like ' rrange nines with teams
having home gro ,- is ami willing to Kie a
reasonable guaru ". such teams aa St.
Monica, Olbson A . Kaywood C C. and
Christ Church, A tress James King, 3023
Alfred street.
Swede RlabeTj Called Home
New Vork, June Swede Itlsberg left
the Chicago White t ond went to his homo
in California, called message stating his
Out ..0 B 7 8 0 8 8 4 849
In. .08744048 7 49 03
The rain held up the afternoon round
considerably and many of the players
did not start until tho storm had abated.
Maxwell was ono of tho few who braved
tho elements nnd went out. Apparently,
the dampness aided bis game, as he
finished tho first nine holes In 44.
fivo strokes better than he mado going
out in me morning.
Ainxwcns card follows:
put ..B 7 4 7 B 4 4 8 6 47
In ...,S 6 7 6 B 8 4 8 8 1998
Out ..8 6 B 0 4 4 4 4 0 14
Dartmouth Men Awarded Insignia
Hanover, N. II., June 80 Eight Dart
mouth men have been awarded their straight
"D" track Insignia. The following were
awarded the letter: Captain E. E. Myers. B.
J. Thomson. C. F. McCloughran. J. W. Pren
tlsi. J, 7. Jordan, A, J. Coakley, J. A. Staol
turne and L H, Weld.
Ogden's Pitching Big Factor
Chandler Brothers, leaders of the leamin
registered their fourth cne.cutho victory
at iweniy-eigmn ana ucameia streets, yes
terday, defeating Cassatt . Co. by 7 tn l.
Ogden's pitching was tho big factor with
ten siNKe-ous.
i '
American Association Results
.Milwaukee. Oi Minneapolis, 2 (fourteen Inn's)
Columbus. 7 Louisville. 3.
Ht. Paul. lOi Kansas TILr. O.
Indianapolis. Oi Toledo, 8.
little daughter Is 111
rrd McMuilln to th
at an Indeflnte date
Weaer goes to short
until Itlsberg returns
Brazilian Revo cr Team Sails
Klo Janeiro, Ilrm
team of revolver exp
army officers ard fru
on the Italian lintr
Antwerp to particlpat
June 30 Brazil's
composed of thrfo
vlilans have salted
nclpe dl Udlne for
n tho Olympic con-
PATSY WALLACE, local boxer and main mix. Another bou . U be Joe Jackson
, ... , , . I vs. Jimmy Gibbons Th opening show is
claimant to America's ilywcight scheduled for July a.
ehnmnlonshin. may go abroad and com
pcto for the world's crown adorning
tho brow of Jimmy Wilde, tho Welsh
man. Woe Cutjch, Wallace's manager,
jias started negotiations with Promoter
Chnrlcs Cochran, of London. Kugland,
relative to a twenty-rouud Wilde-Wn.1-laco
Jaek Lanier, southern lightweight star
and his manager, Joe Levy, passed through
Philadelphia on their way to St. Louis, where
both now are making their homes. Lawler.
who hns'hoxed Wllllo Jackson, Johnny Dun-
3ea and Denny Valuer, has placed himself
n a pinnacle with these boxers. Ho Is
twenty years of aee
Kdille Itoss, who trained several boxers In
Philadelphia, now Is located In Baltimore,
where he haB undertaken the management of
Jack Tubco, a negro middleweight. Tasco
knocked out Ilus'er Brown at Norfolk, Va ,
in fivo rounds last week. Hose wants to bring
Tosco to Phlily for matches with any of
the negro mlddlewclghts here. '
Hermhn Jacob Is looking after the fistic
aspirations of Speedy Leo. who recently re
turned from Alaska Jacobs says the speedy
scrapper Is ready for the best of the local
Rummy Cold, who Is being groomed by
Steve Marcoe, is a clever bantam Marcos
wants to send Cold after the top-notchera In
Society Note Steve Marcoe. local mana
ger at boxers will place himself under the
management of MIsh Mary M, Boyce, of
West Colllngswood, N J., on August 7
Maruoe and .Mis Iloce will sign. their "life
contract" at Nativity Church.
Mnrttn Judge will endeavor to prove that
"Youth Must Be Served" when he takes on
Itoundy Donahue In the star bout at the
Oermantown A. A. tomorrow night. Donahue
Is a veteran bantam, who has disproved
tho old adage that "they never come back."
Danny dreevea vs. Iu Schauer will be the
semi. Other boutsi Tommy Hudson vs. Lew
Stinger, Hughey Oallagher vs. K. O, Wlldo
and Joe Bcuuy s. jimmy layior. i
There will be no show at the Madison A i
C. tomorrotv night, owing to the Installation
nt a new electrtn lighting system Matrn
maker Jimmy O'Brien says the next program
will be put on Thursday ntght, July 8,
Marty Kane Is scheduled to meet Hank
McOovern tomorrow night at the Dlsston A
C. Another match will be between Ullly
Ithoads and Young Joe Hradley, who now la
being handled by Johnny McCarthy,
Larry Hysnd la completing his Initial pro.
gram to be held at Flelsher Park, Twenty
sixth and Ileed streets, The club la to be
known aa ths Knickerbocker A. C P&tuv
Johnson vo, Max Williamson will be tb
Young Tom Sharkey v.
against Wally Hlnckle
Street Arena .Friday nigh
to the Jack Perry-Max
Hlnckle Is a cleer uoxe
Johnny Hopkins vs. Jerry I
vs Whitey Burke and T
Young Jack Malone
get a good test
t the Eleenth
n the semifinal
llllnmson bout
Other bouts
es, Dave Leary
my Haes vs
Ease, efficiency
and durability are
combined in the
It retains its strength
and elasticity, and does,
not crumple or "col-4
lapse" after long wear..
Sold Evrywher
Oioaot fhot Co., MaatRi, Botoh '
f .Ulllllllll II
Millie McCIoskey has I i selected by
Johnny Burns to give Ar'hu Tracy, welter
weight champion of Ireland tryout nt the
Cambria Friday night Thi semi will be
Jack O'Toole vs Johnns D uhcily, Law
rence Moody vs Young Cliff lohnny Boyio
vs. Matty Dechter and lomi y Brown '
ndy Gilbert.
Tommy Loughrey wrlles tr Eddie Mc
Andrewa b demanding an unh rd-of guar
antee for a tlfteen-round mate with Fra-lt
Loughrey and it Is Thomas belief 'hut
Rlr LMward is trvlng to baci out of the
tentative tilt In this wav T i Loughrey
and Al Llppe are to promote 'tcen-round
bouts In Wost Manaunl ontgomery
tounty, where an open-air la being
built expressly for boxing
(Irorre Mark writes 'hat ' Michaels
V nocked out Oeorge Urooks in th rounds at
Snrlngfteld Mass. Mack Is i resenting
Michaels In Philadelphia
Holders of reserved seota at ih Tendler
Jackson bout on July 12 at the PI adelphla
ball park will have the protection oi mounted
cops, according to a statement y Leon
Italns. the promoter, last night It Ins said
that several hundred cops would be m hand
to prevent ft stampede of the er ral ad
mission fans to the reserve section
Wins Again!
25-Mile National Sidecar Champ.
Belmont Track
June 19-20
Time 25 Minutes 34 Second
World's Record
Gene Walker, Indian
Lowered Track Record to 46 1-5
Our terms are right You pay as jou
ride the machine if ou buy an Indian.
Fastest motorcjele In tho world. Holder
of all world's records
Write or call for beautiful Illustrated
Tho lnrgest csclo house In the Eas',
Exclusive Indian Motorcjele Dlstilbutors
Don't Dela Order now.
Open eery even ng.
527 Market St. 1224 Girard Ave.
r llV'yvl
' We can do the job, be it big or little, with care
and promptness. A phone call will bring us to
your door without delay.
Information of Value
Excellent care Is exercised by our
workmen In the cleaning of draperies,
blankets, men's and h omen's clothing,
Parcel Post Service
if out of town send your clothe by
parrel post. We assure tha umi
prompt anil satisfactory errflce.
1113 Cheitnot Si. 5557 Cermantown Ave. S. W. Cor. S2d and Samon St.
Main Office andWorkf, 1616-28 N. 21st St.
if. . ' V
C, I (M ,1
fiS for Highest Possible Quality at Qwest Possible Price J-P
' ",,
rr -v
1 W Awr
''II" II '
m II M MM .mm9
m mmf mr mm
at is
L '
' CTiEN have-all kinds of reasons for liking
C-d C Spur Cigarettes. Some like them because
they're mighty classylooking that brown-and-silver
package is an eye'winner. Some like them
because the paper is crimped no paste to taste.
Some like them because they're a full'packed
cigarette-! nothing "skinny" about them. Some
like Spurs tecause they're twenty for twenty
cents the rock'bottom price for the highest
possible quality.
But what they all shout about and pass along
is that they have found at last a cigarette with
that good old tobacco taste that lingers in the
. Yes, sir, you can sure taste the good Oriental
andOaome'grown tobaccos and that's the big
idea back of Spur Cigarettes.
Now, folks, just don't wait, but try a package
pf Spur Cigarettes today. It's not as though you
were buying a limousine. And if you do find in
Spur the cigarette you have been wanting
something that just strikes the spot it will be
thebest buy you've made since Hector was a pup.
' Liggett 5? Myers Tobacco Co.
r . "i Vtw.;
.' i v. a .f.v'.?.: .MV'-.,iJi .irviiasssti,sssiBsiB!zsssBsssvv'T -sxi? JJ f I .ifuaiBisssssssssE
-- nM.aWif. v "',t flAilHaTT' T,-fff VMfluBaitW"" W t " -
r ' ' ' ' iiwmi r"1!111"1!'
W wjM'siaii.ikf3R' Js4vM.j.WW v
' M- T"Jr,fr ffifiLfs
-"! V.
. ii.ni r
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tfVuy i ',