Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 29, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 5, Image 5

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ifiife auESTPAY, otot ii 1920
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r- V.
!Ieo8 governor yet
e 'It.' .
Open-AIr Shakespearean Perform
ance at Phllmont Country Club
KlIIsA. Glmbel will entertain 300
members of the Phllmont Country Club
tomorrow evening at an open-air per
formance, "Kvcnlng With Shake
spcare," to bo given on n special stage
In tho woods near tho clubhouse. Mr.
Gimbcl is president of the Club.
Ilit iina nrrnn-n.l. t, iia .. .
ahrlnir n K--n D9-lruiau nll S
Albert H. Ladncr, Jr., representing
the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine in the
purchaso of tho Parkway site for a new
mosque, announced that the Parkway
lot is not on the market and would
not he put on the market, notwith
standing the Metropolitan Opera House
deal, In tho latter transaction the
Hhrlncrs havo taken a ten-year lease,
with an agreement to buy within tho
period for $1,000,000.
Through the co-operation of manufacturers, we are
enabled to announce for to-morrow the most impor
tant Men's Clothing Event held so far this season
nator Varo Says Rocolvor of
If Taxes Will Run for Ro-
, - ; i
of garden scenes from "Twelfth Night,"
t ii ii 'i rr ,- lroP ; "omco nnd
Juliet, 'aud tho Forest of Arden scenes
from "As You Like. It" The program
will be interspersed with Shakespearean
Frank McEntcej for many years n
leading member of the nen Greet Plar
ers. heads the special New York cast
which will glvo tho program.
Guticura Soap
Clear the Skin
IpiWry fight brewing
--.i1 TTanrtrlrlr. rpptrir nf
km, will be a candMato for re-election
.Varo -leaders In the fight for control
of tho county offices. '
The stru(?glo next primary election
will center around-the nominations for
trlct attorney and city treasurer. The
Vnrcs are In control, politically speak
Ing, of all these, w th the cjteenllnn
ot the office of district attorney.
Mayor Moore feels that county offices
under the control of the Vares nri n
"hindrance to his administrative pkns."
Politicians said tho Senator's state
ment was more Important as foro
shadow ng another primary fight than
of finally answer ng the question as to
the Varo candidate to succeed Governor
Senator Vnre's statement was as fol
lows "I nm fully satisfied Mr. Kendrick
never announced his candidacy for Gov
ernor, He mado a splendid record ns
receiver of taxes and I am sure that In
stead of running for Governor ho will
be a candidate for re-election to his
present offlco and will be re-elected with
an overwhelming majority."'
.lt' year anu'w ""- """ - --
- . A otntemrnr fn'tlilu f.
or UOverui". " -
Kt was made today by Senator Vnrc.
The senator b uuuuuutumsui, nuui
Hsposlng of tho rumor Mr. Kendrick
tad annou-t " -- - -
Lor Is taken to benjso an announce-
t the vnrcu iuh-uu iu .ikui. m ui
D. ..? vpnr whptl thlt nnilnfv
ffVbe fliled. ,
It 19 CCrulin IHO muuii: iunc will
ontest every foot of the way with the
Tw Tour Important tter and Papm!
rublic otenogranhera
- 'SJBmWlSu
KT" ' r " M "T
-far. xwssdLJJZ jk wn?
Fidelity Bonds
Issued Quickly
JtISAPPROPRIATION of funds win cause
r7?!0u J 06J1 yu arc covered by. our
Fidelity Bonds. Through having authority to
pass on bonds at once without referrlntr them
to the home office, our service is unusually
Harris J. L at fa
Zxiimit BJ3S-88.87 Jiace 8482
Silver Compotes
A Splendid Gift, $18.50
Sterling silver
gracefully propor
tioned with neat
pierced border.
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
At the Stores Named Below
A 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent
They Don't Clean Teefh
In Your Way Now Not the Men Who Know
All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities
They Now Combat the Film
Dental science has found a new way to
clean teeth a way that combats the. film.
Able authorities have proved it for years
in clinical and laboratory tests. The facts
are beyond any question. Leading dentists
all over America now urge people to adopt
it, and a million or more have done so.
This method, for home use, is embodied
in a dentifrice called Pensodent. And this
eek we offer, to every home in this city,
enougn $or a ten-day test. For your own
sake you should make that test.
Why Teeth Discolor and Decay
You can feel on your teeth a slimy film.
It is ever-present, ever-forming. It clings
to the tteth, gets between the teeth, enters
crevices and stays.
The tooth brush does not end it. The
ordinary dentifrice does not dissolve it. So,
night and day, that film may do ceaseless
damage. And most tooth troubles are now
traced to it
That film is what discolors not the teeth. It
Is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance
which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid
in contact with the teeth to cause decay.
Millions of germs breed in it. They," with tartar,
re the chief cause of pyorrhea. Also of many
other troubles, local and internal.
You Must End It
Millions of people find that brushed teeth dis
color and decay. Tartar forms and pyorrhea
starts. Statistics show that, despite the tooth
brush, tooth troubles have been constantly in
creasing. The reason lies In that film. To prevent the
troubles you must end the film. Let this ten-day
test show you the way to do it
Now Millions of Teeth Are
Kept Whiter
Pepsodent is now applied to millions of teeth
every day. The result is seen everywhere In
glistening teeth. Some of your friends can show
Those teeth glisten because they are clean. The
film is kept removed. Now we ask you to seo
how your own teeth look after a ten-day use.
Based on Pepsin
Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the digestant of
albumin. The film is albuminous matter. The
object of Pepsodent is to dissolvo it, then to
constantly combat it
Pepsin long seemed forbidden. It must be acti
vated, and the usua'l method is an acid harmful
to the teeth. What science has now found is a
harmless activating method. Now pepsin can be
applied twice daily can be left' between the
teeth. And five years have proved that this dis
covery opens a new dental era.
Look at Your Teeth
in Ten Days
The results are easBy shown and we urge yoU
to see them. Read how they come about. Then
decide for yourself what is best for your teeth
and for your children's teeth.
Present the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Uso
like any tooth paste. Note how clean the teeth
feel after using. Mark the absence of the' slimy
film. See how teeth whiten as the fixed film
Compare the results with your present meth
ods. Remember that those whiter teeth mean
cleaner teeth teeth kept freer from film. Then
decide for yourself about going back to former
cleaning methods.
Make the test this week, while the 10-Day Tubo
is free. The result will be of lifetime importance
to you. Cut out the coupon so you won't forget
They Keep Teeth White
by keeping them free from film.
The old ways failed to do that.
The New-Iay Dentifrice
Proved by years of clinical and laboratory tests and now
advised for daily use by leading dentists everywhere
They Teach Children
how to really clean teeth, and how i
to combat the film which is the
source of most tooth troubles.
The Stores Named Below Will
Supply the Free Tube on This Coupon
Cabnllero Drug Company
N. W. Corner 52d & Walnut Stt.
Get it at Evani'
HOB Che.tnut Street
1012 Market Street
1221 Market Street
732 Market Street
Seventeenth & Chestnut
"Melt's Drug Store
1332 Chestnut Street
1210 Market Street
1541 Chestnut Street
206 Market Street
14-10 So. S2d Street
3701 Germantown Avenue
2354 N. Front St. (Kensington)
300-302 S. Broad Street
Chelten & Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, Pa.
' Dre.
.?- -r
. 287
I Present this coupon, with your name and address filled H
in, to any store named. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of I
I Pepsodent. "
I '
Your Name -re
I Address ,... I
I Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon to The I
I Pepsodent company, nut ao. waoasn wenue, mcago,
, ana the tube will be sent by mail. r. r. i rhitn.
.-.,.. J
A Sale of Men's Suits
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits at
Less Than the Wholesale Prices
1 (Many at a Saving of Almost One-Half)
fNE thousand Suits, all brand-new, most of
'them fresh from the factory this week, and
most of them of the finest WORSTEDS, in the
season's choicest patterns, many lined with silk.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Suits Made to Sell
at $60.00 to $65.00
'Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Suits Made to Sell
at $70.00 to $75.00
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Suits Made to Sell
at $80.00 to $85.00
. fm mi
il iW&mtmlk
Cspmrh. n:o n. soy.faet & Mm
OUR regular spring shipments from Hart, Schaffner & Marx were late in arriving,
because of freight embargoes and under-production at the worsted mills and in the
tailor shops. Their great salesrooms were bare in March, and many Suits we should
have received before Easter came in May.
But the Hart, Schaffner & Marx business amounts to tens of millions of dollars
annually, and they kept their organization going, cutting up the fabrics as they came in,
accumulating a surplus froni which we selected about seven hundred choice Suits last
week, at astonishingly low prices. To these we add several hundred from our own stock,
and divide the entire collection into three groups at $31.50, $38.50 and $44.50.
The Season's Very Best Spring and Summer Styles
Conservative Models for Men, Smartest Styles for Young Men
It is the most remarkable feature of the season's Clothing business. We have sold thousands
of Suits at reduced nrices. including the Hart, Schaffner & Marx lines all exceptional values. But an
rmnnvriinifcv tn nrnmivfi such a lot to sell at such extremely low prices was too trood to miss.
are sure a tnousana men are eager io taKe advantage ui uiese extraordinary vaiues
And we
V gtral)rldsi ft Clothier Second Floor. Kaat
Golden Special To-morrow
300 Women's
' Fine Voile
' XT 25CaKv'X
r. vatj -3. r .n
faze? tq
UrWECIAllW Worth $20 to $25
Three hundred fresh, new Dresses, never shown here before
new models, new patterns, new colorings. .Some draped, some
with flounces, Some in coat effect; two models trimmed with
silk nnd velvet ribbon, one model attractively beaded; some have
dainty net vestee, sfcmo are collarless and still others have crisp
organdie collar and cuffs a delightful group, and the most attrac
tive value of the season.
In black-and-white, navy-aiul-whitc, navy-and-go!d and French
blue-and-whitc. Sizes 34, to 44.
y KtruwbrMm- & Clothier Second floor. Mnrkct Street
$5.00 Wash Skirts
Reduced to $2.75
A miscellaneous lot of Skirts of
gabardine and black-and-white
striped linen in the collection.
Strnwbrldge & Clothier
Second Floor, Centre
Pair of
Including White
Summer Footwear
In Our Entire
Great Stock Is
in Price for the
Anniversary Sale
BtrawhrldKe. Clothier
Hlshth and Filbert Street!
Four Much-Wanted
Kinds Under Price
White Petticoats, Dark Petti
coats, dainty and practical, to
meet every summer need:
$10 Taffeta Petticoats, S7.n0
Of Radium Tnffeta, in black
and smnrt shades. With hem
stitched flounce.
$7.50 Satin Petticoats, $5.50
Dainty enough for tho most
elaborate summer frock this
model of flesh-c'olor or white
washable satin, with lace-trimmed
shirred flounce.
White Satine Petticoats,
A regular $2.50 value at $1.85.
With tucked flounce and clastic
Hcathcrbloom Petticoats,
Hcatherbloom top with plaited
flounce of striped taffeta silk.
Usually ?3.50 now $2.45.
BtrawhrldKe A Clothier
Second Floor. Went
Toys, Dolls Save
$7.00 Paris Coaster Wagons $5
$15.00 Horse Velocipedes $10.90
$1.50 and $2 Dolls $1.10 and $1.25
Btrawbrldge & Clothier
Fourth Floor, Centre
To-morrow the Last Day
You Can Buy the Famous
At Anniversary Prices
The special Anniversary prices will be in
effect until the Store closing time to-morrow.
After that they must revert to their former level.
There is still ample time to make careful compari
son and to assure yourself that even at the regular
prices these instruments present out-of-the-ordi-nary
value. But if you want to
Save $28 on the Phonograph or
, Save $67 on the Player-Piano
You must act to-morrow!
Catalogued at $150
Our Regular Price $125
Now $97.00
yhe clear-toned, handsomely
designed, mechanically excellent
Windham Cabinet Phonographs
golden oak, fumed oak or ma
hogany, and standing 47 inches
high can be bought for $07.00
during the Anniversary Sale.
The "Windhnm" plnys all makes
of records, and is equipped with
many modern mechanical and
tonal devices.
Pay Only $7.00
The balance in nmounts of
$7.50 monthly, if desired.
Exceptional Value at
Our Regular Price $585
Now $518
Hundreds of satisfied owners
will testify thnt tho Windham
Plnycr-Pinno is unexcelled value
at tho regular year-in-year-out
price of S585.00. An instrument
of rare tonal beauty, handsome
in nppearnnce, nnd with n won
derfully improved player-action
that enables the merest novice
to reproduce the world's great
est compositions with all the
skill of the master pinnist.
Pay $3.50 Weekly
If you desire.
ntwbrl'Ue & clothier Fifth Floor, Went
itSla. SnlAii $HAi..o
i. wisar.