v P" V- 1U U .1' -3t .y&w ,?t t?-ti il e " "M; ... ' aais . . V . 11 rjv . k A ' , a" -ftTW I ' . i "-1 X V EVENING PTJBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY JUNE 29, 1920 : la eon tlYft RKAC'feBTATB rOR SALE C1TV Select Now the Home You Want In September' V3omo homes finished somo that will positively be finished by September 1st. But don't wait until then. You know or should know the rush for homes that comes In tho Fall. Select now the price is right tho terms easy! Lincoln Drive Philadelphia's Famous Residential Drive New homes with garages, plenty closet room ft bedrooms, X modern bathrooms, unobstructed view of Lincoln Drive Price $10.1500. $4000 cash; balance can lie financed Auto alone nier Drive to Lincoln Drlo abo Hor'ter St Or Wayne Ave nue trolley on 13th Street to Wayne Avenue and Ilortter Street halt a block walk. Electrlo trains on Pennsylvania Railroad to Upsal a block and a half walk. Oftko at 0030 Wane Ave , Just around tho corner from these homes. They aro worth vour seeing A home you will be proud to show any one. Near Wayne Junct. Pulaski & Apsley St. Three story, community tennis courts. stono garages. enclosed porches, front lawn, even" modern Improvement and comfort. Only a few left. Price $11,000 $2300 cash, balance can be financed. Take train to Wane Junction on Read ing n. R., 341 trains a day, or car 83 on 13th St to Wayno Ave. and Apsley, one block to the houses Pulaski & Apsley, A better home In a more convenient or quickly reuched location cannot bo found. Overbrook Homes Only $6900 New homes with garages on At wood Road. Very attractive, mod ern, porch, tile bath shower, open fireplace. hot-water heat. etc. Prlc, $0000; $20(10 cash balance run be financed Take Mirket St Ele vated to 03d St , free pass on old St. north to Lebanon Ave (110O North), then wall; two blocks to OSth and Lebanon Ave One five cent fare. Representative at Each Operitlon Dally and Sunday John H. McClatchy Builder and Owner 843 LAND TITLE DLDG. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION I. 188 LAUREL ST OLD-ESTADLISHED BAKERY U-room dv elllng, roomy store, at tractive show window good ovn recently renovated, very good neighborhood on wide treet near 2d st . lot In rear fronting on street suitable for garage stable or small dwelling. REDUCED PRICES Apply at Wunderle's Candy Factory. 130 I Pegr st. (opposite 440 N 2d st ) , 1 J4I3 TIOOA. at Hroad. suit apts '. $7100 Cor 23d and Norrls suit apts . O.lfln I 1S08 Franklin: 10 rooms, possession . 4OO0 I zm . 7th. I rooms . anno 1H2 W Dauphin. 3 Btory 217H Sergeant cor Sepvlva, gro store 231HSepvlvn li rooms 2810 Amber, cor Arizona , 209H flrldse 0 roams hot-water heat 220(1 .1100 2000 3"0ii 320d 4.10 Wlngohncktne cor. Lawr're pch 400(1 1012 Westmoreland, porch. 4 bedrooms 3."0u 11R Pleasant CJtn 4 bedrooms p5rch 3000 4281 Grlscnm Fkd A b.-dr "gar prlv 80OU A1IERNKTHY ll.'R C'he.tnut t VAI.UAI1LE CHESTNUT ST PROPERTY, near 20lh st ripe for Improvements , YARROW AND VAN PELT PENNSYLVANIA RLDG KIVE FLOORS nnd basement building 20 bv 120 occupied bj American Wine nnd Spirit Co.. 12tl N 3d st all modern Improvements, 'lectrlc elevator "vnd lights hot-water heut ' lng: in finest condition Apply on premises CLARION ST 2400 block $2200 a good buy, act quick Call Walnut 1111 B2.1 ARCH ST rir entrance Possession at , settlement NAI1.M 273(1 Qlrtrd nve -'043 N 10TH ST "for sn'n cheap. 3-story dwelling n r oms 10 (liS'i HARDER. HAUTMAN & CO 12IH Chestnut st FINE corner slum 4413 N 3th renovated throughout for purchaser $0000 AHEIIN'ETHY UJ3 Chestnut st 3300 RIXJCK FIIER ST Six rooms, fi nanced $1100 ( oinmert laLUuarantee Co.. Rulletln lllilg Loi ust 23 2SJ7 N L'.'D (Jiol condition 10 rooms all conveniences bargain 10x70 Meer Gros- kln. 2J11 N UKh st I'limie Dlimond 1742 2247 THOMPSON Ten rooms good condition bar Meer "irokln 221" N 10th Dla 1742 1223 Ultril tf V-vfn rooms. $J200 KIJW VRD M GRAHAM West End Trust llldg Spruce B91 1 813 SPRl'l K Fourteen rooms 3 baths very large mortgage JOSEPH A II HItCf? 1 120 Chestnut st Ilulldlnt lils. I'uetory Sites. Etc; FACTORIES AND SITES J LEE PATTPV Lincoln II dc SEVEN ACRES nN Y Division Pa I. It , and State rl Jis 000 ' WKbTNKY .'() Liberty Bui I i g Ruslnews Propertlesand stores !Iliai111I!IllifJllimiIIIlll!llil!li;i!i;ill!ll!lil'lil!!llil!!H!I'll!!IMJ!! Manufacturer's Opportunity i Old Church, Centrally Located j Corner of three streets an Al manu- 3 facturlng plant I ,t 01x115 has 2 S floors easily alt red and llnanctd It H goes at a bargain price a B. W. MELVIN 1 414 REAL ESTATE Tilt ST m.nri H am:raffiiia;i:iia)iii!iiiii!iii:;iiiiiiii!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiii,ii'Biii1)iiiiaiiiiiiiii;i-iiiiii 1524 SANS0M STREET Pour-story commercial building lot lfliOS to rear street In the hert of the cltv owner anxious to sell to close account, full par Uculars, LUMivIERCIAL GUARANTEE CO. BULLETIN BLDG. LOCUST 4R23 1 122 WALNUT ST. remediate possession 8-story store snd welling suitable for ladles' and men's tailoring establishment, millinery or spe lalty shop assessed $03,000 will sell for the assessment to close an account, will nance responsible parties II .M QObCII 300 Morris nidg Locust 2400 v WAREHOUSE - Chestnut nr Front st 24,000 sq ft elec elev mod 2 en trances, poss Sept 1 10 JO s II Ander son. 1324 Chestnut I ,330 N 11TH ST -- Three story dwelling' suitable for business Investigation Invited JOHN L HAWTHORNE rnons Spruce, 0000 714 Jozer Rldg DELAWARE AVE 110 Corner 2 storv V brick, practically new building 24UxH3 feet; suitable for any business near shin i ping points S If. Anderson 1B24 Chestnut V FRONT N. 21 Running through n Water ', St.: Immediate possession urlie. $7,100 TH. H ANDERSON 1324 Chestnut I5TH A CHEBTN'I'T (OxfTl 3-stv dwgs 3J32-B0 T.udlow M Oroskln 22 11 N 10th Fnrtorles "FACTORY FOR SALE" JStm&l factory In uptown section, 1 square wlsn freight station nnd near river, every -JBfrn convenience, possession: 21 000 sq efj-J-rlce $80.0Ca A BIO. Ledger Offlrjt. "FACTORY FOR SALE J suitable for automobile service ata. l3irMir9ir! etectrln elevatne and llchtaf Jrtt LVtHtf) (Hiuiird fee.lt gtiod loratlnn( .urcau itt. po wiw. a. e. pu ym, BEAL ESTATE TOR SALE riTV Fariorlea. Manufacturing Floors FACTORIES AND FACTORT SITES Everywhere In Philadelphia LOUIS S. 01N8UURG 1201 Chestnut at. 128,000 sq. FT , 2. 3 and 4 story buildings, ctmcrete nnd brick construction, heated, wired, sprinkled: 1310 horse power. 4 largo niters, sidings and dork, site 4 acres: HOO ft. rlverfrpnti we handle factories sites and warehouses exclusively from an engineering, manufacturing and Industrial standpoint. AIAN MtDDLKTON Factory specialist and production engineer imij vv iner ener Hldg . Philadelphia INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, road and river frontage. JAMES 1, STEVENSON A SON X22 Land Title llldg ra.ll- FACTORY. 40,000 sq ft . tftcam heat, ele- valor power, 3 street fronts, $80,000, fil OOP remain Westney 201 Liberty llldg. Stores nnd Dwellings 2 GOOD STORES AND DWELLINGS 731 Ms star at cor of Perth st . occupied L as drv goods, $4500 I 733 Master st s occupied as grocer: $1200. VERNON STANTON nw Wltherspnon "'". I 20J7 N FRONT ST. Store nnd dwelling Financed Immediate Hargaln to quick purchaser. Commercial Guarantee Co. Ilulletln Itld. Locust 4123 I 1121 OIHAHD AVE Eleven room 2 baths and store, first-class condition, hot-water i heat corner property, will finance Address for appointment, 120 Drexet ave., Atlantic 1 Cltv, N j he Zlfgier gun IBM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION B431 Cedar, cor., mod.. 8-r., garage n.'.'S Audlson St .Modern. 1111 H 01st St. Modern. 4005 Powelton Ave. 3-story; 0 rooms. 227 S 38th St, Modern. 5010 Funston St Cheap. 0213 Larchwood. 8 r . bath. mod. SUA Lansdowne, 0 r . bath. mod. We can locate ou In any section of West Philadelphia. BUSINESS PROPERTIES N. E Cor. Robinson & Market Sts. MM 14 24 Market St. 5210 33 .11-13 Market St. 3237 Arch St.. cor. Vacant. . S. W cor. 33d A Larchwood Ave. APARTMENTS 110 to 1!0 S 48th. ALRANAR APTS. The moat attractive apartments In the cltv All rented, contalnlnr 0 rooms bath, maid's room, strictly modern WE CAN FINANCE A Home for the Home Buyer A Row for the Investor ni.MMiainii! 1 $52 A MONTH g INCLUDING OARAQE CASH REQUIRED $1,500 PRICE $10,500. 69TH STREET SECTIQN MRW 3-story, twin all stone: 4 bedrooms on second floor; elec tric hot-water heat, tile bath, show er 1 block to L station Springfield field water taxes $80 J. H. MECKE, JR. 3203 RACE STREET H Pelmont 10S7. Wests4318 D. BiEnaiiiiiiiiriraiBiCTJiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiimiiifliiiiiiiiiraiiiirasiBEPiiiiiiiiiffliila IK POXsIHLE to display In this column a palntlrg of these homes, the 10 houses left of S3 would be sold In 1 hour "A thing of beaut Is h Joy forever" is verv dnxcrlptlve but nd 1 to that value and at.ibllltv nnd minv other points that make them Ideal Price right nnd terms to suit vour pocketbook 3032 Pemberton st. on.n dally nnd bundav Pemberton st, Is the fl-st street south of ,Cedr ave. (0 blocks south of Market ft ) PHILIP N. ARNOLD FJni Chestnut st HOMES FOR SALE $3800 UP IMMEDI TE OCCFPAN-rr JOHN M. C. ENBURG "SOT HAITIMOItr. AVENUE 15 ROOMS 2 BATHS Terrace lawns and lots of room for garages, twin home modern In all re spects; lot 37x131 beautiful and con venient location best In Sherwood sec tion. If vou want a home of this size, arrange Interview at once owner must rell nnd will give immediate possession. A 823. Ledger Office TWO-STORY semidetached residence on one of West Phi adlphla s most refined ave nues, llvlns hall electrls lights purquelr floors EUGENE L. T0WNSEND S E COlt 40TH & RALTIMORE AVE. RARGAIN CORNER PROPERTY 3114 WILLOWS AVE Hardwood floors electric light hot-water heat open fireplace inclosed porch, with screens 4 bedrooms bath has hullt-ln tub, with shower back stalrwn laundry plas. lereil and papered garage. In basement, white shades a' all windows will be Included !.' 100 1 C ADAMS 141S Walnut st. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6034 COLUMBIA AVE. CONTAINING 8 ROOMS AND HATH GIRARD TRUST CO. RIIOAP ND HFSTVl' r rs 1 Immediate Possession, $9500 Krond new home with garage 11017 Hazel I hurst r a 1 hardwood floors throughout, tllo I btthrooms 4 tedr joins Inclosed porch, with nidlntur and summer and winter sash, real ' open fireplace For Inspection arrange with iiNeiti ii-i i neater hv wood l a nil 270 Modern 10 Rooms and Bath Most beautiful corner basement level with sidewalk sultabla for doctors offue room for garage financed, won derful opportunltv for a quick sale, Im medlatu possession Owner, A (32(1 1 ertger Ofrire LO.Y HOME 3131 Whitby ave Rest ser tlon of Sherwood vacant, fine order, a modern conveniences open Saturday and Sunday 2 to .1, or hv appointment EMERSON 1 OVRM) 33 N 10th 0023 IlELMMl TERRACE TWO STORY .4 HEDIIOOMS. ELECTRI( HOT WATEU HEAT HARDWOOD FI)Ulti INCLOSED POIU I! $11000 S ( AIHMS 1118 WALNUT HT TWO NEW VACANT CORNERS. ImlunTn. garages modern In every respect. In Shr wood section suitable for any business Yagle ft Hums 0510 Woodland live Mood land 10B3 1MMED poss cor mod beautifully deco rsted whlto A mahog 4 bedrms large Dutch hall garage prlv 0.143 Savlironk ave Yagle A Burns 0140 Woodland Wood 1032 fl.'J7 WALNUT ST Two story 0 rooms bath vapor heat. wnfhl floors possession hard- J II JAHDEL1.A Jr 1)20 Chestnut st CHEAPEST home In West Philadelphia mod ern $1000, owner leaving rity. 211IJ Snlford st . open all day Hunduv PHILIP N ARNOLD 1201 Chestnut st 't'i'inn 1 B,y porch front 0 rooms and JJVJW bath vacant. 30lh nnd Sanaora. TAYLOR & SON ;, HtiME-HUyERS' opportunltv Between 33th and 30th Aspen st . 11 modern homes all conveniences easy terms well financed price Igloo EDW J DuMEE 103 3 3d st CORNER financed 1033 H 01th st , 2 years old hot-wuter heat, hardwood floors cIbc rrfrlgerntlon room garaie privileges 17000. erms Tngiw X nunia ita,ii vvooqjand ClfEAPEST 7 room porch houses In this eo tlon, 4740-8 .10 Paschall ave , mod conv. rent at t." r.nirrmin tmmu itji Kith "1MJIED lss 2200 block 8 Hilbson st 0 rms and bath h W heat. Dutch hall Yagle ft lKlrns 0450 Woodland Wood 1033 VACANT Move right In, new 7 room homes, all modern convs , Inclosed porch: $4300. Yagle Ik Burns. 0310 Woodlsnd Wood. IOSJ. taooJ&tU. homa buyers 1800 blk. S Vogdes, porJi: good cond.l $2300: possession. Yagle A ituJ... 38 Woodland avs Wood. 103J. 817 8jTH HT. vrner. id room, patnaj owner Will finance. Wui. C, Uenkert, JliJ. ,AW4tv' " Hl'.ST Til ILADFXPHJA WW . )7 prasrawiag CY" Belmont 9 IC'SI-'.-HAWCT $rf j ItEAIi ESTATE TOR SALE WEST PHILADELPHIA $49 a Month $10,500, With Garage 71 Hampden road (Ollth nnd Chestnut) Seven large rooms, tile bath: good terms: Immediate possession: 1 block to Ii station) hot-water heat, electric, hardwood floors: price Includes awn ings, screens and shades, further par ticulars. J. H. MEGKE, JR. b:ot RACE STREET Belmont 1087. West 4318 D. inrinmrrinrjTTinniTT;ni!n!!n!!in!:nicim;iLTTTinnTiiriimiiiimrnjmmOTmT!inii Free Rent. Heat. Linlit We will sell vou n 2-story, 2-famlly tpartment house, lower Overbrook sec tion 0 rooms, with bith, hot-water heat, electricity, strlc'ly modern: 123-ft lots, rented apartment will pay expenses for one vou occupy: Immediate possession, sample apartment 5820 Lansdowne nve., open dally for Inspection; small amount GALLEN & CO. 122 S. 13THST. Wnlniit 7K17 Race 301 45TH and LOCUST STS. NORTHWEST CORNER A delightful home In a One neighbor hood The house Is In excellent order and possession can bo had on short notice hot-water heat, elrctrlclt) , 2 baths southern exposure. Wm.H.W.Quick&Bro.Jnc, 8 SOUTH 40TH ST. Ml iiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiraiMiBiiETffHiiiiiimijiiiiram'iiiL'miiiiii.iiiiiiict gpninio New Homes, $11,000; 4 bedrooms Inclosed porch garage $1000 Cash; Easy Terms Sprlncfleld ave, nt .list st. sample House open m Agent on premises B MICHAEL A. MAL0NEY 1 1021 SOl'TII O0TH 8T, H SJifflrininiiiHnminnniinnnrinniinrijnii3iraiiimnmi!ii3n!i:iiT;, mTnrnri!irir!imim I Seven Houses on Pine Street Nos. B42&-7-n-.11-.1.1-33-41 2 stnrv. norch 4 I bedrooms and bath, wonderful opportunity v iivutu uujnn lit i. iui,nij I.INDENHMM 223 Real Estate Trust Rldg. Walnut 010 Stores nnd Dwellings (1031 RALTIMORE AVE STORE AND DWELLING b. FEINSTE1N SON 703 S 5TH ST. OI'.ltMANTOWN PELHAM HOMES W. H0RTTER STREET A new operation of 3-storv stono dwell ings, only 0 of which remain unsold: 8 houses with garage In basement. 3 with garage privileges now ready for occu pancy IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FINANCED First flnJir Living room with open fire place, dining room, kitchen, pantry. Second floor Three bedrooms combina tion sun parlor and sleeping porch. 2 tmthronms, marble shower Third floor Two bedrooms and bath. CENTRAL HEAT PLANT Sample house 311 W Ilortter st , open Sunday. 10 a m to . p m dally, 1 '"SQUARE FROM UPSAL STATION Prices $10 100. $17,300 $1,100 WALTER V. ASHBY 2010 N 20th or agent on premises dally MEMBER PIIILA REAL ESTATE HOARD SEDGWICK De sure to examine these properties now, If ou are looking for a house In the fall Thev aro modern well located and financed $0,7.10 semidetached stone dwelling. 0 bedrooms and bath electrlcltj. $13,000 0 bedrooms and bath, hnrd wood floors elect . space for garage. $12 .100 0 bedrooms and bath elect $7,500 2 story, semidetached, 4 bed rooms bath modern $30.000 detached dwelling 0 bed rooms, 3 baths garage hot-water heat hardnood floors elect,, corner propertv $31 00O dettched stone dwelling, 7 bedrooms J baths hot-water heat elect 3 open fireplaces, hardwood floors A wonderful lot 100 feet front with fine old shade C TOURISON 7014 Hover St Gtn Tel Otn r.OO or 4411. GERMANT0WN Price reduced for quick sale. Easily financed. A corner property with southern exposure, modern de'ached stone residence, recently redecorated and In Perfect condition, contain ing 7 chambers and 2 balhs. hardwood floors, electrlo light, hot-water heat, 2 open fireplaces, garage for 2 cars Convenient to train and trolley WM. H. WILSON & CO 700 01-02 MORRIS I1LDG M- mbera Philadelphia Real Estate jioaru :Bffli5a.ESi I ifiit an i 1 1 m ' r it ii ru u 1 1 nu rmi . rtfTi 1 1 1 i 1 1 un mu mni iu 1 1 mn 1 1 mrj n n nrnn i nninnn itnn uitt $20,000 ! I An Attractive All-Stone g house, practically new, 12 rooms 2 I g baths sun parlor, electric light and H gas hot-water heat large lot, 5 g minutes from Penna, R R i HERKNESS & STETSON I LAND TITLE DLDO wiiinn ! WONDERFUL LOCATION COMFORTABLE AND BEAUTIFUL HOMES 'Ireene st and Washington lane, porch In closure, 10 rooms 2 baths, hardwood floors I old shade, garage, etc $15,000 $16,000 DREBY & EVANS 1007 LINCOLN HLDO 4611 WAYNE AVENUE Three storv twin house porch, 7 bedrooms I 2 baths hot-water heat electrlo lights, tlosu to Wavne Junction 1H0MAS H. EV0Y A! CORNER PROPERTY Three story, all stone, semidetached, 12 rooms, Including 1 baths, southwestern exposure; room for garage, JOHN llldg llliiiie.iinio puaocssiun, tlU.OUU W OHAHAM, Spruce 3007 Jr , 337 Land Tito) SIDE-YARD HOMES on beautiful ahsd 1 street, lots extend to hack street, garite privileges wonderful possibilities 30 to l Seymour st $0300 ABERNETHY 1328 Chestnut WORBTBR 3004 Oermantown ave LOGAN ONLY $0000 CASH will finance there $20 000 homes, best corners In Logan, wide lots, absolutely complete in every detail Inclosed tcreened porches showers, heated garages, facing Boulevard and Hunting Park 4300 HI.OCK. OLD YOH4C nnin Open and Agent on the Premises dally, OAK LANE REALTY CO , 0J32 Jforkroid 1000 HI.OCK RUSCOMI1 H-P Beautiful modern home, with H rooms, bath, basement laundry and nttlcr semidetached and In choice neighborhood, a bargain. LUCKY A DALHEMKK, Bid) visrmantown ave. WAYNE JUNCTION" WAYNE JUNCTION 4388 Or. rutpfn. m rrxjinn. ikuriii ttxoa; vm.; im yHC5ll ml f tii REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TACONY 7-Room, Porch-Front Homes 6500 BLOCK VANDYKE St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Financed to Suit Purchaser GARAGE PRIVILKC1E WITHIN TWO SQUARES OF READING AND PENNSYLVANIA STATIONS PAMFRON snti tnillLIWH KENSINGTON AVE OLNEY S. W. COR. 21) AND FISHERS AVP! Lot SOxiOO: doublo dwelling, 17 rooms, 2 baths, etc, hot-wntcr heat, gnrngo In rear: S minutes' walk to Olney Station; one por tion of building now vacant, price $8000. MANN. Allegheny ave. and (1 at. JUST COMPLETED Handsome homes, 224 and 230 W. Fisher ave , absolutely mod em, lmmcillalo possession, wide street: con venient location. AI1EHNETHY. 1323 Chest nut. KLINOEL, 2724 N. nth. FOR BALE 0 rooms, bath. Inclosed porch. mod conveniences, 213 Fisher nve., Olney . FRANKFORD NORTI1WOOD section, beautifully situated: D-ronm house. 40 ft, front on grounds 8Sx 12.1 ft , bargain at $1.1.000: will finance, early posa. WOODS. 2003 Kensington nve OAK LANt: FOR SALE, Oak Irfne Now 2d st nnd Oak Lane road tho attractive lllrnbrnuer home electricity and ens, hot-water heat, 14 rooms' garage, Hi acres, old ahado trees, shrubbery and flowers, nn exceptional prop ert . nttrnetlve price; our sign on premises WATERMAN 1IASSUTT, U73 N. 13th St. Phone Poplar 227 '( TtOOA , 2215 TIOGA STREET Modern home, 14 rooms, hot-water heat, electric light, hnrdwood floors, lot 27x 230, garago privilege. JOHN E LEWIS ESTATE inth nnd Tioga sts penni i.vania srmmnAN rjftnnfflfeifflmnniiitw; BALA-CYNWYD Very attractive residence nnd garage convenient to Philadelphia Country Club. Containing O masters' chambers and .1 tiled baths, also servants' quarters; electricity, steam heat: ex cellent construction and best location: convenient terms can bo arranged. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-'02 MORRIS RLDO. Members Philadelphia Real Estato Hoard fflfflg :iuuiiiuiii'uiL"jim3iua':mujmu'i.uiium'L-u CHESTNUT HILL An onnortunlty to buy a fine stone Colonlnl Home overlooking tho Whltemarsh Valley, nnd Immediately adjoining the finest Phlln-' delphln suburban estate, the residence contains 7 chambers and 3 baths, ga rage for 3 cars: lot of nhout 4 acres with an abundanco of shrubbery, WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 MORRIS RLDG. Members Philadelphia Real Estate . uoara MMwMwiM.iatiffa'mfe ;nuinrnjujminiur.nnrjiniriiiirjrj.iriimirannim!:ri!iinniini;niiuinuniitiui! OVERBROOK jiiiiiirairaiiiiinFiJiiitiiniiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJEiiimiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiii'c Stone and plaster English jityle home; 3 center hall, 7 chambers, sleeping 3 porch. 2 baths, electrltl'v. heat from a central nlant. hnrdwood floors. Price H $20,000. jp m ti 7) irite m z at EA.HAVENS CO. ai"n lATW HILL UUAi -t WVfWMWIrfd 10 OR 28 ACRES Close to station, vicinity Linsdalo lS-room stone house, 2 baths, steam heut electricity largo fireplaces, modern barn, garage, hen ner fruit, small stream photographs PETERS & bON.OIIH CHESTNUT ST ,1'HILA HANDSOME doublo brownstono house 10 rooms, city conveniences, built 7 vears porch 3 sides, 1.1 acres, tenant house, ga rage barn, chicken house orchard; Dolts town pike, ,1 miles above Willow Grove, trol- ley passes property Owner 2230 Green st RESIDENCE OR RESORT Large house, outbuildings, locnted near Pcnns Cove. Pa . hardwood throughout; fur llcenlehed, property contains 40 acres, will sell as a whole nr In part D. J. VONADA. Centre Hall Pa. SO OR 100 ACRE suitable for Institution nr athletic association, fronting on West Chester trolle good swimming etc CHAS. W lll'v E L L 301 Real Estnt ejtfdr 50 OR 10O A( lU'S suitable for Institution or athletic n k intlon, fronting on West Chester trollev tood swimming, etc f-HAB W Rl SSELL H01 Real Estato Rldg Building Lots FOUR LOTS In bist ptrt of Sharon Hill. 40 xlOO each, one a corner, need some Ailing, sacrifice all for $1,100 cash. Address M 233 ledger Office ARiiMonr. SALE Ardmore Orandvlew road, 0 and 10 room nouses nil improvements jumm W BROOK 147 Cricket ave , Ardmore. Pa. COLLINODAI.E WE HAVE a number of lots 28x100 or 30x100 In hull up section of Colllngdale at reasonable price plan upon application, SAMUEL C APAMS 141R Walnut st. rni.Wi N A 2-STORT brick Iwslllng 0 r . bath, semlde inched tmmedlito possession reasonablo price, lot lfixlOO I OFIJVND "21 L.VJI IrAt1L WOODLAND AVE. DEVON WMfliiiKWIHlEMIliyra One of the Most Beautiful Country Seats on the Main Line 100 Acres, 2 Large Lakes, Woods, Etc. Large Colonial House Garage for 7 Cars Apartments overhead farm barn Stable for Hunters, 7 Box Stalls and 6 Single Stalls COW RARN FOR 15 HEAD 2 TENANT HOUSES, Mllkhouse, Sprlnghouse Chicken Houses, etc The main house- Is located on a hilltop, facing the south surrounded by old shade and apple orchard to rear of house The house, has recently hnrt S31 000 spent UPon It snd rnn. tains First floor, living hall, living -I room sun parior urcaxraai room, dining room, billiard room, musla room vvlth largo pipe organ lavatory, pantry, kitchen, servants' dlnlne room and laundry cold room etc.; second floor, ft largo masters' bed rooms and 2 baths and In separate, wing 2 bedrooms and bath for serv ants, third floor, 2 bedrooms, bath and storage rooms, hot-water be it, electrlo light, numerous open flra places. The grounds are unusually attrac tive Fifteen acres of woods, meadows, running stream, waterfall, etc, high deration; rolling country HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG FJ ...H.H..Nm,imiiinnimtHmtimniiimtiiinni m. IillTill,imilllllllt.lilllJiinij:umiiuiiniUuiiii;u.iNiimiim,niiiiiiiiM'ii;;;1niiI;ilii, I.I.UINS PARK NEW, Colonial stile, 10 rooms 2 baths, hot- water heat, hardwood floors McCormlck McCmlcklncoln Bldg or I.iklna Park. NEW. Colonial stylo 10 rooms, 2 bathsThoN McCormlck iI: water " j n'wuwuo'i uoors sict orrnlck A ,,,M, vii, .linn ui j.iKin I'ark. CLKNHIDE "f A.H;CT' J.0"J1 . QlL0."'.L ?? h9 w U.m. -., e,.UH,L.. u iimiii uiurougiirare, rooms, every modern Imp , garage, price 0.000, WM Tv II. ROBERTS A SON? it Kk Mer X NS5V 1 V & M .lIPItRIUO, j-R A. ,. 10 ACRES 1300 fVy frontage on Old York i.t,'.fc,vi rd.i beautifully ingtsd. with high eva kiliW'l llon' lU'rin stonsy'SJse. large harn .le i ' REAL" ESTATE TOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA StlHURHAN ARDM0RE Atl.sfnnA fnlnnlal rAaldfnrA And 2- car garage well-planned first floor: second floor, 4 master bedrooms una 2 Imths, I servant rooms and bath In rear: third floor, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths: pains: can be auout xvi acres or irrounu; teen by appointment. MERI0N All-stone Colonial house: Norlh side of railroad; 0 largo bedrooms, ii baths: Immediate possession; $23,000, HAVERF0RD Rungalow containing living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrnomasand bath on first floor; 2 bedrooms. l"lth nnd storeroom on third floor: moderni largo lot: prlco reduced to $10,000 for quick sale. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. 329 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. Locust 2871 ' OLENSIDE TtfJIWrtraSlW This Attractive Five Room Bungalow With All Modern Improvements Stone fireplace: 100 ft frontage on Main st. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Inquire at office of OLENSIDB MANOR REALTY CO., Edgehlll road and Hazel ave.. Arils ley. Office open Sat p m.. Sunday and all day July nth Stop oft at Ardsley Station, OLENlDE on way to Willow Drove. Take car No. 40 running west on Erie nve. IIinilLANI) PARK POSSESSION JULY 1 Modern dwellings. rooms: laundry nnd nttlc. $0800. QEOROB L. HARNES. 12t)l Chestnut at Walnut 408S JENKINTOWN III ATTRACTIVE STONE AND PLASTER DWELLING In excellent condition: S rooms, bath; thoroughly modern; $7300; con venient to station and trolley, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG. MELROSE PARK MELROSE PARK 10 ROOMS 2 RATHS: LARGE LOT: ATLL CONVENIENCES; OARAGE. PRICE $13,000. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG. miuiiiiifiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiiraixiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiPiiii MF.RION MERI0N A beautiful atone nnd plas tered residence located on the North Side. In , th heart of tho best residen tial section: 2d floor. 3 master's chambers and .' baths nnd servants' quar ters: 3d floor. 3 master's chambers and bath: elec tricity, hot-water heat: beautiful Inclosed porch: property In excellent repair: garago for 3 cars; lo'j about 2 acres, beiutlfully planted. Offered at cost for quick sale. Car be seen only by appointment, WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 MORRIS BLDG. .Members Phlla. Real Estate Hoards MERI0N Six acres, desirably located, at an exceedingly low pries; ripe for build ing operation or good speculation: payments can be made satisfactory to purchaser, onlj n small amount of cash required P 404, Ledger Office. NARBEnTII THREE properties at $0001), $6800 and $7300; modern conveniences, good - sized lots. ROBERT J NASH JOOl Chstnut St., Philadelphia, or phone Nnrberth 005 NORTH fll.EXSIDK LARGE LOT on Hamel ave., 80x140; sold on easy terms nr at n, bargain for cash. P 430. Ledger Office OVERBROOK lujjiiuiiiujlMjaHlffim OVERBROOK All-stone residence, con taining 0 chambers. In closed porch, open fire places, central plant heat, electrlo lights This prop erty Is finished In white throughout and Is In excel lent condition WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES IN THE OVERHROOK-MERION SECTION WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01 02 MORRIS RLDO. . Members Philadelphia Real Estato lionru jrfewRswroaa .,TT.rt,rrt" Va.ant W' nnllimhl, n a 8 rooms garage, modern, fine condition. Call Room 81.1 l'cnn hq mag, spruce QlBfl, PEVI.LVN uru'iiiHirinlHiiiii'mmiinumnriiriBin'iiiminnii TiinnTiliTiTia.rMrffiniiiiTan.'w.giinTii; PENLLYN Small Country Home; mod ern throughout and In ex cellent repair; containing 0 chambers, electrlo lights, hot-water heat, stable, ga rage, chicken run. lot of about 5 acres with shade and fruit trees, garden, etc. Fine all year-round home. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 MORRIS HLDO. Members Phflsdclphla Real Estate noaru ftMMamiVH, HOKHOHOUfiH FOR SALE New brick house Houghton st , 10'r ft N of E Walnut Inne, 2tt stories, 8 rooms h -w ht . cleo. It , open flrepla(e; stationary tubs, Inclosed porch Apply owner, B38 E Walnut lano Roxborouulh Nf.l' WY. ll'.I.I) 5204 OVERBROOK AVENUE Three-story nll-stnna dwelling and garags; 10 rooms 2 baths, hot-water heat, all modern iai improvements, immeoiato possession. nossesiton. JOHN A BARRY. 607 LAND TITLE BLDG. in.uuu TiUiiS(i-Biviu sray-stons resi dence, modern. Including about 1 aero of ground. Can b Inspected any tlms. Act qulcli. FUHRMAN. limplrs DJ4cl, 13th and jSJiuiui,- fcUJS jn j.vk.1 - niXV, BffnBini.'jiiiumjv f V I 3 XiVMcmbers Phlla. Real Estate HoardS? .REAL ESTATE TOR SALE rKNNHYI.VANIA HVIIUKIIAN ST. DAVIDS Stone and brlcTt stucco residence, In excellent condition: ccntcf hall, UvltiK room, dining room, pantry, kitchen, laundry on first floor: ccond floor, " bedrooms, 1 bath: third floor, 3 bed rooms, 1 bath; all modVrn. BALA-.CYNWYD Xll-stone detached residence: first floor, center hall, llvlmr room, dining room, pantry, kitchen and refrigerator room! second floor, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths nnd steeping" porch: third floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath nnd stororoomi hot-water heat, gas nnd electrlo light: lot 00x173 feet. ST, DAVIDS YEADON IJAILEY ROAD above Paul nve Rutldlng uia street improvements in. . ixiu; 9400. WESTNEY. 2113 Liberty Bldg. NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN CRACKERJACK Bungalow, 8 chambers, for tho man of moderato means, who Is exacting to ther minutest detail; absolutely last word In modern homo construction: you will havo to see It to npprcclato Just what It Is; prlco $8500. Address nil Inquiries P 013. LEDGER OFFICE FOUR-ROOM bungalow. C acres of land, rich SOU. Chicken house rrttlf R mln.il.a' walk to Da Costa station, prlco for Imme dlato Mle M800, worth $2,100; terms, ail- pen a ucallaghan. 703 Walnut st.. Phlla. REKCinVOOD BEACHWOOD, N. J. Bungalow for sale nt Befchwood. near Toms River: 0 rooms, bath, electricity nnd gas: Ii minutes from wnfee nn A.Ian. t rt... n...,-. a .... A. It SCOBLE, CO Church st . New York oity. D I.LAI II PARK L9T'. 7.-J60 corner Bnlfour and June road. Delalr Park N. J : first $230 takes It: a bargain. Apply S. E. HLACK 313 Lacotiey ave . Pnlmvrn. 1st, j ' EDOKWATER PARK RIVERFRONT ESTATE. 3V, acres; reel dence cost $33 000. prlco $25,000. WESTNEY. 203 Liberty Bldg. WOODI.YNNK .. . WOODLYNNE. N. J. $3800 Immediate possession: kir..i.. n. room, porch-front house, 1713 Woodlynno aVA. .(P. nnt nnnl,lnR. .-!. ". .'' ' U Owner, 022 Chestnut street, Phlla,. 2d floor.' NEW JERSEY SEASHORE CORNER property, double house; furnished: rv..nuui n seitiemeni, near neach and railroad station. Box A720. Ledger Office ATT-ANTKl CITY ATLANTIC CITY COTTAGES Beautiful Newly Built Detached Cottages With Private Garages BARTRAM AVE . NORTH OF VENT NOR AVE.. CHELSEA KINGSTON AVE . NORTH OF VENT NOR AVE.. CHELSEA Containing 8 rooms nnd 3 baths. KlttSJ"-." .5e- .''? 1'Khts, HOOTS thrnmrtini,. K-i. -1 plumbing. stationary laundry trays Bhowor and lookers In the basement: spacious porch, terraced lawns; modern In Thorough Inspection Invited. Financial terms to suit purchaser. "'unciai Sample House, 22 N. Rartram Av Open dally and Sunday. "ar,ram Ave- A LIMITED NUMBER TOR RENT GEORGE W. SHISLER 22 N. BARTRAM AVE . Atlantlo City. Or Your Own Broker v-.w.j uv.Mi,, iiiuiieuiuto possession. Before you buy or rent. iREAL- consult us Furnished apartments and cottages for sale or rent. OPEN 8UNDAT 171 0. VIRGINIA AVB. Reasonable Rentals 2321 W ESTATL MeAD00 i nd AriCn,,F'TTTL"'.n?'".r ?tte. . ,,',." -.--, .WW... 4IUUOC ". -". V-IUU II 1 UUIR. J! rifl 1MB aiS, 2":"' .?'" 1 square ?in rrt.:.,.".'RA" :2y.'.".r.".S"" "nn. .ata e $10,000; only $3000 cash "required premises ' owner on AVAI.ON BAROAIN $2780, 2-famlly house. 10 rooms furnished: ocean view. Box a Avalon, N.J ?EW YORK A BARGAIN FINE GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE Consisting of a complete 400-acro dairy farm with u teautlful mansion nnd (100-ncre hunt ing preserve. Including 70 nrro nrlvnt Vnii easily worth $1,000,000. nrlte tn nui.iT r..,.. $1(10,000, Information direct from OWNER Box TOl.'llnoslek Falls N, Y ""' , PENNSYLVANIA FARMS FARM AND COUNTRY PLACE SO npres rich, level land, 10 miles Phlla near Norrlstown, In one of tho bust Kec'. tlon; of .Montgomery countv, nil modern buildings, could not ho duplicated for $31,000, on stono road, only fi squares from street cars: main house 11 rooms und bath, electric lights, steam heat line laundry with tubs and automatic e cc trie pumping system, farmer's houso fl rooms and electric: sprlnghousa In lawn large barn and silo, ument floors In stable: electrlo power gas inglno for pumping witter: a flno summer homo for i city business man (or home or In ftl,.u.t),,n enn b0 uuKht clenr or $7000 to $10,000 can remain on first mortgage Can bo seen by appointment with lour with your own broker or Louis T. Harlan, Owner 1443 S. 58th St., West Phila. GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE nnd stntk farm, stono house, 20 rooms, baths laundry, farmer's house, large stock barn for l horses, 30 cows! 3 tenant ..u.v, ... ,'; w i uuunings lit nover-falllng spring: 200 acres vnrv fr. (IKi land well watered, adapted for fruit farms A mllo to good station, 20 milts from Philadelphia; exceptional a prior lunlty to got a large tract of land at it fanner's price; will divide: act quickly BENJAMIN T. LEVIS 21 SOUTH AVE Phono Media 430 Media, Pa FRUIT AND DAIRY FARM " NEAR WESTTOWN BOARDING HCIIDOr 10-room house, bath; largo baVn, silo nnU completo buildings; fine meadow ' ani COMMERCIAL ORCHARD 1800 TREPq In bearing, stock nnd Implements Ineltiiwi PETERH & SON HQS CHESTNUT HT PIIH A BO-ACRK FARM, price $13.ouurtnaSMoTi house, contains 12 rooms nnd tile lath hot-water heat, gas, beautiful old shade iM.,&, 'nce' 8- " Anderson!1"!!)"' 20 acres commuters hotnsvood hen.. barn, chicken house.V' ong. fruit; nrr pistiuii, sitirv, etv.i iituni df ' ST. DAVIDS if y jE RESIDENCE AND I GARAGE I A very attrnollvo properly, (j ! containing 7 chambers, 3 ts Bn baths: hardwood floors: M electricity; central plant fhent: lot 200x400 This Is 111 n moderate prlco property li ia nnd ono well worth sour It while. Immediate posses- It I WM." H. WILSON & CO. I J, 700-01-02 MORRIS RLDG. ! Xltembcrs Philadelphia Real Ealatey' ar station, store, etc.: Imine, possoiuian It JBFKBIHSOI N, Adams M..lTCi2i v .. v.'viJ.,rv i J CtrtaUtr, FOR RENT BRAND-NEW MODERN HOMES, WITH GARAGE AND PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS For particulars apply GREENFIELD and TAUBE 510 Penn Square Building Philadelphia, Pa. No telephone calls -will bo answered. Apply either in nersm, or by mail. n HEAL ESTATE EOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA FAR311 PUBLIC SALE Improved 43-ncro farm, Saturday. July 3, nt 2.30, at Hcebner's Corner. 1 mile from West Point. 2W miles south of .Lnnsdnlo, 1 mile from PhlHdelphla nnd Reading Rnltrojd nnd hlgh-spcM trolley to West Philadelphia on stone roads, within 23 miles central Phlla.; thoroughly modern 10-room stono ..dwelling, 2 baths, hot-water hent, a open stairs: spring water through buildings by pressure: 2 ncres lawn nnd shade: great bnrr and outbuildings: top-notch soil: pleasant surroundings; nttractlvo propo sition for sanatorium, boarding houso nnd city man seeking a country place with serv ants' quarters! crops Included, Detnllcd cir cular with photogrnnhs mailed on request, REESE & LINDERMAN. Agents, 014 East Airy st., Norrlstown, Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS FIVE (8) acres farm land for sale at Nevv- tonvtuo. near iiammonton. N. J., titty toil) dnllara rnd up per aero; good soil; terms to suit buyers', tltlo guaranteed by tho Guar antee Mortgage and Tltia insurnnce co or Newark, N, J, For further Information wrlto or call Nowtonvllle CenterPark De velopment Co. N RATHHLOTT, owner. 1003 N, 7tn st . I'ntiaueipnia. MARYLAND FARMS Eastern Shore Maryland ! I 01-ncro farm near mouth of beautiful Miles river; large water front; abundance of fish, crabs and oysters; residence, tenant's house and outbuildings C. R. BECKER B02 N. CALHOUN STA Baltimore. Md. HEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT NEW J ERS K Y S K ASHORE OrEAN CITY 4820 CENTRAB AVE, Furnished cottage. 4 bedrooms, bath, ilvlng room, dining room, pantry, kitchen, laundry. For particular; npply to Tho Berkeley, 48th Bt,, or 5010 uentrnt ave, TEN NEW 7 nnd 8 room bungalows, with garages: nowly nnd nttractlvcly furnished; ovcry modern convonlenco; prlco right and terms to suit. Apply only to J. M. CHESTER, Postofllce Bldg.. Ocean City. N. J. . BEAL ESTATE WANTED SIX to ten room house on good-slxcd plot of ground In BUburbs: Chestnut Hill. German town section preferred; give details and stnlo If property can be secured on six to tvvclvo months' rental with option for pur chase ou expiration of rentnl period. Ad dress j M. D.. K320 N. inn st WANTED TO BUY. home with conveniences. $0000 or less, city or suburban. Address, giving exact location, description and terms. M 214. Ledger Office. Factories. Manufacturing Floors WANTED Factories and warehouses sale or rent: give full particulars. JAMLN L STEVENSON & SON 822 Land Title Bldg. for -omens. nusiNE-ss nooMB. kto. WANT to rent, now or by October, central office, nbou'j 1000 sciuare feet. Phone Loeust 2140 - WEST PHILADELPHIA Your Real Estate Soldv5S,?.",&".5 riTZPATRICK. 1341 N. 00TII ST. PENNSYLVANIA SURUHBAN GOOD farm of nbout 100 acres; must 1iave cnod houso nnd necessary other outbuildings; within B or 20 miles of Melrose Park. Ta.; stato prlco. I' 428. Ledger Office. -BEAL ESTATE EOB BENT CITY RENT 1214 ARCH STREET STORE AND BASEMENT Containing 10,000 Sq. Ft. ALBERT M. GREENFIELD 1BTH AND CHESTNUT 1417 LOCUST ST. Two rooms and bath; fourth floor; suitable for office use, or as an apartment. Well lighted. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. iiiiiiiinDniiiriniiiimiiiuulii;1 $73 MONTHLY on yearly lease: Just com. pleted modern 7-room porch-front dwell ing. 0330 N, Woodstock St., Chelten ave. and Limekiln pike, transfer from Old York road. WM. II. LIEBRICH, 2840 Ridge ave IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A number of practically new nouses in excellent loca tions, for $00 to $100, some vvlth garnm-s: yearly lease on most of them. OAK LANE REALTY CO.. 0762 York road. OVERBROOK Furnished, for summer. B story house. 2 baths, beautiful, nulet loca tion: reasonablo terms to adult famllv: lmme dlate possession, l'hone Belmont 1818-M. Fnrtorles WHARFAGE, warehousing and Btorage on ri.nvA Iuap rnnanrialiln rntis AM CONA PRINTING. CO . 820 Commercial Trust Building, 1'nuaqeipnia. I'a SIX FACTORIES, Kensington, different sizes; suit any business, list on request. KENNEDY, 400 S, Van Pelt Fnetnrles . Ware lion ses. Mnnufiie luring Floors 120 N. RREAD (3d and Arch), floors for manufacturing and storage elevator, heat; nlso yard nnd shed for tin roofer or wood worker, low rent; Immedlato possession, MAGIL 20 N, nth Market 1072 Oirngea OARAGE for rent: 2 largo rooms on too of garage. Apply 1214 Unity St.. Frankford, OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. KTO For R-ent OFFICES DENCKLA BLDG. N. W. COR. 11th & Market Sts. APPLY Heymann & Bro. WIDENER BLDG. Locust B623 Phones Race 807 .CHESTNUT ST. OFFICE BETWEEN OTII & 7TII STS SECOND FLOOR, $11 VP.R MONTH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SEE MR REED PUBLIC LKDllLH CO, flTH AND CHES'INUT SS DESIRABLE office Tmce ,120 Walnut st" 803 Walnut st , 330 Harmony , i,,', ment 327 Walnut st Apply 13.' H -nh st -viwt PHiLAni:i,pni, CHESTNUT ST. B237U looms nnd"h7tTi'; hot-nter heut. olectrlo light, sullablo for physician, ycarlyleaso Riislnesa Prooerlles und Stores COR, 40TH AND MARKET Will Improve to suit tenant; only hlgh-class business con- sldertd. $250 per month. TAYLOR & HON. 20 H 40th st. , ""' CUKHTNNT HILL AN EXCEP-riONALLY at'tryctlve properly" In Chestnut Hill adjoining l"lrmount Park consisting and D acre; ; r of oouod', prlyo $4(X per muotS on Vfjll, YARROW & VAN PELTi t PJssVWIYtlVAMLUJ HEAL ESTATE FOB KENT i REAL ESTATE FOR TtPwT .t IIII1.1V l.llflX I ONLY OiE LEFT il havlnoVon?."; nAN 0IE, , S'li'i't N. FrnnkflnT ? ffta. &A tvmi nock N, Franklin rft V. .",w ild ?,!r.or,omnlh - -'r-J...7.n,SlS 'II St m MA,H",c?'.-'"'vr-tAN Wyoming iMbrSSffl, T, rKNNSVLVANlA-m.n.,,,,, VN a n n i ji n i nennm rminni m e m uiiimniTU he iitunnnni 1 1 m rim imi.n ."i Beautiful Colonial House ook.ng golf link.,' $80n0kl?ortn.: HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RLDO KKAniNli SI ORE ROOM, 22 by no feeTTrO'Tp -"'."'i.l'Oil Immediate poS,,....?"-..."- f.1?".! iaujnu NATIONAL BANK KtAUiiNG, PA. NKJV JERSEY SEARItnnr. onnuAnT, lann r no st iihii i . ; Phone Filbert 420? i 8t ' nl'alclrt! ATLANTIC! riTV WB HAVE MANV ,t.i......T""T - rent In Chelsea, nnd Ventnor for tK' '"i sner sensrm'nt r,...i J-."'"01. A9T the nm.1 ROLL'& CO. Portland1' cne;-AV,J'.-CA ventnor. """o ni, CAPE MAT Ti'r tfrnrZZ' Liberty Theatre ItolWnT w..., hesi business htnek- Aii ;.t.iJ'."""'n"a ss.nVij:e '-". zz.t's m vn,h.nrfn 'i?rl5:.p"r.tTnt-. . rooms, and" bath; selec V. ApyplyriJnn Jl for Adam Buelke! US. Mh st Vhn.i.,a'"ki T.AVAT.ETTK rVo?'.. "ornl-hed-Lnvallette. N ui . 8-room cottage: lOwnni nni, ' "i.l from ocean, Cnll Tlonn sunn ' K"I MAINK .. jJu,TJtwi,Ej nu.VI.VICR HOMR Near Kenncbeo River. Mo : partly fuml.M. 7-room house and barn: all SSod condlMn! cogni7S KS- '"5?J. I. ,!. -enutlful out ". iem j.iii n montn. A. J. II. FRANK, 11 S. 0th St.. I'hlladelnhli PENNSYLVANIA FARMS STOCK FARM, with growing crops. sultTSI horsemnn or fancy cattle: directly on Uihl Line: 80 minutes from Drotd st . barn f5l over BO head; flno -inc .n.i -..'...."rn.10!l SW.e."l?lrVCtC'L."atlnT and Pintles iSS3 hnfiVPY-CO " SbommerclaT TruM Philadelphia, Pa. ' FOBRENf FURNISHED CITY FOR RENT Furnished, for summer. lM .Uv,... ,.uuna, umiiib. ncres or sromdfl neaa train and trollev: rhnleo ..rli. Jl J,'1" Ljnej prlco $500, Wrlto 712 Otis Iinj T.OOAN LOGAN A new handsomelv fuml.h. i.i, I detached home; copper screens, hardffooM floors: piano, Vlctrola, "summer mil: ttM Fon tjjo; no cnildren. Phone Walsut 821 MOUNT AIRY la-Rnnm HTnvt- TintTan" -- Dnina; fireplaces; sleeping porch, ettil room ror I or a cars; shaded lawn 8 Hit. I -. . ii-ii.nn at u.. nun CIIESTMJT 8T I rENNSYT.VAM. SURIItIltV ivjvuiMjit uentieman-H res dente. 7 h,i rooms, 4 baths, parlor, library, dining room, wide hall, pantry, kitchen. Mrvintr' dining room nnd laundry; barn, garate sir doner's House: electricity throughout, iprlBc water: growing vcgetnblo garden lurn ten- ii" cuurti nmpio grounds, witn old inafle, 7 mm. to stn. ; good gardener and 2 comptt iiiuiua, iv.i.nuit JlCiAliit UU , SU ton- merciai i ruet iirqg. l-niinoeipnia I'a 4 AMRLEB COLONIAL house for rent, furnished lilt per month from Julv I tn the follovlni July Phone Ambler 201 J. Mrs A, E. Bill jiox l-;:. Amnier rn. NEW JERSEY ll'llfllll IX IIADDONFIEI.D TffI-niATl- linuiir.iirnu $100 MONTHLY ' I FOR THE SUMMER . f Aimlnf nnma A rir1tAnnta ti nit tnlaiul Applv M V. PIERCE. 200 Wcstmont av,j Haddonfleld N. J NEW .IFRSEY SE Slini!K Atlantic nn FOR SALE Atlantic City No 10 Kith it. Longport, 7 bedrooms, furnished cottii'. to settle estate: cool attractive location. F details phone Market 4325 or evening Ort I-ane 138 11H B. NEW JERSEY AVEa Ten " and 3 baths: modern, well furnHhea. am tractive rentnl: season until Sept 13 Qtnm for Inspection or phone Spruce oisi ..1 wit.mvooD CREST 113 W. WISTERIA RD furnished cottaol U rooms, nil convenwncei, uiuru ,-. tlon. or call Tioga utu- j. NEW AOnK T.AKE OFOItOF TWO furnished homes mes for rent on Mh." Soorge1: 'i'l'roomir'i J.aths. mo.orhoa, a. -i n-An n i-mrt . i bums iinr nl . ""vrr.'.r.v.Vi '; Ton oono.ite s.- bBtltDiy PoInL 01 V MllirtjVjwTW MOETGAOES MONEY TO LOAN With Life Insurance Protection For 8. 10 or ID years ("4 b' FIRST MORTflAOL nnd repssablo In "nt1"1,lnJ?J,'!S: semiannual or annual inaini" "' PAPPI fobrrfru7thcr Information UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE, ITlirjJCO, 003-005 Chtstnut st , 1 h'la' For Sale First Mortgages PlTYNO,:iVxiNSA.T,: ""' CENTRAL TRUST CO. REAL E8TATK nv.vf. tikarwhnw ..u. ,-.-.-- f "-d'eSipS:"" &-J&sKM$ m "WrMTi m un . ',.;..' fiOOO EJjJ!- " WSS? let "If wbTiave isj"?,,fiaJ8fa T S0N3 , J. 1 Soi l.ind Title ni" -3S- ' -. iii.i nnil secono -,,. niAVR $40,0UU icr """a 7J0 UOHJIi 1 iageVMtjrcountry A " fsriTt? "'iuls , l'lAlJJIK? .V wi KSTATfA DIAMONDS. WATCHES 'E V"V yUnitStajesao Y,T r.-ri uwoMl. II ---.11 PROPERTIES u.yln , ,& $ nnnuallv, ocatod In " 'v junoo, ,"gj' borhoods: amount. i of W'j.moS E' V., AJV rj isgy Tni.ui. . .o JJA! z m.ij. .A .MJT i- - LssslHL-i.. Aflfav5stA wa 4 4M&S&