Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 28, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7

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JVdrtcy Jfynne Hears Tiat Dr. and Mrs. Roystcr Will
Return Here to Live She Sees Attractive Frocfa.
The Tale of the Leg of Lamb
IT OEnTAtNtA Ivhs h dellfchtitlt
wctk-eriili And mi many people went
to the flhnre one ivotiilcrnl hou' the
trains and hotels roiild arfomnthfljitc
them, but tliry did. rthd thin mnrHlnfe
iren nno who liltil to come linrk to
town hail n beautiful coat of tnn pn his
or her manly or Unmanly countenance
as the ruse wni. . , . ,
I heard n dpIWilful plern of hewn
yesterday: that Helen llorlln Itoystcr
nnd her hu-jbnnil nnd linby are coiillntf
bnrk to the Htntes to live. , In furt,
hev expect to bo nenr l'lillatlrliililnt
"niUWt thnt be nc? Mftt. llnvstrf's
friends nre very many, nnd will bo m
ca( to welcome her back
Yon remember she married Tom Roy
tcr durlnu the war. when lie was un
able to come homo for her. Ho he
brarelv failed away to the Irrtln
Islands by herself, nnd was married to
him there. They hnre been stationed
it St. Croix for nearly two years,
though they have been home for one
Mrs. Iloystcr Is the daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Charles A. llorda. of .Tonkin
town, and a sister of Mrs. Harold Cross
nnd of Kdlth nnd Eugenia Itordn. There
nro also n number of brothers In the
family. You remember Helen tools tip
nursing In the Ablngtnn Ilospltnl
shortly before our entry Into the war.
nut she was rather delicate In those
days, and wns obliged fo1 gIVc lip her
studies before graduating.
SPEAKING of .Tcnklntown reminds
me of llltn Sttirgls, who was mnr
,i lipro two weeks ago. . I near that
she and her husband, who la Nigel
.. .1.. ...hni-a nt tllplr Wcdllllllt. VOIl FC
member. Mrs. Sturgla, who spends the
spring ahd fall nt Laburnums, the old
Sharpies place In Chcltcn nllls, 18
eolng this week to Maine, where she
will Tie the guest of her aunt, Miss Van
Burcn, nt her summer homo at Small
Point, during July.
I SAW Mrs. Hchry Ulttephouse on
Chestnut street ohe day last week.
She was looking awfully well. I have
always thought her such an attractive
tnd extremely capable woman. She
was looking very pretty In a dark b uc
crepe de chine dress trimmed with pip
ings of cream, or rather pale tnn pon
gee. A rtrlp of the tnn went down the
middle of the bnck of the frock, which
was a one-piece affair held In at the
waist with a nnrrow belt of blue. A.
small, blue straw hat whs trimmed with
flat quillings of blue ribbon. Mrs. Hit
trnhousc's little ilMignter, who was
with her, wore ft Mary Ellen dross 6f
tnn nnd white, nnd a mushroom hat of
brown straw.
ONE day last week Mother wns
moving out to the country nnd wns
very pressed for time. The trunks had
not come yet and the maids had not ar
rived, nnd it wns getting toward 4
o'clock. So taking Elsie, aged eight, to
the window, she nolntcd out the meat
shop, which could be seen n short dis
tance nwny in the village, nnd told her
to go with her little sister, buy n shoul
der of lamb nnd bring It bnck with her.
Very important, the two little girls
Ktnrtd forth, but halfway n- the shop
Elsie suddenly asked Ethel, "What did
mother say, 'a shoulder of leg'?"
"Whv. no." said Ethel. "I think she
said 'a leg of shoulder'." "Whnt shall
we do?" asked Elsie. And slowly they
continued on their way. arguing nnd
arguing. Finally they decided thlisly:
"I." said Elsie. "Mil tfo Jn nnd sny.
'Please let me have a shoulder of leg,'
and you speak up quickly and sny. 'Oh,
no, It wns a leg of shoulder that mother
wanted,' nnd then we'll be turn to be
right." Po they practiced and prac
ticed, and when they got to the store
thev walked fearfully in.
ITn spoke Elsie to the attentive
butcher. "I want cr a shoulder of
leg." said she. "Oh. no. Elsie." nlned
up Ethel, "it wns n leg of shoulder
mother wanted." Thb butcher looked
from one small girl to the other, nnd
then he smiled and took n Shoulder of
lamb from tho icebox and said, "This
Is whnt you wntit."
And it was some days afterward that
they confided to mother what they had
planned to do. so tho butcher would not
think they did not know what they
were asking for,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis ti. neeves, Jr.. nt
Oermantown. will entertain nt a hoifso
party nt Prlmroso Cottnire, their plnee
at nuck Hill Fnlls, Pa over the Fourth
of July. The cngngement bf Miss Jose.
Phlne P. neeves, mid Mr. Henry F. Wal
ton, Jr., has recently bech announefcd.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills itnd
Mlsi Frames Mills, of Woodcrest
Lodge. St. Davids, returned from a trip
of several days to Now London, Conn.,
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Phlllppus W. Miller, of
Bt. Davids, spent tho we6k-cnd In the
Pocono Mountains.
-Mn- and Mrs. Phlllpi P. Sharpless nnd
family, of Pcmbrook avenuo, Wayne,
will leave today for their fcottnue on
Netley Island, Thousand Islands, Mo.,
to remain until the middle of Septem
ber. Mr. nnl Mrs. John Moles and their
children, of 2323 Do Lancoy place, will
go this- week to Wayne, where they have
taken nn apartment at tho I.ouella.
rhey will remain until the middle of
Mrs. Walter Cope and, her family,
of Oermantown, and Miss Florence
linynrd Krne, of 1732 Pino street, wilt
HI ln a f.ow da'n for Itfll' where they
w.".remaln ,omb tlmo making a tour
or tho Pyrenees.
The Countosi Santa Eulalla, who has1
Men spending- a short tlmo In Chicago,
."'"oylsltlnir friends at other points In
tnn West, will return to her homo ln
Elklns Park next weok.
M8H. Murlal V. Herr, daughter of Mr.
?.ndiS,"' "'bert T. Herr, of Merlon,
'visiting In Honnoko, Va., where she
will remain until tho middle of July.
.Miss Hcrr's engagement to Mr. Robert
Can- Churchill, of Roanoke, has re
cently been nnnounccd.
M.Jor Charles Weaver Balloy, of 2100
,! Ln.ncey rlace. will spend tho sum
incr at Caps Cod, Mass., where he has
rw n a iP.Ll"Be- Hls houseboat, tho
leggy, will be ready to cruise in n few
?. VB- Major Bailey Is tin uncle of
ford E""0011 Allison, of Wnlling-
aM nnd Mrs- Harry A. Prlrdr, Jr.,
cr Morion, will go this week to their
cottage nt Chelsea, where they will re
main until tho mlddlo of September.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, DUIIes, of St,
v ,V nro l,clng a short time In
New Haven, Conn.
Mrs. John Dornan will spend the
summer at Crcsco, Pocono Mountains.
Mr. James Porter Forsythe, Jr., and
Mr. Alfred H. Forsythe. sons of Mr. and
w.rt 'lme!l ? "O'the, of Wayne, left
Wednesday for Knwartho, Lakes, noar
"rslan Uay, Canada, where they will
spend the summer.
nt Am -5nd, Mrs- Wllllnm I!. Jardcn.
i,L .Id lork road al Iane. are sienu
ing the summer at Ocean City.
, Miss Marlon B. Harlah. daughter of
m.h nnd ,.s. j08eP' .M. Harlan, of
cini ?' wnl1 l5a.ve today ror Camp
&f at ?lrlee. Vt where she
will remain until Septc,r"'.er.
ofRIrvSnd Mrs. nichard V. Mathlson.
of Ambler, and Mr. and Mrs. atdrge V,
Sendfti-f PWUdelphUL have ben
.pending a. week near Quebec, Canada.
liarentii aliotit July l for Ihpfr mtmS
ProvhieneTV'tr'' 1n,,,rhfr """1". '
famlV. onf-WavnPWnlillnm Ti, Urow a"d
"r aXt Chrimyg"' U,C 8Um'
728-1 Limekiln n ko thiS Mr hou.',e "t
r,i"l-..'"!d Mr" Alfred M KM,, t ,Sn.
Wllllnm ". Hnckcnbu'r .hre- w .l.h Mrs
ho summer. "' ,hcy wl" end
BBlins? WMsrhflingofnrenT- a"br- "'
Ushlrrgton lnno.
town, at thbloftgS0 "---
Mrs. William Whltwmb "d Mr- and
'Uu-- .oSea
p,ilndAt. ft SS hSr 3c2o
SSTl a'ut.""0 CUy and -' reml'n
.n'w ,ls? cmerford has returned
to her home In Canton, O., after a few
week1 visit to her sister Mm h
Cameron Dumslde. of 4 Job Snnsom
street. Mrs Comerord lives with C
ffi'fr' Mrs- 'co.lore ThomSS. hn
Mrs. William Burnhnm. of 4301
Sutton s Island, Hear liar Harbor, Me.,
whero sho will spend the summer.
Sir. and Mrs. Leo Wilson have re
turned from their wedding trip to Deln
unre -Water Gap. nnd nre at home. 1712
ShUnk street. Mrs. Wilson will be re
membered ns Miss Anna Farrcll.
Miss Sarah Cohen has returned from
n trip to Atlnntlo CUy.
Mr. Irwin B. Flldcrmnn, of 1623 South
Orkney strejt. ban none tn WIlrttwnnH
N. J., stopping at the Arlington, whero
ne win remain until ancr July o.
Mr. Joseph L. Simon, of 2C13 South
Eighteenth street, has gone to the West
for nn Indefinite stay.
Miss Hazel Tanpen, of Atlantic City,
Is the guest of Miss Dotty Porter, of
2400 South Broad street.
Mr. and Mrs. John HaBlam nnd fam
ily, of 4S12 Oakland street, are spend-
George Allen, itc.
1214 Chestnut Street 1214
Exquisite Summer Millinery
At Marked Price Reductions
Especially adapted for Sports or Dress wear at tho resorts.
Becoming Hats for Summer
White Milan Hemp Hats the brinia covered with pink
plaited taffeta. , l,.
Natural Leghorns trimmed with soft ribbons, in artistic
colorings. , ,
Mallne and Lace Trimmed Models beautifully hand-made.
Every hat Is a work of art and dozens from which to choose.
$10.00, $12.50, $15.00
Nowadays It's Allen's Ribbons
just sffitaa.5a,t. 5W!wn,o?aand'? s
of overy shade. : of every width. Wo are told many times a day that our
showing of Ribbons cannot he, equaled in town. And our prices on Rib
bons aro surprisingly moderate, quality considered.
June Sale of Undermuslins
Every garment is priced at a considerable saving; the
materials and trimmings are of the dependable kinds.
' They are not SALE Goods but reductions from
our own regular siocks
Illgli.neck Lons-sleere jjlghlgowni full width, excellent muslin,
14 t0,,r.-laco o'r'emb" IdVry trimmed. Length 23 to 27. 1.50 to
3,St!orset enters Tho old-fashioned high-neck kinds or the lacy
trlm"J!'.,.?"P.3' rniVe-iDalnty as can bef Lace trimmed or embrold-
CrV iftt ,?&" .-KneeMwnh'r "full length. Laco or embrold
erv etfg"l or flounced. With dust flounces orVlthoUt. M.75 to M.SO.
iMdHitiliie Hand Embroidered
ors or Envelopes of cx,quiallo nenuty
Printed Georgette Crepes Rcfluced
Values up to $3.50 a yard at $1.95
this Ad A1&." n-e '1 o7 aal'uSo? 'foff'wS
torn ow" would advise early selection, as they will go very quickly
at tdeao reduced prices.
Sheer White Voiles Special
Theso nre 40 Inches wide In our usual regular standard grade at
tho following savings:
$1 00 duality now 75c yard $1.25 quality now $1.00 yard
$1.50 quality now $1.25 yard $1.75 quality now $1.50 yard
Allen's French Hair Nets
10c each, $1.00 a dozen
W have Just received a large importation of our guaranteed 1 hair
nt- thoir cost nlmost this much now to Import, but we are still main
tainlhg tho prlco at which wo have been selling them for over seven
yelUWe guarantee every net to be perfect ahdto gIVe reasonable, wear
'or we will replaco them,
Sllb-Olt Cap -Shape lH fldth Large atttt Small Sizes
Import Special Straight; Shapin Extra, Large Size
f" f. J aniiyanLniiiiB imrtiiMiiJi iiirwiiiJ i.iiaiiiiMtfiiBiriiin'lMfcMMBttMflBliBttBMlflMflBMttMMBMI
Thoto'by J. Mltrhtlt Klllnt
Of Nfcw iTork, who lias frequently
Visited Iri this clly. Stic was n
bridesmaid at the marrlngo of Mr.
and Mrs. rat I do Holt Reed re
tently Ing thosuirimer at their cottage
Ocean City.
Mrs. J. Sloan, of Orthodox Vtrect
In ,
thn truest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hamilton
nt tltelr cottngu In Atlantic City for
a fortnight.'
. Mrs. It. W. Schweitzer, who has been
the Riie?t of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
F. Shnllcrdss, of 1103 Foulkrod street,
has returned to hcr homo In Jackson
ville. Fla.
Elsie Hamilton, of Frankford
tnoiorea aown wun xiir. nnu ,
Mrs. F. LcRoy to Atlantic yity. wnero .nr, unuoieign . iw, ot uryn Mawr,
thov wro the week-end guests of Mr. acted ns best man, nnd the unhcrn In
and Mrs. O. LeRoy at tho lattcr's cot-, eluded Mr. J. D. Corry. brother of tho
?. in Clielsca. I Tide: Mr. . M. Sanderson, of Buffalo:
tafto In Cliclsca.
Mrs. William Dlehm. Jr., of 8633
Alnsllo street, has returned from New
York, where she was the gucBt of her
uncle, Mt. James Swartz, formerly of
this suburb.
The officers and board of directors of
the three building and loan associations
of the Falls gavo n, banquet In America
Httll In honor of Mr. Frank Morlson. of
QumA lane, who has been secretary ot the
three associations for fifty years. The
speakers w'ei-o Mr. Thomas J. Oavaghan.
Mr. John Hohen-Adel, Mr. W. J. Ben
ham. Mr. Charles T. Quln. Mr. Edward
p. Delahunty. Mr. Frank Jnrdlrre. Dr.
Louts B. Reese and Mr. John W Flana
gan. Thore were flfty-flvo guests.
Mr. Charles Mclxner. of North Nine
teenth street, entertained a house party
last week at her country place In Hallo
well. Pa. Her guests Included Mrs.
Clarence M. Taylor, Mrs. Charles Pray
Lower, Mrs. Georgo Carnan. Mrs. Min
nie Llpsett and Mrs. David Reutschler.
Mr. and Mrs. John Canning Allen.
Jr.. of 3663 North Twenty-flrst street,
have gone to their summer' home In
Ocean City for the season.
Mr. iind Mrs. Bruce McFadden. of
North Broad stfeit, have closed the r
Tioga home and are occupying their
summer home In Chelsea. Their son-in-law
and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Beck, will pass tho summer with
their parents.
Miss Edith Fee, of 4310 Manayunk
avenUe. gavo a luhchebn oh Saturday
In honor of Miss Gertrude Field Other
guests Included Miss Grace Edwards,
of Glenslde: Mrs Bade Miller Mrs.
William Edward Shappell, Mrs. Fla veil.
Miss Ida Ford. Mrs. Ferdinand Dayls,
Miss Maudo Elder. Miss Louise Ehler.
Mrs. Edgar.Mlsa.Grece.Feo, Miss Anna
Fee. Mrs- Alexander Piters. Mrs. James
Ashton nnd Miss Carrie Fee.
Mrs. Harry Lesslng gave a luncheon
Inst week at hcr home, 464 Martin
street. Her guests Included Mrs. Wal
ter E Button. Mrs. Frank H. Whlt
comb, Mrs. Wallace Root, Mrs Clarence
Gardy. Mrs. Georgo Wright. MFs James
Rnmsey. Mrs. Walter Hagenbuchcr and
Miss Kdlth Button;
Night Gowns. Corset Covers, Draw
sneer ana aainiy.
S2.S0 up to
Marriage Takos Placo at Church
of Messiah, Gwynodd
Valley, Today
' i ,
fthA W,'.1dlCF of Miss Phebe MeKenn
fiSl'i'11' of MrB- Norton DATrfls,
1L2t,hT?J"J Farm' Thr Tuns, and Mr.
imp.5i.We1, Hftrnt, of New Haven,
M.K ?...ipinc?. todft: ln the Church of
.i,eMl' nwynwld Valley, at IMS
o clock. Tho Rev. Benjamin Bird wilt
"fiT!!.!0 "remony. Tho bride will bo
attended by her sister, Miss Sarah Atlco
Downs, as mala of honor, nnd Mlsi
iuiimn niirgjiH, n sister or the bfldo-
groom, will bo bridesmaid. Mr. David
Ingalls, of Now York, will act as best
warren aiOKean Downs, a brother of
the bride. A large reception will follow
nt the home of the bride's mothkr.
Tho wedding of Miss Virginia Wil
liams Corry, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Reuben Klnch Corry, of Rlvcrton, N. J
and Mr. Benjnmln Smith Sanderson, Jr..
Of North TOnaWanda, N, v., took plnco
on Saturday nt 7:30 o'clock In the eve
nine nt Christ Church, im-nrt., ti,.
nev. Benjamin S. Sanderson officiated,
assisted by the Rev John Rlgg. rector of
me cnurcn. a reception followed nt the
home of tne Bride's parents. i
MrS. B. N. Dcncon, of Wcllesley '
Farms, Mass.,a. sister of the bride noted '
ns matron of honor. Another slitter.
tt- trl .! Pr.HflHM t . ' I
fliiss i-.iennor inumnn i,orry, nnd ft
niece, Miss Jenn F. reacort, Were the
flower girls. Tho brldesmnlds were Miss
Margaret Corry, of Douglaston, L. I.
i .tira. u. ai. ctiiut'inuii. ui uu nn. ."v .
Miss Cornelia. Mnnn. of Beverly. N. j.'
nu .uim .uuiiii- juhcd, ui mis city,
Mr. Percy Sanderson and Mr. Sidney
Sanderson, or mis city, orotnar of tho
bridegroom ; Mr. Jennings B. Bacon nnd
Mr. E. Perry Campbell, of this city. The
bride and bridegroom will live ln North
TOnawanda, N. Y.
A doublo wedding of Interest was
solemnized last evening at 6 o'clock In
tho Ohel Jacob Temple, when Miss Sara
Hurevlts and Miss Esther M. Hurevltz.
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel
Hurevltz. were married; the former to
Mr. Herman Leo Weiss, of Blngham
ton. N. V.. nnd her sister to Mr. Albert
Goldman, of 1523 North Eighth street.
The sisters were given ln marrlnge by
their father and the Rev. Doctor Levy
performed the ceremony, which was
followed by a large reception in Apollo
Hall, on North Broad street Miss
Esther M. Hurevltz Was her sister's
maid of honor and Mr. Goldman was
Mr. Wclss'S best man. The bride wore
a gown of white baronet satin draped
with a robe of duchess lace, -with a veil
of tulle arranged with pearls. Mrs.
WeWs acted as matron of honor for her
sister, who wore a gown of white duchess
Dalilcl Winter. Mr, Stuart Heinminwav.o. M,c-',,141n streets, at 4 o
Mr. Llov.l I4lirir m t.mi.. ' Haturtlny afternoon, whln Ml
ninm iiini inn ntnnp.i mill ihm1. x .
DftVlon, J., Mr. Holiert I. tfi.i,,V I ''"wry, daughter of Mrs. Albart
Mr. Van H Vck, a I of New viVk . Ix,wr'' of n'J "" Duval 8lreet'
rf Ve rhnri.J , wn.i..IVlX .or2' the bride of Mr. Leon a. Smith.
Week-enders have found that quite tho wisest shopping tour Is
the one which Includes the Chestnut Street Shops for all things
needful to a successful vacation are to be found there, from tho
fayest of sports togs to the most useful and practical of traveling
PERHAPS you don't believe It
possible to buy a suit of tropic
, al weight material, such as
, Palm Beach cloth or mohair that is
' as well-tniiorcd nnd that fits as well
as the woolen suit which you are
I wearing at present. But Jacob
Heed's Sons, 1424-26 Chestnut
Street, are showing suits of these
and other light-weight materials in
tho same styles and exhibiting the
same degree of excellence in work
manship as their regular models in
heavier materials. There is about
them a certain air of conservative
I ;iiuui Hit-as wmen uisunRuisues mem
irom tne ordinary summer suit, and
they are vastly more comfortable on
a warm day than even the lightest
weight worsteds. They come in
dark colors as well as in the lighter
tans and grays.
HUGE California Cherries tho
black Bing Cherries and tho
white Royal Anne are now
at tho store of Henry R. Hallowell
& Son, Broad Street below Chestnut.
They come in one, two and five
pound boxes. Just a few of the
other delicious fruits which you will
find at Hallowell's are California
Plums, which nrd just beginning, to
come in large and red and luscious;
California Cantaloupes from the
Imperinl Valley, the finest of the
season; Honey Dew Melons nnd
Georgia Peaches. Those who are
spending tho summer at rosorts
within 1000 miles of Philadelphia
will be clad to know of Hnllowell's
special shipping service. Perfect
delivery is guaranteed, nnd the time
tne iruit is in transit Is but n few
hours longer than it takes a person
to make the same journey.
UR English cousins, to whom
tea is a daily ceremony not
to be dispensed with under
any circumstances, nre nnrtlcularlv
, fastidious when it comes to selecting
a teapot, ine English manufac
turers, appreciating this, have re
sponded by offering for their delec
tation the quaintest and most artis
tic of teapots. Some of the most
ntfv.n,Mva am flinaA n9 l.Inl.1.. lnA,l
..vv...va,u utu uiu,g UI (Uglily KIU&CU
L-muicinvuru bucii ns you may ouy
at tho store of J, Franklin Miller,
1612 Chestnut Street There is a
green ono with silver strlnes that Is
i most attractive, and a brown and
I gold one that is yery interesting,
.l. ..WM V M., Tutjr UCLUl till -,
but the one I like best is a quaint,
squatty Iitte teapot of bluo nnd sil
ver, which holds just about four
clips, I JUdge.
FORTUNATE, indeed, is the brido who numbers among her wedding
5iV.s,Ja8,,v.er tea or dinner service from the store of Bailey. Banks
& .Diddle Comphrly, There seems to be an Infinite variety of jrrftre
ful patterns from Which to choose. The "Fairfax" is n most interesting
design, with "methlnBln its lines reminiscent of the era of silver buckles
nnd soft lnen frlllh. Tim nn.mnnr" .. .o..,t.. j- ..i i , ' ,!. ..:'."
an Adam urn toptHrig the tld of. Its teapot nnd a catrfeb-like medallion.
Al 2nlle-yf' toot ft charming,, after-dinner ,fcfl;ce service, which
'i"i ",,u Tuu' "W j reaiiy 'aepiaBie girt.
satin and point lace with her tulle veil
caught wl'h or ungo blossoms.
The bridesmaids for the sisters In
cluded Miss Kttn. Weiss, Miss Ixona
Weiss, of Blnghamton, S. Y. : Miss Mil
dred Mandel, of Blwablk, Minn.; Miss
Sadie Goldman nnd Miss "Freda Hure
vltz and Miss !ther Hurevlts. cousins
of the brides. Miss Charlotte Friedman,
rind Miss Augusta HtirnvlU were flower
girls, and Mnster Herman RusUIn, of
Norflstown, Pa., 'and- Mnster Abrnhum
Friedman were pages. The ushers In
cluded Mr. Henry Weiss. Mr. Harry
Rush, of Blnghamton ; Mr. Manuel
Goodman, of New York : Mr. Meyer
Hurevlts, Mr. Irvln Swltt nnd Mr. Sam
uel aorsem. Mr, Weiss served In the
United States navy and their wedding
Is the culmination of a war romance.
Both couples left on extended trips, Mr.
and Mrs. Weiss will be at home after
September 1 at HT North Nineteenth
street, nnd Mr. and Mr?. Goldman, nter
thn same date, at 629 Lurny street,
An Interesting jrrddlmr took nines in
Christ Episcopal Church , Tulpehocken
clock on
ss Mabel
of West
Johnson street. The Rev. Charles
Henry Ardnt performed the ceremony,
nnd Mr. Jntncs Stuart Lowry, of .Bal
timore, gavo his sister In marriage.
Miss Sara K. Black attended tho brldr
ns maid of honor and -Mr. Raymond
Lnlrd ncted as best man. A small re
ception followed the ceremony nt the
Pclham Club. After a wedding trip,
Mr. anil Mrs. Smith will be nt homo at
BC34 North SsVcnth street, Olrrcy.
A wedding of Interest took nine nt
noon Saturday that of Miss Esther
i" rarer, oi mis city, ami Mr. Earl W.
fihordny, of Lawndslo, Pa., grandson of
Mr' GeorK D- Whltcomb. The Rev.
Forrest K, Dager, of the Episcopal
rliih Tlrnntl nn.1 VnnnMnn &, .
rarer, or tins city, and Mr. Earl W,
Church, Broad and Venango streets, of-
flclated. The bride was attended by
the hrldegroom'a cousin, Miss Margaret
W. Baldwin, ns maid of honor, while
Mr. Wnlter W. Sborday, brother of the
bridegroom, was best man. After an
extended trip through the Great Lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Shorday will be at homo
In September nt Lawndale, Pn,
The wedding of Mls3 Lena Rosenthal,
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Samuel Rosen
thal, of 967 North Marshall street, and
Mr. Benjamin Fyne took placa yester
day afternoon at the home of the bride's
parents, with the Rev. Dr. Wlnoker. of
the Beth-El Congregation, officiating.
The bride wore her traveling suit of blue
trlcotlno and a hat to match. The cere
mony was followed by a reception for
the families. Mr. and Mrs. Fyne left
on a trip and will be at home after
July 10 at 800 South Eighth street.
An Interesting home wedding was
solemnized Saturday evening when Miss
Mary Reeder Lsnhardt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver F. Lenhardt. of
Swede and L streets, was narrlcd to
Mr. Joseph Bole Hare, son of Mr, and
Mrs. J. Charles Hare, of Pittsburgh
Tho Rev. J M. Corum, Jr.. pastor of
the First Presbyterian Church, offici
ated rtt the marriage at 6 o'clock. The
bride was given In marriage by her
father nnd was attended fl matron of
honor by her sister.' Mrs. Theodore
Peters, of Cliambcrsburg. The maid of
honor wns Miss Margaret Hare of
Pittsburgh, sister of tho bridegroom
HAVE you considered the possl
bilities of week-ending with n
uui-uuA one oi tnose good
looking black enameled hat-boxes
such as I saw at the store of Geo. !
B. Bains & Son, Inc., 1028 Chestnut j
Street? Even for a week-end visit ,
you will need more than one hat, I
ior it adds Immensely to one's self
possession to havo one's hat in har
mony with the rest of one's costume
and these boxes will really hold!
.ice or lour nats, and just about
everything else you will need be
sides. For a longer trip, of course,
they are practically indispensable.
These hnt-ocxes are attractively
lined with cretonnes and have forms
over which the hats are to be placed.
Some have pockets at tho sides and
on the inner side of the lid into
which small articles can bo tucked.
T UXURIOUSLY soft nnH silken
I j f Pile and rich in color nre i
the Chinese rugs which Fritz,
& La Rue, Inc., 1615 Chestnut
Street, are displaying this week in
their window. Particularly lovely
are the three rugs with background
of mandarin rose. Theso are in
convenient room sizes, and are de
stined to lend much dignity to the
rooms which they will grace. There
is nnother rug with background in
thnt shade of bluo which tho Chinese
lovo to use, and a smaller rug with
ground of imperial yellow and lotus
flower motifs surrounding the cen
tral medallion. Chinese rugs nre
tho accepted floor coverings for use
with furniture of the Adam, Shera
ton and Chippendale periods, and
theso rugs nre particularly Interest
ing in design and coloring. i
VACATION days mean good
looking and comfortable shoes
good looking, becnuse your
pretty summer frocks deserve tho
complement of smart-looking foot
wear nnd comfortable, because Jionn
is so unfortunate ns she whostS good
time is spoiled by shoes that pmch.
The shoes at the second-noor Shop
of Del Mar & Company, 1211 Chest
nut Street, meet both these require
ments most satisfactorily. You V ,
find there shoes that will look well '
vvitn tne gravest or the gnvrat
dresses in your wardrobe stout" ox
fords for tramping in the mountains,
dainty white kid pumps In which you
may trip the light fantastic at sum
mer dances, white canvas one-evelot
ties for wear on the bonrdwalk," and
black satin pumps for wear with
your darker slimmer dresses.
The best man was Mr. Walter It. Sloan
and thn ushers Included Mr1. Elgin H.
Lenhnrdt, brother of the bride, nnd
Mr. John F. Cfalg. The brldo woro
a g6wn of kitten's ear. iltr veil, which
was brought from Belgium, was of tulle
surmounted with a cap of Brussels lace
held with clusters of orange blossoms.
Sho carried a shower bouquet of sweet
peas and orrhlds. The bride's attend
ants wore frqeks nllke of jade chiffon
and Cntlals lace. Their bouquets were
of variegated shades of sweet peas,
A reception followed the ceremony.
After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs.
Hare will live In Pittsburgh. The bride
groom was a lieutenant of Company B,
I2th Infantry, and was active In the
drives of Toule, St. Mehlel and the
The wedding of Miss Llllle Mary
Hhnerfer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip J. Shacffer, of 1633 North Six.
teenlh street, and Mr. Hugh Anthony
Mooney. of 1241 South Hollywood street,
took place nt 11 o'clock this morn
ing nt St Gregory's Church. Mrs.
John I'. Leonhard, a sister of the bride,
was matron at honor and the best man
wns Mr. Robert J. Brown. The bride
wore a dress of white net over satin,
nhd her veil was held lit place with a
bandeau of orange blossoms. Hne car
ried a shower bouquet of rosas nnd sweet
peas. The matron of honor wore a blue
georgette dress and Carried pink roses A
reception followed the ceremony, nfter
which Mr. and Mrs. Mooney left on n
wedding trip through New Kngland. i
Tho marriage of Miss Mnrlnn F.
Kracht, ilaughter oi Mrs. Annlo Kracht.
of 211 Zernlda street, to Captain Ander-
win Moore. United States army, will
take place at 2 o'clock-thls afternoon at
the home of the bride's mother. Miss
Rusllrah Kracht will attend her sister ns
maid of honor, and Mr. Lloyd Kracht
will give his sister In marriage, Cap.
tain and Mrs. Moore will leave Imme
diately after tho ceremony for El Paso,
Tex., where Captain Moore Is stationed.
A pretty home wedding which will tnke
place at 4 o'clock today Is that of Miss
Nancy Lovenla Hagenbuch, of 312 North
Thirty-third street, and Mr Henry
Kruor Patjens, of 3301 Arch street. A
small reception for the immediate fam
ilies of the bride and bridegroom will
Little Lots,
A T$ il
C R II AlNt- N
V n, II "Af K
Cambric Petticoats, double panel. Sale
prices, $2.35, $2.65.
Bloomers, were $1.25, are $1.00; were
$1.65, are $1.50.
Envelope Chemise, nainsook lace, trimmed
and tailoi made. Were $1.75, are
$1.35; were $3.00, are $2.00; were
$3.25. ar,e $2.25.
Nightgowns, high and low neck. Were
$2.50, are $1.95; were $3.50, are $2.50.
The stock of Philippine Underwear. Prices
much reduced.
Sacques, dotted Swiss and lawn, were
$3.50, ate $2.75; were $5.00, are $4.00.
For Kiddies
Bloomer Dresses, 2 to 6 year sizes. Of
chambray for dress, of sturdier material
for play. Were $5.00 j are $4.00.
Cashmere Coats for summer. Six months
to 2 year sizes. Hand-embroidered
collars. Were $18.00, now $15.00.
Blonde laces; filet laces, real and imitation.
Much reduced.
follow Immediately after the .ceremony.
The bride will have her sister, Miss
Maydell llngenhuch, for her timid of
honor, while Mr, Patjens will havo his
brother, Mr, Andreas Patjens, for his
best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Patjens will go to New
York, and then by boat to Charleston,
8. C, for their wedding trip. They will
live at 808 North Sixty-third street
and will be st hoine after September 1.
A wedding of Interest In Oermnntown
Is that of Miss Josephine Anne Tinkler,
of C013 Oreeno street, and Mr. Thomas
II. Jacksorr, of 1903 North Seventeenth
street, which took plnce Inst night nt tho
Methodist Church of the Advocate, Queen
lane and Wayne avenue, nt 7:30 o'clock,
the Rev. J. Purman Shook officiating. A
reception for the Immediate families fol
lowed Immediately after the ceremony at
tho hoirwi of tho bride's parents. The
bride, who was given lit marriage by her
father, Mr Jacob K. Tinkler, wore a
gown of whlto satin creim and tulle veil
arranged with orange blossoms extend
ing the length of hcr gown. She carried
a hover bouquet of Sweetheart rosoB
and sweet peas. Mrs. Horace ( Hale,
of Canton, N. Y attended her as matron
of honor. Sho wore blue organdie nnd
cnrrled red roses. Miss Chary C, Tlnk
ler, In buff orgnndle and carrying tea
roses, nnd Miss Elizabeth II. Tinkler, In
pink orgnndle nnd carrying pink roses,
two sisters of the bride, were her brides
maids. Little Miss Mary Jane Stewart,
of Oermantown, wns the flower girl. Mr,
Charles A. Bell, of Boston, acted ns best
man. The ushers Included Mr. Harold
R Volk, Mr. Sherman A. Clarke, Mr.
Irwin T. Catherine nnd Mr. Ross Vln
cttrt. Mr. Jackson uns formerly a lieu
tenant with the Sixth Regiment Marines,
serving In France for two yearn. Mr.
and Mrs. Jackson left Immediately after
the reception for a short wedding trip.
They will be at home after October 1
at 4826 Oermantown avenue.
A home wedding took plnce last eve
ning nt 6 o'clock, when Miss Esther
Bernstein, of 5902 Christian street, be
came the bride of Mr. Jack Husher, of
6900 Christian street, the Rev. Wlnocur
officiating. A reception followed lmm
dtately after the ceremony. The bride,
who was given away by hcr father,
wore n gown of white satin" and ince
and carried a shower bouquet of white
roses and lines or tne vauey. Her
sister, Miss Anna Bernstein, attended
ner as mam or nonor. Her gowrr was of
Sale of
Ladies' and Misses'
Girls' and Juniors'
Tailored Suits
19.75 24.75 29.75
Tyrol Wool is wearable in all
seasons. The styles are plain
and always are in style.
Ladies' Hats
V2-Price or Less
Mann & Dilks
Most Reasonable Prices for Quality
Odd Sizes Reduced Prices
Summer Dress Fabrics
Colored Voiles that were 55c, 60c,
Cotton Linons,
Open Saturday, July 3d, Until 12 M.
Closed Monday, July 5th, All Day
1008 Chcttnufi Street
pink georgette, nnd she carried. .'
roses. Mr. Husher hall for his bedt
Mr. Albert Tnscln. Mr nnd Mrs. lhl
left Immediately for nn eklAndeil vft
ding trip. After returning in the r:
iney win no at nome nt 841
Alden street.
BOytIC "
A pretty wedding took plnce on TeS1 jffl
day last nt the rectory of St Clement's- . y
v nuiunu nurcn, oeveniy-urst street ami
M. McOowan, of 7244 Woodland nVnUjf
became thft bride of Mr. J WAliafe iS
Hrvnnr. nf liatenlf rit, rn.. t.iji-xt
l fill Driven In mnfvlrt l.t tiM ! Ji
Mr. John Davetr. and was attended W "
MISS Mar a Wnrri. n 1,H.I.tvihM M.l'l'lJ
John .O'Brien acted ns best man.. TKf pY
KTwiuig pnrty wns given a reception air's
the homo of the hl-Mn'a nlln. Mr .tAM''
Da veil, after which the brldo and brldivsS;
Kiuiwi ieii ior an oxtemled weeding tritT,
through tho South, after which they wlfff
Ive nt Chester, 8. C where Mr. Bryanfit
Is engnged In business. 1
The marriage of Miss Florence Mayj
Thomas J. Reynolds, 2912- North Thlr-J
ii-viiui .aired.
n T.h,Jertno"y .wnfl Performed by the3
weVi. .TuDun.kle- of thn PnrkesburK
...ci.iui.ini. ,. nurcn, 1'arKcsuurg, ja,, an'
uncle of the bride,
u.?lB hr',,pL w,1 WftM R'vn In marriage
) . her father, wns nttended by her
sister, .Miss Gertrude Reynolds. Mr
Rudolph Swnnburg, 2317 North Falrhlli,'
-. .,-.-,. ,wi rni iiiiiii.
A reception followed tho ceremony ntj
ttio homo of the bride's parents. Upon'
the r return from i a wedding trip Mr,f
and Mrs., Rice will live nt tho home of
the bride's parents until fall .'
. 5
iVtii T-. . V, , .' """am .inmes jnce, or;
1319 Last Sedgley avenue, took place last
Wednesday evening, nt 7 o'clock, at the
nome of the hrlffe'n nnrnnl. Mi. n.,,f f..?
Mr nnd Mrs. Jnmes Barr and Mr. arjTv
Mrs. John L. Johnson, of GS1G BlnghaiiV'1
"'"li "in ko to tviiuwood over tlluA.'
Fourth of July. TuM,
Miss Romnlne Oelletto has returned ttf1??
i, ?,"me' 0600 "'sing Sun avenue, front O
Mrs. E. Enders, of Sanger street, (it Va
vlsltlnir relatives and friends In Baltl
more for several days, " J
.Mr nna iirs. j n. iiotn ana ramiiyj
mil nnhvi.. ...... ... .. ,....5''
R. Roth nnd fnmll
, or ion iioobins avenue, are at Wild-)
' wooa ior tne summer.
are 45c.
Colored Voiles that were 75c, 85c, $1.00,
are 55c to 70c.
stripes, dots, solid
dainty and summery.
75 c, are 50c.
Insertions; just the kind for now. Much
Turkish Towels. An accumulation of de
sirable odds and ends. Priced for quick
Remnants, white and with fancy colored
stripes, for men's shirts and women's
shirtwaists. Clearing prices.
Women's Neckwear
Separate Collars, Collar and Cuff Sets,
Vestees, Pique Vests. Up to the min
ute in style; fresh and clean for imme
diate wear. Marked 25 per cent below
regular prices.
'J. -
fik- tj
mm 91
1 f
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