Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 26, 1920, SPORTS EXTRA, Page 8, Image 8

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'P r
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faults "Like Mother Used to Make" Layer Cahc and Various
Goodies From One Kind of Batter Arc Given
' ft'
.' ? if
$ X
t 4
rlghU 1)10. bu Sirs. M. A. Wilton. All
rtanii rescrvta.
TONE, the month .of roses, brine
-V . V',0I'S ' liomckcoplng to the Juno
X bfhlo who Is bnck from her honeymoon
F' ajul nettled down to keeplne house for
u Ju8t us two." Our June bride Is. ronlly
' 'pfesfonxlouf to have on her table nicely
n rtjeked. palatable food, for von know.
V, &fr. Newly wcil, thnt the first thine
jj Jfcnjdoes Is to fell the boys of the
wyflderful meals thnt you two expert
ta eat, and then finnlly he winds up by
'. nfcing that he Wants them all to come
w out to the house nml hnvc a real Sun
day dinner with him.
Now, Mrs. Ncwlywed. (he first thin"
'. tft place clearly and definitely in your
rmnd is thnt to prevent failure and
, therefore loss of materials and time.
you must use accurate measurements ;
this is most necessary. You would never
dfcam of ninkln. thnt wonderful wed
ding gown without n dependable pat
tern and then rarefully following di
rections. Of course not. Then, right
from the start of your housekeeping, be
gi with level and nccuratc measure
ments. Sift the flour into a bowl and
tlfen fill a measuring cup with n tnble
spoon and pile It high ; then level off
with the back of a knife. Do not shake
o( pack. Tliis cup will now hold four
opnecs of flour. T'se level ten nud
table spoon measurements and be as
.(red of success.
Quitc recently one little bride, al
most heartbroken, snid to me: "Oh. I
d&l just as I thought mother did, and
d$ you know, John said: 'Oirlie, these
$c awful; don't make 'em again. ' And
lido so want to hnvc nice light biscuit
like John's sister makes.' "
(Again, Mrs. Undo, I will tell you
tlpt your mother's method, the rule of
tire thumb, has come to her by long
nod constant practice and it is very un
safe to try. Some women have a won
derful sense of proportion and are very
successful, but there nre times when the
pfoduct does not turn out so nicely or
tlfere must be something the matter witli
tills or thnt ingredient, because flat
failure is nothing more than just inne
ci rate level measurements. If you will
U ;b accurate level measurements you
wjll turn out daily, for each day in the
year, any product you desire, and have
1 Riscults for Two
(Place in a mixing bowl:
f One and three-quarters cups of sifted
iOne tiatoon of salt.
Ttco level tablespoons of taking
JSift to mix. Now rub in two table
spoons of shortening and then mix to n
dough with one-half cup of cold water
JOIN tho
and send In the best $1.30 dinner
for four peoplo thnt you can think
tip. You may win one of these
prizes :
FIRST, $2.S0.
THIRD, $1.
Rules The foods used must be
staples and in senson. The menu
must be nccompanied by a sales slip
showing the cost of the materials
used. The name and address of the
sender and the date must be clearly
written. Address all menus to
Mrs. Wilson's Menu Contest,
Evening Public Ledger,
Independence Square
Ami also for thought, when It's nr
nrnged as attractively ns this. On
one hat of dark blue molro silk
with a brim of blue straw the trim
mlng consists of a wreath of cher
ries nnd their glistening leaves.
On tho bther there Is a feast for a
egetorlan n carrot, two well
shaped pea pods, a cucumber and
various other round things which
suggest potatoes, npplcs and other
fruits and vegetables. The lint
itself Is) of black basket straw,
which, by tho way, Is very popular
for sport hats
rhoto by Fashion Camera Studio,
shape. Use this for icing the cake.
Sprinkle thickly with coconnut. Try
making three cakes from this mixture:
Place in a mixing bowl :
Three-quarters eup of molasses,
One-half cup of shortening,
One-half cup of brown sugar,
Tiro teaspoons of cinnamon,
One tcnipoon of ginger.
One-half teaspoon of allspice,
One-quarter teaspoon of cloves,
Tieo cups of flour,
Tieo level tablespoons of baking
One-half cup of water.
Bent to mix. Now grease well nnd
then Hour the layer enke pans nnd use
n little more than half in the two pans,
spreading the batter a little higher on
tho sides than in the middle. Next
grease the tmillin pans and place about
two tablespoons in ench pan.
Now ndd just suflicicnt flour to the
battT In the bowl so that you can
handle it and knead this dough until
smooth: then roll on the oilcloth -covered
pastry board, about one-fourth
inch thick. Cut with a cookie cutter
and then lift from the board, using
"SSmB-v ?!f JaaaBaaKl!
v wlm jBHHBj i
-f- .saHaaaaaaaaaaTaaafiaBKLgWrJ
T afcaf - - yaaaaaaBfeaHaialaaHlaaaaaaaaV
aBaBat' - ::- Y
k if 1 " H v ' '
BBBBBBBBB v "'J's V ' '
BBBH- i CV,.1 VJtVfcJViX
I -- '" . itt ..- -I
Please Tell Me
What to Do
"Kensington" Comments Again
Dear Cynthia After readlnc "True
Para" letter was forced Into a surpris
ing conclusion. Evidently somo men
don't tako their proposals seriously.
Answering "Miss Twenty-two " would
llko to know how you are going to dis
cover If a. man Is Industrious nnd
ambitious;' Being one of theso apparent
ly smug, self-contained creatures, I'm
working secretly for success and prefer
to let results speak for themselves.
"De Jure" Raves On
Dear Cvnthln It Is 'with nleasuro
I note that "Acetylene" Is of the clan
Put the lnvers toeether with marsh
mallow whip. This will give you a gin
gerbread layer enke. ginger mulfins
and a batch of ginger cookies.
You place n nut or a raisin on each
cookie, if you wNh. The layer cake
mav be changeiHand the mixture baked
"- 111. 11.1, .!. .I...l. .. I...... I I ,.'":" "'"' KU. UUU " "- " l"
"('?" "!"" l'!V "",1'-.,1l '"." """'following, tor variety:
until nice and smooth and then turn out . .i ,:.:... .
of. a clean sheet of paper nnd pat out e P ? seeded raxsms or
o?e inch thick. Cut with n small bis-1 ' wo-thtrds cup of finely chopped pea-
cult cutter r.nd then place on a bak- ""', or, ,, ,
lag sheet and bake in a hot oven forj One-half cup of coeoanut.
twelve minutes. This method eliminates , Dates, figs, prunes, dried peaches or
tlie washing of pastry board and rolling ' apricots may be cut into tiny dice with
pin. -iiors and u-ed to replace the raisins.
Vlt is entirely too much to make a big
either n spatula or the griddle cakc.of freemen. Cheero, my friend, mpro
turner. Rake the layer cake and muf- frV" &"?": tfiv1 .nFhrt?1i o p
.,., tn M.nnt.firn .nlnntna in n n Blr'3 ravo when they see their S. p. P.
oven and the cookies for eight minutes.
layer cake, so M'lvct two small but deep
laer cake pans.
Layer Cake
riacc in a mixing bowl :
'V'Arcc-qiHirfcra eup of sugar,
tSii tablcspootu o shortening,
tYo!fcs of two r.77i.
rCream until light nnd fluffy. Then
JfTHteo and one-quarter cups of sifted
The Two-in -One Cake
Place in a mixing bowl :
One-half cup of sugar.
Four tablespoons of shortening.
One cog,
Two cupn of flour.
Four level teaspoons of baking
Seven-eighths cup of tcatcr.
Beat hard to mix and then grease and
flour one of the laver Cake nans. Put in
about oue-half of th batter. Grease
i innvrA .yw nlAanA hpanlnnnil hi n
ovui .d "j. iJiciiout -' f tt cuivnvu jj
statement or true values?
But "Byrno" Is still unconvinced. I
will ngres with him as soon as he ad
mits that girls aro of little Importance
In a man's life. In fact n hindrance
up to a certain point and beyond that
purely optional Otherwise we think tho
Welcome to our mUlst, "Will o' the
Wisp," with your pretty song of tho
days to be. That prophecy you so
sweetly whisper has lost its sting. I
discussed that with "Byrne." If you re
call. As for being contradictory, read
again, please, my "literary attempt.'
Yes, "Will." I've spent hours with tho
.n... nn.i fiiA niirht nnunds. driven there
ofltlmcs by tho folblcH and fancies of
tho fair. If a gin cares iu "", r,l:
t n,i tn nnira nnv "Keen Out signs.
"IJrown Eyes," may the powers tliat
be forbid that I take, a girl serious ,
oe sue iit.-s.ic .""- r-rA;-" -
terestcd in navinir ""."'"" ".':
thormnrp I expect or aslt nothing of the
g rof 19i0 or even 1925 JJy only
wish Is that I do not have to consider
them at all With Kipling I ask
Shin me somewhere cast of Suez.
Where the best Is like the worst;
Whc! there are no ten command-
An 1 a rr.in can raise a thirst.
Yn'i ar. wrong about mo not living
In rnllad l-.li a and of course you are
nnoilt iiihuuiic uuo
The Woman's
Cannot Be Removed
To the Editor Of Woman's Vagoi
Dear Madam Pleaso tell me how to
tako off a tattoo from tho arm If thcro
Is nny way of doing It. Your column
gives valuablo advice, so I ask to find
out CABS.
There Is no way of removing tattoo
marks, unfortunately. Tho mnrks aro
i '
Is Easily Accomplished by Insisting Upon a Guest's Stayktg
and Accepting When She Really Wants to Be Let Alone
T-vON'T you want n coat?' Inquired
i-Ahc hostess flsNa pnrty started out
for n ride In nn nutomohlle.
"No, Indeed, thank you," replied her
TitAuf M'tot 4naf fttJ titntMti no 1 nnn lirt
prepscd so deep Into tho skin thnt they,T tfut t,tiln sweater on because it gets
havo "grown thcro" nnd there Is nothing I rn0 Komctlmcs when you're riding nt
that will tako them off.
Wants Eyebrows Again
To the Editor of Woman's rage:
Dear Madam Will you kindly siswcr
mo In your column? I havo shaved my
eyebrows, and It looks very funny. Will
you tell me whatxI can use that will
mako them grow? BLACK EYES.
Rub your eyebrows every night with
puro vasellnn to make them grow In
again. There are preparations on tho
market that aro mado to encourago tho
growth of the eyebrows. Perhaps they
would help In this caso also. Until they
do grow in ngaln, why don't you draw a
line with an eyebrow pencil across tho
space where they ought to be? This will
tako away the "funny" look, nnd you
will not have' to do It for very long, for
tho'eyobrows grow protty fast.
8he Saved a Bird
Ta tho Editor of Woman's Page:
Dear Madam You havo helped so
many people that I thought I Mould ask
you for help also. I have saved a little
bird from the hands of children, nnd It
Ib nbout ono or two days old. I feed It on
milk, but It la always hollering for, Its
mother. What shall I do? I am really
at my wits! end. B. S.
Tho best thing to glvo tho bird Is
lint! t-tl1 arl nrrrra tnlvArl il I etwnrtfAt
crumbs and a lltilo red pepper. There Is hnvfc to stay just nbout nn hour or so
a preparation nold nt tho pet stores that nnd get home in time for supper. nu
"It certainly docs," rcmnrked the
hostess, "nnd I think you ought to put
oiulhis cont. Emily, get thnt coat out
of the pocket there on the side "
"I really don't' want it. I'd bo too
hot. Plensc don't 'bother to get it out,
becnuso I renlly don't uced it at all.
I'm almost too warm now,"
"You'll bo cold Inter, though. You
must put thls-coat on. Enilly, get the
coat nnd give it to her."
Thcro was, nothing for Emily to do
but ttbey her mother's insistent com
mands and get out the cont. She banded
it to her mother, who held it out nnd
gave it to the guest. Tho guest ac
cepted it without protest nnd thnnked
Emily. Then she took it off her shout
dci;s, folded it neatly nnd laid it over
her lap. Her friend looked around nt
her in n mlnuto nnd discovered the
"Stubborn thing!' she exclaimed.
It did seem rather disagreeable,
didn't it? But sometimes thnt's the
only thing' to do. At the risk of down
right rudeness you have to "double
cross" people llko this. They arc so
aggressively hospitable.
You go to make n simple little Sun
dny afternoon visit on them sometimes.
You uitenti Willi an tnc win power you
n ....I . .i. i.-i .. ; wronK . """". ."... i., . , ,,
iTAZ" lclt tca'Pona f lak""J the batter. Place n raisin or a ten-1 know that wxuld be quite Impossible.
spoon of finely chopped nuts on tho
muffins. Now place in a small bowi:
'Three-quarters cup of milk.
.Beat to mix and then fold in the
stiffly beaten white of one egg. Grease
and flour the layer cake paus and then
turn in the batter. Place in a moderate
ofeu and bake for twenty minutes. Re
move from the- oven nnd let cool, then
Spread lightly with jelly. Cover with fingers until light and crumbly, t'icn
coconnut nnd put the two layers to- spread on the cake in the layer nnn nnd
Three tablespoons of flour,
Two tablespoons of brown sugar,
One tablespoon of shortening,
One tcnipoon of cinnamon.
Toss slightly between tin tins of the
havo had somo mighty flno times to
gether. If you had ever mado that re
mnrk of vours nbout girls not being
pals to men, I pity you. I lovo him and
am proud that no ono else has ever been
permitted to "mush" over mo. Study
human nnture. do not Just look at peo
ple, perhaps then you won't contradict
yoursolf to often ; finally, don't talk
about something of which you so evi
dently know little love tho most
sacred of human passions. If your
state of mind were not so pitiful it
Would bo laughable.
To Helen P
Dear Cynthia Delng a young girl
nineteen years of nge, I was Introduced
to a young fellow two years my senior
who works around my neighborhood. He
asked mo to go out with him r ho drives
tho machlno himself. Ho speaks to me
about lovo every time and I'm not
acquainted wtlh him very well, and ho
talks fresh language.
Now. dear Cynthia, I lovo this fellow
very much and I want to avoid that he
should act rude when I walk down tho
street. I try not to notlco him, but he
whistles after mo and Btnlles "Good
morning" now, and never tips his hat.
It makes mo feel very cheap. How could
I avoid this? How should I avoid his
fresh talk? And should I go out with
him In the machine? HELEN P.
Since you cannot command tltls young
man's respect, you should drop his
acquaintance. But why should you not
speak to him In tho street it you go
riding with him In his car? Perhaps
your own behavior has been silly and ho
has been fresh In consequence. If a
girl Is properly dignified sho can always
keep a man In his proper place. If she
cannot, sho should cut his acquaintance
and should not go riding In his car.
He has that same desire to feel Its soft,
velvety skin ngalnst his, but It Is a
plcasuro that wo must forseo, for there
uro n lot of us who consider a kiss a
sacred thing. No man would caro to
marry a clrl who allowed other men to
kiss her nnd take other liberties with
her; and thorefore a lot of us men foel
that wo have no right to hand out kisses,
but to keep them for tho one nnd only.
Now this may seem rather far-fetched,
but this Is our idea, probably due to the
fact that wn nro somewhat old-fashioned
In Borne things ourselves.
Now. In rfgard to your ambition In
life. Wo renlly consider It too bad that
more of us haven't the same ambition,
but it seems that tho present-day am
bitions llo mere toward fancy clothos
nnd other forms of camouflage than they
do for tho home life. A man marries
a girl because she has a pretty face,
he docs not consider whether she Is
a competent housewife or not Beauty,
however, Is of no great value unless it
Is backed up by a thorough knowledge
of tho cookbook, a knowledgo of dress
making and tho ability to mako a homo
look like a homo and not only a place
to hang your hat.
Tho whole trouble with a good many
of the girls of tho present day Is that
they do not seem to quite understand
tho danger that lies In ,thls kissing
habit; and In a good many cases unless
n cnap oners to kiss mem no is con
sidered slow and consequently "out of
luck" when It comes to tno lair sex.
It seems that In a goon many cases me
voutn of today Is Judged by his ability
to dnneo nnd "mush It UP," as It Is
called, rather than his ability to make
a good living.
gether. Now plnce the left over white bnke for twenty-five minutes. Bake the every onco In a while, nut mosu re- ubjct ought to be taken up bv
of, egg in the Imwl nnd ii.M .me liilf muffins twenty minutes in a moderate i ccntiy. Ho seems to have now assume" ot tho mnle Bex who have a b
glass of apple jellv. Beat with a dover men. This gues , .mb cuke ami an attitude that t uJ rrecti knowledge of today's girls. ,
: ...i ,! !, n.l,t. 1...1.1., it , ,mn, frnm ,.- nil right for mc t go out Wlin oinir .., nnrhelnr" mnv rlnRalfv 1
She Has a Temper
Dear Cynthia I am a oung girl iAnd tne Greatest of These Is
lchteen years ot nee ""'i '"" """ . ..
eihlliceu "' ,, ,lVl viinnir m.n Charltv"
Keeping companj ' ....-... .-,
.;. ,,,. v.ari mV senior for alOUI S -,--. -...tl.ln TM.rt,,rVi enma lHn.l rtf
months. He seems to care very much nngu'er hns already been given to cor
for me and I like him ver much u rosponjent who Blgns himself "Bache-
annears that we n.-e oeeii ..,;--.-... lor !n .ssuo 0l June i9i i fci mat tno
' . .. ki .1 mir mnsT i.' in- .. .. .. ... i .... . . . . ..
is good, too, but you can prepare the
ecus nnd crncker crumbs nt home. T
hope tho little bird will live. No doubt
It cries, because It Is frightened. When
It gets used to Its now surroundings nnd
begins to get plenty of food perhaps It
will bo content
Plcnlo Lunches
To the Editor of Woman's Page:
Dear Madam The writer has been
asked to go on nn outing nnd It will bo
necessary for her to prepare lunch for
two nconln. for two meals. Would vou
be kind enough to suggest, through your
valued columns, a nice menu for such
occasion, as the writer never had such
experience before nnd is at a loss Just
what to pack? A. R. S.
For ono meat take sandwiches, pickles,
enke nnd fruit. Fpr the other, take
deviled eggs, checso and crackers, olives,
more cako and something to drink nar
saparilla, root beer or ginger ale. The
things will probably be eaten all at the
samo ' time, and tho leftovers will Just
"do" for the next meal, for that Is what
usually happens somohow or other on a
plcnlo; but you might Just as well start
right at least If you aro with grown
ups It would be nice to tako along somo
bread-and-butter sandwiches and Borne
bacon. Then make a fire and toast the
bacon over the fire, holdlntr It nn n
forked stick. Make sandwiches with the.
bread and butter. This would not bo safe
with children, ns there might be some
kind of an accident, but It Is a delicious
way to cook bacon.
Perspiration Stains
To the Editor of Woman's Page:
Dear Madam I would appreciate It
If you would ndvlse mo Just what to
use In order to remove dlscolorattons
from under tho arms of silk shirts,
caused bv perspiration absorbing the
dyes from tho coat. K. du P.
If tho shirts are white, you micht be
nbto to remove these stains by sponging
them with lemon Juice or with ammonia
and water. Dyo stains can ordinarily
be removed with a strong solution of
sodium salicylate and wnter. Soak them
In It until the stain disappears. But In
this case It may nt)t be successful, for
perspiration stnlns on silk aro almost
Impossible to lemove. Try tho lemon
first, then the ammonia, and finally the
sodium- salicylate. I hope you will bo
successful in getting out tno stains,
find voursclf nutting off longer nml
lnncer thnt dreaded moment when you
announce that you must bo going. You ncss
know thnt it will be tho slgnnl for n
concerted Invitation from the whole
family. "Oh, not for a minute. You're
going to stay for supper." You pro
test that there nre people coming to
supper nt jour house nnd that you must
be there to see them.
MI, TIIBY ilon't want to sec you.
J They'll be glad to get rid of you.
Let the rest of the family entertain
them. No, indeed, you'ro not going
home, "Why, we have tho table all set
for you."
If you persist In your "must go
homo" the children join in the bnttie
and you find several of them clinging
to you to keep vou from going. If y0
.hnvc any rcgnrd for your "best" dress
you give in then nnd stay, feeling very
uncomfortable, nud wondering whether
there really will be enough for everybody
to eat.
Hospitality offering lodging nnd en
tertainment to guests, ilut hot forcing
it I Thefc nre plenty of times when
you renlly want only a llttlo encour
agement to.stny on after a visit, and
arc very glnd to stny for' supper. Thcro
nre other times when you want more
thnn anything else to go home. Urging
nnd Insisting upon a guest's staying isn't
hospltnllty, after a certain point. It's
just nnnoying insistence. Everything
amM La AVArtlnnn. nml anmAMmno tt', nAa.
siblo to overdo n thing nnd "get away
with it," Not hospitality! There's a
very distinct line thnt limits hospitality,
and Ik-you go over thnt with your per
simmons nnd your persistent invitations
you'll take nil the warm-henrtcdncss
'out of thnt pleasant word "hospital
ity" nnd substitute just plain stubborn-
Adventures With a Purse
AS FAB, ns I can see it, this is an
Adventure both for tho woman who
likes a fancy handkerchief to tuck in
her pocket, an'd for the woman who
doesn't much care, so long ns it's a
handkerchief of some sort or other.
At any rate, I nm going to tell you of
a good bargain nnd you mny use your
own judgment. Ilnndkcrchlcfs soft,
snowy-white, nnd pure linen. "Wc nre
told thnt they are grass-bleached, and
while no ono hns ever explained to mc
just what thnt term means, I llko to
think of these handkerchiefs spread out
in nil their gleaming whiteness on the
greenest of green grass, with the bright
sun shining on these little pntches. The
rnnenn T nm mnktnC SUCll n Point Of
telling you nbout them Is that they cost
only twenty-five cents ench n genuine
bargniu, if there ever was one. And
if you like, there is no reason wny j on
should not embroider a small initial in
the corner, or a little wrcatu to ureas
them up.
How would you feel nbout n smnrt
gun-metal vanity case to carry with
your tailored whlto clothes thiH sum
mer particularly If you knew thnt tho
vanity case could be had for ns low as
SI. fiO? As you have heard me sny
many a time I am very much in
favor of n touch of black for contrast
with white clothes. And then, too,
theso vnnity cases nro so nil -round
good-looking that, taking it nit in nil,
I for ono cannot resist them. They
are oblong, with n neat black chain, and
the interior of oifch includes a mirror,
a place for powder, nnd a coin com
partment. And, ns I have already said,
the price is ouly $1.G0.
For the names of shops referred
to In Adventures With a Purse, send
a self-addressed stamped fnvclopc
to the editor of the woman's page,
inclosing the name of tho nrtlcle nnd
the dntc on which It appeared. For
immediate information call Walnut
3000 on the telephone.
Slip Covers
"The real mission of the slip-cover
is by no means the merely utilitarian
one of protecting the furniture from
the dust and dampness that invado the
house in summer," writes Mary II.
Northcnd, in May Goods Housekeep
ing. "Of course, the importance of such
protection can not be denied, but mors
important still is the cheerful nnd In
vigorating color, the refreshing sugges
tion of crispness and coolness, nnd the
charmingly informnl nlr which l..e slip
cover Imparts to the dull and cheerless
room or the room thnt is too nustcrcly
dignified nnd formal to be in harmony
with the joyous atmbsphere nnd spon
taneous, enre-frce spirit of the vacation
"The decorative potentialities of slip
covers, so long unrecognized, are now
adays given full expression. In place of
the characterless white linen or cotton
dnmnsk of chilly memory, the gayest
Colorings nnd pnttcrns arc , preferred :
nnd in rooms where figured walls and
pnttcrned rugs forbid even the most
convcntlonnl design on tho slip-covers,
an ingenious and effective use is mads
of contrasting plain colors,"
Subject to Change
egg beater until the mixture holds its sweet muffins from one batter
Mrs. Wilson's Menu Contest
My dear Mrs. Wilson : This is the 1
menu which we served for our Friday's
dipner for a family of five adults and
two children, tho youngest child five
yars of age. MRS. D. J. AV.
; trailed Fiesh Mackerel
Roiled ll'iir 1'ofatoci
Frrih Conked Spinach
Slewed Tomtitoci
Homemade If read hitter
illkubarb l'tc Tea
TJiree pounds freh mackerel, 20c
"pound $ .CO
One-half of quarter pcik of pota
toes One can of te tomatoes
One-quarter pn k "f fn-h .pinnch
Ope-half l"af f homemade bread
IJIie ounce ot tt
Ohe quarter ptuiiid of butter . .
t'llC nuueu oi i miuuru
Ojie-linlf piuiud of Dour
One-quarter pound of lard ..
Sirup fr rhubaib
Totnl $ "
We are unnliU to obtain mackerel in
tlje markets for twenty cents per
pound, Tins menu lacks a salad
Bread Butter
Lemon Meringue Pie
Tomato soup $ ,.3
One pound sfeuing beef 30
Onion, carrot and potatoes for
stew 00
Four potatoes in
One-quarter pe. . .pinnch 10
1 ueumber, oil anil vinegar Oil
Bread 0."
Butter 10
Toffee 08
Sug'ir 0.1
.Milk 01
I.emon 03
Su.ur 10
Kg;s 10
I'ioiir and shortening 13
Totnl $1.40
all right ror me "" "id stl 1 be niv "Mr. Bachelor" may classify himself
le l08' Sl-jm- ihi I haw "n awnS with "Lots of Experience" as far as
friend. He claims thjt I nao an awjui women Is concerned, but as to
".?? r' t ,Zn Z ,lo hvour" opinion" Veal experience, about women-, he has
as to whether there Is any insincerity on
his part, or wl.nhcr he wants me to
learn to control nn temper. How shall
I do It? I would like very much to
please him nnd how him that I ran
always havo a nice disposition and not
lose my tempei Let mo hear from
you soon, Cynthia and your readers.
AI.HAMnitA, (a)
12th. Morris & Pamyunk Ae.
02d and Thompson Bt.
Viola Dana In
Dangerous to Men
A Che.mut b!ow 10th St.
William Farnum in
The Adventurer
Mrs. F. 15 M.
Hit but no menu.
sends only a market
Honor List
" Mrs. D. Frcy,
4303 Baltimore a-cnue.
1 . micni;
Spanish Omelet
rofntnes nu (.rutin llutter lleans
Lrtture with .Majoniial"-.'
Kolls and Mutter T'-i
Fresh Straw hwrii-s illi Strawberry
Five eggs
Oue cau tomutocs
Ono quart butter beuns. .
Four rolls
OHd-Hlxth pound butter. .
Oiio'iiunrt straw benios. .
Whip Ono egg
One-third pound wiBr .
' Total
.5 .20 1
. .1(11
. ."J
. .or,
. .0.-1
. .03
. .12
. .0."
. .0.-
. .10
. .10
. .30
. .01
. .OS
. .03
Mrs. Bessie Langdon,
526 Xorth Yofjdcs street.
Uecf Iiaf With Tomato Sauce
(Soiled Potatoes Cucumber Salad
Kgg Custard Pie
Iiread Itutter Coffee
' Peef nnd pork, ground $ .10
1 Ine-eightll peek potatoes 11
Small can tomatoes II
i 'ui'unlbers, onions 11
, Hn-nd "0
1 P.utter 00
1 Flour, lard, salt 10
Milk 17
,1'oTee 01
Vinegar, Mi.nr 0."
i 'ucumber snlud Ot
Two eggs 10
Totnl $J..-0
Mrs. A. Abrams,
Tenth and Clinton streets.
For your own s-ke as well as for tho
sake of the young mart and your other
friends trv in e.T- way to conquer an
ungovernable temper. Unless you and
tho young nan me engaged there Is no
reason why ''U should not go out with
other men.
Accuses "De Jure" of Youth
Dcnr PMi'hla May I ask "Do Jure"
this question
Have " i a sister, "De Jure"? I can
hardly cm! t It If you have. "Do Jure,"
will you tike this for a motto- "Do
unto other fellows' sisters as you would
have them ilo unto yours "
liv the wav would vou care to have
every Tom. luck and Harr- kiss your
sister- ouiu you respect your mumc.
so mui'h if ou knew she had permitted
such lutinns before her marriage? Aro
ou rnr enough to say yes? If you
are, 1 h.i- onlv to say that I should
hato to put you to the test. Your letter
show our youth.
I he! .ns to a man, one of the best In
tho wurld Ho calls me his pal and wo
Mrs. M. H,,
1927 West Somerset street.
T.ali) Noun
, W fV . nadl
Creamed Spinarlt Soup
Stuffed Pepper. Tomato Sauce
Halted Splnaih en Casserole
Hretd Itutter
Hhubarl) Tarts
Coffee or Tea Cheese Crackers
Soup Part of spinach wnter.
Milk $ .OS
riour butter, seu-oning 07
Pepper- . .20
Meat (Irnund top of round, one.
half pound 20
Ilice nnd Male bread 0.'
Tomntoes one-half can 0(1
Vegetable Spinnch 10
( ireens ItntliMics 05
Dessert Itbubarb 10
Crust with egg 10
ill-end and butter 12
Coffee ur teaS.,...- 10 J
Clicow.' cracked- ....,,...,.,... ,181
1 1
Total f' $1.-U I
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1. What novel embroidery makes a
striking trimming for afternoon
2. How can a tenr in n silk bbirt
l.e mended so that it will hardly
how ?
3. What kind of paint makes a
bright finish for porch or sumraci
living room chairs?
4. How can n window or porch
(lower box be uttructiwdy deco
rated? .". When a brown imitntion leather
pocketbook becomes shabby but
is ht ill good, how ran it be fresh
ened for continued use?
(J. What inntciial is prut tir-able for
furniture covers for sumuicrV
Yesterday's Answers
1. A tnhlespoonful of alum to a
gallon of water should be usul to
set the rolor in green, mauve or
purple cotton material.
2. When the bedroom wallpnpcr is
figured or (lowered, the rule of tl.e
decorator says that the window
curtnins must bo of a (.olid jdaiu
3. Taffeta Is the most popular vma
tcrinl for tho more elaborate
bathing suits.
I. A convenient clothes brush has
a curved shape which permits the
person using it to brush the back
of his cont with ease.
." When a bnbv is hinir in n eoncli
or crib most of the day, changing I
1.1.. ....I.I.... fmtr.- t Imn ,n tltnn ,.,,11 S
111-1 jlosiuutl Hum linn- LU ,111111 , (.1
keep him comfortable.
C. If nn unstarched article like a
tablecloth has to be darned, baste
the worn place to a piece of paper
to keep It firmly in plnce during
the process,
little or none at all. Ho claims that
women of today can do nothing that
will benefittfumnnltv only parading the
streets looking llko Indians.
He, a worklngman, must have lots of
spare time In order to seo the women
do nothing but parade. I wonder If It
ever occurs to him to glance at tho
hundreds of girls who toll from morning
till night in oltlees and factories, and
who aro actually benefiting humanity hy
their production. I wonder If he has
ever come Into contact with girls who
are giving humanity splendid examples
of self-sacrlflc'a hy denying themselves
all nleasures of life to sunnort an In
valid mother or more members of the
family. I should h.udly think that these
girls have any time to parade the
, I am a single man myself and, one
who has a wide acquaintance In I'hlla
delphla and elsewhere, due to tho partic
ular lino ot business I follow, land let
ma tell you, .Mr Bachelor," I know
scores of honest and pretty young ladles
who. If chosen ns wives, would mako a
man's life worth living.
It Is true that ono sees on streets and
trolley cars women Impersonating wild
Indians on tho battlefield, but "Mr.
Hachelor," when you say that you are
thirty-six and you have yet to see the
first girl to whom you Avould trust a
home, you are committing a crime!
Your suoid Is Indeed too sharp and
has the momentum of un avalanche,
which crushes eerythlng In Its way
without discernment
My wishes are that you chango your
mind on the subject, my friend. Look
around In the wide, world and you will
find many lino young ludles who will go
two miles with you If you go one with
01t St. and Baltlmoro Ave.
rtET.MONT , , .
6d above Market St.
ui.iJEninn )
Hroad & Susquehanna Ave.
Ilroad Ht. and Snyder Ave.
Hmma Dunn In
Old Lady Thirty-One
Viola Dana In
Dangerous to Men
niancho Sweet In .
Tho Huihed Hour
Hdcar Lewis's
Charle. nay In
Alarm-Clock Andy
72 Market St.
UUth St. and Cedar Ave,
Hrle Ave. at Gth.
Market Bet. COth and flOth.
atn. naa juapiewooa Aves.
llaln St..
Man, runic
Mn Murrav In
On With tho Dance
John narrvmore
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hydo
Wallace Held In
Tho Dancln' Fool
Owen Moore In
Sooner or Later
Thoman Mnltihan In
Whv Chanrn Your Wife
William Farnum In
The Adventurer
Emma Dunn In
Old .-Lady Thirty-One
nianrhe Sweet In
The Hushed Hour
Ed.ar Lewis's
Marv Pickford In
Mae Murrav In
Or. With the Dance
John Harrvmore
Dr. Jekyll & Mt. Hdo
Wallace Held In
The Dancln' Fool
Madelatne Traverto in
Iron Heart
N'a.lmoia In
The Heart of a Child
1311 Market Bt.
0th St." and Olrard Ave.
47J5 Frankford Ave.
Helow Spruce St
Iiroad St at IJrle Ave.
UQth and Walnut fit-.
JUMIIO . . (b)
Kroni nt. ana uirara Ave.
41t Ht. and Lancaster Ave.
She's Quite Upset
Dear Cynthia I read this week what
"Two Ilespeetablo New Yorkers" wrote
to your column Where, did they get
tho lKtnsa to sign "Hespectable"? Cyn
thi.i, t-l! me, uni I right Is It respect
able to kiss? Oh, no' it Is not You
can t tell me It Is Cynthia, don't be
afraid , oh, I know you'ro not, tell me, I
nm not u Irani to admit when I am in
the wrong Hut I do not, will not, nnd
cannot believe good-night kissing Is
r.-spi'c Mlle I would argue against
many and I'd always win, wouldn't I,
Cyril hiu '
Cynthia, If girls nml boys would only
Know what a kiss really means, on, now
mui h more wo would want to hiss tho
in hi we renlly truly Ioe.
I am Just sixteen. X don't want to
INh anybodv but tho right man I am
sute ho will como my way some day.
I nm still at school ; ono more year and
tlii ii J II bo out into the business woild.
Cynthia, please answer this. K, O.
You ask is it resrwctablo to kiss. Cer
tainly it is, if the Klbaer and the kisseu
ale the propur ones Promiscuous kiss
ing is not to ho ncourugod U Is a
Kn.it mistake. And kissing hoys good-
nigln as a reward for taking a girl out
I i-. n very poor way of doing. Truly
I nice girls do not ghe away their kisses,
i Hut I wouldn't get so exiited about
It Take caro of your own morals, dear,
..nil let oiiiiis Du it. sponsible i or ineir
'.un actions,
"Ex-Top Kick and Buddy" Answer
Denr Cyn'hla To the "Old-Fashioned
Miss" we would says What is your first
desire upon seeing a very pretty llower?
Don't you want to, tako it and put it to
your face and enjoy Us fragrance and
feel Its soft, velvety tus-W"'t ?,our
fact.? weltainiy vi.,--. -., .v tv
with a man vh WwUY face,
iiroau m. ana uoiumma A
Bid nnd Locust Sts.
Thomas Melchan In
Whv Chsnirn Your Wife
Ethel Clayton
Whims of Society
Mazlmova In
The Heart of a Child
Eu-en 0'lrln
In Sealed Hearta
Marv Pickford
Marv Mile. Mlnter In
Nure Marjorle
Lewi Stone In
The- niver'a End
Clar-1 Klmhall Tniinu
The Forbidden Woman
Thomas Melnhan in
Whv Chan-e Your Wife
Viola Dana In
DanseroUB to Men
Earle Williams In
Tho Master Mind
Emma Dunn In
Old Lady Thirty-One
Thomas Melihan In
Why Chance Your Wife
Ed-ar Lewis's
Mare Pickford In
Mn Murrav In
On With tho Dance
Jnhn Tlarrvmorev
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
J W Krrl-an In
Thlrtv Thousand
Enid Ilennett In The
Woman In tho Suitcase
Thomas Melthan In
Why Chaniro Your Wife
Na-lmova In
Tho Heart of a Child
Thomas Meltrhan In
Whv Chanro Your Wife
Tom Moore
Tom Moore
In Duds
Eu-en O'tlrlen
In Sealed Hearts
Mnrv Pickford
Marv Mile; Mlnter In
Nurse Marjorle
Lewis Htnne In
Tho River's End
Prlsrllla Dsn In
The Vlrnln of Stamhoul
P-isellla Dean In
The Vlniln of Stamboul
Ora Ca-ew in
Love's rrote.e
John Ttarrvmore In Dr
Jekyll and Mr Hyde
333 Market St
425 South St.
li.d and Market Sts.
A3d St ami
Haverford Ave.
l'ALAt i:
12H Market St.
1018 Market St.
Market St helow 17th.
Uip Ave at TUlpetlOCKen Ht
Anita Stewart In The
FiBhtlnB Shepherdess
No-ms Talmnd-e In
The Woman Olves
Klrnr Uap-ot In The
Thirtieth Piece of Sllvor
Prlscllia Denn In
The Vlrsin of Stamboul
Viola Dana In
Danerou to Men
Nazlmova in
The Henrt of a Child
Thomas Melshan In
Whv Chanite Your Wife
Tieirn Aokl
A Toklo Siren
Hope Hampton tm
A Modern Salome
Tho Ni.el'ishcr with
Roy Stewart
Emma Dunn In
Old Lady Thirty-One
Thomas Melhan In
Whv Chanue Your Wife
Mv Allison In
Th Wn Ikon's
Re; lleach'a
The Silver Horde
Wanda ltwly In
Miss Hobbff
John Harrvmor"
Dr. Jekyll & JPr. Hyde
J W Kerrls-on In
Nlnetv nnd Nine
Mar-uerlte Clark In
ITasv to Oct
Thomas Melihan In
Whv Chanae Your Wife
Tom Mix In
Tho Daredevil
Ela'no Hammersteln In
The Woman Oame
)l Murray
On With tho Dance
Fold Bennett In
The False Road
rsullne Frederick
In Bonds of Love
Th" Window
Marv Mlc Mlnter In
Nure Marjorle
Tyi- Rtne In
Thn Blver'a End
Trc-n Rich In Should
n Husband Torsive?
P'iscllla Dean In
The Vlruln of Stamboul
John Barrvmoro In Dr
Jekyll and Mr Ibrte
A"lta Rtevsr) In The
Fluhtlns; Shepherdess
N"ms Tilmadfe In
The Woman Dives
Hnbart Roswnrth In
Behind the Door
Bert Lvtelt In
Alias Jimmy Valentine
Elaine Hammersteln
Tho Woman Oame
Ethel Clavton In
A Lady in Love
Elelne Hammersteln Ini
The woman name
B.d and Sansnm Sts.
below 7th.
1211 Market St
r.llli St and Baltimore Ave.
Ma-ket atrtve inth Bt.
Oermantown Ave, at Venango
Market St. above Ninth
W7WT AU,F.nifENY (a)
..mi pi, ana Aiiexneny Ave,
William Farnum In
A Tnle ot Two Cities
Res; BearVa
The Sliver Horde
Bryant Washhiirn In
Mrs Temple's Telenrnm
Rex Pearh'a
The Silver Horde
Eiuene O'Brien In
A Fool nnd HlB Money
Dorothy Dalton In
The Dark Mirror
Pauline Frederick In
The Woman In Room IS
Mae Murray In
On With the Dance
Klnir rtar-ot in The
Thirtieth PlcreofSllver
Charlea Bnv In
Paris flreen
Bert Lvteii in
Alias Jlmmv Valentine
Thomas Melif-'n
Whv Chanae Wife?
Ethel Clsvton In
A Lady In I.ovo
All Rtar In
The Sapre Brusher
William Farnum In
A Tale of Two Cities
Reena Owen In
The Olft Supreme
Mnntnm'" Love In
Man's Plnvthlnir
Bex Beach's
The Silver Horde
Fnld rierne't In
The Flaso Road
John Barr'-mrn w Dr
Jekvll and Mr Hyde
Altn H(p,.",r fn The
FlBhtlmr Shepherdess
tTnlh-solt Bllnn In The
isittertiv on the AVheel
K'tntr Pip"ot' In The
Thirtieth PlecnofSllver
CnnstH-'ee Bpnv In
The Stolen Kiss
Be-t Llell In
Alias tlmmv Valentine
Cecil Do Mllle's
Whv Chan-e Your Wife
Pauline Frederick
In Bonds of Lhve
leraldlnn Fa-rnr The
Woman and the Puppet
Katerlne MnrDnneld
In The Beauty JIarket
Twls Pfne in
The River's End
All-S'se Cast
Shod With Fire
Hope Hampton In
A Modern Salome
Tho Silver Horde by
Iter. Beach
Emma Dunn In
Old Lady Thirty-One
Earl Wllllnms In
A Master Stroke
Mav Allison In
The Walkorfa
Rex Beach's
Tho Silver Horde
Wanda Hawley In
Miss Hohbs
John Bsrrvtnore
Dr. Jekyll & Mt. Hyde
Blntiche Sweet In
The Hushed Hour
Hone Hampton In
A Modern Salome
Thomas Melchan In
Whv Chance Your Wife
Tom Mix In
Tho Daredovll
Elnlno Hmnmersteln In
The Woman Oame
y.fe Murrav
On With tho Dance
Cecil Da Mllle's
Why Chan-o Your Wife
nryant Washburn In
Mrs, Temples Teleitram
Hope Hampton In
A Modern Saloma
The Silver Horde by
Rex Beach
Emma Dunn In
Old Lady Thirty-One
Earl Williams In
A Master Stroke
Mav Allison In
The Walkolta
F.nld Bennett In Th.a
Woman In tho Sultcaae
Wanda Hawley In
Mlaa Hobbs
John Barrvmore
Dr. Jekyll 4 Mt. Hrae
Blanche 0-weet In
The Hushed Hour
Robert Warwick in
Thou Art the Man
Thomas Melahan In
Whv Change Your Wife
Tom Mix In
The Daredevil
Betty Hllburn In
Olrl of the Sea
Otadys Brockwell
The Whlto Lie
Tom Mix
The Cyclone
Knf-erlno MnrDonald
In The Beauty Market
Lewis Stone In
The River's End
M"" Mi"-nv In
On With the Dance
Wl'Mam Farnum In
The Adventurer
John Barn more tn'nr
Jekvll nnd Mr Hyde
O-sre Dnrll"T In
Evert as Eve
Vl'-lan Rich In
A World of Fnllv
Ju""lts Hansen in
The I,ot Cllv
Ethel Clayton In
YnunB Mrs. Wlnlhron
Bert Lvtell In
Alias Jimmy Vnlentlne
Oeorire Besn
Vnwn of rate
rthl Clavtnn In
A Lady In Love
Hifh Thnr-sin In
Kev to Power
W'Ulam Fsmum In
A Tale of Two Cities
All qtsp In
The Strongest
V. '-- Rich In
The World of Folly
Euxene O'Brien In
A Fool and His Money
Dorothy Dalton In
Tho Dark Mirror
Pauline Frederick In
The Woman In Room 18
Mae Murray In
On With the Dance
Rex Beach's
The Silver Horde
Fuirenn O'B-len In
A Fool nnd IPs Money
P"rnthv Dalton In
The Dark Mirror
Pauline Frederick In
The Woman In Room 13
Mae Murrav In
OniWIth the Dance
EdwlT Cobh
Wolves of thn Street
Ethel Clnvton In
A Lndy In Love
Edwin Cnrtb In
Wolves of the Street
William Firnu" In
A Tnle of Two Cities
All"" Brndv 'n
Tho Dancer's Peril
Lew Codv in
Tho Butterfly Man
Thnnva Mrlhn In
Why Change Your Wife
Fuaeno O'Brien In
A Fool nnd IPs Mnnev
Enid Bennett In
'Tho Fa'se Road
Pauline Frederick in
The Woman In Room 13
Emmv Whelen In
Llftlnc Shadows
Me Vii'i" In
On With the Dance
Clolro Whitney In
Rullnr Passions
John BsrH'moro In Dr,
Jekyll and Mr Hyde
O-seo Darllnsf in
Even as Eve
M-x-T.nn nnd Mav In
21 1 Hours' Iave
Ji'"ntn Hsnsn In
The I,ost City
Vivian Ms-tin In
Husbands nnd Wles
Be-t Lvtell In
Alias Jimmy Vnlentlne
Emmv WeMen
The S.icred Flnme
Ethl Clnvton In
A Lady In Love
W tfer-l-nn In
No. nn
W'lllnm Farnum In
A Tale of Two Cities
Bock Tones In
Forbidden Trails
Fnld Bennett In
Tho Falsa Road
Thome Melnhan In
Why Change Your Wife
Eugeno O'Brien In
A Fool and Ills Money
Viola Dana In
Dangerous to Men
nryant 'Washburn Is
Mrs. Temples Teletram
Lucy Cotton
Blind Loe
Ifntherlno Maciporial
In The Beauty Market
Twls Stone In
Tho Rlver'a End
W S Hart In
John Petticoats
Mae Murray In
On With the Dnce
".. xflr In
Tho Daredevil
John Barrvmore In Br.
Jekyll and Mr Hyd
G-aco Darling In
Even na Eve
MerLean and Mv '
23i Hours' Leave
jusnlta Hansen In
The It City
Blanche "'' J.
The Deadlier Sel
Alias Jimmy
,,.. MoreV
The 8c RalL
Ethel Claitpn IJ
A T.ady In Lo
Tno i-itii".
Enid Bennett In
The False Road
farrjr In The World
Pnullne-Frederlck n
The Woman In Room 13
Farrar In The World,
Max Ilnder.,1"
The Little Cf
Dorotl'V naltnn In
rhe Durk Mlrror
Thomas Melhn '"
Why Change Your wi
. "M?'ieMon.f
V '"
Knld "'..eft I"
Tno -" ' - i
,i i.'r.il.rlck 1.
Mabel Normaad l
i. ana Aiiegneny Ave, i n huh im mini on Willi Hie wance I OniWIth the Dance I and If Woman l hd If Woman ', aucaw
lUfV pwt1l!n,,) clU,B plclur" lbfVWi th BTANLCX COMTANY OJJERICA, which ta stutr-joliio. of early -ahvwl. of tK( MnVVtoih' A" pUtU"' A
- Tfc.. H
r-, -;t., 'I
. L
. 1 -"jlyij