&,".. i"r "- i h " .. Wj? ' ' ,1 w T TfTilMi v i3--7p" ? yi r ''wp I t". -$ "-, f ... " . ? ."Jt. , , , t, B.--1 ' 4 ' ,- r! r ,f w i H - . j! Euentmj HutiRc feftget W)-i " PHIL'AJ)l2LtelA, FKJDAT JUKE 2R 1920 cX 1 - 1 . .. " -' 7 s , r f 5 nBnBESBV'T?5'"SHnBHHHBHfiHHHK BB i0"1BdHBBHBHBHBB sisjHB' SubBBi hBBUE BBBBBBBLt i rXv B I4 v 'i41SStc ?! 0irt yJfi.7A 'BBBBf vBBBBB ?J3ferwjdTin HBBHHBBm. " . 4Miv9!ydHBfrfflflHBBBBBBBBL 1 flHmMmHm NEW BASE FOR Workmen plnccd a Hall. John H. LIBERTY BELL. Yesterday afternoon new base under the bell in Independence Burton (left) is overseeing the work Irf-iUrr I'hoto Service MEMBERS OF THE BUSINESS SCIENCE CLUB romped over the Curtis Country Club grounds nt Lawndalo yesterday. At the left, W. A. Morris is icady for the heavy swine at the rubber ball. O. t Ulialtont and waiter u. noscnuergcr arc uoing mo uirue-itggeu race in wnien vney wero vkwiwus, At the right, E. A. Wright has just finished a terrllic drive nt oromrjau ledger Thoto Sen Ice. HEAD OF AMERICAN LEGION of Pennsylvania. He is Commander David J. Davis, of Scranton, nnd will spend a few days here qonferring with local leaders Ledger Thoto Servlc. rfk. tlvIWUUUVu.l.n..'wm.';-t V"J.4& 111 H J mmm .iai- rn.Jllinii.in.li .lujl jr " B f M L.J Wll ' ' ...... -r- - -" -. i hh k& k jaAk B M(PiO V mL wMHEHtiSsKk 3 nT xjBfe " Pt-jPP?w lff B I 1N t s hhT f S Blf i 'Rkb'v ' c jh v BPCIh PH9UvitjK v jnh w i'!3G9B9d4flBM?)KMitt)B ilB READY FOR THE ELIZABETH MONROE SMITH. The children urcre photographed at the South Street Pier, ready to be taken to Red Bank for a day's outing, the first of the summer by the Sana torium Association of Philadelphia ..otlger I'hoto rr KILLED IN PITTSBURGH STEEL MILL. Dick Kinsman, the Swarth more football star. In 1918 he was graduated from the Northeast High School THE HONOR GROUP. Left to right, top row, Dorothy C. Briggs, Lydia F. Dietrick, Beatrice Reynolds and Dorothy Tomlinson; bottom row, Margaret V. Smith, Dorothea S. Bowen, Elizabeth Field, Miriam McAllister and Esther M. Bricgel, received highest honors at West Philadelphia High School for Girls last night Ledger Thoto Service. EDWIN S. HULLEY, newly elected president of the iPhila delphia section, National Elec tric Light Association ;(j.i"jf- t,iZsiji-&zs-s.&. Xvte".6jt&&.i&t!s&cfcjmz!44ii PAGEANT AT U. OF P. BOTANICAL GARDENS by the Community Quartet in aid of Willing Day Nursery. Left to right, Edna Harwooc! Baugher, Philip Warren Cooke, Donald Redding and Loretta Le Pitre StreW Ledger Thoto Service. YT2",. .- ' t r wr -mmmmmmmsmmmssmmBammnmsaarTm yym&SS$8$&& "" -y -v-'' v 'Xz:yA?shF. wmmmmmmmmmmmMwmmmmmk ji xiMHifjjrm ' m w i AT SAN FRANCISCO with the Demociatic donkey. Fred LjTich. of Minnesota (left), and Homer S. Cum mings, chainnan of the Democratic National Com mittee Undrit ! A T nderuooil WILL OPEN DEMOCRATIC CONVEN TION ON MONDAY. Ho is J. Bruce Kre mer, vice chairman of the Democratic Na tional Committee. He hails from Butte, Mwr Tlsr Thoto HervlM. WILL NOMINATE SENATOR HITCH COCK for President. He is former Gover nor A. C. Shallenbcrgcr, of Nebraska l'ndrwood & Vnderood DR. BURRIS Jl-.NKINS, who will nominate McAdoo for President if his name is placed before the Democratic convention in San Francisco International. WILL MAKE NOMINATING SPEECH that will placo Secretary of Agriculture Meredith before tho Democratic convention. Ho is Claude A. Porter, of Iowa Underwood & Underwood. ASSISTING IN DECORATING the Democratic con- vention hull in San Francisco. The fair decorator is Miss Pearl Wright, who is shown working on one of the largo chandeliers Keyalono View Co. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ,yf ' f - THE BEAUTY CORNER "-- - -- r.rrv '" )rmirav7?f,i(',T t - t- - v-, jr ! -- -; i,u ""'v?J VHBnMWMMMHMMMHHrv I i-: " ztr-wsmams. ' - w K yjr hhb10 "MHriBH. BL HI jdi0f9 BHfllR tBHHHHHHHHP' jhAa. twrs & f9mJltBnBfrvBflK5b 4 BBMBBn flBBBk ..a. 'vHH. vivfliBHrjiuPjBSHBi HuhBHRtBBHeul v f'wvprdhb aeii VhhbH ELMER POLLOCK, 87 Sharpnnck street, operating a blue-print machine at the General Rcproduc IN CHARGE OF U. S. ARMY TABLET I N VEILED IX MEMORY OF PENNSYLVANIA Hon Co.'s plant, MO North Broad street. Thirty-six hundred feet of blue print are printed on this BALLOON that 4eft here yesterday RAILROAD MEN at the Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M. C. A. machine each day Leduer i-ho'o serves, for Boston. He is Lieutenant II. H. yesterday. .Mis. George Dallas Dixon, who was chairman, Holland, Balloon uo. inv. to uuu vn.in.im omeuicy u, uutior, wno mnne tne auurcss ldaer i'hoto ttcrvice. MRS. GLY STEWART McCABE, jiiijviou(iuior 01 u "real uoy," an . . . lll.ltn. Miss peggy Mclaughlin. 1513 n. ostn & l a F.l. . . . ' .11 I... Ollllllll If Hhould be WUA' 7X 4i A1 '. ' ritoiogiuptH tor thin feature HtauM Ul" "'T'l'ntr Dears tonlfAit vX the GeramnUiNvn lhrough 'lltc mu, 'rWf88'rf (o tho llatuty to,n,r, w h A' ' benefit for tho Rvii., i,,m m t.kiigi:ii Leducr Tboto Bervlo. gills' summer camp Evening Pudlio Lkdci:u :i 1 1 i 1' J . vt"i V ,' ji! i