T" si 7 K p 9 Jl. r , Nr ) 7 s J Tl Uj 'A' Ar( I'sO-j. " i. ' 'Tk M:. , T U vl . -, W Mi jO '5f. (A I I' it i r. i-V - ' T r rf . ., "'V J- .T 'f Wr If V, c' M, i ' i ,. - .. .'t - BVteirtNO: tJBMo BDGEPHltjkIMlk, EfbAT,tftTE aS, !&' .'"wfvri A r F''i ';w ii " w .'? I"' SISTERS r By KATHLEEN NORRIS Author ot "Joaadutta W(t&' (CopyrUht, ll)19. by Kithleen Norrli.) TTTnT VRTri this axon -Tin' .. ...... ... 4,- riu,1.. ra' J?tMtAr the California Icrt IMH0, ffdWlJfi''! and Peter Joyce, ineir mm ana noes at wmh f.ijA a rtrttlwanfllneeA pro- po'. K.?JofhertecMt. Peter has rt '2JJ?u Ss lit fci w& Cherry. rtoinl to thuood8 together," 'nevye,?0??0 aherry confused Vfil Tha -under cover of th trees. nfmnw it, continues -JrmiR talk wm Incoherent. Cherry T.7. eUtt playing coquetlng and arntl ,,X woraTfaw. and Martin, having J JTX. could only repeat tho en- dr Pl"i ttcmptcd t0 ox B, to her his love and fervor. Prt?0u darling 1 Do you Know how I lev. you7 Tou darllng-you llttlo ex ZZ,1 beauty I Do you lova nje-do H . . -nfnrtin murmured", and ?UJV" E?.fl' breathlessly: "SffiSi know I do-but you know i no TWH.tc$ rood, ano.ouS..v .. -.-.-- t,d her. blows of nis w. .!" .."V, utrln tho 0 . k.m him. helped mm imp m self beside n m'd" n8tantly touching trunk. their lianas consul hor to C V ill n t Id Srrhe7.lrva face bent over "2X8 nushldf paled. Ho had met She nodded. """' tJV do you BCe7 IhH ulrl at nis rnoiner d. v j , riTi? GUMPSAndy, a Champion of Lions By Sidney Smttti An?bnwT Her namo was Dorothy Kin. jOU kn.OWT uer " colletro Bho fn3 minPd to write, do you see? But hvad $? wVltten for weeks, and .then she hadn t ,""?" "' .ut nhn was en- . ja nfriiTHii lu ncb.r - -.- tne na ""vruV.- man. a man nainca KIKou .u .- forKOttcn tho namo. ui AP -.n&nchfuliy. How could ho over 8? ietTSftSag ?- 'Cherry said thai. Bh?.Pc"ev" "'K r ;UV , 0 had itd to tellher about It all tho eame. yJES; knowing her had .made him want really to be honest ana lo do K2. i.- in hl eves, nnd ho for- rave him his admiration for Dorothy Sne and said that sho knew ho was USS' And Martin said that ho was $& to make her the happiest wife a m..i,, h utrlnned trco. they ran down the sharp hill to the house just as Anne came out to announce luncheon, plter was wandering off in tho woods f.-.L. v. m. nl AHx's shr 111 yell of mmmohs. and looKcd relieved when he tJwch other. They had becv gone only "Annewho did not like Peter, had.de cldd nbt to ask him to stay, but Peter had calmly taken his UBual place, and had annoyed Anno with his familiar auctioning oi nong un iu mo uiuuuui m butter needed In batter bread. It was a happy meal for every one, and nftor It they had attacked the roso Tiush again, with aching muscles now, and In the first real summer heat. It was 3 o'clock be fore, 'VWtn a great cracKimi;, nnu mu fcream of a twisted branch, and a gen- ral panting ana neavmg on mo pari oi iii wnrkerH. at last tho feathery mass had risen a foot two feet Into (ho air. had ftood tottering like a wall of bloom, and finally, with a downward rush, had I fettled to its oia piaoo on mo rooi. none was pressed into service now, ami with Martin, was on tho roor, grappling witn a rope, shouting directions. A snowcr or uny mossoms nrai torn leaves covered the steps of tho ofllce noreh, tno garaen Dcas were irampieu deep, the seven laborers breathless and exhausted. But the rose vino was In Slace! Alls shouted congratulations to artln as he busily roped nnd tied tho recaptured masses In their old position. Anne had vanished for sandwiches; Ttter was being scientifically ban doped by the doctor. Cherry stood looking up at the roof; sho did little talking: she watched Martin during every second he aptnt there. Her small heart was bursting with excitement He had found easy oppor tunities to talk to her a dozen times under cover of the general noise. He had eald wonderful and thrilling things. -now n my own girl? sweetheart. Nou're the sweetest rose of them nil ! Cherry, do you suppose they can see from our faces how happy wo are7" I.lttle sentences that meant nnthlnir nnen oiner ups spoKo mem, nut that lila voice marin Immortal. iiOOKlng up nt him, sho thought of "io Bionous aays nneaa. how tnoy would all wonder and exclaim ; yes. and now the girls would envy her! Little Cherry. Just eighteen, KOlnc to bo mar ried, and married to a man that .Allx or Anna would have been only too glad to uln! A real man. frofn the outside world, a man of twenty-eight, ten years 7 man sne was. Ana now tno letters Bin to flutter through ,the bunualow "j nuuin ne marnea in c.iro-.'iu-lnlt rajah cloth, a,i Miss Plnckney In Kan tianclsco was; she Tould b Mrs. woyo' Sho could chaporone Allx nnd Anne There WAR n. rnnrllncr. 11nntnn nnleA S?-.6 I00f' a scream from Martin, nnd snouts from the doctor nnd Peter. With y k'w miainff ana rusning or tho rc- ftumblinsr and falling, down came Mar un, caught In a great ropo of tho creep r, almost at her feet tn.n,mo o?f srea.t "mnmg and calling KJmi ,cilerry. dropped on hor knees reside i ra. and hnd Ma imon nn i,.v hl?r a ni0Pent ; then her father took look ? ' and A,u' wlth an astonished Wp .7;. Lv uulbjr Kin s wee eyes, urow VrHteIawa'' Immediately afterward iiarun sat un. looked hnwilriprit.. .hmit .S?fr5 fac? .t0 another, looked at his hou.rhtfT.i'J81 aAnU BaId' f'Geel" n a sShI"1.10,"?! Anno, corning out with 'Tou?r.i ri '" lno uonorai laugh frowth..r,td Chey out of ten years' nt th."u4r.cproachea Martin. l-I thought ho might have hurt him. Self I" Chftrrv4M In ... ... . ..... SSmfSFi. AnP "clded that it wa Tbe comTng her clear duty to talk to Cherry! Af ?yndnar'" u8"8 "J1!0' latc- "at same SlonTwh K.he?.,bj' chanM "he wis th?n2'nnrfceru,ltlIe.50U.8ln' "oon't you rtiinFS. p? "would be a little more foaiitv0TTrcfifc Mr Uo more niS. mn :I u.kc! you- Qoar o course, iifcn n 12.wanf". t0 respoct as well as n?1a,.otty..Klr., ana l am nfrald ri2ieho8.ir.,tlcert Ul" "hs Interrupted herself quickly, as Cherry tossed her ?" ecornfulfy. "He epolte of It list Si?iht nnd tA,1x. 'e'1" m that you are M JhK Mm L 7u;j?af Un V Now, dearie, Martin Lloyd Ib fully ten years- " aMidtahV' a latt,cU,o!" Cherry ffnnMv!J'itil!noY nb0.ut that" ne said Afv im,rtroJ?cncroils in licr to add that J'f liad "nado tho comment gleefully, fmVL? 2ltst a&nlr'ngly. "But that Isn't Important. The. point Is that you are ...j juumh Kin .'!Ii'vvJ8h.you Youla a11 nilnd your own royal busmen tnr ahnttt n.-A pnnnn. Cherry said, rudely and Impatiently. She wns In her own room, rummaging on the UDDer Shelf 'nf tha rlnaitt tnw m MApinln hat. Bho secured tho hat now, nnd ran llrmArnmntilntial., m,m. .. t.. ... i tor, to Join Allx, Potor and Martin for the dally ceremony of walking Into the vlllago for tho mall. Anno followed her downstairs sedately, perhaps a little dashed, presently to dis cover that this dignified proceeding had ium nor mo wuik. -iney were ail gono. Tho houso was very still ; early summer sweetness wan drifting through wldo opened wlndowo and doors ; the long day wan slowly declining. In tho woods close to tho door a really summery hum ot Insect llfo was stirring, Hong, In dull minor gutturals, Jabbered somewhere In the far dlstanco to a friend. Anne peeped Into tho deserted living room, softened through all its pleasant shabblness Into real beauty by the shafts of sunset red that came In through tho casement win dows; and was deliberating between va rious becoming occupations for Martin might walk back with the girls when hor undo called her. Ho was sitting In the little room that was still called his odlce, but that was really his study now, nnd the lato aft ernoon light, through the replaced rose vine, streamed In on tho shabby books and the green lampshado and the clut tered desk. , "Anne you weren t there when that young chap tumbled But I've been worrying about It a little. "There's no question there b no ques. tlon -that she that Cherry called him by his name. 'Martlff,' she called him," Anne had crossed to tho shadowy doorway ; shn .stood still. "It can't bet" protested the doctor, uneasily. "Did Allx say anything to ou about it?" . .... "Sho said that," Anno admitted, drily. "YOu've not noticed anything between him nnd Cherry?" pursued the ctuciur. "A girl might call a man by his name, I suppose " ' "I don't think there ha been any thing to notice." Anne stated, in a leol tone. , "You don't?" tho doctor echoed, in relief peering at her. She could meet his look with a smllo but In htr heart wore the same thoughts that Cherry had been Innocently Indulging, under the rose vnn nn hour ago, and the drratn that had been heaven to Cherry was purgatory to Anne Cherry mairicu Cherry reoelvlng cups and yiescnM nnd gowns. Cherry. Mrs. Lloyd, with a plain irold ring on her young, childish hand, Cherry ahlo to patronize and chaporone Allx and Anne 1 "I half fancied that It might bo you, Anne," her uncle added, "although I know what a sensible little head you have!" "I'm afraid I'm a trifle exacting where men are concerned !" Anne said, unner standlng perfectly that her pride was being shielded, but hurt to the heart, nevertheless. "Woll. It must be stopped If It has begun," decided her uncle, "I can't permit It I'd forgotten how the little witch grows I" "He Isn't as. eligible for Cherry as for me, then?" Anne asked lightly.. But her smile disarmed the unsuspicious old man, and ho answered honestly. "You're qulto dlffcient. Annr. lou wcro older at eighteen than she'll bo at twenty-four: you could hold ourown ou could, In a way, mako your own llfo! ,She why, she's only on Innocent little girl; she's got dolls in tho attic; wo were tensing her about turning up her. hair last week'" Again Anne van silent.' It occurred to her to laugh at tli absurdity of thest quick suspicions, but they had already seized upon her with the curlou3 tenacity of truth ; already she .had accepted the fact that what yesterday would hae been the unbolicvnble maximum of humiliation and hurt wan truo today, nnd lees than the whole bitter truth ' Sho was not In love with Martin Lloyd ; shn wns not as susceptible as the much younger Cherry, nnd she had not had his urging to help her to a quirk surrender. But for the first time in kher llfo she had scon an absolutely suitable man, a man whoso work, posi tion, looks, namp, and character fitted her rather exacting standard, and 101 the first time she had let heiself think confidently of being wooed and won It waH all so right, so dignified so fitting She had been tho light of her uncle's eyes and the little capable keeper of his house for enrs; Bhe had been re minding her own friends of tills fre quently during the last year or two, now sho wns ready to step Into a nest of her own. Standing there In the doorwav she tasted the last bitter dregs of tho dream It was all over Anno wns nt the age that sets twonty.flvo years aa tho definite boundary of gplnsterhood. she would be twenty-flo In August AUv ennio In: fiom her walk glowing, and full of a great discovery "Dad." sho said oagerlj taking her place at tho supper table, "what do you think! I'll bet you a dollar that man Is falling In love with our Cherry"' Anne, nt the hcud of tho table, looked pained, but thoro wan genuine apprehen sion In tho doctor's face "Where Is our sister?' hn asked. (CONTINUED TOMORROW) i 6ec in roe-PApeic KtM-EO A TrWlWE THEY'RE VICIOUS .ANtMM-S -TMKY OOGMT TO '.KtU. TMGM ALC- YOU .fiT TgQST 'THgrt VICIOUS - t SUPPOSE THAT HON CPT HIS JO NO IE. HOME. IN AFRICA, -SWAM THE OtFAW AMD APPLIED t-D-i A., ,JOB N THAT CIRCUS 'US'' WALKED RrWT Ifi TH CACrt AND fiAtO--WMP ME. - MAKE. Me UoopCpeftocioos1 JUST -RBMeMOEl?. THAT MC OtDNT PlCtC TIMS HOME, OUT FOfc IM5CLF ANO WC WONT SEND OUT ANV INVITATIONS POR A JOY TO COME," IN HIS CAGP- - SHOOT A CHiN' IN MIS FACe " CRACK A WHIP - POTHfS(HeAOlrJ mis mouth t rc s M V VlOW WOULD YOU UKETOUC A NICE. (.(.CAN l-ION ANO HAVE. ONE OP THOfitS. SMOW OOYS PUT MIS HEAD IN YOUR. MOUTM - MAVBe. HE HADNT HAD A 6HAMPOO POt A MONTH IT TAKeS A LOT OP PATIENCE. TO TI2AN AN ANIMAL FOR THE. ANJNIAL . .. f in I THCY DO EVEOYTHIN6 IN Trtftl WOULD TO MAKC B.M LOO ) AND ACT -WILD AND TMEY ) EYPECT HIM TO BE DECEITFUL - WHEN,W ACTS LrfE HE LOOKS. THEY RLAME. - NVM.POfc IT -r PETEYWc Can Hardly Blame Him -- -By C. A. Voight. - FlME- SURcfUt Tae t -Tew Dollars lAffOTTLE EH PfTrVANkS Mac 1 Lt COMe ANO GET IT V J -EiR ER- Sat coTta go To "T&WM 'wtcvff AVaV SbMr VER.V IHPOlCTAWT 15031MCSS. OST CAMff UP v -Vmat A SHAME 5ciMet30DV E15E lAViti Jtjriou f- OH -CAW OW LET i SOMEUODT EL5ETAW2 J CAWE OF T "dXr-. d 18k 4Sk mm rs4 Hope.- i wooldt TfeosT amvoodt vajithTHisca'SE. The Young Lady Across tho Way Tho young lady across the way says the languages come much easier to her than mathematics and, what with French, Italian and Spanish, she's really getting (o be quite a polywog. THE JUNE BRIDE HAS LEFT HER HUSBAND FOREVER AND COME BACK AGAIN TO HOME AND MOTHER -;- - By Fontaine Fox 1 OYt-KHEARD HIM t m" fHiS MoftKlrtG REFER &$ ' wS&Ww to two as- Mm jf L i'1 jl7 SCHOOL DAYS nr A Turn 1 caw. r -yjP 1 B I BKP,i k SOMEBODY'S STENOGShc's Going to Be Maid of Honor i oprliht. :0. bj Tub, l-di;r Co DREAMLAND ADVENTURES THE FLOWER GARDEN BALL By IAni)Y lon and ex- siiyn fc ? thi Mower Garden Ball iio(h;, ?aeelor Button and hh 'itfc. bau. though m- ". ana set out to spoil the party ) OnAPTEn v flVEnI-Tmwi,t W,nd' Secr?t Mj -"Li UIINQ was rnnfnaU,. . WxS ? afuthft fl0wer foll searched ""1 bui?p,i S mUBl,clans stopped playing f W.SS, throuBhtlia Pl.usheH n nrmaicH' searchlnir. search- ' fluttered yn,nrtr' y .B.u'',,,s. at tho loolnfr. AnTi "S1 IoollnPr. loohlnir. div Uihn tha. nower neonl dnnli.ii Wwr. and ififfif V er.ery nook nnd Ki lt the in?iLne' ,mnJlnB. huntlntc! tpair tha n'"" was Blven up in do- "M'hfre ?nS0PLnc0i',, wa Kono! " crlffi t.ar?nh?, he'' Whorobcan she ' by my .i.0 ony ln dismay. "Slui k"! had dlsann?ni,nfi..moInent--",' Ilex' Prince rui"1??! Ana tfl tr" 'iprchlns Hevli llltl,(r and thither. ?'W hldlnir nX..C.ra?ny' crevlco "" P08: In iii-L'l" Place for nm. -I.,. . i.i- ".Jli'iK SMlh.,.i -"' w ""O W0RMIM6 Folks mom where.'s my- bag Dir vou see m- gloves ' DOtf T lTJJ?fiE.T To ST TK-.T r?IB80AJ POP I'GOT To HAVE &r7.Vo KL. "Tii i;"vlncrt. w Sw.S'S'fl0?, Buttons hava Kidnap number Wht .hi'88?-, 'D"n't you re 's Kon rJlJ1 'h?J' said about 'the nunch mist havi un, J? B,ont"lnsr ch .. 'But ft. "Lt tha princess l ront bv ih. r".c.,ur "uttoi lth y !Qe. table the nr s gone anS .'V- m n. ut ,h PuncU lm!" ha'? mJf fomethlnsr else,' they . "Bui ? "JLant the princess I" :?.?.' y th. tah 2L ,."UtL.1!. ' J" ; " ma and . ; imwcksh was iP0d That mnMtllQ.erv bacl of the '! Mi Jfii0011 not be' Oh mv urln. pls,tai,;nAnth?Wi?ow h ut th?A !.r ln 'Iscouragoment. ""! Bllli Ti,,S.lnUBh.room ta-bl." ar TMPt P bhJ S n5r tI,ro.a mlKht liava ?uer '. P led nl mJE nV19 excitement BlYl 0, WMoU"" We mUSt BCUrcl1 'hd dii!S!! .VmHnd of tha .n..nM,. i?..M,d out ?.,ter f0!!.8 !". Brciiipa , uurod tm nlsht wlni otlv tVtLSllMIt . examined, nnd every path Bono into with no result. The beautiful Roso Princess seemed to hao vanished Into tho air. The tired nnd disappointed flouers srnthored. around Pegfjy and Billy In tho center of tho garden to report tho falluro of their hunt Prince Peony broke flown and wept In despair as searching Pany after searching party returned without tho princess. Suddonly how ever, ho sprang to his feet "Tho (lowers nexi uoor," no crleu. They havo car ried away ray beautiful Jtosc, I know It, know It! To arnn, nn soldleis'." And seizing a roso thorn spenr fiom nn empty bush nearby tha hot-headod prlnco stnrtcd on n run toward the neighboring Kanlcn. After him dashed dozens ot the flower ioik, spears ln hand, and after tliem run nlnir madly camo Pcbitv and Hlllv cry Ins', "Stol SUi!" nt tho cry topj of wieir oiccs "Stop? Why should vo stop when my princess Is a prisoner?" demanded Prlnc Peony, turning to tlio children, sword upraised, Just ns ho readied tho hedea which separated tho Kardfim "You should stop hecauso jou don t know that tho Itoso Princes Is a prls oner ncxtidoor." cried Ollly breathlessly, for they had had to itin very fast to Iceop up with tha anxlouw flowers. ' Ite membor that wo didn't find nny of the Haehelor nuttons either when we senrched tho carden. Thev. and not the llowrra that llvo bejond the hedge, ear ned away the princess Pont start a rlll fight with the oiher flower folk. You may need their help soon ' "That Is truo I" agreed the prince, let ting his sword drop "But where, oh where, s my princess'" Tho night wind blew gently through .L. a . 1 tut . .... T V.m.' If inn im iopn. "i iuiu", whispered gently. un Tomorrow's wmmie's aedoiaig am' T To PAY FOR MY HAT Afi' DRESS TO BE MAID OF HOMOR u KAJOVi jsSComeom DAD rfoote i WUillHLP J A A70T A PIKER .4JJEH&I1? fOOT IFUVEfioT BESIDES IOAILW VaMaiT riTHE REST -HOW "lt)UTo HELPOUT-IX1 G01AJ6 ToAOD IT To My flWkl AATik fv r " " " " I MUCH HaVEOU LS2I I .- FvaJhw" n tu j t'Gt ?e AkiUi I -r y rj . i si -3 i y Ji i!mkfr V 1 v i i : )r- -" A -i . Hfe Lt ' LBot.5v tf M l7S.-: I BET THE .ervai Hi ML ojmmm I nor aan ' . ntnes I . .,,.... c-i."' : Wo j ' Cvtfi V. j) s j THAT MUCH ! p-J ,-JSS Q U ?L 1 j&f Flan war d - . a ! - -r- Three Y Dollars.) I I AH . AUb TOMORROW VfB A-E-HA.VWARO -lb' VJILL ATTEND VWlKJJlEi vneotiM . "CAP" STUBBSHc Didn't Get Away Quick Enough I know," It tell us. tell us. Kind wind," cried nil the Hovers, . " It s u necil t fl Cfrrci, uuir- Wlemi .,- "'"ir Wth clowworiii & tomt, I rS" l" whole enrden. rTOP-OH "POP - WIN I GO 30VJN TH "RVJC ltrH'"nrr M Hve M Ct--R FFC AN' HS ALU MIGHT M-M- tEV-v ,.,, 'Tillimrt-nin uillt he (oM AOUl A ' SIX- SEVerJy ( alHIHillllllllB. CESiTHRNK POPJ CM. on TtPPI. -III fo a By Edwtna Y T VIHAZZAT?) You sAin I I COOLDr (T" lis "Vicvi IV i V t' "it a could what N . - NO 70U v CftNTU- FORTY- ) Zr " T J , ' ., t) n iti. Af J ';i t By DWIO m i - murca, eery JBlrub j Joae Prince it retwtd.) I, 7: ft j ilki'aL' .i Aliiiiii'.. il'itiMi .ii, '.i,,4t-iiij