a1 i A . Hf ( rv U Ii i -? if vt " w. t5 j ey. (.- 1 FOR SALE ,5 " LUMBER rlllln trot 23. C,4, 2x0. S8. Sheathing. Hoofers' e'din M I L L W 0 R K i Thousands nf single, twin and trftv'.e win w with screens. Door of nil sl and varieties Waahboards. t round PLASfER BOARD ' ivral million fet In 10 fee sheets jimlnr unit electrical nature, pipes, ralvea, IS and IB Inch Royal .Ventilators. hiki in mill ivujni ,e PENN HAI.VAnn CO Wood; 4101 04th - Tlnlcum Ave , FUMED OAK DINING ROOM eonelsttpg nf (1 pieces extension dining room table, 4 chairs nil hurfet. 100 big bargain J. C. HOLME 211 Wavne av Narberth Pa l'hotic N'nrberth 1273 11 TOn S1.R An o'tl established and euccesj fill, well adapted and nubalnullally built works: In good eltuiMon and with modern Slant and machinery, vvcll-trnlnrd labor la mploved and there '. n aplcnd'd connec tion, largelv export minimum" offa.a con nidered would he C20n nno the estimated annual nrnils ir JIO l0 Write Hot 439 C 8. O Juddi (U flreham st London Fngland Office Partition, Railing & Furn. rattltlon $1 a foot and up1 rnllltur 15 foot and up both In Mock, furniture big lection w bus sell nnd e.rhnnge Penna Office Furniture Co nil Walnut at Phone TValnut 4114 or Main fllROA nr.DS bureaus In nil woods Slffrtt.1 dressing table lT.il UUm-room aultea 100 I Mlnnla ..... r.flO ... rt-Keratora, laraet aeier tlon of new nrd tie 1 furniture In city. 40 pr cent .mine open enlna ',"r" ul 4llvtrv. rlneteln "tornae Co S K cor Plh and ?nrlnr Q-irden . SUITS rncta'me 1 from merchant taller made for un: win aen lor the niee o' '(lor nc eom aa low as $9 J. UNGER (170 V lftTH ST (OKU tl'l p m oi'viri: rrnsiTiritK vlnrte lot of deka nf flle cablneta anl Binorn' off r fMnlture atore (lvlairea We b i iell ind orehance t'VTifN rrriMTfui: ro Toci'qT '(i 1 1 st Mi.-ii pt rtAir: inna Ton flUE-rnmiil opportunity, exrjulalte Heppelwliit-- reL-rtlnn et conalttn of eee nrmhn ' and 2 lde rhalra. built to o-dr bnut fulU cared nnd Innld will aaerlflre at Jtnnn tn b !n at 21 Elliott are Hrvn Atawr A7.T. maki- a 1 1 nr machmea aold bo'laht and exrhanued rebuilt ltk new and fully ruaranfrl t rocl,.liottom prliea I.llxrts TyTwwrltT ro nun rhlnut at OHIO aa erelne 21-hore power. flrt-claa and'tlon Including clutch, gaa tan and Plrl'ir. t'so al- artr mnt I" o il pr'ce t40O. H M Nsl.ohlan .1040-41 Iarchwood ve Tl'mont 1121 . HI-CIS .100 Wl ton xrrlnter Rru'sels tan'lr all room ! 20 loids furniture of al? I !nd 'o furnish ur home fr m cellar lo rfl' at h" sa l"c o 10 per cent Ketone ofir 11. "I R'd ye oor Wnllac st. TlVOxarloads wlr ihnl-s lust reclM-d the famo is pitented double-brace chnlr 10 do?.: table to match V lze special. 10 Olio fo'dlnx thalrs ltd 10 dn-! Oakwood fhalr Mfg o 11 100-07 Rtco st Hon1!- for ' low orl e mtll thoroush- bred con.biiullon mer rid 1-n nnd drlxen . hv v)UV ail i n, w ahrovl no dexleri un ( 301 nenv n Pi OVnrtA I "S nnil blouse. in.-vll ladle se- eral hund-ed nal-e 1 in nr nalr In lirge fliiartltles 1 t rtiildmsn 11.1 N Vmorlcan ELECTRIC 7'ITl'Rr "peclil cnmnlete 7 renin. l.'O Elite Electric fixture hop i HH nermniown n" IIS BICVCI E coa.ter hrnk perfect condl- tie? va .T a I.oan Office i H Cor Ilth and Arch niiviCHtVrort from factnri to ou at cast: or mnde to order, wholesale and re tall 7 Marko Ichjt 2J.t. . HAnnWAnrflTSINrSS long eatnhllshe,l will aland clo. I'UestlK.'ion prl in-iio for esh on' J P 12Q Idc- r Offce VAT1 RKSr 10 Ih lotton oltie if, rOc- 110 n'l l K' ingold's 70.1 o-, Pans ynnlc-nM (e ghr -tt Vh and Italnhrldwe) OnEKNHOlT- ' Irtx'H ft also w 1 ml 1U nCi i -i llf PPlj 1011 Admi. are 1 - n't rd P ' HErIlH'P. OIlS ind fixture, for frnor!e and n.eat mark t term. If desired ra; in., 'go i3L " TOtl H .!: T man nlants 12 pr 100. H MI'ebe 1. -" O-een st Ronhorough j1VVivrl, i w and 2d hand Men. shades -vlnitow i"erlna s-nd postal 1121 IV Erie SEcOND-llAVP hlnik corruaated Iron for ..I. 1. Mennri'e. 4271 Penn st Fkd T1IRKr: -.e v lawnniower. $11 110 and S3 iijjgV t H-irlnT 7M1 VOOU TABLE'' 2d hand bought aold rent- i . j. -.!.. nmmA l.,.nr .'"1 (llrariT ale (TAKKS. fireproof, closlna ot inn angntl used, modern nnkes rh-in 72 V fourth PHOVOORAPII" i-n'd record. . rhoiog'h. n b'gt ...exch Werschoff. noi IValnut st lIHATKR bo' air rlth cild-.lr duct comb ' Call 220 M Penn Otn o" ph Manh m 117 6TAJ-PS AND COINS S1.U1P1 PACKETS DIME SETS Alburi. and suinllea for stamp collectors PIII1.A STAMP TO 21 17th st TYP - WTITTERS- NlT SUPPLIES Teiter5 A 1 mke. 2(l up n iiir s guarnntei, "t day. trial Ilund Tv-mrlter Co ' he.tnut t CAR. -T C-EAJJINQ . CONTINENTAL CARPl-T CLEANING HOUSE rt IT s- DfUL CHESTNUT Crlen'a i d I'"' t . ' arn.ta and Rug, rx i' - oured SUMMER STORAGE FREE If eplice r (ut irn MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VjCTROLA IX iniludlng .ii 10-Inch D F records 121 .elections $10 10 this la a handsome nuchlne with Htest Improve ment.. II ." weekly II II Todd 1300 Arch I 91 sna ?- Mffcit kt J300 HTORV i CLSRK" RS note pIaer piano bea itiful ane used a hort while, cost $700 term. 1.411 be arranged guaran- teed. R R "odl 11 111 Ar. h st IICIROLA '1 "Ith six 10 Inch D K77c orda $10 10 tr outfit for one looking for a good ni,--h n it .null price V It Tcld Utilft Arch I ai 1 J.'n Marl etst T.MIINiilVCHIN'E new m ihoganf7n"s,r 1125 reri at price J.nn fu ly guaranteed IJ.50 wee v II R rmlrl 1300 Arch st -'''' ! 1100 UN I! M.EIl'S player milmuni ease t 1 pi 1 111 110m now, mso term. rrangel II P. Todd isoii Arch st ttftll I EST! R good torn! t i upright cost 1473 gui H H Todd ISOll Arch TURN v 11 1 d' ,nto new ones get ash or then. 1.1)8 I-i!tort at n ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD tT 210O south de!jhtfu eouni ele trl light up tidite rea ' It. de sonable O-IKM-im r SI- JUI7 D.s.rabie doi'ble looms single and ORKEV ST J010 Hounekeeplng apts oTl xaie ntli no and up jariUnr SPRUCE ur" 1711 Attr.r, roomTTnm erate ie i-nii, entrsl In-atlm aPltrcr HT mi.' iHolmshurstV-Dnuhle and single lacjn In henutlfullj furnlsh'd running water pru .tr tdth elutrlc light continuous hot watur phones FPItl't K 12.'4 I. .il airismoi deDe.ii- rm a'ngle n m. te niv lath IValnut 7171 BPRUCE 8T Mlj3-Third storj front Toom also room t n fmrth rtoor WAI-SUT IIO'-N, el Iurnl7hed rooms single i d..ube private baths board op llonal 13T11 VNli I i I i-'r -T4" s i,uh lrge ee und rl or unfurnished room hut ana cold Tier eieam he it onen tlrepUi-e JITH N 1311 HOTEL RURIC lTea"TirifuliT furn.! "Ingle and double rooms electric: illy. vreeklv ratea conv to stations, best accommodations for traveling peopl e . mod 83TH ST N 1720 I nfurnl.h.d sittlni; roon private fmll reasonable 1ITH ST.. 8 al8 (the Perrln) (below Spruce) I.arge front room newlv furnished, cool. private aulte IValnut 7803 im J IIMiy-hr-V-MIOItr, AllrtMK CITY ATIvVriC CUT- 8U1 Pacific ave near Statea av I irtfi furnished room, with housekeeping privileges newly beautified 1 HUH re from Honrdwalk I squares from Pennsylvania Rtatlon COUNTRY BOARD WANTED "VPOODLEIOH." Towanda Pa. Modem electric iigiits. bathrooms, farm attached good food owner trained nursei storage for ' gntata auioii.qoiies, dookisv. aiiss i.uztDeth tm. ICOUSEKEEPINQ APa-lTMENTB WALIJVCB 8T 1031 Reautlful new 2 ami 3 room llxht-houaekreplng apartment, un rnlrhed. private liaths: beautlfullv decor atsdt air light rooms. Apply MASTIIAUM BROS, - PLEIKHER 1424 H Penn square CHESTER, "4801 Third-floor corner apt , Mtlthern exp. , 4 rooms, kltihenette IjhIIi n inclined porcti pr aun pallor juu Ifremlfes u TAT I It - SON. i!U H rtth st 2t unci; IX ST Furnished housekeeping a pa ft men i private earn, isu per mom Kit l APARTMENTS 814 d. IinOAD ST. fi-room housekeeping apartment. Including lth nnd kitchen i see Janitor on premises nr CHARLE3 B. PRBTTYMAN, 1105 Land Tit If. llldg. ' APARTMENT HEADQUAnrERS Central apjitment rpeclal'y, Hherw ood Apt. Agency. 22.1 fl. I) road at. Some very atractlva turn, apta I some ria.uegccplnc. MT. VERNON. 1817 Furnished or unfur nished, s rooma, kitchenettes, prlTata batha. cent i hot wateri also whole second floor, un- mrnisneo; several nouses. llJJM IT1 il.Ulf IAn.lllIH VW"! I - rooma 2 batha. hot water heat electricity! Porch, furnlabed or unfurnlihedi aultable home or apartmenta A 020 Iz-daer Office IinOAD HT K . 3228 Ulgh-clata apartment, beau'lfully furnished i bedtoomi. alttlnit room, dlnlnc room kltchii, bath use of norch. . FI'HNISIIKD APTS., will aublet from May IS to Au. 13: 3 moa ! 8 room 2 batna It 7 Johnaon. Agent. 1219 Cheat nut at rmNIPHISD apta for rent Applv 210 W nittenhouao an l'hon- Spruce 1.111 WAINUT ST SOU' Onfiirnlaheil nparr- lnent! electric llithl hot nter heit and 1.1m n..n nt nnv 1MM . in Itaa, no chl'dren rc- APT3 , 100 for rent V T're Realty Co , apt, apeclallata .113 t.lbert ride. srni't'K ST. 1 IC llxc lion' corner fur nlahed houaekna- Bpirtm'nt 1'Hle 2st iiKsTriiii.ii.T.i'in B IlOOMq butha nlild laundry Immediate poaseaslon 401 it WAI N' T T S KRtNWT"lN t MON 7H3 H 1TII T W4KR,4riK'IL . TI.VTI( ITY DOAIIDWAI.K" AI'VRTMKVT st doalr- able, will rent for aumm-r eeaeon I fur- nlahed toom With ul h hit nl ' enld eon water, refrleerntlon porch fndnit ocenn I Apply 2-C Vrrmont Apartmenta Atlantic iiv, a i NICELY KfRNISIIED ilroim npa rtment rentral looi- n neirb.n'h fm "rt !(" land Adxertlalnv Vnrncv AtHntlc Ct N J APARTMENTS WANTED TrT 'f ultu'e dolrea t) ahare lame harM m v rtirninu poron npi nun nn-, other lid of nUift tnte rlvlna htshet ref. i ereno i Ideal enMronniont .in. i.ei un FURNISHEDAPARTMENTS Kip.N npt rn'ia' Jt rms nnd lath for sumn or i retltieil people Ju 1 p-me olo it r r ol iH-n'Mo J exposures Ihone Fllbort .'..'ii p in Sat nft write A 003. ledger ' ff i APMtlMi-Nrx trt-, to !.' mmthl) stenti hnt I. irotv prU-ite famlli l.lll'J I o 0"T i 2107 WMVIT -T" (tho n. th-AllMl) Hand aotnoli anpolninl I ind J i-oom suit's with prl it- hT'i en iig Ft'RN PT' "0t loc b wek if des Sherwo.lArt geno 221 .S Broad st n n n-n KsininE nt i:n cit Lpiuur . i I l ith 4 tii'dro trns pl n i illillx rut- pi' I One looitlon will Irase to re- sponM ne fr m Juij l to s-p rmhor I for $100 Pin. O erbrcok 111 D Wil ilnms Ml'l I - bedrojms with orlWIeuen for '1 '1 "" ni r h -APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELM4R-M0RRIS i'i Amcr.iin Plan CHELTrv v -ntj Monnis 3T Amrr.tiTi Plan GERMANTOWN 20 SIINfTrn TO PROW ST STV.TIOV 1-rn'slnd an i infu nl.hed .iiPea THE GLADSTONE UTIl AVD PIVR 'STI ABV-'ljn'LY FIREPROOF ! S HOTEL COLONIAL tpntee at tlth st Mo.t lei'rable accom modations at summer rate. C PITMAN TIAKIT. 1R THEWINDERMERE I'nint) ND LOClT t BUIOPI'W AVDA1t!RIi Pi.Vs THE IITT1E HOTEL 221 ! nnsd st V eo 1 pla e to 'He w'i'le in Ph! Jlphl HEAL ESTATEFOB SALE cm A WOMAN APPRECIATES A MODERN HOME In i0nn b ok. rrT,culurl ftmili ut ) Dru4i 4t 11.100 suited to a rrflneU no ntmfntj" H .ir 1 ind floorn throufch- out hot-w r n kt inunur unufiMi rtupM &t in VhU J lor ni dftht hi Re-en ht an tlmo upun mbr l 1.71 I wl ! oat r-d tnp nohT 'e 4 (droorr)i Mount .in t tthoiK in!' r raii' tnnrpi LIEBER. 338 Catharine St. 2428 SPRUCE ST. ' "NTVIVIVl. Riiii ' GIRARD TRUST CO. Ri I I" II I N T -" vr. n jlm.y l initiation " tinr of Vt l'h Ih 1 h i il pr!c to n tf III lij tho Ann n nt, rnn arrann . 1 wh their pu 1 t TVTK On- i " - ii pin 1 i j h f a! ut rAor r purchiTP ? -i-- irui-ri ri lilt) i 1'! MI. FUTON KH- i Tt irrib m Hide 1031 RENO ST. eoNTWNiNi. - in mi- in ruin GIRARD TRUST CO. PI i KM Ni i IIL-TNM T .'T- 6711 KIN-(,-l -si(i WE N K lorner Nine lare r on. gtrige prlMlegc $-000, alut lri renntni: Hii 1 r Jin r ues OnO block V Miv St.. 2 sciuirs 1 rih f li.ti -! L station $1700 eaih I tt ish nee 1 d Nl It r,.'7 - lith t P - W il anl 1111 11 Modern 10 Rooms and Bath V st eiutlfu i rn r basement level wl'h .id WMlk su.table for doctor's rt -- m f kirnge flnnni.ed wi,n- lrful rrportunl for a nuU k sale 1m n lute Dij.s s.i n Owner P 411, I Mer ifllre 1815 N. LAMBERJ ST. NTAlNIVl-i 4 ROOM AN1I I1ATII GIRARD TRUST CO. lltOVD NIJ i Hh-INLT STH l.n . ultl h.N .il ' ir. I i! ourt i ho r UMJe t IJ'i II 1J-11 Nectarine prop. rMis will sell ns .un t unhaber Phoni W ii nut 4-" W ALThlt V II VI II I I IJuH i hestnut st HRiiVD ST 1.00 h i Immediate posses ,1 it 1J on J iKtns hut WHiir heat ee trl In imh tin'.nei r unfurnlsh, d suit i1 ' h 'in n" ' ." Ledger (Iff 2428 SPRUCE ST. N I V.ININ , II t ic Vis vril GIRARD TRUST CO. ic - r i r s i ,M4 IllAll, Pi SSESSION I i ht ri n . anil i at i 1 irl t 7 r in. and bath ... ' N 1001 v lenuvuti I 11 Ml VII KP S1I amir i et Tio,e 117Q 1017 10 iiltlv,' N ST imrttnent house 4 storle. Jli ne'iue t laths to.im heat t boiler hut vvatir jacket ,10 foot front I n 1 feet 1'ep house. In g o 1 repair will tike mortgage i.'.'li 11 Mi HI N 1101 1KB SIMI-TR N 1 , n rado 7 roums ivhlte plumbing, li'iiOu t i, 0ei 1-11 N Opal 7 room. $."fl(ni -i(-h 'SIB 10 21 Arl'im (I rmms $2100 ear 1 trilRIIER 4 I KE134Hnum, 4 rlOU Jatnrj bllck house 7 r om. and bath porch fri nt good condttlit, n, Hate poasesilun Ingulro on premisi 3i,.i N Uratzai 17.J7 OlltVItlJ A1E 4 st . brownstjne ta r .' baths h w heat ele Ugi t, niri aou.1 n, r. lot liu IHJ loFlora si -uituhu f r tl-l P'" l''t" '"'" Hn I ""II. Ml I70 lll.CK'K N' HTII &T Porch i room, and bath vacant prlco 14410 , - .r lSS Oilham it Phone Poi Chaw 1372 1 700 rt 1 01 II dwe ling also rear 701 War nock st EPW IV nEYNoi Ds -,u W. . .. tili jimturil "JUT nut at 411 H, 13TII ST rented nt tun $fOuO oiien for .offer, good Investment asseased t Frit. 300 JluibMln llldg 71,1 K WH.l.AiU' ri 1" torv hrovvn WILLARD HT run torv Htfl, iriim iv., i,- nun mu convs prl". 1.HC0 FASY. lNH. and htllessi" ' 447 NUIHH AH ST ,1 atory II r aTid bath r.rlr 411IHI m Fa.v I ail, ndSHi.. TWO and-! stor hou.ea Oesu parish I moo ul I HY 18th and StIUa ma lEIlUHI vr W H room; bath and out lde,S' l,1-nla W'ehlrh ave :th jo simmer ir d h 1..'i2 ft hea A .ul U - J3TH 313U N --Porch . n in, ,, Ii( ilrv lUBl'U iMiiPuuriiir u..i I'urk m, :i030 N. VOTIl STr-S story 1 1 roonia. Urge ?" "-J" "aTT . rooma. Urge T-yrdl au. a. iu. imager onice. Evening bublio LH0BRHitAifi)fi?HiM Kij)Ay,wis 36 jwo ' HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1900 N 24TH ST. s-STony nnicK uvi:lm.no GIRARD TRUST CO. imOAD AND CHESTNUT STS. 8004 N PERCY sr Hlx rooma and bath, rnircli Butch lull, waali traja. electric light, white print now It papered and Painted porch nwnlnca ahadea nnd linoleum for kitchen price $4(100. net uulck Owner P J HKSHON , IliillJInr Ixila, l'artory Sltea. Ftr. KENSINGTON FACTORY SITE Excellent Iac'or altp In the no'rthoait ac. tlon containing nlwut I) ociea, railroad aldlnc ud comenlent to labor, one of the beet ' l" hid In Philadelphia! 1113,000 A fi I -di;er Office ructorlr FACTORY FOR SALE I"icto Kuinnnir on tviuow at., conialnlne Jl mm ,iuare feet of floor apace, elevulor and nth' r , oininlenea, will bo aold on ac count of oncr rctlrlnnr from bulncta. I7R OOll P 410 Loi!gr Ofllce. Fnrtor rv Miirelioiiaea. Iliniifucturina; Moor 1NDI -4TI.I I. PI.AVTs"BrehouMa rail road nn I r.ter fruntRKO JII,1 I. STI. IJNMOV & HON '. I. ii'd Tilt- llldt! I artorlea. Manufacturing Flnora FACTORIES AND PACTORY SITES Hi en here In Philadelphia I Ol ! S. IIINSDURO l.'Ol (.hestnut at KUrr IVont Propertlea RIVERFRONT PROPERTY Valuable Dlnire rlierfront property In beat nnrf .tf ti lt railroad aldlnc run nlng Into wharf ind subttantlal brick build ing, containing lib ut J.1.000 square feet of ground, whirf I client condition, dlmen. alona 10Oirn f prke I1H3.0CO M 200 T.edeer Offl - uriT i'iiiiahei.piiia Free Rent, Heat, Light Wo will s 11 lly npurtn r brook aortl n hot-water at miNlern 121 ft "ton 2-fnm lmiii lowir Over , room with hath octrie!M strictly lut". rcntod apart- menl will fii xpinsen for on ou ocouni Immoiut, tiession, sim ple npartm, nf JiJO 1I sdowne ne.: open da l I i- i""P o'lon immedi ate pos s on nn'l amount of cish unulr d GALLEN & CO. 122S. 13THST. Walnut 7'.37 Rati .103 I.. i m'miwi,!iiiriUiii n i wniimiuintCTiu mang H I H KT. K VI IFBTR of erv de- slrable home, for xle, ranging In price from SW0 up all are ex cellently located and er conen lent: some are wcant making Immediate poseloT aalltb I. M. C. "Enburg 5J07 Kalto a !E , Figii,innw raw wjimi ma a . n i mt wi a 1041 S. 55TH ST. Bod bouse, modern eburl ,t gis hard wool floora through lut h ' water heat. In I olosed porch 171HO for linmedlatt a lie WAILKMAN & BAblI C7n n uni st Phone Punlar .'; or Phon Overhrook 411" J IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6034 COLUMBIA AVE. lONTWNINO. s nooiw Mi Uni i GIRARD TRUST CO. . I HflAll NI Itl- -INI - r-. I 18 S. 56TH ST. 1 Corner hi use exrellf nt location modern In e;er detail Inclosed porch enrage, excep tional opportune for doctor iittrarthe price ror nulek sale Interior can b seen onl b HHiolntment WATERMAN & BASSETT il73 V 15th t Ph Pip J27 or 0 b I, 431W DETACHED CORNER NV.r 10th nnd Chester ae 10 rooms and tath HMng hall lire" heufui rooms cr cellint trolle n I ir In ficilttlrs owner ealng ct I'll - rll EUGENE L. T0WNSEND s cor 4 il Pi It 1m or a ! lltSI 1 li'I N -l t rn ninnl lUd't Pintrldge i . lit , 4100' iliilj I'plun.l i Ah and white H10 llil Relnhirt 1 mull and white -u-o ' Hum - Ithnn imh and white Isfini i.dll pi 1 1 I J mng A white 4JO0 lO.'O K rep e mah white lo nin sour vni i nt cn riNuv h IJ. P. Cunningham ,,;"; x. 802 So. St. Bernard Street Three. storv n .' baths tot i a Inc hall u i ee rtiilrU nriSW ein hel residence in rojms r heat electrl I ghts ll mpolUd to leve t te cltj EUGENE L. T0WNSEND q i: r titi st nnd Haltlnmn nu; I.O01C A 1 I'lll DUINO MODI.R.N IIOTnS S3J utn mo i a ueuroonis OSS N i win R b r VIxlOO 37(H) sp t. le-n or ruoilcrn 1114 H '"ii varufie prlvllcico 17 200 10 7.10 11 (100 UflOO 14 O00 Am d Mr inuu aiorj I Ul A. M-n,,r-,-tM"1 .N 1131st ii . IIII ' 'PubAr -Jl N at once 100." & 41th at i atorj v ii 'n t1 ne hot water bent eler- trlclt . i ii s larire attli white and ma lioganv ir II. ' 100 terms arranged Ii 1-NT O PAltKI.U, li 31 iv i st V nut 117(1 iHHERMOiIi section .1841 Ashland ave Ileautuu - story porcn-ironi aiveuinir not. water I it - ertrtc light tile bath bullt-l" ahovier i re.l home bnrgnln owner mo v Ink truin L.- TALI.ANE U0O. Walnutat 1111 s wil ION HI f.x large rooms til" Lath n i liundrj electric llgh' flnlshei In whit i 1 mahognnj nevvl papered at lde..l I ,i i rice I50O0 JOHN- .M ENUfRQ -,.,i; H t nve T Ni vacant corners Including eT tikf- i li-rn In ever respect, In Shei vo-il He 1 1 i miltabli for ans buslnea 1 Vul 1 4 iu h.N- uoin vvonoianu av Wo Jiinl 10 1 ( EDAP WE Attractive nlde-ard dwell- i inga .' Datns i wiunre i rum car line JOS. ALLEN POTTS ,hg. 621 vv .! NLT ST -Hlpe for Improvement. ra" '67 F. McGONNELL - -7.1 481 nth st i ii II WE seen mine of the rest, now see 11 re of the lies- most jnouern nomes In v -t phlladtlphU Remember Crosa stands f - a 1 that a good real estate GOth and I r h vonil in 11. 1 HFI MAli ii:itnB TWO HTOR I IIEDRuOMS ELECTRIt HOT-VATP HLvr lIllIOOD I'LOOItS INCLOSLD P ilU'II liooo S i" KDWI- 141S WALM'T ST 1401 I'AII carrjtng charge. 110 monthly. il33 .15 13 51 N Maj at issesson In 80 clajs J blocks norm 01 inm bi 1, rltatlon . . .. I .. I nn .inmlu..l,l t..t.. . co it Hpei'uimivii nu,,wv. mi iiiv..viiirni. owner UTS ."th at 330 AIK K HT Dwelling house 10 rooms, lot 40 it troni ueinn vo v-nerry st L 11 RD iv REYNOLDS llel Lombard 22S. p at .- iiaiout IMM POSS tor mod beautifully decorate,, white and mahog 4 bedrms largo Dutch bi'l girnge prlv (1143 Haybrook ave Tagle j. Hums till'l IVrodland av IVood'd 1U1J rfooo -Entire v molern 7 rooms and hath hot water In at eUctrlc light, poaa . own I. vvlng clt 1017 S r,4th st HAKER SiiNS IJOl llHltlniore -ive LoTlNER fmanred 1033 h dlth st . a years oil hot water heat hardoo4 floors etc i.frl-uratt n room garage privilege $7n00 !! VA.-' nUIINS &J140 1Voodland MM post) .'.'00 bloclt H Ilobson st i rm ' hath li heat Dutch hall pretf ireet enel for home bujer; $4300 Tagi. Iturna. 0140 Woodland aye .Woodl'd 10,13 157 s pEAdl End house. 8 rooms, all ennvs vacant papered throughout, $32u0. i.r.u sutii, i "" .... ...nrfc VaTaNT Move right In new 7r homes all mod conva inciosea porcn msuu. Vagle 1110,1 CUlll" Hi.iu" urns 03411 Wood me ,,,,, u u " 4,ti home buyers 1800 big Vogdts I Vatfl. porth good cond $2,100 poaseaslon Yagli llurna 03411 Woodland ave Woodl'd 1013 .1407 WlLImS AVE 7 'ooms, new : com prim or phone Helmont 770 fl dim stralsht Plelei) moi mien iur uniipi appiv on 41 N IStb st rm . i, 11350 nno cash - ., W5Itn ;'?. hT I aivvuivi -- . .... ii.aivi 1 r i' I vIriNT1222 H 44th at . 8 at-., porcrl. a VACANT 1222 H44th at . Fair., porcrl. I ' rmV. Binplr Trust Co., 44th and Lacitfla" v"'" HEAL ESTATE F0 SAliE WtMT rillKlDEt.rHLV Home Buyers an Speculators if sou ha 1300 6r more It Will oav ou to aee u- before actlna- elaewherc. We have an extra lar.e Hating for your selection. Here are a fen : ,100 block N. Old ,1700ft 1400 block N. 2d (10(1(1 SUOblocl: S. Hli at...... .,,,.., MOO 100 block N, Iloblnaon .,..,, ... UTnu OTItERS FROM I2IHO 1P LINSLEY and ADAMS (13H AND ARCH STHj rielmont 0100 5020 HAZEL AVENUE Three-itory brick dwelling, 10 rooma, aide ard larco lot! contenlen nelshborhood JOS. ALLEN POTTS n.MglM, Iliialneaa rropertlea rnd Htorea X 13. COR. 0211 AND RACE STS. Two tory atore nnd dRelllnu; irotid opportunity for lmproement. price law D. F. McC0NNLL Spruce M21 t 1207 Harrison nidg HERMAN TOWN SEDGWICK ! sure to examine these properties now If lou are looklna for a limine In the fall Thev are modern well located and flnnneed 19,7110 semidetached atone dwelling il bedrnome and uithi electricity M3.000 (1 bodrooma and bath hard woid lloora eloct apice for garage 112 ion hedrooma nnd luttli elect 7,r00 2 story, semidetached, 4 bed rooms bnth, modern $30,000 detached dwell'ng 6 bed rooms. 1 batha garage, hot-water heat hardwood floors elect corner property tXt.WNi detached atone dwelling. 7 bedrooms, 2 bnth hot-tvnter heat lect 3 open fireplaces, hardwood flours A wonderful lot 100 fett front with fine old shade , S C TOUIIISON v 7014 Rojer St.. Otn T. (Itn KOI or 4411. ! CORN-lt PROPKnTT Three atorj-. all stone, semidetached, 12 rooma. Including 2 baths southwestern exposure, room for itarage, Immediate possession; $10,000 JOHN 1 URAHAM, Jr.. 337 Land Tlt.e llldg Spruce a007, FOR STORES Oil APARTMENT HOUHi: Gertnantown n near Johnson; lot 07 b about 3110 14-rm atone house.oldahade; photo J ''TKIf ft SON. I10H PHKSTXl'T ST. STONE HOl'Si: 13 rooms, bath; lot 107tlHO fruit trees, veitetable irnrden, price reason obi Applt owner. 741.1 Oermuntown ae iin in ELEGANT semidetached home In Lonan. 8 rooms and hath hot-water heat electric lleht tot JiitliH), Immediate possession. OWVl.R 1414 Voomlnc hh OAK l.Nr. 10TH ST Colonial detached dwelllnir. IS rooms hot water heat, beautiful Interior, lot 7Si,J.'0 o.tl shade and shrubber teailnff city price reasonable JOHN II. SHIELDS. York roail and 08th ate KRNKK(IRD ELEUAVT corner home 11 rooms, all con enlenc s Inrge lot. 2 blocks weat of Frankford ae and cleatcd station, prlio Rltractl . CAS'-IDI IlltO ti',21 rrnnffTord no. i'kn s i.v viv-i'nritjivs' CHESTNUT HILL mignlflrent all-stnm Co toma! hom, commanding an extensive view of the, Whltemareh allcs, dl rrtl upposlte the finest Philadelphia auburbin es tate This property con tali s 7 chamber. 3 baths garsge for 3 cars, lot of cytr 4 acres U dutifully panted a Place von will be n-oud of and worth every do Ur asked for It seo photo at our office. WM. H. WILSON & CO. MODERN DETACHED HOUSE AND GARAGE A most desirable corner propertj with attractle tu-r'undlng. nnd In nerfeet condl'lon contains 7 bd rooms and 2 baths, hard wood floors new electric fixtures finished In white throughout, 2 fireplace" Can lie flnnneed ulth little cash for Immediate sale WM. H. WILSON 6k CO 700.01 02 MORRIS BI.DO Members Philadelphia Real B.t ito lionril WUHMWrMyf If inu w ant modera f" nrirrd pntnfortalilo nn rntent Suburbftn Honif ou Hliouhl hti- thU pr turrque rornr propr rontninlner i. rh imlri 3 btli WMI r I ronrn hnrd hot- (r h t t lar lot, with J fin riariiKe tllfd r- "oppfr uttr nl pou nsr in pad for MTruum r aninc tjAuut)(ul rroulnp nhrubbeM WM. H. WILSON & CO. Monnis GERMANTOWN n til! st ine Colonial rel diue r)-llfhtfut larc 1i irr room with open lire Ple 4 hnmbern unU J ill'' 1 hath or necond floor. Miliar- room nnd sranta quartpr on 3d floor Con cntent to Penna R R and trolleja Immedtat iMjssesaion WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 02 MORRIS BLDG Member. Philadelphia Real Latate Hoard NJiVAfetfffi:WM!'ii,'.l' ii'iiilir'liiiiittiHiiiilui uijiiiiiiinlil I Detached Residence at $8000 IIou r ntnlns 0 rooms Including 4 "hambir. nnd bath electric light and lit v at.r heat homi It on a plot of ground of about . of pn acre, prop erty Is at Lanidile Pa 13 minutes from Reading Terminal SMULLEN & 3ARRY P HP.OAD ANf f IIERTVL'T TS It IIM.MITV III III! 1 ? ill 1 tl ft li l.lil U1 'ili'B W'IFII MMIU1 IDIMl'l Miim lJ LAST LANSDOWNE PA Bargain in Refined Section (inn of the most modern and beauti ful homes that can be procured for IbOOO Including a largo plot of ground Must be sold at once Fi nanced to suit Phone to arranae for Inspection at Lombard J471-W LIEBER. 338 Catharine St. 111 NOAI.OIN IN POi'ONO M.OUNTAIN8I 1800 feet elevation, finely built fully fur t liihed large living room, 1 bedrooms, each with hot and cold running water: bathroom: servanta' house, with kitchen and laundry: billiard house engine and toolrooms; garage for 4 cars with sleeping quarters, llulclc truck Included gaa light In ail buildings: 70 acres Including woodland, cultivated field! and stream, one of tho most complete sites In Poconos fi miles from fresco; worth t.'S.OOO: will sell at I1J.O00 to settle eatatel terms arranged immediate P?.,"1",.,,KRAJ,K T MA TTHEWH Penfleld llldg,, PhHja A nice Little Place in the Country Lots$69&up. Bungalows $1500 Plfteen miles from I'niiaueipuin in ueia i.Vr. "count i.eV? chooIa.;churrheB and i hlleis rainu out Kvuiday mid see thU prow. "4th and. Chegtngt .'', v V'-ft' I a.i, unA rliatnu property. U 310. .T"jn L-Wjn Oak i rim . , ,o7 l m I I I i i Pi I K -no 01 OJ MORRIS HLDO M ' . Member. Phlla Real Es J&& 'VKs. tate Boird Jiy , (f GERMANTOWN Ee i V 3r llqUim5V ivr OAK LANE tlL "All At Art w.-rinn rt llf PKs. Members Phttn Ual Ustite jfiSr N Tin an! Ar few'iijii'li.'' '."'V 'Tf-"-'i f!''J'Vllr'e'riSisgiy f ig. I I If i 1 ! 1 ! l" j&y MUllllMlillilM j flt V EAI ESTATE FPU SALE rrrNya i.vania hi 'nfinnAN ' Are You Looking For a Suburban Home? 55r B3 Sr lRS" Just phone, write or call at this oflicc. 'One of our representatives will gladly offer something to meet your requirements and arrango inspection by automobile. -i LQ ' I ! Large and complete -list of residences located in GERMANTOWN, ELKINS PARK, OAK LANE, HALA, CYNWYD and PENNA. MAIN LINE. SEE US ABOUT YOUR SUBURBAN HOME Phono Walnut 2537-8-02894-5 SMULLEN & BARRY Broad & Chestnut, 1206-11 Liberty Bldg. i W ?, HAVERF0RD Bungalow containing llvtne room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms aral bath on first floor; 2 bedrooms. 1 bath nnd storeroom on second floor, mod tin; largo lot. price reduced to 110, 000 lor lutck sale. MERI0N W are offering scteral ry at tracttte houses at this station. De- tails upon request. ST. DAVIDS Mm ill house In excellent location; 5 bedrooms. 1 bath, garage for ona car, lot about 140x110 ft.; price 18500. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. 32? COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. Locust 2870 11 -y ' " ' " - - , r- I i SEE THE FURNISHED HOUSE AT BYWOOD Byxood Is only 2 minutes by trolley from C9th Street Elci-nted Terminal only 18 minutes from City Hall. Beautiful detached homes, ready to moe Into, and rlKlit nt the trolley station. Blp llilntr room 4 bedrooms nnd hath, with scparato marblo shower Lots 50 feet "Id? by 120 deep Prleo J13.000. I.tttle down -0WER MERION REALTY COMPANY 1C44 Land Title Bldg. nulldere and Owners Phono Locust 20SO and 2712 ii-eini.-vn on rtnsonT Large hous outbuildings, located near Penn. Cove Pa . hardwood throughout: fur flcenlshed, vroport) contains 40 ucrea, will ell as a whole or In part. T)J 1 ONAP V. Centre Hall Pa. ARDMORi: PARK ARDMORK PARK Lorlan ave, new atone and stucco dwelling, Just completed: everv modern comentence; lot 73x125. open- for Jo'lTN'McKr.nMVN L SOV 14SS N. ,11d st cin ItnaiRAHI-U RCSIUENCK In excellent re pair, hardwood floora, hot-water heat, new 1 electrical fix irra nnd papering. 10 rooms, bath, 0 bedrimms: lot 70x1,10; excellent lo cution on high ground, convenient to stn tlon the first time thl. residence is of fered. Inspection b appointment. M 21S. Ledger Office '. KI.K1.NS PARK , JinoOO ,1-stnry. detached, up-to-date cona : .-. herirooms 2 baths, garagu. lot S2x20u ft possession. 7 minutes to station 12 I mlnutea to trollel. C. V QUICK. -400 . , Allegheny ae. . FOX CHASE 70IN OAKI.EV ST. lake I"n Ltiuse car No .10. lot 34x10.1, garago privilege, hot-water heat Inclosed porch etc new price 17000 Y1JNDT Ilullder. 301 Tahoi roHd oii'Nsiiir. This Attractive Five Room Bungalow With All Modern Improvements stone flrerdaee 100 ft frontage on JUIn St IMMEDIATE Oi'CI'PAN'CT In ' - ... .... . nr. quire oK1 nf (ILEN-RII)E MANOR RBAITY CO danlillt Road ard Hazel We- Ard frat P M. or Hunday Stop off at rdslev Station OLENSIDK. on ai- to Wll'fw O'cve Take car No, I'i running west 1 Krlo ave 11 w 1. 111 mill jj-lLp HAVERF0RD Attractivp all ton rrsl denc n ir Vnna Station weond llo ir 4 chambers J 1tht thlr! floor 3 i ham her bfttri nnd ftorrnnm i-nrnc-r lot (if or 1 aero with beautiful old nhadf. In txrellfnt rf-idntlai nn tlon r m be neen only throucli WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01 02 MORRIS RLDCI Members Phlla Rtal Estate Hoard I'l'i'iniiaKitr.'H'r'' I ,rr 'rnTTrl ihi.huvnij;aiik I POSSESSION Jl'LY 1 Modern dwellings,- rooms laurdrj and attic, IU80O OEORUi: I HA.lv.NKh Uiil Chestnut tt. 1 -lnut 4il81 I NSit)W.NK LANriDoW Ni - Nine. mum modern house Phone I .in I u, Uil.' W , MELROSE MELROSE 1117 btratford av.. 11 roomsul '-' .5n?,14Cl yhob est location between train i nd. .t.r.0."e Immediate possession. JOHN H. hllll.l.ljy ork road and l8th v. MLIROSK PARK MELROSE PARK Finest corner home In Mejroet Park all atone Colonial 1J rooms a baths hot-water heal, fireplace, hardnod flour, gaa and elec, copper gut ters, eb lot over 1 acre with garage, lib terms 1mm pos. $27 (100 Melros 14un W " T JIAHIHERI Melrose Park. Pa MEItlON MERION SU scree desirably located at an exceedinglj low price, ripe for build Ing operation or good speculation! P) menu can be made aatlsfaotory to purcnaner, only a small amount of each required 404, Ledger Office. 11 ..UlLJ'ilefiw 7'.'". 1.' 77 at Av f - j te IS IX REAL EBTATB FOR SALE rKNNWYl.VANlA WIinilRIIAN ARDM0RE All-atone Colonial residence and 2 car garate; well-planned first floor, second floor. 4 master bedrooms and 2 batha, 2 sen ant rooms and bath In rear: third floo, 0 bedrooms 2 btths; about 2tt acn.a of ground, can be ten by appointment. BALA-CYNWYD In tills desirable suburban locality we have In ores of the most attractive sections of Cynwd a stone and framo dwelling on 2V4 acres of splendidly elevated and well-planted ground, containing beautiful shade trees; first floor, hall living room, drawing room, aun parlor, dining room, kitchen: laundry lu basement: second floor. 4 bedroom. 1 bath and large store room; stable accommodating 2 motor cars, with man's room amriJMmgiHmiM MERION A beautiful hoi Ion t , and plnster residence, located In good section of this model suburb, containing 7 chambers. 3 btths and sleeping porch, electricity. hot - water at. exceptionally large lot with a numbar of old shaoM trcca: early poises alon WK HAVK A I.AHOE LIST OV DKSIRARI.B HOMES IV Tllfj SIERION-OVERIJROOK SECTION 'm H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 MORRIS I1LDO Membera Phlla. Real Estate iioara mMUmmiMmma ,- T- T1VO bungalow-type dnelllngs ino 000 and BO00 WAI.rER S HPT1IKRI.A.VD. 10, Maple ae. Hula, Ta Phono'Cjnwjd 80 Tt NARIIERTII wiiiurMiiiiiiii FOR SALE NARBERTH Cxceptlornl opportunity to purchaan unusuall attrnctlvo and aril. tic 3- siorv modern s'one residence. Doubln hnrdwood flours White woodwork. ino uain. JU7I1 eicanon. garden. loner 305 W00DSIDE AVE. Telephone Narberth 800 W Hill ARTISTIC SUBURBAN HOMES Detached 0 to 0 rooma tile bath, oak floors; large lots; (12,500 to J 10 000. A. C. SHAND. JR. 817 Commercial Trust Narberth, Rldg. Phlla . or Pa ovKrtniinoK llllllUIWtrflaaiiiiSiSiiiWilllllll.lfT-! .-TrtWllr.'Maeffry-eKWrr' OVERBR00K ill stone English sts!. residence, finished In white throughout ard In perfect condition. Large inclosed porch open fireplaces cen tral-plnnt heat. electric light and large lot This Is one of the few moderate priced desirable properties being offered for sale In Overbrook. 1VB HAVE A LARGE Livr OP DES.IRAI1LK HOMPS IN THE Ol KRirilOOK MERION SECTION WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01-02 MORRIS nUILING Membera Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard PRIVATELY BUILT HOME, 7 chamberr 3 baths- garage: large lot WALTER S. SUTHERLAND. Rata. Pa Ph 1 Jmi)rtjl0.n NEHH VMINV FALLS FERGUSON'S IIUNCIAI.OW SITES Lnrge lota. $".1 up. nr. ata and creek, 'i iniie 1.IUI--UIII r vy, nno uuniioK nna uatning, 17c Reading Ter. : eaaj pmts title guar: sena ior pooKieircrKuson rront and York north ni.Kihinr, TWO VERY de.'rnbla oulldlng lots on Hamel ave, ;oxllO, nil lmnrovementsi will sell on roaKonable terms or at a bar- aaln for caa-. M 203 Ledger Office FBHOUHC.f TRACT, large lots, $71 to $;r,0, some with Springfield water gaa, elec light, erts pavmenta, guaranteed title send for booklet, ferguson. I rout and vork ii wins if vou want a real Subur ban Home arrange to In spect this detached stone plastered residence con talntn. 7 chambers 3 baths, hardwood fonrs. electric lights central plant heati garage: lot. 200x400, In tho heart of the best residential section Pos session In 30 davs Can be seen onl through WM. H. WILSON & CO 700-01.02 MORRIS I1LDQ Members Philadelphia ileal Estate Hoard WISH UIICKON aii'imw .raMii!iii iiMiiiiniuiriiiiiiniiiiijiiiuMiiBj HEAUTIFL'L suburban home, near Falrmount Park In tin resi dential section of IVissahlckon near Reading Railway station, sure to in crease In value 510 E. HERMIT LANE Thla Is a 3 story brick dwelling, con. talnlng 0 rooms and bath, lint water htat, electrh light, large porches; garage for 4 machines, ver large lot. plenty old stnida Hre un at once, G. C.& J.F.j B0WKER 4371 MAIN, rf,, MANAYLNI, 400 LIIIEKTY HLUQ , PIlTtiA. BI mm Hip ' Tw I ill fltaBW tl X ST, eauemM:iui--lJtlJUUl'Ul.ffi-Jjjgra'? TliffTemrr?rTflfrytl(lTrsriTrrinm'ri i Mining r ST. DAVIDS 1 Hi y - ! BHAL ESTATE yOB SALE nku JKitHKv Mtimmn n 11KRMN 1IKIQUT8 irnnn in a a m n ,t Nine-room buniralow. all modern convent' enceii. , uniii. aicam neat, iraraaro, hen noune, ihtko anraen. pianieai nno Ola ahadel near stores, acnooia. cnurcnea and a in use- '"' 1,'u,iL"l ." "' "tiiion. 14 mi ea l'hlla.i only IROOO; terma. UAriuiuua, .iierlln Helahts. v. .T. 1VICHT UERLIN Attractive home 7 rooma. Dutch. hall: fl minutes railroad atatlon: ttaraa-o. rrult; bla- lotl 12030) bargain. E. L. J AlfTI tntllli lirrini, pft j CliAYTON rort HALT! Country realdenoea. with all conveniences, at reasonable tfricets worth jour attention. . i ' L. n, LEDDON.' Clayton.' N. J. lxl,n BALE Ten-acre farm! arood location! dwelllna:. barn nnd chicken house reason- fvi iii ivji virnrii maKa inspsition. L, R. LEDDQN. Clayton. J. DKliAirt PABK ''J?-. lix? . co"or Balfour and Juns road. leUlr Park N. J.l nrat 1230 takea It; a bargain. Apply 8. K. 11LACK. 810Lneonoy ae , Palmyra, N, J. NEW JERflEV ffEARlJORi: NO; 10 MTH ST., LONOPOItT Kurnlahed cottnge for sale! to settle estate: 7 bed rpoma; very reasonable price; wonderful loca tion; Immediate possession; house will be opened over week-end so appointments can be arranged; for details phone Oak Una JDS !?. eX.n,n1' J" wrl, 03 Ledger Branch. B17 IV. Olrard Ave. ATI-tNTIO CITY ATLANTIC CITY COTTAGES BeautifulsNwly Built Detached Cottages With Privato Garages BAIlTnAM AVK . NOnTH OP VENT Noll AVE.. CHELSEA KINGSTON AVE.. NonTII OV VBNT NQIl AVE.. CHELSEA Containing 8 rooma and 3 batha. K ..,, HU.-IIIIKI went, uicuinu nam, ardwood floors throughout, beat of plumbing, stationary laundry trays, shower and lockers In the basement: spacious porch, terraced lawns; modern in every aete.li: immediate poaseaslon. Thorough Inspection Invited. Financial terms to suit purchaaer. Sample House. 22 N. Bartram Ae. Open dally and Sunday. A LIMITED NUMBER fOR BENT GEORGE W. SHISLER 22 N. BAItTRAM AVE.. Atlantlo City. Or Your Own Broker Tlefore ycu buy or rent, consult ua Furnished apartmenta and oott&get for gala or rent. OPEN SUNDAT 177 8. VIRGINIA AVE. Reasonable Rental! 2M1 W CAL- tSTATt mmi miti ATLANTIC CITY 80.1 Pacific, near States ave.; modern. lR-room house, 2 batha. electricity. ga. hot-water heat, 1 aquare from Iloardwalk: s square, from Penna. Sta tion; price SIO.OOO; onb 13000 cash required; owner on premises FOR SALE Ten small house at Atlantic City by an estate; price 118.000; part can remain on mortgage P 40.1. Ledger Office. AVAT.ON nAROAIN, 27S0 Two-family house. JO rms , fur,; ocean lew. Ilov Ii. Avnlon.N.J. OCEAN CITY FOR SALE 412 Central ave.. Ocean City. N. J.; 7 bedrooms, bath, large dining room, kitchen, outside shed, with garage; furnished: lot 40x100. 2 large trees in yard; price reasonable. T. T. MATTHEWS, 741 Land Title Bldg. Spruce 3030. OCEAN CITY PARPENS rOR SALE Bungalows and Iota. Ocean Cltv Uardonai railroad facilities, can he bouirht i pon convenient terms. Applv Harry IV. Pealer Co. 1Voodlnne V, J, SEASIDE lIF.ir.IITS ri'RNISHED 0-room cottage, nil convs,: near ocean; servants' quarters In base ment. Apply Jnmes Mercer I)als. Security Trust llldg , Camden. N. J. llell phone B07. WTONE IIARROR FURNISHED COTTAOE: 4 bedrooms: $2000; furnished opt.; 0 suite. S rooms and bath each: $71100 5201 Addison at,. IV. Phlla. 214-Acre Farm With Horses, 22 Cows, Crops, Tools Owner unable continue farming; splendidly altuated: machine-worked field.. 80-covv aprlng-vvatered pasture, great quantity wood and timber. 400 sugar maples variety fruit, big 2-story 20 room house, furnace, water In kitchen, maple shade, magnificent view, A.'-ft. basement barn, garage, leehouso, other buildings, all excellent condition; everything, Including aome household furniture and part growing cropa, only $11,000, part cash, bal ance easy terms. Details page 24, Strout's big Illustrated gataloguo farm bargains 83 states Copy fret. 8TR0UT FARM AdENCY. 14JJ C A Land Title Rldg. Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 200-ACRE FARM BOO FT. FROM LINCOLN HIOHWAT I1ET1VEEN PHILA. AND TRENTON 12-room atone house, tile bath, electricity, etc , $0000 recently expended: bungalow: farm house, complete buildings for lnrge dairy, etc.. sell low, Including stock and Implements. PETERB-BON.B0B CHESTNUT bT I'lliu! FARMS. CHESTER COU.NTY VA no acres, good buildings Napd aoll . ,.$1 00f) 7.1 acres hldge , soil streams i) 2,-,o 121 acres, bldgs , aoll, meadow a 0,400 2.M acrea, bldgs, fertllltj, meadow ,. ,221fli) R7 acres, Wllllstown township 18.100 103 acrea vviiuaiown lownsnip ao.QOO A. L HALTERMAN. West Ches'er J I"OR HALE One of the best farpls In Rucks county; contains (il acres, meadow, stream, orchard: 8-room atone house large btrn and outbuildings: in exoellent repair; prlco $8000; Immediate possession. Address TITUH FRANKLIN Doylestown. Pa. A (JENUINEf KARQAIN Eight acres: atate highway; 20 miles t0 City Hall, stone dwelling. 10 rooma bath, hot vvatir heat; necessarv outbuildings; shade, fruit! good location: nrtco $11000 IV. rORREST MAOEE Southampton. Pa 72 ACRES: 7-room atone dwelling, barn fur 12 head, necessary outbuildings, no fruit trees, stream, woods; Just over City Line: near Lincoln Hlehwuy. Rucka county; prlo $11000 IV Forrest Maaee Houthamplon. Pa. NEW JEBHKV FARMS A FINE 3-ACRK FARM Ten-room house with all Improvements: nice lawn, plenty of shado and fruit, trees with good ground and buildings. A short distance from trolley ir P. R IL station I. HAINES LIPPINCOTT Rial Estate Exchange 11.11'. Qarden at Mt, Holly. N, J. 20-ACltB fruit and poultrv farm. Improvid bldgs,, eatabllahed oil ktutlnn. Immediate o...ioti M SCRIHVER Vlneland N, J, X. IIAHILA.ND FARMS Eastern Shore Maryland!! OVacre farm near mouth of beautiful Miles river, large water front, abundance of fish, crabs und oysters; residence, tenant's house and outbuUdh 302 N. CALHOUN HT. llaltlmore, Md BE AL "ESTATE WANTED Fl'RNIHHED HOU0E wanted on Reading R. R. batween Ambler and Philadelphia, for July, August and Hptembers man and wife only: best reference Address Fred Wagner. Tremuut Hotel, tnsdule Pa , or phone Lansdala 37.1 WANTED TO UUT. home with conveniences. 11000 or less city or suburban. Address, giving exact location, description and terms. M 214. Ledger Office. Fnclorlca. Manufacturing Floors 1 ANTED Factories and warehouaes sale op rent, give full particulars JAME.H L HTEVEN'SON - HON 22,Land Title llldg for ornnw. miHiNF.sH roomh. i.tc. MAN'T to rent, now or by October office, about 1000 square feet. central Phone I ocust 11I4Q WEST PHILADELPHIA Your Real Estate Sold ?8.?,.alc,J riTZPATIUCK, 1341 N. 0OT1I HT. REAL ESTATE TOIt KENT CITY $75 MONTHLY" on j early lease: Just com. pictea, moaern i-rouin porcnr rnnt dwell. ln. 11130 N . Woodstock at, Chelten and Limekiln ilket transfer from ae Old YorK roiu M. H LlEimiCH 2S40 Ridge ave, dkhiuaiii.I orriut. on wn nut .t i. tween Itn and stn it. Apply LIPHKUT-. WUIt-EL - MAltaOl.lN. T-l Walimt at. 818 N. KlfliOAD 8T--Dwllln part," .Frae O. .DUcn, 1614 Rle vt. JtEAL EStPATE gnttirpfr.r CITY Bualnesa rropertlea and HloreT SECOND FLOOR SPACElnir heart of tho tetaU district. Rel! sonnblo rental, va FRED B. STERN 210 North AmcrlcilR Silrl- CENTRAL STORE AND BASEMENT 10x7fi FEBT 8TH AT. NEAR PILnERT P08SK8HION Jtlf.v i ,1.. IEASB TO ItE.SPONHlRLH'Tnviiv. -OODFOJl ANY Rin-AIL JlusiNffl, SB I 7 n luul IIUA1MUH. I1T1I A HNtrnra 25,000 Sq. Ft, N.Bro"dST,ll WMTTtlW nt-t-irt tll-U v il 16,000 Sq. Ft., Kensington POSSESSION AT ONCB 10,000 Sq. Ft., Warehouse BD AND OIRARD AVP ARTHUR B. FRASER lain sansom Race 2Sao Hnrnee Sin Oirngea OARAOE for rent: 2 large rooms onin T, garage. Apply 1214 Unity st.TVnl?.r0a( OFFICES, ltUHrNKHH llOniLi rci For Rent OFFICES DENCKLA -BLDG. N. W. COR. II tli & Market Sts. APPLY Heymann Bio. WIDENER BLDG. Locust 5023 Phones Race 807 COMPLETELY furnished offl iih. ITrr stenographer In building to deliver an Ji relvo mail, etc : Jl per month n,r" - " "-'i-. "'ii'ihi mn , rni i D..SIA?W:..?.'E..I,.1-M0alnli .. ?''. Walnut at.. 31n Harmonj st b" men f27 Walnut at. Appl) 11.' s tih " lnot Store. 10TH ST.. basement; 2331 N (lood-alic More find rornr: jmini KNIEnL'EHLER 3J2I N. park- avt N. E. COR front and Vine t. t ...,. ooMy i;-l:-.,T.v,b"1- - '',i"y ! roil RENT Largo rtn'-le, rasllt miiv.rM to a. ifaraae. 1321. ".1.27.1 ! H o ia thi.... .. Juniper st. Immediate posses. Irn. P. P. 1IOYLAN. 100.1 Nnth st HEKMANTOW N DETACHEI) REHIDEVCE. with rn: 7 bedroom. .1 hn rags: modern: 7 bedroom. .1 balhi lone lease S C TOURIBON 7014 Royer rKNNSI I.VAXIA SI'IU 111! N A1IIII.I4 (1I1A.ND courtry hole. 3 acres shut. thin. bery, vegetable garden. Colonial dwelllnj,; iikiiib, eivi. iiKiiv, noi whiit ileal garsfce, lino month Henry Ulddlc, Ambler Fu session imineqiniei. NARIIKRTII IMMEDIATE POSSESSION YEARLY LEASE $100 PER MONTH Nine rooms nnd bath; hardwood floors oivn IirepiBCC nov-vMlier Ileal, qieciric HKni JOHN A. CALDWELL NARRERTH, PA. Phone Narberth 140 8T. .MARTINS NKJKll S KYSI 1 Ml III t E ATLANTIC CITY WE HAVE IAVE MANY . deslrablo coltaits cottat) for rent In Chelsea and Vcntnor for the mm mer sonsoii at reuuceit prices, vv vi n vi, ROLL - CO.. Portland and Atlinllc n. Ventnore CHEI.SKV COTTAGE. 7 rooms bilh In i helei 1450 for 3 months Phone tltn '.'14 i Vv CAPE MAT T1YO STORES . ,, ... in...... n.,lli.nt- Wahlnrter, ft.' iiuerir .iirui, "I'll".". ..' -.-.'- . fjes' business block' dlrallo nrportinil'.t for up-to-date confectioner, etc., or Ilae m business. iucny .viiiiiiiiiiu ... v asringion nil, - mi'n "' . '- i... rooma and bath; select Apply nnp-eraliii for Adam Buelke14Slltl LAVAI.TTTE "r, tl MT rnrntiiheil' Laval ette . . .8-room ' cottage; Bleeping porch I WW from ocean. Call TlogoSSOO , FOB REl-T FURNISHED CITY . imn iiknt Furnished for summer 1. rem tinllfe. .. ....... - - - - -.-. nf nroLH'1, . DKIIie. . " " -,,.- . -..In .n.t lenltev cholci Main-Line" P?lce $.100 Write 71 Otis dl . rnllaricipnia. LOOAN A new hand.omTly fiirnllW 2 '. detncUed home; roim-r screens h""" floors' piano, vjctrom .,r"""",, ,n7,7 st ion II7R- no children PhonWaJnut rr.NNHYI.VAM1 1 HI HIIN ii .:-rT-"" iiav 11 r for a tu iii.' .".,lr. ... ..?OTN!aHi:pie-oi-.... .;. ,.,, List on iiPPHctttinn, Phoi ."...J-.', T j7 V, PETKltH - r"J ...""' - AIIIH.FIt fiirmsli "i IIW COLONIAL house for r nt per month from Julv I t..i. rihnne Ambler 104 J , ih i Hi".1?,' Mr v 1 " llo'l Ambler Pa . x Nr.iv jKnpr.-"i.J""'!- ATLANTIC flTI - tructlvu renii. "-" -, (1111 for inspection - - For Sale rirst morigagc " n1o:ae'xnSME w CENTRAL TRUST CO. nEALEHTA1EDF.PTa MARKET AND " "" " - rsWsw i Hajj"rt ir TO I nsettled titt ' u BMW Inai11llg " ISO $100P DW n. 10lh st . " ' r....:i. Imme- n " f,.t Interest l fi50 dlct v."-"i.. namti ai UU- $m -mjum& KiUE U .- -;. a t.It SFlorR-ph,.;'.g.-"Tolldera' .ii? TrustI-- gS' MoNy3JAN - -TfPADY MONW Tr iamondh. iVATCI.ua u JMy United States wan r-Lt; -aLma&s&s & ST. MARTINS H Rent Yearly Lease 11 I Furnished or Unfurnished fr Detached atone Colonll 1 , home, picturesquely located I m with nearly an acre of Bl ground, old shade, there I are 0 chambers, 2 baths i I flreplacea; excellent condt- Bl j tlon; near atatlon. WM. H- WILSON & CO. I 700 01-02 MORRIS BLDO !j BR Membera Philadelphia Re-il Estate lj 'wk Hoard Sp " MORTOAGES ISHi IV ff 1Jej 'til 4.0