i? ' 't.i 'j Jtf '"?'"- t- . ' x-- ; ... w 1 Ei. m LI.. 1 l? a Eii- ' 2&-f v 1 nNAXCI11. itSF"0 tiir homiioii. or nr.HRTKR ,77, l"l ;n l'nli Comnmiy'ii Can. oil. ' !. "" "' r Crai Hold 'VAfllel Fourth of me lYnsnlidiieil Klrst FMorUare. listed Msrelt 1st. li02. ixTurlnn fni shore bonis, trmt nn the fifteenth day ,- nuuu is nerery Riven, pursuant tu O'flork Nfmn n 5,"llJom ' Stephen CIItun l FWitphl. rrnnaviv-in'.a. the ril RulMlnt. Full. Ifft ft III Ih. a m.. Jrt of th holders of the ouutand'nr bond. Issued. Under an1 secured hv eaM rAMAii. dated First Mortsaxe fnr the purpose of votlnr on the prnpoedreleas from the ll-n I afid operation of said mnrtKaie. of the fo. )nwlnc parcel! of lard Includtd tn said m rt- i : ' Three met or parrel of surface. In Sum snerhtlfc Townjhlp. Camtria County. rin- i aylvanli atxreaatlnc about 340 scree n ytrchea. proposed to b sold ta Conrnd I wendernth i Twent) .elsht trae.tr or parrl of roil j situate In Cimcrl I'royle and Summerhtlt I Townahlps Camhria f'ountv, I'enrnHsnm artrecaMiic about 3407 arm and 1.1 farthest, with 07 acrea sbd 55 peich" of, Surface, proposed to be told to the Melt a Coal Company I Eunt tracts or parcel or rnal situate In , Pammerhlll. rnrtage and Mun aHloi. Cambria I nuntV rennei ter Town ratlna about IM arrea and 40 perches proposed to l txrhinerd with the Summit Water Fuvl i imoanr frr tvn 'rarta of coal tn Munster and Pumrrterhlll Toirnsh'pj Cambria County Tenrolvanla arreittln tn eoual arreaee WEHSTF.K COAI. M) fOKK COirNV ny a n KPw-VRn1". FerreH-v ard Treiturer Dated Ne Tork .time IS 1!;r). nitlrirnda Mays Food Products, Inc. New nrlrana. I.a June II. 1010. Dividend No. 2 At the rular meeting of the riosrl of Directors held Saturdat June 15. 1P;o a urterlv dlt'dend tf "ft was declared en the preferred etock of the company, rat able. July IS, 1920. to all tockholdera of record June 3" 1H50 J K.H BLA1H. Secretar) NVADER OIL & REFINING CO. DIVIDENDS NO. 52 AND 53 Mukoicre Oklahoma The reju'ar m.mh i ditldend of I', and an eTira dmdnd t !'f ha ben dedarrd to lockhold"r of record June l,Mh. 19JIJ pajableJu l li.'.'ii i h ka will be mailed. k I.. I. HOI II. Trraaurrr. -f'BnMTTNT ii nniv.Ki.KCT rFc" lortfoit.v. THIN Hut and VI Jun 25. lH'.'ii The Board of Dlr"Ctora of th Vermont Ujdro Kiertrle rrporatlnn baa di.larfd the regular cumterh dli dend f one nnd llire quartert per rent on tno twr rent cun.u lathe prefernl (. k and the rt per ci-nt cumulatlte pief r .d tm K .f the romran). paab!e Jub I 1'i.ti t mv khod rn ui ro ord at the oa- m buinee Juno HI. 10JO. N II SON" Secretary THE V 5 HAIlSTiiW M VNAUK.MINT SSyiATInN INC. Oft illiii: MaiLisera Ml Pine t New York I1INC.1IAMTIIN I.IIIIIT. UK.T AND I'HM KK t O. ninihnmtoii N V June 'JS n.'O Tha Hoard of t)lr-cfore of th ninham , ten Llcht Heat and Power Co h deolarid 1 the reaular quart'rl dlildend of one and onr-ha f per rent on the H rr t-nt cumu-. latlte prefer ed t"rk of th compam. pat-1 able July I mjci t.. 'Iiviiho'dera of record at the clone of bu'n i June Id lv:o r N Wli.jitv Jecretar; THE V S HARST-IW MAN.UJRM.NT SMWiArmv IN." lip. ratlns Mania r ' JiU Tine t Nejr yiV JUTrROPOKITXN KIHHN mi PA NY Dtier N I June :. loin - The Board of Directors of iht Metropuli'a Xdlson Compan haa do'-,..' Mi ran ur quarterlr dl' Idend of one nnd thre-oiiiirter per rent on the 7 per cent unvjia't' par tlrtpatlnit pi'ferred Him of the imrnn payable Ju!- 1 IPSO to torVho d-rs of record at the clot of hiilne Jor l1'. 1PJ" I" N WM SON s.".' THE W S HARSTOW IN ihMEVT VSSOCIATION INI Opwi'rftlna: Managers Ml Tine et.. New York She new jekkv i'o"ver and i.k.iit COMPANY TJoter N J.. June 2"i 19J'1 The Board of director of the N"ev Ji Power and I laht Oomp-in has declared ie recular quarterly llldend of one and three quarter per rent on the 7 per rnt rum. latlve nreferre.l atrck of the compan p Abla July 1 inju 10 atockloldr of record alt the close cf hu-int- June ... 1P20 r N WILSON Serremr' THE W P n.MtSTOW VANAOBHENT 'lfJA.TIO INC i.p-riiilna Mtnac-'i "o Pin- . Ni- Voik WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC" , & MAMFACTVKINC. CnMrXtt A Quarterly Dltldend of 21 tl Ofl per hare.on the PllEKERKED Stock of thla ,76mpan fill he paid on Julv if, in;n U A Dltldend of 2 HI. no per jiharei on tha COMMON Stock of thli Companv for the.- quarter undine Juno .10 lfilo u h raid Juiv .11 in:o Both Dltldend? ae ptb,e to Stock solders of rec rd a nt lune ",n ;o . " f n''TZ Tr.aaurer New VorU June in. injo CONSUMERS'ELECTRIC JLIGHT AND POWER CO. INeit Orletn' The reru'ar quartnrli dtMd'nd of One and thrt-o;iinrtirr per cent H.",' en i-e rrt ferred Slock of t .e rompant lua be n 4., elared ptah June 30. 1930. 1 jto, k noinera 01 rc jru June i'i.-ii xn tranaf t-i at the rlnee of busfnet June o will bo reopened on Jul- 1 ";n i":n an I A I- I.INN tr Tr'jrur . r Herschell-Spillman Motor Company Common Dividend Herschell-Spil.man Motor Company Preferred Dividend The rtiuir iuarrer, dn ldnd of "" ppon the outatan Ijns Preferred a'ock of "i Htrachell Sp llman Motor i moany hi! I Wen declared ,,-.at. .ir i. lofo. to Pr" Xrred ihareholdera ef rword June o. ioo PERKINS June II tCIO Treaaurer. TIIF II I I M f It MP a, .ON5 siriP m K.Nf.lM- III u.niNr. (. I'lllljllelphli. '. . , . r June i ft;n The PmH of r r - or, haa thla da d elared a oua"r' diMi'nd of t, pr ,,n, rayabe Jj f, ifjo , oockhold-ra of record a r m nn Juk u,..f( Th franafo ho r of ti,. rpam Ml be r-o,ei for tt"- ".'( of th. diMdend from 1 P. rn Jj ' jrii in m Jul, in 11 n mm cs t TATi.-n - Treaau-er riunnKi.niiA m nESTKBN""miu S'nrneto.n Ta June"? Ifioo Treferred smek DUIilend No m" The Jli.r'l of Pire-tnra haa thi 4n d rlared a dl idend of one anil onriuurter 11) per eent on ,he preferred ,in,, ri thla tomruro pi'tb' Ju i ii ii;() ,, praferred ii' 'k," !' of record the cloae ef buelneia lu i- It" 10-J0 Checka w u i -nailed SM SBEB KRfl J '-" -r.-H.ir.r SHE i.Eiiif.ri nm: .vsn n u, T7o Phllad" l hid l.ioe JJ 'O'fi lllildend So inj The Boar I "f M,n,r. pii d- declared quarter dhidend of 3 per rent (HI per hre) on the .apl'a) e'ork o' ihe rom pany payable Auicuai II fi.'') to a'..ckhold oft ii realatered on ire hoel,,. ef tti- com pany at 1J n lo'-k ron Ju'v 31 0;n Check will he mai'"d io mockhnldera h., hava filed permarent dividend nrdera HKVnVJI PESE SerrMar " THE MAVXMVK NATIONAL llNK I nun re jun- mm li'i." eiTr.3 f"r'.u it se'r;;'n0nr"ahrd"i!dh:"nd',or 7 nd an exlra diMdend of 2 on the capital atock. payable m and after Jnlr let. next Until whli h 1ii tlie iranifer books will remain cioaeq ano na anaea .tin iwiu 10 in eurplut fund rf he bank rnaklnv that Item 1600,000. IJuldend 'betke wtl be mailed El HENE J MOnillS Caahlar 1 "rinT NVTi6NtT"nNK rhlladelphln. r. . June 24 tf:n At meetlnr of the Poard of Directors liald thla dav a nuarterlv dividend of thre Mm eni was declared payable Julv 1 10JO. to lt atockhnlders of record al the close of liualneaa June . iw.u . n'rm win ue mailed. " Turn v ANnnicw Casl.ler ""Western Power Corporation Ttt Hoard of Directors haie de. tared a miarterly diMdend of One and one-half per Sulr IS. 1S0, to atockbnlders nf record at tha close of business June 30 1020 tha close 0 If P 1VII.8QN Secretary TUB HANK OF NORTH AMYmIF A SIldnl of J'- apd f x.r .m.. cutatand nf " omm n Si ft ( tnF Hriphii iplllman M tor iwp.n. ia,ao""jJ? i ib Si ,fo"!sim:r'."d-1;: rn;:J- Jn, 2. ln T r P?i WL-0 THE HAMi "f j"' . f rhii.d.i. Wx J..s:n,5:ri,KM."rf, Wa . payable Jul". 1 to at Jline .1 1B20 this dar declared f H per eent frea of 'e.i-. navabla Jul" I to atockholders of record June Si, 1020 ( hroks will be mailed E 9 K HOMER Cashier f Proposals VlKFICK Of TUB OITABTKnVMSTBB elenem . Clolhlnic and Ijnui ao IJIViaion. Munltlviia llulldlnir. , Waahlnaton D C-- ?M propoaala w II b" recalve.l liera unt t A. M. Julr I. t"n. for furnlahln all J any par " ' ih'foiiojrln: 211.000 ji.. K D. WnUeonL 23 000 Vds. O. p. Herat. ALLIES 10 BAR II S. FLOATING LAN . I nf3l Dontn tl',,1, Pniiatnril Local Bankers Think Collateral Offered to Be of Doubt ful Value . , , , , There nre aome In the finiuicinl ilia- trlct who think the minor thnt the nllM countrtea nre prepnrins to float n hujsc loan in which the Tuited Stntea I. nnt . I,. ..1...I . ,.l.t l,n to be naked to participate - iiiii ta wi- ipntll M I'll" U' iimiii iitan ome foundation in fact And there are nther.a who ronaider the proponl n the lio'cht of nbnnllt. Thee countrie.. ald a hanker, re ferrinu to the allied cotintrle. need more than any other thlns the gooda which w" could aoll them and for which thev have not the 1'nited Stnt-a dollar to bu.v. What benefit i If iroliic to be to'....M i.... bn.i h ,n".rLo hok., ..fi.. them, he aid. to float uc'i n loan if. as a re.iilt. the) onl cot franc, lire , p ,.. nrP ,lrly dltlded. some miv and .terl'nK? " Ugn is rR t lim v0mp 8nrlnc The loan i to b bnset! on the In- othcr'tVc 8nylnB lemnity which Oermnnt is to pay nnd. i There N a cencral belief that il,p nt prr.ent. he said, that i a doubtful ' mnt or mn"v be foucht to the bitter end .ollateral nnd I- likely to remain o "", ,ctrni "o ne r cputntlon " wll I $ for mne time to come. Whnt the al- ' ' ,h' ,r0(-r liod iiitintries need mot I American! ... lollar. he .aid. ami nlmot every nrvertini: aeain to the money mar- other -ouno of obtainius them ha beciip,, , bnnker claim they see no Khauvtcd. except th exrbance of com- s-oliof for a lone time owing teT the nio.I tle. and thi i not proceedine at iPnrr iliburement on the tirt of tlio rate whirh we nil expected when , July.' It i. trii.- there will be more the nrmitici' wa iRncd. Should uch i money in Ilio liank then than there n loan bo floated, he -nid. with wa n week no but tho hnnk mut the bond bntod on th- Cormnn indem- get rcntly for rrnp-inovinp loan. uitt i tnisht be po.iblo to oli ome j ' , . of them In thi countrv and lu Wnilf, lnarkin(: time in the brokers' thi wa ecre some Amerlenn dol- I nfBcPS, tl)P nlP nirinp for two Impor- :"V.Jh',,ld''"',::o'lb?"kCii::c!t,?" ilrllon .nn.vrnlnB the rallroal .....,,., ,..., ..... " "...I-. .; " I"'- m-tteil to oibtcribe. the experience with foreign loan over here, he remarked. hn not been u, It to create any great rnthuinin , , 1h lo nl roprosontative of n well- known New o-k h.i.iMns and intet- lilont houi' "libh floated some timo pro an i'pu.' of S'J. 000.000 of Hclcinn 0 per cent boml- . ailed attcntirn tothe reepvort of r-'siiti oxebanse on Wei- netdny to c litih of s.DO ( The Iwnd. am duo in I!ILT and when itied were oM m the publl' on a 7 per cent naii otonil wi-ekh apo lliev old at 7. on VInrdnj. on account of the improvement in BHuinn ex-j clianRe. tjiev wept a. lush a !!. The attrnotite fonturo with thee Ivind I tlio eleni"nt of speculation which enter into the matter n I bet 30 Years in Export Banking INTIMATE KNOWL 1 EDGE of the needs and habits of the people, acquired by years of ex perience and actual resi dence in the countries themselves, is essential when transacting busi ness abroad 23 Branches in South America 8 Offices in Europe Direct Connections With India Anglo-South American ank, limited New York Acncj, 0 liroadwty 4 Coin;if' 1KVESTMEX7 SERVICE Specialists In OHIO MOTOR AVD RUBBER STOCKS ACCEPTAKCES BONDS STOCKS CORPORATION FINANCING OTIS & CO. Investment Bankers Member of New Vnrk Stork 'x.t'hawr CLEVELAND Boston Detroit Cincinnati Columbus Akron Youngstown Denver Colorado Springs Toledo KIN,NfJAI. to the hoi nnns or Mulual Terminal Company oJ Buffalo j.,.,, Mor, --0r .,r (jfi, Twentj Ural llortitaxe Four I'er Cent. TurentJ ir.ir MiiKinir runii i.oki nonui, .line Julr I. 1014 Notice la fr"r' lu Ki -11 j provided In Ar ticle IV of the First Mortgage or tha Mutual Terminal ' ompuo of Kurfaio 'formerly JfMtual Eleiator Companyi dated July . 104. to Guaranty Trust Company of N'. York as Trustee and tho supplemental thereto dated January 1. 1000. that all bonds Issued and outstanding under aaid inortcags have been called for redemption on JuW 1 1020 at Ulil of pr nd uo crued Interest and will become due and paiable at tha TTH'ST DEP.nTME.T -f tr, t.inirnnty Trust Cnmimny of New York, Trustee, No 140 nrondway. New Tork City. mi and after Ju'v 1 1020 All Interest ne ran pnnns snnn eaae 1 m nnn fer ju j 1 1920 and the ooupona foe lnte-.t mitur Ju y tnr after said data shall becoma null and void '-irons du 1 v 1 1020 a 1 1 t-t coj , irl 'n he . l rnannee MITl'AI. TVKMINXT. f'OMI'ANY or MrFFAi.n By F II BILVEHNAIL Secntarr Paled New Tork N T Slav M t0"O I cavntitov rnr. vt rnnv tompwy rivK rr.n cent khist sionTOAOK 1 (.old iinND". nt'K jri.v 1. ioso niNiciNo virsTt notice Nollca la hereby Klven that pursuant Im the terms of tho mortsaite dated June 20 1910. rlelen til ) ft said tmnds of IlllOn earn numbered aa follnwa- M. SO S3 8SI, SHI). dm ii m"i i. " tti'i nn naH rv sn drawn for redemption by thi Sinking PunJ ' at par and accrued Intereat aa of J 920. when all Interest thereon will he abova bonds will be paid on and ana ccrua .merem bh or July i nd lfla riid riat upon Drntaion wlih "ijponi inn QU" in U Uliinai in -! rniiprjni kfa taclied. at the olTica of FinKf.ITr TRU8T COMPANT. 825 Chestnut Street. Phlladtl. jihla. In wtlh. rut company tha money hss hts denoslted for said redemption. nWEMTT TBtmT COMPANY. Trustee, Win P. Hest rresldent. EVENING " PTJBEIC LED&ER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, rontnln options which provide for mils nn Holslflii frnnr.M lit n lixrd ratn of ex 1 rlintiRo nnd rntltlo tlirir lioldors to ouc lintf thr nrolitu nriRlnc from nn.V snle nf frnni's for morr tlinn 11 frnncs to thci ilollnr. Prokcra n n rtilo don't look for much chnnfco in cither flic activity or drift of tin- stock mnrkct till after flic liniiiinya. even If overt thine concrrnlng the Demo- ocrntlc nominations la well out of the unv bv lliat tilnP Soni( MV tllPV ,lon.t expect much of n chnnRo then cither, tint mnlip the rei-crvntion thnt n good ilcnl depend on the money situation. i And na fnr n the money wltuntion Is concerned, enay monej la not looked for far n long time. Some put thnt time ns far nny na nxt year. , r(.rtain broker snld he could not quite fnlliom the reason at present for hiKh mnnev ratea. unleas It la n desire ".". Illr INiri 1M -UII11- ... tut - UIK llllllll rial institution in New York thnt are kecninc it up artificially fo thnt they r their Minldlnrlp can buy stook nt low rate, beeniiae. he said, he understand the demand i far under the supply. The eTiulion of Allan A. Hynn from inemberhlp in the New York Rtm'k r.xchnnRe perliap attracted more at tentinn ... .i. . ..n.i..i... ti it i nninin. m. the merit niul ilnmrrtt. nf ' aituntinu. whl-'h maiij neneve win nave Mron- nfl,icn.o on railroad securities. ! one i the de. llon of the Labor i 'age Hoard and the other the decision rn rnto b the Interitntc toninierce , t'onnniasion The former i expected in , a da or so. but the rati- docMon inny not be nnnoiitncd. it i tnld. till the! latter part of .Tuh j ,v question mine up jrsterdny con- rornini; the poibi'it of a Mump in j freight trnffii after the rate were tixeil. .but it wn aid tho trnnporta- ion net nrovided for the Interstate I Commerce ('inimiion rcndjutitiK tlie rates under uch circunistance. In fact. n. a bnnkor pointrtl out. uch nn nrransement would be neces sary, ns It I the biiines nf the com mission tosco thnt the rate nre suffi cient to yield the .V.. nnd 0 per ceut protliled In the net Philadelphia Markets "" i UIIEX.T -neelpi " Weaker t'nr cxpelllns thr,e three lod-e had been iTJlwnaT" "T'1,;., '... ,r; t-l'l'ii ' !". ' "ns contended, before thej hnd . ?i vn l- n-d inif '..tin No y . been piteti a chance lii ninko answer 5"rv'1.r,"'r v '-' V'h" 'I ' ,N, 3 "1, ;'"';' tf the liarsc nRalnst them. . 'Te.i'Vdm., I2 7.flji No "Jiwrdl, V"ll:p Patterwin. nfter a pjitial itnter J7HOL.,s.-l No i. winter J JJ liearilC onlcri d thai nil llivee lodccs .".- . - i .rd ".?" ' J 7 ' i-nns Hecelpta l.'nn bnh', Weaker OH rights under tbeir respective cliur We nuotr aa to uua'it' anil i atton. .it $2 ters. Tin order of the court, howcter. 's.?io,ht J.",.l'r r".r'." J.l'J':'"1 ........ is to continue only until there can be h-id r- ioi. . io lection o i hlte. i sjoi a.i No ! nii ft aiTH K. No 3 specific-, thai the grand IinUo mav prc blie $13001. ni No whit si 2i lift rPr ..hnrces" ncainst thesi. imlivTiItinl rmiTt neceipn e,m ,vi round, in .' , "arce ng.inii tiicsi tnimmuni !.- null an-i " 'juit..itone l'r inn ' lodge, the charge to be answered lor bs. tMiked tn 1 40 lb jut- i ka - S .ft win-imall.t bj Ihi rcpictie hidgc. rer iraUhl 'itcn al'J T ' 1.1 do do. nr',r.l,; Mj' :' i.i hard ninter maiBht ' Situation (Jtilrt Here !. TSi 13 SO do ehoit eit-nt $H'd 1 I So. ., ..... jprlnc rt. c'nr 1 1 . ff 1 ' d. patent I lie strike situation ltclf w:i quirt t.liNifin. i. h..rt Ptiat nt tn :,no i ( pliilad'lpliia. though striker mid JirSiit r,B;dsV3SABio,7itemnoirPVi-J,i ollrondH ; were alert to await develop. rmivisKiNS st.id The (uotation ment. the most important changes in Reef m et emokefl nii nlr-'lrled ,,ic t.er Stnuckla a.id lenlr MimV'il an'1 lr- B-... . ,. drld. T2c r"rk ftmllr. 4.c. Ii ims H P cured. Iot 38'83fc; rto .Unn'd. lnn. 378'.lr. .In tin. mokr W2l(c. hama. botlil bonIfaa Tt'tr picnic ahouMra S P, rurd IrHJi. -3C tin In pick, looae, L"e. lar.i JiV mokrl. itr bellla brt.kfast L-ion. 35c. Ml I I l.K ?-ral I i mwinz rp in- nun. ton SoIc1.r'-k'rt r-Tfuwrn fan hish-a-ormir good, anflo.v ixi-i .v.io. -xtr flrj-i. :,.!' M.. tirata -.Ifl-.V Nn. '.',"; ,';;;7o B""n'snc.r,!,:,l,ntS lobHim hi flT'' for fdnex nm at r.7 On ro. fair 10 inni. K'lOS- rrm Tb qutailona fnil.tw E'.'3S- F p ermh hold Qunta'lorv in I i flrMa 47 pr rinrfn, , nrh .urr-n' r. .'pt IIHII'ic n'ai-n rrdltiar" tn flr 41'rf l.lr '''atom otra firm. i 4Rc wt,;,rn fln' ll'alTtr actonda and poor'r SOfllV ..i,,..,i frfah icca Jou- ' bine a' SW'i r'r dozen. rHEi:SE .s.a't an-1 In fair rlamand rJuc tatlnna Nw I'd ,a" whole. milk nata I eld. far. .' pclal Mh'r. do n praer run .M'(7.'T ' i'- v hoi" milk i urrrnt niHke befl L7 i n'Tinn tn cnod ".1 St 110, Jobbln ' i ' fTo- hld Enndi .inij.llc. 1.1 K I'"1 I 1 ' '. Fowla fllo do c imm r - -d. 3tW17 rhtikini I'' i ' eklnned 3"3(io hroi liiir not l.of home eyni; ''2 , ' ip apt' tn' 1 n . e!5h nu 1 a ' . Leshorn or apleoe ttff',j rooster J4''i .1 aprlnK .11 " Vr ..piece ,"illtl "i.lc hlte r- nelKhlnc ol'le- slxe l' " lbs 4111 IV old diii Ice old, jsitniif do i weona old per peir 40 l.ltf 5,1c, do oun DHUSSKP ''"I I.TRV Fo'il. freih killed dr- p Ked in bpnea. weighing 4"f3 Iria apl""- II . en-hint 3'i Iba WJiinr llhlni! 1 'h 1".j37c. fonla Ireah-killed, In bble 'I- r k... welshing 10.1 lbs apiece i.e ,iihliic 3i lbs 38fln9' . weUhtnc r .11 o 37r brnllpra western nor I.eRii't''. (.'''ortlc l.eRhorna oSCHOc oit roo. r, ir picked J7o, eouthern, '.1 .Or tprina 1 I I 3:1c FllEMI mi IM iiranEes per hon 3 t.1 87 71' '.'niefMi.t Kla )r box II S0r H 30 Pnipil. per 1 rate $ .10 7 ,V Tcaoh a 1.? i crie j 10m,'!.. "3 ' termeior - pi Lr 3cMI1J 1,".n Cnnta louyei i.M.-ii per aiandard crnte. S3 ir 4 7.1 S'rar Tn pr quart Jeraej, r.4f V.lc Tenr iv.mia UM0 4Oo niackberrlea. N C pe- 'luin '.'OrfS.V., hiickleberrlea. N f per ii ,inV3V Kaaptxrrlcs Jeraej. per pin' "ellir VEGFTWil E? -White potatoes ouch rn per la-ri No 1 IPttl". N'o 2 14 '. ''o'-a.e southrrn per barrel-trate, V. ' " "nmns. Trxns. per 1 rnto, 70o GOVERNMENT BONDS nid inn lO'H, luin, loni. 77 Ask mm 101, 1014 1014 at 81 t. fi K2 101W mii 1011, 10.1' 1 3.10 !a IP3H 103S . mas I'sd'mi rff.ieied rnnaroa upon :', fanen-a r-i-ln-r-d a'lJn coupon 3 phi I'anama rlstered z a(i, nii'rr'n- 49 inn Phi TDlne irai Fhl'lpplpr t 1P3H I "vf ooupon Ja mln t " ()o reglatered 10,10 1 - 1," coupon i mm ' - rni 1 rm atere Ii ih.m ' t i'n unihln 3 ilia 1024 7 78 Hint! I noiH mi', 10t, P3 Extend Time on Note Payment Veil ork, June 2i - .luilg Mayer tc rn- 1 nlted States Dlntrlct fourt. has ruinated .lamed rt Slmtlleld trunteft In 1 nnkruptov for the Fntorborough Con- olidatcd f'ornorntlon to extend the tlmo '' payment of the Interborough flapld ! Transit fo Rcured lx month" 7 rr em notes, which fall due on June 30 to rifcember 31 1920 This) wns done at I the request of the Interborough Rapid 1 Transit To nnd of Mr Sheffield per-' onallv an holder of 11000,000 of the. Tnterhnrough Rapid Transit Co notes ' Consolidated Cigar on $7 Basis Neu InrL .tune ?fi The f 'nniinll I dated ''Icar 'o has diclared the rKU lar quartern dividend nf 11 715 a rharn on the common, placing the stock on a " bat-Is Three inonths ago nn Initial dividend of l R0 was declared The dividend la payable Julv 15 lo stock of record Julv 6 Vet earnings for th firs' flic months of 1920 were 11.134.101 which nfter allowance for all charges Including estimated federal faxes, wae at the rate nf approximately $23 a share on the outstanding 90,000 shares of no par common Prices Erratic In Wool Market llnslmi. .lun 25 The 'ommerclat Uulletln tomorrow will s,ii More rr slstante has deelopd to the decline In wool prices with a little more actual business hut prices are lower and still erratic, Utile buying is reported, In the West English Oovernment wools held here for private sale haie heen reduced In price 7i to 10 per cent The goods marKei is quu ana unchanged, with rur iner curxnnmeni 01 mill scneauie; JUDGE REINSTATES THREE Branches of Brothorhood Par ticipating In Walkout Given Rights by Court SITUATION NOW QUIET HERE Three lodge of the Urotherhood of rtnilroad Trainmen, expelled from thnt order for nlleced participation in the strike nf last April, were temporarily ( reitiMnted today by order of JiidC" 1 at - . ternn in ommon ilea t. uuri .iv. The flcht nf the Indues to get back; their brotherhood rights held tlie cetuet of Interest today among the partici until. In the present strike. The court room was crowded with men who nre now out on strike, i nc usuni iiii.riiuie, land afternoon mcetlnpa nt strike head- quarter were Mipcnded I, "10,,KV,ui, .P, VT .V ' - i - ins In Philadelphia, thrc wn a Is meetinc. nttended by mnnv of the 1 hil nilelplifn men. held at A'(th nd rine v,rPPt!'- f, '"I0"- T1,",LrP wn,' ,,p ?.,n1.0,". "B , ?. this city tonleht. when ladle nishf will be observed by the striker I ,n ,'"' Turners' Hnll. ' The drcisioii by .Tndpe I'attcrson. ! ?iv,'n Khortly before noon, ended a suit i '" r,n-"' broiiKlit hv three lotlueh of ! ''" Hrntherlmod of Hailrond 1 rutnmeii. - The lodee were I.lbertv M l,odRe. ' N'n ''' Headins I.oiIrc. No. "IVJ. and i Kenineton I.edse. Nn. 11"., all of this I citj Their charters were revoked lat i Mat b the parent orpanijintinn, nnd ,,,p-v "orP n,r,lr.rpd ,n turM ovcr 1,,plr Properl and disband. Three Hrlns Suit I'nniel A Aliern. Jacob Caron and Frank I. Cnine. members of the Head flif; lodse. hrnusht the suit for that organization The charcc were the same in the Miits of all tlircV lodge. In the bile of equity liletL before .TtidRO rnttereon. it wa explained thnt the Urotherhood of Ituilroad Trainmen, ' tlimuch thir president nnd deputy president, the Intter tlrorsc II. Thonins. who i in I'hnrge of the order' affairs I in Philadelphia, had notified the lodccs that their charter were renked for violation of Uenernl Hulc No. 11 of the order's constitution nnd book of peuornl rules. This rule provides thnt if any loilpp 'Incite or participate In a strike, except n provided in the rules, that the lodce under whose jurisdiction ns nnathorbeil strike occurs, shall within! ten (lilt- thereafter cause eharpes to be' prefcrt e. ncalnst nny nnd all members ciiKflcecl in wiifti sliiKo The Indses denirei thnt thej hnd totaled this ceneinl ordet The action DC r.-insiated in Mm biotheihood. withi nnnl hearing in the case. I he otderi ' iiP vituntinti took unm lit liolllts out .... " ' idc Hie city. Coatet. ille. I'n.. was the storm center i today, when tuentj -four frciclit crewH. , ! totnlint: IL'.i men. xicnt on strike uitli- ,,( warning and complete! tied up the criifiniR h line between Wilmington, . . . ,,,, i;,.,. t, t,M ...-.... '" '' i.-uuiiii. in, in-iiisi i !.- i ii-c ai maintained in spite of the strike ,, , frPg,t ines. One nf the effects "f the tic up at this point a to delav shipment fiom the "Midvnle and I.ukens I cl., and KciuliiiK. l'n. I'd ,., , . 'mimr , Tlie I'enns.xlvania Koilroatl also uas n fiiOieiilties at i irangcvillc. n freight center north of Italtimnie There all but twelve of the KM machinists em ployed at the roundlioup went out. In and nround Philadelphia both the I'ennie.vUnnia and the Heading were maintaining fnirlj good freight Rerviru, I and'nll oer both line-, pnriiml pacnger service. Lehigh and Hudson to Redeem Bonds lnilt 3 linn nnii ,n, niHtuntlcs of th LehlRh aii'l I u'Non Hn.t Hailwai I will be taKen ca-e or i the coinpntiy. which will redee'n tl-em in iaih when they fall due Jul' ' The company Is operated In connfrtion with tho Lehigh ( and New Iigland nallrond. owned by the LehlKh Coal nnd Navigation Co The bonds now helnir paid off are t-. 68", 000, Kcnernl mortgago Sp. l'sued In 1890, nnd $400,000 debentures ii-sued In 1907 Gold En Route From England New -York. June -Tho steamship Jfauretanla due Saturday, In under stood to be bringing In 11 consignment of gold bought In tho London market to New York bankfr The Mnuretnti la bringing lxt-sl boxes nnd twce kegs, approximated j" nno nno BAR SILVER Dar tithe' was quoted In London to day tt 50i4d, unchanRl 400 Questions j Answered Free T EVER before jn the history of the 'United States have financial words and phrases been so generally used. Do you understand all of them? or is1 market news "Greek" to you? A free booklet ex plaining -more than 200 which are used constantly by brokers, bankers and financial reporters is yours for the asking. Ask for No. T. U.-020 JONES & BAKER Sfeciaiuti m Ntui ftrk Curt Mfiet Securities Widener BloV., Philadelphia Phones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices In 9 Principal Cities Dirict Privatt Wirtx RAIL LODGES , .- PASTORIUS STATUE Monumont in Vornon Park, Oor- mantown Object of Dispute During War SCULPTOR TO FIT PANEL Work on the Pnstorlua monument In Vernon l'nrk, fJernlantouti, which ha. been boarded tip siuce April. liMi, was rp,urnr( t, ,.,,15, pon tnP nrrrnl of n gix.ton Rrnnlte panel to replace one IRK S RESUMED (llbyd) Sumter the Hub: . What it will do to help builders. This is the way that building lumber is handled now: A builder is putting up a big mill, or a double row of., houses, perhaps both. He contracts with a dealer for all the lumber required, large quantities of loists, studding, rafters, flooring, siding, shingles, etc. No one mill makes all of these, and dealers cannot enrry such quantities in city yards, for rent charges make it too costly. Sucli lumber is commonly cut to order, the work being distributed nmong a number of mills. But some are too busy to fill the orders; others ask too high a price; some will accept the orders and then fail to make delivery. There is trouble In great variety. Still, it's the best method available to dealers at present. At Sumter, S. C, our railway "hub," we arc building up a new kind of lumber center. It is right among the Southern mills. Freight cars can usually be had thero even when they are scarcest at less central points. Ground is cheap, and lower-priced labor reduces the cost of handling. But the great advantage of Sumter is that it will often save us one or two handlings altogether. There we can carry stocks that will always keep our Philadel phia yards supplied. Wo can ship from Sumter direct to nny r.'iilrcad point. Much lumber will not enter our Philadelphia yards nt all. You can guess the saving in time and cost. But there's more to tell. While you wait, remember: Some day you'll build. If you want the work fin ished on time, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD William M. Lloyd Company THK LUMBER CKVTTJR 300 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia KSTABLISHRD 1868 .SOI'TIIKKN OFKIC'K CIIAKI.OTTK. N. C .Sll JUNE 25, 1920 wbtch Wb iltimogctl in shipment. i" yeara ago. , It'waa found, however, that the hufte panel would not fit and It was necessary o send for the .sculptor. Albert Jnegera, ,vl,o arrived toilnj? with workmen to make the alterations. ,.,' 1 to The PastorltiH monument, designed to mark the r.lte of the first permanent settlement of ' rfctmans In this country In 1003, created much unfaVoral ,le c pm ment nnd controversy as. It nMrrf pletlon nt about the time this countr entered the world war. rrnnr.. The statue Is In lionm" "'.jXat Daniel Pastorlus. Icwlcr of the Br thirteen Oerman families to sett e i (Jermnntown. Hut nt the time wl e this monument wns looked ui"n " such public disfavor It was mlslnter preted as a figure representing ucr ninnln. . . . ... . Mr. .Incgers. the r.culptor, lo serted that the fiRiire really ilcpictcd civilization. . .. In 1008 n cornerstone wns laid in m HllllllllllllliiiiiiiHlillj!!)! The mileage record tells the tale of motor oil quality Miles p-er gallon is the one simple, sure test. of motor oil quality. e The function of lubricants is to resist or counteract heat. Quality lubri cants offer much greater resistance to heat (that is what quality means in motor oil), therefore they last longer. Motor Oil Cup Grease Special Gear Compound Grew Levick Company Philadelphia i Boston Nrw York WUiryCUW.Svia2 0m of the eVcr)ion Park In recognition of the early Gcfinnu Reltlers by their descend ants. Following thN the natlonnl Gcrmait-Aiiierlcoif Alliance raised b public mibscrlptioiiH .$2i,()(l0 to which wns appropriated all additional $2."5,O0O by tho government, making n fund of 950,000 for the I'nstoritis monument. The appropriation was mndo ns the re- HHI gBfel (tfBjatfel 4. 4 BIG VALUEROLLROOFINGS A3 the picture indicates here is a roll roofing for every sort of building. v All are mode on an asphalt saturated wool felt base, and built up with asphalt. All are approved by Underwriters Laboratories. And there are four distinct fire-resisting fin ishes: Silica on the wonderful wearing Premium; Talc on , the high-grade Philco; Everlasting Flake Mica on the Mica Kote; and beautiful slate, red or green, pn the Lastilc. All are furnished in several weights and can be used for eiding as well as roofing, and all are low in price for yaluo . received. Talk over with us which one you need. Carey Building Materials Atbesbfi Buik-Up Roof Asphalt Pitch Asphalt Btrill-Un Roof Fibfcrock Asbeitot Felt Wallboard, Feltez Atphalt Felt AifattiUte Sliin;le$ Roofing Paint Damp-Proofing Comp'd Insulating Paper Roll Roofings Fibre Coating for Roof Asbestos Materials Carey Flexible Cement Roofing Elasu'to Expansion Job) 85 Magnesia Pipo and Boiler Coverings ! AIHER1GAH INSULATION CO. RODERTO i i. Sjl J-'l !S. 1 Make a careful note of how many miles per gallon your present motor oil is yielding then give Crew Levick Motor, Oil exactly the same test. This test will prove to you that real quality puts money in your pocket. Wherever tyou see the Crew Levick trade-mark you can buy these Crew Levick products. Gasoline Auto Soap Syracuse Chi icago bt. Paul Gauntry!? largest jpyodueoxj A stilt of a Bpcclnl act of Congress nvT' Ing tha Taft administrating,0, " ' Jaegers was gjven tho cpmmlsMor, ta 2 the work. v " '" Ono provision of the special aef . ' Congress stipulated that tho rnonul0 , when completed should bo turned Mt tn the cltjrof Philadelphia and 2L? .slbility for the earn and keenln. ii , ' remain with tho city. PlDg ' It EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS OF " CAREY PRODUCTS AVENUE AND BTOKLEY CTREXt PHILADELPHIA and 'refiners ofoil imrnineni. rm" ffr!? t Vi T !H 'if. S4U . EitlH ltllpuia, iliy 211. IOSO.