Hi?. ,t - 'Vr 7?" A1 ,y Ihrttr ,' ir' M" ''y& $ i ,i ; V ' AAi'V" ny Jf. Vi. '.-ftv"; -V' A- i HET RETURNING 10 LONDONDERRY i ... ." l 'l...J 4n Open Wftriaro to 'KUU ''Sniping BanKs 'ana many Shops Roopon FOOD SUPKY'IS SCANTY fan " " ny tlie( Associated I'rfM Londonderry. .Tuni! J Jr..-I-on.lon- tl'olcnt rtrcot warfare tjolwrcn Union. 1st Nationalist nnd Sinn Fein fnctlohs, Jod'nv vm nnpronelilng n normnt con j!(0' Tho bnnks nnd mnny Miopft wore 1 nnd People ventured Into the t rcotc The food wupply wns sliort. however, nnd the town still without pas. Flshtinc between mc ," - tlons Kinrc minniRiu. .. - -- fcK?nlT.pAT:, ";""-.:. Ti0w of the '"""'-'."'""-::.., The foltlierc. in iryiuu " nlners. took over Ht. ColuniWs tol- ", . . !- It, nnnimiU llflll lege. I HP irces I" I" I - hcltered n nuroncr nni..n. The death toll fdnrc the riotH ntnrtcd last Friday now stands at elRhteen. At a meeting yesterday of mnRtotrntes General Campbell give, nssurancc that the government would provide sufficient troops for the projection oi mwumw Ine citizen In Londonderry. George Caldwell, ten years old. was .hot as lie wna looklug from nl win Sow. The body of Tatrlck Plunkett.j. eommerelal traveler and well known in Belfast as a cricket player, was found In Bishop street, nnn rrmuvra iu nr station. He was killed immediately after he. hnd sent n telegram to his wife fnforming her of his fcafety. A barber named McLaughlin, who was killed by n sniper, was wounded two, months ago. A woman named Moore was shot while looking from a window. The looting last night was moro ex tenslre than c.ver. Numerous eases were reported of armed nnd masked men rail Ing at the homes of UnlnnlstN and Na tionalists and giving them n few hours In which to clear out. An English Soulier, who went through the war. describing his experience in Londonderry, declared he had seen nothing In France to compare, with the situation in Londonderry, nutlets, he said, were flying from all sides wher ever he went, nnd it was marvelous thnt so few lives were lost. Bantry, County Corh, Ireland, June 25. (By A. P.) What was appurently s concerted series of outrages against Sinn Feiners Recurred here last night, one death and the burning of several homes and shops resulting. Cornelius Crowley, twenty, years old. was shot dead . in bed by a group of masked men who later set fire to the hop and dwelling pf a local merchant. Both Crowley nnd the merchant were reputed to ho prominent in Sinn Fein circles. Three other houses were hrntm Incn . and threats of shootiue mado iiirnliiHt the occupants. Oue of these house waR ' destroyed nnd two were damaged bv nre. ui attempt was mado to burn ' stores on the quay, where all the em- i plows are Sinn Hefners. Tim i-pi,l,.n I of the recently elected chnirmnn nf n,n guardians of the Sinn Filn nW .. destroyed by fire.- mm$mmmfmmmaN: mm-aym-, rJ SEEK JOBS-AS MOVIE STARS Lady Deolet and Lady Cooper Keen to Join Mary and Douglas London, June 25. Tired out by two exciting days, Mary Plckford Fairbanks nnd Douglns Fairbanks have left for the country, where they will remain over the week-end. Arrangements for them to leave Lon don were made hurriedly on the advice of physicians, following their strenuous experience nt a thentrlcal garden party, ad;vocbr?.uearltrnm',,cdon thSnitrySdalftLirUn-i Manners Cooper, who told them : "1 am E!,iiiLt?i.T,H,t .yo" ,'': California and go Into the movies with von." Mary said she would be delighted. Lady Dejies, formerly' Vlvinn (Jould. called ou Mary and asked If she would give her a job In pictures. Til do my best." paid Mary. Marv 'and Douglas started" the dav Etimfi f Purchf0!nK "Ingle rose for $100 In honor of Queen Alexandra's nost- Day. Tho queen responded by Bending the honcymooncrs lier compli ments. ' Ulm In State of Slego London, .Tunc 2,". (Hy , p ) statn of slego has been proclaimed in Llm, Oermany, wherp numerous persons were killed during Tuesday's food riots, says n Berlin dispatch to the London TuMS,l, ,In- JeWenhoIm, 'Wurtemburg, the pltlicns' defense force was attacked b(rn Communists, who selicd all their rlHes. The municipal offices there arc being supervised by Communists. L', APERTURA DELLA CAMERA ITALIANA L'Onorovolo Ololltti Parla Ap- plaudltlcshno Sul Programma del Nuovo Gablnotto Pnbllih Rtirt Dlntrlbut'il Un(lr PKnMIT NO. 341. Auiherlod by the net nf Oetotvi 1W1T. on nu nt me romoirice ot n dtipnit, la. a. s. nunwisoN. rotmter Oeneral, Iw.'- Konia, 21 glugno Oggl si c' riaperta la uamern del ucputati. n nuovo Prcsldcnte del Conslgllo del MInlstri. On. Ololltti, e' stiito nccolto con una proiungata ovaxionc. Egu uopo nvcr preacntnto il nuovo Onblnetto ha parlato sul nrosramraa del Ooverno rclativn- mcuto alia politlca intcrnn. cstern ed economlca o sul provvedlmcntl che intends nttuaro per rlsolvere I gravi problem) che ngitano II pacsc. 1 nuntl del dlscorso di Ololltti. mac glormantrj npplaudltl. sono stntl quelli rclativamcntp allannuuzio delln nec'fssitn' di' modlficare l'art. 5 della costlturJone. dando soltnnto nl Parla mento II dlrltto di dlchlarnr gucrrn; Bulla ormnzlonc dl una commisslonc per il controllo delta politicn estern c sullft rlduilone delle. spesc mllltarl. Itlspondcndo nd Interruzlont dcgll cstrcmlsti rigunrdo all'Albanla, II II The Triple-Check on Purity Certified by lh Philadelphia PcdiatricSocicty WalkeT'Gordon Milk is also d livcrcd in Neio YorhandBoBton The extreme measures token to insure the cleanliness and purity of Walker-Gordon Certified Milk aro kept at lOOfo .efficiency in three ways. Veterinarians keep a constant check on the health of each cow. Milking supervisors see that the barns are scrubbed, the cows washed and the milkers' hands cleansed before milking each cow.. Bacteriologists make sure that each day's milk is clean bacteriologically as well as physically. s To keep it fresh and sWeet, Walker-Gordon Certjfied Milk is cooled, bottled and sealed' within twenty minutes after it is milked. SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES MILK COMPANY Distributing Agents for Philada., Atlantic City and Vicinity Telephone. Poplar S503 Wfolker-Gordon Milk JUST AS IT COMES FROM THE COW Presldentc del Conslgllo a dctto quanto segue ; "lo non cslto a dlcblararc cho il Ooverno non e' fnvorcvolc nl protct torato dell'Albanla, ma desldcra dl redcro rlndlpcndeuzadlquelln nnzlonc." Qulndi hn nggiunto che l'ltalln deve senza, rltardo ristabilirc rclazlonl di amicizln con tutto 1c nazlotil come con 1 suol nlleatl c senzn rcstrlzlonl comln ciarti tformall rclazlonl con In llussia. Annunzio' cho saranno presc rigoroso tnisuro per rldurrc i prczzl e saranno imposto fortl tjisso soprn I capitall ac cumulatl con I profltti della gucrrn. A mezzo della Itegia Ambasclata Italiana In Washington, l'On. Ololltti ha invlato il segucntc messaggio nl Prcsldcnte Wilson : "Ncirassumcre 11 Ooverno dcsldero mandarc il mio saluto al Prcsidente della grande Naziono Americana cd asslcurnrlo del sentiment! dl profonda cordlnllU' che 11 popolo Itnllnno nutre per II popolo degll Stntl Unltl. "Ml sla anchc pcrmesso dl esprlmcre la speranza che 1 due Oovernl vorrnnno slnceramento coopcraro pel roncolida mento della pace da cul dipende 11 futuro dcll'umanltn'." Philadelphia. Pn. Con vivo com placlmento o' stnto nppreso nella Colonia italiana l'annunzio che la gentile Slgnorlna Luiglnn Ullvieri si o' lidanzatn ron l'egreglo c glovauc pinuls ta Bernardo Cortese, tanto, noto negll ambiantl nmcrlcnnl o gla' allievo del Sternberg Conservatory. La slgnorlna Ullvieri c' licliuola unlcn del cnniugl Fortunato c Gilda Ull vicrl, resldenfl al 2215 South -Twenty-first atrect, ed e' rltcniitn non' soltnnto unn delle plu' belle algnoriue delln Colonia italiana, ma una trn lo plu virtuose c colte. Flnameiitc cducata c dl una gen(itczza tutta propria, la slgnorlna Ullvieri hn semnre destatn rammlrn zlone trn gll Italian! nho qui' rlsledono, o frn lo famigllc omcrlcane che hnnnq nvuto II placcre dl .nvvicinarla. Per quanto appena ventenne, cssn rlcevcra il diploma dl planlsta trn pochi mesl. Hornnrdo Cortese rlsiedc con I suol gcnltorl nl No. 1-121 Ellsworth street. i.k c' tin dlstlnto glovnnc che hn innanzi n sc tin lumlnoso nvvenire. FRANCE AND ALLIES UNITED Cordial Relations With England and Italy Exist, Mlllerand Sayi Paris, .Tune 25. (By A. P.) Most cordial relntlons exist bctwcn France and. her allies, snld Premier Mlllerand, In the Chamber of Deputies today.' Questioned regarding "divergencies between France and the nlllcd nations," the premier declared nmid applause from the entire house: "Never has the union been closer than now between Kngland, Italy and France." 1,350,000 Germans Slain In War Geneva, .Tune 25. Recent statistics published In Oermany on that coun try's war losses stnto. that 1,350,000 men were killed. There nre today 520,000 war widows, according to the statistics, 1,130,000 war orphans nnd 500.000 maimed or consumptives sup ported mostly by charity. BOLSHEVIK ATTACK FAILS Poles Repulse Assault at Zwlaah With Heavy Loss to Foes Warsaw, June 21. (By A. P.) Sharp artillery activity along tho Itlvcra Irta and Beresina is reported In the IPollsh communique todny( which says the severe losses of the Bolshevik! south of tho Prlpet forced them to discontinue their attacks yesterday. The statement reports that fierce at (acki made by the soviet forces on Zwlaah were repelled with severe losses to the nttacklng side, and that nssaults upon Telcspol also failed. Expelled Legislator Re-elected I St. .lolinir. N. F June 25. (By A ) P.) William Cave, formerly minister of shipping, who was deprived of his i seat in the Legislature by tho Supreme Court on charges of corrupt practices, was returned in the byp-electlon In the Bay De Verde district yesterday. The announcement of the result todny showed thnt Cave received 1334 vote I to 013 for the opposition candidate, Huddistcr. British Labor Party Stands Pat Scarborough. England, June 25. - , (By A. P. ) -The Labor party conference j hero declined todny by a card vote of 2,010,000 to 225,600 to nfflllnto with tho Moscow Internntlonnle. The con ference also refused to secede from the Geneva International by a vote of 1.010,000 to 510,000. Put Teamwork in Your Motor Confidence prompts you to buy At lantic Gasoline you know that it's dependable. Place the same confidence in Atlantic Motor Oils. The name assures their superiority. ATLANTIC MOTOR OILS and Atlantic Gaa are buddies. Work them together, and keep your motor physically fit. 54 years ot study Dy Atlantic experts nas pro duced Atlantic Motor Oils. Countless testa have proved Atlantic Polarlne and Atlantic Medium superior for every make of car and truck. One Is your oil. Ask for It. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY 'tn lryv-' Eiti mi ym m ruv m v- ' ' i ij jT- " " "" ' " vt hi' war Surplus equipment ,.i.,i, i.i 1 1 1 1 1. i i,i 1 1 1 1 I I I I 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PC " " William H.Watiamaker 1217-19 Chestnut Street Highest Clothing Values For Saturday's Buyers! A bringing together of hun dreds of finest new summer suits left from our recent great sale to go out at $25 Not many of each kind, but many kinds. Splendid variety, with your size among them. Have been selling regularly for as much as $60 all kinds of patterns and styles Quality Suits, every one. William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut Street "Goin Cjom 2 m Gon-" When they are gone you will say uWhy didn't I get busy and get some of those Du Pont bargains while they lasted!" Our last big newspaper announcement brought the buyers a-flying for equipment. The list of items has been revised as per below. Here is what is left of the greatest values in American industry. Get yours while you may. This is fair warning. It will pay you to anticipate your needs for next Fall and Winter. . You will never in the future buy at these prices. The name Du Pont is behind this equip ment and behind these statements. Low Price, Quick Delivery, guaranteed Usable Condition Air Compressors Alcohol Rectification Units Ammeters Anvils Balers (Paper) Blowers Boiler Tubes Bolts and Nuts Buildings Bunks Cafeteria Equipment Cars Chemical Apparatus Chemical Ware Centrifugal Wringers Circuit Breakers Clocks (Time Recording) Collars Conveyors Corliss Engines Cornice Brakes Couplings Cummers Dryers Dies, Taps and Stocks Doors ' Drills Drill Presses Dryers (Cummers) Duriron Fittings Electric Lighting Fixtures Electric Power Equipment Elevators Ether Stills Evaporators Exhaust Heads Fans Feed Water Heaters Fire Brick Flow Meters Forges Forming Machines Gasoline Locomotives Gauges Gears and Pinions Generators Grinding Machines Grindstones and Stands Grooving Machines Hammers Hand Trucks Hangers High Speed Engines Hot Water Heaters Hydraulic Equipment Hydraulic Presses Kaustine Systems Kettles (Jacketed) Laboratory Equipment Lathes Lavatories Lighting Fixtures Lumber Lubricators Macerating Machines Machine Shop Tools Mixers Mixing Machines Mixing Tanks Motors Nailing Machines Nitric Acid Units Nitrators Oil Separators Oil Storage Cabinets Oil Storage Tanks Paper Balers Pillow Blocks Pipe Cutting Machines Pipe Threading Machines Power Equipment (Electric) Power Equipment (Steam) Presses Presses (Hydraulic) Pressure Regulators Pulleys Pumps Push Trucks Pyrometers Rams Reaming Machines Rectification Units Retorts Sand Blast Machines Sash Saws Saw Sharpeners Saw Tables Screw Cutting Machines Screw Jacks Searchlights Shafting Shevlin & Baker Screens Stabbing Machines Stacks and Breeching Steam Power Equipment Steam Separators Steam Traps Stocks, Taps and Dies Stokers Storage Batteries Storage Battery Rail Trucks Storage Tanks Sulphuric Acid Units Sweetie Kettles Switchboards and Panels " Tanks Temperature Control Apparatus Telephone Switchboards Tools Tool Racks Transmission Equipment Trimmers (Metal) Trucks (Hand and Rail) Turbo Generators Turning Machines Urinals Vises Volt Meters Waste Cleaning Machine Watthour Meters Welding Torches Wiring Machines Wrenches Check this list. Then phorie, wire ov, write at once. A day's delay may mean your loss of a big opportunity. Get your share while you may. Du Pont Chemical Company Incorporated Wilmington Delaware Barksdale, Wis. Carney's Point, N. J. Haskell, N. J. Hopewell, Vau Parlin, N. J. ltf.f- Uu . i f fdrK. j. WJ -a fl m 'i.i M :4 . 'xffl i-Vv y v 4 m ,1. 'J'tlVtAsV1 &m- r-?iir ri '-fftfjfauM r " " '-' 1 , i, - .-ft."VftSi iSaji M .tu d- . i v irkinWi, -.' , f V a- ".r-m